path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
index 9a9ede864..83695af3a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
@@ -1372,10 +1372,23 @@ getRels = do
return $ mapMaybe elementToRel relElems
presentationToRels :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m [Relationship]
-presentationToRels (Presentation _ slides) = do
+presentationToRels pres@(Presentation _ slides) = do
mySlideRels <- mapM slideToPresRel slides
+ let notesMasterRels =
+ if presHasSpeakerNotes pres
+ then [Relationship { relId = length mySlideRels + 2
+ , relType = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/notesMaster"
+ , relTarget = "notesMasters/notesMaster1.xml"
+ }]
+ else []
+ insertedRels = mySlideRels ++ notesMasterRels
rels <- getRels
- let relsWithoutSlides = filter (\r -> relType r /= "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide") rels
+ -- we remove the slide rels and the notesmaster (if it's
+ -- there). We'll put these back in ourselves, if necessary.
+ let relsWeKeep = filter
+ (\r -> relType r /= "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide" &&
+ relType r /= "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/notesMaster")
+ rels
-- We want to make room for the slides in the id space. The slides
-- will start at Id2 (since Id1 is for the slide master). There are
-- two slides in the data file, but that might change in the future,
@@ -1384,8 +1397,9 @@ presentationToRels (Presentation _ slides) = do
-- 1. We look to see what the minimum relWithoutSlide id (greater than 1) is.
-- 2. We add the difference between this and the number of slides to
-- all relWithoutSlide rels (unless they're 1)
+ -- 3. If we have a notesmaster slide, we make space for that as well.
- let minRelNotOne = case filter (1<) $ map relId relsWithoutSlides of
+ let minRelNotOne = case filter (1<) $ map relId relsWeKeep of
[] -> 0 -- doesn't matter in this case, since
-- there will be nothing to map the
-- function over
@@ -1393,11 +1407,11 @@ presentationToRels (Presentation _ slides) = do
modifyRelNum :: Int -> Int
modifyRelNum 1 = 1
- modifyRelNum n = n - minRelNotOne + 2 + length slides
+ modifyRelNum n = n - minRelNotOne + 2 + length insertedRels
- relsWithoutSlides' = map (\r -> r{relId = modifyRelNum $ relId r}) relsWithoutSlides
+ relsWeKeep' = map (\r -> r{relId = modifyRelNum $ relId r}) relsWeKeep
- return $ mySlideRels ++ relsWithoutSlides'
+ return $ insertedRels ++ relsWeKeep'
-- We make this ourselves, in case there's a thumbnail in the one from
-- the template.
@@ -1601,26 +1615,41 @@ presentationToPresentationElement pres@(Presentation _ slds) = do
notesMasterRId = length slds + 2
- modifySpeakerNotes' :: Content -> [Content]
- modifySpeakerNotes' (Elem e) = case elName e of
- (QName "notesMasterIdLst" _ _) ->
- if presHasSpeakerNotes pres
- then [Elem $
- mknode "p:notesMasterIdLst" []
- [ mknode
- "p:NotesMasterId"
- [("r:id", "rId" ++ show notesMasterRId)]
- ()
- ]
- ]
- else []
- _ -> [Elem e]
- modifySpeakerNotes' ct = [ct]
- modifySpeakerNotes :: [Content] -> [Content]
- modifySpeakerNotes = concatMap modifySpeakerNotes'
+ notesMasterElem = mknode "p:notesMasterIdLst" []
+ [ mknode
+ "p:NotesMasterId"
+ [("r:id", "rId" ++ show notesMasterRId)]
+ ()
+ ]
- newContent = modifySpeakerNotes $ map modifySldIdLst $ elContent element
+ -- if there's a notesMasterIdLst in the presentation.xml file,
+ -- we want to remove it. We then want to put our own, if
+ -- necessary, after the slideMasterIdLst element.
+ removeNotesMaster' :: Content -> [Content]
+ removeNotesMaster' (Elem e) = case elName e of
+ (QName "notesMasterIdLst" _ _) -> []
+ _ -> [Elem e]
+ removeNotesMaster' ct = [ct]
+ removeNotesMaster :: [Content] -> [Content]
+ removeNotesMaster = concatMap removeNotesMaster'
+ insertNotesMaster' :: Content -> [Content]
+ insertNotesMaster' (Elem e) = case elName e of
+ (QName "sldMasterIdLst" _ _) -> [Elem e, Elem notesMasterElem]
+ _ -> [Elem e]
+ insertNotesMaster' ct = [ct]
+ insertNotesMaster :: [Content] -> [Content]
+ insertNotesMaster = if presHasSpeakerNotes pres
+ then concatMap insertNotesMaster'
+ else id
+ newContent = insertNotesMaster $
+ removeNotesMaster $
+ map modifySldIdLst $
+ elContent element
return $ element{elContent = newContent}