path: root/.github
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.github')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 649 deletions
diff --git a/.github/FUNDING.yml b/.github/FUNDING.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4ef3ba4b..000000000
--- a/.github/FUNDING.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-github: [jgm,tarleb]
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6162c2e57..000000000
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-name: Bug report
-about: Create a report to help us improve
-title: ''
-labels: 'bug'
-assignees: ''
-Thank you for reporting an issue! Before you continue, please make sure that you have
-- searched the issue tracker for similar issues (including closed issues): https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues
-- searched the pandoc-discuss mailing list for solutions: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pandoc-discuss
-- reproduced your issue on the latest release of pandoc, or on https://pandoc.org/try
-Note that this bug tracker is for reporting bugs, not asking questions. For questions, use the pandoc-discuss mailing list.
-**Explain the problem.**
-Include the exact command line you used and all inputs necessary to reproduce the issue. Please create as minimal an example as possible, to help the maintainers isolate the problem. Explain the output you received and how it differs from what you expected.
-**Pandoc version?**
-What version of pandoc are you using, on what OS?
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e4d479ce6..000000000
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-blank_issues_enabled: false
- - name: Ask a question
- url: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pandoc-discuss
- about: "Discussion forum for pandoc (may be used as an email list)"
- - name: Contributing Guidelines
- url: https://pandoc.org/CONTRIBUTING.html
- about: "Guidelines for submitting bug reports and code improvements"
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
deleted file mode 100644
index cff52c1d4..000000000
--- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-name: Feature request
-about: Suggest an idea for this project
-title: ''
-labels: 'enhancement'
-assignees: ''
-Thank you for suggesting a feature! Before you continue, please make sure that you have
-- read the contributing guidelines: https://pandoc.org/CONTRIBUTING.html
-- searched the issue tracker for similar issues (including closed issues): https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues
-- searched the pandoc-discuss mailing list for relevant discussions: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pandoc-discuss
-**Describe your proposed improvement and the problem it solves.**
-**Describe alternatives you've considered.**
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b7e415ac..000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-name: CI tests
- push:
- branches:
- - '*'
- - '!rc/*'
- paths-ignore:
- - 'doc/**'
- - 'MANUAL.txt'
- - '*.md'
- - 'BUGS'
- - 'changelog'
- - 'README.template'
- - 'appveyor.yml'
- - 'tools/**'
- - 'linux/**'
- - 'macos/**'
- - 'windows/**'
- - 'man/**'
- pull_request:
- paths-ignore:
- - 'doc/**'
- - 'MANUAL.txt'
- - '*.md'
- - 'BUGS'
- - 'changelog'
- - 'README.template'
- - 'appveyor.yml'
- - 'tools/**'
- - 'linux/**'
- - 'macos/**'
- - 'windows/**'
- - 'man/**'
- linux:
- runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- strategy:
- fail-fast: true
- matrix:
- versions:
- - ghc: '8.6.5'
- cabal: '3.2'
- prefix: ''
- cabalopts: '-f-embed_data_files'
- testopts: '--test-option=--hide-successes --test-option=--ansi-tricks=false'
- - ghc: '8.8.4'
- cabal: '3.2'
- prefix: ''
- cabalopts: ''
- testopts: '--test-option=--hide-successes --test-option=--ansi-tricks=false'
- - ghc: '8.10.7'
- cabal: '3.2'
- prefix: ''
- cabalopts: '-ftrypandoc'
- testopts: '--test-option=--hide-successes --test-option=--ansi-tricks=false'
- - ghc: '9.0.1'
- cabal: '3.4'
- prefix: ''
- cabalopts: ''
- testopts: '--test-option=--hide-successes --test-option=--ansi-tricks=false'
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- # needed by memory
- - name: Install numa
- run: sudo apt-get install libnuma-dev
- # need to install older cabal/ghc versions from ppa repository
- - name: Install recent cabal/ghc
- uses: haskell/actions/setup@v1
- with:
- ghc-version: ${{ matrix.versions.ghc }}
- cabal-version: ${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}
- # declare/restore cached things
- # caching doesn't work for scheduled runs yet
- # https://github.com/actions/cache/issues/63
- - name: Cache cabal global package db
- id: cabal-global
- uses: actions/cache@v2
- with:
- path: |
- ~/.cabal
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.versions.ghc }}-${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}-cabal-global-${{ hashFiles('cabal.project') }}
- - name: Cache cabal work
- id: cabal-local
- uses: actions/cache@v2
- with:
- path: |
- dist-newstyle
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.versions.ghc }}-${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}-cabal-local
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: |
- cabal ${{ matrix.versions.prefix }}update
- cabal ${{ matrix.versions.prefix }}build ${{ matrix.versions.cabalopts }} --dependencies-only --enable-tests --disable-optimization
- - name: Build and test
- run: |
- cabal ${{ matrix.versions.prefix }}build ${{ matrix.versions.cabalopts }} --enable-tests --disable-optimization 2>&1 | tee build.log
- # fail if warnings in local build
- ! grep -q ": *[Ww]arning:" build.log || exit 1
- cabal ${{ matrix.versions.prefix }}test ${{ matrix.versions.cabalopts }} --disable-optimization ${{ matrix.versions.testopts }}
- windows:
- runs-on: windows-2019
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- # We should have ghc 8.10, cabal, stack pre-installed
- # - uses: haskell/actions/setup@v1
- # with:
- # enable-stack: true
- # stack-version: 'latest'
- # declare/restore cached things
- # caching doesn't work for scheduled runs yet
- # https://github.com/actions/cache/issues/63
- - name: Cache stack global package db
- id: stack-global-package-db
- uses: actions/cache@v2
- with:
- path: |
- C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Roaming\stack\
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-appdata-roaming-stack-${{ hashFiles('stack.yaml') }}
- # stack's local package dbs for the project and each package
- # - name: Cache .stack-work
- # uses: actions/cache@v1
- # with:
- # path: .stack-work
- # key: ${{ runner.os }}-stack-work-${{ hashFiles('stack.yaml') }}
- # restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-stack-work
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: |
- stack update
- stack install happy
- stack test --dependencies-only --fast
- - name: Build and test
- shell: cmd
- run: |
- stack test --fast --test-arguments="--hide-successes --ansi-tricks=false"
- macos:
- runs-on: macOS-10.15
- strategy:
- fail-fast: true
- matrix:
- versions:
- - ghc: '8.8.4'
- cabal: '3.2'
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Install recent cabal/ghc
- uses: haskell/actions/setup@v1
- with:
- ghc-version: ${{ matrix.versions.ghc }}
- cabal-version: ${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}
- # declare/restore cached things
- # caching doesn't work for scheduled runs yet
- # https://github.com/actions/cache/issues/63
- - name: Cache cabal global package db
- id: cabal-global
- uses: actions/cache@v2
- with:
- path: |
- ~/.cabal
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.versions.ghc }}-${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}-cabal-global-${{ hashFiles('cabal.project') }}
- - name: Cache cabal work
- id: cabal-local
- uses: actions/cache@v2
- with:
- path: |
- dist-newstyle
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.versions.ghc }}-${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}-cabal-local
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: |
- cabal v2-update
- cabal v2-build --dependencies-only --enable-tests --disable-optimization
- - name: Build and test
- run: |
- cabal v2-build --enable-tests --disable-optimization 2>&1 | tee build.log
- # fail if warnings in local build
- ! grep -q ": *[Ww]arning:" build.log || exit 1
- cabal v2-test --disable-optimization --test-option=--hide-successes --test-option=--ansi-tricks=false
- benchmark:
- runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- strategy:
- fail-fast: true
- matrix:
- versions:
- - ghc: '8.8.4'
- cabal: '3.2'
- - ghc: '8.10.7'
- cabal: '3.2'
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- # need to install older cabal/ghc versions from ppa repository
- - name: Install recent cabal/ghc
- uses: haskell/actions/setup@v1
- with:
- ghc-version: ${{ matrix.versions.ghc }}
- cabal-version: ${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}
- # declare/restore cached things
- # caching doesn't work for scheduled runs yet
- # https://github.com/actions/cache/issues/63
- - name: Cache cabal global package db
- id: cabal-global
- uses: actions/cache@v2
- with:
- path: |
- ~/.cabal
- key: benchmark-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.versions.ghc }}-${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}-cabal-global-${{ hashFiles('cabal.project') }}
- - name: Cache cabal work
- id: cabal-local
- uses: actions/cache@v2
- with:
- path: |
- dist-newstyle
- key: benchmark-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.versions.ghc }}-${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}-cabal-local
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: |
- v2=$([ "${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}" = "2.2" ] && printf 'new' || printf 'v2')
- cabal $v2-update
- cabal $v2-build --dependencies-only --enable-optimization=1 --enable-benchmarks --disable-tests
- - name: Build and test
- run: |
- v2=$([ "${{ matrix.versions.cabal }}" = "2.2" ] && printf 'new' || printf 'v2')
- cabal $v2-build --enable-optimization=1 --enable-benchmarks --disable-tests 2>&1 | tee build.log
- # fail if warnings in local build
- ! grep -q ": *[Ww]arning:" build.log || exit 1
- cabal $v2-bench --enable-optimization=1 --benchmark-options='--timeout=6 +RTS -T -RTS'
diff --git a/.github/workflows/commit-validation.yml b/.github/workflows/commit-validation.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b52e94e5..000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/commit-validation.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-name: commit-validation
-on: [ push, pull_request ]
- check-commit-msg-length:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v1
- - name: Check commit message length
- run: |
- # Get last commit messages
- if [ "${{github.event_name}}" = "push" ]; then
- if [ "${{github.event.before}}" = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" ]; then
- # We are on a new branch
- current="$(echo '${{github.ref}}' | sed 's!^refs/heads!origin!')"
- readarray -t other < <(git show-ref | awk -F' ' '{ sub(/^refs\/remotes\//,"",$NF); }($NF != "'"$current"'"){print "^" $NF;}')
- LOG_RANGE=( "$current" "${other[@]}" )
- unset current other
- else
- # We are on existing branch
- LOG_RANGE=( "${{github.event.before}}.." )
- fi
- elif [ "${{github.event_name}}" = "pull_request" ]; then
- LOG_RANGE=( "origin/${{github.base_ref}}.." )
- fi
- if [[ -v LOG_RANGE ]]; then
- if git log --no-merges --pretty=format:"%s" "${LOG_RANGE[@]}" -- | grep -qE "^[^#].{78}"; then
- echo -e "Last commit log contains a line with more than 78 characters:\n"
- git log --no-merges --pretty=format:"%h: %s" "${LOG_RANGE[@]}" -- | grep -E "^[^:]+: [^#].{78}"
- echo
- exit 1
- else
- echo "Commit log looks good."
- fi
- unset LOG_RANGE
- else
- echo "Not checking commits on ${{github.event_name}}"
- fi
diff --git a/.github/workflows/format-validation.yml b/.github/workflows/format-validation.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a0a5b34b7..000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/format-validation.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-name: Format validation
- push:
- branches:
- - '*'
- - '!rc/*'
- paths:
- - 'test/writer.jats_articleauthoring'
- - 'test/writer.jats_publishing'
- - 'test/writer.jats_archiving'
- - 'test/tables.jats_archiving'
- - 'test/tables/nordics.jats_archiving'
- - 'test/tables/planets.jats_archiving'
- - 'test/tables/students.jats_archiving'
- pull_request:
- branches:
- - '*'
- - '!rc/*'
- paths:
- - 'test/writer.jats_articleauthoring'
- - 'test/writer.jats_publishing'
- - 'test/writer.jats_archiving'
- - 'test/tables.jats_archiving'
- - 'test/tables/nordics.jats_archiving'
- - 'test/tables/planets.jats_archiving'
- - 'test/tables/students.jats_archiving'
- jats:
- name: JATS
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- env:
- VALIDATOR_URL: "https://jats-validator.hubmed.org/dtd/"
- strategy:
- fail-fast: false
- matrix:
- tagset:
- - articleauthoring
- - publishing
- - archiving
- steps:
- - name: Checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Validate writer output
- run: |
- filename=test/writer.jats_${{ matrix.tagset }}
- printf "Validating file %s\n" "$filename"
- json="$(curl --form "xml=@${filename}" --silent "$VALIDATOR_URL")"
- err_count="$(printf '%s' "$json" | jq '.errors | length')"
- if [ "$err_count" -eq 0 ]; then
- printf "File was validated successfully.\n"
- exit 0
- else
- printf "Validator report:\n%s" "$json"
- exit 1
- fi
- - name: Validate tables
- # Archiving has the simplest template, so we only check with that.
- if: matrix.tagset == 'archiving'
- run: |
- tmpl="$(cat <<EOF
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD v1.2 20190208//EN"
- "JATS-archivearticle1.dtd">
- <article xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" dtd-version="1.2" article-type="other">
- <front><article-meta></article-meta></front>
- <body>%s</body></article>
- )"
- jats_file="$(mktemp jats-tables.XXXXX)"
- exit_code=0
- for f in tables tables/nordics tables/planets tables/students; do
- filename=test/$f.jats_archiving
- printf "Validating %s...\n" "$filename"
- printf "$tmpl" "$(cat $filename)" > "$jats_file"
- json="$(curl --form "xml=@${jats_file}" --silent "$VALIDATOR_URL")"
- err_count="$(printf "%s" "$json" | jq '.errors | length')"
- if [ "$err_count" -eq 0 ]; then
- printf "Table output is valid when used as body content.\n"
- else
- printf "Validator report:\n%s" "$json"
- exit_code=1
- fi
- done
- exit "$exit_code"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/lint.yml.bkp b/.github/workflows/lint.yml.bkp
deleted file mode 100644
index 13f4919da..000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/lint.yml.bkp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-name: Lint
-# Trigger the workflow on push or pull request, but only for the
-# master branch
- pull_request:
- branch: [master]
- push:
- branch: [master]
- paths-ignore:
- - README.md
- - stack.yaml
- - .travis.yml
- lint:
- name: Lint
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- env:
- hlint_script: https://raw.github.com/ndmitchell/hlint/master/misc/run.sh
- steps:
- - name: Checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Check cabal file for missing test files
- run: make check-cabal
- - name: Download and run hlint
- run: |
- curl -sSL "${hlint_script}" | sh -s src app test
diff --git a/.github/workflows/nightly.yml b/.github/workflows/nightly.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a8afcee95..000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/nightly.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-name: Nightly
- schedule:
- - cron: '53 7 * * *'
- linux:
- runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Install recent cabal/ghc
- uses: haskell/actions/setup@v1
- with:
- ghc-version: '8.10.7'
- cabal-version: '3.2'
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: |
- ghc --version
- cabal --version
- cabal v2-update
- cabal v2-build --dependencies-only
- - name: Build
- run: |
- cabal v2-install
- strip $HOME/.cabal/bin/pandoc
- - name: Install artifact
- run: |
- export ARTIFACTS=nightly-linux/pandoc-nightly-linux-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
- mkdir -p ${ARTIFACTS}
- cp $HOME/.cabal/bin/pandoc ${ARTIFACTS}/
- echo "Built from ${GITHUB_SHA}" > ${ARTIFACTS}/README.nightly.txt
- - uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
- with:
- name: nightly-linux
- path: nightly-linux
- windows:
- runs-on: windows-2019
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: |
- stack update
- stack build --dependencies-only pandoc
- - name: Build artifacts
- shell: cmd
- run: |
- for /f %%a in ('powershell -Command "Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd"') do set THEDATE=%%a
- set ARTIFACTS=%CD%\nightly-windows\pandoc-nightly-windows-%THEDATE%
- mkdir %ARTIFACTS%
- stack build pandoc
- forfiles /P .\.stack-work\install /M pandoc*.exe /S /C "cmd /C copy @path %%ARTIFACTS%%"
- echo Built from %GITHUB_SHA% > %ARTIFACTS%\README.nightly.txt
- - uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
- with:
- name: nightly-windows
- path: nightly-windows
- macos:
- runs-on: macOS-10.15
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: |
- stack update
- stack build --dependencies-only pandoc
- - name: Build artifacts
- run: |
- export ARTIFACTS=nightly-macos/pandoc-nightly-macos-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
- mkdir -p ${ARTIFACTS}
- stack build pandoc
- for f in $(find .stack-work/install -name 'pandoc*' -perm +001 -type f); do cp $f ${ARTIFACTS}/; done
- mv ${ARTIFACTS}/pandoc ${ARTIFACTS}/pandoc
- echo "Built from ${GITHUB_SHA}" > ${ARTIFACTS}/README.nightly.txt
- - uses: actions/upload-artifact@master
- with:
- name: nightly-macos
- path: nightly-macos
diff --git a/.github/workflows/release-candidate.yml b/.github/workflows/release-candidate.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb770ef5..000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/release-candidate.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-name: Release candidate
- push:
- branches:
- - 'rc/**'
- linux:
- runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v1
- - name: Create linux package
- run: |
- make debpkg
- mkdir linux-release-candidate
- cp linux/artifacts/*.deb linux-release-candidate/
- cp linux/artifacts/*.tar.gz linux-release-candidate/
- - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
- with:
- name: linux-release-candidate
- path: linux-release-candidate
- windows:
- runs-on: windows-2019
- strategy:
- fail-fast: true
- matrix:
- versions:
- - osarch: "windows-x86_64"
- arch: "x64"
- stack_opts: "-j1"
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v1
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: |
- stack update
- stack build ${{ matrix.versions.stack_opts }} --dependencies-only pandoc
- - name: Create windows package
- shell: cmd
- run: |
- for /f %%a in ('powershell -Command "Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd"') do set THEDATE=%%a
- stack build ${{ matrix.versions.stack_opts }} pandoc
- for /f "tokens=1-2 delims= " %%a in ('stack exec pandoc -- --version') do (
- @set VERSION=%%b
- goto :next
- )
- :next
- if "%VERSION%" == "" (
- echo Error: could not determine version number.
- exit /b 1
- )
- echo Detected version %VERSION%
- @set WINDOWS=%CD%\windows
- mkdir %RELEASE%
- forfiles /P .\.stack-work\install /M pandoc.exe /S /C "cmd /C echo @path && echo %%WINDOWS%% && copy @path %%RELEASE%%"
- stack exec pandoc -- -s --toc MANUAL.txt -o %RELEASE%\MANUAL.html
- stack exec pandoc -- -s COPYING.md -t rtf -o %RELEASE%\COPYING.rtf
- cd windows
- echo Creating msi...
- dir
- @set WIXBIN="c:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.11\bin"
- @set WORKDIR=%CD%
- echo Running candle...
- %WIXBIN%\candle -arch ${{ matrix.versions.arch }} -dVERSION=%VERSION% -dBINPATH=%RELEASE% *.wxs -out wixobj\
- if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%
- echo Running light...
- %WIXBIN%\light -sw1076 -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension -cultures:en-us -loc Pandoc-en-us.wxl -out %WORKDIR%\pandoc-%VERSION%-${{ matrix.versions.osarch }}-UNSIGNED.msi wixobj\*.wixobj
- 7z a "pandoc-%VERSION%-${{ matrix.versions.osarch }}.zip" pandoc-%VERSION%
- cd ..
- mkdir windows-release-candidate
- copy windows\pandoc-%VERSION%-${{ matrix.versions.osarch }}-UNSIGNED.msi windows-release-candidate
- copy windows\pandoc-%VERSION%-${{ matrix.versions.osarch }}.zip windows-release-candidate
- copy windows\Makefile windows-release-candidate
- - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
- with:
- name: windows-release-candidate
- path: windows-release-candidate