path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64f17cc74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+-- | Convert Pandoc to rich text format.
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF (
+ writeRTF
+ ) where
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import List ( isSuffixOf )
+import Char ( ord, chr )
+-- | Convert Pandoc to a string in rich text format.
+writeRTF :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
+writeRTF options (Pandoc meta blocks) =
+ let notes = filter isNoteBlock blocks in -- assumes all notes are at outer level
+ let head = if writerStandalone options then
+ rtfHeader notes (writerHeader options) meta
+ else
+ ""
+ foot = if writerStandalone options then "\n}\n" else ""
+ body = (writerIncludeBefore options) ++
+ (concatMap (blockToRTF notes 0) (replaceReferenceLinks blocks)) ++
+ (writerIncludeAfter options) in
+ head ++ body ++ foot
+-- | Convert unicode characters (> 127) into rich text format representation.
+handleUnicode :: String -> String
+handleUnicode [] = []
+handleUnicode (c:cs) = if (ord c) > 127 then
+ '\\':'u':(show (ord c)) ++ "?" ++ (handleUnicode cs)
+ else
+ c:(handleUnicode cs)
+escapeSpecial = backslashEscape "{\\}"
+escapeTab = gsub "\\\\t" "\\\\tab "
+-- | Escape strings as needed for rich text format.
+stringToRTF :: String -> String
+stringToRTF = handleUnicode . escapeSpecial . escapeTab
+-- | Escape raw LaTeX strings for RTF. Don't escape \t; it might
+-- be the first letter of a command!
+latexStringToRTF :: String -> String
+latexStringToRTF = handleUnicode . escapeSpecial
+-- | Escape things as needed for code block in RTF.
+codeStringToRTF :: String -> String
+codeStringToRTF str = joinWithSep "\\line\n" (lines (stringToRTF str))
+-- | Deal with raw LaTeX.
+latexToRTF :: String -> String
+latexToRTF str = "{\\cf1 " ++ (latexStringToRTF str) ++ "\\cf0 } "
+-- | Make a paragraph with first-line indent, block indent, and space after.
+rtfParSpaced :: Int -- ^ space after (in twips)
+ -> Int -- ^ block indent (in twips)
+ -> Int -- ^ first line indent (relative to block) (in twips)
+ -> String -- ^ string with content
+ -> String
+rtfParSpaced spaceAfter indent firstLineIndent content =
+ "{\\pard \\sa" ++ (show spaceAfter) ++ " \\li" ++ (show indent) ++
+ " \\fi" ++ (show firstLineIndent) ++ " " ++ content ++ "\\par}\n"
+-- | Default paragraph.
+rtfPar :: Int -- ^ block indent (in twips)
+ -> Int -- ^ first line indent (relative to block) (in twips)
+ -> String -- ^ string with content
+ -> String
+rtfPar = rtfParSpaced 180
+-- | Compact paragraph (e.g. for compact list items).
+rtfCompact :: Int -- ^ block indent (in twips)
+ -> Int -- ^ first line indent (relative to block) (in twips)
+ -> String -- ^ string with content
+ -> String
+rtfCompact = rtfParSpaced 0
+-- number of twips to indent
+indentIncrement = 720
+listIncrement = 360
+-- | Returns appropriate bullet list marker for indent level.
+bulletMarker :: Int -> String
+bulletMarker indent = case (indent `mod` 720) of
+ 0 -> "\\bullet "
+ otherwise -> "\\endash "
+-- | Returns appropriate (list of) ordered list markers for indent level.
+orderedMarkers :: Int -> [String]
+orderedMarkers indent = case (indent `mod` 720) of
+ 0 -> map (\x -> show x ++ ".") [1..]
+ otherwise -> map (\x -> show x ++ ".") $ cycle ['a'..'z']
+-- | Returns RTF header.
+rtfHeader :: [Block] -- ^ list of note blocks
+ -> String -- ^ header text
+ -> Meta -- ^ bibliographic information
+ -> String
+rtfHeader notes headerText (Meta title authors date) =
+ let titletext = if null title then
+ ""
+ else
+ rtfPar 0 0 ("\\qc \\b \\fs36 " ++ inlineListToRTF notes title)
+ authorstext = if null authors then
+ ""
+ else
+ rtfPar 0 0 ("\\qc " ++ (joinWithSep "\\" (map stringToRTF authors)))
+ datetext = if date == "" then "" else rtfPar 0 0 ("\\qc " ++ stringToRTF date) in
+ let spacer = if null (titletext ++ authorstext ++ datetext) then "" else rtfPar 0 0 "" in
+ headerText ++ titletext ++ authorstext ++ datetext ++ spacer
+-- | Convert Pandoc block element to RTF.
+blockToRTF :: [Block] -- ^ list of note blocks
+ -> Int -- ^ indent level
+ -> Block -- ^ block to convert
+ -> String
+blockToRTF notes indent Blank = rtfPar indent 0 ""
+blockToRTF notes indent Null = ""
+blockToRTF notes indent (Plain lst) = rtfCompact indent 0 (inlineListToRTF notes lst)
+blockToRTF notes indent (Para lst) = rtfPar indent 0 (inlineListToRTF notes lst)
+blockToRTF notes indent (BlockQuote lst) =
+ concatMap (blockToRTF notes (indent + indentIncrement)) lst
+blockToRTF notes indent (Note ref lst) = "" -- there shouldn't be any after filtering
+blockToRTF notes indent (Key _ _) = ""
+blockToRTF notes indent (CodeBlock str) = rtfPar indent 0 ("\\f1 " ++ (codeStringToRTF str))
+blockToRTF notes indent (RawHtml str) = ""
+blockToRTF notes indent (BulletList lst) =
+ spaceAtEnd $ concatMap (listItemToRTF notes indent (bulletMarker indent)) lst
+blockToRTF notes indent (OrderedList lst) =
+ spaceAtEnd $ concat $ zipWith (listItemToRTF notes indent) (orderedMarkers indent) lst
+blockToRTF notes indent HorizontalRule =
+ rtfPar indent 0 "\\qc \\emdash\\emdash\\emdash\\emdash\\emdash"
+blockToRTF notes indent (Header level lst) =
+ rtfPar indent 0 ("\\b \\fs" ++ (show (40 - (level * 4))) ++ " " ++
+ (inlineListToRTF notes lst))
+-- | Ensure that there's the same amount of space after compact
+-- lists as after regular lists.
+spaceAtEnd :: String -> String
+spaceAtEnd str =
+ if isSuffixOf "\\par}\n" str then
+ (take ((length str) - 6) str) ++ "\\sa180\\par}\n"
+ else
+ str
+-- | Convert list item (list of blocks) to RTF.
+listItemToRTF :: [Block] -- ^ list of note blocks
+ -> Int -- ^ indent level
+ -> String -- ^ list start marker
+ -> [Block] -- ^ list item (list of blocks)
+ -> [Char]
+listItemToRTF notes indent marker [] =
+ rtfCompact (indent + listIncrement) (0 - listIncrement)
+ (marker ++ "\\tx" ++ (show listIncrement) ++ "\\tab ")
+listItemToRTF notes indent marker list =
+ let (first:rest) = map (blockToRTF notes (indent + listIncrement)) list in
+ let modFirst = gsub "\\\\fi-?[0-9]+" ("\\\\fi" ++ (show (0 - listIncrement)) ++
+ " " ++ marker ++ "\\\\tx" ++ (show listIncrement) ++ "\\\\tab") first in
+ modFirst ++ (concat rest)
+-- | Convert list of inline items to RTF.
+inlineListToRTF :: [Block] -- ^ list of note blocks
+ -> [Inline] -- ^ list of inlines to convert
+ -> String
+inlineListToRTF notes lst = concatMap (inlineToRTF notes) lst
+-- | Convert inline item to RTF.
+inlineToRTF :: [Block] -- ^ list of note blocks
+ -> Inline -- ^ inline to convert
+ -> String
+inlineToRTF notes (Emph lst) = "{\\i " ++ (inlineListToRTF notes lst) ++ "} "
+inlineToRTF notes (Strong lst) = "{\\b " ++ (inlineListToRTF notes lst) ++ "} "
+inlineToRTF notes (Code str) = "{\\f1 " ++ (codeStringToRTF str) ++ "} "
+inlineToRTF notes (Str str) = stringToRTF str
+inlineToRTF notes (TeX str) = latexToRTF str
+inlineToRTF notes (HtmlInline str) = ""
+inlineToRTF notes (LineBreak) = "\\line "
+inlineToRTF notes Space = " "
+inlineToRTF notes (Link text (Src src tit)) =
+ "{\\field{\\*\\fldinst{HYPERLINK \"" ++ (codeStringToRTF src) ++ "\"}}{\\fldrslt{\\ul\n"
+ ++ (inlineListToRTF notes text) ++ "\n}}}\n"
+inlineToRTF notes (Link text (Ref [])) = "[" ++ (inlineListToRTF notes text) ++ "]"
+inlineToRTF notes (Link text (Ref ref)) = "[" ++ (inlineListToRTF notes text) ++ "][" ++
+ (inlineListToRTF notes ref) ++ "]" -- this is what markdown does, for better or worse
+inlineToRTF notes (Image alternate (Src source tit)) = "{\\cf1 [image: " ++ source ++ "]\\cf0}"
+inlineToRTF notes (Image alternate (Ref [])) = "![" ++ (inlineListToRTF notes alternate) ++ "]"
+inlineToRTF notes (Image alternate (Ref ref)) = "![" ++ (inlineListToRTF notes alternate) ++
+ "][" ++ (inlineListToRTF notes ref) ++ "]"
+inlineToRTF [] (NoteRef ref) = ""
+inlineToRTF ((Note firstref firstblocks):rest) (NoteRef ref) =
+ if firstref == ref then
+ "{\\super\\chftn}{\\*\\footnote\\chftn\\~\\plain\\pard " ++
+ (concatMap (blockToRTF rest 0) firstblocks) ++ "}"
+ else
+ inlineToRTF rest (NoteRef ref)