diff options
2 files changed, 117 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Muse.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Muse.hs
index de7d629bd..abc194769 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Muse.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Muse.hs
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Muse (readMuse) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Char (isLetter)
-import Data.List (stripPrefix)
+import Data.List (stripPrefix, intercalate)
+import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
@@ -187,17 +188,19 @@ directive = do
-- block parsers
-block :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
-block = do
- res <- mempty <$ skipMany1 blankline
- <|> blockElements
- <|> para
- skipMany blankline
+parseBlock :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
+parseBlock = do
+ res <- blockElements <|> para
+ optionMaybe blankline
trace (take 60 $ show $ B.toList $ runF res defaultParserState)
return res
+block :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
+block = parseBlock <* skipMany blankline
blockElements :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
-blockElements = choice [ comment
+blockElements = choice [ mempty <$ blankline
+ , comment
, separator
, header
, example
@@ -257,15 +260,26 @@ example = try $ do
-- in case opening and/or closing tags are on separate lines.
chop :: String -> String
chop = lchop . rchop
- where lchop s = case s of
+lchop :: String -> String
+lchop s = case s of
'\n':ss -> ss
_ -> s
- rchop = reverse . lchop . reverse
+rchop :: String -> String
+rchop = reverse . lchop . reverse
+dropSpacePrefix :: [String] -> [String]
+dropSpacePrefix lns =
+ map (drop maxIndent) lns
+ where flns = filter (not . all (== ' ')) lns
+ maxIndent = if null flns then maximum (map length lns) else length $ takeWhile (== ' ') $ foldl1 commonPrefix flns
exampleTag :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
-exampleTag = do
+exampleTag = try $ do
+ many spaceChar
(attr, contents) <- htmlElement "example"
- return $ return $ B.codeBlockWith attr $ chop contents
+ return $ return $ B.codeBlockWith attr $ rchop $ intercalate "\n" $ dropSpacePrefix $ splitOn "\n" $ lchop contents
literal :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
literal = do
@@ -309,7 +323,7 @@ verseLine = do
verseLines :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
verseLines = do
- optionMaybe blankline -- Skip blankline after opening tag on separate line
+ --optionMaybe blankline -- Skip blankline after opening tag on separate line
lns <- many verseLine
lns' <- mapM (parseFromString' (trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many inline)) lns
return $ B.lineBlock <$> sequence lns'
@@ -317,7 +331,7 @@ verseLines = do
verseTag :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
verseTag = do
(_, content) <- htmlElement "verse"
- parseFromString verseLines content
+ parseFromString verseLines (intercalate "\n" $ dropSpacePrefix $ splitOn "\n" $ lchop content)
commentTag :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
commentTag = parseHtmlContent "comment" anyChar >> return mempty
@@ -349,7 +363,7 @@ amuseNoteBlock = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_amuse
pos <- getPosition
ref <- noteMarker <* spaceChar
- content <- listItemContents $ 3 + length ref
+ content <- listItemContents
oldnotes <- stateNotes' <$> getState
case M.lookup ref oldnotes of
Just _ -> logMessage $ DuplicateNoteReference ref pos
@@ -399,11 +413,6 @@ lineBlock = try $ do
-- lists
-listLine :: PandocMonad m => Int -> MuseParser m String
-listLine markerLength = try $ do
- indentWith markerLength
- manyTill anyChar eol
withListContext :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m a -> MuseParser m a
withListContext p = do
state <- getState
@@ -413,66 +422,47 @@ withListContext p = do
updateState (\st -> st {stateParserContext = oldContext})
return parsed
-listContinuation :: PandocMonad m => Int -> MuseParser m [String]
-listContinuation markerLength = try $ do
- result <- many1 $ listLine markerLength
- blank <- option id ((++ [""]) <$ blankline)
- return $ blank result
-listStart :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m Int -> MuseParser m Int
-listStart marker = try $ do
- preWhitespace <- length <$> many spaceChar
- st <- stateParserContext <$> getState
- getPosition >>= \pos -> guard (st == ListItemState || sourceColumn pos /= 1)
- markerLength <- marker
- void spaceChar <|> eol
- return $ preWhitespace + markerLength + 1
-dropSpacePrefix :: [String] -> [String]
-dropSpacePrefix lns =
- map (drop maxIndent) lns
- where flns = filter (not . all (== ' ')) lns
- maxIndent = if null flns then 0 else length $ takeWhile (== ' ') $ foldl1 commonPrefix flns
-listItemContents :: PandocMonad m => Int -> MuseParser m (F Blocks)
-listItemContents markerLength = do
- firstLine <- manyTill anyChar eol
- restLines <- many $ listLine markerLength
- blank <- option id ((++ [""]) <$ blankline)
- let first = firstLine : blank restLines
- rest <- many $ listContinuation markerLength
- let allLines = concat (first : rest)
- parseFromString (withListContext parseBlocks) $ unlines (dropSpacePrefix allLines)
-listItem :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m Int -> MuseParser m (F Blocks)
-listItem start = try $ do
- markerLength <- start
- listItemContents markerLength
-bulletListItems :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F [Blocks])
-bulletListItems = sequence <$> many1 (listItem bulletListStart)
+listItemContents :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
+listItemContents = do
+ pos <- getPosition
+ let col = sourceColumn pos - 1
+ first <- try $ withListContext parseBlock
+ rest <- many $ try (skipMany blankline >> indentWith col >> withListContext parseBlock)
+ return $ mconcat (first : rest)
-bulletListStart :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m Int
-bulletListStart = listStart (char '-' >> return 1)
+listItem :: PandocMonad m => Int -> MuseParser m () -> MuseParser m (F Blocks)
+listItem n p = try $ do
+ optionMaybe blankline
+ count n spaceChar
+ p
+ void spaceChar <|> lookAhead eol
+ listItemContents
bulletList :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
-bulletList = do
- listItems <- bulletListItems
- return $ B.bulletList <$> listItems
-orderedListStart :: PandocMonad m
- => ListNumberStyle
- -> ListNumberDelim
- -> MuseParser m Int
-orderedListStart style delim = listStart (snd <$> withHorizDisplacement (orderedListMarker style delim))
+bulletList = try $ do
+ many spaceChar
+ pos <- getPosition
+ let col = sourceColumn pos
+ guard $ col /= 1
+ char '-'
+ void spaceChar <|> lookAhead eol
+ first <- listItemContents
+ rest <- many $ listItem (col - 1) (void (char '-'))
+ return $ B.bulletList <$> sequence (first : rest)
orderedList :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
orderedList = try $ do
- p@(_, style, delim) <- lookAhead (many spaceChar *> anyOrderedListMarker <* (eol <|> void spaceChar))
+ many spaceChar
+ pos <- getPosition
+ let col = sourceColumn pos
+ guard $ col /= 1
+ p@(_, style, delim) <- anyOrderedListMarker
guard $ style `elem` [Decimal, LowerAlpha, UpperAlpha, LowerRoman, UpperRoman]
guard $ delim == Period
- items <- sequence <$> many1 (listItem $ orderedListStart style delim)
- return $ B.orderedListWith p <$> items
+ void spaceChar <|> lookAhead eol
+ first <- listItemContents
+ rest <- many $ listItem (col - 1) (void (orderedListMarker style delim))
+ return $ B.orderedListWith p <$> sequence (first : rest)
definitionListItem :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F (Inlines, [Blocks]))
definitionListItem = try $ do
@@ -482,7 +472,7 @@ definitionListItem = try $ do
string "::"
firstLine <- manyTill anyChar eol
restLines <- manyTill anyLine endOfListItemElement
- let lns = dropWhile (== ' ') firstLine : dropSpacePrefix restLines
+ let lns = dropWhile (== ' ') firstLine : restLines
lineContent <- parseFromString (withListContext parseBlocks) $ unlines lns
pure $ do lineContent' <- lineContent
term' <- term
@@ -501,8 +491,8 @@ definitionListItems = sequence <$> many1 definitionListItem
definitionList :: PandocMonad m => MuseParser m (F Blocks)
definitionList = do
- listItems <- definitionListItems
- return $ B.definitionList <$> listItems
+ items <- definitionListItems
+ return $ B.definitionList <$> items
-- tables
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/Muse.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/Muse.hs
index e9ac64a96..f02b8c8e5 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Readers/Muse.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/Muse.hs
@@ -161,6 +161,8 @@ tests =
, "Verbatim inside code" =: "<code><verbatim>foo</verbatim></code>" =?> para (code "<verbatim>foo</verbatim>")
+ , "Verbatim tag after text" =: "Foo <verbatim>bar</verbatim>" =?> para "Foo bar"
, testGroup "Links"
[ "Link without description" =:
"[[https://amusewiki.org/]]" =?>
@@ -279,20 +281,12 @@ tests =
, " One two three"
, ""
, "</verse>"
- , "<verse>Foo bar</verse>"
- , "<verse>"
- , "Foo bar</verse>"
- , "<verse>"
- , " Foo</verse>"
] =?>
lineBlock [ ""
, text "Foo bar baz"
, text "\160\160One two three"
, ""
- ] <>
- lineBlock [ "Foo bar" ] <>
- lineBlock [ "Foo bar" ] <>
- lineBlock [ "\160\160\160Foo" ]
+ ]
, testGroup "Example"
[ "Braces on separate lines" =:
T.unlines [ "{{{"
@@ -356,6 +350,11 @@ tests =
, " </example>"
] =?>
bulletList [ codeBlock "foo" ]
+ , "Empty example inside list" =:
+ T.unlines [ " - <example>"
+ , " </example>"
+ ] =?>
+ bulletList [ codeBlock "" ]
, "Example inside list with empty lines" =:
T.unlines [ " - <example>"
, " foo"
@@ -537,12 +536,14 @@ tests =
, "[1] First footnote paragraph"
, ""
, " Second footnote paragraph"
+ , "with continuation"
+ , ""
, "Not a note"
, "[2] Second footnote"
] =?>
para (text "Multiparagraph" <>
note (para "First footnote paragraph" <>
- para "Second footnote paragraph") <>
+ para "Second footnote paragraph\nwith continuation") <>
text " footnotes" <>
note (para "Second footnote")) <>
para (text "Not a note")
@@ -713,8 +714,48 @@ tests =
, mempty
, para "Item3"
+ , "Bullet list with last item empty" =:
+ T.unlines
+ [ " -"
+ , ""
+ , "foo"
+ ] =?>
+ bulletList [ mempty ] <>
+ para "foo"
, testGroup "Nested lists"
- [ "Nested list" =:
+ [ "Nested bullet list" =:
+ T.unlines [ " - Item1"
+ , " - Item2"
+ , " - Item3"
+ , " - Item4"
+ , " - Item5"
+ , " - Item6"
+ ] =?>
+ bulletList [ para "Item1" <>
+ bulletList [ para "Item2" <>
+ bulletList [ para "Item3" ]
+ , para "Item4" <>
+ bulletList [ para "Item5" ]
+ ]
+ , para "Item6"
+ ]
+ , "Nested ordered list" =:
+ T.unlines [ " 1. Item1"
+ , " 1. Item2"
+ , " 1. Item3"
+ , " 2. Item4"
+ , " 1. Item5"
+ , " 2. Item6"
+ ] =?>
+ orderedListWith (1, Decimal, Period) [ para "Item1" <>
+ orderedListWith (1, Decimal, Period) [ para "Item2" <>
+ orderedListWith (1, Decimal, Period) [ para "Item3" ]
+ , para "Item4" <>
+ orderedListWith (1, Decimal, Period) [ para "Item5" ]
+ ]
+ , para "Item6"
+ ]
+ , "Mixed nested list" =:
[ " - Item1"
, " - Item2"
@@ -736,12 +777,6 @@ tests =
- , "Incorrectly indented Text::Amuse nested list" =:
- T.unlines
- [ " - First item"
- , " - Not nested item"
- ] =?>
- bulletList [ para "First item", para "Not nested item"]
, "Text::Amuse includes only one space in list marker" =:
[ " - First item"