path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
51 files changed, 7025 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Data/List/Extended.hs b/lib/Data/List/Extended.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..485cba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Data/List/Extended.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+module Data.List.Extended
+ ( module Data.List
+ , breakWhen
+ ) where
+import Data.List
+-- | Like 'break', but can act on the entire tail of the list.
+breakWhen :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
+breakWhen predicate = go []
+ where
+ go buf [] = (reverse buf, [])
+ go buf (x : xs)
+ | predicate (x : xs) = (reverse buf, x : xs)
+ | otherwise = go (x : buf) xs
diff --git a/lib/Data/Yaml/Extended.hs b/lib/Data/Yaml/Extended.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c940ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Data/Yaml/Extended.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+module Data.Yaml.Extended
+ ( module Data.Yaml
+ , toString
+ , toList
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.Yaml
+import Data.Scientific
+toString :: Value -> Maybe String
+toString (String t) = Just (T.unpack t)
+toString (Bool True) = Just "true"
+toString (Bool False) = Just "false"
+-- | Make sure that numeric fields containing integer numbers are shown as
+-- | integers (i.e., "42" instead of "42.0").
+toString (Number d) | isInteger d = Just (formatScientific Fixed (Just 0) d)
+ | otherwise = Just (show d)
+toString _ = Nothing
+toList :: Value -> Maybe [Value]
+toList (Array a) = Just (V.toList a)
+toList _ = Nothing
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll.hs b/lib/Hakyll.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b64bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+-- | Top-level module exporting all modules that are interesting for the user
+module Hakyll
+ ( module Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+ , module Hakyll.Core.File
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Item
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Routes
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Rules
+ , module Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Util.File
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Util.String
+ , module Hakyll.Core.Writable
+ , module Hakyll.Main
+ , module Hakyll.Web.CompressCss
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Feed
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Html
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Html.RelativizeUrls
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Pandoc
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Paginate
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Biblio
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.FileType
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Redirect
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Tags
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Template
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Template.List
+ ) where
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+import Hakyll.Core.File
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Routes
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules
+import Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.File
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.String
+import Hakyll.Core.Writable
+import Hakyll.Main
+import Hakyll.Web.CompressCss
+import Hakyll.Web.Feed
+import Hakyll.Web.Html
+import Hakyll.Web.Html.RelativizeUrls
+import Hakyll.Web.Paginate
+import Hakyll.Web.Pandoc
+import Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Biblio
+import Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.FileType
+import Hakyll.Web.Redirect
+import Hakyll.Web.Tags
+import Hakyll.Web.Template
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.List
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Check.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Check.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da77bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Check.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hakyll.Check
+ ( Check (..)
+ , check
+ ) where
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar,
+ readMVar)
+import Control.Exception (SomeAsyncException (..),
+ SomeException (..), throw, try)
+import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
+import Control.Monad.State (StateT, get, modify, runStateT)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Map
+import Network.URI (unEscapeString)
+import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist,
+ doesFileExist)
+import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
+import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, takeExtension,
+ (</>))
+import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup as TS
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Typeable (cast)
+import Data.Version (versionBranch)
+import GHC.Exts (fromString)
+import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as Http
+import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Http
+import qualified Paths_hakyll as Paths_hakyll
+import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+import Hakyll.Core.Logger (Logger)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Logger as Logger
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.File
+import Hakyll.Web.Html
+data Check = All | InternalLinks
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+check :: Configuration -> Logger -> Check -> IO ExitCode
+check config logger check' = do
+ ((), state) <- runChecker checkDestination config logger check'
+ failed <- countFailedLinks state
+ return $ if failed > 0 then ExitFailure 1 else ExitSuccess
+countFailedLinks :: CheckerState -> IO Int
+countFailedLinks state = foldM addIfFailure 0 (Map.elems state)
+ where addIfFailure failures mvar = do
+ checkerWrite <- readMVar mvar
+ return $ failures + checkerFaulty checkerWrite
+data CheckerRead = CheckerRead
+ { checkerConfig :: Configuration
+ , checkerLogger :: Logger
+ , checkerCheck :: Check
+ }
+data CheckerWrite = CheckerWrite
+ { checkerFaulty :: Int
+ , checkerOk :: Int
+ } deriving (Show)
+instance Monoid CheckerWrite where
+ mempty = CheckerWrite 0 0
+ mappend (CheckerWrite f1 o1) (CheckerWrite f2 o2) =
+ CheckerWrite (f1 + f2) (o1 + o2)
+type CheckerState = Map.Map URL (MVar CheckerWrite)
+type Checker a = ReaderT CheckerRead (StateT CheckerState IO) a
+type URL = String
+runChecker :: Checker a -> Configuration -> Logger -> Check
+ -> IO (a, CheckerState)
+runChecker checker config logger check' = do
+ let read' = CheckerRead
+ { checkerConfig = config
+ , checkerLogger = logger
+ , checkerCheck = check'
+ }
+ Logger.flush logger
+ runStateT (runReaderT checker read') Map.empty
+checkDestination :: Checker ()
+checkDestination = do
+ config <- checkerConfig <$> ask
+ files <- liftIO $ getRecursiveContents
+ (const $ return False) (destinationDirectory config)
+ let htmls =
+ [ destinationDirectory config </> file
+ | file <- files
+ , takeExtension file == ".html"
+ ]
+ forM_ htmls checkFile
+checkFile :: FilePath -> Checker ()
+checkFile filePath = do
+ logger <- checkerLogger <$> ask
+ contents <- liftIO $ readFile filePath
+ Logger.header logger $ "Checking file " ++ filePath
+ let urls = getUrls $ TS.parseTags contents
+ forM_ urls $ \url -> do
+ Logger.debug logger $ "Checking link " ++ url
+ m <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
+ checkUrlIfNeeded filePath (canonicalizeUrl url) m
+ where
+ -- Check scheme-relative links
+ canonicalizeUrl url = if schemeRelative url then "http:" ++ url else url
+ schemeRelative = isPrefixOf "//"
+checkUrlIfNeeded :: FilePath -> URL -> MVar CheckerWrite -> Checker ()
+checkUrlIfNeeded filepath url m = do
+ logger <- checkerLogger <$> ask
+ needsCheck <- (== All) . checkerCheck <$> ask
+ checked <- (url `Map.member`) <$> get
+ if not needsCheck || checked
+ then Logger.debug logger "Already checked, skipping"
+ else do modify $ Map.insert url m
+ checkUrl filepath url
+checkUrl :: FilePath -> URL -> Checker ()
+checkUrl filePath url
+ | isExternal url = checkExternalUrl url
+ | hasProtocol url = skip url $ Just "Unknown protocol, skipping"
+ | otherwise = checkInternalUrl filePath url
+ where
+ validProtoChars = ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ "+-."
+ hasProtocol str = case break (== ':') str of
+ (proto, ':' : _) -> all (`elem` validProtoChars) proto
+ _ -> False
+ok :: URL -> Checker ()
+ok url = putCheckResult url mempty {checkerOk = 1}
+skip :: URL -> Maybe String -> Checker ()
+skip url maybeReason = do
+ logger <- checkerLogger <$> ask
+ case maybeReason of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just reason -> Logger.debug logger reason
+ putCheckResult url mempty {checkerOk = 1}
+faulty :: URL -> Maybe String -> Checker ()
+faulty url reason = do
+ logger <- checkerLogger <$> ask
+ Logger.error logger $ "Broken link to " ++ show url ++ explanation
+ putCheckResult url mempty {checkerFaulty = 1}
+ where
+ formatExplanation = (" (" ++) . (++ ")")
+ explanation = maybe "" formatExplanation reason
+putCheckResult :: URL -> CheckerWrite -> Checker ()
+putCheckResult url result = do
+ state <- get
+ let maybeMVar = Map.lookup url state
+ case maybeMVar of
+ Just m -> liftIO $ putMVar m result
+ Nothing -> do
+ logger <- checkerLogger <$> ask
+ Logger.debug logger "Failed to find existing entry for checked URL"
+checkInternalUrl :: FilePath -> URL -> Checker ()
+checkInternalUrl base url = case url' of
+ "" -> ok url
+ _ -> do
+ config <- checkerConfig <$> ask
+ let dest = destinationDirectory config
+ dir = takeDirectory base
+ filePath
+ | "/" `isPrefixOf` url' = dest ++ url'
+ | otherwise = dir </> url'
+ exists <- checkFileExists filePath
+ if exists then ok url else faulty url Nothing
+ where
+ url' = stripFragments $ unEscapeString url
+checkExternalUrl :: URL -> Checker ()
+checkExternalUrl url = do
+ result <- requestExternalUrl url
+ case result of
+ Left (SomeException e) ->
+ case (cast e :: Maybe SomeAsyncException) of
+ Just ae -> throw ae
+ _ -> faulty url (Just $ showException e)
+ Right _ -> ok url
+ where
+ -- Convert exception to a concise form
+ showException e = case cast e of
+ Just (Http.HttpExceptionRequest _ e') -> show e'
+ _ -> head $ words $ show e
+requestExternalUrl :: URL -> Checker (Either SomeException Bool)
+requestExternalUrl url = liftIO $ try $ do
+ mgr <- Http.newManager Http.tlsManagerSettings
+ runResourceT $ do
+ request <- Http.parseRequest url
+ response <- Http.http (settings request) mgr
+ let code = Http.statusCode (Http.responseStatus response)
+ return $ code >= 200 && code < 300
+ where
+ -- Add additional request info
+ settings r = r
+ { Http.method = "HEAD"
+ , Http.redirectCount = 10
+ , Http.requestHeaders = ("User-Agent", ua) : Http.requestHeaders r
+ }
+ -- Nice user agent info
+ ua = fromString $ "hakyll-check/" ++
+ (intercalate "." $ map show $ versionBranch Paths_hakyll.version)
+checkExternalUrl url = skip url Nothing
+-- | Wraps doesFileExist, also checks for index.html
+checkFileExists :: FilePath -> Checker Bool
+checkFileExists filePath = liftIO $ do
+ file <- doesFileExist filePath
+ dir <- doesDirectoryExist filePath
+ case (file, dir) of
+ (True, _) -> return True
+ (_, True) -> doesFileExist $ filePath </> "index.html"
+ _ -> return False
+stripFragments :: String -> String
+stripFragments = takeWhile (not . flip elem ['?', '#'])
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Commands.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Commands.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6763fe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Commands.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Implementation of Hakyll commands: build, preview...
+module Hakyll.Commands
+ ( build
+ , check
+ , clean
+ , preview
+ , rebuild
+ , server
+ , deploy
+ , watch
+ ) where
+import Control.Concurrent
+import System.Exit (ExitCode, exitWith)
+import qualified Hakyll.Check as Check
+import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+import Hakyll.Core.Logger (Logger)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Logger as Logger
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Runtime
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.File
+import Hakyll.Preview.Poll (watchUpdates)
+import Hakyll.Preview.Server
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+import Control.Monad (void)
+import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
+-- | Build the site
+build :: Configuration -> Logger -> Rules a -> IO ExitCode
+build conf logger rules = fst <$> run conf logger rules
+-- | Run the checker and exit
+check :: Configuration -> Logger -> Check.Check -> IO ExitCode
+check = Check.check
+-- | Remove the output directories
+clean :: Configuration -> Logger -> IO ()
+clean conf logger = do
+ remove $ destinationDirectory conf
+ remove $ storeDirectory conf
+ remove $ tmpDirectory conf
+ where
+ remove dir = do
+ Logger.header logger $ "Removing " ++ dir ++ "..."
+ removeDirectory dir
+-- | Preview the site
+preview :: Configuration -> Logger -> Rules a -> Int -> IO ()
+preview conf logger rules port = do
+ deprecatedMessage
+ watch conf logger "" port True rules
+ where
+ deprecatedMessage = mapM_ putStrLn [ "The preview command has been deprecated."
+ , "Use the watch command for recompilation and serving."
+ ]
+preview _ _ _ _ = previewServerDisabled
+-- | Watch and recompile for changes
+watch :: Configuration -> Logger -> String -> Int -> Bool -> Rules a -> IO ()
+watch conf logger host port runServer rules = do
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ _ <- forkIO $ watchUpdates conf update
+ -- Force windows users to compile with -threaded flag, as otherwise
+ -- thread is blocked indefinitely.
+ catchIOError (void $ forkOS $ watchUpdates conf update) $ do
+ fail $ " Could not start update watching " ++
+ "thread. Did you compile with -threaded flag?"
+ server'
+ where
+ update = do
+ (_, ruleSet) <- run conf logger rules
+ return $ rulesPattern ruleSet
+ loop = threadDelay 100000 >> loop
+ server' = if runServer then server conf logger host port else loop
+watch _ _ _ _ _ _ = watchServerDisabled
+-- | Rebuild the site
+rebuild :: Configuration -> Logger -> Rules a -> IO ExitCode
+rebuild conf logger rules =
+ clean conf logger >> build conf logger rules
+-- | Start a server
+server :: Configuration -> Logger -> String -> Int -> IO ()
+server conf logger host port = do
+ let destination = destinationDirectory conf
+ staticServer logger destination host port
+server _ _ _ _ = previewServerDisabled
+-- | Upload the site
+deploy :: Configuration -> IO ExitCode
+deploy conf = deploySite conf conf
+-- | Print a warning message about the preview serving not being enabled
+previewServerDisabled :: IO ()
+previewServerDisabled =
+ mapM_ putStrLn
+ , ""
+ , "The preview server is not enabled in the version of Hakyll. To"
+ , "enable it, set the flag to True and recompile Hakyll."
+ , "Alternatively, use an external tool to serve your site directory."
+ ]
+watchServerDisabled :: IO ()
+watchServerDisabled =
+ mapM_ putStrLn
+ , ""
+ , "The watch server is not enabled in the version of Hakyll. To"
+ , "enable it, set the flag to True and recompile Hakyll."
+ , "Alternatively, use an external tool to serve your site directory."
+ ]
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b24d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+ ( Compiler
+ , getUnderlying
+ , getUnderlyingExtension
+ , makeItem
+ , getRoute
+ , getResourceBody
+ , getResourceString
+ , getResourceLBS
+ , getResourceFilePath
+ , Internal.Snapshot
+ , saveSnapshot
+ , Internal.load
+ , Internal.loadSnapshot
+ , Internal.loadBody
+ , Internal.loadSnapshotBody
+ , Internal.loadAll
+ , Internal.loadAllSnapshots
+ , cached
+ , unsafeCompiler
+ , debugCompiler
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (when, unless)
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import System.Environment (getProgName)
+import System.FilePath (takeExtension)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require as Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Logger as Logger
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider
+import Hakyll.Core.Routes
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store as Store
+-- | Get the underlying identifier.
+getUnderlying :: Compiler Identifier
+getUnderlying = compilerUnderlying <$> compilerAsk
+-- | Get the extension of the underlying identifier. Returns something like
+-- @".html"@
+getUnderlyingExtension :: Compiler String
+getUnderlyingExtension = takeExtension . toFilePath <$> getUnderlying
+makeItem :: a -> Compiler (Item a)
+makeItem x = do
+ identifier <- getUnderlying
+ return $ Item identifier x
+-- | Get the route for a specified item
+getRoute :: Identifier -> Compiler (Maybe FilePath)
+getRoute identifier = do
+ provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
+ routes <- compilerRoutes <$> compilerAsk
+ -- Note that this makes us dependend on that identifier: when the metadata
+ -- of that item changes, the route may change, hence we have to recompile
+ (mfp, um) <- compilerUnsafeIO $ runRoutes routes provider identifier
+ when um $ compilerTellDependencies [IdentifierDependency identifier]
+ return mfp
+-- | Get the full contents of the matched source file as a string,
+-- but without metadata preamble, if there was one.
+getResourceBody :: Compiler (Item String)
+getResourceBody = getResourceWith resourceBody
+-- | Get the full contents of the matched source file as a string.
+getResourceString :: Compiler (Item String)
+getResourceString = getResourceWith resourceString
+-- | Get the full contents of the matched source file as a lazy bytestring.
+getResourceLBS :: Compiler (Item ByteString)
+getResourceLBS = getResourceWith resourceLBS
+-- | Get the file path of the resource we are compiling
+getResourceFilePath :: Compiler FilePath
+getResourceFilePath = do
+ provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
+ id' <- compilerUnderlying <$> compilerAsk
+ return $ resourceFilePath provider id'
+-- | Overloadable function for 'getResourceString' and 'getResourceLBS'
+getResourceWith :: (Provider -> Identifier -> IO a) -> Compiler (Item a)
+getResourceWith reader = do
+ provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
+ id' <- compilerUnderlying <$> compilerAsk
+ let filePath = toFilePath id'
+ if resourceExists provider id'
+ then compilerUnsafeIO $ Item id' <$> reader provider id'
+ else fail $ error' filePath
+ where
+ error' fp = "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.getResourceWith: resource " ++
+ show fp ++ " not found"
+-- | Save a snapshot of the item. This function returns the same item, which
+-- convenient for building '>>=' chains.
+saveSnapshot :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => Internal.Snapshot -> Item a -> Compiler (Item a)
+saveSnapshot snapshot item = do
+ store <- compilerStore <$> compilerAsk
+ logger <- compilerLogger <$> compilerAsk
+ compilerUnsafeIO $ do
+ Logger.debug logger $ "Storing snapshot: " ++ snapshot
+ Internal.saveSnapshot store snapshot item
+ -- Signal that we saved the snapshot.
+ Compiler $ \_ -> return $ CompilerSnapshot snapshot (return item)
+cached :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => String
+ -> Compiler a
+ -> Compiler a
+cached name compiler = do
+ id' <- compilerUnderlying <$> compilerAsk
+ store <- compilerStore <$> compilerAsk
+ provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
+ -- Give a better error message when the resource is not there at all.
+ unless (resourceExists provider id') $ fail $ itDoesntEvenExist id'
+ let modified = resourceModified provider id'
+ if modified
+ then do
+ x <- compiler
+ compilerUnsafeIO $ Store.set store [name, show id'] x
+ return x
+ else do
+ compilerTellCacheHits 1
+ x <- compilerUnsafeIO $ Store.get store [name, show id']
+ progName <- compilerUnsafeIO getProgName
+ case x of Store.Found x' -> return x'
+ _ -> fail $ error' progName
+ where
+ error' progName =
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.cached: Cache corrupt! " ++
+ "Try running: " ++ progName ++ " clean"
+ itDoesntEvenExist id' =
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.cached: You are trying to (perhaps " ++
+ "indirectly) use `cached` on a non-existing resource: there " ++
+ "is no file backing " ++ show id'
+unsafeCompiler :: IO a -> Compiler a
+unsafeCompiler = compilerUnsafeIO
+-- | Compiler for debugging purposes
+debugCompiler :: String -> Compiler ()
+debugCompiler msg = do
+ logger <- compilerLogger <$> compilerAsk
+ compilerUnsafeIO $ Logger.debug logger msg
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Internal.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Internal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b1df83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Internal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+-- | Internally used compiler module
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+ ( -- * Types
+ Snapshot
+ , CompilerRead (..)
+ , CompilerWrite (..)
+ , CompilerResult (..)
+ , Compiler (..)
+ , runCompiler
+ -- * Core operations
+ , compilerTell
+ , compilerAsk
+ , compilerThrow
+ , compilerCatch
+ , compilerResult
+ , compilerUnsafeIO
+ -- * Utilities
+ , compilerTellDependencies
+ , compilerTellCacheHits
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
+import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle)
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..))
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Logger (Logger)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Logger as Logger
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider
+import Hakyll.Core.Routes
+import Hakyll.Core.Store
+-- | Whilst compiling an item, it possible to save multiple snapshots of it, and
+-- not just the final result.
+type Snapshot = String
+-- | Environment in which a compiler runs
+data CompilerRead = CompilerRead
+ { -- | Main configuration
+ compilerConfig :: Configuration
+ , -- | Underlying identifier
+ compilerUnderlying :: Identifier
+ , -- | Resource provider
+ compilerProvider :: Provider
+ , -- | List of all known identifiers
+ compilerUniverse :: Set Identifier
+ , -- | Site routes
+ compilerRoutes :: Routes
+ , -- | Compiler store
+ compilerStore :: Store
+ , -- | Logger
+ compilerLogger :: Logger
+ }
+data CompilerWrite = CompilerWrite
+ { compilerDependencies :: [Dependency]
+ , compilerCacheHits :: Int
+ } deriving (Show)
+instance Monoid CompilerWrite where
+ mempty = CompilerWrite [] 0
+ mappend (CompilerWrite d1 h1) (CompilerWrite d2 h2) =
+ CompilerWrite (d1 ++ d2) (h1 + h2)
+data CompilerResult a where
+ CompilerDone :: a -> CompilerWrite -> CompilerResult a
+ CompilerSnapshot :: Snapshot -> Compiler a -> CompilerResult a
+ CompilerError :: [String] -> CompilerResult a
+ CompilerRequire :: (Identifier, Snapshot) -> Compiler a -> CompilerResult a
+-- | A monad which lets you compile items and takes care of dependency tracking
+-- for you.
+newtype Compiler a = Compiler
+ { unCompiler :: CompilerRead -> IO (CompilerResult a)
+ }
+instance Functor Compiler where
+ fmap f (Compiler c) = Compiler $ \r -> do
+ res <- c r
+ return $ case res of
+ CompilerDone x w -> CompilerDone (f x) w
+ CompilerSnapshot s c' -> CompilerSnapshot s (fmap f c')
+ CompilerError e -> CompilerError e
+ CompilerRequire i c' -> CompilerRequire i (fmap f c')
+ {-# INLINE fmap #-}
+instance Monad Compiler where
+ return x = Compiler $ \_ -> return $ CompilerDone x mempty
+ {-# INLINE return #-}
+ Compiler c >>= f = Compiler $ \r -> do
+ res <- c r
+ case res of
+ CompilerDone x w -> do
+ res' <- unCompiler (f x) r
+ return $ case res' of
+ CompilerDone y w' -> CompilerDone y (w `mappend` w')
+ CompilerSnapshot s c' -> CompilerSnapshot s $ do
+ compilerTell w -- Save dependencies!
+ c'
+ CompilerError e -> CompilerError e
+ CompilerRequire i c' -> CompilerRequire i $ do
+ compilerTell w -- Save dependencies!
+ c'
+ CompilerSnapshot s c' -> return $ CompilerSnapshot s (c' >>= f)
+ CompilerError e -> return $ CompilerError e
+ CompilerRequire i c' -> return $ CompilerRequire i (c' >>= f)
+ {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
+ fail = compilerThrow . return
+ {-# INLINE fail #-}
+instance Applicative Compiler where
+ pure x = return x
+ {-# INLINE pure #-}
+ f <*> x = f >>= \f' -> fmap f' x
+ {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+instance MonadMetadata Compiler where
+ getMetadata = compilerGetMetadata
+ getMatches = compilerGetMatches
+instance MonadError [String] Compiler where
+ throwError = compilerThrow
+ catchError = compilerCatch
+runCompiler :: Compiler a -> CompilerRead -> IO (CompilerResult a)
+runCompiler compiler read' = handle handler $ unCompiler compiler read'
+ where
+ handler :: SomeException -> IO (CompilerResult a)
+ handler e = return $ CompilerError [show e]
+instance Alternative Compiler where
+ empty = compilerThrow []
+ x <|> y = compilerCatch x $ \es -> do
+ logger <- compilerLogger <$> compilerAsk
+ forM_ es $ \e -> compilerUnsafeIO $ Logger.debug logger $
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal: Alternative failed: " ++ e
+ y
+ {-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
+compilerAsk :: Compiler CompilerRead
+compilerAsk = Compiler $ \r -> return $ CompilerDone r mempty
+{-# INLINE compilerAsk #-}
+compilerTell :: CompilerWrite -> Compiler ()
+compilerTell deps = Compiler $ \_ -> return $ CompilerDone () deps
+{-# INLINE compilerTell #-}
+compilerThrow :: [String] -> Compiler a
+compilerThrow es = Compiler $ \_ -> return $ CompilerError es
+{-# INLINE compilerThrow #-}
+compilerCatch :: Compiler a -> ([String] -> Compiler a) -> Compiler a
+compilerCatch (Compiler x) f = Compiler $ \r -> do
+ res <- x r
+ case res of
+ CompilerDone res' w -> return (CompilerDone res' w)
+ CompilerSnapshot s c -> return (CompilerSnapshot s (compilerCatch c f))
+ CompilerError e -> unCompiler (f e) r
+ CompilerRequire i c -> return (CompilerRequire i (compilerCatch c f))
+{-# INLINE compilerCatch #-}
+-- | Put the result back in a compiler
+compilerResult :: CompilerResult a -> Compiler a
+compilerResult x = Compiler $ \_ -> return x
+{-# INLINE compilerResult #-}
+compilerUnsafeIO :: IO a -> Compiler a
+compilerUnsafeIO io = Compiler $ \_ -> do
+ x <- io
+ return $ CompilerDone x mempty
+{-# INLINE compilerUnsafeIO #-}
+compilerTellDependencies :: [Dependency] -> Compiler ()
+compilerTellDependencies ds = do
+ logger <- compilerLogger <$> compilerAsk
+ forM_ ds $ \d -> compilerUnsafeIO $ Logger.debug logger $
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal: Adding dependency: " ++ show d
+ compilerTell mempty {compilerDependencies = ds}
+{-# INLINE compilerTellDependencies #-}
+compilerTellCacheHits :: Int -> Compiler ()
+compilerTellCacheHits ch = compilerTell mempty {compilerCacheHits = ch}
+{-# INLINE compilerTellCacheHits #-}
+compilerGetMetadata :: Identifier -> Compiler Metadata
+compilerGetMetadata identifier = do
+ provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
+ compilerTellDependencies [IdentifierDependency identifier]
+ compilerUnsafeIO $ resourceMetadata provider identifier
+compilerGetMatches :: Pattern -> Compiler [Identifier]
+compilerGetMatches pattern = do
+ universe <- compilerUniverse <$> compilerAsk
+ let matching = filterMatches pattern $ S.toList universe
+ set' = S.fromList matching
+ compilerTellDependencies [PatternDependency pattern set']
+ return matching
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Require.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Require.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9373bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Compiler/Require.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+module Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require
+ ( Snapshot
+ , save
+ , saveSnapshot
+ , load
+ , loadSnapshot
+ , loadBody
+ , loadSnapshotBody
+ , loadAll
+ , loadAllSnapshots
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Typeable
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Store (Store)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store as Store
+save :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Store -> Item a -> IO ()
+save store item = saveSnapshot store final item
+-- | Save a specific snapshot of an item, so you can load it later using
+-- 'loadSnapshot'.
+saveSnapshot :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => Store -> Snapshot -> Item a -> IO ()
+saveSnapshot store snapshot item =
+ Store.set store (key (itemIdentifier item) snapshot) (itemBody item)
+-- | Load an item compiled elsewhere. If the required item is not yet compiled,
+-- the build system will take care of that automatically.
+load :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Identifier -> Compiler (Item a)
+load id' = loadSnapshot id' final
+-- | Require a specific snapshot of an item.
+loadSnapshot :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => Identifier -> Snapshot -> Compiler (Item a)
+loadSnapshot id' snapshot = do
+ store <- compilerStore <$> compilerAsk
+ universe <- compilerUniverse <$> compilerAsk
+ -- Quick check for better error messages
+ when (id' `S.notMember` universe) $ fail notFound
+ compilerTellDependencies [IdentifierDependency id']
+ compilerResult $ CompilerRequire (id', snapshot) $ do
+ result <- compilerUnsafeIO $ Store.get store (key id' snapshot)
+ case result of
+ Store.NotFound -> fail notFound
+ Store.WrongType e r -> fail $ wrongType e r
+ Store.Found x -> return $ Item id' x
+ where
+ notFound =
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require.load: " ++ show id' ++
+ " (snapshot " ++ snapshot ++ ") was not found in the cache, " ++
+ "the cache might be corrupted or " ++
+ "the item you are referring to might not exist"
+ wrongType e r =
+ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require.load: " ++ show id' ++
+ " (snapshot " ++ snapshot ++ ") was found in the cache, " ++
+ "but does not have the right type: expected " ++ show e ++
+ " but got " ++ show r
+-- | A shortcut for only requiring the body of an item.
+-- > loadBody = fmap itemBody . load
+loadBody :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Identifier -> Compiler a
+loadBody id' = loadSnapshotBody id' final
+loadSnapshotBody :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => Identifier -> Snapshot -> Compiler a
+loadSnapshotBody id' snapshot = fmap itemBody $ loadSnapshot id' snapshot
+-- | This function allows you to 'load' a dynamic list of items
+loadAll :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Pattern -> Compiler [Item a]
+loadAll pattern = loadAllSnapshots pattern final
+loadAllSnapshots :: (Binary a, Typeable a)
+ => Pattern -> Snapshot -> Compiler [Item a]
+loadAllSnapshots pattern snapshot = do
+ matching <- getMatches pattern
+ mapM (\i -> loadSnapshot i snapshot) matching
+key :: Identifier -> String -> [String]
+key identifier snapshot =
+ ["Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require", show identifier, snapshot]
+final :: Snapshot
+final = "_final"
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Configuration.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Configuration.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52b23ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Configuration.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+-- | Exports a datastructure for the top-level hakyll configuration
+module Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+ ( Configuration (..)
+ , shouldIgnoreFile
+ , defaultConfiguration
+ ) where
+import Data.Default (Default (..))
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
+import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
+import System.Exit (ExitCode)
+import System.FilePath (isAbsolute, normalise, takeFileName)
+import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
+import System.Process (system)
+data Configuration = Configuration
+ { -- | Directory in which the output written
+ destinationDirectory :: FilePath
+ , -- | Directory where hakyll's internal store is kept
+ storeDirectory :: FilePath
+ , -- | Directory in which some temporary files will be kept
+ tmpDirectory :: FilePath
+ , -- | Directory where hakyll finds the files to compile. This is @.@ by
+ -- default.
+ providerDirectory :: FilePath
+ , -- | Function to determine ignored files
+ --
+ -- In 'defaultConfiguration', the following files are ignored:
+ --
+ -- * files starting with a @.@
+ --
+ -- * files starting with a @#@
+ --
+ -- * files ending with a @~@
+ --
+ -- * files ending with @.swp@
+ --
+ -- Note that the files in 'destinationDirectory' and 'storeDirectory' will
+ -- also be ignored. Note that this is the configuration parameter, if you
+ -- want to use the test, you should use 'shouldIgnoreFile'.
+ --
+ ignoreFile :: FilePath -> Bool
+ , -- | Here, you can plug in a system command to upload/deploy your site.
+ --
+ -- Example:
+ --
+ -- > rsync -ave 'ssh -p 2217' _site
+ --
+ -- You can execute this by using
+ --
+ -- > ./site deploy
+ --
+ deployCommand :: String
+ , -- | Function to deploy the site from Haskell.
+ --
+ -- By default, this command executes the shell command stored in
+ -- 'deployCommand'. If you override it, 'deployCommand' will not
+ -- be used implicitely.
+ --
+ -- The 'Configuration' object is passed as a parameter to this
+ -- function.
+ --
+ deploySite :: Configuration -> IO ExitCode
+ , -- | Use an in-memory cache for items. This is faster but uses more
+ -- memory.
+ inMemoryCache :: Bool
+ , -- | Override default host for preview server. Default is "",
+ -- which binds only on the loopback address.
+ -- One can also override the host as a command line argument:
+ -- ./site preview -h ""
+ previewHost :: String
+ , -- | Override default port for preview server. Default is 8000.
+ -- One can also override the port as a command line argument:
+ -- ./site preview -p 1234
+ previewPort :: Int
+ }
+instance Default Configuration where
+ def = defaultConfiguration
+-- | Default configuration for a hakyll application
+defaultConfiguration :: Configuration
+defaultConfiguration = Configuration
+ { destinationDirectory = "_site"
+ , storeDirectory = "_cache"
+ , tmpDirectory = "_cache/tmp"
+ , providerDirectory = "."
+ , ignoreFile = ignoreFile'
+ , deployCommand = "echo 'No deploy command specified' && exit 1"
+ , deploySite = system . deployCommand
+ , inMemoryCache = True
+ , previewHost = ""
+ , previewPort = 8000
+ }
+ where
+ ignoreFile' path
+ | "." `isPrefixOf` fileName = True
+ | "#" `isPrefixOf` fileName = True
+ | "~" `isSuffixOf` fileName = True
+ | ".swp" `isSuffixOf` fileName = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ fileName = takeFileName path
+-- | Check if a file should be ignored
+shouldIgnoreFile :: Configuration -> FilePath -> IO Bool
+shouldIgnoreFile conf path = orM
+ [ inDir (destinationDirectory conf)
+ , inDir (storeDirectory conf)
+ , inDir (tmpDirectory conf)
+ , return (ignoreFile conf path')
+ ]
+ where
+ path' = normalise path
+ absolute = isAbsolute path
+ inDir dir
+ | absolute = do
+ dir' <- catchIOError (canonicalizePath dir) (const $ return dir)
+ return $ dir' `isPrefixOf` path'
+ | otherwise = return $ dir `isPrefixOf` path'
+ orM :: [IO Bool] -> IO Bool
+ orM [] = return False
+ orM (x : xs) = x >>= \b -> if b then return True else orM xs
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Dependencies.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Dependencies.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a51b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Dependencies.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+ ( Dependency (..)
+ , DependencyFacts
+ , outOfDate
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_, unless, when)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
+import Control.Monad.RWS (RWS, runRWS)
+import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
+import Control.Monad.Writer (tell)
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..), getWord8,
+ putWord8)
+import Data.List (find)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+data Dependency
+ = PatternDependency Pattern (Set Identifier)
+ | IdentifierDependency Identifier
+ deriving (Show, Typeable)
+instance Binary Dependency where
+ put (PatternDependency p is) = putWord8 0 >> put p >> put is
+ put (IdentifierDependency i) = putWord8 1 >> put i
+ get = getWord8 >>= \t -> case t of
+ 0 -> PatternDependency <$> get <*> get
+ 1 -> IdentifierDependency <$> get
+ _ -> error "Data.Binary.get: Invalid Dependency"
+type DependencyFacts = Map Identifier [Dependency]
+ :: [Identifier] -- ^ All known identifiers
+ -> Set Identifier -- ^ Initially out-of-date resources
+ -> DependencyFacts -- ^ Old dependency facts
+ -> (Set Identifier, DependencyFacts, [String])
+outOfDate universe ood oldFacts =
+ let (_, state, logs) = runRWS rws universe (DependencyState oldFacts ood)
+ in (dependencyOod state, dependencyFacts state, logs)
+ where
+ rws = do
+ checkNew
+ checkChangedPatterns
+ bruteForce
+data DependencyState = DependencyState
+ { dependencyFacts :: DependencyFacts
+ , dependencyOod :: Set Identifier
+ } deriving (Show)
+type DependencyM a = RWS [Identifier] [String] DependencyState a
+markOod :: Identifier -> DependencyM ()
+markOod id' = State.modify $ \s ->
+ s {dependencyOod = S.insert id' $ dependencyOod s}
+dependenciesFor :: Identifier -> DependencyM [Identifier]
+dependenciesFor id' = do
+ facts <- dependencyFacts <$> State.get
+ return $ concatMap dependenciesFor' $ fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup id' facts
+ where
+ dependenciesFor' (IdentifierDependency i) = [i]
+ dependenciesFor' (PatternDependency _ is) = S.toList is
+checkNew :: DependencyM ()
+checkNew = do
+ universe <- ask
+ facts <- dependencyFacts <$> State.get
+ forM_ universe $ \id' -> unless (id' `M.member` facts) $ do
+ tell [show id' ++ " is out-of-date because it is new"]
+ markOod id'
+checkChangedPatterns :: DependencyM ()
+checkChangedPatterns = do
+ facts <- M.toList . dependencyFacts <$> State.get
+ forM_ facts $ \(id', deps) -> do
+ deps' <- foldM (go id') [] deps
+ State.modify $ \s -> s
+ {dependencyFacts = M.insert id' deps' $ dependencyFacts s}
+ where
+ go _ ds (IdentifierDependency i) = return $ IdentifierDependency i : ds
+ go id' ds (PatternDependency p ls) = do
+ universe <- ask
+ let ls' = S.fromList $ filterMatches p universe
+ if ls == ls'
+ then return $ PatternDependency p ls : ds
+ else do
+ tell [show id' ++ " is out-of-date because a pattern changed"]
+ markOod id'
+ return $ PatternDependency p ls' : ds
+bruteForce :: DependencyM ()
+bruteForce = do
+ todo <- ask
+ go todo
+ where
+ go todo = do
+ (todo', changed) <- foldM check ([], False) todo
+ when changed (go todo')
+ check (todo, changed) id' = do
+ deps <- dependenciesFor id'
+ ood <- dependencyOod <$> State.get
+ case find (`S.member` ood) deps of
+ Nothing -> return (id' : todo, changed)
+ Just d -> do
+ tell [show id' ++ " is out-of-date because " ++
+ show d ++ " is out-of-date"]
+ markOod id'
+ return (todo, True)
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/File.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/File.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49af659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/File.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+-- | Exports simple compilers to just copy files
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.File
+ ( CopyFile (..)
+ , copyFileCompiler
+ , TmpFile (..)
+ , newTmpFile
+ ) where
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..))
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,6)
+import System.Directory (copyFileWithMetadata)
+import System.Directory (copyFile)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist,
+ renameFile)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.Random (randomIO)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store as Store
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.File
+import Hakyll.Core.Writable
+-- | This will copy any file directly by using a system call
+newtype CopyFile = CopyFile FilePath
+ deriving (Binary, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
+instance Writable CopyFile where
+#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,6)
+ write dst (Item _ (CopyFile src)) = copyFileWithMetadata src dst
+ write dst (Item _ (CopyFile src)) = copyFile src dst
+copyFileCompiler :: Compiler (Item CopyFile)
+copyFileCompiler = do
+ identifier <- getUnderlying
+ provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
+ makeItem $ CopyFile $ resourceFilePath provider identifier
+newtype TmpFile = TmpFile FilePath
+ deriving (Typeable)
+instance Binary TmpFile where
+ put _ = return ()
+ get = error $
+ "Hakyll.Core.File.TmpFile: You tried to load a TmpFile, however, " ++
+ "this is not possible since these are deleted as soon as possible."
+instance Writable TmpFile where
+ write dst (Item _ (TmpFile fp)) = renameFile fp dst
+-- | Create a tmp file
+newTmpFile :: String -- ^ Suffix and extension
+ -> Compiler TmpFile -- ^ Resulting tmp path
+newTmpFile suffix = do
+ path <- mkPath
+ compilerUnsafeIO $ makeDirectories path
+ debugCompiler $ "newTmpFile " ++ path
+ return $ TmpFile path
+ where
+ mkPath = do
+ rand <- compilerUnsafeIO $ randomIO :: Compiler Int
+ tmp <- tmpDirectory . compilerConfig <$> compilerAsk
+ let path = tmp </> Store.hash [show rand] ++ "-" ++ suffix
+ exists <- compilerUnsafeIO $ doesFileExist path
+ if exists then mkPath else return path
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Identifier.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Identifier.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..777811c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Identifier.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+-- | An identifier is a type used to uniquely identify an item. An identifier is
+-- conceptually similar to a file path. Examples of identifiers are:
+-- * @posts/foo.markdown@
+-- * @index@
+-- * @error/404@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+ ( Identifier
+ , fromFilePath
+ , toFilePath
+ , identifierVersion
+ , setVersion
+ ) where
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import System.FilePath (dropTrailingPathSeparator, splitPath)
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..))
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import GHC.Exts (IsString, fromString)
+data Identifier = Identifier
+ { identifierVersion :: Maybe String
+ , identifierPath :: String
+ } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
+instance Binary Identifier where
+ put (Identifier v p) = put v >> put p
+ get = Identifier <$> get <*> get
+instance IsString Identifier where
+ fromString = fromFilePath
+instance NFData Identifier where
+ rnf (Identifier v p) = rnf v `seq` rnf p `seq` ()
+instance Show Identifier where
+ show i = case identifierVersion i of
+ Nothing -> toFilePath i
+ Just v -> toFilePath i ++ " (" ++ v ++ ")"
+-- | Parse an identifier from a string
+fromFilePath :: String -> Identifier
+fromFilePath = Identifier Nothing .
+ intercalate "/" . filter (not . null) . split'
+ where
+ split' = map dropTrailingPathSeparator . splitPath
+-- | Convert an identifier to a relative 'FilePath'
+toFilePath :: Identifier -> FilePath
+toFilePath = identifierPath
+setVersion :: Maybe String -> Identifier -> Identifier
+setVersion v i = i {identifierVersion = v}
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Identifier/Pattern.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Identifier/Pattern.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47ad21b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Identifier/Pattern.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+-- | As 'Identifier' is used to specify a single item, a 'Pattern' is used to
+-- specify a list of items.
+-- In most cases, globs are used for patterns.
+-- A very simple pattern of such a pattern is @\"foo\/bar\"@. This pattern will
+-- only match the exact @foo\/bar@ identifier.
+-- To match more than one identifier, there are different captures that one can
+-- use:
+-- * @\"*\"@: matches at most one element of an identifier;
+-- * @\"**\"@: matches one or more elements of an identifier.
+-- Some examples:
+-- * @\"foo\/*\"@ will match @\"foo\/bar\"@ and @\"foo\/foo\"@, but not
+-- @\"foo\/bar\/qux\"@;
+-- * @\"**\"@ will match any identifier;
+-- * @\"foo\/**\"@ will match @\"foo\/bar\"@ and @\"foo\/bar\/qux\"@, but not
+-- @\"bar\/foo\"@;
+-- * @\"foo\/*.html\"@ will match all HTML files in the @\"foo\/\"@ directory.
+-- The 'capture' function allows the user to get access to the elements captured
+-- by the capture elements in the pattern.
+module Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+ ( -- * The pattern type
+ Pattern
+ -- * Creating patterns
+ , fromGlob
+ , fromList
+ , fromRegex
+ , fromVersion
+ , hasVersion
+ , hasNoVersion
+ -- * Composing patterns
+ , (.&&.)
+ , (.||.)
+ , complement
+ -- * Applying patterns
+ , matches
+ , filterMatches
+ -- * Capturing strings
+ , capture
+ , fromCapture
+ , fromCaptures
+ ) where
+import Control.Arrow ((&&&), (>>>))
+import Control.Monad (msum)
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..), getWord8, putWord8)
+import Data.List (inits, isPrefixOf, tails)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import GHC.Exts (IsString, fromString)
+import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~))
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+-- | Elements of a glob pattern
+data GlobComponent
+ = Capture
+ | CaptureMany
+ | Literal String
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Binary GlobComponent where
+ put Capture = putWord8 0
+ put CaptureMany = putWord8 1
+ put (Literal s) = putWord8 2 >> put s
+ get = getWord8 >>= \t -> case t of
+ 0 -> pure Capture
+ 1 -> pure CaptureMany
+ 2 -> Literal <$> get
+ _ -> error "Data.Binary.get: Invalid GlobComponent"
+-- | Type that allows matching on identifiers
+data Pattern
+ = Everything
+ | Complement Pattern
+ | And Pattern Pattern
+ | Glob [GlobComponent]
+ | List (Set Identifier)
+ | Regex String
+ | Version (Maybe String)
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Binary Pattern where
+ put Everything = putWord8 0
+ put (Complement p) = putWord8 1 >> put p
+ put (And x y) = putWord8 2 >> put x >> put y
+ put (Glob g) = putWord8 3 >> put g
+ put (List is) = putWord8 4 >> put is
+ put (Regex r) = putWord8 5 >> put r
+ put (Version v) = putWord8 6 >> put v
+ get = getWord8 >>= \t -> case t of
+ 0 -> pure Everything
+ 1 -> Complement <$> get
+ 2 -> And <$> get <*> get
+ 3 -> Glob <$> get
+ 4 -> List <$> get
+ 5 -> Regex <$> get
+ _ -> Version <$> get
+instance IsString Pattern where
+ fromString = fromGlob
+instance Monoid Pattern where
+ mempty = Everything
+ mappend = (.&&.)
+-- | Parse a pattern from a string
+fromGlob :: String -> Pattern
+fromGlob = Glob . parse'
+ where
+ parse' str =
+ let (chunk, rest) = break (`elem` "\\*") str
+ in case rest of
+ ('\\' : x : xs) -> Literal (chunk ++ [x]) : parse' xs
+ ('*' : '*' : xs) -> Literal chunk : CaptureMany : parse' xs
+ ('*' : xs) -> Literal chunk : Capture : parse' xs
+ xs -> Literal chunk : Literal xs : []
+-- | Create a 'Pattern' from a list of 'Identifier's it should match.
+-- /Warning/: use this carefully with 'hasNoVersion' and 'hasVersion'. The
+-- 'Identifier's in the list /already/ have versions assigned, and the pattern
+-- will then only match the intersection of both versions.
+-- A more concrete example,
+-- > fromList ["foo.markdown"] .&&. hasVersion "pdf"
+-- will not match anything! The @"foo.markdown"@ 'Identifier' has no version
+-- assigned, so the LHS of '.&&.' will only match this 'Identifier' with no
+-- version. The RHS only matches 'Identifier's with version set to @"pdf"@ --
+-- hence, this pattern matches nothing.
+-- The correct way to use this is:
+-- > fromList $ map (setVersion $ Just "pdf") ["foo.markdown"]
+fromList :: [Identifier] -> Pattern
+fromList = List . S.fromList
+-- | Create a 'Pattern' from a regex
+-- Example:
+-- > regex "^foo/[^x]*$
+fromRegex :: String -> Pattern
+fromRegex = Regex
+-- | Create a pattern which matches all items with the given version.
+fromVersion :: Maybe String -> Pattern
+fromVersion = Version
+-- | Specify a version, e.g.
+-- > "foo/*.markdown" .&&. hasVersion "pdf"
+hasVersion :: String -> Pattern
+hasVersion = fromVersion . Just
+-- | Match only if the identifier has no version set, e.g.
+-- > "foo/*.markdown" .&&. hasNoVersion
+hasNoVersion :: Pattern
+hasNoVersion = fromVersion Nothing
+-- | '&&' for patterns: the given identifier must match both subterms
+(.&&.) :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Pattern
+x .&&. y = And x y
+infixr 3 .&&.
+-- | '||' for patterns: the given identifier must match any subterm
+(.||.) :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Pattern
+x .||. y = complement (complement x `And` complement y) -- De Morgan's law
+infixr 2 .||.
+-- | Inverts a pattern, e.g.
+-- > complement "foo/bar.html"
+-- will match /anything/ except @\"foo\/bar.html\"@
+complement :: Pattern -> Pattern
+complement = Complement
+-- | Check if an identifier matches a pattern
+matches :: Pattern -> Identifier -> Bool
+matches Everything _ = True
+matches (Complement p) i = not $ matches p i
+matches (And x y) i = matches x i && matches y i
+matches (Glob p) i = isJust $ capture (Glob p) i
+matches (List l) i = i `S.member` l
+matches (Regex r) i = toFilePath i =~ r
+matches (Version v) i = identifierVersion i == v
+-- | Given a list of identifiers, retain only those who match the given pattern
+filterMatches :: Pattern -> [Identifier] -> [Identifier]
+filterMatches = filter . matches
+-- | Split a list at every possible point, generate a list of (init, tail)
+-- cases. The result is sorted with inits decreasing in length.
+splits :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
+splits = inits &&& tails >>> uncurry zip >>> reverse
+-- | Match a glob against a pattern, generating a list of captures
+capture :: Pattern -> Identifier -> Maybe [String]
+capture (Glob p) i = capture' p (toFilePath i)
+capture _ _ = Nothing
+-- | Internal verion of 'capture'
+capture' :: [GlobComponent] -> String -> Maybe [String]
+capture' [] [] = Just [] -- An empty match
+capture' [] _ = Nothing -- No match
+capture' (Literal l : ms) str
+ -- Match the literal against the string
+ | l `isPrefixOf` str = capture' ms $ drop (length l) str
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+capture' (Capture : ms) str =
+ -- Match until the next /
+ let (chunk, rest) = break (== '/') str
+ in msum $ [ fmap (i :) (capture' ms (t ++ rest)) | (i, t) <- splits chunk ]
+capture' (CaptureMany : ms) str =
+ -- Match everything
+ msum $ [ fmap (i :) (capture' ms t) | (i, t) <- splits str ]
+-- | Create an identifier from a pattern by filling in the captures with a given
+-- string
+-- Example:
+-- > fromCapture (fromGlob "tags/*") "foo"
+-- Result:
+-- > "tags/foo"
+fromCapture :: Pattern -> String -> Identifier
+fromCapture pattern = fromCaptures pattern . repeat
+-- | Create an identifier from a pattern by filling in the captures with the
+-- given list of strings
+fromCaptures :: Pattern -> [String] -> Identifier
+fromCaptures (Glob p) = fromFilePath . fromCaptures' p
+fromCaptures _ = error $
+ "Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern.fromCaptures: fromCaptures only works " ++
+ "on simple globs!"
+-- | Internally used version of 'fromCaptures'
+fromCaptures' :: [GlobComponent] -> [String] -> String
+fromCaptures' [] _ = mempty
+fromCaptures' (m : ms) [] = case m of
+ Literal l -> l `mappend` fromCaptures' ms []
+ _ -> error $ "Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern.fromCaptures': "
+ ++ "identifier list exhausted"
+fromCaptures' (m : ms) ids@(i : is) = case m of
+ Literal l -> l `mappend` fromCaptures' ms ids
+ _ -> i `mappend` fromCaptures' ms is
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Item.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Item.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e05df42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Item.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+-- | An item is a combination of some content and its 'Identifier'. This way, we
+-- can still use the 'Identifier' to access metadata.
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Item
+ ( Item (..)
+ , itemSetBody
+ , withItemBody
+ ) where
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..))
+import Data.Foldable (Foldable (..))
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Prelude hiding (foldr)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+data Item a = Item
+ { itemIdentifier :: Identifier
+ , itemBody :: a
+ } deriving (Show, Typeable)
+instance Functor Item where
+ fmap f (Item i x) = Item i (f x)
+instance Foldable Item where
+ foldr f z (Item _ x) = f x z
+instance Traversable Item where
+ traverse f (Item i x) = Item i <$> f x
+instance Binary a => Binary (Item a) where
+ put (Item i x) = put i >> put x
+ get = Item <$> get <*> get
+itemSetBody :: a -> Item b -> Item a
+itemSetBody x (Item i _) = Item i x
+-- | Perform a compiler action on the item body. This is the same as 'traverse',
+-- but looks less intimidating.
+-- > withItemBody = traverse
+withItemBody :: (a -> Compiler b) -> Item a -> Compiler (Item b)
+withItemBody = traverse
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Item/SomeItem.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Item/SomeItem.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5ba0df
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+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Item/SomeItem.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Item.SomeItem
+ ( SomeItem (..)
+ ) where
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Writable
+-- | An existential type, mostly for internal usage.
+data SomeItem = forall a.
+ (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) => SomeItem (Item a)
+ deriving (Typeable)
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Logger.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Logger.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f950a6
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+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Logger.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+-- | Produce pretty, thread-safe logs
+module Hakyll.Core.Logger
+ ( Verbosity (..)
+ , Logger
+ , new
+ , flush
+ , error
+ , header
+ , message
+ , debug
+ ) where
+import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
+import Control.Concurrent.Chan (Chan, newChan, readChan, writeChan)
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
+import Control.Monad (forever)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO)
+import Prelude hiding (error)
+data Verbosity
+ = Error
+ | Message
+ | Debug
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+-- | Logger structure. Very complicated.
+data Logger = Logger
+ { loggerChan :: Chan (Maybe String) -- ^ Nothing marks the end
+ , loggerSync :: MVar () -- ^ Used for sync on quit
+ , loggerSink :: String -> IO () -- ^ Out sink
+ , loggerVerbosity :: Verbosity -- ^ Verbosity
+ }
+-- | Create a new logger
+new :: Verbosity -> IO Logger
+new vbty = do
+ logger <- Logger <$>
+ newChan <*> newEmptyMVar <*> pure putStrLn <*> pure vbty
+ _ <- forkIO $ loggerThread logger
+ return logger
+ where
+ loggerThread logger = forever $ do
+ msg <- readChan $ loggerChan logger
+ case msg of
+ -- Stop: sync
+ Nothing -> putMVar (loggerSync logger) ()
+ -- Print and continue
+ Just m -> loggerSink logger m
+-- | Flush the logger (blocks until flushed)
+flush :: Logger -> IO ()
+flush logger = do
+ writeChan (loggerChan logger) Nothing
+ () <- takeMVar $ loggerSync logger
+ return ()
+string :: MonadIO m
+ => Logger -- ^ Logger
+ -> Verbosity -- ^ Verbosity of the string
+ -> String -- ^ Section name
+ -> m () -- ^ No result
+string l v m
+ | loggerVerbosity l >= v = liftIO $ writeChan (loggerChan l) (Just m)
+ | otherwise = return ()
+error :: MonadIO m => Logger -> String -> m ()
+error l m = string l Error $ " [ERROR] " ++ m
+header :: MonadIO m => Logger -> String -> m ()
+header l = string l Message
+message :: MonadIO m => Logger -> String -> m ()
+message l m = string l Message $ " " ++ m
+debug :: MonadIO m => Logger -> String -> m ()
+debug l m = string l Debug $ " [DEBUG] " ++ m
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Metadata.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Metadata.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf536e
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+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Metadata.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+module Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+ ( Metadata
+ , lookupString
+ , lookupStringList
+ , MonadMetadata (..)
+ , getMetadataField
+ , getMetadataField'
+ , makePatternDependency
+ , BinaryMetadata (..)
+ ) where
+import Control.Arrow (second)
+import Control.Monad (forM)
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..), getWord8,
+ putWord8, Get)
+import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import qualified Data.Yaml.Extended as Yaml
+import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+type Metadata = Yaml.Object
+lookupString :: String -> Metadata -> Maybe String
+lookupString key meta = HMS.lookup (T.pack key) meta >>= Yaml.toString
+lookupStringList :: String -> Metadata -> Maybe [String]
+lookupStringList key meta =
+ HMS.lookup (T.pack key) meta >>= Yaml.toList >>= mapM Yaml.toString
+class Monad m => MonadMetadata m where
+ getMetadata :: Identifier -> m Metadata
+ getMatches :: Pattern -> m [Identifier]
+ getAllMetadata :: Pattern -> m [(Identifier, Metadata)]
+ getAllMetadata pattern = do
+ matches' <- getMatches pattern
+ forM matches' $ \id' -> do
+ metadata <- getMetadata id'
+ return (id', metadata)
+getMetadataField :: MonadMetadata m => Identifier -> String -> m (Maybe String)
+getMetadataField identifier key = do
+ metadata <- getMetadata identifier
+ return $ lookupString key metadata
+-- | Version of 'getMetadataField' which throws an error if the field does not
+-- exist.
+getMetadataField' :: MonadMetadata m => Identifier -> String -> m String
+getMetadataField' identifier key = do
+ field <- getMetadataField identifier key
+ case field of
+ Just v -> return v
+ Nothing -> fail $ "Hakyll.Core.Metadata.getMetadataField': " ++
+ "Item " ++ show identifier ++ " has no metadata field " ++ show key
+makePatternDependency :: MonadMetadata m => Pattern -> m Dependency
+makePatternDependency pattern = do
+ matches' <- getMatches pattern
+ return $ PatternDependency pattern (S.fromList matches')
+-- | Newtype wrapper for serialization.
+newtype BinaryMetadata = BinaryMetadata
+ {unBinaryMetadata :: Metadata}
+instance Binary BinaryMetadata where
+ put (BinaryMetadata obj) = put (BinaryYaml $ Yaml.Object obj)
+ get = do
+ BinaryYaml (Yaml.Object obj) <- get
+ return $ BinaryMetadata obj
+newtype BinaryYaml = BinaryYaml {unBinaryYaml :: Yaml.Value}
+instance Binary BinaryYaml where
+ put (BinaryYaml yaml) = case yaml of
+ Yaml.Object obj -> do
+ putWord8 0
+ let list :: [(T.Text, BinaryYaml)]
+ list = map (second BinaryYaml) $ HMS.toList obj
+ put list
+ Yaml.Array arr -> do
+ putWord8 1
+ let list = map BinaryYaml (V.toList arr) :: [BinaryYaml]
+ put list
+ Yaml.String s -> putWord8 2 >> put s
+ Yaml.Number n -> putWord8 3 >> put n
+ Yaml.Bool b -> putWord8 4 >> put b
+ Yaml.Null -> putWord8 5
+ get = do
+ tag <- getWord8
+ case tag of
+ 0 -> do
+ list <- get :: Get [(T.Text, BinaryYaml)]
+ return $ BinaryYaml $ Yaml.Object $
+ HMS.fromList $ map (second unBinaryYaml) list
+ 1 -> do
+ list <- get :: Get [BinaryYaml]
+ return $ BinaryYaml $
+ Yaml.Array $ V.fromList $ map unBinaryYaml list
+ 2 -> BinaryYaml . Yaml.String <$> get
+ 3 -> BinaryYaml . Yaml.Number <$> get
+ 4 -> BinaryYaml . Yaml.Bool <$> get
+ 5 -> return $ BinaryYaml Yaml.Null
+ _ -> fail "Data.Binary.get: Invalid Binary Metadata"
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..384f5b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+-- | This module provides an wrapper API around the file system which does some
+-- caching.
+module Hakyll.Core.Provider
+ ( -- * Constructing resource providers
+ Internal.Provider
+ , newProvider
+ -- * Querying resource properties
+ , Internal.resourceList
+ , Internal.resourceExists
+ , Internal.resourceFilePath
+ , Internal.resourceModified
+ , Internal.resourceModificationTime
+ -- * Access to raw resource content
+ , Internal.resourceString
+ , Internal.resourceLBS
+ -- * Access to metadata and body content
+ , Internal.resourceMetadata
+ , Internal.resourceBody
+ ) where
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Provider.Internal as Internal
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Provider.MetadataCache as Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Store (Store)
+-- | Create a resource provider
+newProvider :: Store -- ^ Store to use
+ -> (FilePath -> IO Bool) -- ^ Should we ignore this file?
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Search directory
+ -> IO Internal.Provider -- ^ Resulting provider
+newProvider store ignore directory = do
+ -- Delete metadata cache where necessary
+ p <- Internal.newProvider store ignore directory
+ mapM_ (Internal.resourceInvalidateMetadataCache p) $
+ filter (Internal.resourceModified p) $ Internal.resourceList p
+ return p
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider/Internal.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider/Internal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c298653
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+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider/Internal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Provider.Internal
+ ( ResourceInfo (..)
+ , Provider (..)
+ , newProvider
+ , resourceList
+ , resourceExists
+ , resourceFilePath
+ , resourceString
+ , resourceLBS
+ , resourceModified
+ , resourceModificationTime
+ ) where
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..), deepseq)
+import Control.Monad (forM)
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..))
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Time (Day (..), UTCTime (..))
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
+import System.FilePath (addExtension, (</>))
+#if !MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,0)
+import Data.Time (readTime)
+import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
+import System.Time (formatCalendarTime, toCalendarTime)
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Store (Store)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store as Store
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.File
+-- | Because UTCTime doesn't have a Binary instance...
+newtype BinaryTime = BinaryTime {unBinaryTime :: UTCTime}
+ deriving (Eq, NFData, Ord, Show, Typeable)
+instance Binary BinaryTime where
+ put (BinaryTime (UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay d) dt)) =
+ put d >> put (toRational dt)
+ get = fmap BinaryTime $ UTCTime
+ <$> (ModifiedJulianDay <$> get)
+ <*> (fromRational <$> get)
+data ResourceInfo = ResourceInfo
+ { resourceInfoModified :: BinaryTime
+ , resourceInfoMetadata :: Maybe Identifier
+ } deriving (Show, Typeable)
+instance Binary ResourceInfo where
+ put (ResourceInfo mtime meta) = put mtime >> put meta
+ get = ResourceInfo <$> get <*> get
+instance NFData ResourceInfo where
+ rnf (ResourceInfo mtime meta) = rnf mtime `seq` rnf meta `seq` ()
+-- | Responsible for retrieving and listing resources
+data Provider = Provider
+ { -- Top of the provided directory
+ providerDirectory :: FilePath
+ , -- | A list of all files found
+ providerFiles :: Map Identifier ResourceInfo
+ , -- | A list of the files from the previous run
+ providerOldFiles :: Map Identifier ResourceInfo
+ , -- | Underlying persistent store for caching
+ providerStore :: Store
+ } deriving (Show)
+-- | Create a resource provider
+newProvider :: Store -- ^ Store to use
+ -> (FilePath -> IO Bool) -- ^ Should we ignore this file?
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Search directory
+ -> IO Provider -- ^ Resulting provider
+newProvider store ignore directory = do
+ list <- map fromFilePath <$> getRecursiveContents ignore directory
+ let universe = S.fromList list
+ files <- fmap (maxmtime . M.fromList) $ forM list $ \identifier -> do
+ rInfo <- getResourceInfo directory universe identifier
+ return (identifier, rInfo)
+ -- Get the old files from the store, and then immediately replace them by
+ -- the new files.
+ oldFiles <- fromMaybe mempty . Store.toMaybe <$> Store.get store oldKey
+ oldFiles `deepseq` Store.set store oldKey files
+ return $ Provider directory files oldFiles store
+ where
+ oldKey = ["Hakyll.Core.Provider.Internal.newProvider", "oldFiles"]
+ -- Update modified if metadata is modified
+ maxmtime files = flip files $ \rInfo@(ResourceInfo mtime meta) ->
+ let metaMod = fmap resourceInfoModified $ meta >>= flip M.lookup files
+ in rInfo {resourceInfoModified = maybe mtime (max mtime) metaMod}
+getResourceInfo :: FilePath -> Set Identifier -> Identifier -> IO ResourceInfo
+getResourceInfo directory universe identifier = do
+ mtime <- fileModificationTime $ directory </> toFilePath identifier
+ return $ ResourceInfo (BinaryTime mtime) $
+ if mdRsc `S.member` universe then Just mdRsc else Nothing
+ where
+ mdRsc = fromFilePath $ flip addExtension "metadata" $ toFilePath identifier
+resourceList :: Provider -> [Identifier]
+resourceList = M.keys . providerFiles
+-- | Check if a given resource exists
+resourceExists :: Provider -> Identifier -> Bool
+resourceExists provider =
+ (`M.member` providerFiles provider) . setVersion Nothing
+resourceFilePath :: Provider -> Identifier -> FilePath
+resourceFilePath p i = providerDirectory p </> toFilePath i
+-- | Get the raw body of a resource as string
+resourceString :: Provider -> Identifier -> IO String
+resourceString p i = readFile $ resourceFilePath p i
+-- | Get the raw body of a resource of a lazy bytestring
+resourceLBS :: Provider -> Identifier -> IO BL.ByteString
+resourceLBS p i = BL.readFile $ resourceFilePath p i
+-- | A resource is modified if it or its metadata has changed
+resourceModified :: Provider -> Identifier -> Bool
+resourceModified p r = case (ri, oldRi) of
+ (Nothing, _) -> False
+ (Just _, Nothing) -> True
+ (Just n, Just o) ->
+ resourceInfoModified n > resourceInfoModified o ||
+ resourceInfoMetadata n /= resourceInfoMetadata o
+ where
+ normal = setVersion Nothing r
+ ri = M.lookup normal (providerFiles p)
+ oldRi = M.lookup normal (providerOldFiles p)
+resourceModificationTime :: Provider -> Identifier -> UTCTime
+resourceModificationTime p i =
+ case M.lookup (setVersion Nothing i) (providerFiles p) of
+ Just ri -> unBinaryTime $ resourceInfoModified ri
+ Nothing -> error $
+ "Hakyll.Core.Provider.Internal.resourceModificationTime: " ++
+ "resource " ++ show i ++ " does not exist"
+fileModificationTime :: FilePath -> IO UTCTime
+fileModificationTime fp = do
+#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,0)
+ getModificationTime fp
+ ct <- toCalendarTime =<< getModificationTime fp
+ let str = formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" ct
+ return $ readTime defaultTimeLocale "%s" str
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider/Metadata.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider/Metadata.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6285ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider/Metadata.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+-- | Internal module to parse metadata
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Provider.Metadata
+ ( loadMetadata
+ , parsePage
+ , MetadataException (..)
+ ) where
+import Control.Arrow (second)
+import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
+import Control.Monad (guard)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
+import Data.List.Extended (breakWhen)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider.Internal
+import System.IO as IO
+loadMetadata :: Provider -> Identifier -> IO (Metadata, Maybe String)
+loadMetadata p identifier = do
+ hasHeader <- probablyHasMetadataHeader fp
+ (md, body) <- if hasHeader
+ then second Just <$> loadMetadataHeader fp
+ else return (mempty, Nothing)
+ emd <- case mi of
+ Nothing -> return mempty
+ Just mi' -> loadMetadataFile $ resourceFilePath p mi'
+ return (md <> emd, body)
+ where
+ normal = setVersion Nothing identifier
+ fp = resourceFilePath p identifier
+ mi = M.lookup normal (providerFiles p) >>= resourceInfoMetadata
+loadMetadataHeader :: FilePath -> IO (Metadata, String)
+loadMetadataHeader fp = do
+ fileContent <- readFile fp
+ case parsePage fileContent of
+ Right x -> return x
+ Left err -> throwIO $ MetadataException fp err
+loadMetadataFile :: FilePath -> IO Metadata
+loadMetadataFile fp = do
+ fileContent <- B.readFile fp
+ let errOrMeta = Yaml.decodeEither' fileContent
+ either (fail . show) return errOrMeta
+-- | Check if a file "probably" has a metadata header. The main goal of this is
+-- to exclude binary files (which are unlikely to start with "---").
+probablyHasMetadataHeader :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+probablyHasMetadataHeader fp = do
+ handle <- IO.openFile fp IO.ReadMode
+ bs <- BC.hGet handle 1024
+ IO.hClose handle
+ return $ isMetadataHeader bs
+ where
+ isMetadataHeader bs =
+ let pre = BC.takeWhile (\x -> x /= '\n' && x /= '\r') bs
+ in BC.length pre >= 3 && BC.all (== '-') pre
+-- | Parse the page metadata and body.
+splitMetadata :: String -> (Maybe String, String)
+splitMetadata str0 = fromMaybe (Nothing, str0) $ do
+ guard $ leading >= 3
+ let !str1 = drop leading str0
+ guard $ all isNewline (take 1 str1)
+ let !(!meta, !content0) = breakWhen isTrailing str1
+ guard $ not $ null content0
+ let !content1 = drop (leading + 1) content0
+ !content2 = dropWhile isNewline $ dropWhile isInlineSpace content1
+ -- Adding this newline fixes the line numbers reported by the YAML parser.
+ -- It's a bit ugly but it works.
+ return (Just ('\n' : meta), content2)
+ where
+ -- Parse the leading "---"
+ !leading = length $ takeWhile (== '-') str0
+ -- Predicate to recognize the trailing "---" or "..."
+ isTrailing [] = False
+ isTrailing (x : xs) =
+ isNewline x && length (takeWhile isDash xs) == leading
+ -- Characters
+ isNewline c = c == '\n' || c == '\r'
+ isDash c = c == '-' || c == '.'
+ isInlineSpace c = c == '\t' || c == ' '
+parseMetadata :: String -> Either Yaml.ParseException Metadata
+parseMetadata = Yaml.decodeEither' . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
+parsePage :: String -> Either Yaml.ParseException (Metadata, String)
+parsePage fileContent = case mbMetaBlock of
+ Nothing -> return (mempty, content)
+ Just metaBlock -> case parseMetadata metaBlock of
+ Left err -> Left err
+ Right meta -> return (meta, content)
+ where
+ !(!mbMetaBlock, !content) = splitMetadata fileContent
+-- | Thrown in the IO monad if things go wrong. Provides a nice-ish error
+-- message.
+data MetadataException = MetadataException FilePath Yaml.ParseException
+instance Exception MetadataException
+instance Show MetadataException where
+ show (MetadataException fp err) =
+ fp ++ ": " ++ Yaml.prettyPrintParseException err ++ hint
+ where
+ hint = case err of
+ Yaml.InvalidYaml (Just (Yaml.YamlParseException {..}))
+ | yamlProblem == problem -> "\n" ++
+ "Hint: if the metadata value contains characters such\n" ++
+ "as ':' or '-', try enclosing it in quotes."
+ _ -> ""
+ problem = "mapping values are not allowed in this context"
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider/MetadataCache.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider/MetadataCache.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46dbf3e
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+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Provider/MetadataCache.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+module Hakyll.Core.Provider.MetadataCache
+ ( resourceMetadata
+ , resourceBody
+ , resourceInvalidateMetadataCache
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (unless)
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider.Metadata
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store as Store
+resourceMetadata :: Provider -> Identifier -> IO Metadata
+resourceMetadata p r
+ | not (resourceExists p r) = return mempty
+ | otherwise = do
+ -- TODO keep time in md cache
+ load p r
+ Store.Found (BinaryMetadata md) <- Store.get (providerStore p)
+ [name, toFilePath r, "metadata"]
+ return md
+resourceBody :: Provider -> Identifier -> IO String
+resourceBody p r = do
+ load p r
+ Store.Found bd <- Store.get (providerStore p)
+ [name, toFilePath r, "body"]
+ maybe (resourceString p r) return bd
+resourceInvalidateMetadataCache :: Provider -> Identifier -> IO ()
+resourceInvalidateMetadataCache p r = do
+ Store.delete (providerStore p) [name, toFilePath r, "metadata"]
+ Store.delete (providerStore p) [name, toFilePath r, "body"]
+load :: Provider -> Identifier -> IO ()
+load p r = do
+ mmof <- Store.isMember store mdk
+ unless mmof $ do
+ (md, body) <- loadMetadata p r
+ Store.set store mdk (BinaryMetadata md)
+ Store.set store bk body
+ where
+ store = providerStore p
+ mdk = [name, toFilePath r, "metadata"]
+ bk = [name, toFilePath r, "body"]
+name :: String
+name = "Hakyll.Core.Resource.Provider.MetadataCache"
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Routes.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Routes.hs
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+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Routes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+-- | Once a target is compiled, the user usually wants to save it to the disk.
+-- This is where the 'Routes' type comes in; it determines where a certain
+-- target should be written.
+-- Suppose we have an item @foo\/bar.markdown@. We can render this to
+-- @foo\/bar.html@ using:
+-- > route "foo/bar.markdown" (setExtension ".html")
+-- If we do not want to change the extension, we can use 'idRoute', the simplest
+-- route available:
+-- > route "foo/bar.markdown" idRoute
+-- That will route @foo\/bar.markdown@ to @foo\/bar.markdown@.
+-- Note that the extension says nothing about the content! If you set the
+-- extension to @.html@, it is your own responsibility to ensure that the
+-- content is indeed HTML.
+-- Finally, some special cases:
+-- * If there is no route for an item, this item will not be routed, so it will
+-- not appear in your site directory.
+-- * If an item matches multiple routes, the first rule will be chosen.
+{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Routes
+ ( UsedMetadata
+ , Routes
+ , runRoutes
+ , idRoute
+ , setExtension
+ , matchRoute
+ , customRoute
+ , constRoute
+ , gsubRoute
+ , metadataRoute
+ , composeRoutes
+ ) where
+import System.FilePath (replaceExtension)
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.String
+-- | When you ran a route, it's useful to know whether or not this used
+-- metadata. This allows us to do more granular dependency analysis.
+type UsedMetadata = Bool
+data RoutesRead = RoutesRead
+ { routesProvider :: Provider
+ , routesUnderlying :: Identifier
+ }
+-- | Type used for a route
+newtype Routes = Routes
+ { unRoutes :: RoutesRead -> Identifier -> IO (Maybe FilePath, UsedMetadata)
+ }
+instance Monoid Routes where
+ mempty = Routes $ \_ _ -> return (Nothing, False)
+ mappend (Routes f) (Routes g) = Routes $ \p id' -> do
+ (mfp, um) <- f p id'
+ case mfp of
+ Nothing -> g p id'
+ Just _ -> return (mfp, um)
+-- | Apply a route to an identifier
+runRoutes :: Routes -> Provider -> Identifier
+ -> IO (Maybe FilePath, UsedMetadata)
+runRoutes routes provider identifier =
+ unRoutes routes (RoutesRead provider identifier) identifier
+-- | A route that uses the identifier as filepath. For example, the target with
+-- ID @foo\/bar@ will be written to the file @foo\/bar@.
+idRoute :: Routes
+idRoute = customRoute toFilePath
+-- | Set (or replace) the extension of a route.
+-- Example:
+-- > runRoutes (setExtension "html") "foo/bar"
+-- Result:
+-- > Just "foo/bar.html"
+-- Example:
+-- > runRoutes (setExtension "html") "posts/the-art-of-trolling.markdown"
+-- Result:
+-- > Just "posts/the-art-of-trolling.html"
+setExtension :: String -> Routes
+setExtension extension = customRoute $
+ (`replaceExtension` extension) . toFilePath
+-- | Apply the route if the identifier matches the given pattern, fail
+-- otherwise
+matchRoute :: Pattern -> Routes -> Routes
+matchRoute pattern (Routes route) = Routes $ \p id' ->
+ if matches pattern id' then route p id' else return (Nothing, False)
+-- | Create a custom route. This should almost always be used with
+-- 'matchRoute'
+customRoute :: (Identifier -> FilePath) -> Routes
+customRoute f = Routes $ const $ \id' -> return (Just (f id'), False)
+-- | A route that always gives the same result. Obviously, you should only use
+-- this for a single compilation rule.
+constRoute :: FilePath -> Routes
+constRoute = customRoute . const
+-- | Create a gsub route
+-- Example:
+-- > runRoutes (gsubRoute "rss/" (const "")) "tags/rss/bar.xml"
+-- Result:
+-- > Just "tags/bar.xml"
+gsubRoute :: String -- ^ Pattern
+ -> (String -> String) -- ^ Replacement
+ -> Routes -- ^ Resulting route
+gsubRoute pattern replacement = customRoute $
+ replaceAll pattern replacement . toFilePath
+-- | Get access to the metadata in order to determine the route
+metadataRoute :: (Metadata -> Routes) -> Routes
+metadataRoute f = Routes $ \r i -> do
+ metadata <- resourceMetadata (routesProvider r) (routesUnderlying r)
+ unRoutes (f metadata) r i
+-- | Compose routes so that @f \`composeRoutes\` g@ is more or less equivalent
+-- with @g . f@.
+-- Example:
+-- > let routes = gsubRoute "rss/" (const "") `composeRoutes` setExtension "xml"
+-- > in runRoutes routes "tags/rss/bar"
+-- Result:
+-- > Just "tags/bar.xml"
+-- If the first route given fails, Hakyll will not apply the second route.
+composeRoutes :: Routes -- ^ First route to apply
+ -> Routes -- ^ Second route to apply
+ -> Routes -- ^ Resulting route
+composeRoutes (Routes f) (Routes g) = Routes $ \p i -> do
+ (mfp, um) <- f p i
+ case mfp of
+ Nothing -> return (Nothing, um)
+ Just fp -> do
+ (mfp', um') <- g p (fromFilePath fp)
+ return (mfp', um || um')
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Rules.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Rules.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41b9a73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Rules.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+-- | This module provides a declarative DSL in which the user can specify the
+-- different rules used to run the compilers.
+-- The convention is to just list all items in the 'Rules' monad, routes and
+-- compilation rules.
+-- A typical usage example would be:
+-- > main = hakyll $ do
+-- > match "posts/*" $ do
+-- > route (setExtension "html")
+-- > compile someCompiler
+-- > match "css/*" $ do
+-- > route idRoute
+-- > compile compressCssCompiler
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Rules
+ ( Rules
+ , match
+ , matchMetadata
+ , create
+ , version
+ , compile
+ , route
+ -- * Advanced usage
+ , preprocess
+ , Dependency (..)
+ , rulesExtraDependencies
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, local)
+import Control.Monad.State (get, modify, put)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
+import Control.Monad.Writer (censor, tell)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Item.SomeItem
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Routes
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Writable
+-- | Add a route
+tellRoute :: Routes -> Rules ()
+tellRoute route' = Rules $ tell $ RuleSet route' mempty mempty mempty
+-- | Add a number of compilers
+tellCompilers :: [(Identifier, Compiler SomeItem)] -> Rules ()
+tellCompilers compilers = Rules $ tell $ RuleSet mempty compilers mempty mempty
+-- | Add resources
+tellResources :: [Identifier] -> Rules ()
+tellResources resources' = Rules $ tell $
+ RuleSet mempty mempty (S.fromList resources') mempty
+-- | Add a pattern
+tellPattern :: Pattern -> Rules ()
+tellPattern pattern = Rules $ tell $ RuleSet mempty mempty mempty pattern
+flush :: Rules ()
+flush = Rules $ do
+ mcompiler <- rulesCompiler <$> get
+ case mcompiler of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just compiler -> do
+ matches' <- rulesMatches <$> ask
+ version' <- rulesVersion <$> ask
+ route' <- fromMaybe mempty . rulesRoute <$> get
+ -- The version is possibly not set correctly at this point (yet)
+ let ids = map (setVersion version') matches'
+ {-
+ ids <- case fromLiteral pattern of
+ Just id' -> return [setVersion version' id']
+ Nothing -> do
+ ids <- unRules $ getMatches pattern
+ unRules $ tellResources ids
+ return $ map (setVersion version') ids
+ -}
+ -- Create a fast pattern for routing that matches exactly the
+ -- compilers created in the block given to match
+ let fastPattern = fromList ids
+ -- Write out the compilers and routes
+ unRules $ tellRoute $ matchRoute fastPattern route'
+ unRules $ tellCompilers $ [(id', compiler) | id' <- ids]
+ put $ emptyRulesState
+matchInternal :: Pattern -> Rules [Identifier] -> Rules () -> Rules ()
+matchInternal pattern getIDs rules = do
+ tellPattern pattern
+ flush
+ ids <- getIDs
+ tellResources ids
+ Rules $ local (setMatches ids) $ unRules $ rules >> flush
+ where
+ setMatches ids env = env {rulesMatches = ids}
+match :: Pattern -> Rules () -> Rules ()
+match pattern = matchInternal pattern $ getMatches pattern
+matchMetadata :: Pattern -> (Metadata -> Bool) -> Rules () -> Rules ()
+matchMetadata pattern metadataPred = matchInternal pattern $
+ map fst . filter (metadataPred . snd) <$> getAllMetadata pattern
+create :: [Identifier] -> Rules () -> Rules ()
+create ids rules = do
+ flush
+ -- TODO Maybe check if the resources exist and call tellResources on that
+ Rules $ local setMatches $ unRules $ rules >> flush
+ where
+ setMatches env = env {rulesMatches = ids}
+version :: String -> Rules () -> Rules ()
+version v rules = do
+ flush
+ Rules $ local setVersion' $ unRules $ rules >> flush
+ where
+ setVersion' env = env {rulesVersion = Just v}
+-- | Add a compilation rule to the rules.
+-- This instructs all resources to be compiled using the given compiler.
+compile :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a) => Compiler (Item a) -> Rules ()
+compile compiler = Rules $ modify $ \s ->
+ s {rulesCompiler = Just (fmap SomeItem compiler)}
+-- | Add a route.
+-- This adds a route for all items matching the current pattern.
+route :: Routes -> Rules ()
+route route' = Rules $ modify $ \s -> s {rulesRoute = Just route'}
+-- | Execute an 'IO' action immediately while the rules are being evaluated.
+-- This should be avoided if possible, but occasionally comes in useful.
+preprocess :: IO a -> Rules a
+preprocess = Rules . liftIO
+-- | Advanced usage: add extra dependencies to compilers. Basically this is
+-- needed when you're doing unsafe tricky stuff in the rules monad, but you
+-- still want correct builds.
+-- A useful utility for this purpose is 'makePatternDependency'.
+rulesExtraDependencies :: [Dependency] -> Rules a -> Rules a
+rulesExtraDependencies deps rules =
+ -- Note that we add the dependencies seemingly twice here. However, this is
+ -- done so that 'rulesExtraDependencies' works both if we have something
+ -- like:
+ --
+ -- > match "*.css" $ rulesExtraDependencies [foo] $ ...
+ --
+ -- and something like:
+ --
+ -- > rulesExtraDependencies [foo] $ match "*.css" $ ...
+ --
+ -- (1) takes care of the latter and (2) of the former.
+ Rules $ censor fixRuleSet $ do
+ x <- unRules rules
+ fixCompiler
+ return x
+ where
+ -- (1) Adds the dependencies to the compilers we are yet to create
+ fixCompiler = modify $ \s -> case rulesCompiler s of
+ Nothing -> s
+ Just c -> s
+ { rulesCompiler = Just $ compilerTellDependencies deps >> c
+ }
+ -- (2) Adds the dependencies to the compilers that are already in the ruleset
+ fixRuleSet ruleSet = ruleSet
+ { rulesCompilers =
+ [ (i, compilerTellDependencies deps >> c)
+ | (i, c) <- rulesCompilers ruleSet
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Rules/Internal.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Rules/Internal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0641dcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Rules/Internal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal
+ ( RulesRead (..)
+ , RuleSet (..)
+ , RulesState (..)
+ , emptyRulesState
+ , Rules (..)
+ , runRules
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
+import Control.Monad.RWS (RWST, runRWST)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Item.SomeItem
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider
+import Hakyll.Core.Routes
+data RulesRead = RulesRead
+ { rulesProvider :: Provider
+ , rulesMatches :: [Identifier]
+ , rulesVersion :: Maybe String
+ }
+data RuleSet = RuleSet
+ { -- | Accumulated routes
+ rulesRoutes :: Routes
+ , -- | Accumulated compilers
+ rulesCompilers :: [(Identifier, Compiler SomeItem)]
+ , -- | A set of the actually used files
+ rulesResources :: Set Identifier
+ , -- | A pattern we can use to check if a file *would* be used. This is
+ -- needed for the preview server.
+ rulesPattern :: Pattern
+ }
+instance Monoid RuleSet where
+ mempty = RuleSet mempty mempty mempty mempty
+ mappend (RuleSet r1 c1 s1 p1) (RuleSet r2 c2 s2 p2) =
+ RuleSet (mappend r1 r2) (mappend c1 c2) (mappend s1 s2) (p1 .||. p2)
+data RulesState = RulesState
+ { rulesRoute :: Maybe Routes
+ , rulesCompiler :: Maybe (Compiler SomeItem)
+ }
+emptyRulesState :: RulesState
+emptyRulesState = RulesState Nothing Nothing
+-- | The monad used to compose rules
+newtype Rules a = Rules
+ { unRules :: RWST RulesRead RuleSet RulesState IO a
+ } deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative)
+instance MonadMetadata Rules where
+ getMetadata identifier = Rules $ do
+ provider <- rulesProvider <$> ask
+ liftIO $ resourceMetadata provider identifier
+ getMatches pattern = Rules $ do
+ provider <- rulesProvider <$> ask
+ return $ filterMatches pattern $ resourceList provider
+-- | Run a Rules monad, resulting in a 'RuleSet'
+runRules :: Rules a -> Provider -> IO RuleSet
+runRules rules provider = do
+ (_, _, ruleSet) <- runRWST (unRules rules) env emptyRulesState
+ -- Ensure compiler uniqueness
+ let ruleSet' = ruleSet
+ { rulesCompilers = M.toList $
+ M.fromListWith (flip const) (rulesCompilers ruleSet)
+ }
+ return ruleSet'
+ where
+ env = RulesRead
+ { rulesProvider = provider
+ , rulesMatches = []
+ , rulesVersion = Nothing
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Runtime.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Runtime.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16a5d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Runtime.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+module Hakyll.Core.Runtime
+ ( run
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (unless)
+import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT, throwError)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
+import Control.Monad.RWS (RWST, runRWST)
+import Control.Monad.State (get, modify)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require
+import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Item.SomeItem
+import Hakyll.Core.Logger (Logger)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Logger as Logger
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider
+import Hakyll.Core.Routes
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Store (Store)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Store as Store
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.File
+import Hakyll.Core.Writable
+run :: Configuration -> Logger -> Rules a -> IO (ExitCode, RuleSet)
+run config logger rules = do
+ -- Initialization
+ Logger.header logger "Initialising..."
+ Logger.message logger "Creating store..."
+ store <- (inMemoryCache config) $ storeDirectory config
+ Logger.message logger "Creating provider..."
+ provider <- newProvider store (shouldIgnoreFile config) $
+ providerDirectory config
+ Logger.message logger "Running rules..."
+ ruleSet <- runRules rules provider
+ -- Get old facts
+ mOldFacts <- Store.get store factsKey
+ let (oldFacts) = case mOldFacts of Store.Found f -> f
+ _ -> mempty
+ -- Build runtime read/state
+ let compilers = rulesCompilers ruleSet
+ read' = RuntimeRead
+ { runtimeConfiguration = config
+ , runtimeLogger = logger
+ , runtimeProvider = provider
+ , runtimeStore = store
+ , runtimeRoutes = rulesRoutes ruleSet
+ , runtimeUniverse = M.fromList compilers
+ }
+ state = RuntimeState
+ { runtimeDone = S.empty
+ , runtimeSnapshots = S.empty
+ , runtimeTodo = M.empty
+ , runtimeFacts = oldFacts
+ }
+ -- Run the program and fetch the resulting state
+ result <- runExceptT $ runRWST build read' state
+ case result of
+ Left e -> do
+ Logger.error logger e
+ Logger.flush logger
+ return (ExitFailure 1, ruleSet)
+ Right (_, s, _) -> do
+ Store.set store factsKey $ runtimeFacts s
+ Logger.debug logger "Removing tmp directory..."
+ removeDirectory $ tmpDirectory config
+ Logger.flush logger
+ return (ExitSuccess, ruleSet)
+ where
+ factsKey = ["", "facts"]
+data RuntimeRead = RuntimeRead
+ { runtimeConfiguration :: Configuration
+ , runtimeLogger :: Logger
+ , runtimeProvider :: Provider
+ , runtimeStore :: Store
+ , runtimeRoutes :: Routes
+ , runtimeUniverse :: Map Identifier (Compiler SomeItem)
+ }
+data RuntimeState = RuntimeState
+ { runtimeDone :: Set Identifier
+ , runtimeSnapshots :: Set (Identifier, Snapshot)
+ , runtimeTodo :: Map Identifier (Compiler SomeItem)
+ , runtimeFacts :: DependencyFacts
+ }
+type Runtime a = RWST RuntimeRead () RuntimeState (ExceptT String IO) a
+build :: Runtime ()
+build = do
+ logger <- runtimeLogger <$> ask
+ Logger.header logger "Checking for out-of-date items"
+ scheduleOutOfDate
+ Logger.header logger "Compiling"
+ pickAndChase
+ Logger.header logger "Success"
+scheduleOutOfDate :: Runtime ()
+scheduleOutOfDate = do
+ logger <- runtimeLogger <$> ask
+ provider <- runtimeProvider <$> ask
+ universe <- runtimeUniverse <$> ask
+ facts <- runtimeFacts <$> get
+ todo <- runtimeTodo <$> get
+ let identifiers = M.keys universe
+ modified = S.fromList $ flip filter identifiers $
+ resourceModified provider
+ let (ood, facts', msgs) = outOfDate identifiers modified facts
+ todo' = M.filterWithKey
+ (\id' _ -> id' `S.member` ood) universe
+ -- Print messages
+ mapM_ (Logger.debug logger) msgs
+ -- Update facts and todo items
+ modify $ \s -> s
+ { runtimeDone = runtimeDone s `S.union`
+ (S.fromList identifiers `S.difference` ood)
+ , runtimeTodo = todo `M.union` todo'
+ , runtimeFacts = facts'
+ }
+pickAndChase :: Runtime ()
+pickAndChase = do
+ todo <- runtimeTodo <$> get
+ case M.minViewWithKey todo of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just ((id', _), _) -> do
+ chase [] id'
+ pickAndChase
+chase :: [Identifier] -> Identifier -> Runtime ()
+chase trail id'
+ | id' `elem` trail = throwError $ " " ++
+ "Dependency cycle detected: " ++ intercalate " depends on "
+ (map show $ dropWhile (/= id') (reverse trail) ++ [id'])
+ | otherwise = do
+ logger <- runtimeLogger <$> ask
+ todo <- runtimeTodo <$> get
+ provider <- runtimeProvider <$> ask
+ universe <- runtimeUniverse <$> ask
+ routes <- runtimeRoutes <$> ask
+ store <- runtimeStore <$> ask
+ config <- runtimeConfiguration <$> ask
+ Logger.debug logger $ "Processing " ++ show id'
+ let compiler = todo M.! id'
+ read' = CompilerRead
+ { compilerConfig = config
+ , compilerUnderlying = id'
+ , compilerProvider = provider
+ , compilerUniverse = M.keysSet universe
+ , compilerRoutes = routes
+ , compilerStore = store
+ , compilerLogger = logger
+ }
+ result <- liftIO $ runCompiler compiler read'
+ case result of
+ -- Rethrow error
+ CompilerError [] -> throwError
+ "Compiler failed but no info given, try running with -v?"
+ CompilerError es -> throwError $ intercalate "; " es
+ -- Signal that a snapshot was saved ->
+ CompilerSnapshot snapshot c -> do
+ -- Update info. The next 'chase' will pick us again at some
+ -- point so we can continue then.
+ modify $ \s -> s
+ { runtimeSnapshots =
+ S.insert (id', snapshot) (runtimeSnapshots s)
+ , runtimeTodo = M.insert id' c (runtimeTodo s)
+ }
+ -- Huge success
+ CompilerDone (SomeItem item) cwrite -> do
+ -- Print some info
+ let facts = compilerDependencies cwrite
+ cacheHits
+ | compilerCacheHits cwrite <= 0 = "updated"
+ | otherwise = "cached "
+ Logger.message logger $ cacheHits ++ " " ++ show id'
+ -- Sanity check
+ unless (itemIdentifier item == id') $ throwError $
+ "The compiler yielded an Item with Identifier " ++
+ show (itemIdentifier item) ++ ", but we were expecting " ++
+ "an Item with Identifier " ++ show id' ++ " " ++
+ "(you probably want to call makeItem to solve this problem)"
+ -- Write if necessary
+ (mroute, _) <- liftIO $ runRoutes routes provider id'
+ case mroute of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just route -> do
+ let path = destinationDirectory config </> route
+ liftIO $ makeDirectories path
+ liftIO $ write path item
+ Logger.debug logger $ "Routed to " ++ path
+ -- Save! (For load)
+ liftIO $ save store item
+ -- Update state
+ modify $ \s -> s
+ { runtimeDone = S.insert id' (runtimeDone s)
+ , runtimeTodo = M.delete id' (runtimeTodo s)
+ , runtimeFacts = M.insert id' facts (runtimeFacts s)
+ }
+ -- Try something else first
+ CompilerRequire dep c -> do
+ -- Update the compiler so we don't execute it twice
+ let (depId, depSnapshot) = dep
+ done <- runtimeDone <$> get
+ snapshots <- runtimeSnapshots <$> get
+ -- Done if we either completed the entire item (runtimeDone) or
+ -- if we previously saved the snapshot (runtimeSnapshots).
+ let depDone =
+ depId `S.member` done ||
+ (depId, depSnapshot) `S.member` snapshots
+ modify $ \s -> s
+ { runtimeTodo = M.insert id'
+ (if depDone then c else compilerResult result)
+ (runtimeTodo s)
+ }
+ -- If the required item is already compiled, continue, or, start
+ -- chasing that
+ Logger.debug logger $ "Require " ++ show depId ++
+ " (snapshot " ++ depSnapshot ++ "): " ++
+ (if depDone then "OK" else "chasing")
+ if depDone then chase trail id' else chase (id' : trail) depId
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Store.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Store.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdbcf11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Store.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+-- | A store for storing and retreiving items
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Store
+ ( Store
+ , Result (..)
+ , toMaybe
+ , new
+ , set
+ , get
+ , isMember
+ , delete
+ , hash
+ ) where
+import Control.Exception (IOException, handle)
+import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5
+import Data.Binary (Binary, decode, encodeFile)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import qualified Data.Cache.LRU.IO as Lru
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import Data.Typeable (TypeRep, Typeable, cast, typeOf)
+import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.IO (IOMode (..), hClose, openFile)
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+-- | Simple wrapper type
+data Box = forall a. Typeable a => Box a
+data Store = Store
+ { -- | All items are stored on the filesystem
+ storeDirectory :: FilePath
+ , -- | Optionally, items are also kept in-memory
+ storeMap :: Maybe (Lru.AtomicLRU FilePath Box)
+ }
+instance Show Store where
+ show _ = "<Store>"
+-- | Result of a store query
+data Result a
+ = Found a -- ^ Found, result
+ | NotFound -- ^ Not found
+ | WrongType TypeRep TypeRep -- ^ Expected, true type
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | Convert result to 'Maybe'
+toMaybe :: Result a -> Maybe a
+toMaybe (Found x) = Just x
+toMaybe _ = Nothing
+-- | Initialize the store
+new :: Bool -- ^ Use in-memory caching
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Directory to use for hard disk storage
+ -> IO Store -- ^ Store
+new inMemory directory = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True directory
+ ref <- if inMemory then Just <$> Lru.newAtomicLRU csize else return Nothing
+ return Store
+ { storeDirectory = directory
+ , storeMap = ref
+ }
+ where
+ csize = Just 500
+-- | Auxiliary: add an item to the in-memory cache
+cacheInsert :: Typeable a => Store -> String -> a -> IO ()
+cacheInsert (Store _ Nothing) _ _ = return ()
+cacheInsert (Store _ (Just lru)) key x =
+ Lru.insert key (Box x) lru
+-- | Auxiliary: get an item from the in-memory cache
+cacheLookup :: forall a. Typeable a => Store -> String -> IO (Result a)
+cacheLookup (Store _ Nothing) _ = return NotFound
+cacheLookup (Store _ (Just lru)) key = do
+ res <- Lru.lookup key lru
+ return $ case res of
+ Nothing -> NotFound
+ Just (Box x) -> case cast x of
+ Just x' -> Found x'
+ Nothing -> WrongType (typeOf (undefined :: a)) (typeOf x)
+cacheIsMember :: Store -> String -> IO Bool
+cacheIsMember (Store _ Nothing) _ = return False
+cacheIsMember (Store _ (Just lru)) key = isJust <$> Lru.lookup key lru
+-- | Auxiliary: delete an item from the in-memory cache
+cacheDelete :: Store -> String -> IO ()
+cacheDelete (Store _ Nothing) _ = return ()
+cacheDelete (Store _ (Just lru)) key = do
+ _ <- Lru.delete key lru
+ return ()
+-- | Store an item
+set :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Store -> [String] -> a -> IO ()
+set store identifier value = do
+ encodeFile (storeDirectory store </> key) value
+ cacheInsert store key value
+ where
+ key = hash identifier
+-- | Load an item
+get :: (Binary a, Typeable a) => Store -> [String] -> IO (Result a)
+get store identifier = do
+ -- First check the in-memory map
+ ref <- cacheLookup store key
+ case ref of
+ -- Not found in the map, try the filesystem
+ NotFound -> do
+ exists <- doesFileExist path
+ if not exists
+ -- Not found in the filesystem either
+ then return NotFound
+ -- Found in the filesystem
+ else do
+ v <- decodeClose
+ cacheInsert store key v
+ return $ Found v
+ -- Found in the in-memory map (or wrong type), just return
+ s -> return s
+ where
+ key = hash identifier
+ path = storeDirectory store </> key
+ -- 'decodeFile' from Data.Binary which closes the file ASAP
+ decodeClose = do
+ h <- openFile path ReadMode
+ lbs <- BL.hGetContents h
+ BL.length lbs `seq` hClose h
+ return $ decode lbs
+-- | Strict function
+isMember :: Store -> [String] -> IO Bool
+isMember store identifier = do
+ inCache <- cacheIsMember store key
+ if inCache then return True else doesFileExist path
+ where
+ key = hash identifier
+ path = storeDirectory store </> key
+-- | Delete an item
+delete :: Store -> [String] -> IO ()
+delete store identifier = do
+ cacheDelete store key
+ deleteFile $ storeDirectory store </> key
+ where
+ key = hash identifier
+-- | Delete a file unless it doesn't exist...
+deleteFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
+deleteFile = handle (\(_ :: IOException) -> return ()) . removeFile
+-- | Mostly meant for internal usage
+hash :: [String] -> String
+hash = concatMap (printf "%02x") . B.unpack .
+ MD5.hash . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack . intercalate "/"
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/UnixFilter.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/UnixFilter.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..734d8d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/UnixFilter.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+-- | A Compiler that supports unix filters.
+module Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter
+ ( unixFilter
+ , unixFilterLBS
+ ) where
+import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
+import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq)
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
+import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
+import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
+import System.IO (Handle, hClose, hFlush, hGetContents,
+ hPutStr, hSetEncoding, localeEncoding)
+import System.Process
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+-- | Use a unix filter as compiler. For example, we could use the 'rev' program
+-- as a compiler.
+-- > rev :: Compiler (Item String)
+-- > rev = getResourceString >>= withItemBody (unixFilter "rev" [])
+-- A more realistic example: one can use this to call, for example, the sass
+-- compiler on CSS files. More information about sass can be found here:
+-- <>
+-- The code is fairly straightforward, given that we use @.scss@ for sass:
+-- > match "style.scss" $ do
+-- > route $ setExtension "css"
+-- > compile $ getResourceString >>=
+-- > withItemBody (unixFilter "sass" ["-s", "--scss"]) >>=
+-- > return . fmap compressCss
+unixFilter :: String -- ^ Program name
+ -> [String] -- ^ Program args
+ -> String -- ^ Program input
+ -> Compiler String -- ^ Program output
+unixFilter = unixFilterWith writer reader
+ where
+ writer handle input = do
+ hSetEncoding handle localeEncoding
+ hPutStr handle input
+ reader handle = do
+ hSetEncoding handle localeEncoding
+ out <- hGetContents handle
+ deepseq out (return out)
+-- | Variant of 'unixFilter' that should be used for binary files
+-- > match "music.wav" $ do
+-- > route $ setExtension "ogg"
+-- > compile $ getResourceLBS >>= withItemBody (unixFilterLBS "oggenc" ["-"])
+unixFilterLBS :: String -- ^ Program name
+ -> [String] -- ^ Program args
+ -> ByteString -- ^ Program input
+ -> Compiler ByteString -- ^ Program output
+unixFilterLBS = unixFilterWith LB.hPutStr $ \handle -> do
+ out <- LB.hGetContents handle
+ LB.length out `seq` return out
+-- | Overloaded compiler
+unixFilterWith :: Monoid o
+ => (Handle -> i -> IO ()) -- ^ Writer
+ -> (Handle -> IO o) -- ^ Reader
+ -> String -- ^ Program name
+ -> [String] -- ^ Program args
+ -> i -- ^ Program input
+ -> Compiler o -- ^ Program output
+unixFilterWith writer reader programName args input = do
+ debugCompiler ("Executing external program " ++ programName)
+ (output, err, exitCode) <- unsafeCompiler $
+ unixFilterIO writer reader programName args input
+ forM_ (lines err) debugCompiler
+ case exitCode of
+ ExitSuccess -> return output
+ ExitFailure e -> fail $
+ "Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter.unixFilterWith: " ++
+ unwords (programName : args) ++ " gave exit code " ++ show e
+-- | Internally used function
+unixFilterIO :: Monoid o
+ => (Handle -> i -> IO ())
+ -> (Handle -> IO o)
+ -> String
+ -> [String]
+ -> i
+ -> IO (o, String, ExitCode)
+unixFilterIO writer reader programName args input = do
+ -- The problem on Windows is that `proc` is unable to execute
+ -- batch stubs (eg. anything created using 'gem install ...') even if its in
+ -- `$PATH`. A solution to this issue is to execute the batch file explicitly
+ -- using `cmd /c batchfile` but there is no rational way to know where said
+ -- batchfile is on the system. Hence, we detect windows using the
+ -- CPP and instead of using `proc` to create the process, use `shell`
+ -- which will be able to execute everything `proc` can
+ -- as well as batch files.
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ let pr = shell $ unwords (programName : args)
+ let pr = proc programName args
+ (Just inh, Just outh, Just errh, pid) <-
+ createProcess pr
+ { std_in = CreatePipe
+ , std_out = CreatePipe
+ , std_err = CreatePipe
+ }
+ -- Create boxes
+ lock <- newEmptyMVar
+ outRef <- newIORef mempty
+ errRef <- newIORef ""
+ -- Write the input to the child pipe
+ _ <- forkIO $ writer inh input >> hFlush inh >> hClose inh
+ -- Read from stdout
+ _ <- forkIO $ do
+ out <- reader outh
+ hClose outh
+ writeIORef outRef out
+ putMVar lock ()
+ -- Read from stderr
+ _ <- forkIO $ do
+ hSetEncoding errh localeEncoding
+ err <- hGetContents errh
+ _ <- deepseq err (return err)
+ hClose errh
+ writeIORef errRef err
+ putMVar lock ()
+ -- Get exit code & return
+ takeMVar lock
+ takeMVar lock
+ exitCode <- waitForProcess pid
+ out <- readIORef outRef
+ err <- readIORef errRef
+ return (out, err, exitCode)
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Util/File.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Util/File.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9db6b11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Util/File.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+-- | A module containing various file utility functions
+module Hakyll.Core.Util.File
+ ( makeDirectories
+ , getRecursiveContents
+ , removeDirectory
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (filterM, forM, when)
+import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing,
+ doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents,
+ removeDirectoryRecursive)
+import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, (</>))
+-- | Given a path to a file, try to make the path writable by making
+-- all directories on the path.
+makeDirectories :: FilePath -> IO ()
+makeDirectories = createDirectoryIfMissing True . takeDirectory
+-- | Get all contents of a directory.
+getRecursiveContents :: (FilePath -> IO Bool) -- ^ Ignore this file/directory
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Directory to search
+ -> IO [FilePath] -- ^ List of files found
+getRecursiveContents ignore top = go ""
+ where
+ isProper x
+ | x `elem` [".", ".."] = return False
+ | otherwise = not <$> ignore x
+ go dir = do
+ dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist (top </> dir)
+ if not dirExists
+ then return []
+ else do
+ names <- filterM isProper =<< getDirectoryContents (top </> dir)
+ paths <- forM names $ \name -> do
+ let rel = dir </> name
+ isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist (top </> rel)
+ if isDirectory
+ then go rel
+ else return [rel]
+ return $ concat paths
+removeDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
+removeDirectory fp = do
+ e <- doesDirectoryExist fp
+ when e $ removeDirectoryRecursive fp
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Util/Parser.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Util/Parser.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b2f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Util/Parser.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+-- | Parser utilities
+module Hakyll.Core.Util.Parser
+ ( metadataKey
+ , reservedKeys
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+import Control.Monad (guard, mzero, void)
+import qualified Text.Parsec as P
+import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
+metadataKey :: Parser String
+metadataKey = do
+ -- Ensure trailing '-' binds to '$' if present.
+ let hyphon = P.try $ do
+ void $ P.char '-'
+ x <- P.lookAhead P.anyChar
+ guard $ x /= '$'
+ pure '-'
+ i <- (:) <$> P.letter <*> P.many (P.alphaNum <|> P.oneOf "_." <|> hyphon)
+ if i `elem` reservedKeys then mzero else return i
+reservedKeys :: [String]
+reservedKeys = ["if", "else", "endif", "for", "sep", "endfor", "partial"]
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Util/String.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Util/String.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23bdd39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Util/String.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+-- | Miscellaneous string manipulation functions.
+module Hakyll.Core.Util.String
+ ( trim
+ , replaceAll
+ , splitAll
+ , needlePrefix
+ ) where
+import Data.Char (isSpace)
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
+import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~~))
+-- | Trim a string (drop spaces, tabs and newlines at both sides).
+trim :: String -> String
+trim = reverse . trim' . reverse . trim'
+ where
+ trim' = dropWhile isSpace
+-- | A simple (but inefficient) regex replace funcion
+replaceAll :: String -- ^ Pattern
+ -> (String -> String) -- ^ Replacement (called on capture)
+ -> String -- ^ Source string
+ -> String -- ^ Result
+replaceAll pattern f source = replaceAll' source
+ where
+ replaceAll' src = case listToMaybe (src =~~ pattern) of
+ Nothing -> src
+ Just (o, l) ->
+ let (before, tmp) = splitAt o src
+ (capture, after) = splitAt l tmp
+ in before ++ f capture ++ replaceAll' after
+-- | A simple regex split function. The resulting list will contain no empty
+-- strings.
+splitAll :: String -- ^ Pattern
+ -> String -- ^ String to split
+ -> [String] -- ^ Result
+splitAll pattern = filter (not . null) . splitAll'
+ where
+ splitAll' src = case listToMaybe (src =~~ pattern) of
+ Nothing -> [src]
+ Just (o, l) ->
+ let (before, tmp) = splitAt o src
+ in before : splitAll' (drop l tmp)
+-- | Find the first instance of needle (must be non-empty) in haystack. We
+-- return the prefix of haystack before needle is matched.
+-- Examples:
+-- > needlePrefix "cd" "abcde" = "ab"
+-- > needlePrefix "ab" "abc" = ""
+-- > needlePrefix "ab" "xxab" = "xx"
+-- > needlePrefix "a" "xx" = "xx"
+needlePrefix :: String -> String -> Maybe String
+needlePrefix needle haystack = go [] haystack
+ where
+ go _ [] = Nothing
+ go acc xss@(x:xs)
+ | needle `isPrefixOf` xss = Just $ reverse acc
+ | otherwise = go (x : acc) xs
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Core/Writable.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Writable.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cad6cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Core/Writable.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+-- | Describes writable items; items that can be saved to the disk
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+module Hakyll.Core.Writable
+ ( Writable (..)
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.ByteString as SB
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
+import Data.Word (Word8)
+import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
+import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+-- | Describes an item that can be saved to the disk
+class Writable a where
+ -- | Save an item to the given filepath
+ write :: FilePath -> Item a -> IO ()
+instance Writable () where
+ write _ _ = return ()
+instance Writable [Char] where
+ write p = writeFile p . itemBody
+instance Writable SB.ByteString where
+ write p = SB.writeFile p . itemBody
+instance Writable LB.ByteString where
+ write p = LB.writeFile p . itemBody
+instance Writable [Word8] where
+ write p = write p . fmap SB.pack
+instance Writable Html where
+ write p = write p . fmap renderHtml
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Main.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c645f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+-- | Module providing the main hakyll function and command-line argument parsing
+module Hakyll.Main
+ ( hakyll
+ , hakyllWith
+ , hakyllWithArgs
+ , hakyllWithExitCode
+ ) where
+import System.Environment (getProgName)
+import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitSuccess), exitWith)
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+import Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import qualified Options.Applicative as OA
+import qualified Hakyll.Check as Check
+import qualified Hakyll.Commands as Commands
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Configuration as Config
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Logger as Logger
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules
+-- | This usually is the function with which the user runs the hakyll compiler
+hakyll :: Rules a -> IO ()
+hakyll = hakyllWith Config.defaultConfiguration
+-- | A variant of 'hakyll' which allows the user to specify a custom
+-- configuration
+hakyllWith :: Config.Configuration -> Rules a -> IO ()
+hakyllWith conf rules = hakyllWithExitCode conf rules >>= exitWith
+-- | A variant of 'hakyll' which returns an 'ExitCode'
+hakyllWithExitCode :: Config.Configuration -> Rules a -> IO ExitCode
+hakyllWithExitCode conf rules = do
+ args <- defaultParser conf
+ hakyllWithExitCodeAndArgs conf args rules
+-- | A variant of 'hakyll' which expects a 'Configuration' and command-line
+-- 'Options'. This gives freedom to implement your own parsing.
+hakyllWithArgs :: Config.Configuration -> Options -> Rules a -> IO ()
+hakyllWithArgs conf args rules =
+ hakyllWithExitCodeAndArgs conf args rules >>= exitWith
+hakyllWithExitCodeAndArgs :: Config.Configuration ->
+ Options -> Rules a -> IO ExitCode
+hakyllWithExitCodeAndArgs conf args rules = do
+ let args' = optCommand args
+ verbosity' = if verbosity args then Logger.Debug else Logger.Message
+ check =
+ if internal_links args' then Check.InternalLinks else Check.All
+ logger <- verbosity'
+ invokeCommands args' conf check logger rules
+defaultParser :: Config.Configuration -> IO Options
+defaultParser conf =
+ OA.customExecParser (OA.prefs OA.showHelpOnError)
+ ( (OA.helper <*> optionParser conf)
+ (OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc
+ (progName ++ " - Static site compiler created with Hakyll")))
+invokeCommands :: Command -> Config.Configuration ->
+ Check.Check -> Logger.Logger -> Rules a -> IO ExitCode
+invokeCommands args conf check logger rules =
+ case args of
+ Build -> conf logger rules
+ Check _ -> Commands.check conf logger check >> ok
+ Clean -> Commands.clean conf logger >> ok
+ Deploy -> Commands.deploy conf
+ Preview p -> Commands.preview conf logger rules p >> ok
+ Rebuild -> Commands.rebuild conf logger rules
+ Server _ _ -> Commands.server conf logger (host args) (port args) >> ok
+ Watch _ p s -> conf logger (host args) p (not s) rules >> ok
+ where
+ ok = return ExitSuccess
+data Options = Options {verbosity :: Bool, optCommand :: Command}
+ deriving (Show)
+data Command
+ = Build
+ | Check {internal_links :: Bool}
+ | Clean
+ | Deploy
+ | Preview {port :: Int}
+ | Rebuild
+ | Server {host :: String, port :: Int}
+ | Watch {host :: String, port :: Int, no_server :: Bool }
+ deriving (Show)
+optionParser :: Config.Configuration -> OA.Parser Options
+optionParser conf = Options <$> verboseParser <*> commandParser conf
+ where
+ verboseParser = OA.switch (OA.long "verbose" <> OA.short 'v' <> "Run in verbose mode")
+commandParser :: Config.Configuration -> OA.Parser Command
+commandParser conf = OA.subparser $ foldr ((<>) . produceCommand) mempty commands
+ where
+ portParser = OA.option (OA.long "port" <> "Port to listen on" <> OA.value (Config.previewPort conf))
+ hostParser = OA.strOption (OA.long "host" <> "Host to bind on" <> OA.value (Config.previewHost conf))
+ produceCommand (c,a,b) = OA.command c ( (OA.helper <*> a) (b))
+ commands =
+ [ ( "build"
+ , pure Build
+ , OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc "Generate the site"
+ )
+ , ( "check"
+ , pure Check <*> OA.switch (OA.long "internal-links" <> "Check internal links only")
+ , OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc "Validate the site output"
+ )
+ , ( "clean"
+ , pure Clean
+ , OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc "Clean up and remove cache"
+ )
+ , ( "deploy"
+ , pure Deploy
+ , OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc "Upload/deploy your site"
+ )
+ , ( "preview"
+ , pure Preview <*> portParser
+ , OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc "[DEPRECATED] Please use the watch command"
+ )
+ , ( "rebuild"
+ , pure Rebuild
+ , OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc "Clean and build again"
+ )
+ , ( "server"
+ , pure Server <*> hostParser <*> portParser
+ , OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc "Start a preview server"
+ )
+ , ( "watch"
+ , pure Watch <*> hostParser <*> portParser <*> OA.switch (OA.long "no-server" <> "Disable the built-in web server")
+ , OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc "Autocompile on changes and start a preview server. You can watch and recompile without running a server with --no-server."
+ )
+ ]
+-- | This is necessary because not everyone calls their program the same...
+progName :: String
+progName = unsafePerformIO getProgName
+{-# NOINLINE progName #-}
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Preview/Poll.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Preview/Poll.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e197d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Preview/Poll.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+module Hakyll.Preview.Poll
+ ( watchUpdates
+ ) where
+import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, takeMVar,
+ tryPutMVar)
+import Control.Exception (AsyncException, fromException,
+ handle, throw)
+import Control.Monad (forever, void, when)
+import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
+import System.FilePath (pathSeparators)
+import System.FSNotify (Event (..), startManager,
+ watchTree)
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
+import Control.Exception (IOException, throw, try)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+import System.Exit (exitFailure)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
+import System.IO (Handle, IOMode (ReadMode),
+ hClose, openFile)
+import System.IO.Error (isPermissionError)
+import Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+-- | A thread that watches for updates in a 'providerDirectory' and recompiles
+-- a site as soon as any changes occur
+watchUpdates :: Configuration -> IO Pattern -> IO ()
+watchUpdates conf update = do
+ let providerDir = providerDirectory conf
+ shouldBuild <- newEmptyMVar
+ pattern <- update
+ fullProviderDir <- canonicalizePath $ providerDirectory conf
+ manager <- startManager
+ let allowed event = do
+ -- Absolute path of the changed file. This must be inside provider
+ -- dir, since that's the only dir we're watching.
+ let path = eventPath event
+ relative = dropWhile (`elem` pathSeparators) $
+ drop (length fullProviderDir) path
+ identifier = fromFilePath relative
+ shouldIgnore <- shouldIgnoreFile conf path
+ return $ not shouldIgnore && matches pattern identifier
+ -- This thread continually watches the `shouldBuild` MVar and builds
+ -- whenever a value is present.
+ _ <- forkIO $ forever $ do
+ event <- takeMVar shouldBuild
+ handle
+ (\e -> case fromException e of
+ Nothing -> putStrLn (show e)
+ Just async -> throw (async :: AsyncException))
+ (update' event providerDir)
+ -- Send an event whenever something occurs so that the thread described
+ -- above will do a build.
+ void $ watchTree manager providerDir (not . isRemove) $ \event -> do
+ allowed' <- allowed event
+ when allowed' $ void $ tryPutMVar shouldBuild event
+ where
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ update' _ _ = void update
+ update' event provider = do
+ let path = provider </> eventPath event
+ -- on windows, a 'Modified' event is also sent on file deletion
+ fileExists <- doesFileExist path
+ when fileExists . void $ waitOpen path ReadMode (\_ -> update) 10
+ -- continuously attempts to open the file in between sleep intervals
+ -- handler is run only once it is able to open the file
+ waitOpen :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO r) -> Integer -> IO r
+ waitOpen _ _ _ 0 = do
+ putStrLn "[ERROR] Failed to retrieve modified file for regeneration"
+ exitFailure
+ waitOpen path mode handler retries = do
+ res <- try $ openFile path mode :: IO (Either IOException Handle)
+ case res of
+ Left ex -> if isPermissionError ex
+ then do
+ threadDelay 100000
+ waitOpen path mode handler (retries - 1)
+ else throw ex
+ Right h -> do
+ handled <- handler h
+ hClose h
+ return handled
+eventPath :: Event -> FilePath
+eventPath evt = evtPath evt
+ where
+ evtPath (Added p _) = p
+ evtPath (Modified p _) = p
+ evtPath (Removed p _) = p
+isRemove :: Event -> Bool
+isRemove (Removed _ _) = True
+isRemove _ = False
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Preview/Server.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Preview/Server.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a84016a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Preview/Server.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+-- | Implements a basic static file server for previewing options
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hakyll.Preview.Server
+ ( staticServer
+ ) where
+import Data.String
+import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
+import qualified Network.Wai.Application.Static as Static
+import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
+import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status)
+import Hakyll.Core.Logger (Logger)
+import qualified Hakyll.Core.Logger as Logger
+staticServer :: Logger -- ^ Logger
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Directory to serve
+ -> String -- ^ Host to bind on
+ -> Int -- ^ Port to listen on
+ -> IO () -- ^ Blocks forever
+staticServer logger directory host port = do
+ Logger.header logger $ "Listening on http://" ++ host ++ ":" ++ show port
+ Warp.runSettings warpSettings $
+ Static.staticApp (Static.defaultFileServerSettings directory)
+ where
+ warpSettings = Warp.setLogger noLog
+ $ Warp.setHost (fromString host)
+ $ Warp.setPort port Warp.defaultSettings
+noLog :: Wai.Request -> Status -> Maybe Integer -> IO ()
+noLog _ _ _ = return ()
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/CompressCss.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/CompressCss.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f61534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/CompressCss.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+-- | Module used for CSS compression. The compression is currently in a simple
+-- state, but would typically reduce the number of bytes by about 25%.
+module Hakyll.Web.CompressCss
+ ( compressCssCompiler
+ , compressCss
+ ) where
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+-- | Compiler form of 'compressCss'
+compressCssCompiler :: Compiler (Item String)
+compressCssCompiler = fmap compressCss <$> getResourceString
+-- | Compress CSS to speed up your site.
+compressCss :: String -> String
+compressCss = compressSeparators . stripComments . compressWhitespace
+-- | Compresses certain forms of separators.
+compressSeparators :: String -> String
+compressSeparators [] = []
+compressSeparators str
+ | isConstant = head str : retainConstants compressSeparators (head str) (drop 1 str)
+ | stripFirst = compressSeparators (drop 1 str)
+ | stripSecond = compressSeparators (head str : (drop 2 str))
+ | otherwise = head str : compressSeparators (drop 1 str)
+ where
+ isConstant = or $ map (isOfPrefix str) ["\"", "'"]
+ stripFirst = or $ map (isOfPrefix str) $ [";;", ";}"] ++ (map (\c -> " " ++ c) separators)
+ stripSecond = or $ map (isOfPrefix str) $ map (\c -> c ++ " ") separators
+ separators = [" ", "{", "}", ":", ";", ",", ">", "+", "!"]
+-- | Compresses all whitespace.
+compressWhitespace :: String -> String
+compressWhitespace [] = []
+compressWhitespace str
+ | isConstant = head str : retainConstants compressWhitespace (head str) (drop 1 str)
+ | replaceOne = compressWhitespace (' ' : (drop 1 str))
+ | replaceTwo = compressWhitespace (' ' : (drop 2 str))
+ | otherwise = head str : compressWhitespace (drop 1 str)
+ where
+ isConstant = or $ map (isOfPrefix str) ["\"", "'"]
+ replaceOne = or $ map (isOfPrefix str) ["\t", "\n", "\r"]
+ replaceTwo = or $ map (isOfPrefix str) [" \t", " \n", " \r", " "]
+-- | Function that strips CSS comments away.
+stripComments :: String -> String
+stripComments [] = []
+stripComments str
+ | isConstant = head str : retainConstants stripComments (head str) (drop 1 str)
+ | isPrefixOf "/*" str = stripComments $ eatComments $ drop 2 str
+ | otherwise = head str : stripComments (drop 1 str)
+ where
+ isConstant = or $ map (isOfPrefix str) ["\"", "'"]
+ eatComments str'
+ | null str' = []
+ | isPrefixOf "*/" str' = drop 2 str'
+ | otherwise = eatComments $ drop 1 str'
+-- | Helper function to handle string constants correctly.
+retainConstants :: (String -> String) -> Char -> String -> String
+retainConstants f delim str
+ | null str = []
+ | isPrefixOf [delim] str = head str : f (drop 1 str)
+ | otherwise = head str : retainConstants f delim (drop 1 str)
+-- | Helper function to determine whether a string is a substring.
+isOfPrefix :: String -> String -> Bool
+isOfPrefix = flip isPrefixOf
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Feed.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Feed.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c6fa76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Feed.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+-- | A Module that allows easy rendering of RSS feeds.
+-- The main rendering functions (@renderRss@, @renderAtom@) all assume that
+-- you pass the list of items so that the most recent entry in the feed is the
+-- first item in the list.
+-- Also note that the context should have (at least) the following fields to
+-- produce a correct feed:
+-- - @$title$@: Title of the item
+-- - @$description$@: Description to appear in the feed
+-- - @$url$@: URL to the item - this is usually set automatically.
+-- In addition, the posts should be named according to the rules for
+-- 'Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.dateField'
+module Hakyll.Web.Feed
+ ( FeedConfiguration (..)
+ , renderRss
+ , renderAtom
+ ) where
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.String (replaceAll)
+import Hakyll.Web.Template
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.List
+import Paths_hakyll
+-- | This is a data structure to keep the configuration of a feed.
+data FeedConfiguration = FeedConfiguration
+ { -- | Title of the feed.
+ feedTitle :: String
+ , -- | Description of the feed.
+ feedDescription :: String
+ , -- | Name of the feed author.
+ feedAuthorName :: String
+ , -- | Email of the feed author.
+ feedAuthorEmail :: String
+ , -- | Absolute root URL of the feed site (e.g. @
+ feedRoot :: String
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | Abstract function to render any feed.
+renderFeed :: FilePath -- ^ Feed template
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Item template
+ -> FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration
+ -> Context String -- ^ Context for the items
+ -> [Item String] -- ^ Input items
+ -> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
+renderFeed feedPath itemPath config itemContext items = do
+ feedTpl <- loadTemplate feedPath
+ itemTpl <- loadTemplate itemPath
+ protectedItems <- mapM (applyFilter protectCDATA) items
+ body <- makeItem =<< applyTemplateList itemTpl itemContext' protectedItems
+ applyTemplate feedTpl feedContext body
+ where
+ applyFilter :: (Monad m,Functor f) => (String -> String) -> f String -> m (f String)
+ applyFilter tr str = return $ fmap tr str
+ protectCDATA :: String -> String
+ protectCDATA = replaceAll "]]>" (const "]]&gt;")
+ -- Auxiliary: load a template from a datafile
+ loadTemplate path = do
+ file <- compilerUnsafeIO $ getDataFileName path
+ unsafeReadTemplateFile file
+ itemContext' = mconcat
+ [ itemContext
+ , constField "root" (feedRoot config)
+ , constField "authorName" (feedAuthorName config)
+ , constField "authorEmail" (feedAuthorEmail config)
+ ]
+ feedContext = mconcat
+ [ bodyField "body"
+ , constField "title" (feedTitle config)
+ , constField "description" (feedDescription config)
+ , constField "authorName" (feedAuthorName config)
+ , constField "authorEmail" (feedAuthorEmail config)
+ , constField "root" (feedRoot config)
+ , urlField "url"
+ , updatedField
+ , missingField
+ ]
+ -- Take the first "updated" field from all items -- this should be the most
+ -- recent.
+ updatedField = field "updated" $ \_ -> case items of
+ [] -> return "Unknown"
+ (x : _) -> unContext itemContext' "updated" [] x >>= \cf -> case cf of
+ ListField _ _ -> fail "Hakyll.Web.Feed.renderFeed: Internal error"
+ StringField s -> return s
+-- | Render an RSS feed with a number of items.
+renderRss :: FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration
+ -> Context String -- ^ Item context
+ -> [Item String] -- ^ Feed items
+ -> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting feed
+renderRss config context = renderFeed
+ "templates/rss.xml" "templates/rss-item.xml" config
+ (makeItemContext "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UT" context)
+-- | Render an Atom feed with a number of items.
+renderAtom :: FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration
+ -> Context String -- ^ Item context
+ -> [Item String] -- ^ Feed items
+ -> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting feed
+renderAtom config context = renderFeed
+ "templates/atom.xml" "templates/atom-item.xml" config
+ (makeItemContext "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" context)
+-- | Copies @$updated$@ from @$published$@ if it is not already set.
+makeItemContext :: String -> Context a -> Context a
+makeItemContext fmt context = mconcat
+ [dateField "published" fmt, context, dateField "updated" fmt]
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Html.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Html.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b7ec88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Html.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+-- | Provides utilities to manipulate HTML pages
+module Hakyll.Web.Html
+ ( -- * Generic
+ withTags
+ -- * Headers
+ , demoteHeaders
+ -- * Url manipulation
+ , getUrls
+ , withUrls
+ , toUrl
+ , toSiteRoot
+ , isExternal
+ -- * Stripping/escaping
+ , stripTags
+ , escapeHtml
+ ) where
+import Data.Char (digitToInt, intToDigit,
+ isDigit, toLower)
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import System.FilePath.Posix (joinPath, splitPath,
+ takeDirectory)
+import Text.Blaze.Html (toHtml)
+import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
+import qualified Text.HTML.TagSoup as TS
+import Network.URI (isUnreserved, escapeURIString)
+-- | Map over all tags in the document
+withTags :: (TS.Tag String -> TS.Tag String) -> String -> String
+withTags f = renderTags' . map f . parseTags'
+-- | Map every @h1@ to an @h2@, @h2@ to @h3@, etc.
+demoteHeaders :: String -> String
+demoteHeaders = withTags $ \tag -> case tag of
+ TS.TagOpen t a -> TS.TagOpen (demote t) a
+ TS.TagClose t -> TS.TagClose (demote t)
+ t -> t
+ where
+ demote t@['h', n]
+ | isDigit n = ['h', intToDigit (min 6 $ digitToInt n + 1)]
+ | otherwise = t
+ demote t = t
+isUrlAttribute :: String -> Bool
+isUrlAttribute = (`elem` ["src", "href", "data", "poster"])
+getUrls :: [TS.Tag String] -> [String]
+getUrls tags = [v | TS.TagOpen _ as <- tags, (k, v) <- as, isUrlAttribute k]
+-- | Apply a function to each URL on a webpage
+withUrls :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
+withUrls f = withTags tag
+ where
+ tag (TS.TagOpen s a) = TS.TagOpen s $ map attr a
+ tag x = x
+ attr (k, v) = (k, if isUrlAttribute k then f v else v)
+-- | Customized TagSoup renderer. The default TagSoup renderer escape CSS
+-- within style tags, and doesn't properly minimize.
+renderTags' :: [TS.Tag String] -> String
+renderTags' = TS.renderTagsOptions TS.RenderOptions
+ { TS.optRawTag = (`elem` ["script", "style"]) . map toLower
+ , TS.optMinimize = (`S.member` minimize) . map toLower
+ , TS.optEscape = id
+ }
+ where
+ -- A list of elements which must be minimized
+ minimize = S.fromList
+ [ "area", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "meta", "link"
+ , "param"
+ ]
+-- | Customized TagSoup parser: do not decode any entities.
+parseTags' :: String -> [TS.Tag String]
+parseTags' = TS.parseTagsOptions (TS.parseOptions :: TS.ParseOptions String)
+ { TS.optEntityData = \(str, b) -> [TS.TagText $ "&" ++ str ++ [';' | b]]
+ , TS.optEntityAttrib = \(str, b) -> ("&" ++ str ++ [';' | b], [])
+ }
+-- | Convert a filepath to an URL starting from the site root
+-- Example:
+-- > toUrl "foo/bar.html"
+-- Result:
+-- > "/foo/bar.html"
+-- This also sanitizes the URL, e.g. converting spaces into '%20'
+toUrl :: FilePath -> String
+toUrl url = case url of
+ ('/' : xs) -> '/' : sanitize xs
+ xs -> '/' : sanitize xs
+ where
+ -- Everything but unreserved characters should be escaped as we are
+ -- sanitising the path therefore reserved characters which have a
+ -- meaning in URI does not appear. Special casing for `/`, because it has
+ -- a special meaning in FilePath as well as in URI.
+ sanitize = escapeURIString (\c -> c == '/' || isUnreserved c)
+-- | Get the relative url to the site root, for a given (absolute) url
+toSiteRoot :: String -> String
+toSiteRoot = emptyException . joinPath . map parent
+ . filter relevant . splitPath . takeDirectory
+ where
+ parent = const ".."
+ emptyException [] = "."
+ emptyException x = x
+ relevant "." = False
+ relevant "/" = False
+ relevant "./" = False
+ relevant _ = True
+-- | Check if an URL links to an external HTTP(S) source
+isExternal :: String -> Bool
+isExternal url = any (flip isPrefixOf url) ["http://", "https://", "//"]
+-- | Strip all HTML tags from a string
+-- Example:
+-- > stripTags "<p>foo</p>"
+-- Result:
+-- > "foo"
+-- This also works for incomplete tags
+-- Example:
+-- > stripTags "<p>foo</p"
+-- Result:
+-- > "foo"
+stripTags :: String -> String
+stripTags [] = []
+stripTags ('<' : xs) = stripTags $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '>') xs
+stripTags (x : xs) = x : stripTags xs
+-- | HTML-escape a string
+-- Example:
+-- > escapeHtml "Me & Dean"
+-- Result:
+-- > "Me &amp; Dean"
+escapeHtml :: String -> String
+escapeHtml = renderHtml . toHtml
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Html/RelativizeUrls.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Html/RelativizeUrls.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b0c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Html/RelativizeUrls.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+-- | This module exposes a function which can relativize URL's on a webpage.
+-- This means that one can deploy the resulting site on
+-- @http:\/\/\/@, but also on @http:\/\/\/some-folder\/@
+-- without having to change anything (simply copy over the files).
+-- To use it, you should use absolute URL's from the site root everywhere. For
+-- example, use
+-- > <img src="/images/lolcat.png" alt="Funny zomgroflcopter" />
+-- in a blogpost. When running this through the relativize URL's module, this
+-- will result in (suppose your blogpost is located at @\/posts\/foo.html@:
+-- > <img src="../images/lolcat.png" alt="Funny zomgroflcopter" />
+module Hakyll.Web.Html.RelativizeUrls
+ ( relativizeUrls
+ , relativizeUrlsWith
+ ) where
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Web.Html
+-- | Compiler form of 'relativizeUrls' which automatically picks the right root
+-- path
+relativizeUrls :: Item String -> Compiler (Item String)
+relativizeUrls item = do
+ route <- getRoute $ itemIdentifier item
+ return $ case route of
+ Nothing -> item
+ Just r -> fmap (relativizeUrlsWith $ toSiteRoot r) item
+-- | Relativize URL's in HTML
+relativizeUrlsWith :: String -- ^ Path to the site root
+ -> String -- ^ HTML to relativize
+ -> String -- ^ Resulting HTML
+relativizeUrlsWith root = withUrls rel
+ where
+ isRel x = "/" `isPrefixOf` x && not ("//" `isPrefixOf` x)
+ rel x = if isRel x then root ++ x else x
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Paginate.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Paginate.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd058f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Paginate.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Paginate
+ ( PageNumber
+ , Paginate (..)
+ , buildPaginateWith
+ , paginateEvery
+ , paginateRules
+ , paginateContext
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative (empty)
+import Control.Monad (forM_, forM)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules
+import Hakyll.Web.Html
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+type PageNumber = Int
+-- | Data about paginators
+data Paginate = Paginate
+ { paginateMap :: M.Map PageNumber [Identifier]
+ , paginateMakeId :: PageNumber -> Identifier
+ , paginateDependency :: Dependency
+ }
+paginateNumPages :: Paginate -> Int
+paginateNumPages = M.size . paginateMap
+paginateEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
+paginateEvery n = go
+ where
+ go [] = []
+ go xs = let (y, ys) = splitAt n xs in y : go ys
+ :: MonadMetadata m
+ => ([Identifier] -> m [[Identifier]]) -- ^ Group items into pages
+ -> Pattern -- ^ Select items to paginate
+ -> (PageNumber -> Identifier) -- ^ Identifiers for the pages
+ -> m Paginate
+buildPaginateWith grouper pattern makeId = do
+ ids <- getMatches pattern
+ idGroups <- grouper ids
+ let idsSet = S.fromList ids
+ return Paginate
+ { paginateMap = M.fromList (zip [1 ..] idGroups)
+ , paginateMakeId = makeId
+ , paginateDependency = PatternDependency pattern idsSet
+ }
+paginateRules :: Paginate -> (PageNumber -> Pattern -> Rules ()) -> Rules ()
+paginateRules paginator rules =
+ forM_ (M.toList $ paginateMap paginator) $ \(idx, identifiers) ->
+ rulesExtraDependencies [paginateDependency paginator] $
+ create [paginateMakeId paginator idx] $
+ rules idx $ fromList identifiers
+-- | Get the identifier for a certain page by passing in the page number.
+paginatePage :: Paginate -> PageNumber -> Maybe Identifier
+paginatePage pag pageNumber
+ | pageNumber < 1 = Nothing
+ | pageNumber > (paginateNumPages pag) = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ paginateMakeId pag pageNumber
+-- | A default paginate context which provides the following keys:
+-- * @firstPageNum@
+-- * @firstPageUrl@
+-- * @previousPageNum@
+-- * @previousPageUrl@
+-- * @nextPageNum@
+-- * @nextPageUrl@
+-- * @lastPageNum@
+-- * @lastPageUrl@
+-- * @currentPageNum@
+-- * @currentPageUrl@
+-- * @numPages@
+-- * @allPages@
+paginateContext :: Paginate -> PageNumber -> Context a
+paginateContext pag currentPage = mconcat
+ [ field "firstPageNum" $ \_ -> otherPage 1 >>= num
+ , field "firstPageUrl" $ \_ -> otherPage 1 >>= url
+ , field "previousPageNum" $ \_ -> otherPage (currentPage - 1) >>= num
+ , field "previousPageUrl" $ \_ -> otherPage (currentPage - 1) >>= url
+ , field "nextPageNum" $ \_ -> otherPage (currentPage + 1) >>= num
+ , field "nextPageUrl" $ \_ -> otherPage (currentPage + 1) >>= url
+ , field "lastPageNum" $ \_ -> otherPage lastPage >>= num
+ , field "lastPageUrl" $ \_ -> otherPage lastPage >>= url
+ , field "currentPageNum" $ \i -> thisPage i >>= num
+ , field "currentPageUrl" $ \i -> thisPage i >>= url
+ , constField "numPages" $ show $ paginateNumPages pag
+ , Context $ \k _ i -> case k of
+ "allPages" -> do
+ let ctx =
+ field "isCurrent" (\n -> if fst (itemBody n) == currentPage then return "true" else empty) `mappend`
+ field "num" (num . itemBody) `mappend`
+ field "url" (url . itemBody)
+ list <- forM [1 .. lastPage] $
+ \n -> if n == currentPage then thisPage i else otherPage n
+ items <- mapM makeItem list
+ return $ ListField ctx items
+ _ -> do
+ empty
+ ]
+ where
+ lastPage = paginateNumPages pag
+ thisPage i = return (currentPage, itemIdentifier i)
+ otherPage n
+ | n == currentPage = fail $ "This is the current page: " ++ show n
+ | otherwise = case paginatePage pag n of
+ Nothing -> fail $ "No such page: " ++ show n
+ Just i -> return (n, i)
+ num :: (Int, Identifier) -> Compiler String
+ num = return . show . fst
+ url :: (Int, Identifier) -> Compiler String
+ url (n, i) = getRoute i >>= \mbR -> case mbR of
+ Just r -> return $ toUrl r
+ Nothing -> fail $ "No URL for page: " ++ show n
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eec0a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+-- | Module exporting convenient pandoc bindings
+module Hakyll.Web.Pandoc
+ ( -- * The basic building blocks
+ readPandoc
+ , readPandocWith
+ , writePandoc
+ , writePandocWith
+ , renderPandoc
+ , renderPandocWith
+ -- * Derived compilers
+ , pandocCompiler
+ , pandocCompilerWith
+ , pandocCompilerWithTransform
+ , pandocCompilerWithTransformM
+ -- * Default options
+ , defaultHakyllReaderOptions
+ , defaultHakyllWriterOptions
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Text.Pandoc
+import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError (..))
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.FileType
+-- | Read a string using pandoc, with the default options
+ :: Item String -- ^ String to read
+ -> Compiler (Item Pandoc) -- ^ Resulting document
+readPandoc = readPandocWith defaultHakyllReaderOptions
+-- | Read a string using pandoc, with the supplied options
+ :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Parser options
+ -> Item String -- ^ String to read
+ -> Compiler (Item Pandoc) -- ^ Resulting document
+readPandocWith ropt item =
+ case traverse (reader ropt (itemFileType item)) item of
+ Left (ParseFailure err) -> fail $
+ "Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.readPandocWith: parse failed: " ++ err
+ Left (ParsecError _ err) -> fail $
+ "Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.readPandocWith: parse failed: " ++ show err
+ Right item' -> return item'
+ where
+ reader ro t = case t of
+ DocBook -> readDocBook ro
+ Html -> readHtml ro
+ LaTeX -> readLaTeX ro
+ LiterateHaskell t' -> reader (addExt ro Ext_literate_haskell) t'
+ Markdown -> readMarkdown ro
+ MediaWiki -> readMediaWiki ro
+ OrgMode -> readOrg ro
+ Rst -> readRST ro
+ Textile -> readTextile ro
+ _ -> error $
+ "Hakyll.Web.readPandocWith: I don't know how to read a file of " ++
+ "the type " ++ show t ++ " for: " ++ show (itemIdentifier item)
+ addExt ro e = ro {readerExtensions = S.insert e $ readerExtensions ro}
+-- | Write a document (as HTML) using pandoc, with the default options
+writePandoc :: Item Pandoc -- ^ Document to write
+ -> Item String -- ^ Resulting HTML
+writePandoc = writePandocWith defaultHakyllWriterOptions
+-- | Write a document (as HTML) using pandoc, with the supplied options
+writePandocWith :: WriterOptions -- ^ Writer options for pandoc
+ -> Item Pandoc -- ^ Document to write
+ -> Item String -- ^ Resulting HTML
+writePandocWith wopt = fmap $ writeHtmlString wopt
+-- | Render the resource using pandoc
+renderPandoc :: Item String -> Compiler (Item String)
+renderPandoc =
+ renderPandocWith defaultHakyllReaderOptions defaultHakyllWriterOptions
+-- | Render the resource using pandoc
+ :: ReaderOptions -> WriterOptions -> Item String -> Compiler (Item String)
+renderPandocWith ropt wopt item =
+ writePandocWith wopt <$> readPandocWith ropt item
+-- | Read a page render using pandoc
+pandocCompiler :: Compiler (Item String)
+pandocCompiler =
+ pandocCompilerWith defaultHakyllReaderOptions defaultHakyllWriterOptions
+-- | A version of 'pandocCompiler' which allows you to specify your own pandoc
+-- options
+pandocCompilerWith :: ReaderOptions -> WriterOptions -> Compiler (Item String)
+pandocCompilerWith ropt wopt =
+ cached "Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.pandocCompilerWith" $
+ pandocCompilerWithTransform ropt wopt id
+-- | An extension of 'pandocCompilerWith' which allows you to specify a custom
+-- pandoc transformation for the content
+pandocCompilerWithTransform :: ReaderOptions -> WriterOptions
+ -> (Pandoc -> Pandoc)
+ -> Compiler (Item String)
+pandocCompilerWithTransform ropt wopt f =
+ pandocCompilerWithTransformM ropt wopt (return . f)
+-- | Similar to 'pandocCompilerWithTransform', but the transformation
+-- function is monadic. This is useful when you want the pandoc
+-- transformation to use the 'Compiler' information such as routes,
+-- metadata, etc
+pandocCompilerWithTransformM :: ReaderOptions -> WriterOptions
+ -> (Pandoc -> Compiler Pandoc)
+ -> Compiler (Item String)
+pandocCompilerWithTransformM ropt wopt f =
+ writePandocWith wopt <$>
+ (traverse f =<< readPandocWith ropt =<< getResourceBody)
+-- | The default reader options for pandoc parsing in hakyll
+defaultHakyllReaderOptions :: ReaderOptions
+defaultHakyllReaderOptions = def
+ { -- The following option causes pandoc to read smart typography, a nice
+ -- and free bonus.
+ readerSmart = True
+ }
+-- | The default writer options for pandoc rendering in hakyll
+defaultHakyllWriterOptions :: WriterOptions
+defaultHakyllWriterOptions = def
+ { -- This option causes literate haskell to be written using '>' marks in
+ -- html, which I think is a good default.
+ writerExtensions = S.insert Ext_literate_haskell (writerExtensions def)
+ , -- We want to have hightlighting by default, to be compatible with earlier
+ -- Hakyll releases
+ writerHighlight = True
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc/Biblio.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc/Biblio.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfe6d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc/Biblio.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+-- | Wraps pandocs bibiliography handling
+-- In order to add a bibliography, you will need a bibliography file (e.g.
+-- @.bib@) and a CSL file (@.csl@). Both need to be compiled with their
+-- respective compilers ('biblioCompiler' and 'cslCompiler'). Then, you can
+-- refer to these files when you use 'readPandocBiblio'. This function also
+-- takes the reader options for completeness -- you can use
+-- 'defaultHakyllReaderOptions' if you're unsure.
+-- 'pandocBiblioCompiler' is a convenience wrapper which works like 'pandocCompiler',
+-- but also takes paths to compiled bibliography and csl files.
+{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Biblio
+ ( CSL
+ , cslCompiler
+ , Biblio (..)
+ , biblioCompiler
+ , readPandocBiblio
+ , pandocBiblioCompiler
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (liftM, replicateM)
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..))
+import Data.Default (def)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Writable
+import Hakyll.Web.Pandoc
+import Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Binary ()
+import qualified Text.CSL as CSL
+import Text.CSL.Pandoc (processCites)
+import Text.Pandoc (Pandoc, ReaderOptions (..))
+data CSL = CSL
+ deriving (Show, Typeable)
+instance Binary CSL where
+ put CSL = return ()
+ get = return CSL
+instance Writable CSL where
+ -- Shouldn't be written.
+ write _ _ = return ()
+cslCompiler :: Compiler (Item CSL)
+cslCompiler = makeItem CSL
+newtype Biblio = Biblio [CSL.Reference]
+ deriving (Show, Typeable)
+instance Binary Biblio where
+ -- Ugly.
+ get = do
+ len <- get
+ Biblio <$> replicateM len get
+ put (Biblio rs) = put (length rs) >> mapM_ put rs
+instance Writable Biblio where
+ -- Shouldn't be written.
+ write _ _ = return ()
+biblioCompiler :: Compiler (Item Biblio)
+biblioCompiler = do
+ filePath <- toFilePath <$> getUnderlying
+ makeItem =<< unsafeCompiler (Biblio <$> CSL.readBiblioFile filePath)
+readPandocBiblio :: ReaderOptions
+ -> Item CSL
+ -> Item Biblio
+ -> (Item String)
+ -> Compiler (Item Pandoc)
+readPandocBiblio ropt csl biblio item = do
+ -- Parse CSL file, if given
+ style <- unsafeCompiler $ CSL.readCSLFile Nothing . toFilePath . itemIdentifier $ csl
+ -- We need to know the citation keys, add then *before* actually parsing the
+ -- actual page. If we don't do this, pandoc won't even consider them
+ -- citations!
+ let Biblio refs = itemBody biblio
+ pandoc <- itemBody <$> readPandocWith ropt item
+ let pandoc' = processCites style refs pandoc
+ return $ fmap (const pandoc') item
+pandocBiblioCompiler :: String -> String -> Compiler (Item String)
+pandocBiblioCompiler cslFileName bibFileName = do
+ csl <- load $ fromFilePath cslFileName
+ bib <- load $ fromFilePath bibFileName
+ liftM writePandoc
+ (getResourceBody >>= readPandocBiblio def csl bib)
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc/Binary.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc/Binary.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c5b5a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc/Binary.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Binary where
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..))
+import qualified Text.CSL as CSL
+import qualified Text.CSL.Reference as REF
+import qualified Text.CSL.Style as STY
+import Text.Pandoc
+-- orphans
+instance Binary Alignment
+instance Binary Block
+instance Binary CSL.Reference
+instance Binary Citation
+instance Binary CitationMode
+instance Binary Format
+instance Binary Inline
+instance Binary ListNumberDelim
+instance Binary ListNumberStyle
+instance Binary MathType
+instance Binary QuoteType
+instance Binary REF.CLabel
+instance Binary REF.CNum
+instance Binary REF.Literal
+instance Binary REF.RefDate
+instance Binary REF.RefType
+instance Binary STY.Agent
+instance Binary STY.Formatted
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc/FileType.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc/FileType.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3636e41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Pandoc/FileType.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+-- | A module dealing with pandoc file extensions and associated file types
+module Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.FileType
+ ( FileType (..)
+ , fileType
+ , itemFileType
+ ) where
+import System.FilePath (splitExtension)
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+-- | Datatype to represent the different file types Hakyll can deal with by
+-- default
+data FileType
+ = Binary
+ | Css
+ | DocBook
+ | Html
+ | LaTeX
+ | LiterateHaskell FileType
+ | Markdown
+ | MediaWiki
+ | OrgMode
+ | PlainText
+ | Rst
+ | Textile
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
+-- | Get the file type for a certain file. The type is determined by extension.
+fileType :: FilePath -> FileType
+fileType = uncurry fileType' . splitExtension
+ where
+ fileType' _ ".css" = Css
+ fileType' _ ".dbk" = DocBook
+ fileType' _ ".htm" = Html
+ fileType' _ ".html" = Html
+ fileType' f ".lhs" = LiterateHaskell $ case fileType f of
+ -- If no extension is given, default to Markdown + LiterateHaskell
+ Binary -> Markdown
+ -- Otherwise, LaTeX + LiterateHaskell or whatever the user specified
+ x -> x
+ fileType' _ ".markdown" = Markdown
+ fileType' _ ".mediawiki" = MediaWiki
+ fileType' _ ".md" = Markdown
+ fileType' _ ".mdn" = Markdown
+ fileType' _ ".mdown" = Markdown
+ fileType' _ ".mdwn" = Markdown
+ fileType' _ ".mkd" = Markdown
+ fileType' _ ".mkdwn" = Markdown
+ fileType' _ ".org" = OrgMode
+ fileType' _ ".page" = Markdown
+ fileType' _ ".rst" = Rst
+ fileType' _ ".tex" = LaTeX
+ fileType' _ ".text" = PlainText
+ fileType' _ ".textile" = Textile
+ fileType' _ ".txt" = PlainText
+ fileType' _ ".wiki" = MediaWiki
+ fileType' _ _ = Binary -- Treat unknown files as binary
+-- | Get the file type for the current file
+itemFileType :: Item a -> FileType
+itemFileType = fileType . toFilePath . itemIdentifier
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Redirect.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Redirect.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4760cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Redirect.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+-- | Module used for generating HTML redirect pages. This allows renaming pages
+-- to avoid breaking existing links without requiring server-side support for
+-- formal 301 Redirect error codes
+module Hakyll.Web.Redirect
+ ( Redirect (..)
+ , createRedirects
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
+import Control.Monad (forM_)
+import Data.Binary (Binary (..))
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Routes
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules
+import Hakyll.Core.Writable (Writable (..))
+-- | This function exposes a higher-level interface compared to using the
+-- 'Redirect' type manually.
+-- This creates, using a database mapping broken URLs to working ones, HTML
+-- files which will do HTML META tag redirect pages (since, as a static site, we
+-- can't use web-server-level 301 redirects, and using JS is gross).
+-- This is useful for sending people using old URLs to renamed versions, dealing
+-- with common typos etc, and will increase site traffic. Such broken URLs can
+-- be found by looking at server logs or by using Google Webmaster Tools.
+-- Broken URLs must be valid Haskell strings, non-URL-escaped valid POSIX
+-- filenames, and relative links, since they will be defined in a @hakyll.hs@
+-- and during generation, written to disk with the filename corresponding to the
+-- broken URLs. (Target URLs can be absolute or relative, but should be
+-- URL-escaped.) So broken incoming links like <> which
+-- should be <> cannot be fixed (since you cannot
+-- create a HTML file named @"foo/"@ on disk, as that would be a directory).
+-- An example of a valid association list would be:
+-- > brokenLinks =
+-- > [ ("projects.html", "")
+-- > , ("/Black-market archive", "Black-market%20archives")
+-- > ]
+-- In which case the functionality can then be used in `main` with a line like:
+-- > version "redirects" $ createRedirects brokenLinks
+-- The 'version' is recommended to separate these items from your other pages.
+-- The on-disk files can then be uploaded with HTML mimetypes
+-- (either explicitly by generating and uploading them separately, by
+-- auto-detection of the filetype, or an upload tool defaulting to HTML
+-- mimetype, such as calling @s3cmd@ with @--default-mime-type=text/html@) and
+-- will redirect browsers and search engines going to the old/broken URLs.
+-- See also <>.
+createRedirects :: [(Identifier, String)] -> Rules ()
+createRedirects redirects =
+ forM_ redirects $ \(ident, to) ->
+ create [ident] $ do
+ route idRoute
+ compile $ makeItem $! Redirect to
+-- | This datatype can be used directly if you want a lower-level interface to
+-- generate redirects. For example, if you want to redirect @foo.html@ to
+-- @bar.jpg@, you can use:
+-- > create ["foo.html"] $ do
+-- > route idRoute
+-- > compile $ makeItem $ Redirect "bar.jpg"
+data Redirect = Redirect
+ { redirectTo :: String
+ } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+instance Binary Redirect where
+ put (Redirect to) = put to
+ get = Redirect <$> get
+instance Writable Redirect where
+ write path = write path . fmap redirectToHtml
+redirectToHtml :: Redirect -> String
+redirectToHtml (Redirect working) =
+ "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"/><meta name=\"generator\" content=\"hakyll\"/>" ++
+ "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=" ++ working ++
+ "\"><link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"" ++ working ++
+ "\"><title>Permanent Redirect</title></head><body><p>The page has moved to: <a href=\"" ++ working ++
+ "\">this page</a></p></body></html>"
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Tags.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Tags.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88119c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Tags.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+-- | This module containing some specialized functions to deal with tags. It
+-- assumes you follow some conventions.
+-- We support two types of tags: tags and categories.
+-- To use default tags, use 'buildTags'. Tags are placed in a comma-separated
+-- metadata field like this:
+-- > ---
+-- > author: Philip K. Dick
+-- > title: Do androids dream of electric sheep?
+-- > tags: future, science fiction, humanoid
+-- > ---
+-- > The novel is set in a post-apocalyptic near future, where the Earth and
+-- > its populations have been damaged greatly by Nuclear...
+-- To use categories, use the 'buildCategories' function. Categories are
+-- determined by the directory a page is in, for example, the post
+-- > posts/coding/2010-01-28-hakyll-categories.markdown
+-- will receive the @coding@ category.
+-- Advanced users may implement custom systems using 'buildTagsWith' if desired.
+-- In the above example, we would want to create a page which lists all pages in
+-- the @coding@ category, for example, with the 'Identifier':
+-- > tags/coding.html
+-- This is where the first parameter of 'buildTags' and 'buildCategories' comes
+-- in. In the above case, we used the function:
+-- > fromCapture "tags/*.html" :: String -> Identifier
+-- The 'tagsRules' function lets you generate such a page for each tag in the
+-- 'Rules' monad.
+{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Tags
+ ( Tags (..)
+ , getTags
+ , buildTagsWith
+ , buildTags
+ , buildCategories
+ , tagsRules
+ , renderTags
+ , renderTagCloud
+ , renderTagCloudWith
+ , tagCloudField
+ , tagCloudFieldWith
+ , renderTagList
+ , tagsField
+ , tagsFieldWith
+ , categoryField
+ , sortTagsBy
+ , caseInsensitiveTags
+ ) where
+import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
+import Control.Monad (foldM, forM, forM_, mplus)
+import Data.Char (toLower)
+import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse,
+ sortBy)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
+import Data.Ord (comparing)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeDirectory)
+import Text.Blaze.Html (toHtml, toValue, (!))
+import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
+import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as A
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Rules
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.String
+import Hakyll.Web.Html
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+-- | Data about tags
+data Tags = Tags
+ { tagsMap :: [(String, [Identifier])]
+ , tagsMakeId :: String -> Identifier
+ , tagsDependency :: Dependency
+ }
+-- | Obtain tags from a page in the default way: parse them from the @tags@
+-- metadata field. This can either be a list or a comma-separated string.
+getTags :: MonadMetadata m => Identifier -> m [String]
+getTags identifier = do
+ metadata <- getMetadata identifier
+ return $ fromMaybe [] $
+ (lookupStringList "tags" metadata) `mplus`
+ (map trim . splitAll "," <$> lookupString "tags" metadata)
+-- | Obtain categories from a page.
+getCategory :: MonadMetadata m => Identifier -> m [String]
+getCategory = return . return . takeBaseName . takeDirectory . toFilePath
+-- | Higher-order function to read tags
+buildTagsWith :: MonadMetadata m
+ => (Identifier -> m [String])
+ -> Pattern
+ -> (String -> Identifier)
+ -> m Tags
+buildTagsWith f pattern makeId = do
+ ids <- getMatches pattern
+ tagMap <- foldM addTags M.empty ids
+ let set' = S.fromList ids
+ return $ Tags (M.toList tagMap) makeId (PatternDependency pattern set')
+ where
+ -- Create a tag map for one page
+ addTags tagMap id' = do
+ tags <- f id'
+ let tagMap' = M.fromList $ zip tags $ repeat [id']
+ return $ M.unionWith (++) tagMap tagMap'
+buildTags :: MonadMetadata m => Pattern -> (String -> Identifier) -> m Tags
+buildTags = buildTagsWith getTags
+buildCategories :: MonadMetadata m => Pattern -> (String -> Identifier)
+ -> m Tags
+buildCategories = buildTagsWith getCategory
+tagsRules :: Tags -> (String -> Pattern -> Rules ()) -> Rules ()
+tagsRules tags rules =
+ forM_ (tagsMap tags) $ \(tag, identifiers) ->
+ rulesExtraDependencies [tagsDependency tags] $
+ create [tagsMakeId tags tag] $
+ rules tag $ fromList identifiers
+-- | Render tags in HTML (the flexible higher-order function)
+renderTags :: (String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String)
+ -- ^ Produce a tag item: tag, url, count, min count, max count
+ -> ([String] -> String)
+ -- ^ Join items
+ -> Tags
+ -- ^ Tag cloud renderer
+ -> Compiler String
+renderTags makeHtml concatHtml tags = do
+ -- In tags' we create a list: [((tag, route), count)]
+ tags' <- forM (tagsMap tags) $ \(tag, ids) -> do
+ route' <- getRoute $ tagsMakeId tags tag
+ return ((tag, route'), length ids)
+ -- TODO: We actually need to tell a dependency here!
+ let -- Absolute frequencies of the pages
+ freqs = map snd tags'
+ -- The minimum and maximum count found
+ (min', max')
+ | null freqs = (0, 1)
+ | otherwise = (minimum &&& maximum) freqs
+ -- Create a link for one item
+ makeHtml' ((tag, url), count) =
+ makeHtml tag (toUrl $ fromMaybe "/" url) count min' max'
+ -- Render and return the HTML
+ return $ concatHtml $ map makeHtml' tags'
+-- | Render a tag cloud in HTML
+renderTagCloud :: Double
+ -- ^ Smallest font size, in percent
+ -> Double
+ -- ^ Biggest font size, in percent
+ -> Tags
+ -- ^ Input tags
+ -> Compiler String
+ -- ^ Rendered cloud
+renderTagCloud = renderTagCloudWith makeLink (intercalate " ")
+ where
+ makeLink minSize maxSize tag url count min' max' =
+ -- Show the relative size of one 'count' in percent
+ let diff = 1 + fromIntegral max' - fromIntegral min'
+ relative = (fromIntegral count - fromIntegral min') / diff
+ size = floor $ minSize + relative * (maxSize - minSize) :: Int
+ in renderHtml $
+ H.a ! (toValue $ "font-size: " ++ show size ++ "%")
+ ! A.href (toValue url)
+ $ toHtml tag
+-- | Render a tag cloud in HTML
+renderTagCloudWith :: (Double -> Double ->
+ String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String)
+ -- ^ Render a single tag link
+ -> ([String] -> String)
+ -- ^ Concatenate links
+ -> Double
+ -- ^ Smallest font size, in percent
+ -> Double
+ -- ^ Biggest font size, in percent
+ -> Tags
+ -- ^ Input tags
+ -> Compiler String
+ -- ^ Rendered cloud
+renderTagCloudWith makeLink cat minSize maxSize =
+ renderTags (makeLink minSize maxSize) cat
+-- | Render a tag cloud in HTML as a context
+tagCloudField :: String
+ -- ^ Destination key
+ -> Double
+ -- ^ Smallest font size, in percent
+ -> Double
+ -- ^ Biggest font size, in percent
+ -> Tags
+ -- ^ Input tags
+ -> Context a
+ -- ^ Context
+tagCloudField key minSize maxSize tags =
+ field key $ \_ -> renderTagCloud minSize maxSize tags
+-- | Render a tag cloud in HTML as a context
+tagCloudFieldWith :: String
+ -- ^ Destination key
+ -> (Double -> Double ->
+ String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String)
+ -- ^ Render a single tag link
+ -> ([String] -> String)
+ -- ^ Concatenate links
+ -> Double
+ -- ^ Smallest font size, in percent
+ -> Double
+ -- ^ Biggest font size, in percent
+ -> Tags
+ -- ^ Input tags
+ -> Context a
+ -- ^ Context
+tagCloudFieldWith key makeLink cat minSize maxSize tags =
+ field key $ \_ -> renderTagCloudWith makeLink cat minSize maxSize tags
+-- | Render a simple tag list in HTML, with the tag count next to the item
+-- TODO: Maybe produce a Context here
+renderTagList :: Tags -> Compiler (String)
+renderTagList = renderTags makeLink (intercalate ", ")
+ where
+ makeLink tag url count _ _ = renderHtml $
+ H.a ! A.href (toValue url) $ toHtml (tag ++ " (" ++ show count ++ ")")
+-- | Render tags with links with custom functions to get tags and to
+-- render links
+tagsFieldWith :: (Identifier -> Compiler [String])
+ -- ^ Get the tags
+ -> (String -> (Maybe FilePath) -> Maybe H.Html)
+ -- ^ Render link for one tag
+ -> ([H.Html] -> H.Html)
+ -- ^ Concatenate tag links
+ -> String
+ -- ^ Destination field
+ -> Tags
+ -- ^ Tags structure
+ -> Context a
+ -- ^ Resulting context
+tagsFieldWith getTags' renderLink cat key tags = field key $ \item -> do
+ tags' <- getTags' $ itemIdentifier item
+ links <- forM tags' $ \tag -> do
+ route' <- getRoute $ tagsMakeId tags tag
+ return $ renderLink tag route'
+ return $ renderHtml $ cat $ catMaybes $ links
+-- | Render tags with links
+tagsField :: String -- ^ Destination key
+ -> Tags -- ^ Tags
+ -> Context a -- ^ Context
+tagsField =
+ tagsFieldWith getTags simpleRenderLink (mconcat . intersperse ", ")
+-- | Render the category in a link
+categoryField :: String -- ^ Destination key
+ -> Tags -- ^ Tags
+ -> Context a -- ^ Context
+categoryField =
+ tagsFieldWith getCategory simpleRenderLink (mconcat . intersperse ", ")
+-- | Render one tag link
+simpleRenderLink :: String -> (Maybe FilePath) -> Maybe H.Html
+simpleRenderLink _ Nothing = Nothing
+simpleRenderLink tag (Just filePath) =
+ Just $ H.a ! A.href (toValue $ toUrl filePath) $ toHtml tag
+-- | Sort tags using supplied function. First element of the tuple passed to
+-- the comparing function is the actual tag name.
+sortTagsBy :: ((String, [Identifier]) -> (String, [Identifier]) -> Ordering)
+ -> Tags -> Tags
+sortTagsBy f t = t {tagsMap = sortBy f (tagsMap t)}
+-- | Sample sorting function that compares tags case insensitively.
+caseInsensitiveTags :: (String, [Identifier]) -> (String, [Identifier])
+ -> Ordering
+caseInsensitiveTags = comparing $ map toLower . fst
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9684b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+-- | This module provides means for reading and applying 'Template's.
+-- Templates are tools to convert items into a string. They are perfectly suited
+-- for laying out your site.
+-- Let's look at an example template:
+-- > <html>
+-- > <head>
+-- > <title>My crazy homepage - $title$</title>
+-- > </head>
+-- > <body>
+-- > <div id="header">
+-- > <h1>My crazy homepage - $title$</h1>
+-- > </div>
+-- > <div id="content">
+-- > $body$
+-- > </div>
+-- > <div id="footer">
+-- > By reading this you agree that I now own your soul
+-- > </div>
+-- > </body>
+-- > </html>
+-- As you can see, the format is very simple -- @$key$@ is used to render the
+-- @$key$@ field from the page, everything else is literally copied. If you want
+-- to literally insert @\"$key$\"@ into your page (for example, when you're
+-- writing a Hakyll tutorial) you can use
+-- > <p>
+-- > A literal $$key$$.
+-- > </p>
+-- Because of it's simplicity, these templates can be used for more than HTML:
+-- you could make, for example, CSS or JS templates as well.
+-- Apart from interpolating @$key$@s from the 'Context' you can also
+-- use the following macros:
+-- * @$if(key)$@
+-- > $if(key)$
+-- > <b> Defined </b>
+-- > $else$
+-- > <b> Non-defined </b>
+-- > $endif$
+-- This example will print @Defined@ if @key@ is defined in the
+-- context and @Non-defined@ otherwise. The @$else$@ clause is
+-- optional.
+-- * @$for(key)$@
+-- The @for@ macro is used for enumerating 'Context' elements that are
+-- lists, i.e. constructed using the 'listField' function. Assume that
+-- in a context we have an element @listField \"key\" c itms@. Then
+-- the snippet
+-- > $for(key)$
+-- > $x$
+-- > $sep$,
+-- > $endfor$
+-- would, for each item @i@ in 'itms', lookup @$x$@ in the context @c@
+-- with item @i@, interpolate it, and join the resulting list with
+-- @,@.
+-- Another concrete example one may consider is the following. Given the
+-- context
+-- > listField "things" (field "thing" (return . itemBody))
+-- > (sequence [makeItem "fruits", makeItem "vegetables"])
+-- and a template
+-- > I like
+-- > $for(things)$
+-- > fresh $thing$$sep$, and
+-- > $endfor$
+-- the resulting page would look like
+-- > <p>
+-- > I like
+-- >
+-- > fresh fruits, and
+-- >
+-- > fresh vegetables
+-- > </p>
+-- The @$sep$@ part can be omitted. Usually, you can get by using the
+-- 'applyListTemplate' and 'applyJoinListTemplate' functions.
+-- * @$partial(path)$@
+-- Loads a template located in a separate file and interpolates it
+-- under the current context.
+-- Assuming that the file @test.html@ contains
+-- > <b>$key$</b>
+-- The result of rendering
+-- > <p>
+-- > $partial("test.html")$
+-- > </p>
+-- is the same as the result of rendering
+-- > <p>
+-- > <b>$key$</b>
+-- > </p>
+-- That is, calling @$partial$@ is equivalent to just copying and pasting
+-- template code.
+-- In the examples above you can see that the outputs contain a lot of leftover
+-- whitespace that you may wish to remove. Using @'$-'@ or @'-$'@ instead of
+-- @'$'@ in a macro strips all whitespace to the left or right of that clause
+-- respectively. Given the context
+-- > listField "counts" (field "count" (return . itemBody))
+-- > (sequence [makeItem "3", makeItem "2", makeItem "1"])
+-- and a template
+-- > <p>
+-- > $for(counts)-$
+-- > $count$
+-- > $-sep$...
+-- > $-endfor$
+-- > </p>
+-- the resulting page would look like
+-- > <p>
+-- > 3...2...1
+-- > </p>
+module Hakyll.Web.Template
+ ( Template
+ , templateBodyCompiler
+ , templateCompiler
+ , applyTemplate
+ , loadAndApplyTemplate
+ , applyAsTemplate
+ , readTemplate
+ , unsafeReadTemplateFile
+ ) where
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6c7994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Context.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+ ( ContextField (..)
+ , Context (..)
+ , field
+ , boolField
+ , constField
+ , listField
+ , listFieldWith
+ , functionField
+ , mapContext
+ , defaultContext
+ , bodyField
+ , metadataField
+ , urlField
+ , pathField
+ , titleField
+ , snippetField
+ , dateField
+ , dateFieldWith
+ , getItemUTC
+ , getItemModificationTime
+ , modificationTimeField
+ , modificationTimeFieldWith
+ , teaserField
+ , teaserFieldWithSeparator
+ , missingField
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..))
+import Control.Monad (msum)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..))
+import Data.Time.Format (formatTime)
+import qualified Data.Time.Format as TF
+import Data.Time.Locale.Compat (TimeLocale, defaultTimeLocale)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Core.Provider
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.String (needlePrefix, splitAll)
+import Hakyll.Web.Html
+import System.FilePath (splitDirectories, takeBaseName)
+-- | Mostly for internal usage
+data ContextField
+ = StringField String
+ | forall a. ListField (Context a) [Item a]
+-- | The 'Context' monoid. Please note that the order in which you
+-- compose the items is important. For example in
+-- > field "A" f1 <> field "A" f2
+-- the first context will overwrite the second. This is especially
+-- important when something is being composed with
+-- 'metadataField' (or 'defaultContext'). If you want your context to be
+-- overwritten by the metadata fields, compose it from the right:
+-- @
+-- 'metadataField' \<\> field \"date\" fDate
+-- @
+newtype Context a = Context
+ { unContext :: String -> [String] -> Item a -> Compiler ContextField
+ }
+instance Monoid (Context a) where
+ mempty = missingField
+ mappend (Context f) (Context g) = Context $ \k a i -> f k a i <|> g k a i
+field' :: String -> (Item a -> Compiler ContextField) -> Context a
+field' key value = Context $ \k _ i -> if k == key then value i else empty
+-- | Constructs a new field in the 'Context.'
+ :: String -- ^ Key
+ -> (Item a -> Compiler String) -- ^ Function that constructs a value based
+ -- on the item
+ -> Context a
+field key value = field' key (fmap StringField . value)
+-- | Creates a 'field' to use with the @$if()$@ template macro.
+ :: String
+ -> (Item a -> Bool)
+ -> Context a
+boolField name f = field name (\i -> if f i
+ then pure (error $ unwords ["no string value for bool field:",name])
+ else empty)
+-- | Creates a 'field' that does not depend on the 'Item'
+constField :: String -> String -> Context a
+constField key = field key . const . return
+listField :: String -> Context a -> Compiler [Item a] -> Context b
+listField key c xs = listFieldWith key c (const xs)
+ :: String -> Context a -> (Item b -> Compiler [Item a]) -> Context b
+listFieldWith key c f = field' key $ fmap (ListField c) . f
+functionField :: String -> ([String] -> Item a -> Compiler String) -> Context a
+functionField name value = Context $ \k args i ->
+ if k == name
+ then StringField <$> value args i
+ else empty
+mapContext :: (String -> String) -> Context a -> Context a
+mapContext f (Context c) = Context $ \k a i -> do
+ fld <- c k a i
+ case fld of
+ StringField str -> return $ StringField (f str)
+ ListField _ _ -> fail $
+ "Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.mapContext: " ++
+ "can't map over a ListField!"
+-- | A context that allows snippet inclusion. In processed file, use as:
+-- > ...
+-- > $snippet("path/to/snippet/")$
+-- > ...
+-- The contents of the included file will not be interpolated.
+snippetField :: Context String
+snippetField = functionField "snippet" f
+ where
+ f [contentsPath] _ = loadBody (fromFilePath contentsPath)
+ f _ i = error $
+ "Too many arguments to function 'snippet()' in item " ++
+ show (itemIdentifier i)
+-- | A context that contains (in that order)
+-- 1. A @$body$@ field
+-- 2. Metadata fields
+-- 3. A @$url$@ 'urlField'
+-- 4. A @$path$@ 'pathField'
+-- 5. A @$title$@ 'titleField'
+defaultContext :: Context String
+defaultContext =
+ bodyField "body" `mappend`
+ metadataField `mappend`
+ urlField "url" `mappend`
+ pathField "path" `mappend`
+ titleField "title" `mappend`
+ missingField
+teaserSeparator :: String
+teaserSeparator = "<!--more-->"
+-- | Constructs a 'field' that contains the body of the item.
+bodyField :: String -> Context String
+bodyField key = field key $ return . itemBody
+-- | Map any field to its metadata value, if present
+metadataField :: Context a
+metadataField = Context $ \k _ i -> do
+ value <- getMetadataField (itemIdentifier i) k
+ maybe empty (return . StringField) value
+-- | Absolute url to the resulting item
+urlField :: String -> Context a
+urlField key = field key $
+ fmap (maybe empty toUrl) . getRoute . itemIdentifier
+-- | Filepath of the underlying file of the item
+pathField :: String -> Context a
+pathField key = field key $ return . toFilePath . itemIdentifier
+-- | This title 'field' takes the basename of the underlying file by default
+titleField :: String -> Context a
+titleField = mapContext takeBaseName . pathField
+-- | When the metadata has a field called @published@ in one of the
+-- following formats then this function can render the date.
+-- * @Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00 +0000@
+-- * @Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00 UTC@
+-- * @Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00@
+-- * @2010-09-06T00:01:00+0000@
+-- * @2010-09-06T00:01:00Z@
+-- * @2010-09-06T00:01:00@
+-- * @2010-09-06 00:01:00+0000@
+-- * @2010-09-06 00:01:00@
+-- * @September 06, 2010 00:01 AM@
+-- Following date-only formats are supported too (@00:00:00@ for time is
+-- assumed)
+-- * @2010-09-06@
+-- * @September 06, 2010@
+-- Alternatively, when the metadata has a field called @path@ in a
+-- @folder/yyyy-mm-dd-title.extension@ format (the convention for pages)
+-- and no @published@ metadata field set, this function can render
+-- the date. This pattern matches the file name or directory names
+-- that begins with @yyyy-mm-dd@ . For example:
+-- @folder//yyyy-mm-dd-title//dist//main.extension@ .
+-- In case of multiple matches, the rightmost one is used.
+dateField :: String -- ^ Key in which the rendered date should be placed
+ -> String -- ^ Format to use on the date
+ -> Context a -- ^ Resulting context
+dateField = dateFieldWith defaultTimeLocale
+-- | This is an extended version of 'dateField' that allows you to
+-- specify a time locale that is used for outputting the date. For more
+-- details, see 'dateField'.
+dateFieldWith :: TimeLocale -- ^ Output time locale
+ -> String -- ^ Destination key
+ -> String -- ^ Format to use on the date
+ -> Context a -- ^ Resulting context
+dateFieldWith locale key format = field key $ \i -> do
+ time <- getItemUTC locale $ itemIdentifier i
+ return $ formatTime locale format time
+-- | Parser to try to extract and parse the time from the @published@
+-- field or from the filename. See 'dateField' for more information.
+-- Exported for user convenience.
+getItemUTC :: MonadMetadata m
+ => TimeLocale -- ^ Output time locale
+ -> Identifier -- ^ Input page
+ -> m UTCTime -- ^ Parsed UTCTime
+getItemUTC locale id' = do
+ metadata <- getMetadata id'
+ let tryField k fmt = lookupString k metadata >>= parseTime' fmt
+ paths = splitDirectories $ toFilePath id'
+ maybe empty' return $ msum $
+ [tryField "published" fmt | fmt <- formats] ++
+ [tryField "date" fmt | fmt <- formats] ++
+ [parseTime' "%Y-%m-%d" $ intercalate "-" $ take 3 $ splitAll "-" fnCand | fnCand <- reverse paths]
+ where
+ empty' = fail $ "Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.getItemUTC: " ++
+ "could not parse time for " ++ show id'
+ parseTime' = parseTimeM True locale
+ formats =
+ [ "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
+ , "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z"
+ , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Z"
+ , "%Y-%m-%d"
+ , "%B %e, %Y %l:%M %p"
+ , "%B %e, %Y"
+ , "%b %d, %Y"
+ ]
+-- | Get the time on which the actual file was last modified. This only works if
+-- there actually is an underlying file, of couse.
+ :: Identifier
+ -> Compiler UTCTime
+getItemModificationTime identifier = do
+ provider <- compilerProvider <$> compilerAsk
+ return $ resourceModificationTime provider identifier
+modificationTimeField :: String -- ^ Key
+ -> String -- ^ Format
+ -> Context a -- ^ Resuting context
+modificationTimeField = modificationTimeFieldWith defaultTimeLocale
+modificationTimeFieldWith :: TimeLocale -- ^ Time output locale
+ -> String -- ^ Key
+ -> String -- ^ Format
+ -> Context a -- ^ Resulting context
+modificationTimeFieldWith locale key fmt = field key $ \i -> do
+ mtime <- getItemModificationTime $ itemIdentifier i
+ return $ formatTime locale fmt mtime
+-- | A context with "teaser" key which contain a teaser of the item.
+-- The item is loaded from the given snapshot (which should be saved
+-- in the user code before any templates are applied).
+teaserField :: String -- ^ Key to use
+ -> Snapshot -- ^ Snapshot to load
+ -> Context String -- ^ Resulting context
+teaserField = teaserFieldWithSeparator teaserSeparator
+-- | A context with "teaser" key which contain a teaser of the item, defined as
+-- the snapshot content before the teaser separator. The item is loaded from the
+-- given snapshot (which should be saved in the user code before any templates
+-- are applied).
+teaserFieldWithSeparator :: String -- ^ Separator to use
+ -> String -- ^ Key to use
+ -> Snapshot -- ^ Snapshot to load
+ -> Context String -- ^ Resulting context
+teaserFieldWithSeparator separator key snapshot = field key $ \item -> do
+ body <- itemBody <$> loadSnapshot (itemIdentifier item) snapshot
+ case needlePrefix separator body of
+ Nothing -> fail $
+ "Hakyll.Web.Template.Context: no teaser defined for " ++
+ show (itemIdentifier item)
+ Just t -> return t
+missingField :: Context a
+missingField = Context $ \k _ i -> fail $
+ "Missing field $" ++ k ++ "$ in context for item " ++
+ show (itemIdentifier i)
+parseTimeM :: Bool -> TimeLocale -> String -> String -> Maybe UTCTime
+#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
+parseTimeM = TF.parseTimeM
+parseTimeM _ = TF.parseTime
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index 0000000..d0e4d47
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@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal
+ ( Template (..)
+ , template
+ , templateBodyCompiler
+ , templateCompiler
+ , applyTemplate
+ , applyTemplate'
+ , loadAndApplyTemplate
+ , applyAsTemplate
+ , readTemplate
+ , unsafeReadTemplateFile
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
+ , module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..))
+import Data.Binary (Binary)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import GHC.Exts (IsString (..))
+import Prelude hiding (id)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Writable
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim
+-- | Datatype used for template substitutions.
+newtype Template = Template
+ { unTemplate :: [TemplateElement]
+ } deriving (Show, Eq, Binary, Typeable)
+instance Writable Template where
+ -- Writing a template is impossible
+ write _ _ = return ()
+instance IsString Template where
+ fromString = readTemplate
+-- | Wrap the constructor to ensure trim is called.
+template :: [TemplateElement] -> Template
+template = Template . trim
+readTemplate :: String -> Template
+readTemplate = Template . trim . readTemplateElems
+-- | Read a template, without metadata header
+templateBodyCompiler :: Compiler (Item Template)
+templateBodyCompiler = cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateBodyCompiler" $ do
+ item <- getResourceBody
+ file <- getResourceFilePath
+ return $ fmap (template . readTemplateElemsFile file) item
+-- | Read complete file contents as a template
+templateCompiler :: Compiler (Item Template)
+templateCompiler = cached "Hakyll.Web.Template.templateCompiler" $ do
+ item <- getResourceString
+ file <- getResourceFilePath
+ return $ fmap (template . readTemplateElemsFile file) item
+applyTemplate :: Template -- ^ Template
+ -> Context a -- ^ Context
+ -> Item a -- ^ Page
+ -> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
+applyTemplate tpl context item = do
+ body <- applyTemplate' (unTemplate tpl) context item
+ return $ itemSetBody body item
+ :: forall a.
+ [TemplateElement] -- ^ Unwrapped Template
+ -> Context a -- ^ Context
+ -> Item a -- ^ Page
+ -> Compiler String -- ^ Resulting item
+applyTemplate' tes context x = go tes
+ where
+ context' :: String -> [String] -> Item a -> Compiler ContextField
+ context' = unContext (context `mappend` missingField)
+ go = fmap concat . mapM applyElem
+ trimError = error $ "Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplate: template not " ++
+ "fully trimmed."
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ applyElem :: TemplateElement -> Compiler String
+ applyElem TrimL = trimError
+ applyElem TrimR = trimError
+ applyElem (Chunk c) = return c
+ applyElem (Expr e) = applyExpr e >>= getString e
+ applyElem Escaped = return "$"
+ applyElem (If e t mf) = (applyExpr e >> go t) `catchError` handler
+ where
+ handler _ = case mf of
+ Nothing -> return ""
+ Just f -> go f
+ applyElem (For e b s) = applyExpr e >>= \cf -> case cf of
+ StringField _ -> fail $
+ "Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplateWith: expected ListField but " ++
+ "got StringField for expr " ++ show e
+ ListField c xs -> do
+ sep <- maybe (return "") go s
+ bs <- mapM (applyTemplate' b c) xs
+ return $ intercalate sep bs
+ applyElem (Partial e) = do
+ p <- applyExpr e >>= getString e
+ Template tpl' <- loadBody (fromFilePath p)
+ applyTemplate' tpl' context x
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ applyExpr :: TemplateExpr -> Compiler ContextField
+ applyExpr (Ident (TemplateKey k)) = context' k [] x
+ applyExpr (Call (TemplateKey k) args) = do
+ args' <- mapM (\e -> applyExpr e >>= getString e) args
+ context' k args' x
+ applyExpr (StringLiteral s) = return (StringField s)
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ getString _ (StringField s) = return s
+ getString e (ListField _ _) = fail $
+ "Hakyll.Web.Template.applyTemplateWith: expected StringField but " ++
+ "got ListField for expr " ++ show e
+-- | The following pattern is so common:
+-- > tpl <- loadBody "templates/foo.html"
+-- > someCompiler
+-- > >>= applyTemplate tpl context
+-- That we have a single function which does this:
+-- > someCompiler
+-- > >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/foo.html" context
+loadAndApplyTemplate :: Identifier -- ^ Template identifier
+ -> Context a -- ^ Context
+ -> Item a -- ^ Page
+ -> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
+loadAndApplyTemplate identifier context item = do
+ tpl <- loadBody identifier
+ applyTemplate tpl context item
+-- | It is also possible that you want to substitute @$key$@s within the body of
+-- an item. This function does that by interpreting the item body as a template,
+-- and then applying it to itself.
+applyAsTemplate :: Context String -- ^ Context
+ -> Item String -- ^ Item and template
+ -> Compiler (Item String) -- ^ Resulting item
+applyAsTemplate context item =
+ let tpl = template $ readTemplateElemsFile file (itemBody item)
+ file = toFilePath $ itemIdentifier item
+ in applyTemplate tpl context item
+unsafeReadTemplateFile :: FilePath -> Compiler Template
+unsafeReadTemplateFile file = do
+ tpl <- unsafeCompiler $ readFile file
+ pure $ template $ readTemplateElemsFile file tpl
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f564355
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+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Internal/Element.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+-- | Module containing the elements used in a template. A template is generally
+-- just a list of these elements.
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
+ ( TemplateKey (..)
+ , TemplateExpr (..)
+ , TemplateElement (..)
+ , templateElems
+ , readTemplateElems
+ , readTemplateElemsFile
+ ) where
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+import Control.Monad (void)
+import Data.Binary (Binary, get, getWord8, put, putWord8)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import GHC.Exts (IsString (..))
+import qualified Text.Parsec as P
+import qualified Text.Parsec.String as P
+import Hakyll.Core.Util.Parser
+newtype TemplateKey = TemplateKey String
+ deriving (Binary, Show, Eq, Typeable)
+instance IsString TemplateKey where
+ fromString = TemplateKey
+-- | Elements of a template.
+data TemplateElement
+ = Chunk String
+ | Expr TemplateExpr
+ | Escaped
+ -- expr, then, else
+ | If TemplateExpr [TemplateElement] (Maybe [TemplateElement])
+ -- expr, body, separator
+ | For TemplateExpr [TemplateElement] (Maybe [TemplateElement])
+ -- filename
+ | Partial TemplateExpr
+ | TrimL
+ | TrimR
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
+instance Binary TemplateElement where
+ put (Chunk string) = putWord8 0 >> put string
+ put (Expr e) = putWord8 1 >> put e
+ put Escaped = putWord8 2
+ put (If e t f) = putWord8 3 >> put e >> put t >> put f
+ put (For e b s) = putWord8 4 >> put e >> put b >> put s
+ put (Partial e) = putWord8 5 >> put e
+ put TrimL = putWord8 6
+ put TrimR = putWord8 7
+ get = getWord8 >>= \tag -> case tag of
+ 0 -> Chunk <$> get
+ 1 -> Expr <$> get
+ 2 -> pure Escaped
+ 3 -> If <$> get <*> get <*> get
+ 4 -> For <$> get <*> get <*> get
+ 5 -> Partial <$> get
+ 6 -> pure TrimL
+ 7 -> pure TrimR
+ _ -> error "Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal: Error reading cached template"
+-- | Expression in a template
+data TemplateExpr
+ = Ident TemplateKey
+ | Call TemplateKey [TemplateExpr]
+ | StringLiteral String
+ deriving (Eq, Typeable)
+instance Show TemplateExpr where
+ show (Ident (TemplateKey k)) = k
+ show (Call (TemplateKey k) as) =
+ k ++ "(" ++ intercalate ", " (map show as) ++ ")"
+ show (StringLiteral s) = show s
+instance Binary TemplateExpr where
+ put (Ident k) = putWord8 0 >> put k
+ put (Call k as) = putWord8 1 >> put k >> put as
+ put (StringLiteral s) = putWord8 2 >> put s
+ get = getWord8 >>= \tag -> case tag of
+ 0 -> Ident <$> get
+ 1 -> Call <$> get <*> get
+ 2 -> StringLiteral <$> get
+ _ -> error "Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal: Error reading cached template"
+readTemplateElems :: String -> [TemplateElement]
+readTemplateElems = readTemplateElemsFile "{literal}"
+readTemplateElemsFile :: FilePath -> String -> [TemplateElement]
+readTemplateElemsFile file input = case P.parse templateElems file input of
+ Left err -> error $ "Cannot parse template: " ++ show err
+ Right t -> t
+templateElems :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
+templateElems = mconcat <$> P.many (P.choice [ lift chunk
+ , lift escaped
+ , conditional
+ , for
+ , partial
+ , expr
+ ])
+ where lift = fmap (:[])
+chunk :: P.Parser TemplateElement
+chunk = Chunk <$> P.many1 (P.noneOf "$")
+expr :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
+expr = P.try $ do
+ trimLExpr <- trimOpen
+ e <- expr'
+ trimRExpr <- trimClose
+ return $ [TrimL | trimLExpr] ++ [Expr e] ++ [TrimR | trimRExpr]
+expr' :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
+expr' = stringLiteral <|> call <|> ident
+escaped :: P.Parser TemplateElement
+escaped = Escaped <$ P.try (P.string "$$")
+trimOpen :: P.Parser Bool
+trimOpen = do
+ void $ P.char '$'
+ trimLIf <- P.optionMaybe $ P.try (P.char '-')
+ pure $ isJust trimLIf
+trimClose :: P.Parser Bool
+trimClose = do
+ trimIfR <- P.optionMaybe $ P.try (P.char '-')
+ void $ P.char '$'
+ pure $ isJust trimIfR
+conditional :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
+conditional = P.try $ do
+ -- if
+ trimLIf <- trimOpen
+ void $ P.string "if("
+ e <- expr'
+ void $ P.char ')'
+ trimRIf <- trimClose
+ -- then
+ thenBranch <- templateElems
+ -- else
+ elseParse <- opt "else"
+ -- endif
+ trimLEnd <- trimOpen
+ void $ P.string "endif"
+ trimREnd <- trimClose
+ -- As else is optional we need to sort out where any Trim_s need to go.
+ let (thenBody, elseBody) = maybe (thenNoElse, Nothing) thenElse elseParse
+ where thenNoElse =
+ [TrimR | trimRIf] ++ thenBranch ++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
+ thenElse (trimLElse, elseBranch, trimRElse) = (thenB, elseB)
+ where thenB = [TrimR | trimRIf]
+ ++ thenBranch
+ ++ [TrimL | trimLElse]
+ elseB = Just $ [TrimR | trimRElse]
+ ++ elseBranch
+ ++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
+ pure $ [TrimL | trimLIf] ++ [If e thenBody elseBody] ++ [TrimR | trimREnd]
+for :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
+for = P.try $ do
+ -- for
+ trimLFor <- trimOpen
+ void $ P.string "for("
+ e <- expr'
+ void $ P.char ')'
+ trimRFor <- trimClose
+ -- body
+ bodyBranch <- templateElems
+ -- sep
+ sepParse <- opt "sep"
+ -- endfor
+ trimLEnd <- trimOpen
+ void $ P.string "endfor"
+ trimREnd <- trimClose
+ -- As sep is optional we need to sort out where any Trim_s need to go.
+ let (forBody, sepBody) = maybe (forNoSep, Nothing) forSep sepParse
+ where forNoSep =
+ [TrimR | trimRFor] ++ bodyBranch ++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
+ forSep (trimLSep, sepBranch, trimRSep) = (forB, sepB)
+ where forB = [TrimR | trimRFor]
+ ++ bodyBranch
+ ++ [TrimL | trimLSep]
+ sepB = Just $ [TrimR | trimRSep]
+ ++ sepBranch
+ ++ [TrimL | trimLEnd]
+ pure $ [TrimL | trimLFor] ++ [For e forBody sepBody] ++ [TrimR | trimREnd]
+partial :: P.Parser [TemplateElement]
+partial = P.try $ do
+ trimLPart <- trimOpen
+ void $ P.string "partial("
+ e <- expr'
+ void $ P.char ')'
+ trimRPart <- trimClose
+ pure $ [TrimL | trimLPart] ++ [Partial e] ++ [TrimR | trimRPart]
+ident :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
+ident = P.try $ Ident <$> key
+call :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
+call = P.try $ do
+ f <- key
+ void $ P.char '('
+ P.spaces
+ as <- P.sepBy expr' (P.spaces >> P.char ',' >> P.spaces)
+ P.spaces
+ void $ P.char ')'
+ return $ Call f as
+stringLiteral :: P.Parser TemplateExpr
+stringLiteral = do
+ void $ P.char '\"'
+ str <- P.many $ do
+ x <- P.noneOf "\""
+ if x == '\\' then P.anyChar else return x
+ void $ P.char '\"'
+ return $ StringLiteral str
+key :: P.Parser TemplateKey
+key = TemplateKey <$> metadataKey
+opt :: String -> P.Parser (Maybe (Bool, [TemplateElement], Bool))
+opt clause = P.optionMaybe $ P.try $ do
+ trimL <- trimOpen
+ void $ P.string clause
+ trimR <- trimClose
+ branch <- templateElems
+ pure (trimL, branch, trimR)
diff --git a/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Internal/Trim.hs b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Internal/Trim.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e416ff2
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+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/Internal/Trim.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+-- | Module for trimming whitespace from tempaltes.
+module Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim
+ ( trim
+ ) where
+import Data.Char (isSpace)
+import Data.List (dropWhileEnd)
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
+trim :: [TemplateElement] -> [TemplateElement]
+trim = cleanse . canonicalize
+-- | Apply the Trim nodes to the Chunks.
+cleanse :: [TemplateElement] -> [TemplateElement]
+cleanse = recurse cleanse . process
+ where process [] = []
+ process (TrimR:Chunk str:ts) = let str' = dropWhile isSpace str
+ in if null str'
+ then process ts
+ -- Might need to TrimL.
+ else process $ Chunk str':ts
+ process (Chunk str:TrimL:ts) = let str' = dropWhileEnd isSpace str
+ in if null str'
+ then process ts
+ else Chunk str':process ts
+ process (t:ts) = t:process ts
+-- | Enforce the invariant that:
+-- * Every 'TrimL' has a 'Chunk' to its left.
+-- * Every 'TrimR' has a 'Chunk' to its right.
+canonicalize :: [TemplateElement] -> [TemplateElement]
+canonicalize = go
+ where go t = let t' = redundant . swap $ dedupe t
+ in if t == t' then t else go t'
+-- | Remove the 'TrimR' and 'TrimL's that are no-ops.
+redundant :: [TemplateElement] -> [TemplateElement]
+redundant = recurse redundant . process
+ where -- Remove the leading 'TrimL's.
+ process (TrimL:ts) = process ts
+ -- Remove trailing 'TrimR's.
+ process ts = foldr trailing [] ts
+ where trailing TrimR [] = []
+ trailing x xs = x:xs
+-- >>> swap $ [TrimR, TrimL]
+-- [TrimL, TrimR]
+swap :: [TemplateElement] -> [TemplateElement]
+swap = recurse swap . process
+ where process [] = []
+ process (TrimR:TrimL:ts) = TrimL:process (TrimR:ts)
+ process (t:ts) = t:process ts
+-- | Remove 'TrimR' and 'TrimL' duplication.
+dedupe :: [TemplateElement] -> [TemplateElement]
+dedupe = recurse dedupe . process
+ where process [] = []
+ process (TrimR:TrimR:ts) = process (TrimR:ts)
+ process (TrimL:TrimL:ts) = process (TrimL:ts)
+ process (t:ts) = t:process ts
+-- | @'recurse' f t@ applies f to every '[TemplateElement]' in t.
+recurse :: ([TemplateElement] -> [TemplateElement])
+ -> [TemplateElement]
+ -> [TemplateElement]
+recurse _ [] = []
+recurse f (x:xs) = process x:recurse f xs
+ where process y = case y of
+ If e tb eb -> If e (f tb) (f <$> eb)
+ For e t s -> For e (f t) (f <$> s)
+ _ -> y
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Hakyll/Web/Template/List.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+-- | Provides an easy way to combine several items in a list. The applications
+-- are obvious:
+-- * A post list on a blog
+-- * An image list in a gallery
+-- * A sitemap
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+module Hakyll.Web.Template.List
+ ( applyTemplateList
+ , applyJoinTemplateList
+ , chronological
+ , recentFirst
+ , sortChronological
+ , sortRecentFirst
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (liftM)
+import Data.List (intersperse, sortBy)
+import Data.Ord (comparing)
+import Data.Time.Locale.Compat (defaultTimeLocale)
+import Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+import Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+import Hakyll.Core.Item
+import Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+import Hakyll.Web.Template
+import Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+-- | Generate a string of a listing of pages, after applying a template to each
+-- page.
+applyTemplateList :: Template
+ -> Context a
+ -> [Item a]
+ -> Compiler String
+applyTemplateList = applyJoinTemplateList ""
+-- | Join a listing of pages with a string in between, after applying a template
+-- to each page.
+applyJoinTemplateList :: String
+ -> Template
+ -> Context a
+ -> [Item a]
+ -> Compiler String
+applyJoinTemplateList delimiter tpl context items = do
+ items' <- mapM (applyTemplate tpl context) items
+ return $ concat $ intersperse delimiter $ map itemBody items'
+-- | Sort pages chronologically. Uses the same method as 'dateField' for
+-- extracting the date.
+chronological :: MonadMetadata m => [Item a] -> m [Item a]
+chronological =
+ sortByM $ getItemUTC defaultTimeLocale . itemIdentifier
+ where
+ sortByM :: (Monad m, Ord k) => (a -> m k) -> [a] -> m [a]
+ sortByM f xs = liftM (map fst . sortBy (comparing snd)) $
+ mapM (\x -> liftM (x,) (f x)) xs
+-- | The reverse of 'chronological'
+recentFirst :: MonadMetadata m => [Item a] -> m [Item a]
+recentFirst = liftM reverse . chronological
+-- | Version of 'chronological' which doesn't need the actual items.
+ :: MonadMetadata m => [Identifier] -> m [Identifier]
+sortChronological ids =
+ liftM (map itemIdentifier) $ chronological [Item i () | i <- ids]
+-- | Version of 'recentFirst' which doesn't need the actual items.
+ :: MonadMetadata m => [Identifier] -> m [Identifier]
+sortRecentFirst ids =
+ liftM (map itemIdentifier) $ recentFirst [Item i () | i <- ids]