path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index b41b17ff9..02db23db5 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -81,8 +81,23 @@ listMarkerToId (NumberMarker sty delim n) =
OneParen -> '2'
TwoParens -> '3'
-data WriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties :: [Element]
- , envParaProperties :: [Element]
+data EnvProps = EnvProps{ styleElement :: Maybe Element
+ , otherElements :: [Element]
+ }
+instance Semigroup EnvProps where
+ EnvProps Nothing es <> EnvProps s es' = EnvProps s (es ++ es')
+ EnvProps s es <> EnvProps _ es' = EnvProps s (es ++ es')
+instance Monoid EnvProps where
+ mempty = EnvProps Nothing []
+squashProps :: EnvProps -> [Element]
+squashProps (EnvProps Nothing es) = es
+squashProps (EnvProps (Just e) es) = e : es
+data WriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties :: EnvProps
+ , envParaProperties :: EnvProps
, envRTL :: Bool
, envListLevel :: Int
, envListNumId :: Int
@@ -93,8 +108,8 @@ data WriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties :: [Element]
defaultWriterEnv :: WriterEnv
-defaultWriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties = []
- , envParaProperties = []
+defaultWriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties = mempty
+ , envParaProperties = mempty
, envRTL = False
, envListLevel = -1
, envListNumId = 1
@@ -115,6 +130,7 @@ data WriterState = WriterState{
, stDelId :: Int
, stStyleMaps :: StyleMaps
, stFirstPara :: Bool
+ , stInTable :: Bool
, stTocTitle :: [Inline]
, stDynamicParaProps :: Set.Set String
, stDynamicTextProps :: Set.Set String
@@ -133,6 +149,7 @@ defaultWriterState = WriterState{
, stDelId = 1
, stStyleMaps = defaultStyleMaps
, stFirstPara = False
+ , stInTable = False
, stTocTitle = [Str "Table of Contents"]
, stDynamicParaProps = Set.empty
, stDynamicTextProps = Set.empty
@@ -496,7 +513,7 @@ writeDocx opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
case key' of
"description" -> intercalate "_x000d_\n" (map stringify $ lookupMetaBlocks "description" meta')
_ -> lookupMetaString key' meta'
let docProps = mknode "cp:coreProperties"
@@ -901,8 +918,12 @@ blockToOpenXML' opts (Header lev (ident,_,_) lst) = do
$ stSectionIds s }
bookmarkedContents <- wrapBookmark bookmarkName contents
return [mknode "w:p" [] (paraProps ++ bookmarkedContents)]
-blockToOpenXML' opts (Plain lst) = withParaProp (pCustomStyle "Compact")
- $ blockToOpenXML opts (Para lst)
+blockToOpenXML' opts (Plain lst) = do
+ isInTable <- gets stInTable
+ let block = blockToOpenXML opts (Para lst)
+ para <- if isInTable then withParaProp (pCustomStyle "Compact") block else block
+ return $ para
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToOpenXML' opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
@@ -910,7 +931,7 @@ blockToOpenXML' opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
if null alt
then "Figure"
else "CaptionedFigure"
- paraProps <- local (\env -> env { envParaProperties = prop : envParaProperties env }) (getParaProps False)
+ paraProps <- local (\env -> env { envParaProperties = EnvProps (Just prop) [] <> envParaProperties env }) (getParaProps False)
contents <- inlinesToOpenXML opts [Image attr alt (src,tit)]
captionNode <- withParaProp (pCustomStyle "ImageCaption")
$ blockToOpenXML opts (Para alt)
@@ -939,7 +960,8 @@ blockToOpenXML' _ b@(RawBlock format str)
report $ BlockNotRendered b
return []
blockToOpenXML' opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
- p <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "Block Text") $ blocksToOpenXML opts blocks
+ p <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "Block Text")
+ $ blocksToOpenXML opts blocks
return p
blockToOpenXML' opts (CodeBlock attrs@(ident, _, _) str) = do
@@ -955,6 +977,7 @@ blockToOpenXML' _ HorizontalRule = do
("o:hrstd","t"),("o:hr","t")] () ]
blockToOpenXML' opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+ modify $ \s -> s { stInTable = True }
let captionStr = stringify caption
caption' <- if null caption
then return []
@@ -990,6 +1013,7 @@ blockToOpenXML' opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
let mkgridcol w = mknode "w:gridCol"
[("w:w", show (floor (textwidth * w) :: Integer))] ()
let hasHeader = not (all null headers)
+ modify $ \s -> s { stInTable = False }
return $
caption' ++
[mknode "w:tbl" []
@@ -1063,16 +1087,22 @@ withNumId numid = local $ \env -> env{ envListNumId = numid }
asList :: (PandocMonad m) => WS m a -> WS m a
asList = local $ \env -> env{ envListLevel = envListLevel env + 1 }
+isStyle :: Element -> Bool
+isStyle e = isElem [] "w" "rStyle" e ||
+ isElem [] "w" "pStyle" e
getTextProps :: (PandocMonad m) => WS m [Element]
getTextProps = do
props <- asks envTextProperties
- return $ if null props
+ let squashed = squashProps props
+ return $ if null squashed
then []
- else [mknode "w:rPr" [] props]
+ else [mknode "w:rPr" [] squashed]
withTextProp :: PandocMonad m => Element -> WS m a -> WS m a
withTextProp d p =
- local (\env -> env {envTextProperties = d : envTextProperties env}) p
+ local (\env -> env {envTextProperties = ep <> envTextProperties env}) p
+ where ep = if isStyle d then EnvProps (Just d) [] else EnvProps Nothing [d]
withTextPropM :: PandocMonad m => WS m Element -> WS m a -> WS m a
withTextPropM = (. flip withTextProp) . (>>=)
@@ -1085,13 +1115,14 @@ getParaProps displayMathPara = do
let listPr = [mknode "w:numPr" []
[ mknode "w:ilvl" [("w:val",show listLevel)] ()
, mknode "w:numId" [("w:val",show numid)] () ] | listLevel >= 0 && not displayMathPara]
- return $ case listPr ++ props of
+ return $ case listPr ++ squashProps props of
[] -> []
ps -> [mknode "w:pPr" [] ps]
withParaProp :: PandocMonad m => Element -> WS m a -> WS m a
withParaProp d p =
- local (\env -> env {envParaProperties = d : envParaProperties env}) p
+ local (\env -> env {envParaProperties = ep <> envParaProperties env}) p
+ where ep = if isStyle d then EnvProps (Just d) [] else EnvProps Nothing [d]
withParaPropM :: PandocMonad m => WS m Element -> WS m a -> WS m a
withParaPropM = (. flip withParaProp) . (>>=)
@@ -1264,8 +1295,8 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Note bs) = do
insertNoteRef xs = Para [notemarkerXml] : xs
contents <- local (\env -> env{ envListLevel = -1
- , envParaProperties = []
- , envTextProperties = [] })
+ , envParaProperties = mempty
+ , envTextProperties = mempty })
(withParaPropM (pStyleM "Footnote Text") $ blocksToOpenXML opts
$ insertNoteRef bs)
let newnote = mknode "w:footnote" [("w:id", notenum)] contents
@@ -1417,16 +1448,18 @@ withDirection x = do
-- We want to clean all bidirection (bidi) and right-to-left (rtl)
-- properties from the props first. This is because we don't want
-- them to stack up.
- let paraProps' = filter (\e -> (qName . elName) e /= "bidi") paraProps
- textProps' = filter (\e -> (qName . elName) e /= "rtl") textProps
+ let paraProps' = filter (\e -> (qName . elName) e /= "bidi") (otherElements paraProps)
+ textProps' = filter (\e -> (qName . elName) e /= "rtl") (otherElements textProps)
+ paraStyle = styleElement paraProps
+ textStyle = styleElement textProps
if isRTL
-- if we are going right-to-left, we (re?)add the properties.
then flip local x $
- \env -> env { envParaProperties = mknode "w:bidi" [] () : paraProps'
- , envTextProperties = mknode "w:rtl" [] () : textProps'
+ \env -> env { envParaProperties = EnvProps paraStyle $ mknode "w:bidi" [] () : paraProps'
+ , envTextProperties = EnvProps textStyle $ mknode "w:rtl" [] () : textProps'
- else flip local x $ \env -> env { envParaProperties = paraProps'
- , envTextProperties = textProps'
+ else flip local x $ \env -> env { envParaProperties = EnvProps paraStyle paraProps'
+ , envTextProperties = EnvProps textStyle textProps'
wrapBookmark :: (PandocMonad m) => String -> [Element] -> WS m [Element]