path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
24 files changed, 1384 insertions, 928 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/ImageSize.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/ImageSize.hs
index e0a1af8e8..bb1aa6351 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/ImageSize.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/ImageSize.hs
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ import Numeric (showFFloat)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-import qualified Text.XML.Light as Xml
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLElement)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light hiding (Attr)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
@@ -332,12 +331,12 @@ svgSize opts img = do
doc <- either (const mzero) return $ parseXMLElement
$ TL.fromStrict $ UTF8.toText img
let viewboxSize = do
- vb <- Xml.findAttrBy (== Xml.QName "viewBox" Nothing Nothing) doc
- [_,_,w,h] <- mapM safeRead (T.words (T.pack vb))
+ vb <- findAttrBy (== QName "viewBox" Nothing Nothing) doc
+ [_,_,w,h] <- mapM safeRead (T.words vb)
return (w,h)
let dpi = fromIntegral $ writerDpi opts
let dirToInt dir = do
- dim <- Xml.findAttrBy (== Xml.QName dir Nothing Nothing) doc >>= lengthToDim . T.pack
+ dim <- findAttrBy (== QName dir Nothing Nothing) doc >>= lengthToDim
return $ inPixel opts dim
w <- dirToInt "width" <|> (fst <$> viewboxSize)
h <- dirToInt "height" <|> (snd <$> viewboxSize)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DocBook.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DocBook.hs
index ad0108843..e201b54fe 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DocBook.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/DocBook.hs
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Logging (LogMessage(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (crFilter, safeRead, extractSpaces)
import Text.TeXMath (readMathML, writeTeX)
-import Text.XML.Light
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLContents)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
@@ -578,26 +577,27 @@ normalizeTree = everywhere (mkT go)
where go :: [Content] -> [Content]
go (Text (CData CDataRaw _ _):xs) = xs
go (Text (CData CDataText s1 z):Text (CData CDataText s2 _):xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (s1 ++ s2) z):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (s1 <> s2) z):xs
go (Text (CData CDataText s1 z):CRef r:xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (s1 ++ convertEntity r) z):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (s1 <> convertEntity r) z):xs
go (CRef r:Text (CData CDataText s1 z):xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r ++ s1) z):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r <> s1) z):xs
go (CRef r1:CRef r2:xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r1 ++ convertEntity r2) Nothing):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r1 <>
+ convertEntity r2) Nothing):xs
go xs = xs
-convertEntity :: String -> String
-convertEntity e = Data.Maybe.fromMaybe (map toUpper e) (lookupEntity e)
+convertEntity :: Text -> Text
+convertEntity e = maybe (T.map toUpper e) T.pack (lookupEntity $ T.unpack e)
-- convenience function to get an attribute value, defaulting to ""
-attrValue :: String -> Element -> Text
+attrValue :: Text -> Element -> Text
attrValue attr elt =
- maybe "" T.pack (lookupAttrBy (\x -> qName x == attr) (elAttribs elt))
+ fromMaybe "" (lookupAttrBy (\x -> qName x == attr) (elAttribs elt))
-- convenience function
named :: Text -> Element -> Bool
-named s e = qName (elName e) == T.unpack s
+named s e = qName (elName e) == s
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ isBlockElement :: Content -> Bool
isBlockElement (Elem e) = qName (elName e) `elem` blockTags
isBlockElement _ = False
-blockTags :: [String]
+blockTags :: [Text]
blockTags =
[ "abstract"
, "ackno"
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ blockTags =
, "variablelist"
] ++ admonitionTags
-admonitionTags :: [String]
+admonitionTags :: [Text]
admonitionTags = ["important","caution","note","tip","warning"]
-- Trim leading and trailing newline characters
@@ -779,10 +779,10 @@ getBlocks e = mconcat <$>
parseBlock :: PandocMonad m => Content -> DB m Blocks
parseBlock (Text (CData CDataRaw _ _)) = return mempty -- DOCTYPE
-parseBlock (Text (CData _ s _)) = if all isSpace s
+parseBlock (Text (CData _ s _)) = if T.all isSpace s
then return mempty
- else return $ plain $ trimInlines $ text $ T.pack s
-parseBlock (CRef x) = return $ plain $ str $ T.toUpper $ T.pack x
+ else return $ plain $ trimInlines $ text s
+parseBlock (CRef x) = return $ plain $ str $ T.toUpper x
parseBlock (Elem e) =
case qName (elName e) of
"toc" -> skip -- skip TOC, since in pandoc it's autogenerated
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
"refsect2" -> sect 2
"refsect3" -> sect 3
"refsection" -> gets dbSectionLevel >>= sect . (+1)
- l | l `elem` admonitionTags -> parseAdmonition $ T.pack l
+ l | l `elem` admonitionTags -> parseAdmonition l
"area" -> skip
"areaset" -> skip
"areaspec" -> skip
@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
"subtitle" -> return mempty -- handled in parent element
_ -> skip >> getBlocks e
where skip = do
- let qn = T.pack $ qName $ elName e
+ let qn = qName $ elName e
let name = if "pi-" `T.isPrefixOf` qn
then "<?" <> qn <> "?>"
else qn
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
"" -> []
x -> [x]
return $ codeBlockWith (attrValue "id" e, classes', [])
- $ trimNl $ T.pack $ strContentRecursive e
+ $ trimNl $ strContentRecursive e
parseBlockquote = do
attrib <- case filterChild (named "attribution") e of
Nothing -> return mempty
@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
w <- findAttr (unqual "colwidth") c
n <- safeRead $ "0" <> T.filter (\x ->
(x >= '0' && x <= '9')
- || x == '.') (T.pack w)
+ || x == '.') w
if n > 0 then Just n else Nothing
let numrows = case bodyrows of
[] -> 0
@@ -1048,12 +1048,12 @@ parseMixed container conts = do
x <- parseMixed container rs
return $ p <> b <> x
-parseRow :: PandocMonad m => [String] -> Element -> DB m [Cell]
+parseRow :: PandocMonad m => [Text] -> Element -> DB m [Cell]
parseRow cn = do
let isEntry x = named "entry" x || named "td" x || named "th" x
mapM (parseEntry cn) . filterChildren isEntry
-parseEntry :: PandocMonad m => [String] -> Element -> DB m Cell
+parseEntry :: PandocMonad m => [Text] -> Element -> DB m Cell
parseEntry cn el = do
let colDistance sa ea = do
let iStrt = elemIndex sa cn
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ getInlines :: PandocMonad m => Element -> DB m Inlines
getInlines e' = trimInlines . mconcat <$>
mapM parseInline (elContent e')
-strContentRecursive :: Element -> String
+strContentRecursive :: Element -> Text
strContentRecursive = strContent .
(\e' -> e'{ elContent = map elementToStr $ elContent e' })
@@ -1084,9 +1084,9 @@ elementToStr (Elem e') = Text $ CData CDataText (strContentRecursive e') Nothing
elementToStr x = x
parseInline :: PandocMonad m => Content -> DB m Inlines
-parseInline (Text (CData _ s _)) = return $ text $ T.pack s
+parseInline (Text (CData _ s _)) = return $ text s
parseInline (CRef ref) =
- return $ text $ maybe (T.toUpper $ T.pack ref) T.pack $ lookupEntity ref
+ return $ text $ maybe (T.toUpper ref) T.pack $ lookupEntity (T.unpack ref)
parseInline (Elem e) =
case qName (elName e) of
"anchor" -> do
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
"userinput" -> codeWithLang
"systemitem" -> codeWithLang
"varargs" -> return $ code "(...)"
- "keycap" -> return (str $ T.pack $ strContent e)
+ "keycap" -> return (str $ strContent e)
"keycombo" -> keycombo <$>
mapM parseInline (elContent e)
"menuchoice" -> menuchoice <$>
@@ -1150,17 +1150,17 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
let title = case attrValue "endterm" e of
"" -> maybe "???" xrefTitleByElem
(findElementById linkend content)
- endterm -> maybe "???" (T.pack . strContent)
+ endterm -> maybe "???" strContent
(findElementById endterm content)
return $ link ("#" <> linkend) "" (text title)
- "email" -> return $ link ("mailto:" <> T.pack (strContent e)) ""
- $ str $ T.pack $ strContent e
- "uri" -> return $ link (T.pack $ strContent e) "" $ str $ T.pack $ strContent e
+ "email" -> return $ link ("mailto:" <> strContent e) ""
+ $ str $ strContent e
+ "uri" -> return $ link (strContent e) "" $ str $ strContent e
"ulink" -> innerInlines (link (attrValue "url" e) "")
"link" -> do
ils <- innerInlines id
let href = case findAttr (QName "href" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) e of
- Just h -> T.pack h
+ Just h -> h
_ -> "#" <> attrValue "linkend" e
let ils' = if ils == mempty then str href else ils
let attr = (attrValue "id" e, T.words $ attrValue "role" e, [])
@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
"pi-asciidoc-br" -> return linebreak
_ -> skip >> innerInlines id
where skip = do
- let qn = T.pack $ qName $ elName e
+ let qn = qName $ elName e
let name = if "pi-" `T.isPrefixOf` qn
then "<?" <> qn <> "?>"
else qn
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
let classes' = case attrValue "language" e of
"" -> []
l -> [l]
- return $ codeWith (attrValue "id" e,classes',[]) $ T.pack $ strContentRecursive e
+ return $ codeWith (attrValue "id" e,classes',[]) $ strContentRecursive e
simpleList = mconcat . intersperse (str "," <> space) <$> mapM getInlines
(filterChildren (named "member") e)
segmentedList = do
@@ -1234,10 +1234,10 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
"sect5" -> descendantContent "title" el
"cmdsynopsis" -> descendantContent "command" el
"funcsynopsis" -> descendantContent "function" el
- _ -> T.pack $ qName (elName el) ++ "_title"
+ _ -> qName (elName el) <> "_title"
xrefLabel = attrValue "xreflabel" el
- descendantContent name = maybe "???" (T.pack . strContent)
+ descendantContent name = maybe "???" strContent
. filterElementName (\n -> qName n == name)
-- | Extract a math equation from an element
@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ equation e constructor =
mathMLEquations :: [Text]
mathMLEquations = map writeTeX $ rights $ readMath
(\x -> qName (elName x) == "math" && qPrefix (elName x) == Just "mml")
- (readMathML . T.pack . showElement)
+ (readMathML . showElement)
latexEquations :: [Text]
latexEquations = readMath (\x -> qName (elName x) == "mathphrase")
@@ -1272,8 +1272,8 @@ equation e constructor =
-- | Get the actual text stored in a CData block. 'showContent'
-- returns the text still surrounded by the [[CDATA]] tags.
showVerbatimCData :: Content -> Text
-showVerbatimCData (Text (CData _ d _)) = T.pack d
-showVerbatimCData c = T.pack $ showContent c
+showVerbatimCData (Text (CData _ d _)) = d
+showVerbatimCData c = showContent c
-- | Set the prefix of a name to 'Nothing'
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Parse.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Parse.hs
index 056dab6c2..c76f3c171 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Parse.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Parse.hs
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import Data.Char (chr, ord, readLitChar)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Maybe
import System.FilePath
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Util
@@ -72,9 +73,7 @@ import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.TeXMath (Exp)
import Text.TeXMath.Readers.OMML (readOMML)
import Text.TeXMath.Unicode.Fonts (Font (..), getUnicode, textToFont)
-import Text.XML.Light
-import qualified Text.XML.Light.Cursor as XMLC
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLElement)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
data ReaderEnv = ReaderEnv { envNotes :: Notes
, envComments :: Comments
@@ -128,37 +127,23 @@ mapD f xs =
concatMapM handler xs
-unwrap :: NameSpaces -> Content -> [Content]
-unwrap ns (Elem element)
+unwrapElement :: NameSpaces -> Element -> [Element]
+unwrapElement ns element
| isElem ns "w" "sdt" element
, Just sdtContent <- findChildByName ns "w" "sdtContent" element
- = concatMap (unwrap ns . Elem) (elChildren sdtContent)
+ = concatMap (unwrapElement ns) (elChildren sdtContent)
| isElem ns "w" "smartTag" element
- = concatMap (unwrap ns . Elem) (elChildren element)
-unwrap _ content = [content]
+ = concatMap (unwrapElement ns) (elChildren element)
+ | otherwise
+ = [element{ elContent = concatMap (unwrapContent ns) (elContent element) }]
-unwrapChild :: NameSpaces -> Content -> Content
-unwrapChild ns (Elem element) =
- Elem $ element { elContent = concatMap (unwrap ns) (elContent element) }
-unwrapChild _ content = content
+unwrapContent :: NameSpaces -> Content -> [Content]
+unwrapContent ns (Elem element) = map Elem $ unwrapElement ns element
+unwrapContent _ content = [content]
-walkDocument' :: NameSpaces -> XMLC.Cursor -> XMLC.Cursor
-walkDocument' ns cur =
- let modifiedCur = XMLC.modifyContent (unwrapChild ns) cur
- in
- case XMLC.nextDF modifiedCur of
- Just cur' -> walkDocument' ns cur'
- Nothing -> XMLC.root modifiedCur
-walkDocument :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe Element
+walkDocument :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Element
walkDocument ns element =
- let cur = XMLC.fromContent (Elem element)
- cur' = walkDocument' ns cur
- in
- case XMLC.toTree cur' of
- Elem element' -> Just element'
- _ -> Nothing
+ element{ elContent = concatMap (unwrapContent ns) (elContent element) }
newtype Docx = Docx Document
deriving Show
@@ -361,9 +346,9 @@ getDocumentXmlPath zf = do
fp <- findAttr (QName "Target" Nothing Nothing) rel
-- sometimes there will be a leading slash, which windows seems to
-- have trouble with.
- return $ case fp of
+ return $ case T.unpack fp of
'/' : fp' -> fp'
- _ -> fp
+ fp' -> fp'
archiveToDocument :: Archive -> D Document
archiveToDocument zf = do
@@ -372,7 +357,7 @@ archiveToDocument zf = do
docElem <- maybeToD $ parseXMLFromEntry entry
let namespaces = elemToNameSpaces docElem
bodyElem <- maybeToD $ findChildByName namespaces "w" "body" docElem
- let bodyElem' = fromMaybe bodyElem (walkDocument namespaces bodyElem)
+ let bodyElem' = walkDocument namespaces bodyElem
body <- elemToBody namespaces bodyElem'
return $ Document namespaces body
@@ -414,8 +399,8 @@ archiveToNotes zf =
fn_namespaces = maybe [] elemToNameSpaces fnElem
en_namespaces = maybe [] elemToNameSpaces enElem
ns = unionBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) fn_namespaces en_namespaces
- fn = fnElem >>= walkDocument ns >>= elemToNotes ns "footnote"
- en = enElem >>= walkDocument ns >>= elemToNotes ns "endnote"
+ fn = fnElem >>= elemToNotes ns "footnote" . walkDocument ns
+ en = enElem >>= elemToNotes ns "endnote" . walkDocument ns
Notes ns fn en
@@ -424,7 +409,8 @@ archiveToComments zf =
let cmtsElem = findEntryByPath "word/comments.xml" zf
>>= parseXMLFromEntry
cmts_namespaces = maybe [] elemToNameSpaces cmtsElem
- cmts = elemToComments cmts_namespaces <$> (cmtsElem >>= walkDocument cmts_namespaces)
+ cmts = elemToComments cmts_namespaces . walkDocument cmts_namespaces <$>
+ cmtsElem
case cmts of
Just c -> Comments cmts_namespaces c
@@ -443,8 +429,8 @@ filePathToRelType path docXmlPath =
relElemToRelationship :: DocumentLocation -> Element -> Maybe Relationship
relElemToRelationship relType element | qName (elName element) == "Relationship" =
- relId <- findAttrText (QName "Id" Nothing Nothing) element
- target <- findAttrText (QName "Target" Nothing Nothing) element
+ relId <- findAttr (QName "Id" Nothing Nothing) element
+ target <- findAttr (QName "Target" Nothing Nothing) element
return $ Relationship relType relId target
relElemToRelationship _ _ = Nothing
@@ -485,10 +471,10 @@ lookupLevel numId ilvl (Numbering _ numbs absNumbs) = do
loElemToLevelOverride :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe LevelOverride
loElemToLevelOverride ns element
| isElem ns "w" "lvlOverride" element = do
- ilvl <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "ilvl" element
+ ilvl <- findAttrByName ns "w" "ilvl" element
let startOverride = findChildByName ns "w" "startOverride" element
>>= findAttrByName ns "w" "val"
- >>= (\s -> listToMaybe (map fst (reads s :: [(Integer, String)])))
+ >>= stringToInteger
lvl = findChildByName ns "w" "lvl" element
>>= levelElemToLevel ns
return $ LevelOverride ilvl startOverride lvl
@@ -497,9 +483,9 @@ loElemToLevelOverride _ _ = Nothing
numElemToNum :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe Numb
numElemToNum ns element
| isElem ns "w" "num" element = do
- numId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "numId" element
+ numId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "numId" element
absNumId <- findChildByName ns "w" "abstractNumId" element
- >>= findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val"
+ >>= findAttrByName ns "w" "val"
let lvlOverrides = mapMaybe
(loElemToLevelOverride ns)
(findChildrenByName ns "w" "lvlOverride" element)
@@ -509,7 +495,7 @@ numElemToNum _ _ = Nothing
absNumElemToAbsNum :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe AbstractNumb
absNumElemToAbsNum ns element
| isElem ns "w" "abstractNum" element = do
- absNumId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "abstractNumId" element
+ absNumId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "abstractNumId" element
let levelElems = findChildrenByName ns "w" "lvl" element
levels = mapMaybe (levelElemToLevel ns) levelElems
return $ AbstractNumb absNumId levels
@@ -518,14 +504,14 @@ absNumElemToAbsNum _ _ = Nothing
levelElemToLevel :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe Level
levelElemToLevel ns element
| isElem ns "w" "lvl" element = do
- ilvl <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "ilvl" element
+ ilvl <- findAttrByName ns "w" "ilvl" element
fmt <- findChildByName ns "w" "numFmt" element
- >>= findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val"
+ >>= findAttrByName ns "w" "val"
txt <- findChildByName ns "w" "lvlText" element
- >>= findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val"
+ >>= findAttrByName ns "w" "val"
let start = findChildByName ns "w" "start" element
>>= findAttrByName ns "w" "val"
- >>= (\s -> listToMaybe (map fst (reads s :: [(Integer, String)])))
+ >>= stringToInteger
return (Level ilvl fmt txt start)
levelElemToLevel _ _ = Nothing
@@ -546,11 +532,11 @@ archiveToNumbering :: Archive -> Numbering
archiveToNumbering archive =
fromMaybe (Numbering [] [] []) (archiveToNumbering' archive)
-elemToNotes :: NameSpaces -> String -> Element -> Maybe (M.Map T.Text Element)
+elemToNotes :: NameSpaces -> Text -> Element -> Maybe (M.Map T.Text Element)
elemToNotes ns notetype element
| isElem ns "w" (notetype <> "s") element =
let pairs = mapMaybe
- (\e -> findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" e >>=
+ (\e -> findAttrByName ns "w" "id" e >>=
(\a -> Just (a, e)))
(findChildrenByName ns "w" notetype element)
@@ -562,7 +548,7 @@ elemToComments :: NameSpaces -> Element -> M.Map T.Text Element
elemToComments ns element
| isElem ns "w" "comments" element =
let pairs = mapMaybe
- (\e -> findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" e >>=
+ (\e -> findAttrByName ns "w" "id" e >>=
(\a -> Just (a, e)))
(findChildrenByName ns "w" "comment" element)
@@ -622,12 +608,12 @@ elemToParIndentation ns element | isElem ns "w" "ind" element =
, hangingParIndent =
findAttrByName ns "w" "hanging" element >>=
- stringToInteger}
+ stringToInteger }
elemToParIndentation _ _ = Nothing
-testBitMask :: String -> Int -> Bool
+testBitMask :: Text -> Int -> Bool
testBitMask bitMaskS n =
- case (reads ("0x" ++ bitMaskS) :: [(Int, String)]) of
+ case (reads ("0x" ++ T.unpack bitMaskS) :: [(Int, String)]) of
[] -> False
((n', _) : _) -> (n' .|. n) /= 0
@@ -642,7 +628,7 @@ elemToBodyPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "p" element
, (c:_) <- findChildrenByName ns "m" "oMathPara" element =
- expsLst <- eitherToD $ readOMML $ T.pack $ showElement c
+ expsLst <- eitherToD $ readOMML $ showElement c
return $ OMathPara expsLst
elemToBodyPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "p" element
@@ -666,7 +652,7 @@ elemToBodyPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "tbl" element = do
let caption' = findChildByName ns "w" "tblPr" element
>>= findChildByName ns "w" "tblCaption"
- >>= findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val"
+ >>= findAttrByName ns "w" "val"
caption = fromMaybe "" caption'
grid' = case findChildByName ns "w" "tblGrid" element of
Just g -> elemToTblGrid ns g
@@ -705,8 +691,8 @@ getTitleAndAlt :: NameSpaces -> Element -> (T.Text, T.Text)
getTitleAndAlt ns element =
let mbDocPr = findChildByName ns "wp" "inline" element >>=
findChildByName ns "wp" "docPr"
- title = fromMaybe "" (mbDocPr >>= findAttrTextByName ns "" "title")
- alt = fromMaybe "" (mbDocPr >>= findAttrTextByName ns "" "descr")
+ title = fromMaybe "" (mbDocPr >>= findAttrByName ns "" "title")
+ alt = fromMaybe "" (mbDocPr >>= findAttrByName ns "" "descr")
in (title, alt)
elemToParPart :: NameSpaces -> Element -> D ParPart
@@ -718,7 +704,7 @@ elemToParPart ns element
= let (title, alt) = getTitleAndAlt ns drawingElem
a_ns = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"
drawing = findElement (QName "blip" (Just a_ns) (Just "a")) picElem
- >>= findAttrTextByName ns "r" "embed"
+ >>= findAttrByName ns "r" "embed"
case drawing of
Just s -> expandDrawingId s >>= (\(fp, bs) -> return $ Drawing fp title alt bs $ elemToExtent drawingElem)
@@ -728,7 +714,7 @@ elemToParPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "r" element
, Just _ <- findChildByName ns "w" "pict" element =
let drawing = findElement (elemName ns "v" "imagedata") element
- >>= findAttrTextByName ns "r" "id"
+ >>= findAttrByName ns "r" "id"
case drawing of
-- Todo: check out title and attr for deprecated format.
@@ -797,7 +783,7 @@ elemToParPart ns element
fldCharState <- gets stateFldCharState
case fldCharState of
FldCharOpen -> do
- info <- eitherToD $ parseFieldInfo $ T.pack $ strContent instrText
+ info <- eitherToD $ parseFieldInfo $ strContent instrText
modify $ \st -> st{stateFldCharState = FldCharFieldInfo info}
return NullParPart
_ -> return NullParPart
@@ -818,48 +804,48 @@ elemToParPart ns element
return $ ChangedRuns change runs
elemToParPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "bookmarkStart" element
- , Just bmId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" element
- , Just bmName <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "name" element =
+ , Just bmId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "id" element
+ , Just bmName <- findAttrByName ns "w" "name" element =
return $ BookMark bmId bmName
elemToParPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "hyperlink" element
- , Just relId <- findAttrTextByName ns "r" "id" element = do
+ , Just relId <- findAttrByName ns "r" "id" element = do
location <- asks envLocation
runs <- mapD (elemToRun ns) (elChildren element)
rels <- asks envRelationships
case lookupRelationship location relId rels of
Just target ->
- case findAttrTextByName ns "w" "anchor" element of
+ case findAttrByName ns "w" "anchor" element of
Just anchor -> return $ ExternalHyperLink (target <> "#" <> anchor) runs
Nothing -> return $ ExternalHyperLink target runs
Nothing -> return $ ExternalHyperLink "" runs
elemToParPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "hyperlink" element
- , Just anchor <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "anchor" element = do
+ , Just anchor <- findAttrByName ns "w" "anchor" element = do
runs <- mapD (elemToRun ns) (elChildren element)
return $ InternalHyperLink anchor runs
elemToParPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "commentRangeStart" element
- , Just cmtId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" element = do
+ , Just cmtId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "id" element = do
(Comments _ commentMap) <- asks envComments
case M.lookup cmtId commentMap of
Just cmtElem -> elemToCommentStart ns cmtElem
Nothing -> throwError WrongElem
elemToParPart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "commentRangeEnd" element
- , Just cmtId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" element =
+ , Just cmtId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "id" element =
return $ CommentEnd cmtId
elemToParPart ns element
| isElem ns "m" "oMath" element =
- fmap PlainOMath (eitherToD $ readOMML $ T.pack $ showElement element)
+ fmap PlainOMath (eitherToD $ readOMML $ showElement element)
elemToParPart _ _ = throwError WrongElem
elemToCommentStart :: NameSpaces -> Element -> D ParPart
elemToCommentStart ns element
| isElem ns "w" "comment" element
- , Just cmtId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" element
- , Just cmtAuthor <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "author" element
- , cmtDate <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "date" element = do
+ , Just cmtId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "id" element
+ , Just cmtAuthor <- findAttrByName ns "w" "author" element
+ , cmtDate <- findAttrByName ns "w" "date" element = do
bps <- mapD (elemToBodyPart ns) (elChildren element)
return $ CommentStart cmtId cmtAuthor cmtDate bps
elemToCommentStart _ _ = throwError WrongElem
@@ -878,7 +864,7 @@ elemToExtent drawingElem =
wp_ns = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing"
getDim at = findElement (QName "extent" (Just wp_ns) (Just "wp")) drawingElem
- >>= findAttr (QName at Nothing Nothing) >>= safeRead . T.pack
+ >>= findAttr (QName at Nothing Nothing) >>= safeRead
childElemToRun :: NameSpaces -> Element -> D Run
@@ -889,7 +875,7 @@ childElemToRun ns element
= let (title, alt) = getTitleAndAlt ns element
a_ns = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"
drawing = findElement (QName "blip" (Just a_ns) (Just "a")) picElem
- >>= findAttrText (QName "embed" (lookup "r" ns) (Just "r"))
+ >>= findAttr (QName "embed" (lookup "r" ns) (Just "r"))
case drawing of
Just s -> expandDrawingId s >>=
@@ -902,7 +888,7 @@ childElemToRun ns element
= return InlineChart
childElemToRun ns element
| isElem ns "w" "footnoteReference" element
- , Just fnId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" element = do
+ , Just fnId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "id" element = do
notes <- asks envNotes
case lookupFootnote fnId notes of
Just e -> do bps <- local (\r -> r {envLocation=InFootnote}) $ mapD (elemToBodyPart ns) (elChildren e)
@@ -910,7 +896,7 @@ childElemToRun ns element
Nothing -> return $ Footnote []
childElemToRun ns element
| isElem ns "w" "endnoteReference" element
- , Just enId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" element = do
+ , Just enId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "id" element = do
notes <- asks envNotes
case lookupEndnote enId notes of
Just e -> do bps <- local (\r -> r {envLocation=InEndnote}) $ mapD (elemToBodyPart ns) (elChildren e)
@@ -963,15 +949,15 @@ getParStyleField _ _ = Nothing
getTrackedChange :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe TrackedChange
getTrackedChange ns element
| isElem ns "w" "ins" element || isElem ns "w" "moveTo" element
- , Just cId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" element
- , Just cAuthor <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "author" element
- , mcDate <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "date" element =
+ , Just cId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "id" element
+ , Just cAuthor <- findAttrByName ns "w" "author" element
+ , mcDate <- findAttrByName ns "w" "date" element =
Just $ TrackedChange Insertion (ChangeInfo cId cAuthor mcDate)
getTrackedChange ns element
| isElem ns "w" "del" element || isElem ns "w" "moveFrom" element
- , Just cId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "id" element
- , Just cAuthor <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "author" element
- , mcDate <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "date" element =
+ , Just cId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "id" element
+ , Just cAuthor <- findAttrByName ns "w" "author" element
+ , mcDate <- findAttrByName ns "w" "date" element =
Just $ TrackedChange Deletion (ChangeInfo cId cAuthor mcDate)
getTrackedChange _ _ = Nothing
@@ -980,7 +966,7 @@ elemToParagraphStyle ns element sty
| Just pPr <- findChildByName ns "w" "pPr" element =
let style =
- (fmap ParaStyleId . findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val")
+ (fmap ParaStyleId . findAttrByName ns "w" "val")
(findChildrenByName ns "w" "pStyle" pPr)
in ParagraphStyle
{pStyle = mapMaybe (`M.lookup` sty) style
@@ -1012,7 +998,7 @@ elemToRunStyleD ns element
charStyles <- asks envCharStyles
let parentSty =
findChildByName ns "w" "rStyle" rPr >>=
- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val" >>=
+ findAttrByName ns "w" "val" >>=
flip M.lookup charStyles . CharStyleId
return $ elemToRunStyle ns element parentSty
elemToRunStyleD _ _ = return defaultRunStyle
@@ -1022,7 +1008,7 @@ elemToRunElem ns element
| isElem ns "w" "t" element
|| isElem ns "w" "delText" element
|| isElem ns "m" "t" element = do
- let str = T.pack $ strContent element
+ let str = strContent element
font <- asks envFont
case font of
Nothing -> return $ TextRun str
@@ -1044,14 +1030,14 @@ getSymChar :: NameSpaces -> Element -> RunElem
getSymChar ns element
| Just s <- lowerFromPrivate <$> getCodepoint
, Just font <- getFont =
- case readLitChar ("\\x" ++ s) of
+ case readLitChar ("\\x" ++ T.unpack s) of
[(char, _)] -> TextRun . maybe "" T.singleton $ getUnicode font char
_ -> TextRun ""
getCodepoint = findAttrByName ns "w" "char" element
- getFont = textToFont . T.pack =<< findAttrByName ns "w" "font" element
- lowerFromPrivate ('F':xs) = '0':xs
- lowerFromPrivate xs = xs
+ getFont = textToFont =<< findAttrByName ns "w" "font" element
+ lowerFromPrivate t | "F" `T.isPrefixOf` t = "0" <> T.drop 1 t
+ | otherwise = t
getSymChar _ _ = TextRun ""
elemToRunElems :: NameSpaces -> Element -> D [RunElem]
@@ -1061,8 +1047,9 @@ elemToRunElems ns element
let qualName = elemName ns "w"
let font = do
fontElem <- findElement (qualName "rFonts") element
- textToFont . T.pack =<<
- foldr ((<|>) . (flip findAttr fontElem . qualName)) Nothing ["ascii", "hAnsi"]
+ textToFont =<<
+ foldr ((<|>) . (flip findAttr fontElem . qualName))
+ Nothing ["ascii", "hAnsi"]
local (setFont font) (mapD (elemToRunElem ns) (elChildren element))
elemToRunElems _ _ = throwError WrongElem
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Parse/Styles.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Parse/Styles.hs
index edade8654..0d7271d6a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Parse/Styles.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Parse/Styles.hs
@@ -48,12 +48,13 @@ import Data.Function (on)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Read
+import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Coerce
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Util
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-import Text.XML.Light
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLElement)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
newtype CharStyleId = CharStyleId T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, IsString, FromStyleId)
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ data RunStyle = RunStyle { isBold :: Maybe Bool
, isRTL :: Maybe Bool
, isForceCTL :: Maybe Bool
, rVertAlign :: Maybe VertAlign
- , rUnderline :: Maybe String
+ , rUnderline :: Maybe Text
, rParentStyle :: Maybe CharStyle
deriving Show
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ isBasedOnStyle ns element parentStyle
, Just styleType <- findAttrByName ns "w" "type" element
, styleType == cStyleType parentStyle
, Just basedOnVal <- findChildByName ns "w" "basedOn" element >>=
- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val"
+ findAttrByName ns "w" "val"
, Just ps <- parentStyle = basedOnVal == fromStyleId (getStyleId ps)
| isElem ns "w" "style" element
, Just styleType <- findAttrByName ns "w" "type" element
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ isBasedOnStyle ns element parentStyle
| otherwise = False
class HasStyleId a => ElemToStyle a where
- cStyleType :: Maybe a -> String
+ cStyleType :: Maybe a -> Text
elemToStyle :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
class FromStyleId (StyleId a) => HasStyleId a where
@@ -226,8 +227,10 @@ buildBasedOnList ns element rootStyle =
stys -> stys ++
concatMap (buildBasedOnList ns element . Just) stys
-stringToInteger :: String -> Maybe Integer
-stringToInteger s = listToMaybe $ map fst (reads s :: [(Integer, String)])
+stringToInteger :: Text -> Maybe Integer
+stringToInteger s = case Data.Text.Read.decimal s of
+ Right (x,_) -> Just x
+ Left _ -> Nothing
checkOnOff :: NameSpaces -> Element -> QName -> Maybe Bool
checkOnOff ns rPr tag
@@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ checkOnOff _ _ _ = Nothing
elemToCharStyle :: NameSpaces
-> Element -> Maybe CharStyle -> Maybe CharStyle
elemToCharStyle ns element parentStyle
- = CharStyle <$> (CharStyleId <$> findAttrTextByName ns "w" "styleId" element)
+ = CharStyle <$> (CharStyleId <$> findAttrByName ns "w" "styleId" element)
<*> getElementStyleName ns element
<*> Just (elemToRunStyle ns element parentStyle)
@@ -281,7 +284,7 @@ elemToRunStyle _ _ _ = defaultRunStyle
getHeaderLevel :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe (ParaStyleName, Int)
getHeaderLevel ns element
| Just styleName <- getElementStyleName ns element
- , Just n <- stringToInteger . T.unpack =<<
+ , Just n <- stringToInteger =<<
(T.stripPrefix "heading " . T.toLower $
fromStyleName styleName)
, n > 0 = Just (styleName, fromInteger n)
@@ -289,8 +292,8 @@ getHeaderLevel _ _ = Nothing
getElementStyleName :: Coercible T.Text a => NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe a
getElementStyleName ns el = coerce <$>
- ((findChildByName ns "w" "name" el >>= findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val")
- <|> findAttrTextByName ns "w" "styleId" el)
+ ((findChildByName ns "w" "name" el >>= findAttrByName ns "w" "val")
+ <|> findAttrByName ns "w" "styleId" el)
getNumInfo :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe (T.Text, T.Text)
getNumInfo ns element = do
@@ -298,15 +301,15 @@ getNumInfo ns element = do
findChildByName ns "w" "numPr"
lvl = fromMaybe "0" (numPr >>=
findChildByName ns "w" "ilvl" >>=
- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val")
+ findAttrByName ns "w" "val")
numId <- numPr >>=
findChildByName ns "w" "numId" >>=
- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "val"
+ findAttrByName ns "w" "val"
return (numId, lvl)
elemToParStyleData :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe ParStyle -> Maybe ParStyle
elemToParStyleData ns element parentStyle
- | Just styleId <- findAttrTextByName ns "w" "styleId" element
+ | Just styleId <- findAttrByName ns "w" "styleId" element
, Just styleName <- getElementStyleName ns element
= Just $ ParStyle
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Util.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Util.hs
index f9c9a8e26..21df03d9e 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Util.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Util.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.StyleMaps
Copyright : © 2014-2020 Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>,
@@ -18,51 +19,45 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Util (
, elemToNameSpaces
, findChildByName
, findChildrenByName
- , findAttrText
, findAttrByName
- , findAttrTextByName
) where
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Text.XML.Light
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
-type NameSpaces = [(String, String)]
+type NameSpaces = [(Text, Text)]
elemToNameSpaces :: Element -> NameSpaces
elemToNameSpaces = mapMaybe attrToNSPair . elAttribs
-attrToNSPair :: Attr -> Maybe (String, String)
+attrToNSPair :: Attr -> Maybe (Text, Text)
attrToNSPair (Attr (QName s _ (Just "xmlns")) val) = Just (s, val)
attrToNSPair _ = Nothing
-elemName :: NameSpaces -> String -> String -> QName
+elemName :: NameSpaces -> Text -> Text -> QName
elemName ns prefix name =
- QName name (lookup prefix ns) (if null prefix then Nothing else Just prefix)
+ QName name (lookup prefix ns) (if T.null prefix then Nothing else Just prefix)
-isElem :: NameSpaces -> String -> String -> Element -> Bool
+isElem :: NameSpaces -> Text -> Text -> Element -> Bool
isElem ns prefix name element =
let ns' = ns ++ elemToNameSpaces element
in qName (elName element) == name &&
qURI (elName element) == lookup prefix ns'
-findChildByName :: NameSpaces -> String -> String -> Element -> Maybe Element
+findChildByName :: NameSpaces -> Text -> Text -> Element -> Maybe Element
findChildByName ns pref name el =
let ns' = ns ++ elemToNameSpaces el
in findChild (elemName ns' pref name) el
-findChildrenByName :: NameSpaces -> String -> String -> Element -> [Element]
+findChildrenByName :: NameSpaces -> Text -> Text -> Element -> [Element]
findChildrenByName ns pref name el =
let ns' = ns ++ elemToNameSpaces el
in findChildren (elemName ns' pref name) el
-findAttrText :: QName -> Element -> Maybe T.Text
-findAttrText x = fmap T.pack . findAttr x
-findAttrByName :: NameSpaces -> String -> String -> Element -> Maybe String
+findAttrByName :: NameSpaces -> Text -> Text -> Element -> Maybe Text
findAttrByName ns pref name el =
let ns' = ns ++ elemToNameSpaces el
in findAttr (elemName ns' pref name) el
-findAttrTextByName :: NameSpaces -> String -> String -> Element -> Maybe T.Text
-findAttrTextByName a b c = fmap T.pack . findAttrByName a b c
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/EPUB.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/EPUB.hs
index 369c4f0c9..eb8d2405d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/EPUB.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/EPUB.hs
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, deepseq)
import Control.Monad (guard, liftM, liftM2, mplus)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL (ByteString)
-import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Map as M (Map, elems, fromList, lookup)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
@@ -40,13 +40,12 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Extensions (Extension (Ext_raw_html), enableExtension)
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (MimeType)
import Text.Pandoc.Options (ReaderOptions (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML (readHtml)
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared (addMetaField, collapseFilePath, escapeURI)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (addMetaField, collapseFilePath, escapeURI, tshow)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8 (toTextLazy)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query, walk)
-import Text.XML.Light
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLElement)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
-type Items = M.Map String (FilePath, MimeType)
+type Items = M.Map Text (FilePath, MimeType)
readEPUB :: PandocMonad m => ReaderOptions -> BL.ByteString -> m Pandoc
readEPUB opts bytes = case toArchiveOrFail bytes of
@@ -126,26 +125,27 @@ imageToPandoc s = B.doc . B.para $ B.image (T.pack s) "" mempty
imageMimes :: [MimeType]
imageMimes = ["image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/png"]
-type CoverId = String
+type CoverId = Text
type CoverImage = FilePath
-parseManifest :: (PandocMonad m) => Element -> Maybe CoverId -> m (Maybe CoverImage, Items)
+parseManifest :: (PandocMonad m)
+ => Element -> Maybe CoverId -> m (Maybe CoverImage, Items)
parseManifest content coverId = do
manifest <- findElementE (dfName "manifest") content
let items = findChildren (dfName "item") manifest
r <- mapM parseItem items
let cover = findAttr (emptyName "href") =<< filterChild findCover manifest
- return (cover `mplus` coverId, M.fromList r)
+ return (T.unpack <$> (cover `mplus` coverId), M.fromList r)
- findCover e = maybe False (isInfixOf "cover-image")
+ findCover e = maybe False (T.isInfixOf "cover-image")
(findAttr (emptyName "properties") e)
|| Just True == liftM2 (==) coverId (findAttr (emptyName "id") e)
parseItem e = do
uid <- findAttrE (emptyName "id") e
href <- findAttrE (emptyName "href") e
mime <- findAttrE (emptyName "media-type") e
- return (uid, (href, T.pack mime))
+ return (uid, (T.unpack href, mime))
parseSpine :: PandocMonad m => Items -> Element -> m [(FilePath, MimeType)]
parseSpine is e = do
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ parseMeta content = do
-- http://www.idpf.org/epub/30/spec/epub30-publications.html#sec-metadata-elem
parseMetaItem :: Element -> Meta -> Meta
parseMetaItem e@(stripNamespace . elName -> field) meta =
- addMetaField (renameMeta field) (B.str $ T.pack $ strContent e) meta
+ addMetaField (renameMeta field) (B.str $ strContent e) meta
-renameMeta :: String -> T.Text
+renameMeta :: Text -> Text
renameMeta "creator" = "author"
-renameMeta s = T.pack s
+renameMeta s = s
getManifest :: PandocMonad m => Archive -> m (String, Element)
getManifest archive = do
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ getManifest archive = do
ns <- mkE "xmlns not in namespaces" (lookup "xmlns" namespaces)
as <- fmap (map attrToPair . elAttribs)
(findElementE (QName "rootfile" (Just ns) Nothing) docElem)
- manifestFile <- mkE "Root not found" (lookup "full-path" as)
+ manifestFile <- T.unpack <$> mkE "Root not found" (lookup "full-path" as)
let rootdir = dropFileName manifestFile
--mime <- lookup "media-type" as
manifest <- findEntryByPathE manifestFile archive
@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@ fixInternalReferences pathToFile =
. walk (fixBlockIRs filename)
. walk (fixInlineIRs filename)
- (root, T.unpack . escapeURI . T.pack -> filename) = splitFileName pathToFile
+ (root, T.unpack . escapeURI . T.pack -> filename) =
+ splitFileName pathToFile
fixInlineIRs :: String -> Inline -> Inline
fixInlineIRs s (Span as v) =
@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ fixInlineIRs s (Link as is t) =
Link (fixAttrs s as) is t
fixInlineIRs _ v = v
-prependHash :: [T.Text] -> Inline -> Inline
+prependHash :: [Text] -> Inline -> Inline
prependHash ps l@(Link attr is (url, tit))
| or [s `T.isPrefixOf` url | s <- ps] =
Link attr is ("#" <> url, tit)
@@ -231,16 +232,17 @@ fixBlockIRs s (CodeBlock as code) =
fixBlockIRs _ b = b
fixAttrs :: FilePath -> B.Attr -> B.Attr
-fixAttrs s (ident, cs, kvs) = (addHash s ident, filter (not . T.null) cs, removeEPUBAttrs kvs)
+fixAttrs s (ident, cs, kvs) =
+ (addHash s ident, filter (not . T.null) cs, removeEPUBAttrs kvs)
-addHash :: String -> T.Text -> T.Text
+addHash :: FilePath -> Text -> Text
addHash _ "" = ""
addHash s ident = T.pack (takeFileName s) <> "#" <> ident
-removeEPUBAttrs :: [(T.Text, T.Text)] -> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
+removeEPUBAttrs :: [(Text, Text)] -> [(Text, Text)]
removeEPUBAttrs kvs = filter (not . isEPUBAttr) kvs
-isEPUBAttr :: (T.Text, a) -> Bool
+isEPUBAttr :: (Text, a) -> Bool
isEPUBAttr (k, _) = "epub:" `T.isPrefixOf` k
-- Library
@@ -257,33 +259,33 @@ uncurry3 f (a, b, c) = f a b c
-- Utility
-stripNamespace :: QName -> String
+stripNamespace :: QName -> Text
stripNamespace (QName v _ _) = v
-attrToNSPair :: Attr -> Maybe (String, String)
+attrToNSPair :: Attr -> Maybe (Text, Text)
attrToNSPair (Attr (QName "xmlns" _ _) val) = Just ("xmlns", val)
attrToNSPair _ = Nothing
-attrToPair :: Attr -> (String, String)
+attrToPair :: Attr -> (Text, Text)
attrToPair (Attr (QName name _ _) val) = (name, val)
-defaultNameSpace :: Maybe String
+defaultNameSpace :: Maybe Text
defaultNameSpace = Just "http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf"
-dfName :: String -> QName
+dfName :: Text -> QName
dfName s = QName s defaultNameSpace Nothing
-emptyName :: String -> QName
+emptyName :: Text -> QName
emptyName s = QName s Nothing Nothing
-- Convert Maybe interface to Either
-findAttrE :: PandocMonad m => QName -> Element -> m String
+findAttrE :: PandocMonad m => QName -> Element -> m Text
findAttrE q e = mkE "findAttr" $ findAttr q e
findEntryByPathE :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> Archive -> m Entry
findEntryByPathE (normalise . unEscapeString -> path) a =
- mkE ("No entry on path: " ++ path) $ findEntryByPath path a
+ mkE ("No entry on path: " <> T.pack path) $ findEntryByPath path a
parseXMLDocE :: PandocMonad m => Entry -> m Element
parseXMLDocE entry =
@@ -293,7 +295,8 @@ parseXMLDocE entry =
fp = T.pack $ eRelativePath entry
findElementE :: PandocMonad m => QName -> Element -> m Element
-findElementE e x = mkE ("Unable to find element: " ++ show e) $ findElement e x
+findElementE e x =
+ mkE ("Unable to find element: " <> tshow e) $ findElement e x
-mkE :: PandocMonad m => String -> Maybe a -> m a
-mkE s = maybe (throwError . PandocParseError $ T.pack s) return
+mkE :: PandocMonad m => Text -> Maybe a -> m a
+mkE s = maybe (throwError . PandocParseError $ s) return
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/FB2.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/FB2.hs
index b804eab4f..66e390bd7 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/FB2.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/FB2.hs
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ TODO:
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.FB2 ( readFB2 ) where
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
-import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 ( pack )
import Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy
import Data.Functor
import Data.List (intersperse)
@@ -42,8 +41,8 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (crFilter)
-import Text.XML.Light
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLElement)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
type FB2 m = StateT FB2State m
@@ -85,12 +84,12 @@ removeHash t = case T.uncons t of
Just ('#', xs) -> xs
_ -> t
-convertEntity :: String -> Text
-convertEntity e = maybe (T.toUpper $ T.pack e) T.pack $ lookupEntity e
+convertEntity :: Text -> Text
+convertEntity e = maybe (T.toUpper e) T.pack $ lookupEntity (T.unpack e)
parseInline :: PandocMonad m => Content -> FB2 m Inlines
parseInline (Elem e) =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"strong" -> strong <$> parseStyleType e
"emphasis" -> emph <$> parseStyleType e
"style" -> parseNamedStyle e
@@ -98,12 +97,12 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
"strikethrough" -> strikeout <$> parseStyleType e
"sub" -> subscript <$> parseStyleType e
"sup" -> superscript <$> parseStyleType e
- "code" -> pure $ code $ T.pack $ strContent e
+ "code" -> pure $ code $ strContent e
"image" -> parseInlineImageElement e
name -> do
report $ IgnoredElement name
pure mempty
-parseInline (Text x) = pure $ text $ T.pack $ cdData x
+parseInline (Text x) = pure $ text $ cdData x
parseInline (CRef r) = pure $ str $ convertEntity r
parseSubtitle :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ parseSubtitle e = headerWith ("", ["unnumbered"], []) <$> gets fb2SectionLevel <
parseRootElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseRootElement e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"FictionBook" -> do
-- Parse notes before parsing the rest of the content.
case filterChild isNotesBody e of
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ parseNote e =
Just sectionId -> do
content <- mconcat <$> mapM parseSectionChild (dropTitle $ elChildren e)
oldNotes <- gets fb2Notes
- modify $ \s -> s { fb2Notes = M.insert ("#" <> T.pack sectionId) content oldNotes }
+ modify $ \s -> s { fb2Notes = M.insert ("#" <> sectionId) content oldNotes }
pure ()
isTitle x = qName (elName x) == "title"
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ parseNote e =
-- | Parse a child of @\<FictionBook>@ element.
parseFictionBookChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseFictionBookChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"stylesheet" -> pure mempty -- stylesheet is ignored
"description" -> mempty <$ mapM_ parseDescriptionChild (elChildren e)
"body" -> if isNotesBody e
@@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ parseFictionBookChild e =
-- | Parse a child of @\<description>@ element.
parseDescriptionChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m ()
parseDescriptionChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"title-info" -> mapM_ parseTitleInfoChild (elChildren e)
"src-title-info" -> pure () -- ignore
"document-info" -> pure ()
@@ -184,7 +183,7 @@ parseDescriptionChild e =
-- | Parse a child of @\<body>@ element.
parseBodyChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseBodyChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"image" -> parseImageElement e
"title" -> header <$> gets fb2SectionLevel <*> parseTitleType (elContent e)
"epigraph" -> parseEpigraph e
@@ -198,7 +197,10 @@ parseBinaryElement e =
(Nothing, _) -> report $ IgnoredElement "binary without id attribute"
(Just _, Nothing) ->
report $ IgnoredElement "binary without content-type attribute"
- (Just filename, contentType) -> insertMedia filename (T.pack <$> contentType) (decodeLenient (pack (strContent e)))
+ (Just filename, contentType) ->
+ insertMedia (T.unpack filename) contentType
+ (decodeLenient
+ (UTF8.fromTextLazy . TL.fromStrict . strContent $ e))
-- * Type parsers
@@ -208,13 +210,13 @@ parseAuthor e = T.unwords . catMaybes <$> mapM parseAuthorChild (elChildren e)
parseAuthorChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m (Maybe Text)
parseAuthorChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
- "first-name" -> pure $ Just $ T.pack $ strContent e
- "middle-name" -> pure $ Just $ T.pack $ strContent e
- "last-name" -> pure $ Just $ T.pack $ strContent e
- "nickname" -> pure $ Just $ T.pack $ strContent e
- "home-page" -> pure $ Just $ T.pack $ strContent e
- "email" -> pure $ Just $ T.pack $ strContent e
+ case qName $ elName e of
+ "first-name" -> pure $ Just $ strContent e
+ "middle-name" -> pure $ Just $ strContent e
+ "last-name" -> pure $ Just $ strContent e
+ "nickname" -> pure $ Just $ strContent e
+ "home-page" -> pure $ Just $ strContent e
+ "email" -> pure $ Just $ strContent e
name -> do
report $ IgnoredElement $ name <> " in author"
pure Nothing
@@ -238,13 +240,13 @@ parseTitleContent _ = pure Nothing
parseImageElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseImageElement e =
case href of
- Just src -> pure $ para $ imageWith (imgId, [], []) (removeHash $ T.pack src) title alt
+ Just src -> pure $ para $ imageWith (imgId, [], []) (removeHash src) title alt
Nothing -> do
report $ IgnoredElement " image without href"
pure mempty
- where alt = maybe mempty (str . T.pack) $ findAttr (unqual "alt") e
- title = maybe "" T.pack $ findAttr (unqual "title") e
- imgId = maybe "" T.pack $ findAttr (unqual "id") e
+ where alt = maybe mempty str $ findAttr (unqual "alt") e
+ title = fromMaybe "" $ findAttr (unqual "title") e
+ imgId = fromMaybe "" $ findAttr (unqual "id") e
href = findAttr (QName "href" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) e
-- | Parse @pType@
@@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ parseCite e = blockQuote . mconcat <$> mapM parseCiteChild (elChildren e)
-- | Parse @citeType@ child
parseCiteChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseCiteChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"p" -> para <$> parsePType e
"poem" -> parsePoem e
"empty-line" -> pure horizontalRule
@@ -273,13 +275,13 @@ parsePoem e = mconcat <$> mapM parsePoemChild (elChildren e)
parsePoemChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parsePoemChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"title" -> parseTitle e
"subtitle" -> parseSubtitle e
"epigraph" -> parseEpigraph e
"stanza" -> parseStanza e
"text-author" -> para <$> parsePType e
- "date" -> pure $ para $ text $ T.pack $ strContent e
+ "date" -> pure $ para $ text $ strContent e
name -> report (UnexpectedXmlElement name "poem") $> mempty
parseStanza :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
@@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ joinLineBlocks [] = []
parseStanzaChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseStanzaChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"title" -> parseTitle e
"subtitle" -> parseSubtitle e
"v" -> lineBlock . (:[]) <$> parsePType e
@@ -302,11 +304,11 @@ parseStanzaChild e =
parseEpigraph :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseEpigraph e =
divWith (divId, ["epigraph"], []) . mconcat <$> mapM parseEpigraphChild (elChildren e)
- where divId = maybe "" T.pack $ findAttr (unqual "id") e
+ where divId = fromMaybe "" $ findAttr (unqual "id") e
parseEpigraphChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseEpigraphChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"p" -> para <$> parsePType e
"poem" -> parsePoem e
"cite" -> parseCite e
@@ -320,7 +322,7 @@ parseAnnotation e = mconcat <$> mapM parseAnnotationChild (elChildren e)
parseAnnotationChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseAnnotationChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"p" -> para <$> parsePType e
"poem" -> parsePoem e
"cite" -> parseCite e
@@ -334,14 +336,14 @@ parseSection :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseSection e = do
n <- gets fb2SectionLevel
modify $ \st -> st{ fb2SectionLevel = n + 1 }
- let sectionId = maybe "" T.pack $ findAttr (unqual "id") e
+ let sectionId = fromMaybe "" $ findAttr (unqual "id") e
bs <- divWith (sectionId, ["section"], []) . mconcat <$> mapM parseSectionChild (elChildren e)
modify $ \st -> st{ fb2SectionLevel = n }
pure bs
parseSectionChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Blocks
parseSectionChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName $ elName e of
+ case qName $ elName e of
"title" -> parseBodyChild e
"epigraph" -> parseEpigraph e
"image" -> parseImageElement e
@@ -363,16 +365,16 @@ parseStyleType e = mconcat <$> mapM parseInline (elContent e)
parseNamedStyle :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Inlines
parseNamedStyle e = do
content <- mconcat <$> mapM parseNamedStyleChild (elContent e)
- let lang = maybeToList $ ("lang",) . T.pack <$> findAttr (QName "lang" Nothing (Just "xml")) e
+ let lang = maybeToList $ ("lang",) <$> findAttr (QName "lang" Nothing (Just "xml")) e
case findAttr (unqual "name") e of
- Just name -> pure $ spanWith ("", [T.pack name], lang) content
+ Just name -> pure $ spanWith ("", [name], lang) content
Nothing -> do
report $ IgnoredElement "link without required name"
pure mempty
parseNamedStyleChild :: PandocMonad m => Content -> FB2 m Inlines
parseNamedStyleChild (Elem e) =
- case T.pack $ qName (elName e) of
+ case qName (elName e) of
"strong" -> strong <$> parseStyleType e
"emphasis" -> emph <$> parseStyleType e
"style" -> parseNamedStyle e
@@ -380,7 +382,7 @@ parseNamedStyleChild (Elem e) =
"strikethrough" -> strikeout <$> parseStyleType e
"sub" -> subscript <$> parseStyleType e
"sup" -> superscript <$> parseStyleType e
- "code" -> pure $ code $ T.pack $ strContent e
+ "code" -> pure $ code $ strContent e
"image" -> parseInlineImageElement e
name -> do
report $ IgnoredElement $ name <> " in style"
@@ -392,7 +394,7 @@ parseLinkType :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m Inlines
parseLinkType e = do
content <- mconcat <$> mapM parseStyleLinkType (elContent e)
notes <- gets fb2Notes
- case T.pack <$> findAttr (QName "href" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) e of
+ case findAttr (QName "href" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) e of
Just href -> case findAttr (QName "type" Nothing Nothing) e of
Just "note" -> case M.lookup href notes of
Nothing -> pure $ link href "" content
@@ -419,15 +421,14 @@ parseTable _ = pure mempty -- TODO: tables are not supported yet
-- | Parse @title-infoType@
parseTitleInfoChild :: PandocMonad m => Element -> FB2 m ()
parseTitleInfoChild e =
- case T.pack $ qName (elName e) of
+ case qName (elName e) of
"genre" -> pure ()
"author" -> parseAuthor e >>= \author -> modify (\st -> st {fb2Authors = author:fb2Authors st})
- "book-title" -> modify (setMeta "title" (text $ T.pack $ strContent e))
+ "book-title" -> modify (setMeta "title" (text $ strContent e))
"annotation" -> parseAnnotation e >>= modify . setMeta "abstract"
"keywords" -> modify (setMeta "keywords" (map (MetaString . trim) $ T.splitOn ","
- $ T.pack
$ strContent e))
- "date" -> modify (setMeta "date" (text $ T.pack $ strContent e))
+ "date" -> modify (setMeta "date" (text $ strContent e))
"coverpage" -> parseCoverPage e
"lang" -> pure ()
"src-lang" -> pure ()
@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ parseCoverPage e =
Just img -> case href of
Just src -> modify (setMeta "cover-image" (MetaString $ removeHash src))
Nothing -> pure ()
- where href = T.pack <$> findAttr (QName "href" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) img
+ where href = findAttr (QName "href" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) img
Nothing -> pure ()
-- | Parse @inlineImageType@ element
@@ -454,5 +455,5 @@ parseInlineImageElement e =
Nothing -> do
report $ IgnoredElement "inline image without href"
pure mempty
- where alt = maybe mempty (str . T.pack) $ findAttr (unqual "alt") e
- href = T.pack <$> findAttr (QName "href" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) e
+ where alt = maybe mempty str $ findAttr (unqual "alt") e
+ href = findAttr (QName "href" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) e
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/JATS.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/JATS.hs
index dfd343b7a..5353f2001 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/JATS.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/JATS.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.JATS ( readJATS ) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError(..))
-import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace, toUpper)
+import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.Default
import Data.Generics
import Data.List (foldl', intersperse)
@@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad)
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (crFilter, safeRead, extractSpaces)
import Text.TeXMath (readMathML, writeTeX)
-import Text.XML.Light
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLContents)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
import qualified Data.Set as S (fromList, member)
import Data.Set ((\\))
@@ -67,29 +66,29 @@ normalizeTree = everywhere (mkT go)
where go :: [Content] -> [Content]
go (Text (CData CDataRaw _ _):xs) = xs
go (Text (CData CDataText s1 z):Text (CData CDataText s2 _):xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (s1 ++ s2) z):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (s1 <> s2) z):xs
go (Text (CData CDataText s1 z):CRef r:xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (s1 ++ convertEntity r) z):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (s1 <> convertEntity r) z):xs
go (CRef r:Text (CData CDataText s1 z):xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r ++ s1) z):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r <> s1) z):xs
go (CRef r1:CRef r2:xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r1 ++ convertEntity r2) Nothing):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r1 <> convertEntity r2) Nothing):xs
go xs = xs
-convertEntity :: String -> String
-convertEntity e = Data.Maybe.fromMaybe (map toUpper e) (lookupEntity e)
+convertEntity :: Text -> Text
+convertEntity e = maybe (T.toUpper e) T.pack (lookupEntity $ T.unpack e)
-- convenience function to get an attribute value, defaulting to ""
-attrValue :: String -> Element -> Text
+attrValue :: Text -> Element -> Text
attrValue attr =
fromMaybe "" . maybeAttrValue attr
-maybeAttrValue :: String -> Element -> Maybe Text
+maybeAttrValue :: Text -> Element -> Maybe Text
maybeAttrValue attr elt =
- T.pack <$> lookupAttrBy (\x -> qName x == attr) (elAttribs elt)
+ lookupAttrBy (\x -> qName x == attr) (elAttribs elt)
-- convenience function
-named :: String -> Element -> Bool
+named :: Text -> Element -> Bool
named s e = qName (elName e) == s
@@ -155,10 +154,10 @@ getBlocks e = mconcat <$>
parseBlock :: PandocMonad m => Content -> JATS m Blocks
parseBlock (Text (CData CDataRaw _ _)) = return mempty -- DOCTYPE
-parseBlock (Text (CData _ s _)) = if all isSpace s
+parseBlock (Text (CData _ s _)) = if T.all isSpace s
then return mempty
- else return $ plain $ trimInlines $ text $ T.pack s
-parseBlock (CRef x) = return $ plain $ str $ T.toUpper $ T.pack x
+ else return $ plain $ trimInlines $ text s
+parseBlock (CRef x) = return $ plain $ str $ T.toUpper x
parseBlock (Elem e) =
case qName (elName e) of
"p" -> parseMixed para (elContent e)
@@ -207,7 +206,7 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
"" -> []
x -> [x]
return $ codeBlockWith (attrValue "id" e, classes', [])
- $ trimNl $ textContentRecursive e
+ $ trimNl $ strContentRecursive e
parseBlockquote = do
attrib <- case filterChild (named "attribution") e of
Nothing -> return mempty
@@ -271,7 +270,7 @@ parseBlock (Elem e) =
Just "center" -> AlignCenter
_ -> AlignDefault
let toWidth c = do
- w <- findAttrText (unqual "colwidth") c
+ w <- findAttr (unqual "colwidth") c
n <- safeRead $ "0" <> T.filter (\x -> isDigit x || x == '.') w
if n > 0 then Just n else Nothing
let numrows = foldl' max 0 $ map length bodyrows
@@ -442,16 +441,10 @@ parseRef e = do
Nothing -> return $ Map.insert "id" (toMetaValue refId) mempty
-- TODO handle mixed-citation
-findAttrText :: QName -> Element -> Maybe Text
-findAttrText x = fmap T.pack . findAttr x
textContent :: Element -> Text
-textContent = T.pack . strContent
-textContentRecursive :: Element -> Text
-textContentRecursive = T.pack . strContentRecursive
+textContent = strContent
-strContentRecursive :: Element -> String
+strContentRecursive :: Element -> Text
strContentRecursive = strContent .
(\e' -> e'{ elContent = map elementToStr $ elContent e' })
@@ -460,9 +453,8 @@ elementToStr (Elem e') = Text $ CData CDataText (strContentRecursive e') Nothing
elementToStr x = x
parseInline :: PandocMonad m => Content -> JATS m Inlines
-parseInline (Text (CData _ s _)) = return $ text $ T.pack s
-parseInline (CRef ref) =
- return . text . maybe (T.toUpper $ T.pack ref) T.pack $ lookupEntity ref
+parseInline (Text (CData _ s _)) = return $ text s
+parseInline (CRef ref) = return . text . convertEntity $ ref
parseInline (Elem e) =
case qName (elName e) of
"italic" -> innerInlines emph
@@ -507,9 +499,9 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
else linkWith attr ("#" <> rid) "" ils
"ext-link" -> do
ils <- innerInlines id
- let title = fromMaybe "" $ findAttrText (QName "title" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) e
+ let title = fromMaybe "" $ findAttr (QName "title" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) e
let href = case findAttr (QName "href" (Just "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink") Nothing) e of
- Just h -> T.pack h
+ Just h -> h
_ -> "#" <> attrValue "rid" e
let ils' = if ils == mempty then str href else ils
let attr = (attrValue "id" e, [], [])
@@ -529,7 +521,7 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
where innerInlines f = extractSpaces f . mconcat <$>
mapM parseInline (elContent e)
mathML x =
- case readMathML . T.pack . showElement $ everywhere (mkT removePrefix) x of
+ case readMathML . showElement $ everywhere (mkT removePrefix) x of
Left _ -> mempty
Right m -> writeTeX m
formula constructor = do
@@ -547,4 +539,4 @@ parseInline (Elem e) =
let classes' = case attrValue "language" e of
"" -> []
l -> [l]
- return $ codeWith (attrValue "id" e,classes',[]) $ textContentRecursive e
+ return $ codeWith (attrValue "id" e,classes',[]) $ strContentRecursive e
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/OPML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/OPML.hs
index bdadc4dd9..184d5a63f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/OPML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/OPML.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Conversion of OPML to 'Pandoc' document.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.OPML ( readOPML ) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
-import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.Default
import Data.Generics
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
@@ -28,8 +27,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML (readHtml)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown (readMarkdown)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (crFilter, blocksToInlines')
-import Text.XML.Light
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLContents)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
type OPML m = StateT OPMLState m
@@ -69,25 +67,22 @@ normalizeTree = everywhere (mkT go)
where go :: [Content] -> [Content]
go (Text (CData CDataRaw _ _):xs) = xs
go (Text (CData CDataText s1 z):Text (CData CDataText s2 _):xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (s1 ++ s2) z):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (s1 <> s2) z):xs
go (Text (CData CDataText s1 z):CRef r:xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (s1 ++ convertEntity r) z):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (s1 <> convertEntity r) z):xs
go (CRef r:Text (CData CDataText s1 z):xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r ++ s1) z):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r <> s1) z):xs
go (CRef r1:CRef r2:xs) =
- Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r1 ++ convertEntity r2) Nothing):xs
+ Text (CData CDataText (convertEntity r1 <> convertEntity r2) Nothing):xs
go xs = xs
-convertEntity :: String -> String
-convertEntity e = Data.Maybe.fromMaybe (map toUpper e) (lookupEntity e)
+convertEntity :: Text -> Text
+convertEntity e = maybe (T.toUpper e) T.pack (lookupEntity (T.unpack e))
-- convenience function to get an attribute value, defaulting to ""
-attrValue :: String -> Element -> Text
+attrValue :: Text -> Element -> Text
attrValue attr elt =
- maybe "" T.pack (lookupAttrBy (\x -> qName x == attr) (elAttribs elt))
-textContent :: Element -> Text
-textContent = T.pack . strContent
+ fromMaybe "" (lookupAttrBy (\x -> qName x == attr) (elAttribs elt))
-- exceptT :: PandocMonad m => Either PandocError a -> OPML m a
-- exceptT = either throwError return
@@ -111,11 +106,11 @@ parseBlock :: PandocMonad m => Content -> OPML m Blocks
parseBlock (Elem e) =
case qName (elName e) of
"ownerName" -> mempty <$ modify (\st ->
- st{opmlDocAuthors = [text $ textContent e]})
+ st{opmlDocAuthors = [text $ strContent e]})
"dateModified" -> mempty <$ modify (\st ->
- st{opmlDocDate = text $ textContent e})
+ st{opmlDocDate = text $ strContent e})
"title" -> mempty <$ modify (\st ->
- st{opmlDocTitle = text $ textContent e})
+ st{opmlDocTitle = text $ strContent e})
"outline" -> gets opmlSectionLevel >>= sect . (+1)
"?xml" -> return mempty
_ -> getBlocks e
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt.hs
index 85308deb1..c274b6fd4 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt.hs
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ Entry point to the odt reader.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt ( readOdt ) where
import Codec.Archive.Zip
-import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLElement)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ archiveToOdt archive = do
-entryToXmlElem :: Entry -> Either PandocError XML.Element
+entryToXmlElem :: Entry -> Either PandocError Element
entryToXmlElem entry =
case parseXMLElement . UTF8.toTextLazy . fromEntry $ entry of
Right x -> Right x
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs
index 43c44e7e9..df90880fa 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/ContentReader.hs
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.Foldable (fold)
-import Data.List (find, stripPrefix)
+import Data.List (find)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup (First(..), Option(..))
import Text.TeXMath (readMathML, writeTeX)
-import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.XML.Light as XML
import Text.Pandoc.Builder hiding (underline)
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (MediaBag, insertMedia)
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ read_plain_text = fst ^&&& read_plain_text' >>% recover
>>?% mappend
extractText :: XML.Content -> Fallible T.Text
- extractText (XML.Text cData) = succeedWith (T.pack $ XML.cdData cData)
+ extractText (XML.Text cData) = succeedWith (XML.cdData cData)
extractText _ = failEmpty
read_text_seq :: InlineMatcher
@@ -777,14 +777,14 @@ read_frame_img =
"" -> returnV mempty -< ()
src' -> do
let exts = extensionsFromList [Ext_auto_identifiers]
- resource <- lookupResource -< src'
+ resource <- lookupResource -< T.unpack src'
_ <- updateMediaWithResource -< resource
w <- findAttrText' NsSVG "width" -< ()
h <- findAttrText' NsSVG "height" -< ()
titleNodes <- matchChildContent' [ read_frame_title ] -< ()
alt <- matchChildContent [] read_plain_text -< ()
arr (firstMatch . uncurry4 imageWith) -<
- (image_attributes w h, T.pack src', inlineListToIdentifier exts (toList titleNodes), alt)
+ (image_attributes w h, src', inlineListToIdentifier exts (toList titleNodes), alt)
read_frame_title :: InlineMatcher
read_frame_title = matchingElement NsSVG "title" (matchChildContent [] read_plain_text)
@@ -804,7 +804,8 @@ read_frame_mathml =
case fold src of
"" -> returnV mempty -< ()
src' -> do
- let path = fromMaybe src' (stripPrefix "./" src') ++ "/content.xml"
+ let path = T.unpack $
+ fromMaybe src' (T.stripPrefix "./" src') <> "/content.xml"
(_, mathml) <- lookupResource -< path
case readMathML (UTF8.toText $ B.toStrict mathml) of
Left _ -> returnV mempty -< ()
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/Namespaces.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/Namespaces.hs
index 77174c793..78a7fc0b2 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/Namespaces.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/Namespaces.hs
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ typesafe Haskell namespace identifiers and unsafe "real world" namespaces.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Namespaces where
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Text (Text)
-type NameSpaceIRI = String
+type NameSpaceIRI = Text
type NameSpaceIRIs nsID = M.Map nsID NameSpaceIRI
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/Utils.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/Utils.hs
index 6dc56a0d9..edefe3c70 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/Utils.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/Utils.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Utils
, reverseComposition
, tryToRead
, Lookupable(..)
-, readLookupables
, readLookupable
, readPercent
, findBy
@@ -30,11 +29,11 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Utils
import Control.Category (Category, (<<<), (>>>))
import qualified Control.Category as Cat (id)
-import Control.Monad (msum)
+import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (Foldable, foldr)
import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | Equivalent to
-- > foldr (.) id
@@ -76,8 +75,8 @@ swing = flip.(.flip id)
-- (nobody wants that) while the latter returns "to much" for simple purposes.
-- This function instead applies 'reads' and returns the first match (if any)
-- in a 'Maybe'.
-tryToRead :: (Read r) => String -> Maybe r
-tryToRead = reads >>> listToMaybe >>> fmap fst
+tryToRead :: (Read r) => Text -> Maybe r
+tryToRead = (reads . T.unpack) >>> listToMaybe >>> fmap fst
-- | A version of 'reads' that requires a '%' sign after the number
readPercent :: ReadS Int
@@ -88,26 +87,12 @@ readPercent s = [ (i,s') | (i , r ) <- reads s
-- | Data that can be looked up.
-- This is mostly a utility to read data with kind *.
class Lookupable a where
- lookupTable :: [(String, a)]
--- | The idea is to use this function as if there was a declaration like
--- > instance (Lookupable a) => (Read a) where
--- > readsPrec _ = readLookupables
--- .
--- But including this code in this form would need UndecideableInstances.
--- That is a bad idea. Luckily 'readLookupable' (without the s at the end)
--- can be used directly in almost any case.
-readLookupables :: (Lookupable a) => String -> [(a,String)]
-readLookupables s = [ (a,rest) | (word,rest) <- lex s,
- a <- maybeToList (lookup word lookupTable)
- ]
+ lookupTable :: [(Text, a)]
-- | Very similar to a simple 'lookup' in the 'lookupTable', but with a lexer.
-readLookupable :: (Lookupable a) => String -> Maybe a
-readLookupable s = msum
- $ map ((`lookup` lookupTable).fst)
- $ lex s
+readLookupable :: (Lookupable a) => Text -> Maybe a
+readLookupable s =
+ lookup (T.takeWhile (not . isSpace) $ T.dropWhile isSpace s) lookupTable
uncurry3 :: (a->b->c -> z) -> (a,b,c ) -> z
uncurry4 :: (a->b->c->d -> z) -> (a,b,c,d ) -> z
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/XMLConverter.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/XMLConverter.hs
index 00c636a0d..0d921e23b 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/XMLConverter.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/XMLConverter.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
@@ -60,11 +61,11 @@ import Control.Arrow
import Data.Bool ( bool )
import Data.Either ( rights )
import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
-import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.XML.Light as XML
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Arrows.State
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Arrows.Utils
@@ -78,13 +79,13 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Fallible
-type ElementName = String
-type AttributeName = String
-type AttributeValue = String
-type TextAttributeValue = T.Text
+type ElementName = Text
+type AttributeName = Text
+type AttributeValue = Text
+type TextAttributeValue = Text
-type NameSpacePrefix = String
+type NameSpacePrefix = Text
type NameSpacePrefixes nsID = M.Map nsID NameSpacePrefix
@@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ lookupDefaultingAttr :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Lookupable a, Default a)
lookupDefaultingAttr nsID attrName
= lookupAttrWithDefault nsID attrName def
--- | Return value as a (Maybe String)
+-- | Return value as a (Maybe Text)
findAttr' :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
=> nsID -> AttributeName
-> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe AttributeValue)
@@ -477,7 +478,6 @@ findAttrText' nsID attrName
= qualifyName nsID attrName
&&& getCurrentElement
>>% XML.findAttr
- >>^ fmap T.pack
-- | Return value as string or fail
findAttr :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
@@ -492,7 +492,6 @@ findAttrText :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
-> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x TextAttributeValue
findAttrText nsID attrName
= findAttr' nsID attrName
- >>^ fmap T.pack
>>> maybeToChoice
-- | Return value as string or return provided default value
@@ -511,7 +510,7 @@ findAttrTextWithDefault :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
-> XMLConverter nsID extraState x TextAttributeValue
findAttrTextWithDefault nsID attrName deflt
= findAttr' nsID attrName
- >>^ maybe deflt T.pack
+ >>^ fromMaybe deflt
-- | Read and return value or fail
readAttr :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Read attrValue)
@@ -748,7 +747,7 @@ matchContent lookups fallback
-- Internals
-stringToBool' :: String -> Maybe Bool
+stringToBool' :: Text -> Maybe Bool
stringToBool' val | val `elem` trueValues = Just True
| val `elem` falseValues = Just False
| otherwise = Nothing
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Namespaces.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Namespaces.hs
index 3a24a1162..70741c28d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Namespaces.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Namespaces.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Reader.Odt.Namespaces
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Linnemann
@@ -13,10 +14,10 @@ Namespaces used in odt files.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Namespaces ( Namespace (..)
) where
-import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as M (empty, insert)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Namespaces
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ instance NameSpaceID Namespace where
findID :: NameSpaceIRI -> Maybe Namespace
-findID iri = listToMaybe [nsID | (iri',nsID) <- nsIDs, iri' `isPrefixOf` iri]
+findID iri = listToMaybe [nsID | (iri',nsID) <- nsIDs, iri' `T.isPrefixOf` iri]
nsIDmap :: NameSpaceIRIs Namespace
nsIDmap = foldr (uncurry $ flip M.insert) M.empty nsIDs
@@ -54,12 +55,12 @@ data Namespace = -- Open Document core
-- Core XML (basically only for the 'id'-attribute)
-- Fallback
- | NsOther String
+ | NsOther Text
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
-- | Not the actual iri's, but large prefixes of them - this way there are
-- less versioning problems and the like.
-nsIDs :: [(String,Namespace)]
+nsIDs :: [(Text, Namespace)]
nsIDs = [
("urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation" , NsAnim ),
("urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart" , NsChart ),
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs
index 46a777df1..5e10f896c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/StyleReader.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.StyleReader
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Linnemann
@@ -46,11 +47,13 @@ import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Set as S
-import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.XML.Light as XML
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead, tshow)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Arrows.Utils
@@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ instance Default FontPitch where
-- Thus, we want
-type FontFaceName = String
+type FontFaceName = Text
type FontPitches = M.Map FontFaceName FontPitch
@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ findPitch = ( lookupAttr NsStyle "font-pitch"
-- Definitions of main data
-type StyleName = String
+type StyleName = Text
-- | There are two types of styles: named styles with a style family and an
-- optional style parent, and default styles for each style family,
@@ -355,8 +358,8 @@ getListLevelStyle level ListStyle{..} =
-- \^ simpler, but in general less efficient
data ListLevelStyle = ListLevelStyle { listLevelType :: ListLevelType
- , listItemPrefix :: Maybe String
- , listItemSuffix :: Maybe String
+ , listItemPrefix :: Maybe Text
+ , listItemSuffix :: Maybe Text
, listItemFormat :: ListItemNumberFormat
, listItemStart :: Int
@@ -366,9 +369,9 @@ instance Show ListLevelStyle where
show ListLevelStyle{..} = "<LLS|"
++ show listLevelType
++ "|"
- ++ maybeToString listItemPrefix
+ ++ maybeToString (T.unpack <$> listItemPrefix)
++ show listItemFormat
- ++ maybeToString listItemSuffix
+ ++ maybeToString (T.unpack <$> listItemSuffix)
++ ">"
where maybeToString = fromMaybe ""
@@ -471,7 +474,7 @@ readTextProperties =
where isFontEmphasised = [("normal",False),("italic",True),("oblique",True)]
isFontBold = ("normal",False):("bold",True)
- :map ((,True).show) ([100,200..900]::[Int])
+ :map ((,True) . tshow) ([100,200..900]::[Int])
readUnderlineMode :: StyleReaderSafe _x (Maybe UnderlineMode)
readUnderlineMode = readLineMode "text-underline-mode"
@@ -481,7 +484,7 @@ readStrikeThroughMode :: StyleReaderSafe _x (Maybe UnderlineMode)
readStrikeThroughMode = readLineMode "text-line-through-mode"
-readLineMode :: String -> String -> StyleReaderSafe _x (Maybe UnderlineMode)
+readLineMode :: Text -> Text -> StyleReaderSafe _x (Maybe UnderlineMode)
readLineMode modeAttr styleAttr = proc x -> do
isUL <- searchAttr NsStyle styleAttr False isLinePresent -< x
mode <- lookupAttr' NsStyle modeAttr -< x
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index da990e4d3..89c71d773 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing, mapMaybe, maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha1, showDigest)
@@ -57,19 +58,19 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.TeXMath
-import Text.XML.Light as XML
-import Text.XML.Light.Cursor as XMLC
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.OOXML
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light as XML
+import Data.Generics (mkT, everywhere)
data ListMarker = NoMarker
| BulletMarker
| NumberMarker ListNumberStyle ListNumberDelim Int
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
-listMarkerToId :: ListMarker -> String
+listMarkerToId :: ListMarker -> Text
listMarkerToId NoMarker = "990"
listMarkerToId BulletMarker = "991"
-listMarkerToId (NumberMarker sty delim n) =
+listMarkerToId (NumberMarker sty delim n) = T.pack $
'9' : '9' : styNum : delimNum : show n
where styNum = case sty of
DefaultStyle -> '2'
@@ -106,8 +107,8 @@ data WriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties :: EnvProps
, envListLevel :: Int
, envListNumId :: Int
, envInDel :: Bool
- , envChangesAuthor :: T.Text
- , envChangesDate :: T.Text
+ , envChangesAuthor :: Text
+ , envChangesDate :: Text
, envPrintWidth :: Integer
@@ -125,9 +126,9 @@ defaultWriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties = mempty
data WriterState = WriterState{
stFootnotes :: [Element]
- , stComments :: [([(T.Text, T.Text)], [Inline])]
- , stSectionIds :: Set.Set T.Text
- , stExternalLinks :: M.Map String String
+ , stComments :: [([(Text, Text)], [Inline])]
+ , stSectionIds :: Set.Set Text
+ , stExternalLinks :: M.Map Text Text
, stImages :: M.Map FilePath (String, String, Maybe MimeType, B.ByteString)
, stLists :: [ListMarker]
, stInsId :: Int
@@ -164,18 +165,18 @@ defaultWriterState = WriterState{
type WS m = ReaderT WriterEnv (StateT WriterState m)
-renumIdMap :: Int -> [Element] -> M.Map String String
+renumIdMap :: Int -> [Element] -> M.Map Text Text
renumIdMap _ [] = M.empty
renumIdMap n (e:es)
| Just oldId <- findAttr (QName "Id" Nothing Nothing) e =
- M.insert oldId ("rId" ++ show n) (renumIdMap (n+1) es)
+ M.insert oldId ("rId" <> tshow n) (renumIdMap (n+1) es)
| otherwise = renumIdMap n es
-replaceAttr :: (QName -> Bool) -> String -> [XML.Attr] -> [XML.Attr]
+replaceAttr :: (QName -> Bool) -> Text -> [XML.Attr] -> [XML.Attr]
replaceAttr f val = map $
\a -> if f (attrKey a) then XML.Attr (attrKey a) val else a
-renumId :: (QName -> Bool) -> M.Map String String -> Element -> Element
+renumId :: (QName -> Bool) -> M.Map Text Text -> Element -> Element
renumId f renumMap e
| Just oldId <- findAttrBy f e
, Just newId <- M.lookup oldId renumMap =
@@ -184,18 +185,12 @@ renumId f renumMap e
e { elAttribs = attrs' }
| otherwise = e
-renumIds :: (QName -> Bool) -> M.Map String String -> [Element] -> [Element]
+renumIds :: (QName -> Bool) -> M.Map Text Text -> [Element] -> [Element]
renumIds f renumMap = map (renumId f renumMap)
-findAttrTextBy :: (QName -> Bool) -> Element -> Maybe T.Text
-findAttrTextBy x = fmap T.pack . findAttrBy x
-lookupAttrTextBy :: (QName -> Bool) -> [XML.Attr] -> Maybe T.Text
-lookupAttrTextBy x = fmap T.pack . lookupAttrBy x
-- | Certain characters are invalid in XML even if escaped.
-- See #1992
-stripInvalidChars :: T.Text -> T.Text
+stripInvalidChars :: Text -> Text
stripInvalidChars = T.filter isValidChar
-- | See XML reference
@@ -234,11 +229,11 @@ writeDocx opts doc = do
-- Gets the template size
let mbpgsz = mbsectpr >>= filterElementName (wname (=="pgSz"))
- let mbAttrSzWidth = mbpgsz >>= lookupAttrTextBy ((=="w") . qName) . elAttribs
+ let mbAttrSzWidth = mbpgsz >>= lookupAttrBy ((=="w") . qName) . elAttribs
let mbpgmar = mbsectpr >>= filterElementName (wname (=="pgMar"))
- let mbAttrMarLeft = mbpgmar >>= lookupAttrTextBy ((=="left") . qName) . elAttribs
- let mbAttrMarRight = mbpgmar >>= lookupAttrTextBy ((=="right") . qName) . elAttribs
+ let mbAttrMarLeft = mbpgmar >>= lookupAttrBy ((=="left") . qName) . elAttribs
+ let mbAttrMarRight = mbpgmar >>= lookupAttrBy ((=="right") . qName) . elAttribs
-- Get the available area (converting the size and the margins to int and
-- doing the difference
@@ -250,24 +245,21 @@ writeDocx opts doc = do
-- styles
mblang <- toLang $ getLang opts meta
+ -- TODO FIXME avoid this generic traversal!
+ -- lang is in w:docDefaults / w:rPr / w:lang
let addLang :: Element -> Element
- addLang e = case (\l -> XMLC.toTree . go (T.unpack $ renderLang l) $
- XMLC.fromElement e) <$> mblang of
- Just (Elem e') -> e'
- _ -> e -- return original
- where go :: String -> Cursor -> Cursor
- go l cursor = case XMLC.findRec (isLangElt . current) cursor of
- Nothing -> cursor
- Just t -> XMLC.modifyContent (setval l) t
- setval :: String -> Content -> Content
- setval l (Elem e') = Elem $ e'{ elAttribs = map (setvalattr l) $
- elAttribs e' }
- setval _ x = x
- setvalattr :: String -> XML.Attr -> XML.Attr
- setvalattr l (XML.Attr qn@(QName "val" _ _) _) = XML.Attr qn l
- setvalattr _ x = x
- isLangElt (Elem e') = qName (elName e') == "lang"
- isLangElt _ = False
+ addLang = case mblang of
+ Nothing -> id
+ Just l -> everywhere (mkT (go (renderLang l)))
+ where
+ go :: Text -> Element -> Element
+ go l e'
+ | qName (elName e') == "lang"
+ = e'{ elAttribs = map (setvalattr l) $ elAttribs e' }
+ | otherwise = e'
+ setvalattr l (XML.Attr qn@(QName "val" _ _) _) = XML.Attr qn l
+ setvalattr _ x = x
let stylepath = "word/styles.xml"
styledoc <- addLang <$> parseXml refArchive distArchive stylepath
@@ -337,12 +329,13 @@ writeDocx opts doc = do
-- [Content_Types].xml
let mkOverrideNode (part', contentType') = mknode "Override"
- [("PartName",part'),("ContentType",contentType')] ()
+ [("PartName", T.pack part')
+ ,("ContentType", contentType')] ()
let mkImageOverride (_, imgpath, mbMimeType, _) =
- mkOverrideNode ("/word/" ++ imgpath,
- maybe "application/octet-stream" T.unpack mbMimeType)
+ mkOverrideNode ("/word/" <> imgpath,
+ fromMaybe "application/octet-stream" mbMimeType)
let mkMediaOverride imgpath =
- mkOverrideNode ('/':imgpath, T.unpack $ getMimeTypeDef imgpath)
+ mkOverrideNode ("/" <> imgpath, getMimeTypeDef imgpath)
let overrides = map mkOverrideNode (
@@ -369,13 +362,14 @@ writeDocx opts doc = do
] ++
- map (\x -> (maybe "" ("/word/" ++) $ extractTarget x,
+ map (\x -> (maybe "" (T.unpack . ("/word/" <>)) (extractTarget x),
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.header+xml")) headers ++
- map (\x -> (maybe "" ("/word/" ++) $ extractTarget x,
+ map (\x -> (maybe "" (T.unpack . ("/word/" <>)) (extractTarget x),
"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.footer+xml")) footers) ++
map mkImageOverride imgs ++
- [ mkMediaOverride (eRelativePath e) | e <- zEntries refArchive
- , "word/media/" `isPrefixOf` eRelativePath e ]
+ [ mkMediaOverride (eRelativePath e)
+ | e <- zEntries refArchive
+ , "word/media/" `isPrefixOf` eRelativePath e ]
let defaultnodes = [mknode "Default"
[("Extension","xml"),("ContentType","application/xml")] (),
@@ -421,7 +415,7 @@ writeDocx opts doc = do
let renumHeaders = renumIds (\q -> qName q == "Id") idMap headers
let renumFooters = renumIds (\q -> qName q == "Id") idMap footers
let baserels = baserels' ++ renumHeaders ++ renumFooters
- let toImgRel (ident,path,_,_) = mknode "Relationship" [("Type","http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image"),("Id",ident),("Target",path)] ()
+ let toImgRel (ident,path,_,_) = mknode "Relationship" [("Type","http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image"),("Id",T.pack ident),("Target",T.pack path)] ()
let imgrels = map toImgRel imgs
let toLinkRel (src,ident) = mknode "Relationship" [("Type","http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink"),("Id",ident),("Target",src),("TargetMode","External") ] ()
let linkrels = map toLinkRel $ M.toList $ stExternalLinks st
@@ -489,10 +483,10 @@ writeDocx opts doc = do
numbering <- parseXml refArchive distArchive numpath
let newNumElts = mkNumbering (stLists st)
let pandocAdded e =
- case findAttrTextBy ((== "abstractNumId") . qName) e >>= safeRead of
+ case findAttrBy ((== "abstractNumId") . qName) e >>= safeRead of
Just numid -> numid >= (990 :: Int)
Nothing ->
- case findAttrTextBy ((== "numId") . qName) e >>= safeRead of
+ case findAttrBy ((== "numId") . qName) e >>= safeRead of
Just numid -> numid >= (1000 :: Int)
Nothing -> False
let oldElts = filter (not . pandocAdded) $ onlyElems (elContent numbering)
@@ -514,7 +508,7 @@ writeDocx opts doc = do
let extraCoreProps = ["subject","lang","category","description"]
let extraCorePropsMap = M.fromList $ zip extraCoreProps
- let lookupMetaString' :: T.Text -> Meta -> T.Text
+ let lookupMetaString' :: Text -> Meta -> Text
lookupMetaString' key' meta' =
case key' of
"description" -> T.intercalate "_x000d_\n" (map stringify $ lookupMetaBlocks "description" meta')
@@ -530,21 +524,21 @@ writeDocx opts doc = do
: mktnode "dc:creator" [] (T.intercalate "; " (map stringify $ docAuthors meta))
: [ mktnode (M.findWithDefault "" k extraCorePropsMap) [] (lookupMetaString' k meta)
| k <- M.keys (unMeta meta), k `elem` extraCoreProps]
- ++ mknode "cp:keywords" [] (T.unpack $ T.intercalate ", " keywords)
+ ++ mknode "cp:keywords" [] (T.intercalate ", " keywords)
: (\x -> [ mknode "dcterms:created" [("xsi:type","dcterms:W3CDTF")] x
, mknode "dcterms:modified" [("xsi:type","dcterms:W3CDTF")] x
- ]) (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ" utctime)
+ ]) (T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ" utctime)
let docPropsEntry = toEntry docPropsPath epochtime $ renderXml docProps
-- docProps/custom.xml
- let customProperties :: [(String, String)]
- customProperties = [ (T.unpack k, T.unpack $ lookupMetaString k meta)
+ let customProperties :: [(Text, Text)]
+ customProperties = [ (k, lookupMetaString k meta)
| k <- M.keys (unMeta meta)
, k `notElem` (["title", "author", "keywords"]
++ extraCoreProps)]
let mkCustomProp (k, v) pid = mknode "property"
- ,("pid", show pid)
+ ,("pid", tshow pid)
,("name", k)] $ mknode "vt:lpwstr" [] v
let customPropsPath = "docProps/custom.xml"
let customProps = mknode "Properties"
@@ -594,7 +588,8 @@ writeDocx opts doc = do
fontTableEntry <- entryFromArchive refArchive "word/fontTable.xml"
webSettingsEntry <- entryFromArchive refArchive "word/webSettings.xml"
headerFooterEntries <- mapM (entryFromArchive refArchive . ("word/" ++)) $
- mapMaybe extractTarget (headers ++ footers)
+ mapMaybe (fmap T.unpack . extractTarget)
+ (headers ++ footers)
let miscRelEntries = [ e | e <- zEntries refArchive
, "word/_rels/" `isPrefixOf` eRelativePath e
, ".xml.rels" `isSuffixOf` eRelativePath e
@@ -620,8 +615,8 @@ newParaPropToOpenXml (fromStyleName -> s) =
let styleId = T.filter (not . isSpace) s
in mknode "w:style" [ ("w:type", "paragraph")
, ("w:customStyle", "1")
- , ("w:styleId", T.unpack styleId)]
- [ mknode "w:name" [("w:val", T.unpack s)] ()
+ , ("w:styleId", styleId)]
+ [ mknode "w:name" [("w:val", s)] ()
, mknode "w:basedOn" [("w:val","BodyText")] ()
, mknode "w:qFormat" [] ()
@@ -631,8 +626,8 @@ newTextPropToOpenXml (fromStyleName -> s) =
let styleId = T.filter (not . isSpace) s
in mknode "w:style" [ ("w:type", "character")
, ("w:customStyle", "1")
- , ("w:styleId", T.unpack styleId)]
- [ mknode "w:name" [("w:val", T.unpack s)] ()
+ , ("w:styleId", styleId)]
+ [ mknode "w:name" [("w:val", s)] ()
, mknode "w:basedOn" [("w:val","BodyTextChar")] ()
@@ -643,13 +638,14 @@ styleToOpenXml sm style =
toStyle toktype | hasStyleName (fromString $ show toktype) (smCharStyle sm) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $
mknode "w:style" [("w:type","character"),
- ("w:customStyle","1"),("w:styleId",show toktype)]
- [ mknode "w:name" [("w:val",show toktype)] ()
+ ("w:customStyle","1"),("w:styleId", tshow toktype)]
+ [ mknode "w:name" [("w:val", tshow toktype)] ()
, mknode "w:basedOn" [("w:val","VerbatimChar")] ()
, mknode "w:rPr" [] $
- [ mknode "w:color" [("w:val",tokCol toktype)] ()
+ [ mknode "w:color" [("w:val", tokCol toktype)] ()
| tokCol toktype /= "auto" ] ++
- [ mknode "w:shd" [("w:val","clear"),("w:fill",tokBg toktype)] ()
+ [ mknode "w:shd" [("w:val","clear")
+ ,("w:fill",tokBg toktype)] ()
| tokBg toktype /= "auto" ] ++
[ mknode "w:b" [] () | tokFeature tokenBold toktype ] ++
[ mknode "w:i" [] () | tokFeature tokenItalic toktype ] ++
@@ -657,10 +653,10 @@ styleToOpenXml sm style =
tokStyles = tokenStyles style
tokFeature f toktype = maybe False f $ M.lookup toktype tokStyles
- tokCol toktype = maybe "auto" (drop 1 . fromColor)
+ tokCol toktype = maybe "auto" (T.pack . drop 1 . fromColor)
$ (tokenColor =<< M.lookup toktype tokStyles)
`mplus` defaultColor style
- tokBg toktype = maybe "auto" (drop 1 . fromColor)
+ tokBg toktype = maybe "auto" (T.pack . drop 1 . fromColor)
$ (tokenBackground =<< M.lookup toktype tokStyles)
`mplus` backgroundColor style
parStyle | hasStyleName "Source Code" (smParaStyle sm) = Nothing
@@ -673,10 +669,11 @@ styleToOpenXml sm style =
, mknode "w:pPr" []
$ mknode "w:wordWrap" [("w:val","off")] ()
- maybe [] (\col -> [mknode "w:shd" [("w:val","clear"),("w:fill",drop 1 $ fromColor col)] ()]) (backgroundColor style)
+ maybe [] (\col -> [mknode "w:shd" [("w:val","clear"),("w:fill", T.pack $ drop 1 $ fromColor col)] ()]) (backgroundColor style)
-copyChildren :: (PandocMonad m) => Archive -> Archive -> String -> Integer -> [String] -> m Entry
+copyChildren :: (PandocMonad m)
+ => Archive -> Archive -> String -> Integer -> [Text] -> m Entry
copyChildren refArchive distArchive path timestamp elNames = do
ref <- parseXml refArchive distArchive path
dist <- parseXml distArchive distArchive path
@@ -685,7 +682,7 @@ copyChildren refArchive distArchive path timestamp elNames = do
strName QName{qName=name, qPrefix=prefix}
- | Just p <- prefix = p++":"++name
+ | Just p <- prefix = p <> ":" <> name
| otherwise = name
shouldCopy = (`elem` elNames) . strName
cleanElem el@Element{elName=name} = Elem el{elName=name{qURI=Nothing}}
@@ -706,35 +703,35 @@ maxListLevel = 8
mkNum :: ListMarker -> Int -> Element
mkNum marker numid =
- mknode "w:num" [("w:numId",show numid)]
+ mknode "w:num" [("w:numId",tshow numid)]
$ mknode "w:abstractNumId" [("w:val",listMarkerToId marker)] ()
: case marker of
NoMarker -> []
BulletMarker -> []
NumberMarker _ _ start ->
- map (\lvl -> mknode "w:lvlOverride" [("w:ilvl",show (lvl :: Int))]
- $ mknode "w:startOverride" [("w:val",show start)] ())
+ map (\lvl -> mknode "w:lvlOverride" [("w:ilvl",tshow (lvl :: Int))]
+ $ mknode "w:startOverride" [("w:val",tshow start)] ())
mkAbstractNum :: ListMarker -> Integer -> Element
mkAbstractNum marker nsid =
mknode "w:abstractNum" [("w:abstractNumId",listMarkerToId marker)]
- $ mknode "w:nsid" [("w:val", printf "%8x" nsid)] ()
+ $ mknode "w:nsid" [("w:val", T.pack $ printf "%8x" nsid)] ()
: mknode "w:multiLevelType" [("w:val","multilevel")] ()
: map (mkLvl marker)
mkLvl :: ListMarker -> Int -> Element
mkLvl marker lvl =
- mknode "w:lvl" [("w:ilvl",show lvl)] $
+ mknode "w:lvl" [("w:ilvl",tshow lvl)] $
[ mknode "w:start" [("w:val",start)] ()
| marker /= NoMarker && marker /= BulletMarker ] ++
[ mknode "w:numFmt" [("w:val",fmt)] ()
- , mknode "w:lvlText" [("w:val",lvltxt)] ()
+ , mknode "w:lvlText" [("w:val", lvltxt)] ()
, mknode "w:lvlJc" [("w:val","left")] ()
, mknode "w:pPr" []
- [ mknode "w:ind" [ ("w:left",show $ lvl * step + step)
- , ("w:hanging",show (hang :: Int))
+ [ mknode "w:ind" [ ("w:left",tshow $ lvl * step + step)
+ , ("w:hanging",tshow (hang :: Int))
] ()
@@ -743,8 +740,8 @@ mkLvl marker lvl =
NoMarker -> ("bullet"," ","1")
BulletMarker -> ("bullet",bulletFor lvl,"1")
NumberMarker st de n -> (styleFor st lvl
- ,patternFor de ("%" ++ show (lvl + 1))
- ,show n)
+ ,patternFor de ("%" <> tshow (lvl + 1))
+ ,tshow n)
step = 720
hang = 480
bulletFor 0 = "\x2022" -- filled circle
@@ -767,9 +764,9 @@ mkLvl marker lvl =
styleFor DefaultStyle 5 = "lowerRoman"
styleFor DefaultStyle x = styleFor DefaultStyle (x `mod` 6)
styleFor _ _ = "decimal"
- patternFor OneParen s = s ++ ")"
- patternFor TwoParens s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
- patternFor _ s = s ++ "."
+ patternFor OneParen s = s <> ")"
+ patternFor TwoParens s = "(" <> s <> ")"
+ patternFor _ s = s <> "."
getNumId :: (PandocMonad m) => WS m Int
getNumId = (((baseListId - 1) +) . length) `fmap` gets stLists
@@ -777,8 +774,8 @@ getNumId = (((baseListId - 1) +) . length) `fmap` gets stLists
makeTOC :: (PandocMonad m) => WriterOptions -> WS m [Element]
makeTOC opts = do
- let depth = "1-"++show (writerTOCDepth opts)
- let tocCmd = "TOC \\o \""++depth++"\" \\h \\z \\u"
+ let depth = "1-" <> tshow (writerTOCDepth opts)
+ let tocCmd = "TOC \\o \"" <> depth <> "\" \\h \\z \\u"
tocTitle <- gets stTocTitle
title <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "TOC Heading") (blocksToOpenXML opts [Para tocTitle])
@@ -831,7 +828,7 @@ writeOpenXML opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let toComment (kvs, ils) = do
annotation <- inlinesToOpenXML opts ils
return $
- mknode "w:comment" [('w':':':T.unpack k,T.unpack v) | (k,v) <- kvs]
+ mknode "w:comment" [("w:" <> k, v) | (k,v) <- kvs]
[ mknode "w:p" [] $
map Elem
[ mknode "w:pPr" []
@@ -867,24 +864,24 @@ pStyleM :: (PandocMonad m) => ParaStyleName -> WS m XML.Element
pStyleM styleName = do
pStyleMap <- gets (smParaStyle . stStyleMaps)
let sty' = getStyleIdFromName styleName pStyleMap
- return $ mknode "w:pStyle" [("w:val", T.unpack $ fromStyleId sty')] ()
+ return $ mknode "w:pStyle" [("w:val", fromStyleId sty')] ()
rStyleM :: (PandocMonad m) => CharStyleName -> WS m XML.Element
rStyleM styleName = do
cStyleMap <- gets (smCharStyle . stStyleMaps)
let sty' = getStyleIdFromName styleName cStyleMap
- return $ mknode "w:rStyle" [("w:val", T.unpack $ fromStyleId sty')] ()
+ return $ mknode "w:rStyle" [("w:val", fromStyleId sty')] ()
-getUniqueId :: (PandocMonad m) => WS m String
+getUniqueId :: (PandocMonad m) => WS m Text
-- the + 20 is to ensure that there are no clashes with the rIds
-- already in word/document.xml.rel
getUniqueId = do
n <- gets stCurId
modify $ \st -> st{stCurId = n + 1}
- return $ show n
+ return $ tshow n
-- | Key for specifying user-defined docx styles.
-dynamicStyleKey :: T.Text
+dynamicStyleKey :: Text
dynamicStyleKey = "custom-style"
-- | Convert a Pandoc block element to OpenXML.
@@ -979,7 +976,7 @@ blockToOpenXML' opts (Para lst)
blockToOpenXML' opts (LineBlock lns) = blockToOpenXML opts $ linesToPara lns
blockToOpenXML' _ b@(RawBlock format str)
| format == Format "openxml" = return [
- Text (CData CDataRaw (T.unpack str) Nothing)
+ Text (CData CDataRaw str Nothing)
| otherwise = do
report $ BlockNotRendered b
@@ -1036,7 +1033,7 @@ blockToOpenXML' opts (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) = do
let fullrow = 5000 -- 100% specified in pct
let rowwidth = fullrow * sum widths
let mkgridcol w = mknode "w:gridCol"
- [("w:w", show (floor (textwidth * w) :: Integer))] ()
+ [("w:w", tshow (floor (textwidth * w) :: Integer))] ()
let hasHeader = not $ all null headers
modify $ \s -> s { stInTable = False }
-- for compatibility with Word <= 2007, we include a val with a bitmask
@@ -1054,16 +1051,16 @@ blockToOpenXML' opts (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) = do
mknode "w:tbl" []
( mknode "w:tblPr" []
( mknode "w:tblStyle" [("w:val","Table")] () :
- mknode "w:tblW" [("w:type", "pct"), ("w:w", show rowwidth)] () :
+ mknode "w:tblW" [("w:type", "pct"), ("w:w", tshow rowwidth)] () :
mknode "w:tblLook" [("w:firstRow",if hasHeader then "1" else "0")
- ,("w:val", printf "%04x" tblLookVal)
+ ,("w:val", T.pack $ printf "%04x" tblLookVal)
] () :
- [ mknode "w:tblCaption" [("w:val", T.unpack captionStr)] ()
+ [ mknode "w:tblCaption" [("w:val", captionStr)] ()
| not (null caption) ] )
: mknode "w:tblGrid" []
(if all (==0) widths
@@ -1126,7 +1123,7 @@ listItemToOpenXML opts numid (first:rest) = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stInList = oldInList }
return $ first'' ++ rest''
-alignmentToString :: Alignment -> [Char]
+alignmentToString :: Alignment -> Text
alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
AlignLeft -> "left"
AlignRight -> "right"
@@ -1169,8 +1166,8 @@ getParaProps displayMathPara = do
listLevel <- asks envListLevel
numid <- asks envListNumId
let listPr = [mknode "w:numPr" []
- [ mknode "w:ilvl" [("w:val",show listLevel)] ()
- , mknode "w:numId" [("w:val",show numid)] () ] | listLevel >= 0 && not displayMathPara]
+ [ mknode "w:ilvl" [("w:val",tshow listLevel)] ()
+ , mknode "w:numId" [("w:val",tshow numid)] () ] | listLevel >= 0 && not displayMathPara]
return $ case listPr ++ squashProps props of
[] -> []
ps -> [mknode "w:pPr" [] ps]
@@ -1185,7 +1182,7 @@ withParaPropM md p = do
d <- md
withParaProp d p
-formattedString :: PandocMonad m => T.Text -> WS m [Element]
+formattedString :: PandocMonad m => Text -> WS m [Element]
formattedString str =
-- properly handle soft hyphens
case splitTextBy (=='\173') str of
@@ -1194,7 +1191,7 @@ formattedString str =
sh <- formattedRun [mknode "w:softHyphen" [] ()]
intercalate sh <$> mapM formattedString' ws
-formattedString' :: PandocMonad m => T.Text -> WS m [Element]
+formattedString' :: PandocMonad m => Text -> WS m [Element]
formattedString' str = do
inDel <- asks envInDel
formattedRun [ mktnode (if inDel then "w:delText" else "w:t")
@@ -1226,7 +1223,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Span ("",["csl-right-inline"],[]) ils) =
mknode "w:r" []
(mknode "w:t"
- ("\t" :: String))] ++)
+ ("\t" :: Text))] ++)
<$> inlinesToOpenXML opts ils
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Span ("",["csl-indent"],[]) ils) =
inlinesToOpenXML opts ils
@@ -1236,17 +1233,17 @@ inlineToOpenXML' _ (Span (ident,["comment-start"],kvs) ils) = do
let ident' = fromMaybe ident (lookup "id" kvs)
kvs' = filter (("id" /=) . fst) kvs
modify $ \st -> st{ stComments = (("id",ident'):kvs', ils) : stComments st }
- return [ Elem $ mknode "w:commentRangeStart" [("w:id", T.unpack ident')] () ]
+ return [ Elem $ mknode "w:commentRangeStart" [("w:id", ident')] () ]
inlineToOpenXML' _ (Span (ident,["comment-end"],kvs) _) =
-- prefer the "id" in kvs, since that is the one produced by the docx
-- reader.
let ident' = fromMaybe ident (lookup "id" kvs)
in return . map Elem $
- [ mknode "w:commentRangeEnd" [("w:id", T.unpack ident')] ()
+ [ mknode "w:commentRangeEnd" [("w:id", ident')] ()
, mknode "w:r" []
[ mknode "w:rPr" []
[ mknode "w:rStyle" [("w:val", "CommentReference")] () ]
- , mknode "w:commentReference" [("w:id", T.unpack ident')] () ]
+ , mknode "w:commentReference" [("w:id", ident')] () ]
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs) ils) = do
stylemod <- case lookup dynamicStyleKey kvs of
@@ -1270,8 +1267,8 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs) ils) = do
defaultAuthor <- asks envChangesAuthor
let author = fromMaybe defaultAuthor (lookup "author" kvs)
let mdate = lookup "date" kvs
- return $ ("w:author", T.unpack author) :
- maybe [] (\date -> [("w:date", T.unpack date)]) mdate
+ return $ ("w:author", author) :
+ maybe [] (\date -> [("w:date", date)]) mdate
insmod <- if "insertion" `elem` classes
then do
changeAuthorDate <- getChangeAuthorDate
@@ -1281,7 +1278,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs) ils) = do
x <- f
return [Elem $
mknode "w:ins"
- (("w:id", show insId) : changeAuthorDate) x]
+ (("w:id", tshow insId) : changeAuthorDate) x]
else return id
delmod <- if "deletion" `elem` classes
then do
@@ -1291,7 +1288,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Span (ident,classes,kvs) ils) = do
return $ \f -> local (\env->env{envInDel=True}) $ do
x <- f
return [Elem $ mknode "w:del"
- (("w:id", show delId) : changeAuthorDate) x]
+ (("w:id", tshow delId) : changeAuthorDate) x]
else return id
contents <- insmod $ delmod $ dirmod $ stylemod $ pmod
$ inlinesToOpenXML opts ils
@@ -1322,7 +1319,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Strikeout lst) =
inlineToOpenXML' _ LineBreak = return [Elem br]
inlineToOpenXML' _ il@(RawInline f str)
| f == Format "openxml" = return
- [Text (CData CDataRaw (T.unpack str) Nothing)]
+ [Text (CData CDataRaw str Nothing)]
| otherwise = do
report $ InlineNotRendered il
return []
@@ -1335,7 +1332,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Math mathType str) = do
when (mathType == DisplayMath) setFirstPara
res <- (lift . lift) (convertMath writeOMML mathType str)
case res of
- Right r -> return [Elem r]
+ Right r -> return [Elem $ fromXLElement r]
Left il -> inlineToOpenXML' opts il
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Cite _ lst) = inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Code attrs str) = do
@@ -1348,7 +1345,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Code attrs str) = do
mknode "w:r" []
[ mknode "w:rPr" [] $
maybeToList (lookup toktype tokTypesMap)
- , mknode "w:t" [("xml:space","preserve")] (T.unpack tok) ]
+ , mknode "w:t" [("xml:space","preserve")] tok ]
withTextPropM (rStyleM "Verbatim Char")
$ if isNothing (writerHighlightStyle opts)
then unhighlighted
@@ -1365,7 +1362,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Note bs) = do
let notemarker = mknode "w:r" []
[ mknode "w:rPr" [] footnoteStyle
, mknode "w:footnoteRef" [] () ]
- let notemarkerXml = RawInline (Format "openxml") $ T.pack $ ppElement notemarker
+ let notemarkerXml = RawInline (Format "openxml") $ ppElement notemarker
let insertNoteRef (Plain ils : xs) = Plain (notemarkerXml : Space : ils) : xs
insertNoteRef (Para ils : xs) = Para (notemarkerXml : Space : ils) : xs
insertNoteRef xs = Para [notemarkerXml] : xs
@@ -1384,17 +1381,17 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Note bs) = do
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Link _ txt (T.uncons -> Just ('#', xs),_)) = do
contents <- withTextPropM (rStyleM "Hyperlink") $ inlinesToOpenXML opts txt
- [ Elem $ mknode "w:hyperlink" [("w:anchor", T.unpack $ toBookmarkName xs)] contents ]
+ [ Elem $ mknode "w:hyperlink" [("w:anchor", toBookmarkName xs)] contents ]
-- external link:
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Link _ txt (src,_)) = do
contents <- withTextPropM (rStyleM "Hyperlink") $ inlinesToOpenXML opts txt
extlinks <- gets stExternalLinks
- id' <- case M.lookup (T.unpack src) extlinks of
+ id' <- case M.lookup src extlinks of
Just i -> return i
Nothing -> do
- i <- ("rId"++) `fmap` getUniqueId
+ i <- ("rId" <>) <$> getUniqueId
modify $ \st -> st{ stExternalLinks =
- M.insert (T.unpack src) i extlinks }
+ M.insert src i extlinks }
return i
return [ Elem $ mknode "w:hyperlink" [("r:id",id')] contents ]
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Image attr@(imgident, _, _) alt (src, title)) = do
@@ -1414,17 +1411,17 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Image attr@(imgident, _, _) alt (src, title)) = do
,("noChangeAspect","1")] ()
nvPicPr = mknode "pic:nvPicPr" []
[ mknode "pic:cNvPr"
- [("descr",T.unpack src),("id","0"),("name","Picture")] ()
+ [("descr",src),("id","0"),("name","Picture")] ()
, cNvPicPr ]
blipFill = mknode "pic:blipFill" []
- [ mknode "a:blip" [("r:embed",ident)] ()
+ [ mknode "a:blip" [("r:embed",T.pack ident)] ()
, mknode "a:stretch" [] $
mknode "a:fillRect" [] ()
xfrm = mknode "a:xfrm" []
[ mknode "a:off" [("x","0"),("y","0")] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx",show xemu)
- ,("cy",show yemu)] () ]
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx",tshow xemu)
+ ,("cy",tshow yemu)] () ]
prstGeom = mknode "a:prstGeom" [("prst","rect")] $
mknode "a:avLst" [] ()
ln = mknode "a:ln" [("w","9525")]
@@ -1445,12 +1442,12 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Image attr@(imgident, _, _) alt (src, title)) = do
imgElt = mknode "w:r" [] $
mknode "w:drawing" [] $
mknode "wp:inline" []
- [ mknode "wp:extent" [("cx",show xemu),("cy",show yemu)] ()
+ [ mknode "wp:extent" [("cx",tshow xemu),("cy",tshow yemu)] ()
, mknode "wp:effectExtent"
[("b","0"),("l","0"),("r","0"),("t","0")] ()
, mknode "wp:docPr"
- [ ("descr", T.unpack $ stringify alt)
- , ("title", T.unpack title)
+ [ ("descr", stringify alt)
+ , ("title", title)
, ("id","1")
, ("name","Picture")
] ()
@@ -1463,7 +1460,7 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Image attr@(imgident, _, _) alt (src, title)) = do
Just imgData -> return [Elem $ generateImgElt imgData]
Nothing -> ( do --try
(img, mt) <- P.fetchItem src
- ident <- ("rId"++) `fmap` getUniqueId
+ ident <- ("rId" <>) <$> getUniqueId
imgext = case mt >>= extensionFromMimeType of
@@ -1477,10 +1474,10 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Image attr@(imgident, _, _) alt (src, title)) = do
Just Svg -> ".svg"
Just Emf -> ".emf"
Nothing -> ""
- imgpath = "media/" <> ident <> T.unpack imgext
- mbMimeType = mt <|> getMimeType imgpath
+ imgpath = "media/" <> ident <> imgext
+ mbMimeType = mt <|> getMimeType (T.unpack imgpath)
- imgData = (ident, imgpath, mbMimeType, img)
+ imgData = (T.unpack ident, T.unpack imgpath, mbMimeType, img)
if T.null imgext
then -- without an extension there is no rule for content type
@@ -1538,20 +1535,20 @@ withDirection x = do
, envTextProperties = EnvProps textStyle textProps'
-wrapBookmark :: (PandocMonad m) => T.Text -> [Content] -> WS m [Content]
+wrapBookmark :: (PandocMonad m) => Text -> [Content] -> WS m [Content]
wrapBookmark "" contents = return contents
wrapBookmark ident contents = do
id' <- getUniqueId
let bookmarkStart = mknode "w:bookmarkStart"
[("w:id", id')
- ,("w:name", T.unpack $ toBookmarkName ident)] ()
+ ,("w:name", toBookmarkName ident)] ()
bookmarkEnd = mknode "w:bookmarkEnd" [("w:id", id')] ()
return $ Elem bookmarkStart : contents ++ [Elem bookmarkEnd]
-- Word imposes a 40 character limit on bookmark names and requires
-- that they begin with a letter. So we just use a hash of the
-- identifier when otherwise we'd have an illegal bookmark name.
-toBookmarkName :: T.Text -> T.Text
+toBookmarkName :: Text -> Text
toBookmarkName s
| Just (c, _) <- T.uncons s
, isLetter c
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
index 171ffe582..3f10cb437 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
@@ -24,12 +24,13 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, evalState, evalStateT, get,
gets, lift, modify)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
-import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii, isDigit, toLower)
+import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii, isDigit)
import Data.List (isInfixOf, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing, mapMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import qualified Data.Text as TS
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Network.HTTP (urlEncode)
import System.FilePath (takeExtension, takeFileName, makeRelative)
@@ -48,16 +49,13 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options (EPUBVersion (..), HTMLMathMethod (..),
ObfuscationMethod (NoObfuscation), WrapOption (..),
WriterOptions (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (makeSections, normalizeDate, renderTags',
- safeRead, stringify, trim, uniqueIdent, tshow)
+ stringify, uniqueIdent, tshow)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.UUID (getRandomUUID)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query, walk, walkM)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtmlStringForEPUB)
import Text.Printf (printf)
-import Text.XML.Light (Attr (..), Element (..), Node (..), QName (..),
- add_attrs, lookupAttr, node, onlyElems,
- ppElement, showElement, strContent, unode, unqual)
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLContents)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
import Text.Pandoc.XML (escapeStringForXML)
import Text.DocTemplates (FromContext(lookupContext), Context(..),
ToContext(toVal), Val(..))
@@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ newtype Chapter = Chapter [Block]
data EPUBState = EPUBState {
stMediaPaths :: [(FilePath, (FilePath, Maybe Entry))]
, stMediaNextId :: Int
- , stEpubSubdir :: String
+ , stEpubSubdir :: FilePath
type E m = StateT EPUBState m
@@ -78,62 +76,63 @@ data EPUBMetadata = EPUBMetadata{
epubIdentifier :: [Identifier]
, epubTitle :: [Title]
, epubDate :: [Date]
- , epubLanguage :: String
+ , epubLanguage :: Text
, epubCreator :: [Creator]
, epubContributor :: [Creator]
- , epubSubject :: [String]
- , epubDescription :: Maybe String
- , epubType :: Maybe String
- , epubFormat :: Maybe String
- , epubPublisher :: Maybe String
- , epubSource :: Maybe String
- , epubRelation :: Maybe String
- , epubCoverage :: Maybe String
- , epubRights :: Maybe String
- , epubBelongsToCollection :: Maybe String
- , epubGroupPosition :: Maybe String
- , epubCoverImage :: Maybe String
+ , epubSubject :: [Text]
+ , epubDescription :: Maybe Text
+ , epubType :: Maybe Text
+ , epubFormat :: Maybe Text
+ , epubPublisher :: Maybe Text
+ , epubSource :: Maybe Text
+ , epubRelation :: Maybe Text
+ , epubCoverage :: Maybe Text
+ , epubRights :: Maybe Text
+ , epubBelongsToCollection :: Maybe Text
+ , epubGroupPosition :: Maybe Text
+ , epubCoverImage :: Maybe FilePath
, epubStylesheets :: [FilePath]
, epubPageDirection :: Maybe ProgressionDirection
- , epubIbooksFields :: [(String, String)]
- , epubCalibreFields :: [(String, String)]
+ , epubIbooksFields :: [(Text, Text)]
+ , epubCalibreFields :: [(Text, Text)]
} deriving Show
data Date = Date{
- dateText :: String
- , dateEvent :: Maybe String
+ dateText :: Text
+ , dateEvent :: Maybe Text
} deriving Show
data Creator = Creator{
- creatorText :: String
- , creatorRole :: Maybe String
- , creatorFileAs :: Maybe String
+ creatorText :: Text
+ , creatorRole :: Maybe Text
+ , creatorFileAs :: Maybe Text
} deriving Show
data Identifier = Identifier{
- identifierText :: String
- , identifierScheme :: Maybe String
+ identifierText :: Text
+ , identifierScheme :: Maybe Text
} deriving Show
data Title = Title{
- titleText :: String
- , titleFileAs :: Maybe String
- , titleType :: Maybe String
+ titleText :: Text
+ , titleFileAs :: Maybe Text
+ , titleType :: Maybe Text
} deriving Show
data ProgressionDirection = LTR | RTL deriving Show
-dcName :: String -> QName
+dcName :: Text -> QName
dcName n = QName n Nothing (Just "dc")
-dcNode :: Node t => String -> t -> Element
+dcNode :: Node t => Text -> t -> Element
dcNode = node . dcName
-opfName :: String -> QName
+opfName :: Text -> QName
opfName n = QName n Nothing (Just "opf")
-toId :: FilePath -> String
-toId = map (\x -> if isAlphaNum x || x == '-' || x == '_'
+toId :: FilePath -> Text
+toId = T.pack .
+ map (\x -> if isAlphaNum x || x == '-' || x == '_'
then x
else '_') . takeFileName
@@ -141,8 +140,8 @@ removeNote :: Inline -> Inline
removeNote (Note _) = Str ""
removeNote x = x
-toVal' :: String -> Val TS.Text
-toVal' = toVal . TS.pack
+toVal' :: Text -> Val T.Text
+toVal' = toVal
mkEntry :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> B.ByteString -> E m Entry
mkEntry path content = do
@@ -172,21 +171,21 @@ getEPUBMetadata opts meta = do
if null (epubIdentifier m)
then do
randomId <- getRandomUUID
- return $ m{ epubIdentifier = [Identifier (show randomId) Nothing] }
+ return $ m{ epubIdentifier = [Identifier (tshow randomId) Nothing] }
else return m
let addLanguage m =
- if null (epubLanguage m)
+ if T.null (epubLanguage m)
then case lookupContext "lang" (writerVariables opts) of
- Just x -> return m{ epubLanguage = TS.unpack x }
+ Just x -> return m{ epubLanguage = x }
Nothing -> do
mLang <- lift $ P.lookupEnv "LANG"
let localeLang =
case mLang of
Just lang ->
- TS.map (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) $
- TS.takeWhile (/='.') lang
+ T.map (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) $
+ T.takeWhile (/='.') lang
Nothing -> "en-US"
- return m{ epubLanguage = TS.unpack localeLang }
+ return m{ epubLanguage = localeLang }
else return m
let fixDate m =
if null (epubDate m)
@@ -201,7 +200,7 @@ getEPUBMetadata opts meta = do
then return m
else do
let authors' = map stringify $ docAuthors meta
- let toAuthor name = Creator{ creatorText = TS.unpack name
+ let toAuthor name = Creator{ creatorText = name
, creatorRole = Just "aut"
, creatorFileAs = Nothing }
return $ m{ epubCreator = map toAuthor authors' ++ epubCreator m }
@@ -249,31 +248,31 @@ addMetadataFromXML e@(Element (QName name _ (Just "dc")) attrs _ _) md
where getAttr n = lookupAttr (opfName n) attrs
addMetadataFromXML e@(Element (QName "meta" _ _) attrs _ _) md =
case getAttr "property" of
- Just s | "ibooks:" `isPrefixOf` s ->
- md{ epubIbooksFields = (drop 7 s, strContent e) :
+ Just s | "ibooks:" `T.isPrefixOf` s ->
+ md{ epubIbooksFields = (T.drop 7 s, strContent e) :
epubIbooksFields md }
_ -> case getAttr "name" of
- Just s | "calibre:" `isPrefixOf` s ->
+ Just s | "calibre:" `T.isPrefixOf` s ->
md{ epubCalibreFields =
- (drop 8 s, fromMaybe "" $ getAttr "content") :
+ (T.drop 8 s, fromMaybe "" $ getAttr "content") :
epubCalibreFields md }
_ -> md
where getAttr n = lookupAttr (unqual n) attrs
addMetadataFromXML _ md = md
-metaValueToString :: MetaValue -> String
-metaValueToString (MetaString s) = TS.unpack s
-metaValueToString (MetaInlines ils) = TS.unpack $ stringify ils
-metaValueToString (MetaBlocks bs) = TS.unpack $ stringify bs
+metaValueToString :: MetaValue -> Text
+metaValueToString (MetaString s) = s
+metaValueToString (MetaInlines ils) = stringify ils
+metaValueToString (MetaBlocks bs) = stringify bs
metaValueToString (MetaBool True) = "true"
metaValueToString (MetaBool False) = "false"
metaValueToString _ = ""
metaValueToPaths :: MetaValue -> [FilePath]
-metaValueToPaths (MetaList xs) = map metaValueToString xs
-metaValueToPaths x = [metaValueToString x]
+metaValueToPaths (MetaList xs) = map (T.unpack . metaValueToString) xs
+metaValueToPaths x = [T.unpack $ metaValueToString x]
-getList :: TS.Text -> Meta -> (MetaValue -> a) -> [a]
+getList :: T.Text -> Meta -> (MetaValue -> a) -> [a]
getList s meta handleMetaValue =
case lookupMeta s meta of
Just (MetaList xs) -> map handleMetaValue xs
@@ -297,7 +296,7 @@ getTitle meta = getList "title" meta handleMetaValue
, titleType = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "type" m }
handleMetaValue mv = Title (metaValueToString mv) Nothing Nothing
-getCreator :: TS.Text -> Meta -> [Creator]
+getCreator :: T.Text -> Meta -> [Creator]
getCreator s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
where handleMetaValue (MetaMap m) =
Creator{ creatorText = maybe "" metaValueToString $ M.lookup "text" m
@@ -305,7 +304,7 @@ getCreator s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
, creatorRole = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "role" m }
handleMetaValue mv = Creator (metaValueToString mv) Nothing Nothing
-getDate :: TS.Text -> Meta -> [Date]
+getDate :: T.Text -> Meta -> [Date]
getDate s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
where handleMetaValue (MetaMap m) =
Date{ dateText = fromMaybe "" $
@@ -314,7 +313,7 @@ getDate s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
handleMetaValue mv = Date { dateText = fromMaybe "" $ normalizeDate' $ metaValueToString mv
, dateEvent = Nothing }
-simpleList :: TS.Text -> Meta -> [String]
+simpleList :: T.Text -> Meta -> [Text]
simpleList s meta =
case lookupMeta s meta of
Just (MetaList xs) -> map metaValueToString xs
@@ -339,7 +338,7 @@ metadataFromMeta opts meta = EPUBMetadata{
, epubCoverage = coverage
, epubRights = rights
, epubBelongsToCollection = belongsToCollection
- , epubGroupPosition = groupPosition
+ , epubGroupPosition = groupPosition
, epubCoverImage = coverImage
, epubStylesheets = stylesheets
, epubPageDirection = pageDirection
@@ -363,31 +362,30 @@ metadataFromMeta opts meta = EPUBMetadata{
coverage = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "coverage" meta
rights = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "rights" meta
belongsToCollection = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "belongs-to-collection" meta
- groupPosition = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "group-position" meta
- coverImage =
- (TS.unpack <$> lookupContext "epub-cover-image"
- (writerVariables opts))
+ groupPosition = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "group-position" meta
+ coverImage = T.unpack <$>
+ lookupContext "epub-cover-image" (writerVariables opts)
`mplus` (metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "cover-image" meta)
mCss = lookupMeta "css" meta <|> lookupMeta "stylesheet" meta
stylesheets = maybe [] metaValueToPaths mCss ++
case lookupContext "css" (writerVariables opts) of
- Just xs -> map TS.unpack xs
+ Just xs -> map T.unpack xs
Nothing ->
case lookupContext "css" (writerVariables opts) of
- Just x -> [TS.unpack x]
+ Just x -> [T.unpack x]
Nothing -> []
- pageDirection = case map toLower . metaValueToString <$>
+ pageDirection = case T.toLower . metaValueToString <$>
lookupMeta "page-progression-direction" meta of
Just "ltr" -> Just LTR
Just "rtl" -> Just RTL
_ -> Nothing
ibooksFields = case lookupMeta "ibooks" meta of
Just (MetaMap mp)
- -> M.toList $ M.mapKeys TS.unpack $ M.map metaValueToString mp
+ -> M.toList $ M.map metaValueToString mp
_ -> []
calibreFields = case lookupMeta "calibre" meta of
Just (MetaMap mp)
- -> M.toList $ M.mapKeys TS.unpack $ M.map metaValueToString mp
+ -> M.toList $ M.map metaValueToString mp
_ -> []
-- | Produce an EPUB2 file from a Pandoc document.
@@ -413,9 +411,11 @@ writeEPUB :: PandocMonad m
writeEPUB epubVersion opts doc = do
let epubSubdir = writerEpubSubdirectory opts
-- sanity check on epubSubdir
- unless (TS.all (\c -> isAscii c && isAlphaNum c) epubSubdir) $
+ unless (T.all (\c -> isAscii c && isAlphaNum c) epubSubdir) $
throwError $ PandocEpubSubdirectoryError epubSubdir
- let initState = EPUBState { stMediaPaths = [], stMediaNextId = 0, stEpubSubdir = TS.unpack epubSubdir }
+ let initState = EPUBState { stMediaPaths = []
+ , stMediaNextId = 0
+ , stEpubSubdir = T.unpack epubSubdir }
evalStateT (pandocToEPUB epubVersion opts doc) initState
pandocToEPUB :: PandocMonad m
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
[] -> case epubTitle metadata of
[] -> "UNTITLED"
(x:_) -> titleText x
- x -> TS.unpack $ stringify x
+ x -> stringify x
-- stylesheet
stylesheets <- case epubStylesheets metadata of
@@ -461,7 +461,8 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
(ListVal $ map
(\e -> toVal' $
(if useprefix then "../" else "") <>
- makeRelative epubSubdir (eRelativePath e))
+ T.pack
+ (makeRelative epubSubdir (eRelativePath e)))
@@ -490,18 +491,19 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
case imageSize opts' (B.toStrict imgContent) of
Right sz -> return $ sizeInPixels sz
Left err' -> (0, 0) <$ report
- (CouldNotDetermineImageSize (TS.pack img) err')
+ (CouldNotDetermineImageSize (T.pack img) err')
cpContent <- lift $ writeHtml
opts'{ writerVariables =
Context (M.fromList [
("coverpage", toVal' "true"),
("pagetitle", toVal $
- escapeStringForXML $ TS.pack plainTitle),
- ("cover-image", toVal' coverImageName),
+ escapeStringForXML plainTitle),
+ ("cover-image",
+ toVal' $ T.pack coverImageName),
("cover-image-width", toVal' $
- show coverImageWidth),
+ tshow coverImageWidth),
("cover-image-height", toVal' $
- show coverImageHeight)]) <>
+ tshow coverImageHeight)]) <>
cssvars True <> vars }
(Pandoc meta [])
coverEntry <- mkEntry "text/cover.xhtml" cpContent
@@ -517,7 +519,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
("titlepage", toVal' "true"),
("body-type", toVal' "frontmatter"),
("pagetitle", toVal $
- escapeStringForXML $ TS.pack plainTitle)])
+ escapeStringForXML plainTitle)])
<> cssvars True <> vars }
(Pandoc meta [])
tpEntry <- mkEntry "text/title_page.xhtml" tpContent
@@ -526,7 +528,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let matchingGlob f = do
xs <- lift $ P.glob f
when (null xs) $
- report $ CouldNotFetchResource (TS.pack f) "glob did not match any font files"
+ report $ CouldNotFetchResource (T.pack f) "glob did not match any font files"
return xs
let mkFontEntry f = mkEntry ("fonts/" ++ takeFileName f) =<<
lift (P.readFileLazy f)
@@ -573,13 +575,13 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let chapters' = secsToChapters secs
- let extractLinkURL' :: Int -> Inline -> [(TS.Text, TS.Text)]
+ let extractLinkURL' :: Int -> Inline -> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
extractLinkURL' num (Span (ident, _, _) _)
- | not (TS.null ident) = [(ident, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> ident)]
+ | not (T.null ident) = [(ident, showChapter num <> "#" <> ident)]
extractLinkURL' num (Link (ident, _, _) _ _)
- | not (TS.null ident) = [(ident, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> ident)]
+ | not (T.null ident) = [(ident, showChapter num <> "#" <> ident)]
extractLinkURL' num (Image (ident, _, _) _ _)
- | not (TS.null ident) = [(ident, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> ident)]
+ | not (T.null ident) = [(ident, showChapter num <> "#" <> ident)]
extractLinkURL' num (RawInline fmt raw)
| isHtmlFormat fmt
= foldr (\tag ->
@@ -587,18 +589,18 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
TagOpen{} ->
case fromAttrib "id" tag of
"" -> id
- x -> ((x, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> x):)
+ x -> ((x, showChapter num <> "#" <> x):)
_ -> id)
[] (parseTags raw)
extractLinkURL' _ _ = []
- let extractLinkURL :: Int -> Block -> [(TS.Text, TS.Text)]
+ let extractLinkURL :: Int -> Block -> [(T.Text, T.Text)]
extractLinkURL num (Div (ident, _, _) _)
- | not (TS.null ident) = [(ident, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> ident)]
+ | not (T.null ident) = [(ident, showChapter num <> "#" <> ident)]
extractLinkURL num (Header _ (ident, _, _) _)
- | not (TS.null ident) = [(ident, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> ident)]
+ | not (T.null ident) = [(ident, showChapter num <> "#" <> ident)]
extractLinkURL num (Table (ident,_,_) _ _ _ _ _)
- | not (TS.null ident) = [(ident, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> ident)]
+ | not (T.null ident) = [(ident, showChapter num <> "#" <> ident)]
extractLinkURL num (RawBlock fmt raw)
| isHtmlFormat fmt
= foldr (\tag ->
@@ -606,7 +608,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
TagOpen{} ->
case fromAttrib "id" tag of
"" -> id
- x -> ((x, TS.pack (showChapter num) <> "#" <> x):)
+ x -> ((x, showChapter num <> "#" <> x):)
_ -> id)
[] (parseTags raw)
extractLinkURL num b = query (extractLinkURL' num) b
@@ -617,7 +619,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let fixInternalReferences :: Inline -> Inline
fixInternalReferences (Link attr lab (src, tit))
- | Just ('#', xs) <- TS.uncons src = case lookup xs reftable of
+ | Just ('#', xs) <- T.uncons src = case lookup xs reftable of
Just ys -> Link attr lab (ys, tit)
Nothing -> Link attr lab (src, tit)
fixInternalReferences x = x
@@ -630,7 +632,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let chapToEntry num (Chapter bs) =
- mkEntry ("text/" ++ showChapter num) =<<
+ mkEntry ("text/" ++ T.unpack (showChapter num)) =<<
writeHtml opts'{ writerVariables =
Context (M.fromList
[("body-type", toVal' bodyType),
@@ -677,12 +679,12 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let chapterNode ent = unode "item" !
([("id", toId $ makeRelative epubSubdir
$ eRelativePath ent),
- ("href", makeRelative epubSubdir
+ ("href", T.pack $ makeRelative epubSubdir
$ eRelativePath ent),
("media-type", "application/xhtml+xml")]
++ case props ent of
[] -> []
- xs -> [("properties", unwords xs)])
+ xs -> [("properties", T.unwords xs)])
$ ()
let chapterRefNode ent = unode "itemref" !
@@ -691,17 +693,17 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let pictureNode ent = unode "item" !
[("id", toId $ makeRelative epubSubdir
$ eRelativePath ent),
- ("href", makeRelative epubSubdir
+ ("href", T.pack $ makeRelative epubSubdir
$ eRelativePath ent),
- maybe "application/octet-stream" TS.unpack
+ fromMaybe "application/octet-stream"
$ mediaTypeOf $ eRelativePath ent)] $ ()
let fontNode ent = unode "item" !
[("id", toId $ makeRelative epubSubdir
$ eRelativePath ent),
- ("href", makeRelative epubSubdir
+ ("href", T.pack $ makeRelative epubSubdir
$ eRelativePath ent),
- ("media-type", maybe "" TS.unpack $
+ ("media-type", fromMaybe "" $
getMimeType $ eRelativePath ent)] $ ()
let tocTitle = maybe plainTitle
@@ -710,7 +712,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
(x:_) -> return $ identifierText x -- use first identifier as UUID
[] -> throwError $ PandocShouldNeverHappenError "epubIdentifier is null" -- shouldn't happen
currentTime <- lift P.getTimestamp
- let contentsData = UTF8.fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
+ let contentsData = UTF8.fromTextLazy $ TL.fromStrict $ ppTopElement $
unode "package" !
([("version", case version of
EPUB2 -> "2.0"
@@ -728,7 +730,8 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
,("media-type","application/xhtml+xml")] ++
[("properties","nav") | epub3 ]) $ ()
] ++
- [ unode "item" ! [("id","stylesheet" ++ show n), ("href",fp)
+ [ unode "item" ! [("id","stylesheet" <> tshow n)
+ , ("href", T.pack fp)
,("media-type","text/css")] $ () |
(n :: Int, fp) <- zip [1..] (map
(makeRelative epubSubdir . eRelativePath)
@@ -773,7 +776,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
let tocLevel = writerTOCDepth opts
let navPointNode :: PandocMonad m
- => (Int -> [Inline] -> TS.Text -> [Element] -> Element)
+ => (Int -> [Inline] -> T.Text -> [Element] -> Element)
-> Block -> StateT Int m [Element]
navPointNode formatter (Div (ident,_,_)
(Header lvl (_,_,kvs) ils : children)) =
@@ -783,7 +786,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
n <- get
modify (+1)
let num = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "number" kvs
- let tit = if writerNumberSections opts && not (TS.null num)
+ let tit = if writerNumberSections opts && not (T.null num)
then Span ("", ["section-header-number"], [])
[Str num] : Space : ils
else ils
@@ -797,21 +800,21 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
concat <$> mapM (navPointNode formatter) bs
navPointNode _ _ = return []
- let navMapFormatter :: Int -> [Inline] -> TS.Text -> [Element] -> Element
+ let navMapFormatter :: Int -> [Inline] -> T.Text -> [Element] -> Element
navMapFormatter n tit src subs = unode "navPoint" !
- [("id", "navPoint-" ++ show n)] $
- [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" $ TS.unpack $ stringify tit
- , unode "content" ! [("src", "text/" <> TS.unpack src)] $ ()
+ [("id", "navPoint-" <> tshow n)] $
+ [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" $ stringify tit
+ , unode "content" ! [("src", "text/" <> src)] $ ()
] ++ subs
let tpNode = unode "navPoint" ! [("id", "navPoint-0")] $
- [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" (TS.unpack $ stringify $ docTitle' meta)
+ [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" (stringify $ docTitle' meta)
, unode "content" ! [("src", "text/title_page.xhtml")]
$ () ]
navMap <- lift $ evalStateT
(concat <$> mapM (navPointNode navMapFormatter) secs) 1
- let tocData = UTF8.fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
+ let tocData = B.fromStrict $ UTF8.fromText $ ppTopElement $
unode "ncx" ! [("version","2005-1")
,("xmlns","http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/")] $
[ unode "head" $
@@ -833,11 +836,11 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
tocEntry <- mkEntry "toc.ncx" tocData
- let navXhtmlFormatter :: Int -> [Inline] -> TS.Text -> [Element] -> Element
+ let navXhtmlFormatter :: Int -> [Inline] -> T.Text -> [Element] -> Element
navXhtmlFormatter n tit src subs = unode "li" !
- [("id", "toc-li-" ++ show n)] $
+ [("id", "toc-li-" <> tshow n)] $
(unode "a" !
- [("href", "text/" <> TS.unpack src)]
+ [("href", "text/" <> src)]
$ titElements)
: case subs of
[] -> []
@@ -850,7 +853,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
, writerVariables =
Context (M.fromList
[("pagetitle", toVal $
- escapeStringForXML $ TS.pack plainTitle)])
+ escapeStringForXML plainTitle)])
<> writerVariables opts}
(Pandoc nullMeta
[Plain $ walk clean tit])) of
@@ -865,7 +868,7 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
tocBlocks <- lift $ evalStateT
(concat <$> mapM (navPointNode navXhtmlFormatter) secs) 1
let navBlocks = [RawBlock (Format "html")
- $ TS.pack $ showElement $ -- prettyprinting introduces bad spaces
+ $ showElement $ -- prettyprinting introduces bad spaces
unode navtag ! ([("epub:type","toc") | epub3] ++
[("id","toc")]) $
[ unode "h1" ! [("id","toc-title")] $ tocTitle
@@ -875,21 +878,21 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
[ unode "a" ! [("href",
,("epub:type", "titlepage")] $
- ("Title Page" :: String) ] :
+ ("Title Page" :: Text) ] :
[ unode "li"
[ unode "a" ! [("href", "text/cover.xhtml")
,("epub:type", "cover")] $
- ("Cover" :: String)] |
+ ("Cover" :: Text)] |
isJust (epubCoverImage metadata)
] ++
[ unode "li"
[ unode "a" ! [("href", "#toc")
,("epub:type", "toc")] $
- ("Table of Contents" :: String)
+ ("Table of Contents" :: Text)
] | writerTableOfContents opts
else []
- let landmarks = [RawBlock (Format "html") $ TS.pack $ ppElement $
+ let landmarks = [RawBlock (Format "html") $ ppElement $
unode "nav" ! [("epub:type","landmarks")
,("hidden","hidden")] $
@@ -910,22 +913,22 @@ pandocToEPUB version opts doc = do
UTF8.fromStringLazy "application/epub+zip"
-- container.xml
- let containerData = UTF8.fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
+ let containerData = B.fromStrict $ UTF8.fromText $ ppTopElement $
unode "container" ! [("version","1.0")
,("xmlns","urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container")] $
unode "rootfiles" $
unode "rootfile" ! [("full-path",
(if null epubSubdir
then ""
- else epubSubdir ++ "/") ++ "content.opf")
+ else T.pack epubSubdir <> "/") <> "content.opf")
,("media-type","application/oebps-package+xml")] $ ()
containerEntry <- mkEntry "META-INF/container.xml" containerData
-- com.apple.ibooks.display-options.xml
- let apple = UTF8.fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
+ let apple = B.fromStrict $ UTF8.fromText $ ppTopElement $
unode "display_options" $
unode "platform" ! [("name","*")] $
- unode "option" ! [("name","specified-fonts")] $ ("true" :: String)
+ unode "option" ! [("name","specified-fonts")] $ ("true" :: Text)
appleEntry <- mkEntry "META-INF/com.apple.ibooks.display-options.xml" apple
-- construct archive
@@ -947,7 +950,8 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
++ publisherNodes ++ sourceNodes ++ relationNodes
++ coverageNodes ++ rightsNodes ++ coverImageNodes
++ modifiedNodes ++ belongsToCollectionNodes
- withIds base f = concat . zipWith f (map (\x -> base ++ ('-' : show x))
+ withIds base f = concat . zipWith f (map (\x -> base <>
+ T.cons '-' (tshow x))
([1..] :: [Int]))
identifierNodes = withIds "epub-id" toIdentifierNode $
epubIdentifier md
@@ -961,9 +965,9 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
(x:_) -> [dcNode "date" ! [("id","epub-date")]
$ dateText x]
ibooksNodes = map ibooksNode (epubIbooksFields md)
- ibooksNode (k, v) = unode "meta" ! [("property", "ibooks:" ++ k)] $ v
+ ibooksNode (k, v) = unode "meta" ! [("property", "ibooks:" <> k)] $ v
calibreNodes = map calibreNode (epubCalibreFields md)
- calibreNode (k, v) = unode "meta" ! [("name", "calibre:" ++ k),
+ calibreNode (k, v) = unode "meta" ! [("name", "calibre:" <> k),
("content", v)] $ ()
languageNodes = [dcTag "language" $ epubLanguage md]
creatorNodes = withIds "epub-creator" (toCreatorNode "creator") $
@@ -989,12 +993,12 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
maybe []
(\belongsToCollection -> (unode "meta" ! [("property", "belongs-to-collection"), ("id", "epub-id-1")] $ belongsToCollection )
- [unode "meta" ! [("refines", "#epub-id-1"), ("property", "collection-type")] $ ("series" :: String) ])
+ [unode "meta" ! [("refines", "#epub-id-1"), ("property", "collection-type")] $ ("series" :: Text) ])
(epubBelongsToCollection md)++
maybe []
(\groupPosition -> [unode "meta" ! [("refines", "#epub-id-1"), ("property", "group-position")] $ groupPosition ])
(epubGroupPosition md)
- dcTag n s = unode ("dc:" ++ n) s
+ dcTag n s = unode ("dc:" <> n) s
dcTag' n s = [dcTag n s]
toIdentifierNode id' (Identifier txt scheme)
| version == EPUB2 = [dcNode "identifier" !
@@ -1002,7 +1006,7 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
| otherwise = (dcNode "identifier" ! [("id",id')] $ txt) :
maybe [] ((\x -> [unode "meta" !
- [ ("refines",'#':id')
+ [ ("refines","#" <> id')
, ("property","identifier-type")
, ("scheme","onix:codelist5")
@@ -1018,10 +1022,10 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
(creatorRole creator >>= toRelator)) $ creatorText creator]
| otherwise = [dcNode s ! [("id",id')] $ creatorText creator] ++
maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
- [("refines",'#':id'),("property","file-as")] $ x])
+ [("refines","#" <> id'),("property","file-as")] $ x])
(creatorFileAs creator) ++
maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
- [("refines",'#':id'),("property","role"),
+ [("refines","#" <> id'),("property","role"),
("scheme","marc:relators")] $ x])
(creatorRole creator >>= toRelator)
toTitleNode id' title
@@ -1033,16 +1037,16 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
| otherwise = [dcNode "title" ! [("id",id')] $ titleText title]
maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
- [("refines",'#':id'),("property","file-as")] $ x])
+ [("refines","#" <> id'),("property","file-as")] $ x])
(titleFileAs title) ++
maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
- [("refines",'#':id'),("property","title-type")] $ x])
+ [("refines","#" <> id'),("property","title-type")] $ x])
(titleType title)
toDateNode id' date = [dcNode "date" !
(("id",id') :
maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:event",x)]) (dateEvent date)) $
dateText date]
- schemeToOnix :: String -> String
+ schemeToOnix :: Text -> Text
schemeToOnix "ISBN-10" = "02"
schemeToOnix "GTIN-13" = "03"
schemeToOnix "UPC" = "04"
@@ -1060,48 +1064,48 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
schemeToOnix "OLCC" = "28"
schemeToOnix _ = "01"
-showDateTimeISO8601 :: UTCTime -> String
-showDateTimeISO8601 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%TZ"
+showDateTimeISO8601 :: UTCTime -> Text
+showDateTimeISO8601 = T.pack . formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%TZ"
transformTag :: PandocMonad m
- => Tag TS.Text
- -> E m (Tag TS.Text)
+ => Tag T.Text
+ -> E m (Tag T.Text)
transformTag tag@(TagOpen name attr)
| name `elem` ["video", "source", "img", "audio"] &&
isNothing (lookup "data-external" attr) = do
let src = fromAttrib "src" tag
let poster = fromAttrib "poster" tag
- newsrc <- modifyMediaRef $ TS.unpack src
- newposter <- modifyMediaRef $ TS.unpack poster
+ newsrc <- modifyMediaRef $ T.unpack src
+ newposter <- modifyMediaRef $ T.unpack poster
let attr' = filter (\(x,_) -> x /= "src" && x /= "poster") attr ++
- [("src", "../" <> newsrc) | not (TS.null newsrc)] ++
- [("poster", "../" <> newposter) | not (TS.null newposter)]
+ [("src", "../" <> newsrc) | not (T.null newsrc)] ++
+ [("poster", "../" <> newposter) | not (T.null newposter)]
return $ TagOpen name attr'
transformTag tag = return tag
modifyMediaRef :: PandocMonad m
=> FilePath
- -> E m TS.Text
+ -> E m T.Text
modifyMediaRef "" = return ""
modifyMediaRef oldsrc = do
media <- gets stMediaPaths
case lookup oldsrc media of
- Just (n,_) -> return $ TS.pack n
+ Just (n,_) -> return $ T.pack n
Nothing -> catchError
- (do (img, mbMime) <- P.fetchItem $ TS.pack oldsrc
- let ext = maybe (takeExtension (takeWhile (/='?') oldsrc)) TS.unpack
+ (do (img, mbMime) <- P.fetchItem $ T.pack oldsrc
+ let ext = maybe (takeExtension (takeWhile (/='?') oldsrc)) T.unpack
(("." <>) <$> (mbMime >>= extensionFromMimeType))
newName <- getMediaNextNewName ext
let newPath = "media/" ++ newName
entry <- mkEntry newPath (B.fromChunks . (:[]) $ img)
modify $ \st -> st{ stMediaPaths =
(oldsrc, (newPath, Just entry)):media}
- return $ TS.pack newPath)
+ return $ T.pack newPath)
(\e -> do
- report $ CouldNotFetchResource (TS.pack oldsrc) (tshow e)
- return $ TS.pack oldsrc)
+ report $ CouldNotFetchResource (T.pack oldsrc) (tshow e)
+ return $ T.pack oldsrc)
-getMediaNextNewName :: PandocMonad m => String -> E m String
+getMediaNextNewName :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> E m FilePath
getMediaNextNewName ext = do
nextId <- gets stMediaNextId
modify $ \st -> st { stMediaNextId = nextId + 1 }
@@ -1128,11 +1132,11 @@ transformInline :: PandocMonad m
-> Inline
-> E m Inline
transformInline _opts (Image attr lab (src,tit)) = do
- newsrc <- modifyMediaRef $ TS.unpack src
+ newsrc <- modifyMediaRef $ T.unpack src
return $ Image attr lab ("../" <> newsrc, tit)
transformInline opts x@(Math t m)
| WebTeX url <- writerHTMLMathMethod opts = do
- newsrc <- modifyMediaRef (TS.unpack url <> urlEncode (TS.unpack m))
+ newsrc <- modifyMediaRef (T.unpack url <> urlEncode (T.unpack m))
let mathclass = if t == DisplayMath then "display" else "inline"
return $ Span ("",["math",mathclass],[])
[Image nullAttr [x] ("../" <> newsrc, "")]
@@ -1143,40 +1147,26 @@ transformInline _opts (RawInline fmt raw)
return $ RawInline fmt (renderTags' tags')
transformInline _ x = return x
-(!) :: (t -> Element) -> [(String, String)] -> t -> Element
+(!) :: (t -> Element) -> [(Text, Text)] -> t -> Element
(!) f attrs n = add_attrs (map (\(k,v) -> Attr (unqual k) v) attrs) (f n)
--- | Version of 'ppTopElement' that specifies UTF-8 encoding.
-ppTopElement :: Element -> String
-ppTopElement = ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" ++) . unEntity . ppElement
- -- unEntity removes numeric entities introduced by ppElement
- -- (kindlegen seems to choke on these).
- where unEntity [] = ""
- unEntity ('&':'#':xs) =
- let (ds,ys) = break (==';') xs
- rest = drop 1 ys
- in case safeRead (TS.pack $ "'\\" <> ds <> "'") of
- Just x -> x : unEntity rest
- Nothing -> '&':'#':unEntity xs
- unEntity (x:xs) = x : unEntity xs
mediaTypeOf :: FilePath -> Maybe MimeType
mediaTypeOf x =
let mediaPrefixes = ["image", "video", "audio"] in
case getMimeType x of
- Just y | any (`TS.isPrefixOf` y) mediaPrefixes -> Just y
+ Just y | any (`T.isPrefixOf` y) mediaPrefixes -> Just y
_ -> Nothing
-- Returns filename for chapter number.
-showChapter :: Int -> String
-showChapter = printf "ch%03d.xhtml"
+showChapter :: Int -> Text
+showChapter = T.pack . printf "ch%03d.xhtml"
-- Add identifiers to any headers without them.
addIdentifiers :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> [Block]
addIdentifiers opts bs = evalState (mapM go bs) Set.empty
where go (Header n (ident,classes,kvs) ils) = do
ids <- get
- let ident' = if TS.null ident
+ let ident' = if T.null ident
then uniqueIdent (writerExtensions opts) ils ids
else ident
modify $ Set.insert ident'
@@ -1184,27 +1174,27 @@ addIdentifiers opts bs = evalState (mapM go bs) Set.empty
go x = return x
-- Variant of normalizeDate that allows partial dates: YYYY, YYYY-MM
-normalizeDate' :: String -> Maybe String
-normalizeDate' = fmap TS.unpack . go . trim . TS.pack
+normalizeDate' :: Text -> Maybe Text
+normalizeDate' = go . T.strip
go xs
- | TS.length xs == 4 -- YYY
- , TS.all isDigit xs = Just xs
- | (y, s) <- TS.splitAt 4 xs -- YYY-MM
- , Just ('-', m) <- TS.uncons s
- , TS.length m == 2
- , TS.all isDigit y && TS.all isDigit m = Just xs
+ | T.length xs == 4 -- YYY
+ , T.all isDigit xs = Just xs
+ | (y, s) <- T.splitAt 4 xs -- YYY-MM
+ , Just ('-', m) <- T.uncons s
+ , T.length m == 2
+ , T.all isDigit y && T.all isDigit m = Just xs
| otherwise = normalizeDate xs
-toRelator :: String -> Maybe String
+toRelator :: Text -> Maybe Text
toRelator x
| x `elem` relators = Just x
- | otherwise = lookup (map toLower x) relatorMap
+ | otherwise = lookup (T.toLower x) relatorMap
-relators :: [String]
+relators :: [Text]
relators = map snd relatorMap
-relatorMap :: [(String, String)]
+relatorMap :: [(Text, Text)]
relatorMap =
[("abridger", "abr")
,("actor", "act")
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs
index 9334d6e9a..3b5d04427 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs
@@ -25,15 +25,12 @@ import Data.ByteString.Base64 (encode)
import Data.Char (isAscii, isControl, isSpace)
import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.List (intercalate)
-import Data.Text (Text, pack)
+import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Network.HTTP (urlEncode)
-import Text.XML.Light
-import qualified Text.XML.Light as X
-import qualified Text.XML.Light.Cursor as XC
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLContents)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light as X
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad, report)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad as P
@@ -44,6 +41,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options (HTMLMathMethod (..), WriterOptions (..), def)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (capitalize, isURI, orderedListMarkers,
makeSections, tshow, stringify)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (lookupMetaString, toLegacyTable)
+import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT)
-- | Data to be written at the end of the document:
-- (foot)notes, URLs, references, images.
@@ -88,7 +86,7 @@ pandocToFB2 opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
(imgs,missing) <- get >>= (lift . fetchImages . imagesToFetch)
let body' = replaceImagesWithAlt missing body
let fb2_xml = el "FictionBook" (fb2_attrs, [desc, body'] ++ notes ++ imgs)
- return $ pack $ xml_head ++ showContent fb2_xml ++ "\n"
+ return $ xml_head <> showContent fb2_xml <> "\n"
xml_head = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
fb2_attrs =
@@ -100,8 +98,8 @@ pandocToFB2 opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
description :: PandocMonad m => Meta -> FBM m Content
description meta' = do
let genre = case lookupMetaString "genre" meta' of
- "" -> el "genre" ("unrecognised" :: String)
- s -> el "genre" (T.unpack s)
+ "" -> el "genre" ("unrecognised" :: Text)
+ s -> el "genre" s
bt <- booktitle meta'
let as = authors meta'
dd <- docdate meta'
@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ description meta' = do
Just (MetaInlines [Str s]) -> [el "lang" $ iso639 s]
Just (MetaString s) -> [el "lang" $ iso639 s]
_ -> []
- where iso639 = T.unpack . T.takeWhile (/= '-') -- Convert BCP 47 to ISO 639
+ where iso639 = T.takeWhile (/= '-') -- Convert BCP 47 to ISO 639
let coverimage url = do
let img = Image nullAttr mempty (url, "")
im <- insertImage InlineImage img
@@ -124,7 +122,7 @@ description meta' = do
return $ el "description"
[ el "title-info" (genre :
(as ++ bt ++ annotation ++ dd ++ coverpage ++ lang))
- , el "document-info" [el "program-used" ("pandoc" :: String)]
+ , el "document-info" [el "program-used" ("pandoc" :: Text)]
booktitle :: PandocMonad m => Meta -> FBM m [Content]
@@ -137,15 +135,15 @@ authors meta' = cMap author (docAuthors meta')
author :: [Inline] -> [Content]
author ss =
- let ws = words . cMap plain $ ss
- email = el "email" <$> take 1 (filter ('@' `elem`) ws)
- ws' = filter ('@' `notElem`) ws
+ let ws = T.words $ mconcat $ map plain ss
+ email = el "email" <$> take 1 (filter (T.any (=='@')) ws)
+ ws' = filter (not . T.any (== '@')) ws
names = case ws' of
[nickname] -> [ el "nickname" nickname ]
[fname, lname] -> [ el "first-name" fname
, el "last-name" lname ]
(fname:rest) -> [ el "first-name" fname
- , el "middle-name" (concat . init $ rest)
+ , el "middle-name" (T.concat . init $ rest)
, el "last-name" (last rest) ]
[] -> []
in list $ el "author" (names ++ email)
@@ -206,7 +204,7 @@ renderFootnotes = do
el "body" ([uattr "name" "notes"], map renderFN (reverse fns))
renderFN (n, idstr, cs) =
- let fn_texts = el "title" (el "p" (show n)) : cs
+ let fn_texts = el "title" (el "p" (tshow n)) : cs
in el "section" ([uattr "id" idstr], fn_texts)
-- | Fetch images and encode them for the FictionBook XML.
@@ -282,7 +280,7 @@ isMimeType s =
types = ["text","image","audio","video","application","message","multipart"]
valid c = isAscii c && not (isControl c) && not (isSpace c) &&
- c `notElem` ("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?=" :: String)
+ c `notElem` ("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?=" :: [Char])
footnoteID :: Int -> Text
footnoteID i = "n" <> tshow i
@@ -306,7 +304,7 @@ blockToXml (Para [Image atr alt (src,tgt)])
= insertImage NormalImage (Image atr alt (src,tit))
blockToXml (Para ss) = list . el "p" <$> cMapM toXml ss
blockToXml (CodeBlock _ s) = return . spaceBeforeAfter .
- map (el "p" . el "code" . T.unpack) . T.lines $ s
+ map (el "p" . el "code") . T.lines $ s
blockToXml (RawBlock f str) =
if f == Format "fb2"
@@ -346,11 +344,11 @@ blockToXml (Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) = do
c <- el "emphasis" <$> cMapM toXml caption
return [el "table" (hd <> bd), el "p" c]
- mkrow :: PandocMonad m => String -> [[Block]] -> [Alignment] -> FBM m Content
+ mkrow :: PandocMonad m => Text -> [[Block]] -> [Alignment] -> FBM m Content
mkrow tag cells aligns' =
el "tr" <$> mapM (mkcell tag) (zip cells aligns')
- mkcell :: PandocMonad m => String -> ([Block], Alignment) -> FBM m Content
+ mkcell :: PandocMonad m => Text -> ([Block], Alignment) -> FBM m Content
mkcell tag (cell, align) = do
cblocks <- cMapM blockToXml cell
return $ el tag ([align_attr align], cblocks)
@@ -424,7 +422,7 @@ toXml (Quoted DoubleQuote ss) = do
inner <- cMapM toXml ss
return $ [txt "“"] ++ inner ++ [txt "”"]
toXml (Cite _ ss) = cMapM toXml ss -- FIXME: support citation styles
-toXml (Code _ s) = return [el "code" $ T.unpack s]
+toXml (Code _ s) = return [el "code" s]
toXml Space = return [txt " "]
toXml SoftBreak = return [txt "\n"]
toXml LineBreak = return [txt "\n"]
@@ -456,7 +454,7 @@ insertMath immode formula = do
let imgurl = url <> T.pack (urlEncode $ T.unpack formula)
let img = Image nullAttr alt (imgurl, "")
insertImage immode img
- _ -> return [el "code" $ T.unpack formula]
+ _ -> return [el "code" formula]
insertImage :: PandocMonad m => ImageMode -> Inline -> FBM m [Content]
insertImage immode (Image _ alt (url,ttl)) = do
@@ -471,31 +469,16 @@ insertImage immode (Image _ alt (url,ttl)) = do
el "image" $
[ attr ("l","href") ("#" <> fname)
, attr ("l","type") (tshow immode)
- , uattr "alt" (T.pack $ cMap plain alt) ]
+ , uattr "alt" (mconcat $ map plain alt) ]
++ ttlattr
insertImage _ _ = error "unexpected inline instead of image"
replaceImagesWithAlt :: [Text] -> Content -> Content
-replaceImagesWithAlt missingHrefs body =
- let cur = XC.fromContent body
- cur' = replaceAll cur
- in XC.toTree . XC.root $ cur'
+replaceImagesWithAlt missingHrefs = everywhere (mkT go)
- --
- replaceAll :: XC.Cursor -> XC.Cursor
- replaceAll c =
- let n = XC.current c
- c' = if isImage n && isMissing n
- then XC.modifyContent replaceNode c
- else c
- in case XC.nextDF c' of
- (Just cnext) -> replaceAll cnext
- Nothing -> c' -- end of document
- --
- isImage :: Content -> Bool
- isImage (Elem e) = elName e == uname "image"
- isImage _ = False
- --
+ go c = if isMissing c
+ then replaceNode c
+ else c
isMissing (Elem img@Element{}) =
let imgAttrs = elAttribs img
badAttrs = map (attr ("l","href")) missingHrefs
@@ -505,18 +488,18 @@ replaceImagesWithAlt missingHrefs body =
replaceNode :: Content -> Content
replaceNode n@(Elem img@Element{}) =
let attrs = elAttribs img
- alt = getAttrVal attrs (uname "alt")
+ alt = getAttrVal attrs (unqual "alt")
imtype = getAttrVal attrs (qname "l" "type")
in case (alt, imtype) of
(Just alt', Just imtype') ->
- if imtype' == show NormalImage
+ if imtype' == tshow NormalImage
then el "p" alt'
- else txt $ T.pack alt'
- (Just alt', Nothing) -> txt $ T.pack alt' -- no type attribute
+ else txt alt'
+ (Just alt', Nothing) -> txt alt' -- no type attribute
_ -> n -- don't replace if alt text is not found
replaceNode n = n
- getAttrVal :: [X.Attr] -> QName -> Maybe String
+ getAttrVal :: [X.Attr] -> QName -> Maybe Text
getAttrVal attrs name =
case filter ((name ==) . attrKey) attrs of
(a:_) -> Just (attrVal a)
@@ -524,7 +507,7 @@ replaceImagesWithAlt missingHrefs body =
-- | Wrap all inlines with an XML tag (given its unqualified name).
-wrap :: PandocMonad m => String -> [Inline] -> FBM m Content
+wrap :: PandocMonad m => Text -> [Inline] -> FBM m Content
wrap tagname inlines = el tagname `liftM` cMapM toXml inlines
-- " Create a singleton list.
@@ -532,31 +515,31 @@ list :: a -> [a]
list = (:[])
-- | Convert an 'Inline' to plaintext.
-plain :: Inline -> String
-plain (Str s) = T.unpack s
-plain (Emph ss) = cMap plain ss
-plain (Underline ss) = cMap plain ss
-plain (Span _ ss) = cMap plain ss
-plain (Strong ss) = cMap plain ss
-plain (Strikeout ss) = cMap plain ss
-plain (Superscript ss) = cMap plain ss
-plain (Subscript ss) = cMap plain ss
-plain (SmallCaps ss) = cMap plain ss
-plain (Quoted _ ss) = cMap plain ss
-plain (Cite _ ss) = cMap plain ss -- FIXME
-plain (Code _ s) = T.unpack s
+plain :: Inline -> Text
+plain (Str s) = s
+plain (Emph ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss
+plain (Underline ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss
+plain (Span _ ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss
+plain (Strong ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss
+plain (Strikeout ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss
+plain (Superscript ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss
+plain (Subscript ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss
+plain (SmallCaps ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss
+plain (Quoted _ ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss
+plain (Cite _ ss) = mconcat $ map plain ss -- FIXME
+plain (Code _ s) = s
plain Space = " "
plain SoftBreak = " "
plain LineBreak = "\n"
-plain (Math _ s) = T.unpack s
+plain (Math _ s) = s
plain (RawInline _ _) = ""
-plain (Link _ text (url,_)) = concat (map plain text ++ [" <", T.unpack url, ">"])
-plain (Image _ alt _) = cMap plain alt
+plain (Link _ text (url,_)) = mconcat (map plain text ++ [" <", url, ">"])
+plain (Image _ alt _) = mconcat $ map plain alt
plain (Note _) = "" -- FIXME
-- | Create an XML element.
el :: (Node t)
- => String -- ^ unqualified element name
+ => Text -- ^ unqualified element name
-> t -- ^ node contents
-> Content -- ^ XML content
el name cs = Elem $ unode name cs
@@ -569,22 +552,18 @@ spaceBeforeAfter cs =
-- | Create a plain-text XML content.
txt :: Text -> Content
-txt s = Text $ CData CDataText (T.unpack s) Nothing
+txt s = Text $ CData CDataText s Nothing
-- | Create an XML attribute with an unqualified name.
-uattr :: String -> Text -> Text.XML.Light.Attr
-uattr name = Attr (uname name) . T.unpack
+uattr :: Text -> Text -> X.Attr
+uattr name = Attr (unqual name)
-- | Create an XML attribute with a qualified name from given namespace.
-attr :: (String, String) -> Text -> Text.XML.Light.Attr
-attr (ns, name) = Attr (qname ns name) . T.unpack
--- | Unqualified name
-uname :: String -> QName
-uname name = QName name Nothing Nothing
+attr :: (Text, Text) -> Text -> X.Attr
+attr (ns, name) = Attr (qname ns name)
-- | Qualified name
-qname :: String -> String -> QName
+qname :: Text -> Text -> QName
qname ns name = QName name Nothing (Just ns)
-- | Abbreviation for 'concatMap'.
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ODT.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ODT.hs
index 06369b4db..101b236aa 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ODT.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ODT.hs
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ import Text.Pandoc.UTF8 (fromStringLazy, fromTextLazy, toTextLazy)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.OpenDocument (writeOpenDocument)
import Text.Pandoc.XML
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLElement)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
import Text.TeXMath
-import Text.XML.Light
+import qualified Text.XML.Light as XL
newtype ODTState = ODTState { stEntries :: [Entry]
@@ -181,18 +181,20 @@ updateStyleWithLang (Just lang) arch = do
PandocXMLError "styles.xml" msg
Right d -> return $
toEntry "styles.xml" epochtime
- ( fromStringLazy
+ ( fromTextLazy
+ . TL.fromStrict
. ppTopElement
. addLang lang $ d )
else return e) (zEntries arch)
return arch{ zEntries = entries }
+-- TODO FIXME avoid this generic traversal!
addLang :: Lang -> Element -> Element
addLang lang = everywhere' (mkT updateLangAttr)
where updateLangAttr (Attr n@(QName "language" _ (Just "fo")) _)
- = Attr n (T.unpack $ langLanguage lang)
+ = Attr n (langLanguage lang)
updateLangAttr (Attr n@(QName "country" _ (Just "fo")) _)
- = Attr n (T.unpack $ langRegion lang)
+ = Attr n (langRegion lang)
updateLangAttr x = x
-- | transform both Image and Math elements
@@ -238,8 +240,8 @@ transformPicMath _ (Math t math) = do
case writeMathML dt <$> readTeX math of
Left _ -> return $ Math t math
Right r -> do
- let conf = useShortEmptyTags (const False) defaultConfigPP
- let mathml = ppcTopElement conf r
+ let conf = XL.useShortEmptyTags (const False) XL.defaultConfigPP
+ let mathml = XL.ppcTopElement conf r
epochtime <- floor `fmap` lift P.getPOSIXTime
let dirname = "Formula-" ++ show (length entries) ++ "/"
let fname = dirname ++ "content.xml"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OOXML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OOXML.hs
index 8f60e70d5..0533d6c12 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OOXML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OOXML.hs
@@ -29,33 +29,32 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-import Text.XML.Light as XML
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLElement)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
-mknode :: Node t => String -> [(String,String)] -> t -> Element
+mknode :: Node t => Text -> [(Text,Text)] -> t -> Element
mknode s attrs =
add_attrs (map (\(k,v) -> Attr (nodename k) v) attrs) . node (nodename s)
-mktnode :: String -> [(String,String)] -> T.Text -> Element
-mktnode s attrs = mknode s attrs . T.unpack
+mktnode :: Text -> [(Text,Text)] -> T.Text -> Element
+mktnode s attrs = mknode s attrs
-nodename :: String -> QName
+nodename :: Text -> QName
nodename s = QName{ qName = name, qURI = Nothing, qPrefix = prefix }
- where (name, prefix) = case break (==':') s of
- (xs,[]) -> (xs, Nothing)
- (ys, _:zs) -> (zs, Just ys)
+ where (name, prefix) = case T.break (==':') s of
+ (xs,ys) -> case T.uncons ys of
+ Nothing -> (xs, Nothing)
+ Just (_,zs) -> (zs, Just xs)
toLazy :: B.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
toLazy = BL.fromChunks . (:[])
renderXml :: Element -> BL.ByteString
-renderXml elt = BL8.pack "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" <>
- UTF8.fromStringLazy (showElement elt)
+renderXml elt = BL.fromStrict (UTF8.fromText (showTopElement elt))
parseXml :: PandocMonad m => Archive -> Archive -> String -> m Element
parseXml refArchive distArchive relpath =
@@ -70,25 +69,25 @@ parseXml refArchive distArchive relpath =
-- Copied from Util
-attrToNSPair :: XML.Attr -> Maybe (String, String)
-attrToNSPair (XML.Attr (QName s _ (Just "xmlns")) val) = Just (s, val)
+attrToNSPair :: Attr -> Maybe (Text, Text)
+attrToNSPair (Attr (QName s _ (Just "xmlns")) val) = Just (s, val)
attrToNSPair _ = Nothing
elemToNameSpaces :: Element -> NameSpaces
elemToNameSpaces = mapMaybe attrToNSPair . elAttribs
-elemName :: NameSpaces -> String -> String -> QName
+elemName :: NameSpaces -> Text -> Text -> QName
elemName ns prefix name =
- QName name (lookup prefix ns) (if null prefix then Nothing else Just prefix)
+ QName name (lookup prefix ns) (if T.null prefix then Nothing else Just prefix)
-isElem :: NameSpaces -> String -> String -> Element -> Bool
+isElem :: NameSpaces -> Text -> Text -> Element -> Bool
isElem ns prefix name element =
let ns' = ns ++ elemToNameSpaces element
in qName (elName element) == name &&
qURI (elName element) == lookup prefix ns'
-type NameSpaces = [(String, String)]
+type NameSpaces = [(Text, Text)]
-- | Scales the image to fit the page
-- sizes are passed in emu
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
index 0a7060895..5caeb0753 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ import Control.Monad.Except (throwError, catchError)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Codec.Archive.Zip
-import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.List (intercalate, stripPrefix, nub, union, isPrefixOf, intersperse)
import Data.Default
+import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Read
import Data.Time (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds, posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import System.FilePath.Posix (splitDirectories, splitExtension, takeExtension)
-import Text.XML.Light
-import Text.Pandoc.XMLParser (parseXMLElement)
+import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light as XML
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad)
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import Text.DocTemplates (FromContext(lookupContext))
import Text.TeXMath
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (convertMath)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (tshow)
import Skylighting (fromColor)
-- |The 'EMU' type is used to specify sizes in English Metric Units.
@@ -84,10 +85,13 @@ getPresentationSize refArchive distArchive = do
sldSize <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "sldSz") presElement
cxS <- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) sldSize
cyS <- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) sldSize
- (cx, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cxS :: Maybe (Integer, String)
- (cy, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cyS :: Maybe (Integer, String)
+ cx <- readTextAsInteger cxS
+ cy <- readTextAsInteger cyS
return (cx `div` 12700, cy `div` 12700)
+readTextAsInteger :: Text -> Maybe Integer
+readTextAsInteger = either (const Nothing) (Just . fst) . Data.Text.Read.decimal
data WriterEnv = WriterEnv { envRefArchive :: Archive
, envDistArchive :: Archive
, envUTCTime :: UTCTime
@@ -161,9 +165,6 @@ runP env st p = evalStateT (runReaderT p env) st
-findAttrText :: QName -> Element -> Maybe T.Text
-findAttrText n = fmap T.pack . findAttr n
monospaceFont :: Monad m => P m T.Text
monospaceFont = do
vars <- writerVariables <$> asks envOpts
@@ -171,10 +172,9 @@ monospaceFont = do
Just s -> return s
Nothing -> return "Courier"
--- Kept as string for XML.Light
-fontSizeAttributes :: Monad m => RunProps -> P m [(String, String)]
+fontSizeAttributes :: Monad m => RunProps -> P m [(Text, Text)]
fontSizeAttributes RunProps { rPropForceSize = Just sz } =
- return [("sz", show $ sz * 100)]
+ return [("sz", tshow $ sz * 100)]
fontSizeAttributes _ = return []
copyFileToArchive :: PandocMonad m => Archive -> FilePath -> P m Archive
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ shapeHasId :: NameSpaces -> T.Text -> Element -> Bool
shapeHasId ns ident element
| Just nvSpPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") element
, Just cNvPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") nvSpPr
- , Just nm <- findAttrText (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) cNvPr =
+ , Just nm <- findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) cNvPr =
nm == ident
| otherwise = False
@@ -396,10 +396,10 @@ getShapeDimensions ns element
ext <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") xfrm
cxS <- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) ext
cyS <- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) ext
- (x, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads xS
- (y, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads yS
- (cx, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cxS
- (cy, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cyS
+ x <- readTextAsInteger xS
+ y <- readTextAsInteger yS
+ cx <- readTextAsInteger cxS
+ cy <- readTextAsInteger cyS
return ((x `div` 12700, y `div` 12700),
(cx `div` 12700, cy `div` 12700))
| otherwise = Nothing
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ getContentShapeSize ns layout master
Nothing -> do let mbSz =
findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") sp >>=
findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") >>=
- findAttrText (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+ findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) >>=
flip getMasterShapeDimensionsById master
case mbSz of
Just sz' -> return sz'
@@ -450,8 +450,8 @@ buildSpTree ns spTreeElem newShapes =
fn _ = True
replaceNamedChildren :: NameSpaces
- -> String
- -> String
+ -> Text
+ -> Text
-> [Element]
-> Element
-> Element
@@ -654,10 +654,10 @@ createCaption contentShapeDimensions paraElements = do
, mknode "p:spPr" []
[ mknode "a:xfrm" []
- [ mknode "a:off" [("x", show $ 12700 * x),
- ("y", show $ 12700 * (y + cy - captionHeight))] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", show $ 12700 * cx),
- ("cy", show $ 12700 * captionHeight)] ()
+ [ mknode "a:off" [("x", tshow $ 12700 * x),
+ ("y", tshow $ 12700 * (y + cy - captionHeight))] ()
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", tshow $ 12700 * cx),
+ ("cy", tshow $ 12700 * captionHeight)] ()
, mknode "a:prstGeom" [("prst", "rect")]
[ mknode "a:avLst" [] ()
@@ -706,11 +706,13 @@ makePicElements layout picProps mInfo alt = do
,("noChangeAspect","1")] ()
-- cNvPr will contain the link information so we do that separately,
-- and register the link if necessary.
- let cNvPrAttr = [("descr", mInfoFilePath mInfo), ("id","0"),("name","Picture 1")]
+ let cNvPrAttr = [("descr", T.pack $ mInfoFilePath mInfo),
+ ("id","0"),
+ ("name","Picture 1")]
cNvPr <- case picPropLink picProps of
Just link -> do idNum <- registerLink link
return $ mknode "p:cNvPr" cNvPrAttr $
- mknode "a:hlinkClick" [("r:id", "rId" <> show idNum)] ()
+ mknode "a:hlinkClick" [("r:id", "rId" <> tshow idNum)] ()
Nothing -> return $ mknode "p:cNvPr" cNvPrAttr ()
let nvPicPr = mknode "p:nvPicPr" []
[ cNvPr
@@ -718,13 +720,13 @@ makePicElements layout picProps mInfo alt = do
, mknode "p:nvPr" [] ()]
let blipFill = mknode "p:blipFill" []
[ mknode "a:blip" [("r:embed", "rId" <>
- show (mInfoLocalId mInfo))] ()
+ tshow (mInfoLocalId mInfo))] ()
, mknode "a:stretch" [] $
mknode "a:fillRect" [] () ]
let xfrm = mknode "a:xfrm" []
- [ mknode "a:off" [("x",show xoff'), ("y",show yoff')] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx",show dimX')
- ,("cy",show dimY')] () ]
+ [ mknode "a:off" [("x", tshow xoff'), ("y", tshow yoff')] ()
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", tshow dimX')
+ ,("cy", tshow dimY')] () ]
let prstGeom = mknode "a:prstGeom" [("prst","rect")] $
mknode "a:avLst" [] ()
let ln = mknode "a:ln" [("w","9525")]
@@ -763,7 +765,7 @@ paraElemToElements (Run rpr s) = do
Just DoubleStrike -> [("strike", "dblStrike")]
Nothing -> []) <>
(case rBaseline rpr of
- Just n -> [("baseline", show n)]
+ Just n -> [("baseline", tshow n)]
Nothing -> []) <>
(case rCap rpr of
Just NoCapitals -> [("cap", "none")]
@@ -780,43 +782,44 @@ paraElemToElements (Run rpr s) = do
return $ case link of
InternalTarget _ ->
let linkAttrs =
- [ ("r:id", "rId" <> show idNum)
+ [ ("r:id", "rId" <> tshow idNum)
, ("action", "ppaction://hlinksldjump")
in [mknode "a:hlinkClick" linkAttrs ()]
-- external
ExternalTarget _ ->
let linkAttrs =
- [ ("r:id", "rId" <> show idNum)
+ [ ("r:id", "rId" <> tshow idNum)
in [mknode "a:hlinkClick" linkAttrs ()]
Nothing -> return []
let colorContents = case rSolidFill rpr of
Just color ->
case fromColor color of
- '#':hx -> [mknode "a:solidFill" []
- [mknode "a:srgbClr" [("val", map toUpper hx)] ()]
- ]
+ '#':hx ->
+ [mknode "a:solidFill" []
+ [mknode "a:srgbClr"
+ [("val", T.toUpper $ T.pack hx)] ()]]
_ -> []
Nothing -> []
codeFont <- monospaceFont
let codeContents =
- [mknode "a:latin" [("typeface", T.unpack codeFont)] () | rPropCode rpr]
+ [mknode "a:latin" [("typeface", codeFont)] () | rPropCode rpr]
let propContents = linkProps <> colorContents <> codeContents
return [Elem $ mknode "a:r" [] [ mknode "a:rPr" attrs propContents
- , mknode "a:t" [] $ T.unpack s
+ , mknode "a:t" [] s
paraElemToElements (MathElem mathType texStr) = do
isInSpkrNotes <- asks envInSpeakerNotes
if isInSpkrNotes
then paraElemToElements $ Run def $ unTeXString texStr
else do res <- convertMath writeOMML mathType (unTeXString texStr)
- case res of
+ case fromXLElement <$> res of
Right r -> return [Elem $ mknode "a14:m" [] $ addMathInfo r]
Left (Str s) -> paraElemToElements (Run def s)
Left _ -> throwError $ PandocShouldNeverHappenError "non-string math fallback"
paraElemToElements (RawOOXMLParaElem str) = return
- [Text (CData CDataRaw (T.unpack str) Nothing)]
+ [Text (CData CDataRaw str Nothing)]
-- This is a bit of a kludge -- really requires adding an option to
@@ -824,9 +827,10 @@ paraElemToElements (RawOOXMLParaElem str) = return
-- step at a time.
addMathInfo :: Element -> Element
addMathInfo element =
- let mathspace = Attr { attrKey = QName "m" Nothing (Just "xmlns")
- , attrVal = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math"
- }
+ let mathspace =
+ Attr { attrKey = QName "m" Nothing (Just "xmlns")
+ , attrVal = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math"
+ }
in add_attr mathspace element
-- We look through the element to see if it contains an a14:m
@@ -849,13 +853,13 @@ surroundWithMathAlternate element =
paragraphToElement :: PandocMonad m => Paragraph -> P m Element
paragraphToElement par = do
- attrs = [("lvl", show $ pPropLevel $ paraProps par)] <>
+ attrs = [("lvl", tshow $ pPropLevel $ paraProps par)] <>
(case pPropMarginLeft (paraProps par) of
- Just px -> [("marL", show $ pixelsToEmu px)]
+ Just px -> [("marL", tshow $ pixelsToEmu px)]
Nothing -> []
) <>
(case pPropIndent (paraProps par) of
- Just px -> [("indent", show $ pixelsToEmu px)]
+ Just px -> [("indent", tshow $ pixelsToEmu px)]
Nothing -> []
) <>
(case pPropAlign (paraProps par) of
@@ -867,7 +871,7 @@ paragraphToElement par = do
props = [] <>
(case pPropSpaceBefore $ paraProps par of
Just px -> [mknode "a:spcBef" [] [
- mknode "a:spcPts" [("val", show $ 100 * px)] ()
+ mknode "a:spcPts" [("val", tshow $ 100 * px)] ()
Nothing -> []
@@ -910,7 +914,7 @@ shapeToElements layout (Pic picProps fp alt) = do
shapeToElements layout (GraphicFrame tbls cptn) = map Elem <$>
graphicFrameToElements layout tbls cptn
shapeToElements _ (RawOOXMLShape str) = return
- [Text (CData CDataRaw (T.unpack str) Nothing)]
+ [Text (CData CDataRaw str Nothing)]
shapeToElements layout shp = do
element <- shapeToElement layout shp
return [Elem element]
@@ -942,8 +946,10 @@ graphicFrameToElements layout tbls caption = do
[mknode "p:ph" [("idx", "1")] ()]
, mknode "p:xfrm" []
- [ mknode "a:off" [("x", show $ 12700 * x), ("y", show $ 12700 * y)] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", show $ 12700 * cx), ("cy", show $ 12700 * cy)] ()
+ [ mknode "a:off" [("x", tshow $ 12700 * x),
+ ("y", tshow $ 12700 * y)] ()
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", tshow $ 12700 * cx),
+ ("cy", tshow $ 12700 * cy)] ()
] <> elements
@@ -957,7 +963,7 @@ getDefaultTableStyle = do
refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
tblStyleLst <- parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/tableStyles.xml"
- return $ findAttrText (QName "def" Nothing Nothing) tblStyleLst
+ return $ findAttr (QName "def" Nothing Nothing) tblStyleLst
graphicToElement :: PandocMonad m => Integer -> Graphic -> P m Element
graphicToElement tableWidth (Tbl tblPr hdrCells rows) = do
@@ -995,7 +1001,7 @@ graphicToElement tableWidth (Tbl tblPr hdrCells rows) = do
let mkrow border cells = mknode "a:tr" [("h", "0")] $ map (mkcell border) cells
let mkgridcol w = mknode "a:gridCol"
- [("w", show ((12700 * w) :: Integer))] ()
+ [("w", tshow ((12700 * w) :: Integer))] ()
let hasHeader = not (all null hdrCells)
mbDefTblStyle <- getDefaultTableStyle
@@ -1004,7 +1010,7 @@ graphicToElement tableWidth (Tbl tblPr hdrCells rows) = do
, ("bandRow", if tblPrBandRow tblPr then "1" else "0")
] (case mbDefTblStyle of
Nothing -> []
- Just sty -> [mknode "a:tableStyleId" [] $ T.unpack sty])
+ Just sty -> [mknode "a:tableStyleId" [] sty])
return $ mknode "a:graphic" []
[mknode "a:graphicData" [("uri", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/table")]
@@ -1037,7 +1043,7 @@ findPHType ns spElem phType
-- if it's a named PHType, we want to check that the attribute
-- value matches.
Just phElem | (PHType tp) <- phType ->
- case findAttrText (QName "type" Nothing Nothing) phElem of
+ case findAttr (QName "type" Nothing Nothing) phElem of
Just tp' -> tp == tp'
Nothing -> False
-- if it's an ObjType, we want to check that there is NO
@@ -1204,7 +1210,7 @@ getSlideNumberFieldId notesMaster
, Just txBody <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "txBody") sp
, Just p <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "p") txBody
, Just fld <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "fld") p
- , Just fldId <- findAttrText (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) fld =
+ , Just fldId <- findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) fld =
return fldId
| otherwise = throwError $
@@ -1283,11 +1289,11 @@ speakerNotesSlideNumber pgNum fieldId =
[ mknode "a:bodyPr" [] ()
, mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()
, mknode "a:p" []
- [ mknode "a:fld" [ ("id", T.unpack fieldId)
+ [ mknode "a:fld" [ ("id", fieldId)
, ("type", "slidenum")
[ mknode "a:rPr" [("lang", "en-US")] ()
- , mknode "a:t" [] (show pgNum)
+ , mknode "a:t" [] (tshow pgNum)
, mknode "a:endParaRPr" [("lang", "en-US")] ()
@@ -1339,7 +1345,7 @@ getSlideIdNum sldId = do
Just n -> return n
Nothing -> throwError $
PandocShouldNeverHappenError $
- "Slide Id " <> T.pack (show sldId) <> " not found."
+ "Slide Id " <> tshow sldId <> " not found."
slideNum :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m Int
slideNum slide = getSlideIdNum $ slideId slide
@@ -1356,7 +1362,7 @@ slideToRelId :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m T.Text
slideToRelId slide = do
n <- slideNum slide
offset <- asks envSlideIdOffset
- return $ "rId" <> T.pack (show $ n + offset)
+ return $ "rId" <> tshow (n + offset)
data Relationship = Relationship { relId :: Int
@@ -1368,13 +1374,11 @@ elementToRel :: Element -> Maybe Relationship
elementToRel element
| elName element == QName "Relationship" (Just "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships") Nothing =
do rId <- findAttr (QName "Id" Nothing Nothing) element
- numStr <- stripPrefix "rId" rId
- num <- case reads numStr :: [(Int, String)] of
- (n, _) : _ -> Just n
- [] -> Nothing
- type' <- findAttrText (QName "Type" Nothing Nothing) element
+ numStr <- T.stripPrefix "rId" rId
+ num <- fromIntegral <$> readTextAsInteger numStr
+ type' <- findAttr (QName "Type" Nothing Nothing) element
target <- findAttr (QName "Target" Nothing Nothing) element
- return $ Relationship num type' target
+ return $ Relationship num type' (T.unpack target)
| otherwise = Nothing
slideToPresRel :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m Relationship
@@ -1463,10 +1467,9 @@ topLevelRelsEntry :: PandocMonad m => P m Entry
topLevelRelsEntry = elemToEntry "_rels/.rels" $ relsToElement topLevelRels
relToElement :: Relationship -> Element
-relToElement rel = mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" <>
- show (relId rel))
- , ("Type", T.unpack $ relType rel)
- , ("Target", relTarget rel) ] ()
+relToElement rel = mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" <> tshow (relId rel))
+ , ("Type", relType rel)
+ , ("Target", T.pack $ relTarget rel) ] ()
relsToElement :: [Relationship] -> Element
relsToElement rels = mknode "Relationships"
@@ -1501,7 +1504,8 @@ slideToSpeakerNotesEntry slide = do
Just element | Just notesIdNum <- mbNotesIdNum ->
Just <$>
- ("ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide" <> show notesIdNum <> ".xml")
+ ("ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide" <> show notesIdNum <>
+ ".xml")
_ -> return Nothing
@@ -1514,7 +1518,7 @@ slideToSpeakerNotesRelElement slide@Slide{} = do
[("xmlns", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships")]
[ mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId2")
, ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide")
- , ("Target", "../slides/slide" <> show idNum <> ".xml")
+ , ("Target", "../slides/slide" <> tshow idNum <> ".xml")
] ()
, mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId1")
, ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/notesMaster")
@@ -1547,15 +1551,15 @@ linkRelElement :: PandocMonad m => (Int, LinkTarget) -> P m Element
linkRelElement (rIdNum, InternalTarget targetId) = do
targetIdNum <- getSlideIdNum targetId
return $
- mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" <> show rIdNum)
+ mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" <> tshow rIdNum)
, ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide")
- , ("Target", "slide" <> show targetIdNum <> ".xml")
+ , ("Target", "slide" <> tshow targetIdNum <> ".xml")
] ()
linkRelElement (rIdNum, ExternalTarget (url, _)) =
return $
- mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" <> show rIdNum)
+ mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" <> tshow rIdNum)
, ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink")
- , ("Target", T.unpack url)
+ , ("Target", url)
, ("TargetMode", "External")
] ()
@@ -1567,10 +1571,10 @@ mediaRelElement mInfo =
let ext = fromMaybe "" (mInfoExt mInfo)
mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" <>
- show (mInfoLocalId mInfo))
+ tshow (mInfoLocalId mInfo))
, ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image")
, ("Target", "../media/image" <>
- show (mInfoGlobalId mInfo) <> T.unpack ext)
+ tshow (mInfoGlobalId mInfo) <> ext)
] ()
speakerNotesSlideRelElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m (Maybe Element)
@@ -1580,7 +1584,7 @@ speakerNotesSlideRelElement slide = do
return $ case M.lookup idNum mp of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just n ->
- let target = "../notesSlides/notesSlide" <> show n <> ".xml"
+ let target = "../notesSlides/notesSlide" <> tshow n <> ".xml"
in Just $
mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId2")
, ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/notesSlide")
@@ -1619,9 +1623,9 @@ slideToSlideRelElement slide = do
slideToSldIdElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m Element
slideToSldIdElement slide = do
n <- slideNum slide
- let id' = show $ n + 255
+ let id' = tshow $ n + 255
rId <- slideToRelId slide
- return $ mknode "p:sldId" [("id", id'), ("r:id", T.unpack rId)] ()
+ return $ mknode "p:sldId" [("id", id'), ("r:id", rId)] ()
presentationToSldIdLst :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Element
presentationToSldIdLst (Presentation _ slides) = do
@@ -1646,7 +1650,7 @@ presentationToPresentationElement pres@(Presentation _ slds) = do
notesMasterElem = mknode "p:notesMasterIdLst" []
[ mknode
- [("r:id", "rId" <> show notesMasterRId)]
+ [("r:id", "rId" <> tshow notesMasterRId)]
@@ -1702,17 +1706,17 @@ docPropsElement docProps = do
- mknode "dc:title" [] (maybe "" T.unpack $ dcTitle docProps)
+ mknode "dc:title" [] (fromMaybe "" $ dcTitle docProps)
- mknode "dc:creator" [] (maybe "" T.unpack $ dcCreator docProps)
+ mknode "dc:creator" [] (fromMaybe "" $ dcCreator docProps)
- mknode "cp:keywords" [] (T.unpack keywords)
- : ( [mknode "dc:subject" [] $ maybe "" T.unpack $ dcSubject docProps | isJust (dcSubject docProps)])
- <> ( [mknode "dc:description" [] $ maybe "" T.unpack $ dcDescription docProps | isJust (dcDescription docProps)])
- <> ( [mknode "cp:category" [] $ maybe "" T.unpack $ cpCategory docProps | isJust (cpCategory docProps)])
+ mknode "cp:keywords" [] keywords
+ : ( [mknode "dc:subject" [] $ fromMaybe "" $ dcSubject docProps | isJust (dcSubject docProps)])
+ <> ( [mknode "dc:description" [] $ fromMaybe "" $ dcDescription docProps | isJust (dcDescription docProps)])
+ <> ( [mknode "cp:category" [] $ fromMaybe "" $ cpCategory docProps | isJust (cpCategory docProps)])
<> (\x -> [ mknode "dcterms:created" [("xsi:type","dcterms:W3CDTF")] x
- , mknode "dcterms:modified" [("xsi:type","dcterms:W3CDTF")] x
- ]) (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ" utctime)
+ , mknode "dcterms:modified" [("xsi:type","dcterms:W3CDTF")] x
+ ]) (T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ" utctime)
docPropsToEntry :: PandocMonad m => DocProps -> P m Entry
docPropsToEntry docProps = docPropsElement docProps >>=
@@ -1723,8 +1727,8 @@ docCustomPropsElement :: PandocMonad m => DocProps -> P m Element
docCustomPropsElement docProps = do
let mkCustomProp (k, v) pid = mknode "property"
- ,("pid", show pid)
- ,("name", T.unpack k)] $ mknode "vt:lpwstr" [] (T.unpack v)
+ ,("pid", tshow pid)
+ ,("name", k)] $ mknode "vt:lpwstr" [] v
return $ mknode "Properties"
@@ -1743,7 +1747,7 @@ viewPropsElement = do
distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
viewPrElement <- parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/viewProps.xml"
-- remove "lastView" if it exists:
- let notLastView :: Text.XML.Light.Attr -> Bool
+ let notLastView :: XML.Attr -> Bool
notLastView attr =
qName (attrKey attr) /= "lastView"
return $
@@ -1755,15 +1759,15 @@ makeViewPropsEntry = viewPropsElement >>= elemToEntry "ppt/viewProps.xml"
defaultContentTypeToElem :: DefaultContentType -> Element
defaultContentTypeToElem dct =
mknode "Default"
- [("Extension", T.unpack $ defContentTypesExt dct),
- ("ContentType", T.unpack $ defContentTypesType dct)]
+ [("Extension", defContentTypesExt dct),
+ ("ContentType", defContentTypesType dct)]
overrideContentTypeToElem :: OverrideContentType -> Element
overrideContentTypeToElem oct =
mknode "Override"
- [("PartName", overrideContentTypesPart oct),
- ("ContentType", T.unpack $ overrideContentTypesType oct)]
+ [("PartName", T.pack $ overrideContentTypesPart oct),
+ ("ContentType", overrideContentTypesType oct)]
contentTypesToElement :: ContentTypes -> Element
@@ -1821,7 +1825,8 @@ getSpeakerNotesFilePaths :: PandocMonad m => P m [FilePath]
getSpeakerNotesFilePaths = do
mp <- asks envSpeakerNotesIdMap
let notesIdNums = M.elems mp
- return $ map (\n -> "ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide" <> show n <> ".xml") notesIdNums
+ return $ map (\n -> "ppt/notesSlides/notesSlide" <> show n <> ".xml")
+ notesIdNums
presentationToContentTypes :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m ContentTypes
presentationToContentTypes p@(Presentation _ slides) = do
@@ -1885,11 +1890,11 @@ getContentType fp
| otherwise = Nothing
-- Kept as String for XML.Light
-autoNumAttrs :: ListAttributes -> [(String, String)]
+autoNumAttrs :: ListAttributes -> [(Text, Text)]
autoNumAttrs (startNum, numStyle, numDelim) =
numAttr <> typeAttr
- numAttr = [("startAt", show startNum) | startNum /= 1]
+ numAttr = [("startAt", tshow startNum) | startNum /= 1]
typeAttr = [("type", typeString <> delimString)]
typeString = case numStyle of
Decimal -> "arabic"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/XML/Light.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/XML/Light.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38e4df218
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/XML/Light.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2021 John MacFarlane
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+ Stability : alpha
+ Portability : portable
+xml-light, which we used in pandoc's the XML-based readers, has
+some limitations: in particular, it produces nodes with String
+instead of Text, and the parser falls over on processing instructions
+(see #7091).
+This module exports much of the API of xml-light, but using Text instead
+of String. In addition, the xml-light parsers are replaced by xml-conduit's
+well-tested parser. (The xml-conduit types are mapped to types
+isomorphic to xml-light's, to avoid the need for massive code modifications
+elsewhere.) Bridge functions to map xml-light types to this module's
+types are also provided (since libraries like texmath still use xml-light).
+Another advantage of the xml-conduit parser is that it gives us
+detailed information on xml parse errors.
+In the future we may want to move to using xml-conduit or another
+xml library in the code base, but this change gives us
+better performance and accuracy without much change in the
+code that used xml-light.
+module Text.Pandoc.XML.Light
+ ( -- * Basic types, duplicating those from xml-light but with Text
+ -- instead of String
+ Line
+ , Content(..)
+ , Element(..)
+ , Attr(..)
+ , CData(..)
+ , CDataKind(..)
+ , QName(..)
+ , Node(..)
+ , unode
+ , unqual
+ , add_attr
+ , add_attrs
+ -- * Conversion functions from xml-light types
+ , fromXLQName
+ , fromXLCData
+ , fromXLElement
+ , fromXLAttr
+ , fromXLContent
+ -- * Replacement for xml-light's Text.XML.Proc
+ , strContent
+ , onlyElems
+ , elChildren
+ , onlyText
+ , findChildren
+ , filterChildren
+ , filterChildrenName
+ , findChild
+ , filterChild
+ , filterChildName
+ , findElement
+ , filterElement
+ , filterElementName
+ , findElements
+ , filterElements
+ , filterElementsName
+ , findAttr
+ , lookupAttr
+ , lookupAttrBy
+ , findAttrBy
+ -- * Replacement for xml-light's Text.XML.Output
+ , ppTopElement
+ , ppElement
+ , ppContent
+ , ppcElement
+ , ppcContent
+ , showTopElement
+ , showElement
+ , showContent
+ , useShortEmptyTags
+ , defaultConfigPP
+ , ConfigPP(..)
+ -- * Replacement for xml-light's Text.XML.Input
+ , parseXMLElement
+ , parseXMLContents
+ ) where
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import qualified Text.XML as Conduit
+import Text.XML.Unresolved (InvalidEventStream(..))
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
+import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder, singleton, fromText, toLazyText)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Data (Data)
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, listToMaybe)
+import Data.List(find)
+import qualified Text.XML.Light as XL
+-- Drop in replacement for parseXMLDoc in xml-light.
+parseXMLElement :: TL.Text -> Either T.Text Element
+parseXMLElement t =
+ elementToElement . Conduit.documentRoot <$>
+ either (Left . T.pack . E.displayException) Right
+ (Conduit.parseText Conduit.def{ Conduit.psRetainNamespaces = True } t)
+parseXMLContents :: TL.Text -> Either T.Text [Content]
+parseXMLContents t =
+ case Conduit.parseText Conduit.def{ Conduit.psRetainNamespaces = True } t of
+ Left e ->
+ case E.fromException e of
+ Just (ContentAfterRoot _) ->
+ elContent <$> parseXMLElement ("<wrapper>" <> t <> "</wrapper>")
+ _ -> Left . T.pack . E.displayException $ e
+ Right x -> Right [Elem . elementToElement . Conduit.documentRoot $ x]
+elementToElement :: Conduit.Element -> Element
+elementToElement (Conduit.Element name attribMap nodes) =
+ Element (nameToQname name) attrs (mapMaybe nodeToContent nodes) Nothing
+ where
+ attrs = map (\(n,v) -> Attr (nameToQname n) v) $
+ M.toList attribMap
+ nameToQname (Conduit.Name localName mbns mbpref) =
+ case mbpref of
+ Nothing ->
+ case T.stripPrefix "xmlns:" localName of
+ Just rest -> QName rest mbns (Just "xmlns")
+ Nothing -> QName localName mbns mbpref
+ _ -> QName localName mbns mbpref
+nodeToContent :: Conduit.Node -> Maybe Content
+nodeToContent (Conduit.NodeElement el) =
+ Just (Elem (elementToElement el))
+nodeToContent (Conduit.NodeContent t) =
+ Just (Text (CData CDataText t Nothing))
+nodeToContent _ = Nothing
+unqual :: Text -> QName
+unqual x = QName x Nothing Nothing
+-- | Add an attribute to an element.
+add_attr :: Attr -> Element -> Element
+add_attr a e = add_attrs [a] e
+-- | Add some attributes to an element.
+add_attrs :: [Attr] -> Element -> Element
+add_attrs as e = e { elAttribs = as ++ elAttribs e }
+-- type definitions lightly modified from xml-light
+-- | A line is an Integer
+type Line = Integer
+-- | XML content
+data Content = Elem Element
+ | Text CData
+ | CRef Text
+ deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
+-- | XML elements
+data Element = Element {
+ elName :: QName,
+ elAttribs :: [Attr],
+ elContent :: [Content],
+ elLine :: Maybe Line
+ } deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
+-- | XML attributes
+data Attr = Attr {
+ attrKey :: QName,
+ attrVal :: Text
+ } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)
+-- | XML CData
+data CData = CData {
+ cdVerbatim :: CDataKind,
+ cdData :: Text,
+ cdLine :: Maybe Line
+ } deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
+data CDataKind
+ = CDataText -- ^ Ordinary character data; pretty printer escapes &, < etc.
+ | CDataVerbatim -- ^ Unescaped character data; pretty printer embeds it in <![CDATA[..
+ | CDataRaw -- ^ As-is character data; pretty printer passes it along without any escaping or CDATA wrap-up.
+ deriving ( Eq, Show, Typeable, Data )
+-- | XML qualified names
+data QName = QName {
+ qName :: Text,
+ qURI :: Maybe Text,
+ qPrefix :: Maybe Text
+ } deriving (Show, Typeable, Data)
+instance Eq QName where
+ q1 == q2 = compare q1 q2 == EQ
+instance Ord QName where
+ compare q1 q2 =
+ case compare (qName q1) (qName q2) of
+ EQ -> case (qURI q1, qURI q2) of
+ (Nothing,Nothing) -> compare (qPrefix q1) (qPrefix q2)
+ (u1,u2) -> compare u1 u2
+ x -> x
+class Node t where
+ node :: QName -> t -> Element
+instance Node ([Attr],[Content]) where
+ node n (attrs,cont) = Element { elName = n
+ , elAttribs = attrs
+ , elContent = cont
+ , elLine = Nothing
+ }
+instance Node [Attr] where node n as = node n (as,[]::[Content])
+instance Node Attr where node n a = node n [a]
+instance Node () where node n () = node n ([]::[Attr])
+instance Node [Content] where node n cs = node n ([]::[Attr],cs)
+instance Node Content where node n c = node n [c]
+instance Node ([Attr],Content) where node n (as,c) = node n (as,[c])
+instance Node (Attr,Content) where node n (a,c) = node n ([a],[c])
+instance Node ([Attr],[Element]) where
+ node n (as,cs) = node n (as,map Elem cs)
+instance Node ([Attr],Element) where node n (as,c) = node n (as,[c])
+instance Node (Attr,Element) where node n (a,c) = node n ([a],c)
+instance Node [Element] where node n es = node n ([]::[Attr],es)
+instance Node Element where node n e = node n [e]
+instance Node ([Attr],[CData]) where
+ node n (as,cs) = node n (as,map Text cs)
+instance Node ([Attr],CData) where node n (as,c) = node n (as,[c])
+instance Node (Attr,CData) where node n (a,c) = node n ([a],c)
+instance Node [CData] where node n es = node n ([]::[Attr],es)
+instance Node CData where node n e = node n [e]
+instance Node ([Attr],Text) where
+ node n (as,t) = node n (as, CData { cdVerbatim = CDataText
+ , cdData = t
+ , cdLine = Nothing })
+instance Node (Attr,Text ) where node n (a,t) = node n ([a],t)
+instance Node Text where node n t = node n ([]::[Attr],t)
+-- | Create node with unqualified name
+unode :: Node t => Text -> t -> Element
+unode = node . unqual
+-- conversion from xml-light
+fromXLQName :: XL.QName -> QName
+fromXLQName qn = QName { qName = T.pack $ XL.qName qn
+ , qURI = T.pack <$> XL.qURI qn
+ , qPrefix = T.pack <$> XL.qPrefix qn }
+fromXLCData :: XL.CData -> CData
+fromXLCData cd = CData { cdVerbatim = case XL.cdVerbatim cd of
+ XL.CDataText -> CDataText
+ XL.CDataVerbatim -> CDataVerbatim
+ XL.CDataRaw -> CDataRaw
+ , cdData = T.pack $ XL.cdData cd
+ , cdLine = XL.cdLine cd }
+fromXLElement :: XL.Element -> Element
+fromXLElement el = Element { elName = fromXLQName $ XL.elName el
+ , elAttribs = map fromXLAttr $ XL.elAttribs el
+ , elContent = map fromXLContent $ XL.elContent el
+ , elLine = XL.elLine el }
+fromXLAttr :: XL.Attr -> Attr
+fromXLAttr (XL.Attr qn s) = Attr (fromXLQName qn) (T.pack s)
+fromXLContent :: XL.Content -> Content
+fromXLContent (XL.Elem el) = Elem $ fromXLElement el
+fromXLContent (XL.Text cd) = Text $ fromXLCData cd
+fromXLContent (XL.CRef s) = CRef (T.pack s)
+-- copied from xml-light Text.XML.Proc
+-- | Get the text value of an XML element. This function
+-- ignores non-text elements, and concatenates all text elements.
+strContent :: Element -> Text
+strContent = mconcat . map cdData . onlyText . elContent
+-- | Select only the elements from a list of XML content.
+onlyElems :: [Content] -> [Element]
+onlyElems xs = [ x | Elem x <- xs ]
+-- | Select only the elements from a parent.
+elChildren :: Element -> [Element]
+elChildren e = [ x | Elem x <- elContent e ]
+-- | Select only the text from a list of XML content.
+onlyText :: [Content] -> [CData]
+onlyText xs = [ x | Text x <- xs ]
+-- | Find all immediate children with the given name.
+findChildren :: QName -> Element -> [Element]
+findChildren q e = filterChildren ((q ==) . elName) e
+-- | Filter all immediate children wrt a given predicate.
+filterChildren :: (Element -> Bool) -> Element -> [Element]
+filterChildren p e = filter p (onlyElems (elContent e))
+-- | Filter all immediate children wrt a given predicate over their names.
+filterChildrenName :: (QName -> Bool) -> Element -> [Element]
+filterChildrenName p e = filter (p.elName) (onlyElems (elContent e))
+-- | Find an immediate child with the given name.
+findChild :: QName -> Element -> Maybe Element
+findChild q e = listToMaybe (findChildren q e)
+-- | Find an immediate child with the given name.
+filterChild :: (Element -> Bool) -> Element -> Maybe Element
+filterChild p e = listToMaybe (filterChildren p e)
+-- | Find an immediate child with name matching a predicate.
+filterChildName :: (QName -> Bool) -> Element -> Maybe Element
+filterChildName p e = listToMaybe (filterChildrenName p e)
+-- | Find the left-most occurrence of an element matching given name.
+findElement :: QName -> Element -> Maybe Element
+findElement q e = listToMaybe (findElements q e)
+-- | Filter the left-most occurrence of an element wrt. given predicate.
+filterElement :: (Element -> Bool) -> Element -> Maybe Element
+filterElement p e = listToMaybe (filterElements p e)
+-- | Filter the left-most occurrence of an element wrt. given predicate.
+filterElementName :: (QName -> Bool) -> Element -> Maybe Element
+filterElementName p e = listToMaybe (filterElementsName p e)
+-- | Find all non-nested occurances of an element.
+-- (i.e., once we have found an element, we do not search
+-- for more occurances among the element's children).
+findElements :: QName -> Element -> [Element]
+findElements qn e = filterElementsName (qn==) e
+-- | Find all non-nested occurrences of an element wrt. given predicate.
+-- (i.e., once we have found an element, we do not search
+-- for more occurances among the element's children).
+filterElements :: (Element -> Bool) -> Element -> [Element]
+filterElements p e
+ | p e = [e]
+ | otherwise = concatMap (filterElements p) $ onlyElems $ elContent e
+-- | Find all non-nested occurences of an element wrt a predicate over element names.
+-- (i.e., once we have found an element, we do not search
+-- for more occurances among the element's children).
+filterElementsName :: (QName -> Bool) -> Element -> [Element]
+filterElementsName p e = filterElements (p.elName) e
+-- | Lookup the value of an attribute.
+findAttr :: QName -> Element -> Maybe Text
+findAttr x e = lookupAttr x (elAttribs e)
+-- | Lookup attribute name from list.
+lookupAttr :: QName -> [Attr] -> Maybe Text
+lookupAttr x = lookupAttrBy (x ==)
+-- | Lookup the first attribute whose name satisfies the given predicate.
+lookupAttrBy :: (QName -> Bool) -> [Attr] -> Maybe Text
+lookupAttrBy p as = attrVal `fmap` find (p . attrKey) as
+-- | Lookup the value of the first attribute whose name
+-- satisfies the given predicate.
+findAttrBy :: (QName -> Bool) -> Element -> Maybe Text
+findAttrBy p e = lookupAttrBy p (elAttribs e)
+-- duplicates functinos from Text.XML.Output
+-- | The XML 1.0 header
+xmlHeader :: Text
+xmlHeader = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+data ConfigPP = ConfigPP
+ { shortEmptyTag :: QName -> Bool
+ , prettify :: Bool
+ }
+-- | Default pretty orinting configuration.
+-- * Always use abbreviate empty tags.
+defaultConfigPP :: ConfigPP
+defaultConfigPP = ConfigPP { shortEmptyTag = const True
+ , prettify = False
+ }
+-- | The predicate specifies for which empty tags we should use XML's
+-- abbreviated notation <TAG />. This is useful if we are working with
+-- some XML-ish standards (such as certain versions of HTML) where some
+-- empty tags should always be displayed in the <TAG></TAG> form.
+useShortEmptyTags :: (QName -> Bool) -> ConfigPP -> ConfigPP
+useShortEmptyTags p c = c { shortEmptyTag = p }
+-- | Specify if we should use extra white-space to make document more readable.
+-- WARNING: This adds additional white-space to text elements,
+-- and so it may change the meaning of the document.
+useExtraWhiteSpace :: Bool -> ConfigPP -> ConfigPP
+useExtraWhiteSpace p c = c { prettify = p }
+-- | A configuration that tries to make things pretty
+-- (possibly at the cost of changing the semantics a bit
+-- through adding white space.)
+prettyConfigPP :: ConfigPP
+prettyConfigPP = useExtraWhiteSpace True defaultConfigPP
+-- | Pretty printing renders XML documents faithfully,
+-- with the exception that whitespace may be added\/removed
+-- in non-verbatim character data.
+ppTopElement :: Element -> Text
+ppTopElement = ppcTopElement prettyConfigPP
+-- | Pretty printing elements
+ppElement :: Element -> Text
+ppElement = ppcElement prettyConfigPP
+-- | Pretty printing content
+ppContent :: Content -> Text
+ppContent = ppcContent prettyConfigPP
+-- | Pretty printing renders XML documents faithfully,
+-- with the exception that whitespace may be added\/removed
+-- in non-verbatim character data.
+ppcTopElement :: ConfigPP -> Element -> Text
+ppcTopElement c e = T.unlines [xmlHeader,ppcElement c e]
+-- | Pretty printing elements
+ppcElement :: ConfigPP -> Element -> Text
+ppcElement c = TL.toStrict . toLazyText . ppElementS c mempty
+-- | Pretty printing content
+ppcContent :: ConfigPP -> Content -> Text
+ppcContent c = TL.toStrict . toLazyText . ppContentS c mempty
+ppcCData :: ConfigPP -> CData -> Text
+ppcCData c = TL.toStrict . toLazyText . ppCDataS c mempty
+type Indent = Builder
+-- | Pretty printing content using ShowT
+ppContentS :: ConfigPP -> Indent -> Content -> Builder
+ppContentS c i x = case x of
+ Elem e -> ppElementS c i e
+ Text t -> ppCDataS c i t
+ CRef r -> showCRefS r
+ppElementS :: ConfigPP -> Indent -> Element -> Builder
+ppElementS c i e = i <> tagStart (elName e) (elAttribs e) <>
+ (case elContent e of
+ [] | "?" `T.isPrefixOf` qName name -> fromText " ?>"
+ | shortEmptyTag c name -> fromText " />"
+ [Text t] -> singleton '>' <> ppCDataS c mempty t <> tagEnd name
+ cs -> singleton '>' <> nl <>
+ mconcat (map ((<> nl) . ppContentS c (sp <> i)) cs) <>
+ i <> tagEnd name
+ where (nl,sp) = if prettify c then ("\n"," ") else ("","")
+ )
+ where name = elName e
+ppCDataS :: ConfigPP -> Indent -> CData -> Builder
+ppCDataS c i t = i <> if cdVerbatim t /= CDataText || not (prettify c)
+ then showCDataS t
+ else foldr cons mempty (T.unpack (showCData t))
+ where cons :: Char -> Builder -> Builder
+ cons '\n' ys = singleton '\n' <> i <> ys
+ cons y ys = singleton y <> ys
+-- | Adds the <?xml?> header.
+showTopElement :: Element -> Text
+showTopElement c = xmlHeader <> showElement c
+showContent :: Content -> Text
+showContent = ppcContent defaultConfigPP
+showElement :: Element -> Text
+showElement = ppcElement defaultConfigPP
+showCData :: CData -> Text
+showCData = ppcCData defaultConfigPP
+-- Note: crefs should not contain '&', ';', etc.
+showCRefS :: Text -> Builder
+showCRefS r = singleton '&' <> fromText r <> singleton ';'
+-- | Convert a text element to characters.
+showCDataS :: CData -> Builder
+showCDataS cd =
+ case cdVerbatim cd of
+ CDataText -> escStr (cdData cd)
+ CDataVerbatim -> fromText "<![CDATA[" <> escCData (cdData cd) <>
+ fromText "]]>"
+ CDataRaw -> fromText (cdData cd)
+escCData :: Text -> Builder
+escCData t
+ | "]]>" `T.isPrefixOf` t =
+ fromText "]]]]><![CDATA[>" <> fromText (T.drop 3 t)
+escCData t
+ = case T.uncons t of
+ Nothing -> mempty
+ Just (c,t') -> singleton c <> escCData t'
+escChar :: Char -> Builder
+escChar c = case c of
+ '<' -> fromText "&lt;"
+ '>' -> fromText "&gt;"
+ '&' -> fromText "&amp;"
+ '"' -> fromText "&quot;"
+ -- we use &#39 instead of &apos; because IE apparently has difficulties
+ -- rendering &apos; in xhtml.
+ -- Reported by Rohan Drape <rohan.drape@gmail.com>.
+ '\'' -> fromText "&#39;"
+ _ -> singleton c
+ {- original xml-light version:
+ -- NOTE: We escape '\r' explicitly because otherwise they get lost
+ -- when parsed back in because of then end-of-line normalization rules.
+ _ | isPrint c || c == '\n' -> singleton c
+ | otherwise -> showText "&#" . showsT oc . singleton ';'
+ where oc = ord c
+ -}
+escStr :: Text -> Builder
+escStr cs = if T.any needsEscape cs
+ then mconcat (map escChar (T.unpack cs))
+ else fromText cs
+ where
+ needsEscape '<' = True
+ needsEscape '>' = True
+ needsEscape '&' = True
+ needsEscape '"' = True
+ needsEscape '\'' = True
+ needsEscape _ = False
+tagEnd :: QName -> Builder
+tagEnd qn = fromText "</" <> showQName qn <> singleton '>'
+tagStart :: QName -> [Attr] -> Builder
+tagStart qn as = singleton '<' <> showQName qn <> as_str
+ where as_str = if null as
+ then mempty
+ else mconcat (map showAttr as)
+showAttr :: Attr -> Builder
+showAttr (Attr qn v) = singleton ' ' <> showQName qn <>
+ singleton '=' <>
+ singleton '"' <> escStr v <> singleton '"'
+showQName :: QName -> Builder
+showQName q =
+ case qPrefix q of
+ Nothing -> fromText (qName q)
+ Just p -> fromText p <> singleton ':' <> fromText (qName q)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/XMLParser.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/XMLParser.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ad22a66a..000000000
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/XMLParser.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{- |
- Module : Text.Pandoc.XMLParser
- Copyright : Copyright (C) 2021 John MacFarlane
- License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
- Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
- Stability : alpha
- Portability : portable
-Bridge to allow using xml-conduit's parser with xml-light's types.
-module Text.Pandoc.XMLParser
- ( parseXMLElement
- , parseXMLContents
- , module Text.XML.Light.Types
- ) where
-import qualified Control.Exception as E
-import qualified Text.XML as Conduit
-import Text.XML.Unresolved (InvalidEventStream(..))
-import qualified Text.XML.Light as Light
-import Text.XML.Light.Types
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
--- Drop in replacement for parseXMLDoc in xml-light.
-parseXMLElement :: TL.Text -> Either T.Text Light.Element
-parseXMLElement t =
- elementToElement . Conduit.documentRoot <$>
- either (Left . T.pack . E.displayException) Right
- (Conduit.parseText Conduit.def{ Conduit.psRetainNamespaces = True } t)
-parseXMLContents :: TL.Text -> Either T.Text [Light.Content]
-parseXMLContents t =
- case Conduit.parseText Conduit.def{ Conduit.psRetainNamespaces = True } t of
- Left e ->
- case E.fromException e of
- Just (ContentAfterRoot _) ->
- elContent <$> parseXMLElement ("<wrapper>" <> t <> "</wrapper>")
- _ -> Left . T.pack . E.displayException $ e
- Right x -> Right [Light.Elem . elementToElement . Conduit.documentRoot $ x]
-elementToElement :: Conduit.Element -> Light.Element
-elementToElement (Conduit.Element name attribMap nodes) =
- Light.Element (nameToQname name) attrs (mapMaybe nodeToContent nodes) Nothing
- where
- attrs = map (\(n,v) -> Light.Attr (nameToQname n) (T.unpack v)) $
- M.toList attribMap
- nameToQname (Conduit.Name localName mbns mbpref) =
- case mbpref of
- Nothing | "xmlns:" `T.isPrefixOf` localName ->
- Light.QName (T.unpack $ T.drop 6 localName) (T.unpack <$> mbns)
- (Just "xmlns")
- _ -> Light.QName (T.unpack localName) (T.unpack <$> mbns)
- (T.unpack <$> mbpref)
-nodeToContent :: Conduit.Node -> Maybe Light.Content
-nodeToContent (Conduit.NodeElement el) =
- Just (Light.Elem (elementToElement el))
-nodeToContent (Conduit.NodeContent t) =
- Just (Light.Text (Light.CData Light.CDataText (T.unpack t) Nothing))
-nodeToContent _ = Nothing