path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/XMLConverter.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/XMLConverter.hs')
1 files changed, 1064 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/XMLConverter.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/XMLConverter.hs
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index 000000000..ec7e0ea5e
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+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/XMLConverter.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Linnemann <theCodingMarlin@googlemail.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.XMLConverter
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Linnemann
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : Martin Linnemann <theCodingMarlin@googlemail.com>
+ Stability : alpha
+ Portability : portable
+A generalized XML parser based on stateful arrows.
+It might be sufficient to define this reader as a comonad, but there is
+not a lot of use in trying.
+module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.XMLConverter
+( ElementName
+, XMLConverterState
+, XMLConverter
+, FallibleXMLConverter
+, swapPosition
+, runConverter
+, runConverter''
+, runConverter'
+, runConverterF'
+, runConverterF
+, getCurrentElement
+, getExtraState
+, setExtraState
+, modifyExtraState
+, convertingExtraState
+, producingExtraState
+, lookupNSiri
+, lookupNSprefix
+, readNSattributes
+, elemName
+, elemNameIs
+, strContent
+, elContent
+, currentElem
+, currentElemIs
+, expectElement
+, elChildren
+, findChildren
+, filterChildren
+, filterChildrenName
+, findChild'
+, findChild
+, filterChild'
+, filterChild
+, filterChildName'
+, filterChildName
+, isSet
+, isSet'
+, isSetWithDefault
+, hasAttrValueOf'
+, failIfNotAttrValueOf
+, isThatTheAttrValue
+, searchAttrIn
+, searchAttrWith
+, searchAttr
+, lookupAttr
+, lookupAttr'
+, lookupAttrWithDefault
+, lookupDefaultingAttr
+, findAttr'
+, findAttr
+, findAttrWithDefault
+, readAttr
+, readAttr'
+, readAttrWithDefault
+, getAttr
+-- , (>/<)
+-- , (?>/<)
+, executeIn
+, collectEvery
+, withEveryL
+, withEvery
+, tryAll
+, tryAll'
+, IdXMLConverter
+, MaybeEConverter
+, ElementMatchConverter
+, MaybeCConverter
+, ContentMatchConverter
+, makeMatcherE
+, makeMatcherC
+, prepareMatchersE
+, prepareMatchersC
+, matchChildren
+, matchContent''
+, matchContent'
+, matchContent
+) where
+import Control.Applicative hiding ( liftA, liftA2 )
+import Control.Monad ( MonadPlus )
+import Control.Arrow
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Foldable as F
+import Data.Default
+import Data.Monoid ( Monoid )
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Text.XML.Light as XML
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Arrows.State
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Arrows.Utils
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Namespaces
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Utils
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Fallible
+-- Basis types for readability
+type ElementName = String
+type AttributeName = String
+type AttributeValue = String
+type NameSpacePrefix = String
+type NameSpacePrefixes nsID = M.Map nsID NameSpacePrefix
+-- Main converter state
+-- GADT so some of the NameSpaceID restrictions can be deduced
+data XMLConverterState nsID extraState where
+ XMLConverterState :: NameSpaceID nsID
+ => { -- | A stack of parent elements. The top element is the current one.
+ -- Arguably, a real Zipper would be better. But that is an
+ -- optimization that can be made at a later time, e.g. when
+ -- replacing Text.XML.Light.
+ parentElements :: [XML.Element]
+ -- | A map from internal namespace IDs to the namespace prefixes
+ -- used in XML elements
+ , namespacePrefixes :: NameSpacePrefixes nsID
+ -- | A map from internal namespace IDs to namespace IRIs
+ -- (Only necessary for matching namespace IDs and prefixes)
+ , namespaceIRIs :: NameSpaceIRIs nsID
+ -- | A place to put "something else". This feature is used heavily
+ -- to keep the main code cleaner. More specifically, the main reader
+ -- is divided into different stages. Each stage lifts something up
+ -- here, which the next stage can then use. This could of course be
+ -- generalized to a state-tree or used for the namespace IRIs. The
+ -- border between states and values is an imaginary one, after all.
+ -- But the separation as it is seems to be enough for now.
+ , moreState :: extraState
+ }
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+createStartState :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => XML.Element
+ -> extraState
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+createStartState element extraState =
+ XMLConverterState
+ { parentElements = [element]
+ , namespacePrefixes = M.empty
+ , namespaceIRIs = getInitialIRImap
+ , moreState = extraState
+ }
+-- | Functor over extra state
+instance Functor (XMLConverterState nsID) where
+ fmap f ( XMLConverterState parents prefixes iRIs extraState )
+ = XMLConverterState parents prefixes iRIs (f extraState)
+replaceExtraState :: extraState
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID _x
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+replaceExtraState x s
+ = fmap (const x) s
+currentElement :: XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+ -> XML.Element
+currentElement state = head (parentElements state)
+-- | Replace the current position by another, modifying the extra state
+-- in the process
+swapPosition :: (extraState -> extraState')
+ -> [XML.Element]
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID extraState'
+swapPosition f stack state
+ = state { parentElements = stack
+ , moreState = f (moreState state)
+ }
+-- | Replace the current position by another, modifying the extra state
+-- in the process
+swapStack' :: XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+ -> [XML.Element]
+ -> ( XMLConverterState nsID extraState , [XML.Element] )
+swapStack' state stack
+ = ( state { parentElements = stack }
+ , parentElements state
+ )
+pushElement :: XML.Element
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+pushElement e state = state { parentElements = e:(parentElements state) }
+-- | Pop the top element from the call stack, unless it is the last one.
+popElement :: XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+ -> Maybe (XMLConverterState nsID extraState)
+popElement state
+ | _:es@(_:_) <- parentElements state = Just $ state { parentElements = es }
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+-- Main type
+-- It might be a good idea to pack the converters in a GADT
+-- Downside: data instead of type
+-- Upside: 'Failure' could be made a parameter as well.
+type XMLConverter nsID extraState input output
+ = ArrowState (XMLConverterState nsID extraState ) input output
+type FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState input output
+ = XMLConverter nsID extraState input (Fallible output)
+runConverter :: XMLConverter nsID extraState input output
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+ -> input
+ -> output
+runConverter converter state input = snd $ runArrowState converter (state,input)
+runConverter'' :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => XMLConverter nsID extraState (Fallible ()) output
+ -> extraState
+ -> XML.Element
+ -> output
+runConverter'' converter extraState element = runConverter (readNSattributes >>> converter) (createStartState element extraState) ()
+runConverter' :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState () success
+ -> extraState
+ -> XML.Element
+ -> Fallible success
+runConverter' converter extraState element = runConverter (readNSattributes >>? converter) (createStartState element extraState) ()
+runConverterF' :: FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x y
+ -> XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+ -> Fallible x -> Fallible y
+runConverterF' a s e = runConverter (returnV e >>? a) s e
+runConverterF :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState XML.Element x
+ -> extraState
+ -> Fallible XML.Element -> Fallible x
+runConverterF a s = either failWith
+ (\e -> runConverter a (createStartState e s) e)
+getCurrentElement :: XMLConverter nsID extraState x XML.Element
+getCurrentElement = extractFromState currentElement
+getExtraState :: XMLConverter nsID extraState x extraState
+getExtraState = extractFromState moreState
+setExtraState :: XMLConverter nsID extraState extraState extraState
+setExtraState = withState $ \state extra
+ -> (replaceExtraState extra state , extra)
+-- | Lifts a function to the extra state.
+modifyExtraState :: (extraState -> extraState)
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x x
+modifyExtraState = modifyState.fmap
+-- | First sets the extra state to the new value. Then modifies the original
+-- extra state with a converter that uses the new state. Finally, the
+-- intermediate state is dropped and the extra state is lifted into the
+-- state as it was at the beginning of the function.
+-- As a result, exactly the extra state and nothing else is changed.
+-- The resulting converter even behaves like an identity converter on the
+-- value level.
+-- (The -ing form is meant to be mnemonic in a sequence of arrows as in
+-- convertingExtraState () converter >>> doOtherStuff)
+convertingExtraState :: extraState'
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState' extraState extraState
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x x
+convertingExtraState v a = withSubStateF setVAsExtraState modifyWithA
+ where
+ setVAsExtraState = liftAsSuccess $ extractFromState id >>^ replaceExtraState v
+ modifyWithA = keepingTheValue (moreState ^>> a)
+ >>^ spreadChoice >>?§ flip replaceExtraState
+-- | First sets the extra state to the new value. Then produces a new
+-- extra state with a converter that uses the new state. Finally, the
+-- intermediate state is dropped and the extra state is lifted into the
+-- state as it was at the beginning of the function.
+-- As a result, exactly the extra state and nothing else is changed.
+-- The resulting converter even behaves like an identity converter on the
+-- value level.
+-- Aequivalent to
+-- > \v x a -> convertingExtraState v (returnV x >>> a)
+-- (The -ing form is meant to be mnemonic in a sequence of arrows as in
+-- producingExtraState () () producer >>> doOtherStuff)
+producingExtraState :: extraState'
+ -> a
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState' a extraState
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x x
+producingExtraState v x a = convertingExtraState v (returnV x >>> a)
+-- Work in namespaces
+-- | Arrow version of 'getIRI'
+lookupNSiri :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe NameSpaceIRI)
+lookupNSiri nsID = extractFromState
+ $ \state -> getIRI nsID $ namespaceIRIs state
+lookupNSprefix :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe NameSpacePrefix)
+lookupNSprefix nsID = extractFromState
+ $ \state -> M.lookup nsID $ namespacePrefixes state
+-- | Extracts namespace attributes from the current element and tries to
+-- update the current mapping accordingly
+readNSattributes :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x ()
+readNSattributes = fromState $ \state -> maybe (state, failEmpty )
+ ( , succeedWith ())
+ (extractNSAttrs state )
+ where
+ extractNSAttrs :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => XMLConverterState nsID extraState
+ -> Maybe (XMLConverterState nsID extraState)
+ extractNSAttrs startState
+ = foldl (\state d -> state >>= addNS d)
+ (Just startState)
+ nsAttribs
+ where nsAttribs = mapMaybe readNSattr (XML.elAttribs element)
+ element = currentElement startState
+ readNSattr (XML.Attr (XML.QName name _ (Just "xmlns")) iri)
+ = Just (name, iri)
+ readNSattr _ = Nothing
+ addNS (prefix, iri) state = fmap updateState
+ $ getNamespaceID iri
+ $ namespaceIRIs state
+ where updateState (iris,nsID)
+ = state { namespaceIRIs = iris
+ , namespacePrefixes = M.insert nsID prefix
+ $ namespacePrefixes state
+ }
+-- Common namespace accessors
+-- | Given a namespace id and an element name, creates a 'XML.QName' for
+-- internal use
+elemName :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x XML.QName
+elemName nsID name = lookupNSiri nsID
+ &&& lookupNSprefix nsID
+ >>§ XML.QName name
+-- | Checks if a given element matches both a specified namespace id
+-- and a specified element name
+elemNameIs :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState XML.Element Bool
+elemNameIs nsID name = keepingTheValue (lookupNSiri nsID) >>§ hasThatName
+ where hasThatName e iri = let elName = XML.elName e
+ in XML.qName elName == name
+ && XML.qURI elName == iri
+-- General content
+strContent :: XMLConverter nsID extraState x String
+strContent = getCurrentElement
+ >>^ XML.strContent
+elContent :: XMLConverter nsID extraState x [XML.Content]
+elContent = getCurrentElement
+ >>^ XML.elContent
+-- Current element
+currentElem :: XMLConverter nsID extraState x (XML.QName)
+currentElem = getCurrentElement
+ >>^ XML.elName
+currentElemIs :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x Bool
+currentElemIs nsID name = getCurrentElement
+ >>> elemNameIs nsID name
+currentElemIs'' nsID name = ( (getCurrentElement >>^ XML.elName >>>
+ (XML.qName >>^ (&&).(== name) )
+ ^&&&^
+ (XML.qIRI >>^ (==) )
+ ) >>§ (.)
+ ) &&& lookupNSiri nsID >>§ ($)
+expectElement :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x ()
+expectElement nsID name = currentElemIs nsID name
+ >>^ boolToChoice
+-- Chilren
+elChildren :: XMLConverter nsID extraState x [XML.Element]
+elChildren = getCurrentElement
+ >>^ XML.elChildren
+findChildren :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x [XML.Element]
+findChildren nsID name = elemName nsID name
+ &&& getCurrentElement
+ >>§ XML.findChildren
+filterChildren :: (XML.Element -> Bool)
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x [XML.Element]
+filterChildren p = getCurrentElement
+ >>^ XML.filterChildren p
+filterChildrenName :: (XML.QName -> Bool)
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x [XML.Element]
+filterChildrenName p = getCurrentElement
+ >>^ XML.filterChildrenName p
+findChild' :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID
+ -> ElementName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe XML.Element)
+findChild' nsID name = elemName nsID name
+ &&& getCurrentElement
+ >>§ XML.findChild
+findChild :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x XML.Element
+findChild nsID name = findChild' nsID name
+ >>> maybeToChoice
+filterChild' :: (XML.Element -> Bool)
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe XML.Element)
+filterChild' p = getCurrentElement
+ >>^ XML.filterChild p
+filterChild :: (XML.Element -> Bool)
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x XML.Element
+filterChild p = filterChild' p
+ >>> maybeToChoice
+filterChildName' :: (XML.QName -> Bool)
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe XML.Element)
+filterChildName' p = getCurrentElement
+ >>^ XML.filterChildName p
+filterChildName :: (XML.QName -> Bool)
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x XML.Element
+filterChildName p = filterChildName' p
+ >>> maybeToChoice
+-- Attributes
+isSet :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> (Either Failure Bool)
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x Bool
+isSet nsID attrName deflt
+ = findAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>^ maybe deflt stringToBool
+isSet' :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe Bool)
+isSet' nsID attrName = findAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>^ (>>= stringToBool')
+isSetWithDefault :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> Bool
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x Bool
+isSetWithDefault nsID attrName def'
+ = isSet' nsID attrName
+ >>^ fromMaybe def'
+hasAttrValueOf' :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> AttributeValue
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x Bool
+hasAttrValueOf' nsID attrName attrValue
+ = findAttr nsID attrName
+ >>> ( const False ^|||^ (==attrValue))
+failIfNotAttrValueOf :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> AttributeValue
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x ()
+failIfNotAttrValueOf nsID attrName attrValue
+ = hasAttrValueOf' nsID attrName attrValue
+ >>^ boolToChoice
+-- | Is the value that is currently transported in the arrow the value of
+-- the specified attribute?
+isThatTheAttrValue :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState AttributeValue Bool
+isThatTheAttrValue nsID attrName
+ = keepingTheValue
+ (findAttr nsID attrName)
+ >>§ right.(==)
+-- | Lookup value in a dictionary, fail if no attribute found or value
+-- not in dictionary
+searchAttrIn :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> [(AttributeValue,a)]
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x a
+searchAttrIn nsID attrName dict
+ = findAttr nsID attrName
+ >>?^? maybeToChoice.(`lookup` dict )
+-- | Lookup value in a dictionary. Fail if no attribute found. If value not in
+-- dictionary, return default value
+searchAttrWith :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> a
+ -> [(AttributeValue,a)]
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x a
+searchAttrWith nsID attrName defV dict
+ = findAttr nsID attrName
+ >>?^ (fromMaybe defV).(`lookup` dict )
+-- | Lookup value in a dictionary. If attribute or value not found,
+-- return default value
+searchAttr :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> a
+ -> [(AttributeValue,a)]
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x a
+searchAttr nsID attrName defV dict
+ = searchAttrIn nsID attrName dict
+ >>> const defV ^|||^ id
+-- | Read a 'Lookupable' attribute. Fail if no match.
+lookupAttr :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Lookupable a)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x a
+lookupAttr nsID attrName = lookupAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>^ maybeToChoice
+-- | Read a 'Lookupable' attribute. Return the result as a 'Maybe'.
+lookupAttr' :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Lookupable a)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe a)
+lookupAttr' nsID attrName
+ = findAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>^ (>>= readLookupable)
+-- | Read a 'Lookupable' attribute with explicit default
+lookupAttrWithDefault :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Lookupable a)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> a
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x a
+lookupAttrWithDefault nsID attrName deflt
+ = lookupAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>^ fromMaybe deflt
+-- | Read a 'Lookupable' attribute with implicit default
+lookupDefaultingAttr :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Lookupable a, Default a)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x a
+lookupDefaultingAttr nsID attrName
+ = lookupAttrWithDefault nsID attrName def
+-- | Return value as a (Maybe String)
+findAttr' :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe AttributeValue)
+findAttr' nsID attrName = elemName nsID attrName
+ &&& getCurrentElement
+ >>§ XML.findAttr
+-- | Return value as string or fail
+findAttr :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x AttributeValue
+findAttr nsID attrName = findAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>> maybeToChoice
+-- | Return value as string or return provided default value
+findAttrWithDefault :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> AttributeValue
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x AttributeValue
+findAttrWithDefault nsID attrName deflt
+ = findAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>^ fromMaybe deflt
+-- | Read and return value or fail
+readAttr :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Read attrValue)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x attrValue
+readAttr nsID attrName = readAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>> maybeToChoice
+-- | Read and return value or return Nothing
+readAttr' :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Read attrValue)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x (Maybe attrValue)
+readAttr' nsID attrName = findAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>^ (>>= tryToRead)
+-- | Read and return value or return provided default value
+readAttrWithDefault :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Read attrValue)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> attrValue
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x attrValue
+readAttrWithDefault nsID attrName deflt
+ = findAttr' nsID attrName
+ >>^ (>>= tryToRead)
+ >>^ fromMaybe deflt
+-- | Read and return value or return default value from 'Default' instance
+getAttr :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Read attrValue, Default attrValue)
+ => nsID -> AttributeName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState x attrValue
+getAttr nsID attrName = readAttrWithDefault nsID attrName def
+-- Movements
+jumpThere :: XMLConverter nsID extraState XML.Element XML.Element
+jumpThere = withState (\state element
+ -> ( pushElement element state , element )
+ )
+swapStack :: XMLConverter nsID extraState [XML.Element] [XML.Element]
+swapStack = withState swapStack'
+jumpBack :: FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState _x _x
+jumpBack = tryModifyState (popElement >>> maybeToChoice)
+-- | Support function for "procedural" converters: jump to an element, execute
+-- a converter, jump back.
+-- This version is safer than 'executeThere', because it does not rely on the
+-- internal stack. As a result, the converter can not move around in arbitrary
+-- ways. The downside is of course that some of the environment is not
+-- accessible to the converter.
+switchingTheStack :: XMLConverter nsID moreState a b
+ -> XMLConverter nsID moreState (a, XML.Element) b
+switchingTheStack a = second ( (:[]) ^>> swapStack )
+ >>> first a
+ >>> second swapStack
+ >>^ fst
+-- | Support function for "procedural" converters: jumps to an element, executes
+-- a converter, jumps back.
+-- Make sure that the converter is well-behaved; that is it should
+-- return to the exact position it started from in /every possible path/ of
+-- execution, even if it "fails". If it does not, you may encounter
+-- strange bugs. If you are not sure about the behaviour or want to use
+-- shortcuts, you can often use 'switchingTheStack' instead.
+executeThere :: FallibleXMLConverter nsID moreState a b
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID moreState (a, XML.Element) b
+executeThere a = second jumpThere
+ >>> fst
+ ^>> a
+ >>> jumpBack -- >>? jumpBack would not ensure the jump.
+ >>^ collapseEither
+-- | Do something in a sub-element, tnen come back
+executeIn :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState f s
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState f s
+executeIn nsID name a = keepingTheValue
+ (findChild nsID name)
+ >>> ignoringState liftFailure
+ >>? switchingTheStack a
+ where liftFailure (_, (Left f)) = Left f
+ liftFailure (x, (Right e)) = Right (x, e)
+-- Iterating over children
+-- Helper converter to prepare different types of iterations.
+-- It lifts the children (of a certain type) of the current element
+-- into the value level and pairs each one with the current input value.
+prepareIteration :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState b [(b, XML.Element)]
+prepareIteration nsID name = keepingTheValue
+ (findChildren nsID name)
+ >>§ distributeValue
+-- | Applies a converter to every child element of a specific type.
+-- Collects results in a 'Monoid'.
+-- Fails completely if any conversion fails.
+collectEvery :: (NameSpaceID nsID, Monoid m)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a m
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a m
+collectEvery nsID name a = prepareIteration nsID name
+ >>> foldS' (switchingTheStack a)
+withEveryL :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a b
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a [b]
+withEveryL = withEvery
+-- | Applies a converter to every child element of a specific type.
+-- Collects results in a 'MonadPlus'.
+-- Fails completely if any conversion fails.
+withEvery :: (NameSpaceID nsID, MonadPlus m)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a b
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a (m b)
+withEvery nsID name a = prepareIteration nsID name
+ >>> iterateS' (switchingTheStack a)
+-- | Applies a converter to every child element of a specific type.
+-- Collects all successful results in a list.
+tryAll :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState b a
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState b [a]
+tryAll nsID name a = prepareIteration nsID name
+ >>> iterateS (switchingTheStack a)
+ >>^ collectRights
+-- | Applies a converter to every child element of a specific type.
+-- Collects all successful results.
+tryAll' :: (NameSpaceID nsID, F.Foldable c, MonadPlus c)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState b a
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState b (c a)
+tryAll' nsID name a = prepareIteration nsID name
+ >>> iterateS (switchingTheStack a)
+ >>^ collectRightsF
+-- Matching children
+type IdXMLConverter nsID moreState x
+ = XMLConverter nsID moreState x x
+type MaybeEConverter nsID moreState x
+ = Maybe (IdXMLConverter nsID moreState (x, XML.Element))
+-- Chainable converter that helps deciding which converter to actually use.
+type ElementMatchConverter nsID extraState x
+ = IdXMLConverter nsID
+ extraState
+ (MaybeEConverter nsID extraState x, XML.Element)
+type MaybeCConverter nsID moreState x
+ = Maybe (IdXMLConverter nsID moreState (x, XML.Content))
+-- Chainable converter that helps deciding which converter to actually use.
+type ContentMatchConverter nsID extraState x
+ = IdXMLConverter nsID
+ extraState
+ (MaybeCConverter nsID extraState x, XML.Content)
+-- Helper function: The @c@ is actually a converter that is to be selected by
+-- matching XML elements to the first two parameters.
+-- The fold used to match elements however is very simple, so to use it,
+-- this function wraps the converter in another converter that unifies
+-- the accumulator. Think of a lot of converters with the resulting type
+-- chained together. The accumulator not only transports the element
+-- unchanged to the next matcher, it also does the actual selecting by
+-- combining the intermediate results with '(<|>)'.
+makeMatcherE :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a a
+ -> ElementMatchConverter nsID extraState a
+makeMatcherE nsID name c = ( second (
+ elemNameIs nsID name
+ >>^ bool Nothing (Just tryC)
+ )
+ >>§ (<|>)
+ ) &&&^ snd
+ where tryC = (fst ^&&& executeThere c >>§ recover) &&&^ snd
+-- Helper function: The @c@ is actually a converter that is to be selected by
+-- matching XML content to the first two parameters.
+-- The fold used to match elements however is very simple, so to use it,
+-- this function wraps the converter in another converter that unifies
+-- the accumulator. Think of a lot of converters with the resulting type
+-- chained together. The accumulator not only transports the element
+-- unchanged to the next matcher, it also does the actual selecting by
+-- combining the intermediate results with '(<|>)'.
+makeMatcherC :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => nsID -> ElementName
+ -> FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a a
+ -> ContentMatchConverter nsID extraState a
+makeMatcherC nsID name c = ( second ( contentToElem
+ >>> returnV Nothing
+ ||| ( elemNameIs nsID name
+ >>^ bool Nothing (Just cWithJump)
+ )
+ )
+ >>§ (<|>)
+ ) &&&^ snd
+ where cWithJump = ( fst
+ ^&&& ( second contentToElem
+ >>> spreadChoice
+ ^>>? executeThere c
+ )
+ >>§ recover)
+ &&&^ snd
+ contentToElem :: FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState XML.Content XML.Element
+ contentToElem = arr $ \e -> case e of
+ XML.Elem e' -> succeedWith e'
+ _ -> failEmpty
+-- Creates and chains a bunch of matchers
+prepareMatchersE :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => [(nsID, ElementName, FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x x)]
+ -> ElementMatchConverter nsID extraState x
+--prepareMatchersE = foldSs . (map $ uncurry3 makeMatcherE)
+prepareMatchersE = reverseComposition . (map $ uncurry3 makeMatcherE)
+-- Creates and chains a bunch of matchers
+prepareMatchersC :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => [(nsID, ElementName, FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState x x)]
+ -> ContentMatchConverter nsID extraState x
+--prepareMatchersC = foldSs . (map $ uncurry3 makeMatcherC)
+prepareMatchersC = reverseComposition . (map $ uncurry3 makeMatcherC)
+-- | Takes a list of element-data - converter groups and
+-- * Finds all children of the current element
+-- * Matches each group to each child in order (at most one group per child)
+-- * Filters non-matched children
+-- * Chains all found converters in child-order
+-- * Applies the chain to the input element
+matchChildren :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => [(nsID, ElementName, FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a a)]
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState a a
+matchChildren lookups = let matcher = prepareMatchersE lookups
+ in keepingTheValue (
+ elChildren
+ >>> map (Nothing,)
+ ^>> iterateSL matcher
+ >>^ catMaybes.map (\(m,e) -> fmap (swallowElem e) m)
+ -- >>> foldSs
+ >>> reverseComposition
+ )
+ >>> swap
+ ^>> app
+ where
+ -- let the converter swallow the element and drop the element
+ -- in the return value
+ swallowElem element converter = (,element) ^>> converter >>^ fst
+matchContent'' :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => [(nsID, ElementName, FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a a)]
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState a a
+matchContent'' lookups = let matcher = prepareMatchersC lookups
+ in keepingTheValue (
+ elContent
+ >>> map (Nothing,)
+ ^>> iterateSL matcher
+ >>^ catMaybes.map (\(m,c) -> fmap (swallowContent c) m)
+ -- >>> foldSs
+ >>> reverseComposition
+ )
+ >>> swap
+ ^>> app
+ where
+ -- let the converter swallow the content and drop the content
+ -- in the return value
+ swallowContent content converter = (,content) ^>> converter >>^ fst
+-- | Takes a list of element-data - converter groups and
+-- * Finds all content of the current element
+-- * Matches each group to each piece of content in order
+-- (at most one group per piece of content)
+-- * Filters non-matched content
+-- * Chains all found converters in content-order
+-- * Applies the chain to the input element
+matchContent' :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => [(nsID, ElementName, FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a a)]
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState a a
+matchContent' lookups = matchContent lookups (arr fst)
+-- | Takes a list of element-data - converter groups and
+-- * Finds all content of the current element
+-- * Matches each group to each piece of content in order
+-- (at most one group per piece of content)
+-- * Adds a default converter for all non-matched content
+-- * Chains all found converters in content-order
+-- * Applies the chain to the input element
+matchContent :: (NameSpaceID nsID)
+ => [(nsID, ElementName, FallibleXMLConverter nsID extraState a a)]
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState (a,XML.Content) a
+ -> XMLConverter nsID extraState a a
+matchContent lookups fallback
+ = let matcher = prepareMatchersC lookups
+ in keepingTheValue (
+ elContent
+ >>> map (Nothing,)
+ ^>> iterateSL matcher
+ >>^ map swallowOrFallback
+ -- >>> foldSs
+ >>> reverseComposition
+ )
+ >>> swap
+ ^>> app
+ where
+ -- let the converter swallow the content and drop the content
+ -- in the return value
+ swallowOrFallback (Just converter,content) = (,content) ^>> converter >>^ fst
+ swallowOrFallback (Nothing ,content) = (,content) ^>> fallback
+-- Internals
+stringToBool :: (Monoid failure) => String -> Either failure Bool
+stringToBool val -- stringToBool' val >>> maybeToChoice
+ | val `elem` trueValues = succeedWith True
+ | val `elem` falseValues = succeedWith False
+ | otherwise = failEmpty
+ where trueValues = ["true" ,"on" ,"1"]
+ falseValues = ["false","off","0"]
+stringToBool' :: String -> Maybe Bool
+stringToBool' val | val `elem` trueValues = Just True
+ | val `elem` falseValues = Just False
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where trueValues = ["true" ,"on" ,"1"]
+ falseValues = ["false","off","0"]
+distributeValue :: a -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
+distributeValue = map.(,)
+It might be a good idea to refactor the namespace stuff.
+E.g.: if a namespace constructor took a string as a parameter, things like
+> a ?>/< (NsText,"body")
+would be nicer.
+Together with a rename and some trickery, something like
+> |< NsText "body" >< NsText "p" ?> a </> </>|
+might even be possible.
+Some day, XML.Light should be replaced by something better.
+While doing that, it might be useful to replace String as the type of element
+names with something else, too. (Of course with OverloadedStrings).
+While doing that, maybe the types can be created in a way that something like
+> NsText:"body"
+could be used. Overloading (:) does not sounds like the best idea, but if the
+element name type was a list, this might be possible.
+Of course that would be a bit hackish, so the "right" way would probably be
+something like
+> InNS NsText "body"
+but isn't that a bit boring? ;)