diff options
3 files changed, 47 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs b/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
index 73f5123c5..a1d62e3b8 100644
--- a/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
+++ b/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ data WriterState =
, stOptions :: WriterOptions -- writer options
+data BlockWrapper = Pad Doc | Reg Doc
orderedListStyles = cycle ["[n]","[a]", "[r]", "[g]"]
-- | Convert Pandoc to ConTeXt.
@@ -123,28 +125,28 @@ stringToConTeXt = concatMap escapeCharForConTeXt
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to ConTeXt.
blockToConTeXt :: Block
- -> State WriterState Doc
-blockToConTeXt Null = return empty
+ -> State WriterState BlockWrapper
+blockToConTeXt Null = return $ Reg empty
blockToConTeXt (Plain lst) = do
st <- get
let options = stOptions st
contents <- wrapTeXIfNeeded options False inlineListToConTeXt lst
- return contents
+ return $ Reg contents
blockToConTeXt (Para lst) = do
st <- get
let options = stOptions st
contents <- wrapTeXIfNeeded options False inlineListToConTeXt lst
- return $ contents <> char '\n'
+ return $ Pad contents
blockToConTeXt (BlockQuote lst) = do
contents <- blockListToConTeXt lst
- return $ text "\\startblockquote\n" $$ contents $$ text "\\stopblockquote"
+ return $ Pad $ text "\\startblockquote" $$ contents $$ text "\\stopblockquote"
blockToConTeXt (CodeBlock str) =
- return $ text $ "\\starttyping\n" ++ str ++ "\n\\stoptyping\n" -- \n needed
- -- because \stoptyping can't have anything after it
-blockToConTeXt (RawHtml str) = return empty
+ return $ Reg $ text $ "\\starttyping\n" ++ str ++ "\n\\stoptyping\n"
+ -- \n because \stoptyping can't have anything after it, inc. }
+blockToConTeXt (RawHtml str) = return $ Reg empty
blockToConTeXt (BulletList lst) = do
contents <- mapM listItemToConTeXt lst
- return $ text "\\startitemize" $$ vcat contents $$ text "\\stopitemize\n"
+ return $ Pad $ text "\\startitemize" $$ vcat contents $$ text "\\stopitemize"
blockToConTeXt (OrderedList (start, style, delim) lst) = do
st <- get
let level = stOrderedListLevel st
@@ -175,20 +177,20 @@ blockToConTeXt (OrderedList (start, style, delim) lst) = do
LowerAlpha -> "[a]"
UpperAlpha -> "[A]"
let specs = style' ++ specs2
- return $ text ("\\startitemize" ++ specs) $$ vcat contents $$
- text "\\stopitemize\n"
+ return $ Pad $ text ("\\startitemize" ++ specs) $$ vcat contents $$
+ text "\\stopitemize"
blockToConTeXt (DefinitionList lst) =
- mapM defListItemToConTeXt lst >>= return . (<> char '\n') . vcat
-blockToConTeXt HorizontalRule = return $ text "\\thinrule\n"
+ mapM defListItemToConTeXt lst >>= return . Pad . wrappedBlocksToDoc
+blockToConTeXt HorizontalRule = return $ Pad $ text "\\thinrule"
blockToConTeXt (Header level lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToConTeXt lst
st <- get
let opts = stOptions st
let base = if writerNumberSections opts then "section" else "subject"
- return $ if level >= 1 && level <= 5
- then char '\\' <> text (concat (replicate (level - 1) "sub")) <>
- text base <> char '{' <> contents <> char '}' <> char '\n'
- else contents <> char '\n'
+ return $ Pad $ if level >= 1 && level <= 5
+ then char '\\' <> text (concat (replicate (level - 1) "sub")) <>
+ text base <> char '{' <> contents <> char '}'
+ else contents
blockToConTeXt (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
let colWidths = map printDecimal widths
let colDescriptor colWidth alignment = (case alignment of
@@ -203,10 +205,10 @@ blockToConTeXt (Table caption aligns widths heads rows) = do
captionText <- inlineListToConTeXt caption
let captionText' = if null caption then text "none" else captionText
rows' <- mapM tableRowToConTeXt rows
- return $ text "\\placetable[here]{" <> captionText' <> char '}' $$
+ return $ Pad $ text "\\placetable[here]{" <> captionText' <> char '}' $$
text "\\starttable[" <> text colDescriptors <> char ']' $$
text "\\HL" $$ headers $$ text "\\HL" $$
- vcat rows' $$ text "\\HL\n\\stoptable\n"
+ vcat rows' $$ text "\\HL\n\\stoptable"
printDecimal :: Float -> String
printDecimal = printf "%.2f"
@@ -225,11 +227,17 @@ orderedListItemToConTeXt marker list = blockListToConTeXt list >>=
defListItemToConTeXt (term, def) = do
term' <- inlineListToConTeXt term
def' <- blockListToConTeXt def
- return $ text "\\startdescr{" <> term' <> char '}' $$ def' $$ text "\\stopdescr"
+ return $ Pad $ text "\\startdescr{" <> term' <> char '}' $$ def' $$ text "\\stopdescr"
+wrappedBlocksToDoc :: [BlockWrapper] -> Doc
+wrappedBlocksToDoc = foldr addBlock empty
+ where addBlock (Pad d) accum | isEmpty accum = d
+ addBlock (Pad d) accum = d $$ text "" $$ accum
+ addBlock (Reg d) accum = d $$ accum
-- | Convert list of block elements to ConTeXt.
blockListToConTeXt :: [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
-blockListToConTeXt lst = mapM blockToConTeXt lst >>= return . vcat
+blockListToConTeXt lst = mapM blockToConTeXt lst >>= return . wrappedBlocksToDoc
-- | Convert list of inline elements to ConTeXt.
inlineListToConTeXt :: [Inline] -- ^ Inlines to convert
diff --git a/tests/tables.context b/tests/tables.context
index cb6e9ccd1..87ed08e25 100644
--- a/tests/tables.context
+++ b/tests/tables.context
@@ -132,4 +132,3 @@ Multiline table without caption:
diff --git a/tests/writer.context b/tests/writer.context
index a944b2822..12d54d206 100644
--- a/tests/writer.context
+++ b/tests/writer.context
@@ -121,12 +121,10 @@ here.
E-mail style:
This is a block quote. It is pretty short.
Code in a block quote:
@@ -147,16 +145,14 @@ A list:
Nested block quotes:
This should not be a block quote: 2 \lettermore{} 1.
And a following paragraph.
@@ -207,13 +203,10 @@ Asterisks loose:
asterisk 1
asterisk 2
asterisk 3
Pluses tight:
@@ -232,13 +225,10 @@ Pluses loose:
Plus 1
Plus 2
Plus 3
Minuses tight:
@@ -257,13 +247,10 @@ Minuses loose:
Minus 1
Minus 2
Minus 3
@@ -295,13 +282,10 @@ Loose using tabs:
and using spaces:
@@ -309,13 +293,10 @@ and using spaces:
Multiple paragraphs:
@@ -323,16 +304,13 @@ Multiple paragraphs:
Item 1, graf one.
Item 1. graf two. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's
Item 2.
Item 3.
@@ -347,9 +325,7 @@ Multiple paragraphs:
Here's another:
@@ -367,7 +343,6 @@ Here's another:
@@ -377,10 +352,9 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
@@ -389,10 +363,8 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
\subsubject{Tabs and spaces}
@@ -400,19 +372,15 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
this is a list item indented with tabs
this is a list item indented with spaces
this is an example list item indented with tabs
this is an example list item indented with spaces
\subsubject{Fancy list markers}
@@ -422,9 +390,9 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
begins with 2
and now 3
with a continuation
sublist with roman numerals, starting with 4
@@ -436,9 +404,7 @@ Same thing but with paragraphs:
a subsublist
@@ -456,11 +422,8 @@ Nesting:
Lower alpha with paren
@@ -474,7 +437,6 @@ Autonumbering:
Should not be a list item:
@@ -492,9 +454,11 @@ Tight using spaces:
red fruit
orange fruit
yellow fruit
@@ -504,9 +468,11 @@ Tight using tabs:
red fruit
orange fruit
yellow fruit
@@ -515,15 +481,14 @@ Loose:
red fruit
orange fruit
yellow fruit
Multiple blocks with italics:
@@ -532,8 +497,8 @@ Multiple blocks with italics:
red fruit
contains seeds, crisp, pleasant to taste
\startdescr{{\em orange}}
orange fruit
@@ -542,9 +507,7 @@ orange fruit
orange block quote
@@ -777,8 +740,7 @@ Here's a
Here's a link with an amersand in the link text:
-Here's an
-\useURL[25][/script?foo=1&bar=2][][inline link]\from[25].
+Here's an \useURL[25][/script?foo=1&bar=2][][inline link]\from[25].
Here's an
\useURL[26][/script?foo=1&bar=2][][inline link in pointy braces]\from[26].
@@ -801,11 +763,10 @@ An e-mail address:
Auto-links should not occur here: \type{<http://example.com/>}
@@ -857,11 +818,10 @@ a space.[\letterhat{}my note] Here is an inline note.
verbatim characters, as well as [bracketed text].}
Notes can go in quotes.
\footnote{In quote.}
And in list items.
@@ -870,6 +830,5 @@ Notes can go in quotes.
This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not