diff options
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index b6b73322c..bdf464aae 100644
@@ -142,11 +142,6 @@ but are documented here for packagers and developers:
* `deb`: Creates debian packages in `..` directory.
* `macport`: Creates MacPorts Portfile in `macports` directory.
* `freebsd`: Creates freebsd Makefile and distinfo in `freebsd` directory.
-* `osx-pkg-prep`: Prepares for building a MacOS X package.
-* `osx-pkg`: Builds a MacOS X package (must be run as root, and on OS X).
- You should make `osx-pkg-prep` first (not as root).
-* `osx-dmg`: Creates a compressed disk image containing Mac OS X package
- (must be run on OS X). You should make `osx-pkg` first.
* `win-pkg`: Creates a Windows binary package (presupposes `pandoc.exe`,
which must be created by building Pandoc on a Windows machine).
* `website`: Creates Pandoc's website in `web/pandoc` directory.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 1229d1693..607e214dc 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -263,60 +263,6 @@ $(portfile) : $(portfile_template) $(tarball)
sed -e 's/@TARBALLMD5SUM@/$(word 2, $(shell openssl md5 $(tarball)))/' > \
-# OSX packages: make osx-pkg-prep, then (as root) make osx-pkg
-.PHONY: osx-pkg osx-pkg-prep
-doc_more:=COPYRIGHT.rtf $(osx_src)/Welcome.rtf
-cleanup_files+=$(osx_dest) $(doc_more) $(osx_pkg_name)
-osx-pkg-prep: $(osx_dest)
-$(osx_dest)/: build-program $(doc_more)
- -rm -rf $(osx_dest)
- $(INSTALL) -d $(osx_dest)
- DESTDIR=$(osx_dest)/Package_root $(MAKE) install-program
- cp $(osx_src)/uninstall-pandoc $(osx_dest)/Package_root/usr/local/bin/
- find $(osx_dest) -type f -regex ".*bin/.*" | xargs chmod +x
- find $(osx_dest) -type f -regex ".*bin/$(notdir $(MAIN))" | xargs $(STRIP)
- $(INSTALL) -d $(osx_dest)/Resources
- ./$(MAIN) -s -S README -o $(osx_dest)/Resources/ReadMe.html
- cp COPYRIGHT.rtf $(osx_dest)/Resources/License.rtf
- sed -e 's#@PREFIX@#$(PREFIX)#g' $(osx_src)/Welcome.rtf > $(osx_dest)/Resources/Welcome.rtf
- sed -e 's/@VERSION@/$(VERSION)/g' $(osx_src)/Info.plist > $(osx_dest)/Info.plist
- cp $(osx_src)/Description.plist $(osx_dest)/
-osx-pkg: $(osx_pkg_name)
-$(osx_pkg_name)/: $(osx_dest)
- if [ "`id -u`" != 0 ]; then \
- echo "Root permissions needed to create OSX package!"; \
- exit 1; \
- fi
- find $(osx_dest) | xargs chown root:wheel
- PackageMaker -build -p $(osx_pkg_name) \
- -f $(osx_dest)/Package_root \
- -r $(osx_dest)/Resources \
- -i $(osx_dest)/Info.plist \
- -d $(osx_dest)/Description.plist
- chgrp admin $(osx_pkg_name)
- -rm -rf $(osx_dest)
-.PHONY: osx-dmg
-osx_dmg_volume:="$(NAME) $(VERSION)"
-osx-dmg: $(osx_dmg_name)
-$(osx_dmg_name): $(osx_pkg_name)
- -rm -f $(osx_dmg_name)
- hdiutil create $(osx_dmg_name) -size 05m -fs HFS+ -volname $(osx_dmg_volume)
- dev_handle=`hdid $(osx_dmg_name) | grep Apple_HFS | \
- perl -e '\$$_=<>; /^\\/dev\\/(disk.)/; print \$$1'`; \
- ditto $(osx_pkg_name) /Volumes/$(osx_dmg_volume)/$(osx_pkg_name); \
- hdiutil detach $$dev_handle
- hdiutil convert $(osx_dmg_name) -format UDZO -o $(osx_udzo_name)
- -rm -f $(osx_dmg_name)
- mv $(osx_udzo_name) $(osx_dmg_name)
.PHONY: win-pkg
win_docs:=COPYING.txt COPYRIGHT.txt BUGS.txt README.txt README.html