path: root/src/Sproxy/Server.hs
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2016-10-27 22:57:34 +0300
committerIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2016-11-19 23:29:43 +0300
commit4a9f329a6ea9bfa03352ca0d9dd1d556b93bec36 (patch)
treeec49e853364a61eb4c7c64b5f13b0153d21a4cc1 /src/Sproxy/Server.hs
Initial release (1.90.0)1.90.0
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Sproxy/Server.hs')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Sproxy/Server.hs b/src/Sproxy/Server.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2af17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Sproxy/Server.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+module Sproxy.Server (
+ server
+) where
+import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
+import Control.Exception (bracketOnError)
+import Control.Monad (void, when)
+import Data.ByteString as BS (hGetLine, readFile)
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
+import Data.HashMap.Strict as HM (fromList, lookup, toList)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Word (Word16)
+import Data.Yaml (decodeFileEither)
+import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, ManagerSettings(..), defaultManagerSettings, newManager, socketConnection)
+import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (Connection)
+import Network.Socket ( Family(AF_INET, AF_UNIX), SockAddr(SockAddrInet, SockAddrUnix),
+ SocketOption(ReuseAddr), SocketType(Stream), bind, close, connect, inet_addr,
+ listen, maxListenQueue, setSocketOption, socket )
+import Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS (tlsSettingsChain, runTLSSocket)
+import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (defaultSettings, setHTTP2Disabled, runSettingsSocket)
+import System.Entropy (getEntropy)
+import System.Environment (setEnv)
+import System.Exit (exitFailure)
+import System.FilePath.Glob (compile)
+import System.IO (IOMode(ReadMode), hIsEOF, hPutStrLn, stderr, withFile)
+import System.Posix.User ( GroupEntry(..), UserEntry(..),
+ getAllGroupEntries, getRealUserID,
+ getUserEntryForName, setGroupID, setGroups, setUserID )
+import Sproxy.Application (sproxy, redirect)
+import Sproxy.Application.OAuth2.Common (OAuth2Client)
+import Sproxy.Config (BackendConf(..), ConfigFile(..), OAuth2Conf(..))
+import qualified Sproxy.Application.OAuth2 as OAuth2
+import qualified Sproxy.Logging as Log
+import qualified Sproxy.Server.DB as DB
+server :: FilePath -> IO ()
+server configFile = do
+ cf <- readConfigFile configFile
+ Log.start $ cfLogLevel cf
+ Log.debug $ show cf
+ sock <- socket AF_INET Stream 0
+ setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
+ bind sock $ SockAddrInet (fromIntegral $ cfListen cf) 0
+ maybe80 <- if fromMaybe (443 == cfListen cf) (cfListen80 cf)
+ then do
+ sock80 <- socket AF_INET Stream 0
+ setSocketOption sock80 ReuseAddr 1
+ bind sock80 $ SockAddrInet 80 0
+ return (Just sock80)
+ else
+ return Nothing
+ uid <- getRealUserID
+ when (0 == uid) $ do
+ let user = cfUser cf
+ Log.info $ "switching to user " ++ show user
+ u <- getUserEntryForName user
+ groupIDs <- map groupID . filter (elem user . groupMembers)
+ <$> getAllGroupEntries
+ setGroups groupIDs
+ setGroupID $ userGroupID u
+ setUserID $ userID u
+ case cfPgPassFile cf of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just f -> do
+ Log.info $ "pgpassfile: " ++ show f
+ setEnv "PGPASSFILE" f
+ db <- DB.start (cfHome cf) (newDataSource cf)
+ key <- maybe
+ (Log.info "using new random key" >> getEntropy 32)
+ (\f -> Log.info ("reading key from " ++ f) >> BS.readFile f)
+ (cfKey cf)
+ case maybe80 of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just sock80 -> do
+ Log.info "listening on port 80 (HTTP redirect)"
+ listen sock80 maxListenQueue
+ void . forkIO $ runSettingsSocket defaultSettings sock80 (redirect $ cfListen cf)
+ oauth2clients <- HM.fromList <$> mapM newOAuth2Client (HM.toList (cfOAuth2 cf))
+ backends <-
+ mapM (\be -> do
+ m <- newBackendManager be
+ return (compile $ beName be, be, m)
+ ) $ cfBackends cf
+ let
+ settings =
+ (if cfHTTP2 cf then id else setHTTP2Disabled)
+ defaultSettings
+ -- XXX 2048 is from bindPortTCP from streaming-commons used internally by runTLS.
+ -- XXX Since we don't call runTLS, we listen socket here with the same options.
+ Log.info $ "listening on port " ++ show (cfListen cf) ++ " (HTTPS)"
+ listen sock (max 2048 maxListenQueue)
+ runTLSSocket
+ (tlsSettingsChain (cfSslCert cf) (cfSslCertChain cf) (cfSslKey cf))
+ settings
+ sock
+ (sproxy key db oauth2clients backends)
+newDataSource :: ConfigFile -> Maybe DB.DataSource
+newDataSource cf =
+ case cfDatabase cf of
+ Just str -> Just $ DB.PostgreSQL str
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+newOAuth2Client :: (Text, OAuth2Conf) -> IO (Text, OAuth2Client)
+newOAuth2Client (name, cfg) =
+ case HM.lookup name OAuth2.providers of
+ Nothing -> do Log.error $ "OAuth2 provider " ++ show name ++ " is not supported"
+ exitFailure
+ Just provider -> do
+ Log.info $ "oauth2: adding " ++ show name
+ client_secret <- withFile secret_file ReadMode $ \h -> do
+ empty <- hIsEOF h
+ if empty then do
+ Log.error $ "oauth2: empty secret file for "
+ ++ show name ++ ": " ++ show secret_file
+ return $ pack ""
+ else BS.hGetLine h
+ return (name, provider (pack client_id, client_secret))
+ where client_id = oa2ClientId cfg
+ secret_file = oa2ClientSecret cfg
+newBackendManager :: BackendConf -> IO Manager
+newBackendManager be = do
+ openConn <-
+ case (beSocket be, bePort be) of
+ (Just f, Nothing) -> do
+ Log.info $ "backend `" ++ beName be ++ "' on UNIX socket " ++ f
+ return $ openUnixSocketConnection f
+ (Nothing, Just n) -> do
+ Log.info $ "backend `" ++ beName be ++ "' on " ++ beAddress be ++ ":" ++ show n
+ return $ openTCPConnection (beAddress be) n
+ _ -> do
+ Log.error "either backend port number or UNIX socket path is required."
+ exitFailure
+ newManager defaultManagerSettings {
+ managerRawConnection = return $ \_ _ _ -> openConn
+ , managerConnCount = beConnCount be
+ }
+openUnixSocketConnection :: FilePath -> IO Connection
+openUnixSocketConnection f =
+ bracketOnError
+ (socket AF_UNIX Stream 0)
+ close
+ (\s -> do
+ connect s (SockAddrUnix f)
+ socketConnection s 8192)
+openTCPConnection :: String -> Word16 -> IO Connection
+openTCPConnection addr port =
+ bracketOnError
+ (socket AF_INET Stream 0)
+ close
+ (\s -> do
+ a <- inet_addr addr
+ connect s (SockAddrInet (fromIntegral port) a)
+ socketConnection s 8192)
+readConfigFile :: FilePath -> IO ConfigFile
+readConfigFile f = do
+ r <- decodeFileEither f
+ case r of
+ Left e -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr $ "FATAL: " ++ f ++ ": " ++ show e
+ exitFailure
+ Right cf -> return cf