path: root/src/Sproxy/Application.hs
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2017-08-06 19:50:58 +0300
committerIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2017-08-06 19:50:58 +0300
commitad1134ad752bbcd678cfb5a80217fabe57fdcd35 (patch)
tree62b14e42a0d37b748279d1ff7fabfa75a62da2dc /src/Sproxy/Application.hs
parent7870f9db440cc091a15fa4fae646522cce65fb4b (diff)
Format with hindent
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Sproxy/Application.hs')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/src/Sproxy/Application.hs b/src/Sproxy/Application.hs
index 791e59c..3311f05 100644
--- a/src/Sproxy/Application.hs
+++ b/src/Sproxy/Application.hs
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
-module Sproxy.Application (
- sproxy
-, redirect
-) where
+module Sproxy.Application
+ ( sproxy
+ , redirect
+ ) where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString (fromByteString)
-import Control.Exception (Exception, Handler(..), SomeException, catches, displayException)
+import Control.Exception
+ (Exception, Handler(..), SomeException, catches, displayException)
+import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString as BS (break, intercalate)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
@@ -16,7 +19,8 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy (fromStrict)
import Data.Conduit (Flush(Chunk), mapOutput)
import Data.HashMap.Strict as HM (HashMap, foldrWithKey, lookup)
import Data.List (find, partition)
-import Data.Map as Map (delete, fromListWith, insert, insertWith, toList)
+import Data.Map as Map
+ (delete, fromListWith, insert, insertWith, toList)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
@@ -25,34 +29,38 @@ import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Data.Word8 (_colon)
import Foreign.C.Types (CTime(..))
+import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as BE
import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit (bodyReaderSource)
-import Network.HTTP.Conduit (requestBodySourceChunkedIO, requestBodySourceIO)
-import Network.HTTP.Types (RequestHeaders, ResponseHeaders, methodGet, methodPost)
-import Network.HTTP.Types.Header ( hConnection,
- hContentLength, hContentType, hCookie, hLocation, hTransferEncoding )
-import Network.HTTP.Types.Status ( Status(..), badGateway502, badRequest400, forbidden403,
- found302, internalServerError500, methodNotAllowed405, movedPermanently301,
- networkAuthenticationRequired511, notFound404, ok200, seeOther303, temporaryRedirect307 )
+import Network.HTTP.Conduit
+ (requestBodySourceChunkedIO, requestBodySourceIO)
+import Network.HTTP.Types
+ (RequestHeaders, ResponseHeaders, methodGet, methodPost)
+import Network.HTTP.Types.Header
+ (hConnection, hContentLength, hContentType, hCookie, hLocation,
+ hTransferEncoding)
+import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
+ (Status(..), badGateway502, badRequest400, forbidden403, found302,
+ internalServerError500, methodNotAllowed405, movedPermanently301,
+ networkAuthenticationRequired511, notFound404, ok200, seeOther303,
+ temporaryRedirect307)
import Network.Socket (NameInfoFlag(NI_NUMERICHOST), getNameInfo)
-import Network.Wai.Conduit (sourceRequestBody, responseSource)
+import qualified Network.Wai as W
+import Network.Wai.Conduit (responseSource, sourceRequestBody)
import System.FilePath.Glob (Pattern, match)
import System.Posix.Time (epochTime)
import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (qc)
import Web.Cookie (Cookies, parseCookies, renderCookies)
-import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
-import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as BE
-import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Web.Cookie as WC
-import Sproxy.Application.Cookie ( AuthCookie(..), AuthUser,
- cookieDecode, cookieEncode, getEmail, getEmailUtf8, getFamilyNameUtf8,
- getGivenNameUtf8 )
+import Sproxy.Application.Cookie
+ (AuthCookie(..), AuthUser, cookieDecode, cookieEncode, getEmail,
+ getEmailUtf8, getFamilyNameUtf8, getGivenNameUtf8)
import Sproxy.Application.OAuth2.Common (OAuth2Client(..))
-import Sproxy.Config(BackendConf(..))
-import Sproxy.Server.DB (Database, userAccess, userExists, userGroups)
import qualified Sproxy.Application.State as State
+import Sproxy.Config (BackendConf(..))
import qualified Sproxy.Logging as Log
+import Sproxy.Server.DB
+ (Database, userAccess, userExists, userGroups)
redirect :: Word16 -> W.Application
redirect p req resp =
@@ -61,151 +69,182 @@ redirect p req resp =
Just domain -> do
Log.info $ "redirecting to " ++ show location ++ ": " ++ showReq req
resp $ W.responseBuilder status [(hLocation, location)] mempty
- where
- status = if W.requestMethod req == methodGet then movedPermanently301 else temporaryRedirect307
- newhost = if p == 443 then domain else domain <> ":" <> pack (show p)
- location = "https://" <> newhost <> W.rawPathInfo req <> W.rawQueryString req
-sproxy :: ByteString -> Database -> HashMap Text OAuth2Client -> [(Pattern, BackendConf, BE.Manager)] -> W.Application
-sproxy key db oa2 backends = logException $ \req resp -> do
- Log.debug $ "sproxy <<< " ++ showReq req
- case requestDomain req of
- Nothing -> badRequest "missing host" req resp
- Just domain ->
- case find (\(p, _, _) -> match p (unpack domain)) backends of
- Nothing -> notFound "backend" req resp
- Just (_, be, mgr) -> do
- let cookieName = pack $ beCookieName be
- cookieDomain = pack <$> beCookieDomain be
- case W.pathInfo req of
- ["robots.txt"] -> get robots req resp
- (".sproxy":proxy) ->
- case proxy of
- ["logout"] -> get (logout key cookieName cookieDomain) req resp
- ["oauth2", provider] ->
+ where status =
+ if W.requestMethod req == methodGet
+ then movedPermanently301
+ else temporaryRedirect307
+ newhost =
+ if p == 443
+ then domain
+ else domain <> ":" <> pack (show p)
+ location =
+ "https://" <> newhost <> W.rawPathInfo req <> W.rawQueryString req
+sproxy ::
+ ByteString
+ -> Database
+ -> HashMap Text OAuth2Client
+ -> [(Pattern, BackendConf, BE.Manager)]
+ -> W.Application
+sproxy key db oa2 backends =
+ logException $ \req resp -> do
+ Log.debug $ "sproxy <<< " ++ showReq req
+ case requestDomain req of
+ Nothing -> badRequest "missing host" req resp
+ Just domain ->
+ case find (\(p, _, _) -> match p (unpack domain)) backends of
+ Nothing -> notFound "backend" req resp
+ Just (_, be, mgr) -> do
+ let cookieName = pack $ beCookieName be
+ cookieDomain = pack <$> beCookieDomain be
+ case W.pathInfo req of
+ ["robots.txt"] -> get robots req resp
+ (".sproxy":proxy) ->
+ case proxy of
+ ["logout"] ->
+ get (logout key cookieName cookieDomain) req resp
+ ["oauth2", provider] ->
case HM.lookup provider oa2 of
Nothing -> notFound "OAuth2 provider" req resp
- Just oa2c -> get (oauth2callback key db (provider, oa2c) be) req resp
- ["access"] -> do
- now <- Just <$> epochTime
- case extractCookie key now cookieName req of
- Nothing -> authenticationRequired key oa2 req resp
- Just (authCookie, _) -> post (checkAccess db authCookie) req resp
- _ -> notFound "proxy" req resp
- _ -> do
- now <- Just <$> epochTime
- case extractCookie key now cookieName req of
- Nothing -> authenticationRequired key oa2 req resp
- Just cs@(authCookie, _) ->
- authorize db cs req >>= \case
- Nothing -> forbidden authCookie req resp
- Just req' -> forward mgr req' resp
+ Just oa2c ->
+ get (oauth2callback key db (provider, oa2c) be) req resp
+ ["access"] -> do
+ now <- Just <$> epochTime
+ case extractCookie key now cookieName req of
+ Nothing -> authenticationRequired key oa2 req resp
+ Just (authCookie, _) ->
+ post (checkAccess db authCookie) req resp
+ _ -> notFound "proxy" req resp
+ _ -> do
+ now <- Just <$> epochTime
+ case extractCookie key now cookieName req of
+ Nothing -> authenticationRequired key oa2 req resp
+ Just cs@(authCookie, _) ->
+ authorize db cs req >>= \case
+ Nothing -> forbidden authCookie req resp
+ Just req' -> forward mgr req' resp
robots :: W.Application
-robots _ resp = resp $
- W.responseLBS ok200 [(hContentType, "text/plain; charset=utf-8")]
- "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /"
-oauth2callback :: ByteString -> Database -> (Text, OAuth2Client) -> BackendConf -> W.Application
+robots _ resp =
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS
+ ok200
+ [(hContentType, "text/plain; charset=utf-8")]
+ "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /"
+oauth2callback ::
+ ByteString
+ -> Database
+ -> (Text, OAuth2Client)
+ -> BackendConf
+ -> W.Application
oauth2callback key db (provider, oa2c) be req resp =
case param "code" of
- Nothing -> badRequest "missing auth code" req resp
- Just code ->
+ Nothing -> badRequest "missing auth code" req resp
+ Just code ->
case param "state" of
- Nothing -> badRequest "missing auth state" req resp
+ Nothing -> badRequest "missing auth state" req resp
Just state ->
case State.decode key state of
- Left msg -> badRequest ("invalid state: " ++ msg) req resp
+ Left msg -> badRequest ("invalid state: " ++ msg) req resp
Right url -> do
au <- oauth2Authenticate oa2c code (redirectURL req provider)
let email = getEmail au
Log.info $ "login " ++ show email ++ " by " ++ show provider
exists <- userExists db email
- if exists then authenticate key be au url req resp
- else userNotFound au req resp
+ if exists
+ then authenticate key be au url req resp
+ else userNotFound au req resp
param p = do
(_, v) <- find ((==) p . fst) $ W.queryString req
-- XXX: RFC6265: the user agent MUST NOT attach more than one Cookie header field
-extractCookie :: ByteString -> Maybe CTime -> ByteString -> W.Request -> Maybe (AuthCookie, Cookies)
+extractCookie ::
+ ByteString
+ -> Maybe CTime
+ -> ByteString
+ -> W.Request
+ -> Maybe (AuthCookie, Cookies)
extractCookie key now name req = do
- (_, cookies) <- find ((==) hCookie . fst) $ W.requestHeaders req
+ (_, cookies) <- find ((==) hCookie . fst) $ W.requestHeaders req
(auth, others) <- discriminate cookies
case cookieDecode key auth of
Left _ -> Nothing
- Right cookie -> if maybe True (acExpiry cookie >) now
- then Just (cookie, others) else Nothing
- where discriminate cs =
- case partition ((==) name . fst) $ parseCookies cs of
- ((_, x):_, xs) -> Just (x, xs)
- _ -> Nothing
+ Right cookie ->
+ if maybe True (acExpiry cookie >) now
+ then Just (cookie, others)
+ else Nothing
+ where
+ discriminate cs =
+ case partition ((==) name . fst) $ parseCookies cs of
+ ((_, x):_, xs) -> Just (x, xs)
+ _ -> Nothing
-authenticate :: ByteString -> BackendConf -> AuthUser -> ByteString -> W.Application
+authenticate ::
+ ByteString -> BackendConf -> AuthUser -> ByteString -> W.Application
authenticate key be user url _req resp = do
now <- epochTime
let domain = pack <$> beCookieDomain be
expiry = now + CTime (beCookieMaxAge be)
- authCookie = AuthCookie { acUser = user, acExpiry = expiry }
- cookie = WC.def {
- WC.setCookieName = pack $ beCookieName be
- , WC.setCookieHttpOnly = True
- , WC.setCookiePath = Just "/"
- , WC.setCookieSameSite = Nothing
- , WC.setCookieSecure = True
- , WC.setCookieValue = cookieEncode key authCookie
- , WC.setCookieDomain = domain
- , WC.setCookieExpires = Just . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac $ expiry
- }
- resp $ W.responseLBS seeOther303 [
- (hLocation, url)
- , ("Set-Cookie", toByteString $ WC.renderSetCookie cookie)
- ] ""
+ authCookie = AuthCookie {acUser = user, acExpiry = expiry}
+ cookie =
+ WC.def
+ { WC.setCookieName = pack $ beCookieName be
+ , WC.setCookieHttpOnly = True
+ , WC.setCookiePath = Just "/"
+ , WC.setCookieSameSite = Nothing
+ , WC.setCookieSecure = True
+ , WC.setCookieValue = cookieEncode key authCookie
+ , WC.setCookieDomain = domain
+ , WC.setCookieExpires =
+ Just . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac $ expiry
+ }
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS
+ seeOther303
+ [ (hLocation, url)
+ , ("Set-Cookie", toByteString $ WC.renderSetCookie cookie)
+ ]
+ ""
-authorize :: Database -> (AuthCookie, Cookies) -> W.Request -> IO (Maybe W.Request)
+authorize ::
+ Database -> (AuthCookie, Cookies) -> W.Request -> IO (Maybe W.Request)
authorize db (authCookie, otherCookies) req = do
- let
- user = acUser authCookie
- domain = decodeUtf8 . fromJust $ requestDomain req
- email = getEmail user
- emailUtf8 = getEmailUtf8 user
- familyUtf8 = getFamilyNameUtf8 user
- givenUtf8 = getGivenNameUtf8 user
- method = decodeUtf8 $ W.requestMethod req
- path = decodeUtf8 $ W.rawPathInfo req
+ let user = acUser authCookie
+ domain = decodeUtf8 . fromJust $ requestDomain req
+ email = getEmail user
+ emailUtf8 = getEmailUtf8 user
+ familyUtf8 = getFamilyNameUtf8 user
+ givenUtf8 = getGivenNameUtf8 user
+ method = decodeUtf8 $ W.requestMethod req
+ path = decodeUtf8 $ W.rawPathInfo req
grps <- userGroups db email domain path method
- if null grps then return Nothing
- else do
- ip <- pack . fromJust . fst <$> getNameInfo [NI_NUMERICHOST] True False (W.remoteHost req)
- return . Just $ req {
- W.requestHeaders = toList $
- insert "From" emailUtf8 $
- insert "X-Groups" (BS.intercalate "," $ encodeUtf8 <$> grps) $
- insert "X-Given-Name" givenUtf8 $
- insert "X-Family-Name" familyUtf8 $
- insert "X-Forwarded-Proto" "https" $
- insertWith (flip combine) "X-Forwarded-For" ip $
- setCookies otherCookies $
- fromListWith combine $ W.requestHeaders req
- }
+ if null grps
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ ip <-
+ pack . fromJust . fst <$>
+ getNameInfo [NI_NUMERICHOST] True False (W.remoteHost req)
+ return . Just $
+ req
+ { W.requestHeaders =
+ toList $
+ insert "From" emailUtf8 $
+ insert "X-Groups" (BS.intercalate "," $ encodeUtf8 <$> grps) $
+ insert "X-Given-Name" givenUtf8 $
+ insert "X-Family-Name" familyUtf8 $
+ insert "X-Forwarded-Proto" "https" $
+ insertWith (flip combine) "X-Forwarded-For" ip $
+ setCookies otherCookies $
+ fromListWith combine $ W.requestHeaders req
+ }
combine a b = a <> "," <> b
setCookies [] = delete hCookie
setCookies cs = insert hCookie (toByteString . renderCookies $ cs)
checkAccess :: Database -> AuthCookie -> W.Application
checkAccess db authCookie req resp = do
let email = getEmail . acUser $ authCookie
@@ -217,77 +256,96 @@ checkAccess db authCookie req resp = do
Log.debug $ "access <<< " ++ show inq
tags <- userAccess db email domain inq
Log.debug $ "access >>> " ++ show tags
- resp $ W.responseLBS ok200 [(hContentType, "application/json")] (JSON.encode tags)
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS
+ ok200
+ [(hContentType, "application/json")]
+ (JSON.encode tags)
-- XXX If something seems strange, think about HTTP/1.1 <-> HTTP/1.0.
-- FIXME For HTTP/1.0 backends we might need an option
-- FIXME in config file. HTTP Client does HTTP/1.1 by default.
forward :: BE.Manager -> W.Application
forward mgr req resp = do
- let beReq = BE.defaultRequest
+ let beReq =
+ BE.defaultRequest
{ BE.method = W.requestMethod req
, BE.path = W.rawPathInfo req
, BE.queryString = W.rawQueryString req
, BE.requestHeaders = modifyRequestHeaders $ W.requestHeaders req
, BE.redirectCount = 0
, BE.decompress = const False
- , BE.requestBody = case W.requestBodyLength req of
- W.ChunkedBody -> requestBodySourceChunkedIO (sourceRequestBody req)
- W.KnownLength l -> requestBodySourceIO (fromIntegral l) (sourceRequestBody req)
+ , BE.requestBody =
+ case W.requestBodyLength req of
+ W.ChunkedBody ->
+ requestBodySourceChunkedIO (sourceRequestBody req)
+ W.KnownLength l ->
+ requestBodySourceIO (fromIntegral l) (sourceRequestBody req)
- msg = unpack (BE.method beReq <> " " <> BE.path beReq <> BE.queryString beReq)
+ msg =
+ unpack (BE.method beReq <> " " <> BE.path beReq <> BE.queryString beReq)
Log.debug $ "BACKEND <<< " ++ msg ++ " " ++ show (BE.requestHeaders beReq)
BE.withResponse beReq mgr $ \res -> do
- let status = BE.responseStatus res
- headers = BE.responseHeaders res
- body = mapOutput (Chunk . fromByteString) . bodyReaderSource $ BE.responseBody res
- logging = if statusCode status `elem` [ 400, 500 ] then
- Log.warn else Log.debug
- logging $ "BACKEND >>> " ++ show (statusCode status) ++ " on " ++ msg ++ " " ++ show headers ++ "\n"
- resp $ responseSource status (modifyResponseHeaders headers) body
+ let status = BE.responseStatus res
+ headers = BE.responseHeaders res
+ body =
+ mapOutput (Chunk . fromByteString) . bodyReaderSource $
+ BE.responseBody res
+ logging =
+ if statusCode status `elem` [400, 500]
+ then Log.warn
+ else Log.debug
+ logging $
+ "BACKEND >>> " ++
+ show (statusCode status) ++ " on " ++ msg ++ " " ++ show headers ++ "\n"
+ resp $ responseSource status (modifyResponseHeaders headers) body
modifyRequestHeaders :: RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
modifyRequestHeaders = filter (\(n, _) -> n `notElem` ban)
ban =
- [
- hConnection
- , hContentLength -- XXX This is set automtically before sending request to backend
+ [ hConnection
+ , hContentLength -- XXX This is set automtically before sending request to backend
, hTransferEncoding -- XXX Likewise
modifyResponseHeaders :: ResponseHeaders -> ResponseHeaders
modifyResponseHeaders = filter (\(n, _) -> n `notElem` ban)
ban =
- [
- hConnection
+ [ hConnection
-- XXX WAI docs say we MUST NOT add (keep) Content-Length, Content-Range, and Transfer-Encoding,
-- XXX but we use streaming body, which may add Transfer-Encoding only.
-- XXX Thus we keep Content-* headers.
, hTransferEncoding
-authenticationRequired :: ByteString -> HashMap Text OAuth2Client -> W.Application
+authenticationRequired ::
+ ByteString -> HashMap Text OAuth2Client -> W.Application
authenticationRequired key oa2 req resp = do
Log.info $ "511 Unauthenticated: " ++ showReq req
- resp $ W.responseLBS networkAuthenticationRequired511 [(hContentType, "text/html; charset=utf-8")] page
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS
+ networkAuthenticationRequired511
+ [(hContentType, "text/html; charset=utf-8")]
+ page
- path = if W.requestMethod req == methodGet
- then W.rawPathInfo req <> W.rawQueryString req
- else "/"
- state = State.encode key $ "https://" <> fromJust (W.requestHeaderHost req) <> path
+ path =
+ if W.requestMethod req == methodGet
+ then W.rawPathInfo req <> W.rawQueryString req
+ else "/"
+ state =
+ State.encode key $
+ "https://" <> fromJust (W.requestHeaderHost req) <> path
authLink :: Text -> OAuth2Client -> ByteString -> ByteString
- authLink provider oa2c html =
+ authLink provider oa2c html =
let u = oauth2AuthorizeURL oa2c state (redirectURL req provider)
d = pack $ oauth2Description oa2c
in [qc|{html}<p><a href="{u}">Authenticate with {d}</a></p>|]
authHtml = foldrWithKey authLink "" oa2
- page = fromStrict [qc|
+ page =
+ fromStrict
+ [qc|
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
@@ -301,14 +359,16 @@ authenticationRequired key oa2 req resp = do
forbidden :: AuthCookie -> W.Application
forbidden ac req resp = do
Log.info $ "403 Forbidden: " ++ show email ++ ": " ++ showReq req
- resp $ W.responseLBS forbidden403 [(hContentType, "text/html; charset=utf-8")] page
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS forbidden403 [(hContentType, "text/html; charset=utf-8")] page
email = getEmailUtf8 . acUser $ ac
- page = fromStrict [qc|
+ page =
+ fromStrict
+ [qc|
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
@@ -323,14 +383,16 @@ forbidden ac req resp = do
userNotFound :: AuthUser -> W.Application
userNotFound au _ resp = do
Log.info $ "404 User not found: " ++ show email
- resp $ W.responseLBS notFound404 [(hContentType, "text/html; charset=utf-8")] page
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS notFound404 [(hContentType, "text/html; charset=utf-8")] page
email = getEmailUtf8 au
- page = fromStrict [qc|
+ page =
+ fromStrict
+ [qc|
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
@@ -345,98 +407,102 @@ userNotFound au _ resp = do
logout :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString -> W.Application
logout key cookieName cookieDomain req resp = do
let host = fromJust $ W.requestHeaderHost req
case extractCookie key Nothing cookieName req of
- Nothing -> resp $ W.responseLBS found302 [ (hLocation, "https://" <> host) ] ""
- Just _ -> do
- let cookie = WC.def {
- WC.setCookieName = cookieName
+ Nothing ->
+ resp $ W.responseLBS found302 [(hLocation, "https://" <> host)] ""
+ Just _ -> do
+ let cookie =
+ WC.def
+ { WC.setCookieName = cookieName
, WC.setCookieHttpOnly = True
, WC.setCookiePath = Just "/"
, WC.setCookieSameSite = Just WC.sameSiteStrict
, WC.setCookieSecure = True
, WC.setCookieValue = "goodbye"
, WC.setCookieDomain = cookieDomain
- , WC.setCookieExpires = Just . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac $ CTime 0
+ , WC.setCookieExpires =
+ Just . posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac $ CTime 0
- resp $ W.responseLBS found302 [
- (hLocation, "https://" <> host)
- , ("Set-Cookie", toByteString $ WC.renderSetCookie cookie)
- ] ""
-badRequest ::String -> W.Application
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS
+ found302
+ [ (hLocation, "https://" <> host)
+ , ("Set-Cookie", toByteString $ WC.renderSetCookie cookie)
+ ]
+ ""
+badRequest :: String -> W.Application
badRequest msg req resp = do
Log.warn $ "400 Bad Request (" ++ msg ++ "): " ++ showReq req
resp $ W.responseLBS badRequest400 [] "Bad Request"
-notFound ::String -> W.Application
+notFound :: String -> W.Application
notFound msg req resp = do
Log.warn $ "404 Not Found (" ++ msg ++ "): " ++ showReq req
resp $ W.responseLBS notFound404 [] "Not Found"
logException :: W.Middleware
logException app req resp =
- catches (app req resp) [
- Handler badGateway,
- Handler internalError
- ]
+ catches (app req resp) [Handler badGateway, Handler internalError]
internalError :: SomeException -> IO W.ResponseReceived
internalError = response internalServerError500
badGateway :: BE.HttpException -> IO W.ResponseReceived
badGateway = response badGateway502
response :: Exception e => Status -> e -> IO W.ResponseReceived
response st e = do
- Log.error $ show (statusCode st) ++ " " ++ unpack (statusMessage st)
- ++ ": " ++ displayException e ++ " on " ++ showReq req
- resp $ W.responseLBS st [(hContentType, "text/plain")] (fromStrict $ statusMessage st)
+ Log.error $
+ show (statusCode st) ++
+ " " ++
+ unpack (statusMessage st) ++
+ ": " ++ displayException e ++ " on " ++ showReq req
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS
+ st
+ [(hContentType, "text/plain")]
+ (fromStrict $ statusMessage st)
get :: W.Middleware
get app req resp
| W.requestMethod req == methodGet = app req resp
| otherwise = do
Log.warn $ "405 Method Not Allowed: " ++ showReq req
- resp $ W.responseLBS methodNotAllowed405 [("Allow", "GET")] "Method Not Allowed"
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS methodNotAllowed405 [("Allow", "GET")] "Method Not Allowed"
post :: W.Middleware
post app req resp
| W.requestMethod req == methodPost = app req resp
| otherwise = do
Log.warn $ "405 Method Not Allowed: " ++ showReq req
- resp $ W.responseLBS methodNotAllowed405 [("Allow", "POST")] "Method Not Allowed"
+ resp $
+ W.responseLBS methodNotAllowed405 [("Allow", "POST")] "Method Not Allowed"
redirectURL :: W.Request -> Text -> ByteString
redirectURL req provider =
- "https://" <> fromJust (W.requestHeaderHost req)
- <> "/.sproxy/oauth2/" <> encodeUtf8 provider
+ "https://" <> fromJust (W.requestHeaderHost req) <> "/.sproxy/oauth2/" <>
+ encodeUtf8 provider
requestDomain :: W.Request -> Maybe ByteString
requestDomain req = do
h <- W.requestHeaderHost req
return . fst . BS.break (== _colon) $ h
-- XXX: make sure not to reveal the cookie, which can be valid (!)
showReq :: W.Request -> String
-showReq req =
- unpack ( W.requestMethod req <> " "
- <> fromMaybe "<no host>" (W.requestHeaderHost req)
- <> W.rawPathInfo req <> W.rawQueryString req <> " " )
- ++ show (W.httpVersion req) ++ " "
- ++ show (fromMaybe "-" $ W.requestHeaderReferer req) ++ " "
- ++ show (fromMaybe "-" $ W.requestHeaderUserAgent req)
- ++ " from " ++ show (W.remoteHost req)
+showReq req =
+ unpack
+ (W.requestMethod req <> " " <>
+ fromMaybe "<no host>" (W.requestHeaderHost req) <>
+ W.rawPathInfo req <>
+ W.rawQueryString req <>
+ " ") ++
+ show (W.httpVersion req) ++
+ " " ++
+ show (fromMaybe "-" $ W.requestHeaderReferer req) ++
+ " " ++
+ show (fromMaybe "-" $ W.requestHeaderUserAgent req) ++
+ " from " ++ show (W.remoteHost req)