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3 files changed, 54 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
index 4c655691a..d52b1fd58 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Textile.hs
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ Implemented and parsed:
- blockquote
- Inlines : strong, emph, cite, code, deleted, superscript,
subscript, links
+ - footnotes
Implemented but discarded:
- HTML-specific and CSS-specific attributes
Left to be implemented:
- - footnotes
- dimension sign
- all caps
- definition lists
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML ( htmlTag, htmlEndTag, -- find code blocks
-- import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown (smartPunctuation)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char ( digitToInt, isLetter )
-import Control.Monad ( guard )
+import Control.Monad ( guard, liftM )
-- | Parse a Textile text and return a Pandoc document.
readTextile :: ParserState -- ^ Parser state, including options for parser
@@ -87,8 +87,35 @@ parseTextile = do
-- textile allows raw HTML and does smart punctuation by default
updateState (\state -> state { stateParseRaw = True, stateSmart = True })
many blankline
- blocks <- parseBlocks
- return $ Pandoc (Meta [Str ""] [[Str ""]] [Str ""]) blocks -- FIXME
+ startPos <- getPosition
+ -- go through once just to get list of reference keys and notes
+ -- docMinusKeys is the raw document with blanks where the keys/notes were...
+ let firstPassParser = noteBlock <|> lineClump
+ manyTill firstPassParser eof >>= setInput . concat
+ setPosition startPos
+ st' <- getState
+ let reversedNotes = stateNotes st'
+ updateState $ \s -> s { stateNotes = reverse reversedNotes }
+ -- now parse it for real...
+ blocks <- parseBlocks
+ return $ Pandoc (Meta [] [] []) blocks -- FIXME
+noteMarker :: GenParser Char ParserState [Char]
+noteMarker = skipMany spaceChar >> string "fn" >> manyTill digit (char '.')
+noteBlock :: GenParser Char ParserState [Char]
+noteBlock = try $ do
+ startPos <- getPosition
+ ref <- noteMarker
+ optional blankline
+ contents <- liftM unlines $ many1Till anyLine (blanklines <|> noteBlock)
+ endPos <- getPosition
+ let newnote = (ref, contents ++ "\n")
+ st <- getState
+ let oldnotes = stateNotes st
+ updateState $ \s -> s { stateNotes = newnote : oldnotes }
+ -- return blanks so line count isn't affected
+ return $ replicate (sourceLine endPos - sourceLine startPos) '\n'
-- | Parse document blocks
parseBlocks :: GenParser Char ParserState [Block]
@@ -306,6 +333,7 @@ inlines = manyTill inline newline
inlineParsers :: [GenParser Char ParserState Inline]
inlineParsers = [ autoLink
, mark
+ , note
, str
, htmlSpan
, whitespace
@@ -349,6 +377,17 @@ copy = do
char ')'
return $ Str "\169"
+note :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+note = try $ do
+ char '['
+ ref <- many1 digit
+ char ']'
+ state <- getState
+ let notes = stateNotes state
+ case lookup ref notes of
+ Nothing -> fail "note not found"
+ Just raw -> liftM Note $ parseFromString parseBlocks raw
-- | Any string
str :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
str = do
diff --git a/tests/textile-reader.native b/tests/textile-reader.native
index f2024c4d8..680b43849 100644
--- a/tests/textile-reader.native
+++ b/tests/textile-reader.native
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [Str ""], docAuthors = [[Str ""]], docDate = [Str ""]})
+Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [], docAuthors = [], docDate = []})
[ Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "set",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "tests",Space,Str "for",Space,Str "pandoc",Space,Str "Textile",Space,Str "Reader",Str ".",Space,Str "Part",Space,Str "of",Space,Str "it",Space,Str "comes",LineBreak,Str "from",Space,Str "John",Space,Str "Gruber",Apostrophe,Str "s",Space,Str "markdown",Space,Str "test",Space,Str "suite",Str "."]
, HorizontalRule
, Header 1 [Str "Headers"]
@@ -131,4 +131,6 @@ Pandoc (Meta {docTitle = [Str ""], docAuthors = [[Str ""]], docDate = [Str ""]})
, Para [Str "Hi",Str "\8482"]
, Para [Str "Hi",Space,Str "\8482"]
, Para [Str "\174",Space,Str "Hi",Str "\174"]
-, Para [Str "Hi",Str "\169",Str "2008",Space,Str "\169",Space,Str "2008"] ]
+, Para [Str "Hi",Str "\169",Str "2008",Space,Str "\169",Space,Str "2008"]
+, Header 1 [Str "Footnotes"]
+, Para [Str "A",Space,Str "note",Str ".",Note [Para [Str "The",Space,Str "note",LineBreak,Str "is",Space,Str "here",Str "!"]]] ]
diff --git a/tests/textile-reader.textile b/tests/textile-reader.textile
index ed3b02bfe..e2f51a4e9 100644
--- a/tests/textile-reader.textile
+++ b/tests/textile-reader.textile
@@ -190,3 +190,10 @@ Hi (TM)
(r) Hi(r)
Hi(c)2008 (C) 2008
+h1. Footnotes
+A note.[1]
+fn1. The note
+is here!