diff options
2 files changed, 31 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs
index a5957dbc9..d42e93d78 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/Blocks.hs
@@ -294,6 +294,17 @@ data BlockAttributes = BlockAttributes
, blockAttrKeyValues :: [(String, String)]
+-- | Convert BlockAttributes into pandoc Attr
+attrFromBlockAttributes :: BlockAttributes -> Attr
+attrFromBlockAttributes (BlockAttributes{..}) =
+ let
+ ident = fromMaybe mempty $ lookup "id" blockAttrKeyValues
+ classes = case lookup "class" blockAttrKeyValues of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just clsStr -> words clsStr
+ kv = filter ((`notElem` ["id", "class"]) . fst) blockAttrKeyValues
+ in (ident, classes, kv)
stringyMetaAttribute :: (String -> Bool) -> OrgParser (String, String)
stringyMetaAttribute attrCheck = try $ do
@@ -364,23 +375,25 @@ orgBlock = try $ do
blockAttrs <- blockAttributes
blkType <- blockHeaderStart
($ blkType) $
- case blkType of
+ case (map toLower blkType) of
"export" -> exportBlock
"comment" -> rawBlockLines (const mempty)
- "html" -> rawBlockLines (return . (B.rawBlock blkType))
- "latex" -> rawBlockLines (return . (B.rawBlock blkType))
- "ascii" -> rawBlockLines (return . (B.rawBlock blkType))
+ "html" -> rawBlockLines (return . B.rawBlock (lowercase blkType))
+ "latex" -> rawBlockLines (return . B.rawBlock (lowercase blkType))
+ "ascii" -> rawBlockLines (return . B.rawBlock (lowercase blkType))
"example" -> rawBlockLines (return . exampleCode)
"quote" -> parseBlockLines (fmap B.blockQuote)
"verse" -> verseBlock
"src" -> codeBlock blockAttrs
- _ -> parseBlockLines (fmap $ B.divWith (mempty, [blkType], mempty))
+ _ -> parseBlockLines $
+ let (ident, classes, kv) = attrFromBlockAttributes blockAttrs
+ in fmap $ B.divWith (ident, classes ++ [blkType], kv)
blockHeaderStart :: OrgParser String
- blockHeaderStart = try $ do
- skipSpaces
- blockType <- stringAnyCase "#+begin_" *> orgArgWord
- return (map toLower blockType)
+ blockHeaderStart = try $ skipSpaces *> stringAnyCase "#+begin_" *> orgArgWord
+ lowercase :: String -> String
+ lowercase = map toLower
rawBlockLines :: (String -> F Blocks) -> String -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
rawBlockLines f blockType = (ignHeaders *> (f <$> rawBlockContent blockType))
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Readers/Org.hs b/tests/Tests/Readers/Org.hs
index 3aa38ff0c..1b536551c 100644
--- a/tests/Tests/Readers/Org.hs
+++ b/tests/Tests/Readers/Org.hs
@@ -1625,6 +1625,15 @@ tests =
] =?>
rawBlock "html" "\n<span>boring</span>\n\n"
+ , "Accept `ATTR_HTML` attributes for generic block" =:
+ unlines [ "#+ATTR_HTML: :title hello, world :id test :class fun code"
+ , "#+BEGIN_TEST"
+ , "nonsense"
+ , "#+END_TEST"
+ ] =?>
+ let attr = ("test", ["fun", "code", "TEST"], [("title", "hello, world")])
+ in divWith attr (para "nonsense")
, "Non-letter chars in source block parameters" =:
unlines [ "#+BEGIN_SRC C :tangle xxxx.c :city Zürich"
, "code body"