path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index 466cf2c07..c25311454 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ data WriterState = WriterState{
, stChangesDate :: String
, stPrintWidth :: Integer
, stHeadingStyles :: [(Int,String)]
+ , stFirstPara :: Bool
defaultWriterState :: WriterState
@@ -127,6 +128,7 @@ defaultWriterState = WriterState{
, stChangesDate = "1969-12-31T19:00:00Z"
, stPrintWidth = 1
, stHeadingStyles = []
+ , stFirstPara = False
type WS a = StateT WriterState IO a
@@ -643,6 +645,7 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Div (_,["references"],_) bs) = do
return (header ++ rest)
blockToOpenXML opts (Div _ bs) = blocksToOpenXML opts bs
blockToOpenXML opts (Header lev (ident,_,_) lst) = do
+ setFirstPara
headingStyles <- gets stHeadingStyles
paraProps <- maybe id (withParaProp . pStyle) (lookup lev headingStyles) $
getParaProps False
@@ -661,6 +664,7 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Plain lst) = withParaProp (pStyle "Compact")
$ blockToOpenXML opts (Para lst)
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToOpenXML opts (Para [Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
+ setFirstPara
paraProps <- getParaProps False
contents <- inlinesToOpenXML opts [Image alt (src,tit)]
captionNode <- withParaProp (pStyle "ImageCaption")
@@ -669,24 +673,35 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Para [Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
-- fixDisplayMath sometimes produces a Para [] as artifact
blockToOpenXML _ (Para []) = return []
blockToOpenXML opts (Para lst) = do
- paraProps <- getParaProps $ case lst of
- [Math DisplayMath _] -> True
- _ -> False
- contents <- inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
- return [mknode "w:p" [] (paraProps ++ contents)]
+ isFirstPara <- gets stFirstPara
+ if isFirstPara
+ then do modify $ \s -> s { stFirstPara = False }
+ withParaProp (pStyle "FirstParagraph") $ blockToOpenXML opts (Para lst)
+ else do paraProps <- getParaProps $ case lst of
+ [Math DisplayMath _] -> True
+ _ -> False
+ contents <- inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
+ return [mknode "w:p" [] (paraProps ++ contents)]
blockToOpenXML _ (RawBlock format str)
| format == Format "openxml" = return [ x | Elem x <- parseXML str ]
| otherwise = return []
-blockToOpenXML opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
- withParaProp (pStyle "BlockQuote") $ blocksToOpenXML opts blocks
-blockToOpenXML opts (CodeBlock attrs str) =
- withParaProp (pStyle "SourceCode") $ blockToOpenXML opts $ Para [Code attrs str]
-blockToOpenXML _ HorizontalRule = return [
- mknode "w:p" [] $ mknode "w:r" [] $ mknode "w:pict" []
+blockToOpenXML opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
+ p <- withParaProp (pStyle "BlockQuote") $ blocksToOpenXML opts blocks
+ setFirstPara
+ return p
+blockToOpenXML opts (CodeBlock attrs str) = do
+ p <- withParaProp (pStyle "SourceCode") $ (blockToOpenXML opts $ Para [Code attrs str])
+ setFirstPara
+ return p
+blockToOpenXML _ HorizontalRule = do
+ setFirstPara
+ return [
+ mknode "w:p" [] $ mknode "w:r" [] $ mknode "w:pict" []
$ mknode "v:rect" [("style","width:0;height:1.5pt"),
("o:hrstd","t"),("o:hr","t")] () ]
blockToOpenXML opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+ setFirstPara
let captionStr = stringify caption
caption' <- if null caption
then return []
@@ -733,14 +748,20 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (BulletList lst) = do
let marker = BulletMarker
addList marker
numid <- getNumId
- asList $ concat `fmap` mapM (listItemToOpenXML opts numid) lst
+ l <- asList $ concat `fmap` mapM (listItemToOpenXML opts numid) lst
+ setFirstPara
+ return l
blockToOpenXML opts (OrderedList (start, numstyle, numdelim) lst) = do
let marker = NumberMarker numstyle numdelim start
addList marker
numid <- getNumId
- asList $ concat `fmap` mapM (listItemToOpenXML opts numid) lst
-blockToOpenXML opts (DefinitionList items) =
- concat `fmap` mapM (definitionListItemToOpenXML opts) items
+ l <- asList $ concat `fmap` mapM (listItemToOpenXML opts numid) lst
+ setFirstPara
+ return l
+blockToOpenXML opts (DefinitionList items) = do
+ l <- concat `fmap` mapM (definitionListItemToOpenXML opts) items
+ setFirstPara
+ return l
definitionListItemToOpenXML :: WriterOptions -> ([Inline],[[Block]]) -> WS [Element]
definitionListItemToOpenXML opts (term,defs) = do
@@ -847,6 +868,9 @@ formattedString str = do
[ mknode (if inDel then "w:delText" else "w:t")
[("xml:space","preserve")] str ] ]
+setFirstPara :: WS ()
+setFirstPara = modify $ \s -> s { stFirstPara = True }
-- | Convert an inline element to OpenXML.
inlineToOpenXML :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> WS [Element]
inlineToOpenXML _ (Str str) = formattedString str