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1 files changed, 1766 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 0222d552d..38c0d6653 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,1769 @@
+pandoc (2.0)
+ [new features]
+ * New output format `ms` (groff ms). Complete support, including
+ tables, math, syntax highlighting, and PDF bookmarks. The writer uses
+ texmath's new eqn writer to convert math to eqn format, so a ms file
+ produced with this writer should be processed with `groff -ms -e` if
+ it contains math.
+ * New output format `jats` (Journal Article Tag Suite). This is an XML
+ format used in archiving and publishing articles. Note that a
+ URI-encoded CSL stylesheet (`data/jats.csl`) is added automatically
+ unless a stylesheet is specified using `--css`.
+ * New output format `gfm` (GitHub-flavored CommonMark) (#3841).
+ This uses bindings to GitHub's fork of cmark, so it should parse
+ gfm exactly as GitHub does (excepting certain postprocessing
+ steps, involving notifications, emojis, etc.). `markdown_github`
+ has been deprecated in favor of `gfm`.
+ * New output format `muse` (Emacs Muse) (Alexander Krotov, #3489).
+ * New input format `gfm` (GitHub-flavored CommonMark) (#3841).
+ This uses bindings to GitHub's fork of cmark. `markdown_github`
+ has been deprecated in favor of `gfm`.
+ * New input format `muse` (Emacs Muse) reader (Alexander Krotov, #3620).
+ * New input format `tikiwiki` (TikiWiki markup) (rlpowell, #3800).
+ * New input format `vimwiki` (Vimwiki markup) (Yuchen Pei, #3705).
+ Note that there is a new data file, `data/vimwiki.css`, which can
+ be used to display the HTML produced by this reader and
+ pandoc's HTML writer in the style of vimwiki's own HTML
+ export.
+ * Added new syntax for including raw content in any output format,
+ enabled by the `raw_attribute` extension (which is on by default
+ for `markdown` and `multimarkdown`). The syntax is the same as
+ for fenced code blocks or code inlines, only with `{=FORMAT}` for
+ attributes, where `FORMAT` is the name of the output format
+ (e.g., `ms`, `html`).
+ * Implement multicolumn support for slide formats (#1710).
+ The structure expected is:
+ <div class="columns">
+ <div class="column" width="40%">
+ contents...
+ </div>
+ <div class="column" width="60%">
+ contents...
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ Support has been added for beamer and all HTML slide formats.
+ * Allows line comments in templates, beginning with `$--` (#3806).
+ (Requires doctemplates 0.2.1.)
+ * Add `--eol=crlf|lf|native` flag and writer option to control line endings
+ (Stefan Dresselhaus, #3663, #2097).
+ * Add `--log` option to save log messages in JSON format to a file (#3392).
+ * Add `--request-header` option, to set request headers when pandoc
+ makes HTTP requests to fetch external resources. For example:
+ `--request-header User-Agent:blah`.
+ * Added lua filters (Albert Krewinkel, #3514). The new `--lua-filter`
+ option works like `--filter` but takes pathnames of special lua filters
+ and uses the lua interpreter baked into pandoc, so that no external
+ interpreter is needed. Note that lua filters are all applied after
+ regular filters, regardless of their position on the command line.
+ For documentation of lua filters, see `doc/lua-filters.md`.
+ * Set `PANDOC_READER_OPTIONS` in environment where filters are run.
+ This contains a JSON representation of `ReaderOptions`, so filters
+ can access it.
+ * Support creation of pdf via groff `ms` and pdfroff.
+ `pandoc -t ms -o output.pdf input.txt`.
+ * Support for PDF generation via HTML and `weasyprint` or `prince`
+ (Mauro Bieg, #3909). `pandoc -t html5 -o output.pdf --pdf-engine=prince`.
+ * Added `--epub-subdirectory` option (#3720). This specifies the
+ subdirectory in the OCF container that holds the EPUB specific content.
+ We now put all EPUB related content in an `EPUB/` subdirectory by default
+ (later this will be configurable).
+ ```
+ mimetype
+ com.apple.ibooks.display-options.xml
+ container.xml
+ EPUB/ <<--configurable-->>
+ fonts/ <<--static-->>
+ font.otf
+ media/ <<--static-->>
+ cover.jpg
+ fig1.jpg
+ styles/ <<--static-->>
+ stylesheet.css
+ content.opf
+ toc.ncx
+ text/ <<--static-->>
+ ch001.xhtml
+ ```
+ * Added `--resource-path=SEARCHPATH` command line option (#852).
+ SEARCHPATH is separated by the usual character, depending on OS
+ (: on unix, ; on windows). Default resource path is just working
+ directory. However, the working directory must be explicitly
+ specified if the `--resource-path` option is used.
+ * Added --abbreviations=FILE option for custom abbreviations file
+ (#256). Dfault abbreviations file (`data/abbreviations`) contains
+ a list of strings that will be recognized by pandoc's
+ Markdown parser as abbreviations. (A nonbreaking space will
+ be inserted after the period, preventing a sentence space in
+ formats like LaTeX.) Users can override the default by putting a file
+ abbreviations in their user data directory (`~/.pandoc` on *nix).
+ * Allow a theme file as argument to `--highlight-style`.
+ Also include a sample, `default.theme`, in `data/`.
+ * Allow `--syntax-definition` option for dynamic loading of syntax
+ highlighting definitions (#3334).
+ * Lists in `markdown` by default now use the CommonMark variable
+ nesting rules (#3511). The indentation required for a block-level
+ item to be included in a list item is no longer fixed, but is
+ determined by the first line of the list item. To be included in
+ the list item, a block must be indented to the level of the first
+ non-space content after the list marker. Exception: if are 5 or more
+ spaces after the list marker, then the content is interpreted as an
+ indented code block, and continuation paragraphs must be indented
+ two spaces beyond the end of the list marker. See the CommonMark
+ spec for more details and examples.
+ Documents that adhere to the four-space rule should, in most cases,
+ be parsed the same way by the new rules. Here are some examples
+ of texts that will be parsed differently:
+ - a
+ - b
+ will be parsed as a list item with a sublist; under the four-space
+ rule, it would be a list with two items.
+ - a
+ code
+ Here we have an indented code block under the list item, even though it
+ is only indented six spaces from the margin, because it is four spaces
+ past the point where a continuation paragraph could begin. With the
+ four-space rule, this would be a regular paragraph rather than a code
+ block.
+ - a
+ code
+ Here the code block will start with two spaces, whereas under
+ the four-space rule, it would start with `code`. With the four-space
+ rule, indented code under a list item always must be indented eight
+ spaces from the margin, while the new rules require only that it
+ be indented four spaces from the beginning of the first non-space
+ text after the list marker (here, `a`).
+ This change was motivated by a slew of bug reports from people
+ who expected lists to work differently (#3125, #2367, #2575, #2210,
+ #1990, #1137, #744, #172, #137, #128) and by the growing prevalance
+ of CommonMark (now used by GitHub, for example). Those who
+ prefer the old behavior can use `-f markdown+four_space_rule`.
+ * Added `four_space_rule` extension. This triggers the old pandoc
+ parsing rule for content nested under list items (the "four space
+ rule").
+ * Added `spaced_reference_links` extension (#2602). It allows whitespace
+ between the two parts of a reference link: e.g.
+ [a] [b]
+ [b]: url
+ This was previously enabled by default; now it is now forbidden by default.
+ * Add `space_in_atx_header` extension (#3512). This is enabled by default
+ in pandoc and GitHub markdown but not the other flavors.
+ This requirse a space between the opening #'s and the header
+ text in ATX headers (as CommonMark does but many other implementations
+ do not). This is desirable to avoid falsely capturing things ilke
+ #hashtag
+ or
+ #5
+ * Add `sourcefile` and `outputfile` template variables (Roland Hieber,
+ #3431).
+ * Allow ibooks-specific metadata in epubs (#2693). You can now have
+ the following fields in your YAML metadata, and it will be treated
+ appropriately in the generated EPUB:
+ ```
+ ibooks:
+ version: 1.3.4
+ specified-fonts: false
+ ipad-orientation-lock: portrait-only
+ iphone-orientation-lock: landscape-only
+ binding: true
+ scroll-axis: vertical
+ ```
+ [behavior changes]
+ * Reader functions no longer presuppose that CRs have been
+ stripped from the input. (They strip CRs themselves, before
+ parsing, to simply the parsers.)
+ * Added support for translations (localization) (#3559).
+ Currently this only affects the LaTeX reader, for things
+ like `\figurename`. Translation data files for 46 languages
+ can be found in `data/translations`.
+ * Make `--ascii` work with DocBook output too.
+ * Rename `--latex-engine` to `--pdf-engine`.
+ * Removed `--parse-raw` and `readerParseRaw`. These were confusing.
+ Now we rely on the `+raw_tex` or `+raw_html` extension with latex or html
+ input. Thus, instead of `--parse-raw -f latex` we use `-f latex+raw_tex`,
+ and instead of `--parse-raw -f html` we use `-f html+raw_html`.
+ * With `--filter` R filters are now recognized, even if they are
+ not executable (#3940, #3941, Andrie de Vries).
+ * Support SVG in PDF output, converting with `rsvg2pdf` (#1793).
+ * Make epub an alias for epub3, not epub2.
+ * Removed `--epub-stylesheet`; use `--css` instead (#3472, #847).
+ Multiple stylesheets may be used. Stylesheets will be taken both from
+ `--css` and from the `stylesheet` metadata field (which can contain
+ either a file path or a list of them).
+ * `--mathml` and MathML in HTMLMathMethod longer take an argument.
+ The argument was for a bridge javascript that used to be necessary
+ in 2004. We have removed the script already.
+ * `--katex` improvements. The latest version is used, and the
+ autoload script is loaded by default.
+ * Change MathJax CDN default since old one is shutting down (#3544).
+ Note: The new URL requires a version number, which we'll have
+ to update manually in subsequent pandoc releases in order to
+ take advantage of mathjax improvements.
+ * `--self-contained`: don't incorporate elements with `data-external="1"`
+ (#2656). You can leave an external link as it is by adding the attribute
+ data-external="1" to the element. Pandoc will then not try to
+ incorporate its content when `--self-contained` is used. This is
+ similar to a feature already supported by the EPUB writer.
+ * Allow `--extract-media` to work with non-binary input formats
+ (#1583, #2289). If `--extract-media` is supplied with a non-binary
+ input format, pandoc will attempt to extract the contents of all
+ linked images, whether in local files, data: uris, or external uris.
+ They will be named based on the sha1 hash of the contents.
+ * Make `papersize: a4` work regardless of the case of `a4`.
+ It is converted to `a4` in LaTeX and `A4` in ConTeXt.
+ * Make `east_asian_line_breaks` affect all readers/writers (#3703).
+ * Improved behavior of `auto_identifiers` when there are explicit ids
+ (#1745). Previously only autogenerated ids were added to the list
+ of header identifiers in state, so explicit ids weren't taken
+ into account when generating unique identifiers. Duplicated
+ identifiers could result. This simple fix ensures that explicitly given
+ identifiers are also taken into account.
+ * Use `table-of-contents` for contents of toc, make `toc` a boolean
+ (#2872). Changed markdown, rtf, and HTML-based templates accordingly.
+ This allows you to set `toc: true` in the metadata; this
+ previously produced strange results in some output formats.
+ For backwards compatibility, `toc` is still set to the
+ toc contents. But it is recommended that you update templates
+ to use `table-of-contents` for the toc contents and `toc`
+ for a boolean flag.
+ * Change behavior with binary format output to stdout.
+ Previously, for binary formats, output to stdout was disabled
+ unless we could detect that the output was being piped (and not
+ sent to the terminal). Unfortunately, such detection is not
+ possible on Windows, leaving windows users no way to pipe binary
+ output. So we have changed the behavior in the following way:
+ + Output to stdout is allowed when it can be determined that
+ the output is being piped (on non-Windows platforms).
+ + If the `-o` option is not used, binary output is never sent
+ to stdout by default; instead, an error is raised.
+ + If `-o -` is used, binary output is sent to stdout, regardless
+ of whether it is being piped. This works on Windows too.
+ * Better error behavior: uses of `error` have been replaced by
+ raising of `PandocError`, which can be trapped and handled by the
+ calling program.
+ * Removed `hard_line_breaks` extension from `markdown_github` (#3594).
+ GitHub has two Markdown modes, one for long-form documents like READMEs
+ and one for short things like issue coments. In issue comments, a line
+ break is treated as a hard line break. In README, wikis, etc., it is
+ treated as a space as in regular Markdown. Since pandoc is more likely to
+ be used to convert long-form documents from GitHub Markdown,
+ `-hard_line_breaks` is a better default.
+ * Include `backtick_code_blocks` extension in `mardkown_mmd` (#3637).
+ * Escape `MetaString` values (as added with `-M/--metadata` flag) (#3792).
+ Previously they would be transmitted to the template without any
+ escaping. Note that `--M title='*foo*'` yields a different result from
+ ---
+ title: *foo*
+ ---
+ In the latter case, we have emphasis; in the former case, just
+ a string with literal asterisks (which will be escaped
+ in formats, like Markdown, that require it).
+ * Allow `em`, `cm`, `in` for image height/width in HTML, LaTeX (#3450).
+ * HTML writer: Insert `data-` in front of unsupported attributes. Thus,
+ a span with attribute `foo` gets written to HTML5 with `data-foo`, so
+ it is valid HTML5. HTML4 is not affected. This will allow us to use
+ custom attributes in pandoc without producing invalid HTML. (With help
+ from Wandmalfarbe, #3817.)
+ * Plain writer: improved super/subscript rendering. We now
+ handle more non-digit characters for which there are
+ sub/superscripted unicode characters. When unicode
+ sub/superscripted characters are not available, we use
+ `_(..)` or `^(..)` (#3518).
+ * Docbook, JATS, TEI writers: print INFO message when omitting interior
+ header (#3750). This only applies to section headers inside list items,
+ e.g., which were otherwise silently omitted.
+ * Change to `--reference-links` in Markdown writer (#3701). With
+ `--reference-location` of `section` or `block`, pandoc will now repeat
+ references that have been used in earlier sections. The Markdown
+ reader has also been modified, so that *exactly* repeated references
+ do not generate a warning, only references with the same label but
+ different targets. The idea is that, with references after every block,
+ one might want to repeat references sometimes.
+ * ODT/OpenDocument writer:
+ + Support `lang` attribute (#1667).
+ + Added support for `--toc` (#2836). Thanks to @anayrat.
+ * Docx writer:
+ + `lang` meta, see #1667 (Mauro Bieg, #3515).
+ + Change `FigureWithCaption` to `CaptionedFigure` (iandol, #3658).
+ + Use `Table` rather than `Table Normal` for table style (#3275).
+ `Table Normal` is the default table style and can't be modified.
+ + Pass through comments (#2994). We assume that comments are defined as
+ parsed by the docx reader:
+ I want <span class="comment-start" id="0" author="Jesse Rosenthal"
+ date="2016-05-09T16:13:00Z">I left a comment.</span>some text to
+ have a comment <span class="comment-end" id="0"></span>on it.
+ We assume also that the id attributes are unique and properly
+ matched between comment-start and comment-end.
+ + Bookmark improvements. Bookmark start/end now surrounds content rather
+ than preceding it. Bookmarks generated for Div with id
+ (jgm/pandoc-citeproc#205).
+ + Add `keywords` metadata to docx document properties (Ian).
+ * RST writer: support unknown interpreted text roles by
+ parsing them as `Span` with `role` attributes (#3407). This
+ way they can be manipulated in the AST.
+ * HTML writer:
+ + Line block: Use class instead of style attribute (#1623). We now
+ issue `<div class="line-block">` and include a default definition
+ for `line-block` in the default templates, instead of hard-coding a
+ `style` on the div.
+ + Add class `footnoteBack` to footnote back references (Timm Albers).
+ This allows for easier CSS styling.
+ + Render SmallCaps as span with smallcaps class (#1592), rather than
+ using a style attribute directly. This gives the user more flexibility
+ in styling small caps in CSS.
+ + With reveal.js we use `data-src` instead of `src` for images for
+ lazy loading.
+ + Special-case `.stretch` class for images in reveal.js (#1291).
+ Now in reveal.js, an image with class `stretch` in a paragraph
+ by itself will stretch to fill the whole screen, with no
+ caption or figure environment.
+ * Added warnings for non-rendered blocks to writers.
+ * Writers now raise an error on template failure.
+ * When creating a PDF via LaTeX, warn if the font is missing some
+ characters (#3742).
+ * Remove initial check for PDF-creating program (#3819).
+ Instead, just try running it and raise the exception if it
+ isn't found at that point. This improves things for users of Cygwin
+ on Windows, where the executable won't be found by `findExecutable`
+ unless `.exe` is added. The same exception is raised as before, but
+ at a later point.
+ * Readers issue warning for duplicate header identifiers (#1745).
+ Autogenerated header identifiers are given suffixes so as not to clash
+ with previously used header identifiers. But they may still coincide with
+ an explicit identifier that is given for a header later in the document,
+ or with an identifier on a div, span, link, or image. We now issue
+ a warning in this case, so users can supply an explicit identifier.
+ * CommonMark reader now supports `emoji`, `hard_line_breaks`, `smart`,
+ and `raw_html` extensions.
+ * Markdown reader:
+ + Don't allow backslash + newline to affect block structure (#3730).
+ Note that as a result of this change, the following, which formerly
+ produced a header with two lines separated by a line break, will
+ now produce a header followed by a paragraph:
+ # Hi\
+ there
+ This may affect some existing documents that relied on
+ this undocumented and unintended behavior. This change makes pandoc
+ more consistent with other Markdown implementations, and with itself
+ (since the two-space version of a line break doesn't work inside ATX
+ headers, and neither version works inside Setext headers).
+ * Org reader (Albert Krewinkel, unless noted):
+ + Support `table.el` tables (#3314).
+ + Support macros (#3401).
+ + Support the `#+INCLUDE:` file inclusion mechanism (#3510).
+ Recognized include types are `example`, `export`, `src`, and
+ normal org file inclusion. Advanced features like line numbers
+ and level selection are not implemented yet.
+ + Interpret more meta value as inlines. The values of the following
+ meta variables are now interpreted using org-markup instead of
+ treating them as pure strings: `keywords` (comma-separated list of
+ inlines), `subtitle` (inline values), `nocite` (inline values, can
+ be repeated).
+ + Support `\n` export option (#3940). This turns all newlines in the
+ text into hard linebreaks.
+ * RST reader:
+ + Improved admonition support (#223). We no longer add an
+ `admonition` class, we just use the class for the type of admonition,
+ `note` for example. We put the word corresponding to the label in
+ a paragraph inside a `Div` at the beginning of the admonition with
+ class `admonition-title`. This is about as close as we can get to
+ RST's own output.
+ + Initial support of `.. table` directive. This allows adding captions
+ to tables.
+ + Support `.. line-block` directive. This is deprecated but may still
+ be in older documents.
+ + Support scale and align attributes of images (#2662).
+ + Implemented implicit internal header links (#3475).
+ + Support RST-style citations (#853). The citations appear at the end
+ of the document as a definition list in a special div with id
+ `citations`. Citations link to the definitions.
+ + Recurse into bodies of unknown directives (#3432).
+ In most cases it's better to preserve the content than
+ to emit it. This isn't guaranteed to have good results;
+ it will fail spectacularly for unknown raw or verbatim directives.
+ + Handle chained link definitions (#262). For example,
+ .. _hello:
+ .. _goodbye: example.com
+ Here both `hello` and `goodbye` should link to `example.com`.
+ + Support anchors (#262). E.g.
+ `hello`
+ .. _hello:
+ paragraph
+ This is supported by putting "paragraph" in a `Div` with id `hello`.
+ + Support `:widths:` attribute for table directive.
+ + Implement csv-table directive (#3533). Most attributes are supported,
+ including `:file:` and `:url:`.
+ + Support unknown interpreted text roles by parsing them as Span
+ with "role" attributes (#3407). This way they can be manipulated in
+ the AST.
+ * HTML reader: parse a span with class `smallcaps` as `SmallCaps`.
+ * LaTeX reader:
+ + Implemented `\graphicspath` (#736).
+ + Properly handle column prefixes/suffixes. For example, in
+ `\begin{tabular}{>{$}l<{$}>{$}l<{$} >{$}l<{$}}`
+ each cell will be interpreted as if it has a `$`
+ before its content and a `$` after (math mode).
+ + Handle komascript `\dedication` (#1845). It now adds a
+ `dedication` field to metadata. It is up to the user to supply
+ a template that uses this variable.
+ + Support all `\textXX` commands, where XX = `rm`, `tt`, `up`, `md`,
+ `sf`, `bf` (#3488). Spans with a class are used when there is
+ nothing better.
+ + Expand `\newenvironment` macros (#987).
+ + Add support for LaTeX subfiles package (Marc Schreiber, #3530).
+ + Better support for subfigure package (#3577).
+ A figure with two subfigures turns into two pandoc
+ figures; the subcaptions are used and the main caption
+ ignored, unless there are no subcaptions.
+ + Add support for \vdots (Marc Schreiber, #3607).
+ + Add basic support for hyphenat package (Marc Schreiber, #3603).
+ + Add basic `\textcolor` support (Marc Schreiber).
+ + Add support for `tabularx` environment (Marc Schreiber, #3632).
+ + Better handling of comments inside math environments (#3113).
+ This solves a problem with commented out `\end{eqnarray}` inside
+ an eqnarray (among other things).
+ + Parse tikzpicture as raw verbatim environment if `raw_tex` extension
+ is selected (#3692). Otherwise skip with a warning. This is better
+ than trying to parse it as text!
+ + Add `\colorbox` support (Marc Schreiber).
+ + Set identifiers on Spans used for `\label`.
+ + Have `\setmainlanguage` set `lang` in metadata.
+ + Support etoolbox's `\ifstrequal`.
+ + Support `plainbreak`, `fancybreak` et al from the memoir class
+ (bucklereed, #3833).
+ + Support `\let`. Also, fix regular macros so they're expanded at the
+ point of use, and NOT also the point of definition. `\let` macros,
+ by contrast, are expanded at the point of definition. Added an
+ `ExpansionPoint` field to `Macro` to track this difference.
+ + Support simple `\def` macros. Note that we still don't support
+ macros with fancy parameter delimiters, like `\def\foo#1..#2{...}`.
+ + Support \chaptername, \partname, \abstractname, etc. (#3559,
+ obsoletes #3560).
+ + Put content of `\ref`, `\label`, `\eqref` commands into `Span` with
+ attributes, so they can be handled in filters (Marc Schreiber, #3639)
+ + Add Support for `glossaries` and `acronym` package (Marc Schreiber,
+ #3589). Acronyms are not resolved by the reader, but acronym and
+ glossary information is put into attributes on Spans so that they
+ can be processed in filters.
+ + Use `Link` instead of `Span` for `\ref`. This makes more sense
+ semantically and avoids unnecessary `Span [Link]` nestings when
+ references are resolved.
+ + Rudimentary support for `\hyperlink`.
+ + Support `\textquoteleft|right`, `\textquotedblleft|right` (#3849).
+ + Support `\lq`, `\rq`.
+ + Implement `\newtoggle`, `\iftoggle`, `\toggletrue|false` from etoolbox
+ (#3853).
+ + Support `\RN` and `\Rn`, from biblatex (bucklereed, #3854).
+ + Improved support for `\hyperlink`, `\hypertarget` (#2549).
+ + Support `\k` ogonek accent.
+ + Improve handling of accents. Handle ogonek, and fall back correctly
+ with forms like `\"{}`.
+ + Better support for ogonek accents.
+ + Support for `\faCheck` and `\faClose` (Marc Schreiber, #3727).
+ + Support for `xspace` (Marc Schreiber, #3797).
+ + Support `\setmainlanguage` or `\setdefaultlanguage` (polyglossia)
+ and `\figurename`.
+ + Better handling of `\part` in LaTeX (#1905). Now we parse chapters as
+ level 0 headers, and parts as level -1 headers. After parsing, we
+ check for the lowest header level, and if it's less than 1 we bump
+ everything up so that 1 is the lowest header level. So `\part` will
+ always produce a header; no command-line options are needed.
+ + Add block version of `\textcolor` (Marc Schreiber).
+ + `\textcolor` works as inline and block command (Marc Schreiber).
+ + `\textcolor` will be parse as span at the beginning of a paragraph
+ (Marc Schreiber).
+ + Read polyglossia/babel `\text(LANG){...}` (bucklereed)
+ + Improved handling of include files in LaTeX reader (#3971).
+ Previously `\include` wouldn't work if the included file
+ contained, e.g., a begin without a matching end.
+ + Support `\expandafter` (#3983).
+ + Handle `\DeclareRobustCommand` (#3983). Currently it's just treated
+ as a synonym for `\newcommand`.
+ * Math improvements due to updates in texmath:
+ + Improved handling of accents and upper/lower delimiters.
+ + Support for output in GNU eqn format (used with *roff).
+ + Allow `\boldsymbol` + a token without braces, and similarly
+ with other styling commands.
+ + Improve parsing of `\mathop` to allow multi-character operator names.
+ + Add thin space after math operators when "faking it with
+ unicode."
+ * `walk` is now used instead of `bottomUp` in the `ToJSONFilter`
+ instance for `a -> [a]` (pandoc-types). Note that behavior
+ will be slightly different, since `bottomUp`'s treatment of
+ a function `[a] -> [a]` is to apply it to each sublist of a
+ list, while walk applies it only to maximal sublists.
+ Usually the latter behavior is what is wanted, and the
+ former can be simulated when needed. But there may be
+ existing filters that need to be rewritten in light of the
+ new behavior. Performance should be improved.
+ * There are some changes to syntax highlighting due to revisions
+ in the `skylighting` library:
+ + Support for `powershell` has been added, and many syntax
+ definitions have been updated.
+ + Background colors have been added to the `kate` style.
+ + The way highlighted code blocks are formatted in HTML has
+ been changed (David Baynard), in ways that may require
+ changes in hard-coded CSS affecting highlighting.
+ (If you haven't included hard-coded highlighting CSS in
+ your template, you needn't change anything.)
+ [API changes]
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.Class` (Jesse Rosenthal, John MacFarlane).
+ This contains definitions of the `PandocMonad` typeclass, the
+ `PandocIO` and `PandocPure` monads, and associated functions.
+ * Changed types of all writers and readers.
+ + We now use `Text` instead of `String` in the interface (#3731).
+ (We have not yet changed the internals of most readers to work
+ with `Text`, but making this change in the API now opens up a
+ path to doing that.)
+ + The result is now of form `m a` with constraint `PandocMonad m`.
+ Readers and writers can be combined to form monadic values which
+ can be run using either `runIO` or `runPure`. If `runIO` is used,
+ then both readers and writers will be able to do IO when needed
+ (for include files, for example); if `runPure` is used,
+ then the functions are pure and will not touch IO.
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.Readers` (Albert Krewinkel). This
+ contains reader helper functions formerly defined in the
+ top-level `Text.Pandoc` module.
+ + Changed `StringReader` -> `TextReader`.
+ + `getReader` now returns a pair of a reader and
+ `Extensions`, instead of building the extensions into the
+ reader (#3659). The calling code must explicitly set
+ `readerExtensions` using the `Extensions` returned. The
+ point of the change is to make it possible for the calling
+ code to determine what extensions are being used.
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.Writers` (Albert Krewinkel).
+ This contains writer helper functions formerly defined in the
+ top-level `Text.Pandoc` module.
+ + Changed `StringWriter` -> `TextWriter`.
+ + `getWriter` now retuns a pair of a reader and
+ `Extensions`, instead of building the extensions into the
+ reader (#3659). The calling code must explicitly set
+ `readerExtensions` using the `Extensions` returned. The
+ point of the change is to make it possible for the calling
+ code to determine what extensions are being used.
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.Lua`, exporting `runLuaFilter` (Albert Krewinkel,
+ #3514).
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.App`. This abstracts out the functionality
+ of the command line program (`convertWithOpts`), so it can be reproduced
+ e.g. in a desktop or web application. Instead of exiting, we throw errors
+ (#3548), which are caught (leading to exit) in pandoc.hs, but allow other
+ users of `Text.Pandoc.App` to recover. `pandoc.hs` is now a 2-liner.
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.Logging` (exported module) (#3392).
+ This now contains the `Verbosity` definition previously in
+ `Text.Pandoc.Options`, as well as a new `LogMessage` datatype that will
+ eventually be used instead of raw strings for warnings. This will enable
+ us, among other things, to provide machine-readable warnings if desired.
+ Include ToJSON instance and showLogMessage. This gives us the possibility
+ of both machine-readable and human-readable output for log messages.
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.BCP47`, with `getLang`, `Lang(..)`, `parseBCP47`.
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.Translations`, exporting `Term`,
+ `Translations`, `readTranslations`.
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types', exporting `Macro`, `Tok`,
+ `TokType`, `Line`, `Column`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Error`: added many new constructors for `PandocError`.
+ * Expose some previously private modules (#3260). These are often
+ helpful to people writing their own reader or writer modules:
+ + `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared`
+ + `Text.Pandoc.Parsing`
+ + `Text.Pandoc.Asciify`
+ + `Text.Pandoc.Emoji`
+ + `Text.Pandoc.ImageSize`
+ + `Text.Pandoc.Highlighting`
+ * New module `Text.Pandoc.Extensions` (Albert Krewinkel):
+ Extension parsing and processing functions were defined in the top-level
+ `Text.Pandoc` module. These functions are moved to the Extensions
+ submodule as to enable reuse in other submodules.
+ * Add `Ext_raw_attribute` to `Extension`.
+ * Add `Monoid` instance for `Extensions`.
+ * Add `Ext_four_space_rule` constructor in `Extension`.
+ * Add `Ext_gfm_auto_identifiers`: new constructor for `Extension`.
+ * Add `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ms`, exporting `writeMs`.
+ * Add `Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS`, exporting `writeJATS`.
+ * Add `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Muse`, exporting `writeMuse`.
+ * Add `Text.Pandoc.Readers.Muse`, exporting `readMuse`.
+ * Add `Text.Pandoc.Readers.TikiWiki`, exporting `readTikiWiki`.
+ * Add `Text.Pandoc.Readers.Vimwiki`, exporting `readVimwiki`.
+ * Export `setVerbosity` from `Text.Pandoc`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Pretty`: Add `Eq` instance for `Doc`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.XML`: `toEntities`: changed type to `Text -> Text`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.UTF8`:
+ + Export `fromText`, `fromTextLazy`, `toText`, `toTextLazy`.
+ Define `toString`, `toStringLazy` in terms of them.
+ + Add new functions parameterized on `Newline`: `writeFileWith`,
+ `putStrWith`, `putStrLnWith`, `hPutStrWith`, `hPutStrLnWith`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.MediaBag`: removed `extractMediaBag`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Highlighting`:
+ + `highlighting` now returns an Either rather than Maybe.
+ This allows us to display error information returned by the skylighting
+ library. Display a warning if the highlighting library throws an error.
+ + Add parameter for `SyntaxMap` to `highlight`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math`:
+ + Export `defaultMathJaxURL`, `defaultKaTeXURL`. This will ensure that
+ we only need to update these in one place.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.SelfContained`:
+ + Removed `WriterOptions` parameter from `makeSelfContained`.
+ + Put `makeSelfContained` in PandocMonad instead of IO. This removes
+ the need to pass MediaBag around and improves exceptions. It also
+ opens up the possibility of using makeSelfContained purely.
+ + Export `makeDataURI`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.ImageSize`:
+ + Export `lengthToDim`, new function `scaleDimension`.
+ + Export `inEm` from ImageSize (#3450).
+ + Change `showFl` and `show` instance for `Dimension` so
+ extra decimal places are omitted.
+ + Added `Em` as a constructor of `Dimension`.
+ + Add `WriterOptions` parameter to `imageSize` signature (Mauro Bieg).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Templates`:
+ + Change type of `renderTemplate'`. Now it runs in `PandocMonad`
+ and raises a proper `PandocTemplateError` if there are problems, rather
+ than failing with uncatchable `error`.
+ + Change signature of `getDefaultTemplate`. Now it runs in any instance
+ of `PandocMonad`, and returns a `String` rather than an `Either` value.
+ And it no longer takes a `datadir` parameter, since this can be
+ retrieved from `CommonState`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Options`:
+ + Added `writerEpubSubdirectory` to `WriterOptions` (#3720).
+ The EPUB writer now takes its EPUB subdirectory from this option.
+ + In `WriterOptions`, rename `writerLaTeXEngine` to `writerPdfEngine`
+ and `writerLaTeXArgs` to `writerPdfArgs` (Mauro Bieg, #3909).
+ + Add `writerSyntaxMap` to `WriterOptions`.
+ + Removed `writerEpubStylesheet` from `WriterOptions`.
+ + Remove `writerUserDataDir` from `WriterOptions`. It is now carried
+ in `CommonState` in `PandocMonad` instances. (And thus it can be used
+ by readers too.)
+ + Changed `writerEpubMetadata` to a `Maybe String`.
+ + Removed `readerApplyMacros` from `ReaderOptions`. Now we just check
+ the `latex_macros` reader extension.
+ + FromJSON/ToJSON instances for `ReaderOptions`.
+ + In `HTMLMathMethod`, the `KaTeX` contsructor now takes only
+ one string (for the KaTeX base URL), rather than two.
+ + Removed `writerSourceURL` from `WriterOptions`. We now use
+ `stSourceURL` in `CommonState`, which is set by `setInputFiles`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Shared`:
+ + `tabFilter` now takes a `Text`, not `String`.
+ + `openURL`: Changed type from an Either. Now it will just raise
+ an exception to be trapped later.
+ + Remove `normalizeSpaces` (#1530).
+ + Remove `warn`. (Use `report` from `Text.Pandoc.Class` instead.)
+ + Export a new function `crFilter`.
+ + Added `eastAsianLineBreakFilter` (previously in Markdown reader).
+ + Provide custom `isURI` that rejects unknown schemes.
+ (Albert Krewinkel, #2713). We also export the set of known
+ `schemes`. The new function replaces the function of the same name
+ from `Network.URI`, as the latter did not check whether a scheme is
+ well-known. All official IANA schemes (as of 2017-05-22) are
+ included in the set of known schemes. The four non-official schemes
+ `doi`, `isbn`, `javascript`, and `pmid` are kept.
+ + Removed `err`.
+ + Removed `readDataFile`, `readDefaultDataFile`, `getReferenceDocx`,
+ `getReferenceODT`. These now live in `Text.Pandoc.Class`,
+ where they are defined in terms of `PandocMonad`
+ primitives and have different signatures.
+ + Remove `openURL`. Use `openURL` from `Text.Pandoc.Class` instead.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML`: export new `NamedTag` class.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown`: remove `readDocxWithWarnings`.
+ With the new API one can simply use `getLog` after running
+ the reader.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX`: Changed types for `rawLaTeXInline`
+ and `rawLaTeXBlock`. (Both now return a `String`, and they are
+ polymorphic in state.)
+ [bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements]
+ * TEI writer: Added identifiers on `<div>` elements.
+ * DokuWiki reader: Better handling for code block in list item (#3824).
+ * Custom writer: Remove old preprocesesor conditionals (Albert Krewinkel).
+ * ZimWiki writer: Removed internal formatting from note and table cells,
+ because ZimWiki does not support it (Alex Ivkin, #3446).
+ * MediaWiki writer:
+ + Updated list of syntax highlighting languages (#3461).
+ Now `r` gets you `<source>` rather than `<code>` (among others).
+ + Add display attribute on `<math>` tags (#3452). This allows display
+ math to be rendered properly.
+ + Remove newline before `</ref>` (#2652).
+ + Don't softbreak lines inside list items (#3531).
+ * Org writer:
+ + Reduce to two spaces after bullets (#3417, Albert Krewinkel).
+ + Add unit tests (Alexander Krotov).
+ + Stop using raw HTML to wrap divs (Albert Krewinkel, #3771).
+ + Do not strip `#` from Org anchor links (Alexander Krotov).
+ * CommonMark writer:
+ + Avoid excess blank lines at end of output.
+ + Prefer pipe tables to HTML tables even if it means losing relative
+ column width information (#3734).
+ + Support table, strikethrough extensions, when enabled (as with gfm).
+ Note that we bypass the commonmark writer from cmark and construct our
+ own pipe tables, with better results.
+ + Properly support `--wrap=none`.
+ + Use smallcaps class for `SmallCaps` (#1592).
+ + Omit "fig:" prefix in image titles. This is used internally to
+ indicate internal figures.
+ * RST writer:
+ + Properly handle table captions.
+ + Don't wrap lines in in definition list terms. Wrapping is not allowed.
+ + Implemented `+/-smart` and improved escaping with `+smart`.
+ + Add empty comments when needed to avoid including a blockquote
+ in the indented content of a preceding block (#3675).
+ + Improve grid table output, fix bug with empty rows (#3516).
+ Uses the new `gridTable` in Writers.Shared, which is here
+ improved to better handle 0-width cells.
+ + Remove space at beginning/end of RST code span (#3496). Otherwise
+ we get invalid RST. There seems to be no way to escape the space.
+ + Add header anchors when header has non-standard id (#3937).
+ + Correctly handle inline code containing backticks, using a `:literal:`
+ role (#3974).
+ + Don't backslash-escape word-internal punctuation (#3978).
+ * Markdown writer:
+ + Don't include variables in metadata blocks. Previously variables set
+ on the command line were included in e.g. YAML metadata, contrary to
+ documentation and intentions.
+ + Improved escaping with `+smart`.
+ + Fixed grid tables embedded in grid tables (#2834).
+ + Use span with class 'smallcaps' for SmallCaps, instead of a style
+ attribute as before (#1592).
+ + Escape initial `%` in a paragraph if the `pandoc_title_blocks`
+ extension is enabled (#3454). Otherwise in a document starting with
+ a literal `%` the first line is wrongly interpreted as a title.
+ + Fixed false ordered lists in YAML metadata (#3492, #1685). Now we
+ properly escape things that would otherwise start ordered lists,
+ such as
+ ---
+ title: 1. inline
+ ...
+ + Better handling of tables with empty columns (#3337). We now
+ calculate the number of columns based on the longest row (or the
+ length of aligns or widths).
+ + Escape unordered list markers at beginning of paragraph (#3497), to
+ avoid false interpretation as a list.
+ + Escape `|` appropriately.
+ + Ensure space before list at top level (#3487).
+ + Avoid spurious blanklines at end of document after tables and list,
+ for example.
+ + Fixed bugs in simple/multiline list output (#3384).
+ Previously we got overlong lists with `--wrap=none`. This is fixed.
+ Previously a multiline list could become a simple list (and would
+ always become one with `--wrap=none`).
+ + Don't emit a simple table if `simple_tables` disabled (#3529).
+ + Case-insensitive reference links (David A Roberts, #3616).
+ Ensure that we do not generate reference links whose labels differ only
+ by case. Also allow implicit reference links when the link
+ text and label are identical up to case.
+ + Put space before reference link definitions (Mauro Bieg, #3630).
+ + Better escaping for links (David A. Roberts, #3619). Previously the
+ Markdown writer would sometimes create links where there were none
+ in the source. This is now avoided by selectively escaping bracket
+ characters when they occur in a place where a link might be created.
+ + Added missing `\n` (David A. Roberts, #3647).
+ + Fixed duplicated reference links with `--reference-links`
+ and `--reference-location=section` (#3674). Also ensure that there
+ are no empty link references `[]`.
+ + Avoid inline surround-marking with empty content (#3715).
+ E.g. we don't want `<strong></strong>` to become `****`.
+ Similarly for emphasis, super/subscript, strikeout.
+ + Don't allow soft break in header (#3736).
+ + Make sure `plain`, `markdown_github`, etc. work for raw.
+ Previously only `markdown` worked. Note: currently a raw block labeled
+ `markdown_github` will be printed for any `markdown` format.
+ + Ensure that `+` and `-` are escaped properly so they don't cause
+ spurious lists (#3773). Previously they were only
+ if succeeded by a space, not if they were at end of line.
+ + Use pipe tables if `raw_html` disabled and `pipe_tables` enabled,
+ even if the table has relative width information (#3734).
+ + Markdown writer: don't crash on `Str ""`.
+ + Make `Span` with null attribute transparent. That is, we don't use
+ brackets or `<span>` tags to mark spans when there are no attributes;
+ we simply output the contents.
+ + Escape pipe characters when `pipe_tables` enabled (#3887).
+ + Better escaping of `<` and `>`. If `all_symbols_escapable` is set,
+ we backslash escape these. Otherwise we use entities as before.
+ + When writing plain, don't use `&nbsp;` to separate list and indented
+ code. There's no need for it in this context, since this isn't to be
+ interpreted using Markdown rules.
+ + Preserve classes in JS obfuscated links (Timm Albers, #2989).
+ HTML links containing classes originally now preserve them when using
+ javascript email obfuscation.
+ + Render `SmallCaps` as a native span when `native_spans` are enabled.
+ + Always write attributes with `bracketed_spans` (d-dorazio).
+ * Man writer:
+ + Fix handling of nested font commands (#3568). Previously pandoc emitted
+ incorrect markup for bold + italic, for example, or bold + code.
+ + Avoid error for definition lists with no definitions (#3832).
+ * DocBook writer:
+ + Fix internal links with `writerIdentifierPrefix opt`
+ (#3397, Maura Bieg).
+ * Docx writer:
+ + Don't include bookmarks on headers unless non-null id (#3476).
+ + Support 9 levels of headers (#1642).
+ + Allow 9 list levels (#3519).
+ + Don't take `distArchive` from datadir (#3322). The docx writer takes
+ components from the distribution's version of `reference.docx` when it
+ can't find them in a user's custom `reference.docx`. Previously, we
+ allowed a `reference.docx` in the data directory (e.g. `~/.pandoc`)
+ to be used as the distribution's reference.docx. This led to a
+ bizarre situation where pandoc would produce a good docx using
+ `--template ~/.pandoc/ref.docx`, but if `ref.docx` were moved to
+ `~/.pandoc/reference.docx`, it would then produce a corrupted docx.
+ + Fixed handling of soft hyphen (0173) (#3691).
+ + Better handling of keywords (#3719).
+ + Cleaner code for handling dir and style attributes for `Div`.
+ + Use `Set` for dynamic styles to avoid duplicates.
+ + Removed redundant element from data/docx/word/numbering.xml.
+ The elements we need are generated when the document is
+ compiled; this didn't do anything.
+ + Activate `evenAndOddHeaders` from reference docx (#3901,
+ Augustín Martín Barbero).
+ * ODT/OpenDocument writer:
+ + Calculate aspect ratio for percentage-sized images (Mauro Bieg, #3239).
+ + Use more widely available bullet characters (#1400). The old
+ characters weren't available in some font sets. These seem to work
+ well on Windows and Linux versions of LibreOffice.
+ + Wider labels for lists (#2421). This avoids overly narrow labels for
+ ordered lists with `()` delimiters. However, arguably it creates
+ overly wide labels for bullets. Also, lists now start flush with
+ the margin, rather than indented.
+ + Fixed dropped elements in some ordered lists (#2434).
+ * FB2 writer:
+ + Don't render `RawBlock` as code.
+ + Don't fail with an error on interior headers (e.g. in list) (#3750).
+ Instead, omit them with an INFO message.
+ + Add support for "lang" metadata (Alexander Krotov, #3625).
+ + Format `LineBlock` as poem (Alexander Krotov). Previously writer
+ produced one paragraph with `<empty-line/>` elements, which are not
+ allowed inside `<p>` according to FB2 schema.
+ + Replace `concatMap` with `cMap` (Alexander Krotov).
+ * HTML writer:
+ + Make sure `html4`, `html5` formats work for raw blocks/inlines.
+ + Render raw inline environments when `--mathjax` used (#3816).
+ We previously did this only with raw blocks, on the assumption
+ that math environments would always be raw blocks. This has changed
+ since we now parse them as inline environments.
+ + Ensure we don't get two style attributes for width and height.
+ + Report when not rendering raw inline/block.
+ + Issue warning if no title specified and template used (#3473).
+ + Info message if `lang` is unspecified (#3486).
+ + Removed unused parameter in `dimensionsToAttributeList`.
+ + Avoid two class attributes when adding `uri` class (#3716).
+ + Fix internal links with `writerIdentifierPrefix opt` (#3397, Maura
+ Bieg).
+ + Use revealjs's math plugin for mathjax (#3743). This is a thin
+ wrapper around mathjax that makes math look better on revealjs.
+ + Slidy: use h1 for all slides, even if they were originally
+ level 2 headers (#3566). Otherwise the built-in table of contents
+ in Slidy breaks.
+ * LaTeX writer:
+ + Don't render LaTeX images with data: URIs (#3636). Note that
+ `--extract-media` can be used when the input contains data: URIs.
+ + Make highlighted code blocks work in footnotes (Timm Albers).
+ + Don't use figure inside table cell (#3836).
+ + Use proper code for list enumerators (#3891). This should fix problems
+ with lists that don't use arabic numerals.
+ + Always add hypertarget when there's a non-empty identifier (#2719).
+ Previously the hypertargets were only added when there was actually
+ a link to that identifier.
+ + Use `%` after hypertarget before code block.
+ + Add `\leavevmode` before hypertarget at start of paragraph (#2704,
+ fixes formatting problems in beamer citations).
+ + Don't use `lstinline` in \item[..] (#645). If you do, the contents
+ of item disappear or are misplaced. Use `\texttt` instead.
+ + Fix problem with escaping in `lstinline` (#1629). Previously the
+ LaTeX writer created invalid LaTeX when `--listings` was specified and
+ a code span occured inside emphasis or another construction.
+ + Fix error with line breaks after empty content (#2874). LaTeX
+ requires something before a line break, so we insert a `~` if no
+ printable content has yet been emitted.
+ + Use BCP47 parser.
+ + Fixed detection of otherlangs (#3770). We weren't recursing into
+ inline contexts.
+ + Handle language in inline code with `--listings` (#3422).
+ + Write euro symbol directly in LaTeX (Andrew Dunning, #3801).
+ The textcomp package allows pdfLaTeX to parse `€` directly, making the
+ `\euro` command unneeded.
+ + Fixed footnotes in table captions (#2378). Note that if the table has
+ a first page header and a continuation page header, the notes will
+ appear only on the first occurrence of the header.
+ + In `writeBeamer` output, allow hyperlinks to frames (#3220).
+ Previously you could link to a header above or below slide level but
+ not *to* slide level. This commit changes that. Hypertargets are
+ inserted inside frame titles; technically the reference is to just
+ after the title, but in normal use (where slides are viewed full
+ screen in a slide show), this does not matter.
+ + Remove `\strut` at beginning of table cells (#3436). This fixes a
+ problem with alignment of lists in table cells. The `\strut` at the
+ end seems to be enough to avoid the too-close spacing that motivated
+ addition of the strut in #1573.
+ + Add partial siunitx Support (Marc Schreiber, #3588).
+ * ConTeXt writer:
+ + Refactored to use BCP47 module.
+ + Remove unnecessary `$` (Alexander Krotov, #3482).
+ + Use header identifiers for chapters (#3968).
+ * EPUB writer:
+ + `title_page.xhtml` is now put in `text/`.
+ + Don't strip formatting in TOC (#1611).
+ * Textile reader:
+ + Fix bug for certain links in table cells (#3667).
+ + Allow 'pre' code in list item (#3916).
+ * HTML reader:
+ + Added warnings for ignored material (#3392).
+ + Better sanity checks to avoid parsing unintended things as
+ raw HTML in the Markdown reader (#3257).
+ + Revise treatment of `li` with `id` attribute (#3596). Previously we
+ always added an empty div before the list item, but this created
+ problems with spacing in tight lists. Now we do this: If the list
+ item contents begin with a `Plain` block, we modify the `Plain`
+ block by adding a `Span` around its contents. Otherwise, we add a
+ `Div` around the contents of the list item (instead of adding an
+ empty `Div` to the beginning, as before).
+ + Add `details` tag to list of block tags (#3694).
+ + Removed `button` from block tag list (#3717). It is already in the
+ `eitherBlockOrInlineTag` list, and should be both places.
+ + Use `Set`s instead of lists for block tag lookup.
+ + Rewrote to use `Text` throughout. Effect on memory usage is modest
+ (< 10%).
+ + Use the lang value of `<html>` to set the lang meta value (bucklereed,
+ #3765).
+ + Ensure that paragraphs are closed properly when the parent block
+ element closes, even without `</p>` (#3794).
+ + Parse `<figure>` and `<figcaption>` (Mauro Bieg, #3813).
+ + Parse `<main>` like `<div role=main>` (bucklereed, #3791).
+ `<main>` closes `<p>` and behaves like a block element generally
+ + Support column alignments (#1881). These can be set either
+ with a `width` attribute or with `text-width` in a `style` attribute.
+ + Modified state type to be an instance of `HasLogMessages`, so
+ `registerHeader` can issue warnings.
+ * Txt2Tags reader:
+ + Newline is not indentation (Alexander Krotov).
+ * MediaWiki reader:
+ + Allow extra hyphens after `|-` in tables (#2649).
+ + Allow blank line after table start (#2649).
+ + Fixed more table issues (#2649).
+ + Ensure that list starts begin at left margin (#2606). Including when
+ they're in tables or other list items.
+ + Make smart double quotes depend on `smart` extension (#3585).
+ + Don't do curly quotes inside `<tt>` contexts (#3585). Even if `+smart`.
+ + Modified state type to be an instance of `HasLogMessages`, so
+ `registerHeader` can issue warnings.
+ * TWiki reader (Alexander Krotov):
+ + Remove unnecessary `$` (#3597).
+ + Simplify `linkText` (#3605).
+ * EPUB reader:
+ + Minor refactoring, avoiding explicit MediaBag handling.
+ This all works behind the scenes in CommonState plumbing.
+ * Docx reader:
+ + Don't drop smartTag contents (#2242).
+ + Handle local namespace declarations (#3365). Previously we didn't
+ recognize math, for example, when the xmlns declaration occured on
+ the element and not the root.
+ + More efficient trimSps (#1530). Replacing `trimLineBreaks`. This
+ does the work of `normalizeSpaces` as well, so we avoid the need for
+ that function here.
+ + Avoid 0-level headers (Jesse Rosenthal, #3830). We used to parse
+ paragraphs styled with "HeadingN" as "nth-level header." But if a
+ document has a custom style named "Heading0", this will produce a
+ 0-level header, which shouldn't exist. We only parse this style
+ if N>0. Otherwise we treat it as a normal style name, and
+ follow its dependencies, if any.
+ + Add tests for avoiding zero-level header (Jesse Rosenthal).
+ * ODT reader:
+ + Replaced `collectRights` with Rights from `Data.Either`.
+ + Remove dead code (Albert Krewinkel).
+ * Org reader (Albert Krewinkel, unless noted).
+ + Don't allow tables inside list items (John MacFarlane, #3499).
+ + Disallow tables on list marker lines (#3499).
+ + Convert markup at beginning of footnotes (John MacFarlane, #3576).
+ + Allow emphasized text to be followed by `[` (#3577).
+ + Handle line numbering switch for src blocks.
+ The line-numbering switch that can be given to source blocks (`-n` with
+ an start number as an optional parameter) is parsed and translated to a
+ class/key-value combination used by highlighting and other readers and
+ writers.
+ + Stop adding rundoc prefix to src params. Source block parameter names
+ are no longer prefixed with `rundoc`. This was intended to simplify
+ working with the rundoc project, a babel runner. However, the rundoc
+ project is unmaintained, and adding those markers is not the reader's
+ job anyway. The original language that is specified for a source
+ element is now retained as the `data-org-language` attribute and only
+ added if it differs from the translated language.
+ + Allow multi-word arguments to src block params (#3477). The reader now
+ correctly parses src block parameter list even if parameter arguments
+ contain multiple words.
+ + Avoid creating `nullMeta` by applying `setMeta` directly
+ (Alexander Krotov).
+ + Replace `sequence . map` with `mapM`.
+ + Fix smart parsing behavior. Parsing of smart quotes and special
+ characters can either be enabled via the `smart` language extension or
+ the `'` and `-` export options. Smart parsing is active if either the
+ extension or export option is enabled. Only smart parsing of special
+ characters (like ellipses and en and em dashes) is enabled by default,
+ while smart quotes are disabled. Previously, all smart parsing was
+ disabled unless the language extension was enabled.
+ + Subject full doc tree to headline transformations (Albert Krewinkel,
+ #3695). Emacs parses org documents into a tree structure, which is
+ then post-processed during exporting. The reader is changed to do the
+ same, turning the document into a single tree of headlines starting
+ at level 0.
+ + Fix cite parsing behaviour (Herwig Stuetz). Until now, `org-ref`
+ cite keys included special characters also at the end. This caused
+ problems when citations occur right before colons or at the end of
+ a sentence. With this change, all non alphanumeric characters at
+ the end of a cite key are ignored. This also adds `,` to the list
+ of special characters that are legal in cite keys to better mirror
+ the behaviour of org-export.
+ + Fix module names in haddock comments. Copy-pasting had lead to
+ haddock module descriptions containing the wrong module names.
+ + Recognize babel result blocks with attributes (#3706). Babel
+ result blocks can have block attributes like captions and names.
+ Result blocks with attributes were not recognized and were parsed
+ as normal blocks without attributes.
+ + Include tags in headlines. The Emacs default is to include tags in the
+ headline when exporting. Instead of just empty spans, which contain the
+ tag name as attribute, tags are rendered as small caps and wrapped in
+ those spans. Non-breaking spaces serve as separators for multiple tags.
+ + Respect export option for tags (#3713). Tags are appended to
+ headlines by default, but will be omitted when the `tags` export option
+ is set to nil.
+ + Use `tag-name` attribute instead of `data-tag-name`.
+ + Use `org-language` attribute rather than `data-org-language`.
+ + Modified state type to be an instance of `HasLogMessages`, so
+ `registerHeader` can issue warnings.
+ + End footnotes after two blank lines. Footnotes can not only be
+ terminated by the start of a new footnote or a header, but also by two
+ consecutive blank lines.
+ + Update emphasis border chars (#3933). The org reader was updated to
+ match current org-mode behavior: the set of characters which are
+ acceptable to occur as the first or last character in an org emphasis
+ have been changed and now allows all non-whitespace chars at the
+ inner border of emphasized text (see `org-emphasis-regexp-components`).
+ * RST reader:
+ + Fixed small bug in list parsing (#3432). Previously the parser didn't
+ handle properly this case:
+ * - a
+ - b
+ * - c
+ - d
+ + Handle multiline cells in simple tables (#1166).
+ + Parse list table directive (Keiichiro Shikano, #3432).
+ + Make use of `anyLineNewline` (Alexander Krotov, #3686).
+ + Use `anyLineNewline` in `rawListItem` (Alexander Krotov, #3702).
+ + Reorganize block parsers for ~20% faster parsing.
+ + Fixed `..include::` directive (#3880).
+ + Handle blank lines correctly in line blocks (Alexander Krotov, #3881).
+ Previously pandoc would sometimes combine two line blocks separated
+ by blanks, and ignore trailing blank lines within the line block.
+ + Fix indirect hyperlink targets (#512).
+ * Markdown reader:
+ + Allow attributes in reference links to start on next line (#3674).
+ + Parse YAML metadata in a context that sees footnotes defined in
+ the body of the document (#1279).
+ + When splitting pipe table cells, skip tex math (#3481).
+ You might have a `|` character inside math. (Or for that matter
+ something that the parser might mistake for raw HTML.)
+ + Treat span with class `smallcaps` as SmallCaps.
+ This allows users to specify small caps in Markdown this way:
+ `[my text]{.smallcaps}` (#1592).
+ + Fixed internal header links (#2397).
+ This patch also adds `shortcut_reference_links` to the list
+ of mmd extensions.
+ + Treat certain environments as inline
+ when they occur without space surrounding them (#3309, #2171).
+ E.g. equation, math. This avoids incorrect vertical space
+ around equations.
+ + Optimized `nonindentSpaces`. Makes the benchmark go from 40 to 36 ms.
+ + Allow latex macro definitions indented 1-3 spaces.
+ Previously they only worked if nonindented.
+ + Improved parsing of indented raw HTML blocks (#1841).
+ Previously we inadvertently interpreted indented HTML as
+ code blocks. This was a regression. We now seek to determine the
+ indentation level of the contents of an HTML block, and (optionally)
+ skip that much indentation. As a side effect, indentation may be
+ stripped off of raw HTML blocks, if `markdown_in_html_blocks` is
+ used. This is better than having things interpreted as indented
+ code blocks.
+ + Fixed smart quotes after emphasis (#2228). E.g. in `*foo*'s 'foo'`.
+ + Warn for notes defined but not used (#1718).
+ + Use `anyLineNewline` (Alexander Krotov).
+ + Interpret YAML metadata as Inlines when possible (#3755). If
+ the metadata field is all on one line, we try to interpret it as
+ Inlines, and only try parsing as Blocks if that fails. If it
+ extends over one line (including possibly the `|` or `>` character
+ signaling an indented block), then we parse as Blocks. This was
+ motivated by some German users finding that `date: '22. Juin 2017'`
+ got parsed as an ordered list.
+ + Fixed spurious parsing as citation as reference def (#3840).
+ We now disallow reference keys starting with `@` if the
+ `citations` extension is enabled.
+ + Parse `-@roe` as suppress-author citation (pandoc-citeproc#237).
+ Previously only `[-@roe]` (with brackets) was recognized as
+ suppress-author, and `-@roe` was treated the same as `@roe`.
+ + Fixed parsing of fenced code after list when there is no intervening
+ blank line (#3733).
+ + Allow raw latex commands starting with `\start` (#3558). Previously
+ these weren't allowed because they were interpreted as starting
+ ConTeXt environments, even without a corresponding `\stop`...
+ + Added `inlines`, `inlines1`.
+ + Require nonempty alt text for `implicit_figures` (#2844).
+ A figure with an empty caption doesn't make sense.
+ + Removed texmath macro material; now all this is handled
+ in the LaTeX reader functions.
+ + Fixed bug with indented code following raw LaTeX (#3947).
+ * LaTeX reader:
+ + Rewrote LaTeX reader with proper tokenization (#1390,
+ #2118, #3236, #3779, #934, #982). This rewrite is primarily
+ motivated by the need to get macros working properly. A side benefit
+ is that the reader is significantly faster. We now tokenize the
+ input text, then parse the token stream. Macros modify the token
+ stream, so they should now be effective in any context, including
+ math. Thus, we no longer need the clunky macro processing
+ capacities of texmath.
+ + Parse `\,` to `\8198` (six-per-em space) (Henri Werth).
+ + Allow `\newcommand\foo{blah}` without braces.
+ + Support `\lstinputlisting` (#2116).
+ + Issue warnings when skipping unknown latex commands (#3392).
+ + Include contents of `\parbox`.
+ + Allow `\hspace` and `\vspace` to count as raw block or inline.
+ Previously we would refuse to parse anything as raw inline if
+ it was in the `blockCommands` list. Now we allow exceptions
+ if they're listed under ignoreInlines in inlineCommands.
+ This should make it easier e.g. to include an `\hspace`
+ between two side-by-side raw LaTeX tables.
+ + Don't drop contents of `\hypertarget`.
+ + Handle spaces before `\cite` arguments.
+ + Allow newpage, clearpage, pagebreak in inline contexts as well as
+ block contexts (#3494).
+ + Treat `{{xxx}}` the same as `{xxx}` (#2115).
+ + Use `pMacroDefinition` in macro (for more direct parsing).
+ Note that this means that `macro` will now parse one
+ macro at a time, rather than parsing a whole group together.
+ + Fixed failures on \ref{}, \label{} with `+raw_tex`. Now these
+ commands are parsed as raw if `+raw_tex`; otherwise, their argument
+ is parsed as a bracketed string.
+ + Don't crash on empty `enumerate` environment (#3707).
+ + Handle escaped `&` inside table cell (#3708).
+ + Handle block structure inside table cells (#3709). `minipage` is no
+ longer required.
+ + Handle some width specifiers on table columns (#3709). Currently
+ we only handle the form `0.9\linewidth`. Anything else would have
+ to be converted to a percentage, using some kind arbitrary assumptions
+ about line widths.
+ + Make sure `\write18` is parsed as raw LaTeX. The change is in the
+ LaTeX reader's treatment of raw commands, but it also affects the
+ Markdown reader.
+ + Fixed regression with starred environment names (#3803).
+ + Handle optional args in raw `\titleformat` (#3804).
+ + Improved heuristic for raw block/inline. An unknown command at the
+ beginning of the line that could be either block or inline is
+ treated as block if we have a sequence of block commands followed by
+ a newline or a `\startXXX` command (which might start a raw ConTeXt
+ environment).
+ + Don't remove macro definitions from the output, even if
+ `Ext_latex_macros` is set, so that macros will be applied.
+ Since they're only applied to math in Markdown, removing the macros
+ can have bad effects. Even for math macros, keeping them should be
+ harmless.
+ + Removed `macro`. It is no longer necessary, since the
+ `rawLaTeXBlock` parser will parse macro definitions. This also avoids
+ the need for a separate `latexMacro` parser in the Markdown reader.
+ + Use `label` instead of `data-label` for label in caption (#3639).
+ + Fixed space after \figurename etc.
+ + Resolve references to section numbers.
+ + Fix `\let\a=0` case, with single character token.
+ + Allow `@` as a letter in control sequences. `@` is commonly used
+ in macros using `\makeatletter`. Ideally we'd make the tokenizer
+ sensitive to `\makeatletter` and `\makeatother`, but until then this
+ seems a good change.
+ + Track header numbers and correlate with labels.
+ + Allow `]` inside group in option brackets (#3857).
+ + lstinline with braces can be used (verb cannot be used with braces)
+ (Marc Schreiber, #3535).
+ + Fix keyval funtion: pandoc did not parse options in braces correctly
+ (Marc Schreiber, #3642).
+ + When parsing raw LaTeX commands, include trailing space (#1773).
+ Otherwise things like `\noindent foo` break and turn into
+ `\noindentfoo`. Affects `-f latex+raw_tex` and `-f markdown` (and other
+ formats that allow `raw_tex`).
+ + Don't treat "..." as Quoted (#3958). This caused quotes to be omitted in
+ `\texttt` contexts.
+ + Add tests for existing `\includegraphics` behaviour (Ben Firshman).
+ + Allow space before `=` in bracketd options (Ben Firshman).
+ + Be more forgiving in parsing command options. This was needed, for
+ example, to make some minted options work.
+ + Strip off quotes in `\include` filenames.
+ * Added `Text.Pandoc.CSV`, simple (unexported) CSV parser.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.PDF`:
+ + Got `--resource-path` working with PDF output (#852).
+ + Fetch images when generating PDF via context (#3380).
+ To do this, we create the temp directory as a subdirectory
+ of the working directory. Since context mk IV by default looks
+ for images in the parent directory, this works.
+ + Use `report` instead of `warn`, make it sensitive to verbosity settings.
+ + Use `fillMediaBag` and `extractMedia` to extract media to temp dir.
+ This reduces code duplication.
+ + `html2pdf`: use stdin instead of intermediate HTML file
+ + Removed useless `TEXINPUTS` stuff for `context2pdf`. mkiv context
+ doesn't use `TEXINPUTS`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Pretty`:
+ + Simplified definition of `realLength`.
+ + Don't error for blocks of size < 1. Instead, resize to 1 (see #1785).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.MIME`:
+ + Use `application/javascript` (not `application/x-javascript`).
+ + Added `emf` to mimeTypes with type `application/x-msmetafile` (#1713).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.ImageSize`:
+ + Improve SVG image size code (Marc Schreiber, #3580).
+ + Make `imageSize` recognize basic SVG dimensions (Mauro Bieg, #3462).
+ * Use `Control.Monad.State.Strict` throughout. This gives 20-30% speedup
+ and reduction of memory usage in most of the writers.
+ * Use `foldrWithKey` instead of deprecated `foldWithKey`.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.SelfContained`:
+ + Fixed problem with embedded fonts (#3629).
+ + Refactored getData from `getDataURI` in `SelfContained`.
+ + Don't use data URIs for script or style (#3423). Instead, just use
+ script or style tags with the content inside. The old method with
+ data URIs prevents certain optimizations outside pandoc. Exception:
+ data URIs are still used when a script contains `</script>` or a
+ style contains `</`.
+ + SelfContained: Handle URL inside material retrieved from a URL
+ (#3629). This can happen e.g. with an @import of a google web font.
+ (What is imported is some CSS which contains an url reference
+ to the font itself.) Also, allow unescaped pipe (|) in URL.
+ + Load resources from `data-src` (needed for lazy loading in
+ reveal.js slide shows).
+ + Handle `data-background-image` attribute on section (#3979).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Parsing`:
+ + Added `indentWith` (Alexander Krotov, #3687).
+ + Added `stateCitations` to `ParserState`.
+ + Removed `stateChapters` from `ParserState`.
+ + In `ParserState`, make `stateNotes'` a Map, add `stateNoteRefs`.
+ + Added `gobbleSpaces` and `gobbleAtMostSpaces`.
+ + Adjusted type of `insertIncludedFile` so it can be used with token
+ parser.
+ + Replace old texmath macro stuff from Parsing. Use Macro from
+ Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX.Types instead.
+ + Export `insertIncludedFile`.
+ + Added `HasLogMessages`, `logMessage`, `reportLogMessages` (#3447).
+ + Replace partial with total function (Albert Krewinkel).
+ + Introduce `HasIncludeFiles` type class (Albert Krewinkel). The
+ `insertIncludeFile` function is generalized to work with all parser
+ states which are instances of that class.
+ + Add `insertIncludedFilesF` which returns F blocks (Albert Krewinkel).
+ The `insertIncludeFiles` function was generalized and renamed
+ to `insertIncludedFiles'`; the specialized versions are based on that.
+ + `many1Till`: Check for the end condition before parsing (Herwig
+ Stuetz). By not checking for the end condition before the first
+ parse, the parser was applied too often, consuming too much of the
+ input. This only affects `many1Till p end` where `p` matches on a
+ prefix of `end`.
+ + Provide `parseFromString` (#3690). This is a verison of
+ `parseFromString` specialied to ParserState, which resets
+ `stateLastStrPos` at the end. This is almost always what we want.
+ This fixes a bug where `_hi_` wasn't treated as emphasis in the
+ following, because pandoc got confused about the position of the
+ last word: `- [o] _hi_`.
+ + Added `takeP`, `takeWhileP` for efficient parsing of `[Char]`.
+ + Fix `blanklines` documentation (Alexander Krotov, #3843).
+ + Give less misleading line information with `parseWithString`.
+ Previously positions would be reported past the end of the chunk.
+ We now reset the source position within the chunk and report
+ positions "in chunk."
+ + Add `anyLineNewline` (Alexander Krotov).
+ + Provide shared F monad functions for Markdown and Org readers
+ (Albert Krewinkel). The `F` monads used for delayed evaluation
+ of certain values in the Markdown and Org readers are based on a
+ shared data type capturing the common pattern of both `F` types.
+ + Add `returnF` (Alexander Krotov).
+ + Avoid parsing `Notes:**` as a bare URI (#3570). This avoids parsing
+ bare URIs that start with a scheme + colon + `*`, `_`, or `]`.
+ + Added `readerAbbreviations` to `ParserState`. Markdown reader
+ now consults this to determine what is an abbreviation.
+ + Combine grid table parsers (Albert Krewinkel, #3638). The grid table
+ parsers for markdown and rst was combined into one single
+ parser `gridTable`, slightly changing parsing behavior of both
+ parsers: (1) The markdown parser now compactifies block content
+ cell-wise: pure text blocks in cells are now treated as paragraphs
+ only if the cell contains multiple paragraphs, and as plain blocks
+ otherwise. Before, this was true only for single-column tables. (2)
+ The rst parser now accepts newlines and multiple blocks in header
+ cells.
+ + Generalize tableWith, gridTableWith (Albert Krewinkel).
+ The parsing functions `tableWith` and `gridTableWith` are generalized
+ to work with more parsers. The parser state only has to be an
+ instance of the `HasOptions` class instead of requiring a concrete
+ type. Block parsers are required to return blocks wrapped into a
+ monad, as this makes it possible to use parsers returning results
+ wrapped in `Future`s.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Shared`:
+ + Simplify `toRomanNumeral` using guards (Alexander Krotov, #3445)
+ + `stringify`: handle Quoted better (#3958). Previously we were losing
+ the quotation marks in Quoted elements.
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared`:
+ + Export `metaToJSON'`, `addVariablesToJSON` (#3439).
+ This allows us to add the variables AFTER using the metadata
+ to generate a YAML header (in the Markdown writer).
+ + Added `unsmartify` (previously in RST writer).
+ Undo literal double curly quotes. Previously we left these.
+ + Generalize type of `metaToJSON` so it can take a Text. Previously a
+ String was needed as argument; now any ToJSON instance will do.
+ + Added `gridTable` (previously in Markdown writer).
+ + `gridTable`: Refactored to use widths in chars.
+ + `gridTable`: remove unnecessary extra space in cells.
+ + Fixed `addVariablesToJSON`. It was previously not allowing multiple
+ values to become lists.
+ + Pipe tables: impose minimum cell size (see #3526).
+ [default template changes]
+ * HTML templates (including EPUB and HTML slide show templates):
+ + Make default.html5 polyglot markup conformant (John Luke Bentley,
+ #3473). Polyglot markup is HTML5 that is also valid XHTML. See
+ <https://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot>. With this change, pandoc's
+ html5 writer creates HTML that is both valid HTML5 and valid XHTML.
+ + Regularized CSS in html/epub/html slide templates (#3485).
+ All templates now include `code{white-space: pre-wrap}`
+ and CSS for `q` if `--html-q-tags` is used. Previously some templates
+ had `pre` and others `pre-wrap`; the `q` styles were only sometimes
+ included.
+ + CSS for `.smallcaps`, (Mauro Bieg, #1592)
+ + `default.revealjs`: make `history` default to true.
+ + `default.revealjs`: use lazy loading (#2283).
+ + `default.revealjs`: add `mathjax` variable and some conditional code
+ to use the MathJaX plugin.
+ + `default.slidy` uses `https` instead of `http` (ickc, #3848).
+ + `default.dzslides`: Load Google Font using HTTPS by default
+ (Yoan Blanc).
+ * DocBook5 template: Use `lang` and `subtitle` variables (Jens Getreu,
+ #3855).
+ * LaTeX/Beamer template:
+ + Combine LaTeX/Beamer templates (Andrew Dunning, #3878).
+ `default.beamer` has been removed; beamer now uses the
+ `default.latex` template. Beamer-specific parts are conditional
+ on the `beamer` variable set by the writer. Note that
+ `pandoc -D beamer` will return this (combined) template.
+ + Use `xcolor` for `colorlinks` option (Andrew Dunning, #3877).
+ Beamer loads `xcolor` rather than `color`, and thus the
+ `dvipsnames` option doesn't take effect. This also provides a wider
+ range of colour selections with the `svgnames` option.
+ + Use starred versions of `xcolor` names (Andrew Dunning).
+ Prevents changes to documents defined using the `dvipsnames` list (e.g.
+ `Blue` gives a different result with svgnames enabled).
+ + Load `polyglossia` after header-includes (#3898). It needs to be
+ loaded as late as possible.
+ + Use `unicode-math` (Vaclav Haisman). Use `mathspec` with only
+ XeLaTeX on request.
+ + Don't load `fontspec` before `unicode-math` (over there).
+ The `unicode-math` package loads `fontspec` so explict loading of
+ `fontspec` before `unicode-math` is not necessary.
+ + Use `unicode-math` by default in default.latex template. mathspec will
+ be used in xelatex if the `mathspec` variable is set; otherwise
+ unicode-math will be used (Václav Haisman).
+ + Use `dvipsnames` options when `colorlinks` specified (otherwise
+ we get an error for `maroon`) (Thomas Hodgson).
+ + Added beamer `titlegraphic` and `logo` variables (Thomas Hodgson).
+ + Fix typo in fix for notes in tables (#2378, zeeMonkeez).
+ + Fix `hyperref` options clash (Andrew Dunning, #3847) Avoids an options
+ clash when loading a package (e.g. `tufte-latex`) that uses
+ `hyperref` settings different from those in the template.
+ + Add `natbiboptions` variable (#3768).
+ + Fix links inside captions in LaTeX output with links-as-notes
+ (Václav Haisman, #3651). Declare our redefined `\href` robust.
+ + Load `parskip` before `hyperref` (Václav Haisman, #3654).
+ + Allow setting Japanese fonts when using LuaLaTeX (Václav Haisman,
+ #3873). by using the `luatexja-fontspec` and `luatexja-preset`
+ packages. Use existing `CJKmainfont` and `CJKoptions` template
+ variables. Add `luatexjafontspecoptions` for `luatexja-fontspec`
+ and `luatexjapresetoptions` for `luatexja-preset`.
+ + Added `aspectratio` variable to beamer template (Václav Haisman,
+ #3723).
+ + Modified template.latex to fix XeLaTex being used with tables
+ (lwolfsonkin, #3661). Reordered `lang` variable handling to
+ immediately before `bidi`.
+ * ConTeXt template: Improved font handling: `simplefonts` is now
+ obsolete in ConTeXt (Pablo Rodríguez).
+ [documentation improvements]
+ * MANUAL.txt:
+ + Add URL for Prince HTML > PDF engine (Ian, #3919).
+ + Document that content above slide-level will be omitted in
+ slide shows. See #3460, #2265.
+ + Explain `--webtex` SVG url (Mauro Bieg, #3471)
+ + Small clarification in YAML metadata section.
+ + Document that html4 is technically XHTML 1.0 transitional.
+ + Remove refs to highlighting-kate (#3672).
+ + Document ibooks specific epub metadata.
+ + Clarify that mathml is used for ODT math.
+ + Mention limitations of Literate Haskell Support (#3410,
+ Joachim Breitner).
+ + Add documentation of limitations of grid tables (Stephen
+ McDowell, #3864).
+ + Clarify that meta-json contains transformed values (Jakob Voß,
+ #3491) Make clear that template variable `meta-json` does not
+ contain plain text values or JSON output format but field values
+ transformed to the selected output format.
+ + Clarify that templates are dual-licensed.
+ + Clarify that pandoc-types is BSD3 licensed.
+ + List new files not written by jgm (Albert Krewinkel).
+ + Update dates in copyright notices (Albert Krewinkel). This follows
+ the suggestions given by the FSF for GPL licensed software.
+ <https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Copyright-Notices.html>
+ * INSTALL.md:
+ + Improved instructions for tests with patterns.
+ + Put RPM-based distros on separate point (Mauro Bieg, #3449)
+ + Fixed typos (Wandmalfarbe, #3479).
+ + Add "ask on pandoc-discuss" (Mauro Bieg).
+ * Add lua filter documentation in `doc/lua-filters.md`. Note that the
+ end of this document is autogenerated from `data/pandoc.lua`
+ using `make doc/lua-filters.md`, which uses `tools/ldoc.ltp`
+ (Albert Krewinkel).
+ * Add `doc/filters.md`. This is the old scripting tutorial from
+ the website.
+ [build infrastructure improvements]
+ * Removed `data/templates` submodule. Templates are now a subtree
+ in `data/templates`. This removes the need to do `git submodule
+ update`.
+ * Renamed `tests` -> `test`.
+ * Remove `https` flag. Always build with HTTPS support.
+ * Use `file-embed` instead of `hsb2hs` to embed data files when
+ `embed_data_files` flag is set. `file-embed` gives us better dependency
+ tracking: if a data file changes, ghc/stack/cabal know to recompile
+ the Data module. This also removes `hsb2hs` as a build dependency.
+ * Add `custom-setup` stanza to pandoc, lowercase field names.
+ * Add `static` Cabal flag.
+ * Name change OSX -> MacOS. Add a -MacOS suffix to mac package rather
+ than -OSX. Changed local names from osx to macos.
+ * make_macos_package.sh - Use strip to reduce executable size.
+ * Strip executables in linux package.
+ * Remove cpphs build requirement -- it is no longer needed.
+ * Replaced `{deb,macos,windows}/stack.yaml` with `stack.pkg.yaml`.
+ * Added `linux` directory. This provides a Makefile and Dockerfile
+ sufficient for producing a linux executable. If Docker is installed,
+ this should suffice: `make setup && make build`. The binary will be
+ placed in `artifacts/`.
+ * `linux/control.in`: add `Replaces:`, so existing pandoc-citeproc and
+ pandoc-data packages will be uninstalled; this package provides
+ both (#3822). Add latex packages as 'suggested', update
+ description.
+ * Name change OSX -> macOS (ickc, #3869).
+ * Fix casing of Linux, UNIX, and Windows (ickc).
+ * `.travis.yml`: create a source dist and do cabal build and test there.
+ That way we catch errors due to files missing from the data
+ section of pandoc.cabal.
+ * Makefile:
+ + Split `make haddock` from `make full`.
+ + Add BRANCH variable for winpkg.
+ + Add `lint` target.
+ + Improve `make full`. Disable optimizations.
+ Build everything, inc. trypandoc and benchmarks. Use parallel build.
+ + Allow `make test` to take `TESTARGS`.
+ * Added new command tests (`Tests.Command`), using small text files
+ in `test/command/`. Any files added in this directory will be treated
+ as shell tests (see smart.md for an example). This makes it very easy
+ to add regression tests etc.
+ * Test fixes so we can find data files. In old tests & command tests,
+ we now set the environment variable `pandoc_datadir`. In lua tests,
+ we set the datadir explicitly.
+ * Refactored `compareOutput` in docx writer test.
+ * Consolidated some common functions in `Tests.Helper`.
+ * Small change to unbalanced bracket test to speed up test suite.
+ * Speed up Native writer quickcheck tests.
+ * Use tasty for tests rather than test-framework.
+ * Add simple Emacs mode to help with Pandoc templates editing.
+ (Václav Haisman, #3889). `tools/pandoc-template-mode.el`
pandoc (1.19.2)
* Use skylighting library instead of highlighting-kate for syntax