path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
index 48a6934eb..bab74c77c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
@@ -154,71 +154,72 @@ blockToNodes opts (DefinitionList items) ns =
Plain (term ++ [LineBreak] ++ xs) : ys ++ concat zs
dlToBullet (term, xs) =
Para term : concat xs
-blockToNodes opts t@(Table capt aligns _widths headers rows) ns =
- if isEnabled Ext_pipe_tables opts && onlySimpleTableCells (headers:rows)
- then do
- -- We construct a table manually as a CUSTOM_BLOCK, for
- -- two reasons: (1) cmark-gfm currently doesn't support
- -- rendering TABLE nodes; (2) we can align the column sides;
- -- (3) we can render the caption as a regular paragraph.
- let capt' = node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes opts capt)
- -- backslash | in code and raw:
- let fixPipe (Code attr xs) =
- Code attr (T.replace "|" "\\|" xs)
- fixPipe (RawInline format xs) =
- RawInline format (T.replace "|" "\\|" xs)
- fixPipe x = x
- let toCell [Plain ils] = T.strip
- $ nodeToCommonmark [] Nothing
- $ node (CUSTOM_INLINE mempty mempty)
- $ inlinesToNodes opts
- $ walk (fixPipe . softBreakToSpace) ils
- toCell [Para ils] = T.strip
- $ nodeToCommonmark [] Nothing
- $ node (CUSTOM_INLINE mempty mempty)
- $ inlinesToNodes opts
- $ walk (fixPipe . softBreakToSpace) ils
- toCell [] = ""
- toCell xs = error $ "toCell encountered " ++ show xs
- let separator = " | "
- let starter = "| "
- let ender = " |"
- let rawheaders = map toCell headers
- let rawrows = map (map toCell) rows
- let maximum' [] = 0
- maximum' xs = maximum xs
- let colwidths = map (maximum' . map T.length) $
- transpose (rawheaders:rawrows)
- let toHeaderLine len AlignDefault = T.replicate len "-"
- toHeaderLine len AlignLeft = ":" <>
- T.replicate (max (len - 1) 1) "-"
- toHeaderLine len AlignRight =
- T.replicate (max (len - 1) 1) "-" <> ":"
- toHeaderLine len AlignCenter = ":" <>
- T.replicate (max (len - 2) 1) (T.pack "-") <> ":"
- let rawheaderlines = zipWith toHeaderLine colwidths aligns
- let headerlines = starter <> T.intercalate separator rawheaderlines <>
- ender
- let padContent (align, w) t' =
- let padding = w - T.length t'
- halfpadding = padding `div` 2
- in case align of
- AlignRight -> T.replicate padding " " <> t'
- AlignCenter -> T.replicate halfpadding " " <> t' <>
- T.replicate (padding - halfpadding) " "
- _ -> t' <> T.replicate padding " "
- let toRow xs = starter <> T.intercalate separator
- (zipWith padContent (zip aligns colwidths) xs) <>
- ender
- let table' = toRow rawheaders <> "\n" <> headerlines <> "\n" <>
- T.intercalate "\n" (map toRow rawrows)
- return (node (CUSTOM_BLOCK table' mempty) [] :
- if null capt
- then ns
- else capt' : ns)
- else do -- fall back to raw HTML
- s <- writeHtml5String def $! Pandoc nullMeta [t]
- return (node (HTML_BLOCK s) [] : ns)
+blockToNodes opts t@(Table _ blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot) ns =
+ let (capt, aligns, _widths, headers, rows) = toLegacyTable blkCapt specs thead tbody tfoot
+ in if isEnabled Ext_pipe_tables opts && onlySimpleTableCells (headers : rows)
+ then do
+ -- We construct a table manually as a CUSTOM_BLOCK, for
+ -- two reasons: (1) cmark-gfm currently doesn't support
+ -- rendering TABLE nodes; (2) we can align the column sides;
+ -- (3) we can render the caption as a regular paragraph.
+ let capt' = node PARAGRAPH (inlinesToNodes opts capt)
+ -- backslash | in code and raw:
+ let fixPipe (Code attr xs) =
+ Code attr (T.replace "|" "\\|" xs)
+ fixPipe (RawInline format xs) =
+ RawInline format (T.replace "|" "\\|" xs)
+ fixPipe x = x
+ let toCell [Plain ils] = T.strip
+ $ nodeToCommonmark [] Nothing
+ $ node (CUSTOM_INLINE mempty mempty)
+ $ inlinesToNodes opts
+ $ walk (fixPipe . softBreakToSpace) ils
+ toCell [Para ils] = T.strip
+ $ nodeToCommonmark [] Nothing
+ $ node (CUSTOM_INLINE mempty mempty)
+ $ inlinesToNodes opts
+ $ walk (fixPipe . softBreakToSpace) ils
+ toCell [] = ""
+ toCell xs = error $ "toCell encountered " ++ show xs
+ let separator = " | "
+ let starter = "| "
+ let ender = " |"
+ let rawheaders = map toCell headers
+ let rawrows = map (map toCell) rows
+ let maximum' [] = 0
+ maximum' xs = maximum xs
+ let colwidths = map (maximum' . map T.length) $
+ transpose (rawheaders:rawrows)
+ let toHeaderLine len AlignDefault = T.replicate len "-"
+ toHeaderLine len AlignLeft = ":" <>
+ T.replicate (max (len - 1) 1) "-"
+ toHeaderLine len AlignRight =
+ T.replicate (max (len - 1) 1) "-" <> ":"
+ toHeaderLine len AlignCenter = ":" <>
+ T.replicate (max (len - 2) 1) (T.pack "-") <> ":"
+ let rawheaderlines = zipWith toHeaderLine colwidths aligns
+ let headerlines = starter <> T.intercalate separator rawheaderlines <>
+ ender
+ let padContent (align, w) t' =
+ let padding = w - T.length t'
+ halfpadding = padding `div` 2
+ in case align of
+ AlignRight -> T.replicate padding " " <> t'
+ AlignCenter -> T.replicate halfpadding " " <> t' <>
+ T.replicate (padding - halfpadding) " "
+ _ -> t' <> T.replicate padding " "
+ let toRow xs = starter <> T.intercalate separator
+ (zipWith padContent (zip aligns colwidths) xs) <>
+ ender
+ let table' = toRow rawheaders <> "\n" <> headerlines <> "\n" <>
+ T.intercalate "\n" (map toRow rawrows)
+ return (node (CUSTOM_BLOCK table' mempty) [] :
+ if null capt
+ then ns
+ else capt' : ns)
+ else do -- fall back to raw HTML
+ s <- writeHtml5String def $! Pandoc nullMeta [t]
+ return (node (HTML_BLOCK s) [] : ns)
blockToNodes _ Null ns = return ns
inlinesToNodes :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> [Node]