path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
1 files changed, 90 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
index 75a18dcf4..fa838a503 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers.CommonMark (writeCommonMark) where
import CMarkGFM
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (State, get, modify, runState)
import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
+import Data.Monoid (Any (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (isTightList, linesToPara)
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
-import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM)
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM, walk, query)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtml5String)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
@@ -52,7 +53,12 @@ writeCommonMark opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
notes' = if null notes
then []
else [OrderedList (1, Decimal, Period) $ reverse notes]
- main <- blocksToCommonMark opts (blocks' ++ notes')
+ let softBreakToSpace SoftBreak = Space
+ softBreakToSpace x = x
+ let blocks'' = if writerWrapText opts == WrapNone
+ then walk softBreakToSpace blocks'
+ else blocks'
+ main <- blocksToCommonMark opts (blocks'' ++ notes')
metadata <- metaToJSON opts
(blocksToCommonMark opts)
(inlinesToCommonMark opts)
@@ -78,43 +84,46 @@ blocksToCommonMark opts bs = do
colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
- nodes <- blocksToNodes bs
+ nodes <- blocksToNodes opts bs
return $
nodeToCommonmark cmarkOpts colwidth $
node DOCUMENT nodes
inlinesToCommonMark :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> m Text
inlinesToCommonMark opts ils = return $
- nodeToCommonmark cmarkOpts colwidth $ node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes ils)
+ nodeToCommonmark cmarkOpts colwidth $
+ node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes opts ils)
where cmarkOpts = [optHardBreaks | isEnabled Ext_hard_line_breaks opts]
colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
-blocksToNodes :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> m [Node]
-blocksToNodes = foldrM blockToNodes []
+blocksToNodes :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> m [Node]
+blocksToNodes opts = foldrM (blockToNodes opts) []
-blockToNodes :: PandocMonad m => Block -> [Node] -> m [Node]
-blockToNodes (Plain xs) ns = return (node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes xs) : ns)
-blockToNodes (Para xs) ns = return (node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes xs) : ns)
-blockToNodes (LineBlock lns) ns = blockToNodes (linesToPara lns) ns
-blockToNodes (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) xs) ns = return $
+blockToNodes :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Block -> [Node] -> m [Node]
+blockToNodes opts (Plain xs) ns =
+ return (node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes opts xs) : ns)
+blockToNodes opts (Para xs) ns =
+ return (node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes opts xs) : ns)
+blockToNodes opts (LineBlock lns) ns = blockToNodes opts (linesToPara lns) ns
+blockToNodes _ (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) xs) ns = return $
(node (CODE_BLOCK (T.pack (unwords classes)) (T.pack xs)) [] : ns)
-blockToNodes (RawBlock fmt xs) ns
+blockToNodes _ (RawBlock fmt xs) ns
| fmt == Format "html" = return (node (HTML_BLOCK (T.pack xs)) [] : ns)
| otherwise = return (node (CUSTOM_BLOCK (T.pack xs) (T.empty)) [] : ns)
-blockToNodes (BlockQuote bs) ns = do
- nodes <- blocksToNodes bs
+blockToNodes opts (BlockQuote bs) ns = do
+ nodes <- blocksToNodes opts bs
return (node BLOCK_QUOTE nodes : ns)
-blockToNodes (BulletList items) ns = do
- nodes <- mapM blocksToNodes items
+blockToNodes opts (BulletList items) ns = do
+ nodes <- mapM (blocksToNodes opts) items
return (node (LIST ListAttributes{
listType = BULLET_LIST,
listDelim = PERIOD_DELIM,
listTight = isTightList items,
listStart = 1 }) (map (node ITEM) nodes) : ns)
-blockToNodes (OrderedList (start, _sty, delim) items) ns = do
- nodes <- mapM blocksToNodes items
+blockToNodes opts (OrderedList (start, _sty, delim) items) ns = do
+ nodes <- mapM (blocksToNodes opts) items
return (node (LIST ListAttributes{
listType = ORDERED_LIST,
listDelim = case delim of
@@ -123,12 +132,14 @@ blockToNodes (OrderedList (start, _sty, delim) items) ns = do
listTight = isTightList items,
listStart = start }) (map (node ITEM) nodes) : ns)
-blockToNodes HorizontalRule ns = return (node THEMATIC_BREAK [] : ns)
-blockToNodes (Header lev _ ils) ns = return (node (HEADING lev) (inlinesToNodes ils) : ns)
-blockToNodes (Div _ bs) ns = do
- nodes <- blocksToNodes bs
+blockToNodes _ HorizontalRule ns = return (node THEMATIC_BREAK [] : ns)
+blockToNodes opts (Header lev _ ils) ns =
+ return (node (HEADING lev) (inlinesToNodes opts ils) : ns)
+blockToNodes opts (Div _ bs) ns = do
+ nodes <- blocksToNodes opts bs
return (nodes ++ ns)
-blockToNodes (DefinitionList items) ns = blockToNodes (BulletList items') ns
+blockToNodes opts (DefinitionList items) ns =
+ blockToNodes opts (BulletList items') ns
where items' = map dlToBullet items
dlToBullet (term, ((Para xs : ys) : zs)) =
Para (term ++ [LineBreak] ++ xs) : ys ++ concat zs
@@ -136,54 +147,74 @@ blockToNodes (DefinitionList items) ns = blockToNodes (BulletList items') ns
Plain (term ++ [LineBreak] ++ xs) : ys ++ concat zs
dlToBullet (term, xs) =
Para term : concat xs
-blockToNodes t@(Table _ _ _ _ _) ns = do
- s <- writeHtml5String def $! Pandoc nullMeta [t]
- return (node (HTML_BLOCK s) [] : ns)
-blockToNodes Null ns = return ns
-inlinesToNodes :: [Inline] -> [Node]
-inlinesToNodes = foldr inlineToNodes []
-inlineToNodes :: Inline -> [Node] -> [Node]
-inlineToNodes (Str s) = (node (TEXT (T.pack s)) [] :)
-inlineToNodes Space = (node (TEXT (T.pack " ")) [] :)
-inlineToNodes LineBreak = (node LINEBREAK [] :)
-inlineToNodes SoftBreak = (node SOFTBREAK [] :)
-inlineToNodes (Emph xs) = (node EMPH (inlinesToNodes xs) :)
-inlineToNodes (Strong xs) = (node STRONG (inlinesToNodes xs) :)
-inlineToNodes (Strikeout xs) =
- ((node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "<s>")) [] : inlinesToNodes xs ++
- [node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "</s>")) []]) ++ )
-inlineToNodes (Superscript xs) =
- ((node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "<sup>")) [] : inlinesToNodes xs ++
+blockToNodes opts t@(Table _capt aligns widths headers rows) ns = do
+ let allrows = headers:rows
+ let isLineBreak LineBreak = Any True
+ isLineBreak _ = Any False
+ let isSimple = all (==0) widths &&
+ not ( getAny (query isLineBreak allrows) )
+ if isEnabled Ext_pipe_tables opts && isSimple
+ then do
+ let toAlign AlignDefault = NoAlignment
+ toAlign AlignLeft = LeftAligned
+ toAlign AlignCenter = CenterAligned
+ toAlign AlignRight = RightAligned
+ let aligns' = map toAlign aligns
+ let toCell bs = node TABLE_CELL <$> blocksToNodes opts bs
+ let toRow cells = node TABLE_ROW <$> mapM toCell cells
+ cmrows <- mapM toRow allrows
+ return (node (TABLE aligns') cmrows : ns)
+ else do -- fall back to raw HTML
+ s <- writeHtml5String def $! Pandoc nullMeta [t]
+ return (node (HTML_BLOCK s) [] : ns)
+blockToNodes _ Null ns = return ns
+inlinesToNodes :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> [Node]
+inlinesToNodes opts = foldr (inlineToNodes opts) []
+inlineToNodes :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> [Node] -> [Node]
+inlineToNodes _ (Str s) = (node (TEXT (T.pack s)) [] :)
+inlineToNodes _ Space = (node (TEXT (T.pack " ")) [] :)
+inlineToNodes _ LineBreak = (node LINEBREAK [] :)
+inlineToNodes _ SoftBreak = (node SOFTBREAK [] :)
+inlineToNodes opts (Emph xs) = (node EMPH (inlinesToNodes opts xs) :)
+inlineToNodes opts (Strong xs) = (node STRONG (inlinesToNodes opts xs) :)
+inlineToNodes opts (Strikeout xs) =
+ if isEnabled Ext_strikeout opts
+ then (node STRIKETHROUGH (inlinesToNodes opts xs) :)
+ else ((node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "<s>")) [] : inlinesToNodes opts xs ++
+ [node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "</s>")) []]) ++ )
+inlineToNodes opts (Superscript xs) =
+ ((node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "<sup>")) [] : inlinesToNodes opts xs ++
[node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "</sup>")) []]) ++ )
-inlineToNodes (Subscript xs) =
- ((node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "<sub>")) [] : inlinesToNodes xs ++
+inlineToNodes opts (Subscript xs) =
+ ((node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "<sub>")) [] : inlinesToNodes opts xs ++
[node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "</sub>")) []]) ++ )
-inlineToNodes (SmallCaps xs) =
+inlineToNodes opts (SmallCaps xs) =
((node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "<span class=\"smallcaps\">")) []
- : inlinesToNodes xs ++
+ : inlinesToNodes opts xs ++
[node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "</span>")) []]) ++ )
-inlineToNodes (Link _ ils (url,tit)) =
- (node (LINK (T.pack url) (T.pack tit)) (inlinesToNodes ils) :)
-inlineToNodes (Image _ ils (url,tit)) =
- (node (IMAGE (T.pack url) (T.pack tit)) (inlinesToNodes ils) :)
-inlineToNodes (RawInline fmt xs)
+inlineToNodes opts (Link _ ils (url,tit)) =
+ (node (LINK (T.pack url) (T.pack tit)) (inlinesToNodes opts ils) :)
+inlineToNodes opts (Image _ ils (url,tit)) =
+ (node (IMAGE (T.pack url) (T.pack tit)) (inlinesToNodes opts ils) :)
+inlineToNodes _ (RawInline fmt xs)
| fmt == Format "html" = (node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack xs)) [] :)
| otherwise = (node (CUSTOM_INLINE (T.pack xs) (T.empty)) [] :)
-inlineToNodes (Quoted qt ils) =
- ((node (TEXT start) [] : inlinesToNodes ils ++ [node (TEXT end) []]) ++)
+inlineToNodes opts (Quoted qt ils) =
+ ((node (TEXT start) [] :
+ inlinesToNodes opts ils ++ [node (TEXT end) []]) ++)
where (start, end) = case qt of
SingleQuote -> (T.pack "‘", T.pack "’")
DoubleQuote -> (T.pack "“", T.pack "”")
-inlineToNodes (Code _ str) = (node (CODE (T.pack str)) [] :)
-inlineToNodes (Math mt str) =
+inlineToNodes _ (Code _ str) = (node (CODE (T.pack str)) [] :)
+inlineToNodes _ (Math mt str) =
case mt of
InlineMath ->
(node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack ("\\(" ++ str ++ "\\)"))) [] :)
DisplayMath ->
(node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack ("\\[" ++ str ++ "\\]"))) [] :)
-inlineToNodes (Span _ ils) = (inlinesToNodes ils ++)
-inlineToNodes (Cite _ ils) = (inlinesToNodes ils ++)
-inlineToNodes (Note _) = id -- should not occur
+inlineToNodes opts (Span _ ils) = (inlinesToNodes opts ils ++)
+inlineToNodes opts (Cite _ ils) = (inlinesToNodes opts ils ++)
+inlineToNodes _ (Note _) = id -- should not occur
-- we remove Note elements in preprocessing