path: root/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler')
2 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Internal.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Internal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b1df83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Internal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+-- | Internally used compiler module
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+ ( -- * Types
+ Snapshot
+ , CompilerRead (..)
+ , CompilerWrite (..)
+ , CompilerResult (..)
+ , Compiler (..)
+ , runCompiler
+ -- * Core operations
+ , compilerTell
+ , compilerAsk
+ , compilerThrow
+ , compilerCatch
+ , compilerResult
+ , compilerUnsafeIO
+ -- * Utilities
+ , compilerTellDependencies
+ , compilerTellCacheHits
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
+import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle)
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..))
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Logger (Logger)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Logger as Logger
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider
+import Hakyll.Core.Routes
+import Hakyll.Core.Store
+-- | Whilst compiling an item, it possible to save multiple snapshots of it, and
+-- not just the final result.
+type Snapshot = String
+-- | Environment in which a compiler runs
+data CompilerRead = CompilerRead
+ { -- | Main configuration
+ compilerConfig :: Configuration
+ , -- | Underlying identifier
+ compilerUnderlying :: Identifier
+ , -- | Resource provider
+ compilerProvider :: Provider
+ , -- | List of all known identifiers
+ compilerUniverse :: Set Identifier
+ , -- | Site routes
+ compilerRoutes :: Routes
+ , -- | Compiler store
+ compilerStore :: Store
+ , -- | Logger
+ compilerLogger :: Logger
+ }
+data CompilerWrite = CompilerWrite
+ { compilerDependencies :: [Dependency]
+ , compilerCacheHits :: Int
+ } deriving (Show)
+instance Monoid CompilerWrite where
+ mempty = CompilerWrite [] 0
+ mappend (CompilerWrite d1 h1) (CompilerWrite d2 h2) =
+ CompilerWrite (d1 ++ d2) (h1 + h2)
+data CompilerResult a where
+ CompilerDone :: a -> CompilerWrite -> CompilerResult a
+ CompilerSnapshot :: Snapshot -> Compiler a -> CompilerResult a
+ CompilerError :: [String] -> CompilerResult a
+ CompilerRequire :: (Identifier, Snapshot) -> Compiler a -> CompilerResult a
+-- | A monad which lets you compile items and takes care of dependency tracking
+-- for you.
+newtype Compiler a = Compiler
+ { unCompiler :: CompilerRead -> IO (CompilerResult a)
+ }
+instance Functor Compiler where
+ fmap f (Compiler c) = Compiler $ \r -> do
+ res <- c r
+ return $ case res of
+ CompilerDone x w -> CompilerDone (f x) w
+ CompilerSnapshot s c' -> CompilerSnapshot s (fmap f c')
+ CompilerError e -> CompilerError e
+ CompilerRequire i c' -> CompilerRequire i (fmap f c')
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Monad Compiler where
+ return x = Compiler $ \_ -> return $ CompilerDone x mempty
+ {-# INLINE return #-}
+ Compiler c >>= f = Compiler $ \r -> do
+ res <- c r
+ case res of
+ CompilerDone x w -> do
+ res' <- unCompiler (f x) r
+ return $ case res' of
+ CompilerDone y w' -> CompilerDone y (w `mappend` w')
+ CompilerSnapshot s c' -> CompilerSnapshot s $ do
+ compilerTell w -- Save dependencies!
+ c'
+ CompilerError e -> CompilerError e
+ CompilerRequire i c' -> CompilerRequire i $ do
+ compilerTell w -- Save dependencies!
+ c'
+ CompilerSnapshot s c' -> return $ CompilerSnapshot s (c' >>= f)
+ CompilerError e -> return $ CompilerError e
+ CompilerRequire i c' -> return $ CompilerRequire i (c' >>= f)
+ {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
+ fail = compilerThrow . return
+ {-# INLINE fail #-}
+instance Applicative Compiler where
+ pure x = return x
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ f <*> x = f >>= \f' -> fmap f' x
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+instance MonadMetadata Compiler where
+ getMetadata = compilerGetMetadata
+ getMatches = compilerGetMatches
+instance MonadError [String] Compiler where
+ throwError = compilerThrow
+ catchError = compilerCatch
+runCompiler :: Compiler a -> CompilerRead -> IO (CompilerResult a)
+runCompiler compiler read' = handle handler $ unCompiler compiler read'
+ where
+ handler :: SomeException -> IO (CompilerResult a)
+ handler e = return $ CompilerError [show e]
+instance Alternative Compiler where
+ empty = compilerThrow []
+ x <|> y = compilerCatch x $ \es -> do
+ logger <- compilerLogger <$> compilerAsk
+ forM_ es $ \e -> compilerUnsafeIO $ Logger.debug logger $
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal: Alternative failed: " ++ e
+ y
+ {-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
+compilerAsk :: Compiler CompilerRead
+compilerAsk = Compiler $ \r -> return $ CompilerDone r mempty
+{-# INLINE compilerAsk #-}
+compilerTell :: CompilerWrite -> Compiler ()
+compilerTell deps = Compiler $ \_ -> return $ CompilerDone () deps
+{-# INLINE compilerTell #-}
+compilerThrow :: [String] -> Compiler a
+compilerThrow es = Compiler $ \_ -> return $ CompilerError es
+{-# INLINE compilerThrow #-}
+compilerCatch :: Compiler a -> ([String] -> Compiler a) -> Compiler a
+compilerCatch (Compiler x) f = Compiler $ \r -> do
+ res <- x r
+ case res of
+ CompilerDone res' w -> return (CompilerDone res' w)
+ CompilerSnapshot s c -> return (CompilerSnapshot s (compilerCatch c f))
+ CompilerError e -> unCompiler (f e) r
+ CompilerRequire i c -> return (CompilerRequire i (compilerCatch c f))
+{-# INLINE compilerCatch #-}
+-- | Put the result back in a compiler
+compilerResult :: CompilerResult a -> Compiler a
+compilerResult x = Compiler $ \_ -> return x
+{-# INLINE compilerResult #-}
+compilerUnsafeIO :: IO a -> Compiler a
+compilerUnsafeIO io = Compiler $ \_ -> do
+ x <- io
+ return $ CompilerDone x mempty
+{-# INLINE compilerUnsafeIO #-}
+compilerTellDependencies :: [Dependency] -> Compiler ()
+compilerTellDependencies ds = do
+ logger <- compilerLogger <$> compilerAsk
+ forM_ ds $ \d -> compilerUnsafeIO $ Logger.debug logger $
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal: Adding dependency: " ++ show d
+ compilerTell mempty {compilerDependencies = ds}
+{-# INLINE compilerTellDependencies #-}
+compilerTellCacheHits :: Int -> Compiler ()
+compilerTellCacheHits ch = compilerTell mempty {compilerCacheHits = ch}
+{-# INLINE compilerTellCacheHits #-}
+compilerGetMetadata :: Identifier -> Compiler Metadata
+compilerGetMetadata identifier = do
+ provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
+ compilerTellDependencies [IdentifierDependency identifier]
+ compilerUnsafeIO $ resourceMetadata provider identifier
+compilerGetMatches :: Pattern -> Compiler [Identifier]
+compilerGetMatches pattern = do
+ universe <- compilerUniverse <$> compilerAsk
+ let matching = filterMatches pattern $ S.toList universe
+ set' = S.fromList matching
+ compilerTellDependencies [PatternDependency pattern set']
+ return matching
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Require.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Require.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9373bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Require.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+module Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require
+ ( Snapshot
+ , save
+ , saveSnapshot
+ , load
+ , loadSnapshot
+ , loadBody
+ , loadSnapshotBody
+ , loadAll
+ , loadAllSnapshots
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Typeable
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Store (Store)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store as Store
+save :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Store -> Item a -> IO ()
+save store item = saveSnapshot store final item
+-- | Save a specific snapshot of an item, so you can load it later using
+-- 'loadSnapshot'.
+saveSnapshot :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => Store -> Snapshot -> Item a -> IO ()
+saveSnapshot store snapshot item =
+ Store.set store (key (itemIdentifier item) snapshot) (itemBody item)
+-- | Load an item compiled elsewhere. If the required item is not yet compiled,
+-- the build system will take care of that automatically.
+load :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Identifier -> Compiler (Item a)
+load id' = loadSnapshot id' final
+-- | Require a specific snapshot of an item.
+loadSnapshot :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => Identifier -> Snapshot -> Compiler (Item a)
+loadSnapshot id' snapshot = do
+ store <- compilerStore <$> compilerAsk
+ universe <- compilerUniverse <$> compilerAsk
+ -- Quick check for better error messages
+ when (id' `S.notMember` universe) $ fail notFound
+ compilerTellDependencies [IdentifierDependency id']
+ compilerResult $ CompilerRequire (id', snapshot) $ do
+ result <- compilerUnsafeIO $ Store.get store (key id' snapshot)
+ case result of
+ Store.NotFound -> fail notFound
+ Store.WrongType e r -> fail $ wrongType e r
+ Store.Found x -> return $ Item id' x
+ where
+ notFound =
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require.load: " ++ show id' ++
+ " (snapshot " ++ snapshot ++ ") was not found in the cache, " ++
+ "the cache might be corrupted or " ++
+ "the item you are referring to might not exist"
+ wrongType e r =
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require.load: " ++ show id' ++
+ " (snapshot " ++ snapshot ++ ") was found in the cache, " ++
+ "but does not have the right type: expected " ++ show e ++
+ " but got " ++ show r
+-- | A shortcut for only requiring the body of an item.
+-- > loadBody = fmap itemBody . load
+loadBody :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Identifier -> Compiler a
+loadBody id' = loadSnapshotBody id' final
+loadSnapshotBody :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => Identifier -> Snapshot -> Compiler a
+loadSnapshotBody id' snapshot = fmap itemBody $ loadSnapshot id' snapshot
+-- | This function allows you to 'load' a dynamic list of items
+loadAll :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Pattern -> Compiler [Item a]
+loadAll pattern = loadAllSnapshots pattern final
+loadAllSnapshots :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => Pattern -> Snapshot -> Compiler [Item a]
+loadAllSnapshots pattern snapshot = do
+ matching <- getMatches pattern
+ mapM (\i -> loadSnapshot i snapshot) matching
+key :: Identifier -> String -> [String]
+key identifier snapshot =
+ ["Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require", show identifier, snapshot]
+final :: Snapshot
+final = "_final"