path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
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1 files changed, 20 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index 0d4592599..d5a4c322f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -188,18 +188,26 @@ litChar = escapedChar'
-- including inlines between balanced pairs of square brackets.
inlinesInBalancedBrackets :: PandocMonad m => MarkdownParser m (F Inlines)
inlinesInBalancedBrackets =
- mconcat <$> try (char '[' >> go (1 :: Int))
- where
- go n =
- (:) <$> (note <|> cite <|> bracketedSpan <|> link) <*> go n
- <|>
- (char '[' *> ((:) <$> pure (pure (B.str "[")) <*> go (n + 1)))
- <|>
- (char ']' *> (if n > 1
- then (:) <$> pure (pure (B.str "]")) <*> go (n - 1)
- else pure []))
- <|>
- (:) <$> inline <*> go n
+ try $ char '[' >> withRaw (go 1) >>=
+ parseFromString inlines . stripBracket . snd
+ where stripBracket t = case T.unsnoc t of
+ Just (t', ']') -> t'
+ _ -> t
+ go :: PandocMonad m => Int -> MarkdownParser m ()
+ go 0 = return ()
+ go openBrackets =
+ (() <$ (escapedChar <|>
+ code <|>
+ math <|>
+ rawHtmlInline <|>
+ rawLaTeXInline') >> go openBrackets)
+ <|>
+ (do char ']'
+ Control.Monad.when (openBrackets > 1) $ go (openBrackets - 1))
+ <|>
+ (char '[' >> go (openBrackets + 1))
+ <|>
+ (anyChar >> go openBrackets)
-- document structure