path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Module/Pandoc.hs
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1 files changed, 204 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Module/Pandoc.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Module/Pandoc.hs
index 5c14b3a30..20c2f5af5 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Module/Pandoc.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Module/Pandoc.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Pandoc
Copyright : Copyright © 2017-2021 Albert Krewinkel
@@ -12,32 +15,37 @@ Pandoc module for lua.
module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Pandoc
( pushModule
+ , documentedModule
) where
import Prelude hiding (read)
-import Control.Monad (when)
+import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
+import Control.Monad.Catch (catch, throwM)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
+import Data.Data (Data, dataTypeConstrs, dataTypeOf, showConstr)
import Data.Default (Default (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Foreign.Lua (Lua, NumResults, Optional, Peekable, Pushable)
+import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
+import HsLua hiding (pushModule)
+import HsLua.Class.Peekable (PeekError)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocIO (runIO)
-import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block, Inline)
-import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Filter (LuaFilter, SingletonsList (..), walkInlines,
- walkInlineLists, walkBlocks, walkBlockLists)
-import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshaling ()
-import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshaling.List (List (..))
-import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocLua (PandocLua, addFunction, liftPandocLua,
- loadDefaultModule)
-import Text.Pandoc.Walk (Walkable)
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Orphans ()
+import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.AST
+import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Filter (peekFilter)
+import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.ReaderOptions ( peekReaderOptions
+ , pushReaderOptions)
+import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Module.Utils (sha1)
+import Text.Pandoc.Lua.PandocLua (PandocLua, liftPandocLua)
import Text.Pandoc.Options (ReaderOptions (readerExtensions))
import Text.Pandoc.Process (pipeProcess)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers (Reader (..), getReader)
+import qualified HsLua as Lua
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Foreign.Lua as Lua
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Lua.Util as LuaUtil
import Text.Pandoc.Error
@@ -45,55 +53,164 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Error
-- module to be loadable.
pushModule :: PandocLua NumResults
pushModule = do
- loadDefaultModule "pandoc"
- addFunction "read" read
- addFunction "pipe" pipe
- addFunction "walk_block" walk_block
- addFunction "walk_inline" walk_inline
+ liftPandocLua $ Lua.pushModule documentedModule
return 1
-walkElement :: (Walkable (SingletonsList Inline) a,
- Walkable (SingletonsList Block) a,
- Walkable (List Inline) a,
- Walkable (List Block) a)
- => a -> LuaFilter -> PandocLua a
-walkElement x f = liftPandocLua $
- walkInlines f x >>= walkInlineLists f >>= walkBlocks f >>= walkBlockLists f
-walk_inline :: Inline -> LuaFilter -> PandocLua Inline
-walk_inline = walkElement
-walk_block :: Block -> LuaFilter -> PandocLua Block
-walk_block = walkElement
-read :: T.Text -> Optional T.Text -> PandocLua NumResults
-read content formatSpecOrNil = liftPandocLua $ do
- let formatSpec = fromMaybe "markdown" (Lua.fromOptional formatSpecOrNil)
- res <- Lua.liftIO . runIO $
- getReader formatSpec >>= \(rdr,es) ->
- case rdr of
- TextReader r ->
- r def{ readerExtensions = es } content
- _ -> throwError $ PandocSomeError
- "Only textual formats are supported"
- case res of
- Right pd -> (1 :: NumResults) <$ Lua.push pd -- success, push Pandoc
- Left (PandocUnknownReaderError f) -> Lua.raiseError $
- "Unknown reader: " <> f
- Left (PandocUnsupportedExtensionError e f) -> Lua.raiseError $
- "Extension " <> e <> " not supported for " <> f
- Left e -> Lua.raiseError $ show e
--- | Pipes input through a command.
-pipe :: String -- ^ path to executable
- -> [String] -- ^ list of arguments
- -> BL.ByteString -- ^ input passed to process via stdin
- -> PandocLua NumResults
-pipe command args input = liftPandocLua $ do
- (ec, output) <- Lua.liftIO $ pipeProcess Nothing command args input
- case ec of
- ExitSuccess -> 1 <$ Lua.push output
- ExitFailure n -> Lua.raiseError (PipeError (T.pack command) n output)
+documentedModule :: Module PandocError
+documentedModule = Module
+ { moduleName = "pandoc"
+ , moduleDescription = T.unlines
+ [ "Lua functions for pandoc scripts; includes constructors for"
+ , "document elements, functions to parse text in a given"
+ , "format, and functions to filter and modify a subtree."
+ ]
+ , moduleFields = stringConstants ++ [inlineField, blockField]
+ , moduleOperations = []
+ , moduleFunctions = mconcat
+ [ functions
+ , otherConstructors
+ , blockConstructors
+ , inlineConstructors
+ , metaValueConstructors
+ ]
+ }
+-- | Inline table field
+inlineField :: Field PandocError
+inlineField = Field
+ { fieldName = "Inline"
+ , fieldDescription = "Inline constructors, nested under 'constructors'."
+ -- the nesting happens for historical reasons and should probably be
+ -- changed.
+ , fieldPushValue = pushWithConstructorsSubtable inlineConstructors
+ }
+-- | @Block@ module field
+blockField :: Field PandocError
+blockField = Field
+ { fieldName = "Block"
+ , fieldDescription = "Inline constructors, nested under 'constructors'."
+ -- the nesting happens for historical reasons and should probably be
+ -- changed.
+ , fieldPushValue = pushWithConstructorsSubtable blockConstructors
+ }
+pushWithConstructorsSubtable :: [DocumentedFunction PandocError]
+ -> LuaE PandocError ()
+pushWithConstructorsSubtable constructors = do
+ newtable -- Field table
+ newtable -- constructor table
+ pushName "constructor" *> pushvalue (nth 2) *> rawset (nth 4)
+ forM_ constructors $ \fn -> do
+ pushName (functionName fn)
+ pushDocumentedFunction fn
+ rawset (nth 3)
+ pop 1 -- pop constructor table
+otherConstructors :: LuaError e => [DocumentedFunction e]
+otherConstructors =
+ [ mkPandoc
+ , mkMeta
+ , mkAttr
+ , mkAttributeList
+ , mkBlocks
+ , mkCitation
+ , mkCell
+ , mkRow
+ , mkTableHead
+ , mkTableFoot
+ , mkInlines
+ , mkListAttributes
+ , mkSimpleTable
+ , defun "ReaderOptions"
+ ### liftPure id
+ <#> parameter peekReaderOptions "ReaderOptions|table" "opts" "reader options"
+ =#> functionResult pushReaderOptions "ReaderOptions" "new object"
+ #? "Creates a new ReaderOptions value."
+ ]
+stringConstants :: [Field e]
+stringConstants =
+ let constrs :: forall a. Data a => Proxy a -> [String]
+ constrs _ = map showConstr . dataTypeConstrs . dataTypeOf @a $ undefined
+ nullaryConstructors = mconcat
+ [ constrs (Proxy @ListNumberStyle)
+ , constrs (Proxy @ListNumberDelim)
+ , constrs (Proxy @QuoteType)
+ , constrs (Proxy @MathType)
+ , constrs (Proxy @Alignment)
+ , constrs (Proxy @CitationMode)
+ ]
+ toField s = Field
+ { fieldName = T.pack s
+ , fieldDescription = T.pack s
+ , fieldPushValue = pushString s
+ }
+ in map toField nullaryConstructors
+functions :: [DocumentedFunction PandocError]
+functions =
+ [ defun "pipe"
+ ### (\command args input -> do
+ (ec, output) <- Lua.liftIO $ pipeProcess Nothing command args input
+ `catch` (throwM . PandocIOError "pipe")
+ case ec of
+ ExitSuccess -> 1 <$ Lua.pushLazyByteString output
+ ExitFailure n -> do
+ pushPipeError (PipeError (T.pack command) n output)
+ Lua.error)
+ <#> parameter peekString "string" "command" "path to executable"
+ <#> parameter (peekList peekString) "{string,...}" "args"
+ "list of arguments"
+ <#> parameter peekLazyByteString "string" "input"
+ "input passed to process via stdin"
+ =?> "output string, or error triple"
+ , defun "read"
+ ### (\content mformatspec mreaderOptions -> do
+ let formatSpec = fromMaybe "markdown" mformatspec
+ readerOptions = fromMaybe def mreaderOptions
+ res <- Lua.liftIO . runIO $ getReader formatSpec >>= \case
+ (TextReader r, es) -> r readerOptions{ readerExtensions = es }
+ content
+ _ -> throwError $ PandocSomeError
+ "Only textual formats are supported"
+ case res of
+ Right pd -> return pd -- success, got a Pandoc document
+ Left (PandocUnknownReaderError f) ->
+ Lua.failLua . T.unpack $ "Unknown reader: " <> f
+ Left (PandocUnsupportedExtensionError e f) ->
+ Lua.failLua . T.unpack $
+ "Extension " <> e <> " not supported for " <> f
+ Left e ->
+ throwM e)
+ <#> parameter peekText "string" "content" "text to parse"
+ <#> optionalParameter peekText "string" "formatspec" "format and extensions"
+ <#> optionalParameter peekReaderOptions "ReaderOptions" "reader_options"
+ "reader options"
+ =#> functionResult pushPandoc "Pandoc" "result document"
+ , sha1
+ , defun "walk_block"
+ ### walkElement
+ <#> parameter peekBlockFuzzy "Block" "block" "element to traverse"
+ <#> parameter peekFilter "Filter" "lua_filter" "filter functions"
+ =#> functionResult pushBlock "Block" "modified Block"
+ , defun "walk_inline"
+ ### walkElement
+ <#> parameter peekInlineFuzzy "Inline" "inline" "element to traverse"
+ <#> parameter peekFilter "Filter" "lua_filter" "filter functions"
+ =#> functionResult pushInline "Inline" "modified Inline"
+ ]
+ where
+ walkElement x f =
+ walkInlineSplicing f x
+ >>= walkInlinesStraight f
+ >>= walkBlockSplicing f
+ >>= walkBlocksStraight f
data PipeError = PipeError
{ pipeErrorCommand :: T.Text
@@ -101,29 +218,34 @@ data PipeError = PipeError
, pipeErrorOutput :: BL.ByteString
-instance Peekable PipeError where
- peek idx =
- PipeError
- <$> (Lua.getfield idx "command" *> Lua.peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1)
- <*> (Lua.getfield idx "error_code" *> Lua.peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1)
- <*> (Lua.getfield idx "output" *> Lua.peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1)
-instance Pushable PipeError where
- push pipeErr = do
- Lua.newtable
- LuaUtil.addField "command" (pipeErrorCommand pipeErr)
- LuaUtil.addField "error_code" (pipeErrorCode pipeErr)
- LuaUtil.addField "output" (pipeErrorOutput pipeErr)
- pushPipeErrorMetaTable
- Lua.setmetatable (-2)
- where
- pushPipeErrorMetaTable :: Lua ()
- pushPipeErrorMetaTable = do
- v <- Lua.newmetatable "pandoc pipe error"
- when v $ LuaUtil.addFunction "__tostring" pipeErrorMessage
- pipeErrorMessage :: PipeError -> Lua BL.ByteString
- pipeErrorMessage (PipeError cmd errorCode output) = return $ mconcat
+peekPipeError :: PeekError e => StackIndex -> LuaE e PipeError
+peekPipeError idx =
+ PipeError
+ <$> (Lua.getfield idx "command" *> Lua.peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1)
+ <*> (Lua.getfield idx "error_code" *> Lua.peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1)
+ <*> (Lua.getfield idx "output" *> Lua.peek (-1) <* Lua.pop 1)
+pushPipeError :: PeekError e => Pusher e PipeError
+pushPipeError pipeErr = do
+ Lua.newtable
+ LuaUtil.addField "command" (pipeErrorCommand pipeErr)
+ LuaUtil.addField "error_code" (pipeErrorCode pipeErr)
+ LuaUtil.addField "output" (pipeErrorOutput pipeErr)
+ pushPipeErrorMetaTable
+ Lua.setmetatable (-2)
+ where
+ pushPipeErrorMetaTable :: PeekError e => LuaE e ()
+ pushPipeErrorMetaTable = do
+ v <- Lua.newmetatable "pandoc pipe error"
+ when v $ do
+ pushName "__tostring"
+ pushHaskellFunction pipeErrorMessage
+ rawset (nth 3)
+ pipeErrorMessage :: PeekError e => LuaE e NumResults
+ pipeErrorMessage = do
+ (PipeError cmd errorCode output) <- peekPipeError (nthBottom 1)
+ pushByteString . BSL.toStrict . BSL.concat $
[ BSL.pack "Error running "
, BSL.pack $ T.unpack cmd
, BSL.pack " (error code "
@@ -131,3 +253,4 @@ instance Pushable PipeError where
, BSL.pack "): "
, if output == mempty then BSL.pack "<no output>" else output
+ return (NumResults 1)