path: root/src/Text
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1 files changed, 11 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua.hs
index d754b43b8..a68810bd7 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua.hs
@@ -48,8 +48,11 @@ runLuaFilter :: (MonadIO m)
runLuaFilter filterPath args pd = liftIO $ do
lua <- newstate
Lua.openlibs lua
+ -- create table in registry to store filter functions
+ Lua.push lua ("PANDOC_FILTER_FUNCTIONS"::String)
Lua.newtable lua
- Lua.setglobal lua "PANDOC_FILTER_FUNCTIONS" -- hack, store functions here
+ Lua.rawset lua Lua.registryindex
+ -- store module in global "pandoc"
pushPandocModule lua
Lua.setglobal lua "pandoc"
status <- Lua.loadfile lua filterPath
@@ -171,12 +174,14 @@ runLuaFilterFunction lua lf inline = do
Lua.pop lua 1
return res
--- FIXME: use registry
+-- | Push the filter function to the top of the stack.
pushFilterFunction :: Lua.LuaState -> LuaFilterFunction a -> IO ()
pushFilterFunction lua lf = do
- Lua.getglobal lua "PANDOC_FILTER_FUNCTIONS"
+ -- The function is stored in a lua registry table, retrieve it from there.
+ push lua ("PANDOC_FILTER_FUNCTIONS"::String)
+ Lua.rawget lua Lua.registryindex
Lua.rawgeti lua (-1) (functionIndex lf)
- Lua.remove lua (-2) -- remove global from stack
+ Lua.remove lua (-2) -- remove registry table from stack
instance StackValue (LuaFilterFunction a) where
valuetype _ = Lua.TFUNCTION
@@ -185,7 +190,8 @@ instance StackValue (LuaFilterFunction a) where
isFn <- Lua.isfunction lua i
when (not isFn) (error $ "Not a function at index " ++ (show i))
Lua.pushvalue lua i
- Lua.getglobal lua "PANDOC_FILTER_FUNCTIONS"
+ push lua ("PANDOC_FILTER_FUNCTIONS"::String)
+ Lua.rawget lua Lua.registryindex
len <- Lua.objlen lua (-1)
Lua.insert lua (-2)
Lua.rawseti lua (-2) (len + 1)