path: root/src/Text
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1 files changed, 21 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc.hs
index b19494dc0..6e2d9ce7e 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc.hs
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ processCitations (Pandoc meta bs) = do
let metanocites = lookupMeta "nocite" meta
let Pandoc meta'' bs' =
maybe id (setMeta "nocite") metanocites .
- walk (map capitalizeNoteCitation . mvPunct moveNotes locale) .
+ walk (mvPunct moveNotes locale) .
(if styleIsNoteStyle sopts
then walk addNote . walk deNote
else id) .
@@ -564,27 +564,28 @@ extractText (FancyVal x) = toText x
extractText (NumVal n) = T.pack (show n)
extractText _ = mempty
-capitalizeNoteCitation :: Inline -> Inline
-capitalizeNoteCitation (Cite cs [Note [Para ils]]) =
- Cite cs
- [Note [Para $ B.toList $ addTextCase Nothing CapitalizeFirst
- $ B.fromList ils]]
-capitalizeNoteCitation x = x
+-- Here we take the Spans with class csl-note that are left
+-- after deNote has removed nested ones, and convert them
+-- into real notes.
addNote :: Inline -> Inline
-addNote (Span ("",["csl-note"],[]) ils) = Note [Para ils]
+addNote (Span ("",["csl-note"],[]) ils) =
+ Note [Para $
+ B.toList . addTextCase Nothing CapitalizeFirst . B.fromList $ ils]
addNote x = x
-deNote :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
-deNote [] = []
-deNote (Note bs:rest) =
+-- Here we handle citation notes that occur inside footnotes
+-- or other citation notes, in a note style. We don't want
+-- notes inside notes, so we convert these to parenthesized
+-- or comma-separated citations.
+deNote :: Inline -> Inline
+deNote (Note bs) =
case bs of
[Para (cit@(Cite (c:_) _) : ils)]
| citationMode c /= AuthorInText ->
-- if citation is first in note, no need to parenthesize.
Note [Para (walk removeNotes $ cit : walk addParens ils)]
- : deNote rest
- _ -> Note (walk removeNotes . walk addParens $ bs) : deNote rest
+ _ -> Note (walk removeNotes . walk addParens $ bs)
addParens [] = []
addParens (Cite (c:cs) ils : zs)
@@ -594,25 +595,30 @@ deNote (Note bs:rest) =
| otherwise
= Cite (c:cs) (concatMap noteInParens ils) : addParens zs
addParens (x:xs) = x : addParens xs
removeNotes (Span ("",["csl-note"],[]) ils) = Span ("",[],[]) ils
removeNotes x = x
needsPeriod [] = True
needsPeriod (Str t:_) = case T.uncons t of
Nothing -> False
Just (c,_) -> isUpper c
needsPeriod (Space:zs) = needsPeriod zs
needsPeriod _ = False
noteInParens (Span ("",["csl-note"],[]) ils)
= Space : Str "(" :
removeFinalPeriod ils ++ [Str ")"]
noteInParens x = [x]
noteAfterComma needsPer (Span ("",["csl-note"],[]) ils)
= Str "," : Space :
if needsPer
then ils
else removeFinalPeriod ils
noteAfterComma _ x = [x]
-deNote (x:xs) = x : deNote xs
+deNote x = x
-- Note: we can't use dropTextWhileEnd indiscriminately,
-- because this would remove the final period on abbreviations like Ibid.