
How to make CLI tools composing different output formats using clap.


    $ ./target/debug/rust-clap-output-formats --help
    Usage: rust-clap-output-formats <COMMAND>

      debug  Debug output by default
      text   Text output by default
      api    Unformatted JSON output by default
      json   Pretty formatted JSON output by default
      yaml   YAML output by default
      table  Table output by default
      help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

      -h, --help  Print help

    $ ./target/debug/rust-clap-output-formats debug --help
    Debug output by default

    Usage: rust-clap-output-formats debug [OPTIONS]

          --debug  Display as internal debug representation
          --text   Display as text
          --api    Display as unformatted JSON
      -h, --help   Print help

    $ ./target/debug/rust-clap-output-formats table --help
    Table output by default

    Usage: rust-clap-output-formats table [OPTIONS]

          --table  Display as table
          --yaml   Display as YAML
          --json   Display as pretty formatted JSON
          --api    Display as unformatted JSON
          --text   Display as text
          --debug  Display as internal debug representation
      -h, --help   Print help

    $ ./target/debug/rust-clap-output-formats json
      "name": "Hello",
      "value": "world"

    $ ./target/debug/rust-clap-output-formats table
    | Name  | Value |
    | Hello | world |

    $ ./target/debug/rust-clap-output-formats table --json
      "name": "Hello",
      "value": "world"

    $ ./target/debug/rust-clap-output-formats table --yaml
    name: Hello
    value: world