path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
2 files changed, 229 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index 4062e8a53..772263578 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.FilePath (addExtension, replaceExtension, takeExtension)
@@ -57,6 +56,11 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types (ExpansionPoint (..), Macro (..),
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Parsing
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Accent (accentCommands)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Citation (citationCommands, cites)
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Math (dollarsMath, inlineEnvironments,
+ inlineEnvironment,
+ mathDisplay, mathInline,
+ newtheorem, theoremstyle, proof,
+ theoremEnvironment)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Table (tableEnvironments)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Lang (polyglossiaLangToBCP47,
babelLangToBCP47, setDefaultLanguage)
@@ -387,39 +391,6 @@ nlToSpace :: Char -> Char
nlToSpace '\n' = ' '
nlToSpace x = x
-mathDisplay :: Text -> Inlines
-mathDisplay = displayMath . trimMath
-mathInline :: Text -> Inlines
-mathInline = math . trimMath
-dollarsMath :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
-dollarsMath = do
- symbol '$'
- display <- option False (True <$ symbol '$')
- (do contents <- try $ untokenize <$> pDollarsMath 0
- if display
- then mathDisplay contents <$ symbol '$'
- else return $ mathInline contents)
- <|> (guard display >> return (mathInline ""))
--- Int is number of embedded groupings
-pDollarsMath :: PandocMonad m => Int -> LP m [Tok]
-pDollarsMath n = do
- tk@(Tok _ toktype t) <- anyTok
- case toktype of
- Symbol | t == "$"
- , n == 0 -> return []
- | t == "\\" -> do
- tk' <- anyTok
- (tk :) . (tk' :) <$> pDollarsMath n
- | t == "{" -> (tk :) <$> pDollarsMath (n+1)
- | t == "}" ->
- if n > 0
- then (tk :) <$> pDollarsMath (n-1)
- else mzero
- _ -> (tk :) <$> pDollarsMath n
inlineCommand' :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
inlineCommand' = try $ do
Tok _ (CtrlSeq name) cmd <- anyControlSeq
@@ -452,51 +423,6 @@ unescapeURL = T.concat . go . T.splitOn "\\"
, isEscapable c = t
| otherwise = "\\" <> t
-mathEnvWith :: PandocMonad m
- => (Inlines -> a) -> Maybe Text -> Text -> LP m a
-mathEnvWith f innerEnv name = f . mathDisplay . inner <$> mathEnv name
- where inner x = case innerEnv of
- Nothing -> x
- Just y -> "\\begin{" <> y <> "}\n" <> x <>
- "\\end{" <> y <> "}"
-mathEnv :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m Text
-mathEnv name = do
- skipopts
- optional blankline
- res <- manyTill anyTok (end_ name)
- return $ stripTrailingNewlines $ untokenize res
-inlineEnvironment :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
-inlineEnvironment = try $ do
- controlSeq "begin"
- name <- untokenize <$> braced
- M.findWithDefault mzero name inlineEnvironments
-inlineEnvironments :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Text (LP m Inlines)
-inlineEnvironments = M.fromList [
- ("displaymath", mathEnvWith id Nothing "displaymath")
- , ("math", math <$> mathEnv "math")
- , ("equation", mathEnvWith id Nothing "equation")
- , ("equation*", mathEnvWith id Nothing "equation*")
- , ("gather", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "gather")
- , ("gather*", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "gather*")
- , ("multline", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "multline")
- , ("multline*", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "multline*")
- , ("eqnarray", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "eqnarray")
- , ("eqnarray*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "eqnarray*")
- , ("align", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "align")
- , ("align*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "align*")
- , ("alignat", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "alignat")
- , ("alignat*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "alignat*")
- , ("dmath", mathEnvWith id Nothing "dmath")
- , ("dmath*", mathEnvWith id Nothing "dmath*")
- , ("dgroup", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "dgroup")
- , ("dgroup*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "dgroup*")
- , ("darray", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "darray")
- , ("darray*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "darray*")
- ]
inlineCommands :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Text (LP m Inlines)
inlineCommands =
M.union inlineLanguageCommands $
@@ -1354,7 +1280,7 @@ blockCommands = M.fromList
, ("address", mempty <$ (skipopts *> tok >>= addMeta "address"))
, ("signature", mempty <$ (skipopts *> authors))
, ("date", mempty <$ (skipopts *> tok >>= addMeta "date"))
- , ("newtheorem", newtheorem)
+ , ("newtheorem", newtheorem inline)
, ("theoremstyle", theoremstyle)
-- KOMA-Script metadata commands
, ("extratitle", mempty <$ (skipopts *> tok >>= addMeta "extratitle"))
@@ -1473,7 +1399,7 @@ environments = M.union (tableEnvironments blocks inline) $
, ("lilypond", rawVerbEnv "lilypond")
, ("ly", rawVerbEnv "ly")
-- amsthm
- , ("proof", proof)
+ , ("proof", proof blocks opt)
-- etoolbox
, ("ifstrequal", ifstrequal)
, ("newtoggle", braced >>= newToggle)
@@ -1494,128 +1420,17 @@ filecontents = try $ do
st{ sFileContents = M.insert fp txt (sFileContents st) }
return mempty
-theoremstyle :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
-theoremstyle = do
- stylename <- untokenize <$> braced
- let mbstyle = case stylename of
- "plain" -> Just PlainStyle
- "definition" -> Just DefinitionStyle
- "remark" -> Just RemarkStyle
- _ -> Nothing
- case mbstyle of
- Nothing -> return ()
- Just sty -> updateState $ \s -> s{ sLastTheoremStyle = sty }
- return mempty
-newtheorem :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
-newtheorem = do
- number <- option True (False <$ symbol '*' <* sp)
- name <- untokenize <$> braced
- sp
- series <- option Nothing $ Just . untokenize <$> bracketedToks
- sp
- showName <- tok
- sp
- syncTo <- option Nothing $ Just . untokenize <$> bracketedToks
- sty <- sLastTheoremStyle <$> getState
- let spec = TheoremSpec { theoremName = showName
- , theoremStyle = sty
- , theoremSeries = series
- , theoremSyncTo = syncTo
- , theoremNumber = number
- , theoremLastNum = DottedNum [0] }
- tmap <- sTheoremMap <$> getState
- updateState $ \s -> s{ sTheoremMap =
- M.insert name spec tmap }
- return mempty
-proof :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
-proof = do
- title <- option (B.text "Proof") opt
- bs <- env "proof" blocks
- return $
- B.divWith ("", ["proof"], []) $
- addQed $ addTitle (B.emph (title <> ".")) bs
-addTitle :: Inlines -> Blocks -> Blocks
-addTitle ils bs =
- case B.toList bs of
- (Para xs : rest)
- -> B.fromList (Para (B.toList ils ++ (Space : xs)) : rest)
- _ -> B.para ils <> bs
-addQed :: Blocks -> Blocks
-addQed bs =
- case Seq.viewr (B.unMany bs) of
- s Seq.:> Para ils
- -> B.Many (s Seq.|> Para (ils ++ B.toList qedSign))
- _ -> bs <> B.para qedSign
- where
- qedSign = B.str "\xa0\x25FB"
environment :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
environment = try $ do
controlSeq "begin"
name <- untokenize <$> braced
M.findWithDefault mzero name environments <|>
- theoremEnvironment name <|>
+ theoremEnvironment blocks opt name <|>
if M.member name (inlineEnvironments
:: M.Map Text (LP PandocPure Inlines))
then mzero
else try (rawEnv name) <|> rawVerbEnv name
-theoremEnvironment :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m Blocks
-theoremEnvironment name = do
- tmap <- sTheoremMap <$> getState
- case M.lookup name tmap of
- Nothing -> mzero
- Just tspec -> do
- optTitle <- option mempty $ (\x -> space <> "(" <> x <> ")") <$> opt
- mblabel <- option Nothing $ Just . untokenize <$>
- try (spaces >> controlSeq "label" >> spaces >> braced)
- bs <- env name blocks
- number <-
- if theoremNumber tspec
- then do
- let name' = fromMaybe name $ theoremSeries tspec
- num <- getNextNumber
- (maybe (DottedNum [0]) theoremLastNum .
- M.lookup name' . sTheoremMap)
- updateState $ \s ->
- s{ sTheoremMap =
- M.adjust
- (\spec -> spec{ theoremLastNum = num })
- name'
- (sTheoremMap s)
- }
- case mblabel of
- Just ident ->
- updateState $ \s ->
- s{ sLabels = M.insert ident
- (B.toList $
- theoremName tspec <> "\160" <>
- str (renderDottedNum num)) (sLabels s) }
- Nothing -> return ()
- return $ space <> B.text (renderDottedNum num)
- else return mempty
- let titleEmph = case theoremStyle tspec of
- PlainStyle -> B.strong
- DefinitionStyle -> B.strong
- RemarkStyle -> B.emph
- let title = titleEmph (theoremName tspec <> number)
- <> optTitle <> "." <> space
- return $ divWith (fromMaybe "" mblabel, [name], []) $ addTitle title
- $ case theoremStyle tspec of
- PlainStyle -> walk italicize bs
- _ -> bs
-italicize :: Block -> Block
-italicize x@(Para [Image{}]) = x -- see #6925
-italicize (Para ils) = Para [Emph ils]
-italicize (Plain ils) = Plain [Emph ils]
-italicize x = x
rawEnv :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m Blocks
rawEnv name = do
exts <- getOption readerExtensions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Math.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Math.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b49a0376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Math.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Math
+ ( dollarsMath
+ , inlineEnvironments
+ , inlineEnvironment
+ , mathInline
+ , mathDisplay
+ , theoremstyle
+ , theoremEnvironment
+ , newtheorem
+ , proof
+ )
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk)
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
+import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Parsing
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types
+import Text.Pandoc.Class
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (trimMath, stripTrailingNewlines)
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (blankline, mathDisplay, mathInline,
+ optional, space, spaces, withRaw, (<|>))
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional)
+import Control.Monad (guard, mzero)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Text (Text)
+dollarsMath :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
+dollarsMath = do
+ symbol '$'
+ display <- option False (True <$ symbol '$')
+ (do contents <- try $ untokenize <$> pDollarsMath 0
+ if display
+ then mathDisplay contents <$ symbol '$'
+ else return $ mathInline contents)
+ <|> (guard display >> return (mathInline ""))
+-- Int is number of embedded groupings
+pDollarsMath :: PandocMonad m => Int -> LP m [Tok]
+pDollarsMath n = do
+ tk@(Tok _ toktype t) <- anyTok
+ case toktype of
+ Symbol | t == "$"
+ , n == 0 -> return []
+ | t == "\\" -> do
+ tk' <- anyTok
+ (tk :) . (tk' :) <$> pDollarsMath n
+ | t == "{" -> (tk :) <$> pDollarsMath (n+1)
+ | t == "}" ->
+ if n > 0
+ then (tk :) <$> pDollarsMath (n-1)
+ else mzero
+ _ -> (tk :) <$> pDollarsMath n
+mathDisplay :: Text -> Inlines
+mathDisplay = displayMath . trimMath
+mathInline :: Text -> Inlines
+mathInline = math . trimMath
+mathEnvWith :: PandocMonad m
+ => (Inlines -> a) -> Maybe Text -> Text -> LP m a
+mathEnvWith f innerEnv name = f . mathDisplay . inner <$> mathEnv name
+ where inner x = case innerEnv of
+ Nothing -> x
+ Just y -> "\\begin{" <> y <> "}\n" <> x <>
+ "\\end{" <> y <> "}"
+mathEnv :: PandocMonad m => Text -> LP m Text
+mathEnv name = do
+ skipopts
+ optional blankline
+ res <- manyTill anyTok (end_ name)
+ return $ stripTrailingNewlines $ untokenize res
+inlineEnvironment :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines
+inlineEnvironment = try $ do
+ controlSeq "begin"
+ name <- untokenize <$> braced
+ M.findWithDefault mzero name inlineEnvironments
+inlineEnvironments :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Text (LP m Inlines)
+inlineEnvironments = M.fromList [
+ ("displaymath", mathEnvWith id Nothing "displaymath")
+ , ("math", math <$> mathEnv "math")
+ , ("equation", mathEnvWith id Nothing "equation")
+ , ("equation*", mathEnvWith id Nothing "equation*")
+ , ("gather", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "gather")
+ , ("gather*", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "gather*")
+ , ("multline", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "multline")
+ , ("multline*", mathEnvWith id (Just "gathered") "multline*")
+ , ("eqnarray", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "eqnarray")
+ , ("eqnarray*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "eqnarray*")
+ , ("align", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "align")
+ , ("align*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "align*")
+ , ("alignat", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "alignat")
+ , ("alignat*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "alignat*")
+ , ("dmath", mathEnvWith id Nothing "dmath")
+ , ("dmath*", mathEnvWith id Nothing "dmath*")
+ , ("dgroup", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "dgroup")
+ , ("dgroup*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "dgroup*")
+ , ("darray", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "darray")
+ , ("darray*", mathEnvWith id (Just "aligned") "darray*")
+ ]
+theoremstyle :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks
+theoremstyle = do
+ stylename <- untokenize <$> braced
+ let mbstyle = case stylename of
+ "plain" -> Just PlainStyle
+ "definition" -> Just DefinitionStyle
+ "remark" -> Just RemarkStyle
+ _ -> Nothing
+ case mbstyle of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just sty -> updateState $ \s -> s{ sLastTheoremStyle = sty }
+ return mempty
+newtheorem :: PandocMonad m => LP m Inlines -> LP m Blocks
+newtheorem inline = do
+ number <- option True (False <$ symbol '*' <* sp)
+ name <- untokenize <$> braced
+ sp
+ series <- option Nothing $ Just . untokenize <$> bracketedToks
+ sp
+ showName <- tokWith inline
+ sp
+ syncTo <- option Nothing $ Just . untokenize <$> bracketedToks
+ sty <- sLastTheoremStyle <$> getState
+ let spec = TheoremSpec { theoremName = showName
+ , theoremStyle = sty
+ , theoremSeries = series
+ , theoremSyncTo = syncTo
+ , theoremNumber = number
+ , theoremLastNum = DottedNum [0] }
+ tmap <- sTheoremMap <$> getState
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sTheoremMap =
+ M.insert name spec tmap }
+ return mempty
+theoremEnvironment :: PandocMonad m
+ => LP m Blocks -> LP m Inlines -> Text -> LP m Blocks
+theoremEnvironment blocks opt name = do
+ tmap <- sTheoremMap <$> getState
+ case M.lookup name tmap of
+ Nothing -> mzero
+ Just tspec -> do
+ optTitle <- option mempty $ (\x -> space <> "(" <> x <> ")") <$> opt
+ mblabel <- option Nothing $ Just . untokenize <$>
+ try (spaces >> controlSeq "label" >> spaces >> braced)
+ bs <- env name blocks
+ number <-
+ if theoremNumber tspec
+ then do
+ let name' = fromMaybe name $ theoremSeries tspec
+ num <- getNextNumber
+ (maybe (DottedNum [0]) theoremLastNum .
+ M.lookup name' . sTheoremMap)
+ updateState $ \s ->
+ s{ sTheoremMap =
+ M.adjust
+ (\spec -> spec{ theoremLastNum = num })
+ name'
+ (sTheoremMap s)
+ }
+ case mblabel of
+ Just ident ->
+ updateState $ \s ->
+ s{ sLabels = M.insert ident
+ (B.toList $
+ theoremName tspec <> "\160" <>
+ str (renderDottedNum num)) (sLabels s) }
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ return $ space <> B.text (renderDottedNum num)
+ else return mempty
+ let titleEmph = case theoremStyle tspec of
+ PlainStyle -> B.strong
+ DefinitionStyle -> B.strong
+ RemarkStyle -> B.emph
+ let title = titleEmph (theoremName tspec <> number)
+ <> optTitle <> "." <> space
+ return $ divWith (fromMaybe "" mblabel, [name], []) $ addTitle title
+ $ case theoremStyle tspec of
+ PlainStyle -> walk italicize bs
+ _ -> bs
+proof :: PandocMonad m => LP m Blocks -> LP m Inlines -> LP m Blocks
+proof blocks opt = do
+ title <- option (B.text "Proof") opt
+ bs <- env "proof" blocks
+ return $
+ B.divWith ("", ["proof"], []) $
+ addQed $ addTitle (B.emph (title <> ".")) bs
+addTitle :: Inlines -> Blocks -> Blocks
+addTitle ils bs =
+ case B.toList bs of
+ (Para xs : rest)
+ -> B.fromList (Para (B.toList ils ++ (Space : xs)) : rest)
+ _ -> B.para ils <> bs
+addQed :: Blocks -> Blocks
+addQed bs =
+ case Seq.viewr (B.unMany bs) of
+ s Seq.:> Para ils
+ -> B.Many (s Seq.|> Para (ils ++ B.toList qedSign))
+ _ -> bs <> B.para qedSign
+ where
+ qedSign = B.str "\xa0\x25FB"
+italicize :: Block -> Block
+italicize x@(Para [Image{}]) = x -- see #6925
+italicize (Para ils) = Para [Emph ils]
+italicize (Plain ils) = Plain [Emph ils]
+italicize x = x