path: root/test/textile-reader.native
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/textile-reader.native')
1 files changed, 1260 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/test/textile-reader.native b/test/textile-reader.native
index e691e41fc..a9c78ec8f 100644
--- a/test/textile-reader.native
+++ b/test/textile-reader.native
@@ -1,243 +1,1260 @@
-Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
-[Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "set",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "tests",Space,Str "for",Space,Str "pandoc",Space,Str "Textile",Space,Str "Reader.",Space,Str "Part",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "it",Space,Str "comes",LineBreak,Str "from",Space,Str "John",Space,Str "Gruber\8217s",Space,Str "markdown",Space,Str "test",Space,Str "suite."]
-,Header 1 ("headers",[],[]) [Str "Headers"]
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-,Header 3 ("level-3-with-emphasis",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "3",Space,Str "with",Space,Strong [Str "emphasis"]]
-,Header 4 ("level-4",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "4"]
-,Header 5 ("level-5",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "5"]
-,Header 6 ("level-6",[],[]) [Str "Level",Space,Str "6"]
-,Header 1 ("paragraphs",[],[]) [Str "Paragraphs"]
-,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "regular",Space,Str "paragraph."]
-,Para [Str "Line",Space,Str "breaks",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "preserved",Space,Str "in",Space,Str "textile,",Space,Str "so",Space,Str "you",Space,Str "can",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "wrap",Space,Str "your",Space,Str "very",LineBreak,Str "long",Space,Str "paragraph",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "your",Space,Str "favourite",Space,Str "text",Space,Str "editor",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "have",Space,Str "it",Space,Str "rendered",LineBreak,Str "with",Space,Str "no",Space,Str "break."]
-,Para [Str "Here\8217s",Space,Str "one",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "bullet."]
- [[Plain [Str "criminey."]]]
-,Para [Str "There",Space,Str "should",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "paragraph",Space,Str "break",Space,Str "between",Space,Str "here"]
-,Para [Str "and",Space,Str "here."]
-,Para [Str "pandoc",Space,Str "converts",Space,Str "textile."]
-,Header 1 ("block-quotes",[],[]) [Str "Block",Space,Str "Quotes"]
- [Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "famous",Space,Str "quote",Space,Str "from",Space,Str "somebody.",Space,Str "He",Space,Str "had",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "lot",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "things",Space,Str "to",LineBreak,Str "say,",Space,Str "so",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "text",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "really",Space,Str "really",Space,Str "long",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "spans",Space,Str "on",Space,Str "multiple",Space,Str "lines."]]
-,Para [Str "And",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "following",Space,Str "paragraph."]
-,Header 1 ("code-blocks",[],[]) [Str "Code",Space,Str "Blocks"]
-,Para [Str "Code:"]
-,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) " ---- (should be four hyphens)\n\n sub status {\n print \"working\";\n }\n\n this code block is indented by one tab"
-,Para [Str "And:"]
-,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) " this code block is indented by two tabs\n\n These should not be escaped: \\$ \\\\ \\> \\[ \\{"
-,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "Code block with .bc\n continued\n @</\\"
-,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "extended code block\n\n continued"
-,Para [Str "ended",Space,Str "by",Space,Str "paragraph"]
-,Para [Str "Inline",Space,Str "code:",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "<tt>",Str ",",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "@",Str "."]
-,Header 1 ("notextile",[],[]) [Str "Notextile"]
-,Para [Str "A",Space,Str "block",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "text",Space,Str "can",Space,Str "be",Space,Str "protected",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "notextile",Space,Str ":"]
-,Para [Str "\nNo *bold* and\n* no bullet\n"]
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-,Header 1 ("lists",[],[]) [Str "Lists"]
-,Header 2 ("unordered",[],[]) [Str "Unordered"]
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- [[Plain [Str "asterisk",Space,Str "1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "asterisk",Space,Str "2"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "asterisk",Space,Str "3"]]]
-,Para [Str "With",Space,Str "line",Space,Str "breaks:"]
- [[Plain [Str "asterisk",Space,Str "1",LineBreak,Str "newline"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "asterisk",Space,Str "2"]]]
-,Header 2 ("ordered",[],[]) [Str "Ordered"]
-,Para [Str "Tight:"]
-,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "First"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Second"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Third"]]]
-,Header 2 ("nested",[],[]) [Str "Nested"]
- [[Plain [Str "ui",Space,Str "1"]
- ,BulletList
- [[Plain [Str "ui",Space,Str "1.1"]
- ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "oi",Space,Str "1.1.1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "oi",Space,Str "1.1.2"]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "ui",Space,Str "1.2"]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "ui",Space,Str "2"]
- ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "oi",Space,Str "2.1"]
- ,BulletList
- [[Plain [Str "ui",Space,Str "2.1.1"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "ui",Space,Str "2.1.2"]]]]]]]
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- [[Plain [Str "one"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "two",LineBreak,Str "->",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "more"]]]
-,Header 2 ("issue-1513",[],[]) [Str "Issue",Space,Str "#1513"]
-,Para [Str "List:"]
- [[Plain [Str "one"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "two"]]]
-,Header 2 ("definition-list",[],[]) [Str "Definition",Space,Str "List"]
- [([Str "coffee"],
- [[Plain [Str "Hot",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "black"]]])
- ,([Str "tea"],
- [[Plain [Str "Also",Space,Str "hot,",Space,Str "but",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "little",Space,Str "less",Space,Str "black"]]])
- ,([Str "milk"],
- [[Para [Str "Nourishing",Space,Str "beverage",Space,Str "for",Space,Str "baby",Space,Str "cows."]
- ,Para [Str "Cold",Space,Str "drink",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "goes",Space,Str "great",Space,Str "with",Space,Str "cookies."]]])
- ,([Str "beer"],
- [[Plain [Str "fresh",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "bitter"]]])]
-,Header 1 ("inline-markup",[],[]) [Str "Inline",Space,Str "Markup"]
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-,Para [Emph [Strong [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "strong",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "em."]],LineBreak,Str "So",Space,Str "is",Space,Strong [Emph [Str "this"]],Space,Str "word",Space,Str "and",Space,Emph [Strong [Str "that",Space,Str "one"]],Str ".",LineBreak,Strikeout [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "strikeout",Space,Str "and",Space,Strong [Str "strong"]]]
-,Para [Str "Superscripts:",Space,Str "a",Superscript [Str "bc"],Str "d",Space,Str "a",Space,Superscript [Strong [Str "hello"]],Space,Str "a",Superscript [Str "hello",Space,Str "there"],Str ".",LineBreak,Str "Subscripts:",Space,Subscript [Str "here"],Space,Str "H",Space,Subscript [Str "2"],Str "O,",Space,Str "H",Space,Subscript [Str "23"],Str "O,",Space,Str "H",Space,Subscript [Str "many",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "them"],Str "O."]
-,Para [Str "Dashes",Space,Str ":",Space,Str "How",Space,Str "cool",Space,Str "\8212",Space,Str "automatic",Space,Str "dashes."]
-,Para [Str "Ellipses",Space,Str ":",Space,Str "He",Space,Str "thought",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "thought",Space,Str "\8230",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "then",Space,Str "thought",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "more."]
-,Para [Str "Quotes",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "apostrophes",Space,Str ":",Space,Quoted DoubleQuote [Str "I\8217d",Space,Str "like",Space,Str "to",Space,Str "thank",Space,Str "you"],Space,Str "for",Space,Str "example."]
-,Header 1 ("links",[],[]) [Str "Links"]
-,Header 2 ("explicit",[],[]) [Str "Explicit"]
-,Para [Str "Just",Space,Str "a",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "url"] ("http://www.url.com","")]
-,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "Email",Space,Str "link"] ("mailto:nobody@nowhere.net","")]
-,Para [Quoted DoubleQuote [Str "not",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "link"],Str ":",Space,Str "foo"]
-,Para [Str "Automatic",Space,Str "linking",Space,Str "to",Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "http://www.example.com"] ("http://www.example.com",""),Str "."]
-,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "Example"] ("http://www.example.com/",""),Str ":",Space,Str "Example",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "link",Space,Str "followed",Space,Str "by",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "colon."]
-,Para [Str "A",Space,Str "link",Link ("",[],[]) [Str "with",Space,Str "brackets"] ("http://www.example.com",""),Str "and",Space,Str "no",Space,Str "spaces."]
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-,Header 2 ("without-headers",[],[]) [Str "Without",Space,Str "headers"]
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- ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)]
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- [])
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- []
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- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "age"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "sex"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "joan"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "24"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "f"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "archie"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "29"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "m"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "bella"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "45"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "f"]]]])]
- (TableFoot ("",[],[])
- [])
-,Para [Str "and",Space,Str "some",Space,Str "text",Space,Str "following",Space,Str "\8230"]
-,Header 2 ("with-headers",[],[]) [Str "With",Space,Str "headers"]
-,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
- [])
- [(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)]
- (TableHead ("",[],[])
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
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- [Plain [Str "age"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "sex"]]]])
- [(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
- []
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "joan"]]
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- [Plain [Str "24"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "f"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "archie"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "29"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "m"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "bella"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "45"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "f"]]]])]
- (TableFoot ("",[],[])
- [])
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-,Header 2 ("centered",[],[("style","text-align:center;")]) [Str "Centered"]
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-,Header 2 ("justified",[],[("lang","en"),("style","color:blue;text-align:justify;")]) [Str "Justified"]
-,Para [Str "as",Space,Str "well",Space,Str "as",Space,Strong [Span ("",["foo"],[]) [Str "inline",Space,Str "attributes"]],Space,Str "of",Space,Span ("",[],[("style","color:red;")]) [Str "all",Space,Str "kind"]]
-,Para [Str "and",Space,Str "paragraph",Space,Str "attributes,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "table",Space,Str "attributes."]
-,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
- [])
- [(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)]
- (TableHead ("",[],[])
- [])
- [(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
- []
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
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- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "age"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "sex"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "joan"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "24"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "f"]]]])]
- (TableFoot ("",[],[])
- [])
-,Para [Emph [Str "(class#id)",Space,Str "emph"]]
-,Para [Emph [Str "(no",Space,Str "class#id)",Space,Str "emph"]]
-,Header 1 ("entities",[],[]) [Str "Entities"]
-,Para [Str "*",LineBreak,Str "&"]
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-,Para [Str "However,",Space,RawInline (Format "html") "<strong>",Space,Str "raw",Space,Str "HTML",Space,Str "inlines",Space,RawInline (Format "html") "</strong>",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "accepted,",Space,Str "as",Space,Str "well",Space,Str "as",Space,Str ":"]
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-,Para [Str "interrupt",Space,Str "paragraphs"]
-,RawBlock (Format "html") "</div>"
-,Para [Str "as",Space,Str "well."]
-,Para [Str "Can",Space,Str "you",Space,Str "prove",Space,Str "that",Space,Str "2",Space,Str "<",Space,Str "3",Space,Str "?"]
-,Header 1 ("acronyms-and-marks",[],[]) [Str "Acronyms",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "marks"]
-,Para [Str "PBS (Public Broadcasting System)"]
-,Para [Str "Hi\8482"]
-,Para [Str "Hi",Space,Str "\8482"]
-,Para [Str "\174",Space,Str "Hi\174"]
-,Para [Str "Hi\169\&2008",Space,Str "\169",Space,Str "2008"]
-,Header 1 ("footnotes",[],[]) [Str "Footnotes"]
-,Para [Str "A",Space,Str "note.",Note [Para [Str "The",Space,Str "note",LineBreak,Str "is",Space,Str "here!"]],Space,Str "Another",Space,Str "note",Note [Para [Str "Other",Space,Str "note."]],Str "."]
-,Header 1 ("comment-blocks",[],[]) [Str "Comment",Space,Str "blocks"]
-,Para [Str "not",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "comment."]]
+ Meta { unMeta = fromList [] }
+ [ Para
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "set"
+ , Space
+ , Str "of"
+ , Space
+ , Str "tests"
+ , Space
+ , Str "for"
+ , Space
+ , Str "pandoc"
+ , Space
+ , Str "Textile"
+ , Space
+ , Str "Reader."
+ , Space
+ , Str "Part"
+ , Space
+ , Str "of"
+ , Space
+ , Str "it"
+ , Space
+ , Str "comes"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "from"
+ , Space
+ , Str "John"
+ , Space
+ , Str "Gruber\8217s"
+ , Space
+ , Str "markdown"
+ , Space
+ , Str "test"
+ , Space
+ , Str "suite."
+ ]
+ , HorizontalRule
+ , Header 1 ( "headers" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Headers" ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "level-2-with-an-embedded-link" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Level"
+ , Space
+ , Str "2"
+ , Space
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "an"
+ , Space
+ , Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "embedded" , Space , Str "link" ]
+ ( "http://www.example.com" , "" )
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 3
+ ( "level-3-with-emphasis" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Level"
+ , Space
+ , Str "3"
+ , Space
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Strong [ Str "emphasis" ]
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 4 ( "level-4" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "4" ]
+ , Header
+ 5 ( "level-5" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "5" ]
+ , Header
+ 6 ( "level-6" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Level" , Space , Str "6" ]
+ , Header 1 ( "paragraphs" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Paragraphs" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Here\8217s"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "regular"
+ , Space
+ , Str "paragraph."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Line"
+ , Space
+ , Str "breaks"
+ , Space
+ , Str "are"
+ , Space
+ , Str "preserved"
+ , Space
+ , Str "in"
+ , Space
+ , Str "textile,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "so"
+ , Space
+ , Str "you"
+ , Space
+ , Str "can"
+ , Space
+ , Str "not"
+ , Space
+ , Str "wrap"
+ , Space
+ , Str "your"
+ , Space
+ , Str "very"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "long"
+ , Space
+ , Str "paragraph"
+ , Space
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "your"
+ , Space
+ , Str "favourite"
+ , Space
+ , Str "text"
+ , Space
+ , Str "editor"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "have"
+ , Space
+ , Str "it"
+ , Space
+ , Str "rendered"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "no"
+ , Space
+ , Str "break."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Here\8217s"
+ , Space
+ , Str "one"
+ , Space
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "bullet."
+ ]
+ , BulletList [ [ Plain [ Str "criminey." ] ] ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "There"
+ , Space
+ , Str "should"
+ , Space
+ , Str "be"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "paragraph"
+ , Space
+ , Str "break"
+ , Space
+ , Str "between"
+ , Space
+ , Str "here"
+ ]
+ , Para [ Str "and" , Space , Str "here." ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "pandoc"
+ , Space
+ , Str "converts"
+ , Space
+ , Str "textile."
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 1
+ ( "block-quotes" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Block" , Space , Str "Quotes" ]
+ , BlockQuote
+ [ Para
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "famous"
+ , Space
+ , Str "quote"
+ , Space
+ , Str "from"
+ , Space
+ , Str "somebody."
+ , Space
+ , Str "He"
+ , Space
+ , Str "had"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "lot"
+ , Space
+ , Str "of"
+ , Space
+ , Str "things"
+ , Space
+ , Str "to"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "say,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "so"
+ , Space
+ , Str "the"
+ , Space
+ , Str "text"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Str "really"
+ , Space
+ , Str "really"
+ , Space
+ , Str "long"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "spans"
+ , Space
+ , Str "on"
+ , Space
+ , Str "multiple"
+ , Space
+ , Str "lines."
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "And"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "following"
+ , Space
+ , Str "paragraph."
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 1
+ ( "code-blocks" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Code" , Space , Str "Blocks" ]
+ , Para [ Str "Code:" ]
+ , CodeBlock
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ " ---- (should be four hyphens)\n\n sub status {\n print \"working\";\n }\n\n this code block is indented by one tab"
+ , Para [ Str "And:" ]
+ , CodeBlock
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ " this code block is indented by two tabs\n\n These should not be escaped: \\$ \\\\ \\> \\[ \\{"
+ , CodeBlock
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ "Code block with .bc\n continued\n @</\\"
+ , CodeBlock
+ ( "" , [] , [] ) "extended code block\n\n continued"
+ , Para
+ [ Str "ended" , Space , Str "by" , Space , Str "paragraph" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Inline"
+ , Space
+ , Str "code:"
+ , Space
+ , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "<tt>"
+ , Str ","
+ , Space
+ , Code ( "" , [] , [] ) "@"
+ , Str "."
+ ]
+ , Header 1 ( "notextile" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Notextile" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "A"
+ , Space
+ , Str "block"
+ , Space
+ , Str "of"
+ , Space
+ , Str "text"
+ , Space
+ , Str "can"
+ , Space
+ , Str "be"
+ , Space
+ , Str "protected"
+ , Space
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "notextile"
+ , Space
+ , Str ":"
+ ]
+ , Para [ Str "\nNo *bold* and\n* no bullet\n" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "inlines"
+ , Space
+ , Str "can"
+ , Space
+ , Str "be"
+ , Space
+ , Str "protected"
+ , Space
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "double *equals (=)* markup."
+ ]
+ , Header 1 ( "lists" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Lists" ]
+ , Header 2 ( "unordered" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Unordered" ]
+ , Para [ Str "Asterisks" , Space , Str "tight:" ]
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "asterisk" , Space , Str "1" ] ]
+ , [ Plain [ Str "asterisk" , Space , Str "2" ] ]
+ , [ Plain [ Str "asterisk" , Space , Str "3" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "With" , Space , Str "line" , Space , Str "breaks:" ]
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain
+ [ Str "asterisk"
+ , Space
+ , Str "1"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "newline"
+ ]
+ ]
+ , [ Plain [ Str "asterisk" , Space , Str "2" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Header 2 ( "ordered" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Ordered" ]
+ , Para [ Str "Tight:" ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1 , DefaultStyle , DefaultDelim )
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "First" ] ]
+ , [ Plain [ Str "Second" ] ]
+ , [ Plain [ Str "Third" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Header 2 ( "nested" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Nested" ]
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "ui" , Space , Str "1" ]
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "ui" , Space , Str "1.1" ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1 , DefaultStyle , DefaultDelim )
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "oi" , Space , Str "1.1.1" ] ]
+ , [ Plain [ Str "oi" , Space , Str "1.1.2" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , [ Plain [ Str "ui" , Space , Str "1.2" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , [ Plain [ Str "ui" , Space , Str "2" ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1 , DefaultStyle , DefaultDelim )
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "oi" , Space , Str "2.1" ]
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "ui" , Space , Str "2.1.1" ] ]
+ , [ Plain [ Str "ui" , Space , Str "2.1.2" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "issue-1500" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Issue" , Space , Str "#1500" ]
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "one" ] ]
+ , [ Plain
+ [ Str "two"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "->"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "more"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "issue-1513" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Issue" , Space , Str "#1513" ]
+ , Para [ Str "List:" ]
+ , BulletList
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "one" ] ] , [ Plain [ Str "two" ] ] ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "definition-list" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Definition" , Space , Str "List" ]
+ , DefinitionList
+ [ ( [ Str "coffee" ]
+ , [ [ Plain
+ [ Str "Hot" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "black" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ , ( [ Str "tea" ]
+ , [ [ Plain
+ [ Str "Also"
+ , Space
+ , Str "hot,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "but"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "little"
+ , Space
+ , Str "less"
+ , Space
+ , Str "black"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ , ( [ Str "milk" ]
+ , [ [ Para
+ [ Str "Nourishing"
+ , Space
+ , Str "beverage"
+ , Space
+ , Str "for"
+ , Space
+ , Str "baby"
+ , Space
+ , Str "cows."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Cold"
+ , Space
+ , Str "drink"
+ , Space
+ , Str "that"
+ , Space
+ , Str "goes"
+ , Space
+ , Str "great"
+ , Space
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "cookies."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ , ( [ Str "beer" ]
+ , [ [ Plain
+ [ Str "fresh"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "bitter"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 1
+ ( "inline-markup" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Inline" , Space , Str "Markup" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Emph [ Str "emphasized" ]
+ , Str ","
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "so"
+ , Space
+ , Emph [ Str "is" , Space , Str "this" ]
+ , Str "."
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Strong [ Str "strong" ]
+ , Str ","
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "so"
+ , Space
+ , Strong [ Str "is" , Space , Str "this" ]
+ , Str "."
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Underline [ Str "inserted" ]
+ , Str ","
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "this"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Strikeout [ Str "deleted" ]
+ , Str "."
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "Hyphenated-words-are-ok,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "as"
+ , Space
+ , Str "well"
+ , Space
+ , Str "as"
+ , Space
+ , Str "strange_underscore_notation."
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "A"
+ , Space
+ , Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Strong [ Str "strong" , Space , Str "link" ] ]
+ ( "http://www.foobar.com" , "" )
+ , Str "."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Emph
+ [ Strong
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Str "strong"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "em."
+ ]
+ ]
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "So"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Strong [ Emph [ Str "this" ] ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "word"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Emph [ Strong [ Str "that" , Space , Str "one" ] ]
+ , Str "."
+ , LineBreak
+ , Strikeout
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Str "strikeout"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Strong [ Str "strong" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Superscripts:"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Superscript [ Str "bc" ]
+ , Str "d"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Superscript [ Strong [ Str "hello" ] ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Superscript [ Str "hello" , Space , Str "there" ]
+ , Str "."
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "Subscripts:"
+ , Space
+ , Subscript [ Str "here" ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "H"
+ , Space
+ , Subscript [ Str "2" ]
+ , Str "O,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "H"
+ , Space
+ , Subscript [ Str "23" ]
+ , Str "O,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "H"
+ , Space
+ , Subscript
+ [ Str "many" , Space , Str "of" , Space , Str "them" ]
+ , Str "O."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Dashes"
+ , Space
+ , Str ":"
+ , Space
+ , Str "How"
+ , Space
+ , Str "cool"
+ , Space
+ , Str "\8212"
+ , Space
+ , Str "automatic"
+ , Space
+ , Str "dashes."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Ellipses"
+ , Space
+ , Str ":"
+ , Space
+ , Str "He"
+ , Space
+ , Str "thought"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "thought"
+ , Space
+ , Str "\8230"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "then"
+ , Space
+ , Str "thought"
+ , Space
+ , Str "some"
+ , Space
+ , Str "more."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Quotes"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "apostrophes"
+ , Space
+ , Str ":"
+ , Space
+ , Quoted
+ DoubleQuote
+ [ Str "I\8217d"
+ , Space
+ , Str "like"
+ , Space
+ , Str "to"
+ , Space
+ , Str "thank"
+ , Space
+ , Str "you"
+ ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "for"
+ , Space
+ , Str "example."
+ ]
+ , Header 1 ( "links" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Links" ]
+ , Header 2 ( "explicit" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Explicit" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Just"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "url" ] ( "http://www.url.com" , "" )
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Email" , Space , Str "link" ]
+ ( "mailto:nobody@nowhere.net" , "" )
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Quoted
+ DoubleQuote
+ [ Str "not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "link" ]
+ , Str ":"
+ , Space
+ , Str "foo"
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Automatic"
+ , Space
+ , Str "linking"
+ , Space
+ , Str "to"
+ , Space
+ , Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "http://www.example.com" ]
+ ( "http://www.example.com" , "" )
+ , Str "."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Example" ]
+ ( "http://www.example.com/" , "" )
+ , Str ":"
+ , Space
+ , Str "Example"
+ , Space
+ , Str "of"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "link"
+ , Space
+ , Str "followed"
+ , Space
+ , Str "by"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "colon."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "A"
+ , Space
+ , Str "link"
+ , Link
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "with" , Space , Str "brackets" ]
+ ( "http://www.example.com" , "" )
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "no"
+ , Space
+ , Str "spaces."
+ ]
+ , Header 1 ( "tables" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Tables" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Textile"
+ , Space
+ , Str "allows"
+ , Space
+ , Str "tables"
+ , Space
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "without"
+ , Space
+ , Str "headers"
+ , Space
+ , Str ":"
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "without-headers" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Without" , Space , Str "headers" ]
+ , Table
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ (Caption Nothing [])
+ [ ( AlignDefault , ColWidthDefault )
+ , ( AlignDefault , ColWidthDefault )
+ , ( AlignDefault , ColWidthDefault )
+ ]
+ (TableHead ( "" , [] , [] ) [])
+ [ TableBody
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ (RowHeadColumns 0)
+ []
+ [ Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "name" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "age" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "sex" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "joan" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "24" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "archie" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "29" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "m" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "bella" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "45" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) [])
+ , Para
+ [ Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "some"
+ , Space
+ , Str "text"
+ , Space
+ , Str "following"
+ , Space
+ , Str "\8230"
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "with-headers" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "With" , Space , Str "headers" ]
+ , Table
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ (Caption Nothing [])
+ [ ( AlignDefault , ColWidthDefault )
+ , ( AlignDefault , ColWidthDefault )
+ , ( AlignDefault , ColWidthDefault )
+ ]
+ (TableHead
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "name" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "age" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "sex" ] ]
+ ]
+ ])
+ [ TableBody
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ (RowHeadColumns 0)
+ []
+ [ Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "joan" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "24" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "archie" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "29" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "m" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "bella" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "45" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) [])
+ , Header 1 ( "images" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Images" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Textile"
+ , Space
+ , Str "inline"
+ , Space
+ , Str "image"
+ , Space
+ , Str "syntax,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "like"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "here"
+ , Space
+ , Image
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "this is the alt text" ]
+ ( "this_is_an_image.png" , "this is the alt text" )
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "here"
+ , Space
+ , Image
+ ( "" , [] , [] ) [ Str "" ] ( "this_is_an_image.png" , "" )
+ , Str "."
+ ]
+ , Header 1 ( "attributes" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Attributes" ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "ident"
+ , [ "bar" , "foo" ]
+ , [ ( "style" , "color:red;" ) , ( "lang" , "en" ) ]
+ )
+ [ Str "HTML"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "CSS"
+ , Space
+ , Str "attributes"
+ , Space
+ , Str "are"
+ , Space
+ , Str "parsed"
+ , Space
+ , Str "in"
+ , Space
+ , Str "headers."
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "centered" , [] , [ ( "style" , "text-align:center;" ) ] )
+ [ Str "Centered" ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "right" , [] , [ ( "style" , "text-align:right;" ) ] )
+ [ Str "Right" ]
+ , Header
+ 2
+ ( "justified"
+ , []
+ , [ ( "lang" , "en" )
+ , ( "style" , "color:blue;text-align:justify;" )
+ ]
+ )
+ [ Str "Justified" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "as"
+ , Space
+ , Str "well"
+ , Space
+ , Str "as"
+ , Space
+ , Strong
+ [ Span
+ ( "" , [ "foo" ] , [] )
+ [ Str "inline" , Space , Str "attributes" ]
+ ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "of"
+ , Space
+ , Span
+ ( "" , [] , [ ( "style" , "color:red;" ) ] )
+ [ Str "all" , Space , Str "kind" ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "paragraph"
+ , Space
+ , Str "attributes,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "table"
+ , Space
+ , Str "attributes."
+ ]
+ , Table
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ (Caption Nothing [])
+ [ ( AlignDefault , ColWidthDefault )
+ , ( AlignDefault , ColWidthDefault )
+ , ( AlignDefault , ColWidthDefault )
+ ]
+ (TableHead ( "" , [] , [] ) [])
+ [ TableBody
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ (RowHeadColumns 0)
+ []
+ [ Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "name" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "age" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "sex" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "joan" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "24" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "" , [] , [] )
+ AlignDefault
+ (RowSpan 1)
+ (ColSpan 1)
+ [ Plain [ Str "f" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ (TableFoot ( "" , [] , [] ) [])
+ , Para [ Emph [ Str "(class#id)" , Space , Str "emph" ] ]
+ , Para
+ [ Emph
+ [ Str "(no" , Space , Str "class#id)" , Space , Str "emph" ]
+ ]
+ , Header 1 ( "entities" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Entities" ]
+ , Para [ Str "*" , LineBreak , Str "&" ]
+ , Header
+ 1
+ ( "raw-html" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Raw" , Space , Str "HTML" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "However,"
+ , Space
+ , RawInline (Format "html") "<strong>"
+ , Space
+ , Str "raw"
+ , Space
+ , Str "HTML"
+ , Space
+ , Str "inlines"
+ , Space
+ , RawInline (Format "html") "</strong>"
+ , Space
+ , Str "are"
+ , Space
+ , Str "accepted,"
+ , Space
+ , Str "as"
+ , Space
+ , Str "well"
+ , Space
+ , Str "as"
+ , Space
+ , Str ":"
+ ]
+ , RawBlock (Format "html") "<div class=\"foobar\">"
+ , Para
+ [ Str "any"
+ , Space
+ , Strong
+ [ Str "Raw" , Space , Str "HTML" , Space , Str "Block" ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "bold"
+ ]
+ , RawBlock (Format "html") "</div>"
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Html" , Space , Str "blocks" , Space , Str "can" ]
+ , RawBlock (Format "html") "<div>"
+ , Para [ Str "interrupt" , Space , Str "paragraphs" ]
+ , RawBlock (Format "html") "</div>"
+ , Para [ Str "as" , Space , Str "well." ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Can"
+ , Space
+ , Str "you"
+ , Space
+ , Str "prove"
+ , Space
+ , Str "that"
+ , Space
+ , Str "2"
+ , Space
+ , Str "<"
+ , Space
+ , Str "3"
+ , Space
+ , Str "?"
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 1
+ ( "acronyms-and-marks" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Acronyms" , Space , Str "and" , Space , Str "marks" ]
+ , Para [ Str "PBS (Public Broadcasting System)" ]
+ , Para [ Str "Hi\8482" ]
+ , Para [ Str "Hi" , Space , Str "\8482" ]
+ , Para [ Str "\174" , Space , Str "Hi\174" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Hi\169\&2008"
+ , Space
+ , Str "\169"
+ , Space
+ , Str "2008"
+ ]
+ , Header 1 ( "footnotes" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Footnotes" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "A"
+ , Space
+ , Str "note."
+ , Note
+ [ Para
+ [ Str "The"
+ , Space
+ , Str "note"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Str "here!"
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "Another"
+ , Space
+ , Str "note"
+ , Note [ Para [ Str "Other" , Space , Str "note." ] ]
+ , Str "."
+ ]
+ , Header
+ 1
+ ( "comment-blocks" , [] , [] )
+ [ Str "Comment" , Space , Str "blocks" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "not" , Space , Str "a" , Space , Str "comment." ]
+ ]