path: root/tests/Tests/Writers/Markdown.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/Tests/Writers/Markdown.hs')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Writers/Markdown.hs b/tests/Tests/Writers/Markdown.hs
index c2a8f5903..dce40ddcb 100644
--- a/tests/Tests/Writers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/tests/Tests/Writers/Markdown.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Tests.Writers.Markdown (tests) where
import Test.Framework
@@ -35,4 +36,92 @@ tests = [ "indented code after list"
=: bulletList [ plain "foo" <> bulletList [ plain "bar" ],
plain "baz" ]
=?> "- foo\n - bar\n- baz\n"
- ]
+ ] ++ [shortcutLinkRefsTests]
+shortcutLinkRefsTests :: Test
+shortcutLinkRefsTests =
+ let infix 4 =:
+ (=:) :: (ToString a, ToPandoc a)
+ => String -> (a, String) -> Test
+ (=:) = test (writeMarkdown (def {writerReferenceLinks = True}) . toPandoc)
+ in testGroup "Shortcut reference links"
+ [ "Simple link (shortcutable)"
+ =: (para (link "/url" "title" "foo"))
+ =?> "[foo]\n\n [foo]: /url \"title\""
+ , "Followed by another link (unshortcutable)"
+ =: (para ((link "/url1" "title1" "first")
+ <> (link "/url2" "title2" "second")))
+ =?> unlines [ "[first][][second]"
+ , ""
+ , " [first]: /url1 \"title1\""
+ , " [second]: /url2 \"title2\""
+ ]
+ , "Followed by space and another link (unshortcutable)"
+ =: (para ((link "/url1" "title1" "first") <> " "
+ <> (link "/url2" "title2" "second")))
+ =?> unlines [ "[first][] [second]"
+ , ""
+ , " [first]: /url1 \"title1\""
+ , " [second]: /url2 \"title2\""
+ ]
+ , "Reference link is used multiple times (unshortcutable)"
+ =: (para ((link "/url1" "" "foo") <> (link "/url2" "" "foo")
+ <> (link "/url3" "" "foo")))
+ =?> unlines [ "[foo][][foo][1][foo][2]"
+ , ""
+ , " [foo]: /url1"
+ , " [1]: /url2"
+ , " [2]: /url3"
+ ]
+ , "Reference link is used multiple times (unshortcutable)"
+ =: (para ((link "/url1" "" "foo") <> " " <> (link "/url2" "" "foo")
+ <> " " <> (link "/url3" "" "foo")))
+ =?> unlines [ "[foo][] [foo][1] [foo][2]"
+ , ""
+ , " [foo]: /url1"
+ , " [1]: /url2"
+ , " [2]: /url3"
+ ]
+ , "Reference link is followed by text in brackets"
+ =: (para ((link "/url" "" "link") <> "[text in brackets]"))
+ =?> unlines [ "[link][][text in brackets]"
+ , ""
+ , " [link]: /url"
+ ]
+ , "Reference link is followed by space and text in brackets"
+ =: (para ((link "/url" "" "link") <> " [text in brackets]"))
+ =?> unlines [ "[link][] [text in brackets]"
+ , ""
+ , " [link]: /url"
+ ]
+ , "Reference link is followed by RawInline"
+ =: (para ((link "/url" "" "link") <> rawInline "markdown" "[rawText]"))
+ =?> unlines [ "[link][][rawText]"
+ , ""
+ , " [link]: /url"
+ ]
+ , "Reference link is followed by space and RawInline"
+ =: (para ((link "/url" "" "link") <> space <> rawInline "markdown" "[rawText]"))
+ =?> unlines [ "[link][] [rawText]"
+ , ""
+ , " [link]: /url"
+ ]
+ , "Reference link is followed by RawInline with space"
+ =: (para ((link "/url" "" "link") <> rawInline "markdown" " [rawText]"))
+ =?> unlines [ "[link][] [rawText]"
+ , ""
+ , " [link]: /url"
+ ]
+ , "Reference link is followed by citation"
+ =: (para ((link "/url" "" "link") <> cite [Citation "author" [] [] NormalCitation 0 0] (str "[@author]")))
+ =?> unlines [ "[link][][@author]"
+ , ""
+ , " [link]: /url"
+ ]
+ , "Reference link is followed by space and citation"
+ =: (para ((link "/url" "" "link") <> space <> cite [Citation "author" [] [] NormalCitation 0 0] (str "[@author]")))
+ =?> unlines [ "[link][] [@author]"
+ , ""
+ , " [link]: /url"
+ ]
+ ]