diff options
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
index d49a58818..4936c743e 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ writeTEI opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
-- | Convert an Element to TEI.
elementToTEI :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Int -> Element -> m Doc
elementToTEI opts _ (Blk block) = blockToTEI opts block
-elementToTEI opts lvl (Sec _ _num (id',_,_) title elements) = do
+elementToTEI opts lvl (Sec _ _num attr title elements) = do
-- TEI doesn't allow sections with no content, so insert some if needed
let elements' = if null elements
then [Blk (Para [])]
@@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ elementToTEI opts lvl (Sec _ _num (id',_,_) title elements) = do
| otherwise -> "section"
contents <- vcat <$> mapM (elementToTEI opts (lvl + 1)) elements'
titleContents <- inlinesToTEI opts title
- return $ inTags True "div" (("type", divType) :
- [("xml:id", writerIdentifierPrefix opts ++ id') | not (null id')]) $
+ return $ inTags True "div" (("type", divType) : idFromAttr opts attr) $
inTagsSimple "head" titleContents $$ contents
-- | Convert a list of Pandoc blocks to TEI.
@@ -142,8 +141,8 @@ listItemToTEI opts item =
inTagsIndented "item" <$> blocksToTEI opts (map plainToPara item)
imageToTEI :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Attr -> String -> m Doc
-imageToTEI _ attr src = return $ selfClosingTag "graphic" $
- ("url", src) : idAndRole attr ++ dims
+imageToTEI opts attr src = return $ selfClosingTag "graphic" $
+ ("url", src) : idFromAttr opts attr ++ dims
dims = go Width "width" ++ go Height "height"
go dir dstr = case dimension dir attr of
@@ -155,8 +154,8 @@ blockToTEI :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Block -> m Doc
blockToTEI _ Null = return empty
-- Add ids to paragraphs in divs with ids - this is needed for
-- pandoc-citeproc to get link anchors in bibliographies:
-blockToTEI opts (Div (ident,_,_) [Para lst]) = do
- let attribs = [("xml:id", ident) | not (null ident)]
+blockToTEI opts (Div attr [Para lst]) = do
+ let attribs = idFromAttr opts attr
inTags False "p" attribs <$> inlinesToTEI opts lst
blockToTEI opts (Div _ bs) = blocksToTEI opts $ map plainToPara bs
blockToTEI _ h@Header{} = do
@@ -320,8 +319,10 @@ inlineToTEI opts (Link attr txt (src, _))
return $ linktext <+> char '(' <> emailLink <> char ')'
| otherwise =
(if "#" `isPrefixOf` src
- then inTags False "ref" $ ("target", drop 1 src) : idAndRole attr
- else inTags False "ref" $ ("target", src) : idAndRole attr ) <$>
+ then inTags False "ref" $ ("target", drop 1 src)
+ : idFromAttr opts attr
+ else inTags False "ref" $ ("target", src)
+ : idFromAttr opts attr ) <$>
inlinesToTEI opts txt
inlineToTEI opts (Image attr description (src, tit)) = do
let titleDoc = if null tit
@@ -337,12 +338,8 @@ inlineToTEI opts (Image attr description (src, tit)) = do
inlineToTEI opts (Note contents) =
inTagsIndented "note" <$> blocksToTEI opts contents
-idAndRole :: Attr -> [(String, String)]
-idAndRole (id',cls,_) = ident ++ role
- where
- ident = if null id'
- then []
- else [("xml:id", id')]
- role = if null cls
- then []
- else [("role", unwords cls)]
+idFromAttr :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> [(String, String)]
+idFromAttr opts (id',_,_) =
+ if null id'
+ then []
+ else [("xml:id", writerIdentifierPrefix opts ++ id')]