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diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/StackInstances.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/StackInstances.hs
index d57144513..9ba28b58e 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/StackInstances.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/StackInstances.hs
@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ pushBlock :: LuaState -> Block -> IO ()
pushBlock lua = \case
BlockQuote blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "BlockQuote" blcks
BulletList items -> pushViaConstructor lua "BulletList" items
- CodeBlock attr code -> pushViaConstructor lua "CodeBlock" code attr
+ CodeBlock attr code -> pushViaConstructor lua "CodeBlock" code (LuaAttr attr)
DefinitionList items -> pushViaConstructor lua "DefinitionList" items
- Div attr blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "Div" blcks attr
- Header lvl attr inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Header" lvl attr inlns
+ Div attr blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "Div" blcks (LuaAttr attr)
+ Header lvl attr inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Header" lvl (LuaAttr attr) inlns
HorizontalRule -> pushViaConstructor lua "HorizontalRule"
LineBlock blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "LineBlock" blcks
OrderedList lstAttr list -> pushViaConstructor lua "OrderedList" list lstAttr
@@ -193,10 +193,10 @@ peekBlock lua idx = do
Just t -> case t of
"BlockQuote" -> fmap BlockQuote <$> elementContent
"BulletList" -> fmap BulletList <$> elementContent
- "CodeBlock" -> fmap (uncurry CodeBlock) <$> elementContent
+ "CodeBlock" -> fmap (withAttr CodeBlock) <$> elementContent
"DefinitionList" -> fmap DefinitionList <$> elementContent
- "Div" -> fmap (uncurry Div) <$> elementContent
- "Header" -> fmap (\(lvl, attr, lst) -> Header lvl attr lst)
+ "Div" -> fmap (withAttr Div) <$> elementContent
+ "Header" -> fmap (\(lvl, LuaAttr attr, lst) -> Header lvl attr lst)
<$> elementContent
"HorizontalRule" -> return (Just HorizontalRule)
"LineBlock" -> fmap LineBlock <$> elementContent
@@ -218,11 +218,11 @@ peekBlock lua idx = do
pushInline :: LuaState -> Inline -> IO ()
pushInline lua = \case
Cite citations lst -> pushViaConstructor lua "Cite" lst citations
- Code attr lst -> pushViaConstructor lua "Code" lst attr
+ Code attr lst -> pushViaConstructor lua "Code" lst (LuaAttr attr)
Emph inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Emph" inlns
- Image attr alt (src,tit) -> pushViaConstructor lua "Image" alt src tit attr
+ Image attr alt (src,tit) -> pushViaConstructor lua "Image" alt src tit (LuaAttr attr)
LineBreak -> pushViaConstructor lua "LineBreak"
- Link attr lst (src,tit) -> pushViaConstructor lua "Link" lst src tit attr
+ Link attr lst (src,tit) -> pushViaConstructor lua "Link" lst src tit (LuaAttr attr)
Note blcks -> pushViaConstructor lua "Note" blcks
Math mty str -> pushViaConstructor lua "Math" mty str
Quoted qt inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Quoted" qt inlns
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ pushInline lua = \case
SmallCaps inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "SmallCaps" inlns
SoftBreak -> pushViaConstructor lua "SoftBreak"
Space -> pushViaConstructor lua "Space"
- Span attr inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Span" inlns attr
+ Span attr inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Span" inlns (LuaAttr attr)
Str str -> pushViaConstructor lua "Str" str
Strikeout inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Strikeout" inlns
Strong inlns -> pushViaConstructor lua "Strong" inlns
@@ -245,11 +245,11 @@ peekInline lua idx = do
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just t -> case t of
"Cite" -> fmap (uncurry Cite) <$> elementContent
- "Code" -> fmap (uncurry Code) <$> elementContent
+ "Code" -> fmap (withAttr Code) <$> elementContent
"Emph" -> fmap Emph <$> elementContent
- "Image" -> fmap (\(attr, lst, tgt) -> Image attr lst tgt)
+ "Image" -> fmap (\(LuaAttr attr, lst, tgt) -> Image attr lst tgt)
<$> elementContent
- "Link" -> fmap (\(attr, lst, tgt) -> Link attr lst tgt)
+ "Link" -> fmap (\(LuaAttr attr, lst, tgt) -> Link attr lst tgt)
<$> elementContent
"LineBreak" -> return (Just LineBreak)
"Note" -> fmap Note <$> elementContent
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ peekInline lua idx = do
"SmallCaps" -> fmap SmallCaps <$> elementContent
"SoftBreak" -> return (Just SoftBreak)
"Space" -> return (Just Space)
- "Span" -> fmap (uncurry Span) <$> elementContent
+ "Span" -> fmap (withAttr Span) <$> elementContent
"Str" -> fmap Str <$> elementContent
"Strikeout" -> fmap Strikeout <$> elementContent
"Strong" -> fmap Strong <$> elementContent
@@ -270,3 +270,15 @@ peekInline lua idx = do
-- Get the contents of an AST element.
elementContent :: StackValue a => IO (Maybe a)
elementContent = getTable lua idx "c"
+withAttr :: (Attr -> a -> b) -> (LuaAttr, a) -> b
+withAttr f (attributes, x) = f (fromLuaAttr attributes) x
+-- | Wrapper for Attr
+newtype LuaAttr = LuaAttr { fromLuaAttr :: Attr }
+instance StackValue LuaAttr where
+ push lua (LuaAttr (id', classes, kv)) =
+ pushViaConstructor lua "Attributes" kv id' classes
+ peek lua idx = fmap LuaAttr <$> peek lua idx
+ valuetype _ = TTABLE