path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
index 5775f6a6c..d83f184f3 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
@@ -215,19 +215,22 @@ convertWithOpts opts = do
Just _ -> return $ optDataDir opts
-- assign reader and writer based on options and filenames
- let readerName = fromMaybe ( defaultReaderName
- (if any isURI sources
- then "html"
- else "markdown") sources) (optReader opts)
- let nonPdfWriterName Nothing = defaultWriterName outputFile
- nonPdfWriterName (Just x) = x
+ let readerName = case optReader opts of
+ Just f -> f
+ Nothing -> formatFromFilePaths fallback sources
+ where fallback = if any isURI sources
+ then "html"
+ else "markdown"
let pdfOutput = map toLower (takeExtension outputFile) == ".pdf"
(writerName, maybePdfProg) <-
if pdfOutput
then pdfWriterAndProg (optWriter opts) (optPdfEngine opts)
- else return (nonPdfWriterName $ optWriter opts, Nothing)
+ else case optWriter opts of
+ Nothing ->
+ return (formatFromFilePaths "html" [outputFile], Nothing)
+ Just f -> return (f, Nothing)
let format = map toLower $ baseWriterName
$ takeFileName writerName -- in case path to lua script
@@ -708,82 +711,62 @@ readMetaValue s = case YAML.decodeStrict (UTF8.fromString s) of
-> MetaBool b
_ -> MetaString s
--- Determine default reader based on source file extensions
-defaultReaderName :: String -> [FilePath] -> String
-defaultReaderName fallback [] = fallback
-defaultReaderName fallback (x:xs) =
- case takeExtension (map toLower x) of
- ".xhtml" -> "html"
- ".html" -> "html"
- ".htm" -> "html"
- ".md" -> "markdown"
- ".markdown" -> "markdown"
- ".muse" -> "muse"
- ".tex" -> "latex"
- ".latex" -> "latex"
- ".ltx" -> "latex"
- ".rst" -> "rst"
- ".org" -> "org"
- ".lhs" -> "markdown+lhs"
- ".db" -> "docbook"
- ".opml" -> "opml"
- ".wiki" -> "mediawiki"
- ".dokuwiki" -> "dokuwiki"
- ".textile" -> "textile"
- ".native" -> "native"
- ".json" -> "json"
- ".docx" -> "docx"
- ".t2t" -> "t2t"
- ".epub" -> "epub"
- ".odt" -> "odt"
- ".pdf" -> "pdf" -- so we get an "unknown reader" error
- ".doc" -> "doc" -- so we get an "unknown reader" error
- ".fb2" -> "fb2"
- ['.',y] | y `elem` ['1'..'9'] -> "man"
- _ -> defaultReaderName fallback xs
--- Determine default writer based on output file extension
-defaultWriterName :: FilePath -> String
-defaultWriterName "-" = "html" -- no output file
-defaultWriterName x =
+-- Determine default reader based on source file extensions.
+formatFromFilePaths :: String -> [FilePath] -> String
+formatFromFilePaths fallback [] = fallback
+formatFromFilePaths fallback (x:xs) =
+ case formatFromFilePath x of
+ Just f -> f
+ Nothing -> formatFromFilePaths fallback xs
+-- Determine format based on file extension
+formatFromFilePath :: FilePath -> Maybe String
+formatFromFilePath x =
case takeExtension (map toLower x) of
- "" -> "markdown" -- empty extension
- ".tex" -> "latex"
- ".latex" -> "latex"
- ".ltx" -> "latex"
- ".context" -> "context"
- ".ctx" -> "context"
- ".rtf" -> "rtf"
- ".rst" -> "rst"
- ".s5" -> "s5"
- ".native" -> "native"
- ".json" -> "json"
- ".txt" -> "markdown"
- ".text" -> "markdown"
- ".md" -> "markdown"
- ".muse" -> "muse"
- ".markdown" -> "markdown"
- ".textile" -> "textile"
- ".lhs" -> "markdown+lhs"
- ".texi" -> "texinfo"
- ".texinfo" -> "texinfo"
- ".db" -> "docbook"
- ".odt" -> "odt"
- ".docx" -> "docx"
- ".epub" -> "epub"
- ".org" -> "org"
- ".asciidoc" -> "asciidoc"
- ".adoc" -> "asciidoc"
- ".fb2" -> "fb2"
- ".opml" -> "opml"
- ".icml" -> "icml"
- ".tei.xml" -> "tei"
- ".tei" -> "tei"
- ".ms" -> "ms"
- ".roff" -> "ms"
- ".pptx" -> "pptx"
- ['.',y] | y `elem` ['1'..'9'] -> "man"
- _ -> "html"
+ ".adoc" -> Just "asciidoc"
+ ".asciidoc" -> Just "asciidoc"
+ ".context" -> Just "context"
+ ".ctx" -> Just "context"
+ ".db" -> Just "docbook"
+ ".doc" -> Just "doc" -- so we get an "unknown reader" error
+ ".docx" -> Just "docx"
+ ".dokuwiki" -> Just "dokuwiki"
+ ".epub" -> Just "epub"
+ ".fb2" -> Just "fb2"
+ ".htm" -> Just "html"
+ ".html" -> Just "html"
+ ".icml" -> Just "icml"
+ ".json" -> Just "json"
+ ".latex" -> Just "latex"
+ ".lhs" -> Just "markdown+lhs"
+ ".ltx" -> Just "latex"
+ ".markdown" -> Just "markdown"
+ ".md" -> Just "markdown"
+ ".ms" -> Just "ms"
+ ".muse" -> Just "muse"
+ ".native" -> Just "native"
+ ".odt" -> Just "odt"
+ ".opml" -> Just "opml"
+ ".org" -> Just "org"
+ ".pdf" -> Just "pdf" -- so we get an "unknown reader" error
+ ".pptx" -> Just "pptx"
+ ".roff" -> Just "ms"
+ ".rst" -> Just "rst"
+ ".rtf" -> Just "rtf"
+ ".s5" -> Just "s5"
+ ".t2t" -> Just "t2t"
+ ".tei" -> Just "tei"
+ ".tei.xml" -> Just "tei"
+ ".tex" -> Just "latex"
+ ".texi" -> Just "texinfo"
+ ".texinfo" -> Just "texinfo"
+ ".text" -> Just "markdown"
+ ".textile" -> Just "textile"
+ ".txt" -> Just "markdown"
+ ".wiki" -> Just "mediawiki"
+ ".xhtml" -> Just "html"
+ ['.',y] | y `elem` ['1'..'9'] -> Just "man"
+ _ -> Nothing
-- Transformations of a Pandoc document post-parsing: