path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc/MetaValue.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc/MetaValue.hs')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc/MetaValue.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc/MetaValue.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53b14f904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc/MetaValue.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Text.Pandoc.Citeproc.MetaValue
+ ( referenceToMetaValue
+ , metaValueToReference
+ , metaValueToText
+ , metaValueToPath
+ )
+import Citeproc.Types
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify)
+import Data.Maybe
+import Safe
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+metaValueToText :: MetaValue -> Maybe Text
+metaValueToText (MetaString t) = Just t
+metaValueToText (MetaInlines ils) = Just $ stringify ils
+metaValueToText (MetaBlocks bls) = Just $ stringify bls
+metaValueToText (MetaList xs) = T.unwords <$> mapM metaValueToText xs
+metaValueToText _ = Nothing
+metaValueToPath :: MetaValue -> Maybe FilePath
+metaValueToPath = fmap T.unpack . metaValueToText
+metaValueToBool :: MetaValue -> Maybe Bool
+metaValueToBool (MetaBool b) = Just b
+metaValueToBool (MetaString "true") = Just True
+metaValueToBool (MetaString "false") = Just False
+metaValueToBool (MetaInlines ils) =
+ metaValueToBool (MetaString (stringify ils))
+metaValueToBool _ = Nothing
+referenceToMetaValue :: Reference Inlines -> MetaValue
+referenceToMetaValue ref =
+ let ItemId id' = referenceId ref
+ type' = referenceType ref
+ in MetaMap $ M.insert "id" (MetaString id')
+ $ M.insert "type" (MetaString type')
+ $ M.map valToMetaValue
+ $ M.mapKeys fromVariable
+ $ referenceVariables ref
+valToMetaValue :: Val Inlines -> MetaValue
+valToMetaValue (TextVal t) = MetaString t
+valToMetaValue (FancyVal ils) = MetaInlines (B.toList ils)
+valToMetaValue (NumVal n) = MetaString (T.pack $ show n)
+valToMetaValue (NamesVal ns) = MetaList $ map nameToMetaValue ns
+valToMetaValue (DateVal d) = dateToMetaValue d
+nameToMetaValue :: Name -> MetaValue
+nameToMetaValue name =
+ MetaMap $
+ (maybe id (M.insert "family" . MetaString) (nameFamily name)) .
+ (maybe id (M.insert "given" . MetaString) (nameGiven name)) .
+ (maybe id (M.insert "dropping-particle" . MetaString)
+ (nameDroppingParticle name)) .
+ (maybe id (M.insert "non-dropping-particle" . MetaString)
+ (nameNonDroppingParticle name)) .
+ (maybe id (M.insert "suffix" . MetaString) (nameSuffix name)) .
+ (maybe id (M.insert "literal" . MetaString) (nameLiteral name)) .
+ (if nameCommaSuffix name
+ then M.insert "comma-suffix" (MetaBool True)
+ else id) .
+ (if nameStaticOrdering name
+ then M.insert "static-ordering" (MetaBool True)
+ else id)
+ $ mempty
+dateToMetaValue :: Date -> MetaValue
+dateToMetaValue date =
+ MetaString $
+ (case dateLiteral date of
+ Just l -> l
+ Nothing -> T.intercalate "/" $ map datePartsToEDTF $ dateParts date)
+ <> (if dateCirca date then "~" else "")
+ where
+ datePartsToEDTF (DateParts dps) =
+ T.pack $
+ (case dps of
+ (y:_) | y > 9999 || y < -10000 -> ('y':)
+ _ -> id) $
+ case dps of
+ (y:m:d:_)
+ | y < -1 -> printf "%05d-%02d-%02d" (y+1) m d
+ | otherwise -> printf "%04d-%02d-%02d" y m d
+ (y:m:[])
+ | y < -1 -> printf "%05d-%02d" (y+1) m
+ | otherwise -> printf "%04d-%02d" y m
+ (y:[])
+ | y < -1 -> printf "%05d" (y+1)
+ | otherwise -> printf "%04d" y
+ _ -> mempty
+metaValueToReference :: MetaValue -> Maybe (Reference Inlines)
+metaValueToReference (MetaMap m) = do
+ let m' = M.mapKeys normalizeKey m
+ id' <- M.lookup "id" m' >>= metaValueToText
+ type' <- (M.lookup "type" m' >>= metaValueToText) <|> pure ""
+ let m'' = M.delete "id" $ M.delete "type" m'
+ let vars = M.mapKeys toVariable $ M.mapWithKey metaValueToVal m''
+ return $ Reference { referenceId = ItemId id'
+ , referenceType = type'
+ , referenceDisambiguation = Nothing
+ , referenceVariables = vars }
+metaValueToReference _ = Nothing
+metaValueToVal :: Text -> MetaValue -> Val Inlines
+metaValueToVal k v
+ | k `Set.member` dateVariables
+ = DateVal $ metaValueToDate v
+ | k `Set.member` nameVariables
+ = NamesVal $ metaValueToNames v
+ | k == "other-ids"
+ = TextVal $ fromMaybe mempty $ metaValueToText v
+ -- will create space-separated list
+ | otherwise =
+ case v of
+ MetaString t -> TextVal t
+ MetaInlines ils -> FancyVal (B.fromList ils)
+ MetaBlocks bs -> FancyVal (B.fromList $ query id bs)
+ MetaBool b -> TextVal (if b then "true" else "false")
+ MetaList _ -> TextVal mempty
+ MetaMap _ -> TextVal mempty
+metaValueToDate :: MetaValue -> Date
+metaValueToDate (MetaMap m) =
+ Date
+ { dateParts = dateparts
+ , dateCirca = circa
+ , dateSeason = season
+ , dateLiteral = literal }
+ where
+ dateparts = case M.lookup "date-parts" m of
+ Just (MetaList xs) ->
+ mapMaybe metaValueToDateParts xs
+ Just _ -> []
+ Nothing ->
+ maybe [] (:[]) $ metaValueToDateParts (MetaMap m)
+ circa = fromMaybe False $
+ M.lookup "circa" m >>= metaValueToBool
+ season = M.lookup "season" m >>= metaValueToInt
+ literal = M.lookup "literal" m >>= metaValueToText
+metaValueToDate (MetaList xs) =
+ Date{ dateParts = mapMaybe metaValueToDateParts xs
+ , dateCirca = False
+ , dateSeason = Nothing
+ , dateLiteral = Nothing }
+metaValueToDate x =
+ fromMaybe emptyDate $ metaValueToText x >>= rawDateEDTF
+metaValueToInt :: MetaValue -> Maybe Int
+metaValueToInt x = metaValueToText x >>= readMay . T.unpack
+metaValueToDateParts :: MetaValue -> Maybe DateParts
+metaValueToDateParts (MetaList xs) =
+ Just $ DateParts $ map (fromMaybe 0 . metaValueToInt) xs
+metaValueToDateParts (MetaMap m) =
+ case (M.lookup "year" m >>= metaValueToInt,
+ ((M.lookup "month" m >>= metaValueToInt)
+ <|>
+ ((+ 20) <$> (M.lookup "season" m >>= metaValueToInt))),
+ M.lookup "day" m >>= metaValueToInt) of
+ (Just y, Just mo, Just d) -> Just $ DateParts [y, mo, d]
+ (Just y, Just mo, Nothing) -> Just $ DateParts [y, mo]
+ (Just y, Nothing, _) -> Just $ DateParts [y]
+ _ -> Nothing
+metaValueToDateParts _ = Nothing
+emptyDate :: Date
+emptyDate = Date { dateParts = []
+ , dateCirca = False
+ , dateSeason = Nothing
+ , dateLiteral = Nothing }
+metaValueToNames :: MetaValue -> [Name]
+metaValueToNames (MetaList xs) = mapMaybe metaValueToName xs
+metaValueToNames x = maybeToList $ metaValueToName x
+metaValueToName :: MetaValue -> Maybe Name
+metaValueToName (MetaMap m) = extractParticles <$>
+ Just Name
+ { nameFamily = family
+ , nameGiven = given
+ , nameDroppingParticle = dropping
+ , nameNonDroppingParticle = nondropping
+ , nameSuffix = suffix
+ , nameCommaSuffix = commasuffix
+ , nameStaticOrdering = staticordering
+ , nameLiteral = literal
+ }
+ where
+ family = M.lookup "family" m >>= metaValueToText
+ given = M.lookup "given" m >>= metaValueToText
+ dropping = M.lookup "dropping-particle" m
+ >>= metaValueToText
+ nondropping = M.lookup "non-dropping-particle" m
+ >>= metaValueToText
+ suffix = M.lookup "suffix" m >>= metaValueToText
+ commasuffix = fromMaybe False $
+ M.lookup "comma-suffix" m >>= metaValueToBool
+ staticordering = fromMaybe False $
+ M.lookup "static-ordering" m >>= metaValueToBool
+ literal = M.lookup "literal" m >>= metaValueToText
+metaValueToName x = extractParticles <$>
+ case metaValueToText x of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just lit -> Just Name
+ { nameFamily = Nothing
+ , nameGiven = Nothing
+ , nameDroppingParticle = Nothing
+ , nameNonDroppingParticle = Nothing
+ , nameSuffix = Nothing
+ , nameCommaSuffix = False
+ , nameStaticOrdering = False
+ , nameLiteral = Just lit }
+dateVariables :: Set.Set Text
+dateVariables = Set.fromList
+ [ "accessed", "container", "event-date", "issued",
+ "original-date", "submitted" ]
+nameVariables :: Set.Set Text
+nameVariables = Set.fromList
+ [ "author", "collection-editor", "composer",
+ "container-author", "director", "editor",
+ "editorial-director", "illustrator",
+ "interviewer", "original-author",
+ "recipient", "reviewed-author",
+ "translator" ]
+normalizeKey :: Text -> Text
+normalizeKey k =
+ case T.toLower k of
+ "doi" -> "DOI"
+ "isbn" -> "ISBN"
+ "issn" -> "ISSN"
+ "pmcid" -> "PMCID"
+ "pmid" -> "PMID"
+ "url" -> "URL"
+ x -> x