path: root/windows
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'windows')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/windows/hslua.cabal b/windows/hslua.cabal
deleted file mode 100644
index fc6d419bb..000000000
--- a/windows/hslua.cabal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-name: hslua
-version: 0.4.1
-stability: beta
-cabal-version: >= 1.8
-license: MIT
-build-type: Simple
-license-File: COPYRIGHT
-copyright: Gracjan Polak 2007-2012, Ömer Sinan Ağacan 2012-2015
-author: Gracjan Polak, Ömer Sinan Ağacan
-maintainer: omeragacan@gmail.com
-synopsis: A Lua language interpreter embedding in Haskell
-description: The Scripting.Lua module is a wrapper of Lua language interpreter
- as described in [lua.org](http://www.lua.org/).
- .
- This package contains full Lua interpreter version 5.1.5.
- If you want to link it with system-wide Lua installation, use @system-lua@ flag.
- .
- [Example programs](https://github.com/osa1/hslua/tree/master/examples)
-category: Scripting
-extra-source-files: lua-5.1.5/*.h
- examples/callbacks/callbacks.lua
- examples/haskellfun/haskellfun.lua
- examples/err_prop/err_prop.lua
-source-repository head
- type: git
- location: https://github.com/osa1/hslua.git
-flag system-lua
- description: Use the system-wide Lua instead of the bundled copy
- default: False
-flag apicheck
- description: Compile Lua with -DLUA_USE_APICHECK.
- default: False
-flag luajit
- description: Link with LuaJIT (should be used with -fsystem-lua)
- default: False
- build-depends: base == 4.*, bytestring >= && < 0.11
- exposed-modules: Scripting.Lua, Scripting.Lua.Raw
- hs-source-dirs: src
- ghc-options: -Wall -O2
- if flag(system-lua)
- if flag(luajit)
- Extra-libraries: luajit-5.1
- else
- Extra-libraries: lua5.1
- includes: lua.h
- else
- c-sources: lua-5.1.5/lobject.c, lua-5.1.5/ltm.c, lua-5.1.5/ldblib.c,
- lua-5.1.5/ldo.c, lua-5.1.5/lvm.c, lua-5.1.5/ltable.c,
- lua-5.1.5/lstrlib.c, lua-5.1.5/lfunc.c,
- lua-5.1.5/lstate.c, lua-5.1.5/lmathlib.c, lua-5.1.5/lmem.c,
- lua-5.1.5/ltablib.c, lua-5.1.5/lzio.c, lua-5.1.5/lstring.c,
- lua-5.1.5/ldump.c, lua-5.1.5/linit.c, lua-5.1.5/lbaselib.c,
- lua-5.1.5/lauxlib.c, lua-5.1.5/lopcodes.c, lua-5.1.5/lgc.c,
- lua-5.1.5/lcode.c, lua-5.1.5/loadlib.c, lua-5.1.5/lapi.c,
- lua-5.1.5/lundump.c, lua-5.1.5/loslib.c, lua-5.1.5/lparser.c,
- lua-5.1.5/ldebug.c, lua-5.1.5/liolib.c,
- lua-5.1.5/llex.c
- include-dirs: lua-5.1.5
- if os(linux)
- cc-options: "-DLUA_USE_LINUX"
- if os(darwin)
- cc-options: "-DLUA_USE_MACOSX"
- if os(freebsd)
- cc-options: "-DLUA_USE_POSIX"
- if os(windows)
- cc-options: "-D__NO_ISOCEXT"
- if flag(apicheck)
- cc-Options: "-DLUA_USE_APICHECK"
--- This is not necessary because we have a test suite now. Still keeping here as
--- a very simple test. Originally added with 799a4c2 to test if linking with
--- system-wide Lua is really working.
-test-suite simple-test
- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- main-is: simple-test.hs
- hs-source-dirs: test
- build-depends: base, hslua
-test-suite callbacks
- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- main-is: callbacks.hs
- hs-source-dirs: examples/callbacks
- build-depends: base, bytestring, hslua
-test-suite haskellfun
- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- main-is: haskellfun.hs
- hs-source-dirs: examples/haskellfun
- build-depends: base, bytestring, hslua
-test-suite err_prop
- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- main-is: err_prop.hs
- hs-source-dirs: examples/err_prop
- build-depends: base, bytestring, hslua
-test-suite test
- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- main-is: Spec.hs
- hs-source-dirs: test
- ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
- build-depends:
- base,
- bytestring,
- hslua,
- hspec,
- hspec-contrib,
- HUnit,
- text,
- QuickCheck >= 2.7,
- quickcheck-instances
diff --git a/windows/stack.yaml b/windows/stack.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cdee8add..000000000
--- a/windows/stack.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- pandoc:
- trypandoc: false
- https: true
- embed_data_files: false
- old-locale: false
- network-uri: true
- hslua:
- system-lua: True
-- '..'
-- '../hslua-0.4.1'
-extra-deps: []
-- "C:/lua-5.1.5/include"
-- "C:/lua-5.1.5"
-resolver: lts-3.10