path: root/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/lua/module/pandoc.lua')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua b/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
index fa1748c18..892ffee03 100644
--- a/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
+++ b/test/lua/module/pandoc.lua
@@ -8,126 +8,182 @@ function os_is_windows ()
return package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\'
+-- Constructor behavior is tested in the hslua-pandoc-types module, so
+-- we just make sure the functions are present.
return {
- group 'Attr' {
- group 'Constructor' {
- test('returns null-Attr if no arguments are given', function ()
- local attr = pandoc.Attr()
- assert.are_equal(attr.identifier, '')
- assert.are_same(attr.classes, {})
- assert.are_same(attr.attributes, {})
- end),
- test(
- 'accepts string-indexed table or list of pairs as attributes',
- function ()
- local attributes_list = pandoc.List:new {{'one', '1'}, {'two', '2'}}
- local attr_from_list = pandoc.Attr('', {}, attributes_list:clone())
- assert.are_same(
- pandoc.List:new(attr_from_list.attributes),
- attributes_list
- )
- local attributes_table = {one = '1', two = '2'}
- local attr_from_table = pandoc.Attr('', {}, attributes_table)
- local assoc_list_from_table =
- pandoc.List:new(attr_from_table.attributes)
- -- won't work in general, but does in this special case
- table.sort(assoc_list_from_table, function(x, y) return x[1]<y[1] end)
- assert.are_same(
- assoc_list_from_table,
- attributes_list
- )
- end
- )
+ group 'Constructors' {
+ group 'Misc' {
+ test('pandoc.Attr is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Attr), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.AttributeList is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.AttributeList), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Blocks is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Blocks), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Citation is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Citation), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Inlines is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Inlines), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.SimpleTable is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.SimpleTable), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Meta is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Meta), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Pandoc is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Pandoc), 'function')
+ end),
- group 'AttributeList' {
- test('allows access via fields', function ()
- local attributes = pandoc.Attr('', {}, {{'a', '1'}, {'b', '2'}}).attributes
- assert.are_equal(attributes.a, '1')
- assert.are_equal(attributes.b, '2')
- end),
- test('allows access to pairs via numerical indexing', function ()
- local attributes = pandoc.Attr('', {}, {{'a', '1'}, {'b', '2'}}).attributes
- assert.are_same(attributes[1], {'a', '1'})
- assert.are_same(attributes[2], {'b', '2'})
- end),
- test('adds entries by field name', function ()
- local attributes = pandoc.Attr('',{}, {{'c', '1'}, {'d', '2'}}).attributes
- attributes.e = '3'
- assert.are_same(
- -- checking the full AttributeList would "duplicate" entries
- setmetatable(attributes, nil),
- {{'c', '1'}, {'d', '2'}, {'e', '3'}}
- )
+ group "Inline elements" {
+ test('pandoc.AttributeList is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Cite), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.AttributeList is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Code), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Emph is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Emph), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Image is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Image), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Link is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Link), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Math is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Math), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Note is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Note), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Quoted is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Quoted), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.SmallCaps is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.SmallCaps), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.SoftBreak is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.SoftBreak), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Span is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Span), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Str is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Str), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Strikeout is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Strikeout), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Strong is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Strong), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Subscript is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Subscript), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Superscript is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Superscript), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Underline is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Underline), 'function')
- test('deletes entries by field name', function ()
- local attributes = pandoc.Attr('',{}, {a = '1', b = '2'}).attributes
- attributes.a = nil
- assert.is_nil(attributes.a)
- local assoc_list = setmetatable(attributes, nil)
- assert.are_same(assoc_list, {{'b', '2'}})
- end),
- test('remains unchanged if deleted key did not exist', function ()
- local assoc_list = pandoc.List:new {{'alpha', 'x'}, {'beta', 'y'}}
- local attributes = pandoc.Attr('', {}, assoc_list:clone()).attributes
- attributes.a = nil
- assert.are_same(pandoc.List:new(attributes), assoc_list)
- end),
- test('gives key-value pairs when iterated-over', function ()
- local attributes = {width = '11', height = '22', name = 'test'}
- local attr = pandoc.Attr('', {}, attributes)
- local count = 0
- for k, v in pairs(attr.attributes) do
- assert.are_equal(attributes[k], v)
- count = count + 1
- end
- assert.are_equal(count, 3)
- end)
- group 'HTML-like attribute tables' {
- test('in element constructor', function ()
- local html_attributes = {
- id = 'the-id',
- class = 'class1 class2',
- width = '11',
- height = '12'
- }
- local attr = pandoc.Span('test', html_attributes).attr
- assert.are_equal(attr.identifier, 'the-id')
- assert.are_equal(attr.classes[1], 'class1')
- assert.are_equal(attr.classes[2], 'class2')
- assert.are_equal(attr.attributes.width, '11')
- assert.are_equal(attr.attributes.height, '12')
- end),
- test('element attr setter', function ()
- local html_attributes = {
- id = 'the-id',
- class = 'class1 class2',
- width = "11",
- height = "12"
- }
- local span = pandoc.Span 'test'
- span.attr = html_attributes
- assert.are_equal(span.attr.identifier, 'the-id')
- assert.are_equal(span.attr.classes[1], 'class1')
- assert.are_equal(span.attr.classes[2], 'class2')
- assert.are_equal(span.attr.attributes.width, '11')
- assert.are_equal(span.attr.attributes.height, '12')
- end),
- test('element attrbutes setter', function ()
- local attributes = {
- width = "11",
- height = "12"
- }
- local span = pandoc.Span 'test'
- span.attributes = attributes
- assert.are_equal(span.attr.attributes.width, '11')
- assert.are_equal(span.attr.attributes.height, '12')
- end)
+ group "Block elements" {
+ test('pandoc.BlockQuote is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.BlockQuote), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.BulletList is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.BulletList), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.CodeBlock is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.CodeBlock), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.DefinitionList is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.DefinitionList), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Div is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Div), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Header is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Header), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.LineBlock is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.LineBlock), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Null is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Null), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.OrderedList is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.OrderedList), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Para is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Para), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Plain is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Plain), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.RawBlock is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Plain), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('pandoc.Table is a function', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(type(pandoc.Table), 'function')
+ end),
+ group 'MetaValue elements' {
+ test('MetaList elements behave like lists', function ()
+ local metalist = pandoc.MetaList{}
+ assert.are_equal(type(metalist.insert), 'function')
+ assert.are_equal(type(metalist.remove), 'function')
+ end),
+ test('`tag` is an alias for `t``', function ()
+ assert.are_equal((pandoc.MetaList{}).tag, (pandoc.MetaList{}).t)
+ assert.are_equal((pandoc.MetaMap{}).tag, (pandoc.MetaMap{}).t)
+ assert.are_equal((pandoc.MetaInlines{}).tag, (pandoc.MetaInlines{}).t)
+ assert.are_equal((pandoc.MetaBlocks{}).tag, (pandoc.MetaBlocks{}).t)
+ end),
+ },
+ group 'Meta' {
+ test('inline list is treated as MetaInlines', function ()
+ local meta = pandoc.Pandoc({}, {test = {pandoc.Emph 'check'}}).meta
+ assert.are_same(meta.test, {pandoc.Emph{pandoc.Str 'check'}})
+ end),
+ test('inline element is treated as MetaInlines singleton', function ()
+ local meta = pandoc.Pandoc({}, {test = pandoc.Emph 'check'}).meta
+ assert.are_same(meta.test, {pandoc.Emph{pandoc.Str 'check'}})
+ end),
+ test('block list is treated as MetaBlocks', function ()
+ local meta = pandoc.Pandoc({}, {test = {pandoc.Plain 'check'}}).meta
+ assert.are_same(meta.test, {pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'check'}})
+ end),
+ test('block element is treated as MetaBlocks singleton', function ()
+ local meta = pandoc.Pandoc({}, {test = pandoc.Plain 'check'}).meta
+ assert.are_same(meta.test, {pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'check'}})
+ end),
+ },
+ group 'Other types' {
+ group 'ReaderOptions' {
+ test('returns a userdata value', function ()
+ local opts = pandoc.ReaderOptions {}
+ assert.are_equal(type(opts), 'userdata')
+ end),
+ test('can construct from table', function ()
+ local opts = pandoc.ReaderOptions {columns = 66}
+ assert.are_equal(opts.columns, 66)
+ end),
+ test('can construct from other ReaderOptions value', function ()
+ local orig = pandoc.ReaderOptions{columns = 65}
+ local copy = pandoc.ReaderOptions(orig)
+ for k, v in pairs(orig) do
+ assert.are_same(copy[k], v)
+ end
+ assert.are_equal(copy.columns, 65)
+ end),
+ },
+ },
group 'clone' {
test('clones Attr', function ()
@@ -163,6 +219,8 @@ return {
local cloned = cite:clone()
cite.id = 'newton'
assert.are_same(cloned.id, 'leibniz')
+ assert.are_same(cite.id, 'newton')
+ assert.are_same(cite.mode, cloned.mode)
@@ -205,6 +263,22 @@ return {
assert.are_same(expected, pandoc.read(valid_markdown))
+ test('unsupported extension', function ()
+ assert.error_matches(
+ function () pandoc.read('foo', 'gfm+empty_paragraphs') end,
+ 'Extension empty_paragraphs not supported for gfm'
+ )
+ end),
+ test('read with other indented code classes', function()
+ local indented_code = ' return true'
+ local expected = pandoc.Pandoc({
+ pandoc.CodeBlock('return true', {class='foo'})
+ })
+ assert.are_same(
+ expected,
+ pandoc.read(indented_code, 'markdown', {indented_code_classes={'foo'}})
+ )
+ end),
test('failing read', function ()
function () pandoc.read('foo', 'nosuchreader') end,
@@ -249,5 +323,26 @@ return {
assert.are_equal('1234', table.concat(acc))
+ },
+ group 'Marshal' {
+ group 'Inlines' {
+ test('Strings are broken into words', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(
+ pandoc.Emph 'Nice, init?',
+ pandoc.Emph{pandoc.Str 'Nice,', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'init?'}
+ )
+ end)
+ },
+ group 'Blocks' {
+ test('Strings are broken into words and wrapped in Plain', function ()
+ assert.are_equal(
+ pandoc.Div{
+ pandoc.Plain{pandoc.Str 'Nice,', pandoc.Space(), pandoc.Str 'init?'}
+ },
+ pandoc.Div{'Nice, init?'}
+ )
+ end)
+ }