path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index 2a834c2da..bb2071455 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ writeDocx opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
-- styles
let newstyles = styleToOpenXml $ writerHighlightStyle opts
let stylepath = "word/styles.xml"
- styledoc <- parseXml refArchive stylepath
+ styledoc <- parseXml refArchive stylepath Nothing
let styledoc' = styledoc{ elContent = elContent styledoc ++
[Elem x | x <- newstyles, writerHighlight opts] }
let styleEntry = toEntry stylepath epochtime $ renderXml styledoc'
@@ -256,19 +256,20 @@ writeDocx opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
let relsEntry = toEntry relsPath epochtime $ renderXml rels
- let entryFromArchive path = (toEntry path epochtime . renderXml) `fmap`
- parseXml refArchive path
- docPropsAppEntry <- entryFromArchive "docProps/app.xml"
- themeEntry <- entryFromArchive "word/theme/theme1.xml"
- fontTableEntry <- entryFromArchive "word/fontTable.xml"
- settingsEntry <- entryFromArchive "word/settings.xml"
- webSettingsEntry <- entryFromArchive "word/webSettings.xml"
+ let entryFromArchive path fallback =
+ (toEntry path epochtime . renderXml) `fmap`
+ parseXml refArchive path fallback
+ docPropsAppEntry <- entryFromArchive "docProps/app.xml" Nothing
+ themeEntry <- entryFromArchive "word/theme/theme1.xml" Nothing
+ fontTableEntry <- entryFromArchive "word/fontTable.xml" Nothing
+ settingsEntry <- entryFromArchive "word/settings.xml" Nothing
+ webSettingsEntry <- entryFromArchive "word/webSettings.xml" Nothing
let miscRels = [ f | f <- filesInArchive refArchive
, "word/_rels/" `isPrefixOf` f
, ".xml.rels" `isSuffixOf` f
, f /= "word/_rels/document.xml.rels"
, f /= "word/_rels/footnotes.xml.rels" ]
- miscRelEntries <- mapM entryFromArchive miscRels
+ miscRelEntries <- mapM (\f -> entryFromArchive f Nothing) miscRels
-- Create archive
let archive = foldr addEntryToArchive emptyArchive $
@@ -814,10 +815,10 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Image alt (src, tit)) = do
br :: Element
br = mknode "w:r" [] [mknode "w:br" [("w:type","textWrapping")] () ]
-parseXml :: Archive -> String -> IO Element
-parseXml refArchive relpath =
- case findEntryByPath relpath refArchive of
- Just e -> case parseXMLDoc $ UTF8.toStringLazy $ fromEntry e of
- Just d -> return d
- Nothing -> fail $ relpath ++ " corrupt in reference docx"
- Nothing -> fail $ relpath ++ " missing in reference docx"
+parseXml :: Archive -> String -> Maybe String -> IO Element
+parseXml refArchive relpath fallback =
+ case (findEntryByPath relpath refArchive
+ >>= parseXMLDoc . UTF8.toStringLazy . fromEntry) `mplus`
+ (fallback >>= parseXMLDoc) of
+ Just d -> return d
+ Nothing -> fail $ relpath ++ " corrupt or missing in reference docx"