path: root/test/vimwiki-reader.wiki
diff options
authorYuchen Pei <ycpei@users.noreply.github.com>2017-06-19 16:15:12 -0400
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2017-06-19 22:15:12 +0200
commit564c77964ddbbdc5541086726b9109091119e140 (patch)
treef1ceb236cc3b494a8621385d1b25a226145fabc4 /test/vimwiki-reader.wiki
parentb3041de2fc05b26421c5be4df374ec84aafa11ee (diff)
Added Vimwiki reader (#3705).
* New module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Vimwiki, exporting readVimwiki [API change]. * New input format `vimwiki`. * New data file, `data/vimwiki.css`, for displaying the HTML produced by this reader and pandoc's HTML writer in the style of vimwiki's own HTML export.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/vimwiki-reader.wiki')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/vimwiki-reader.wiki b/test/vimwiki-reader.wiki
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad724e090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/vimwiki-reader.wiki
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+= _*implemented*_ =
+= header =
+== header level two ==
+=== header `level` 3 ===
+==== header ~~level~~ four ====
+===== header _*level* 5_ =====
+====== header level 6 ======
+======= not a header ========
+hi== not a header ==
+=== not a header ==
+=== not a header ===-
+not a header:
+=== not a header ====
+ == centred header ==
+== header with some `==` in between ==
+== header with some == in between ==
+== header with some ==in between ==
+== emph strong and strikeout ==
+_emph_ *strong*
+*_strong and emph_*
+_*emph and strong*_
+*_emph inside_ strong*
+*strong with _emph_*
+_*strong inside* emph_
+_~~strikeout~~ inside emph_
+~~This is _struck out_ with emph~~
+just two stars: **
+just two underscores: __
+just four ~s: ~~~~
+ %%comment
+ %%comment
+== horizontal rule ==
+not a rule-----
+not a rule (trailing spaces):
+not a rule (leading spaces):
+ ----
+== comments ==
+%% you can't see me.
+%% secret
+is %% not secret
+== inline code ==
+Here is some `inline code`.
+Just two backticks: ``
+== preformatted text ==
+ Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
+ In the forests of the night,
+ What immortal hand or eye
+ Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
+ In what distant deeps or skies
+ Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
+ On what wings dare he aspire?
+ What the hand dare sieze the fire?
+=== preformatted text with attributes ===
+ {{{class="python" style="color:blue"
+ for i in range(1, 5):
+ print(i)
+ }}}
+== block quotes ==
+ (indentation 4 spaces) This would be a blockquote in Vimwiki. It is not *highlighted* in Vim but
+ (indentation 1 space followed by 1 tab of width 4) could be styled by CSS in HTML. Blockquotes are usually used to quote a
+ (indentation 1 tab of width 4) long piece of text from another source. ~~blah blah~~ :blockquote:
+== external links ==
+[[http://google.com|_Google_ search engine]]
+[[mailto:info@example.org|email me]]
+== internal links ==
+[[This is a link]]
+[[This is a link source|Description of the link]]
+[[projects/Important Project 1]]
+[[a subdirectory/|Other files]]
+[[#tag-one|try me to test tag anchors]]
+[[#block quotes|try me to test header anchors]]
+[[#strong|try me to test strong anchors]]
+[[Todo List#Tomorrow|Tasks for tomorrow]]
+[[file:../assets/data.csv|Important Data]]
+=== links with thumbnails ===
+== images ==
+=== image with attributes ===
+{{lalune.jpg|_cool stuff_|style="width:150px;height:120px;"}}
+{{nonexist.jpg|*Non-existing* image|class="center flow blabla" style="font-color:red"}}
+{{lalune.jpg|_cool stuff_|style="width:150px;height:120px;"|anything in this segment is ignored}}
+== lists ==
+# ordered list item 1, and here is some math belonging to list item 1
+ {{$
+ a^2 + b^2 = c^2
+ }}$
+ and some preformatted and tables belonging to item 1 as well
+I'm part of item 1.
+| this table | is |
+| also a part | of item 1 |
+ and some more text belonging to item 1.
+# ordered list item 2
+* Bulleted list item 1
+* Bulleted list item 2
+# Bulleted list item 1
+# the # become numbers when converted to HTML
+- Bulleted list item 1
+- Bulleted list item 2
+* Item 1
+* Item 2
+ # Sub item 1 (indentation 4 spaces)
+ Sub item 1 continued line.
+ Sub item 1 next continued line.
+ * Sub item 2, as an ordered list item even though the identifier is `*` (indentation 2 spaces followed by one tab of width 4)
+ * etc.
+ Continuation of Item 2
+ Next continuation of Item 2
+But this is a new paragraph.
+# 1
+ * `1.1`
+ * 2
+ * 2.1
+ * 3
+=== ordered lists with non-# identifiers ===
+1. Numbered list item 1
+2. Numbered list item 2
+3. Numbered list item 3
+4. Numbered list item 1
+5. Numbered list item 2
+6. Numbered list item 3
+1) Numbered list item 1
+2) Numbered list item 2
+3) Numbered list item 3
+a) Numbered list item 1
+b) Numbered list item 2
+c) Numbered list item 3
+A) Numbered list item 1
+B) Numbered list item 2
+C) Numbered list item 3
+i) Numbered list item 1
+ii) Numbered list item 2
+iii) Numbered list item 3
+I) Numbered list item 1
+II) Numbered list item 2
+III) Numbered list item 3
+- Bulleted list item 1
+- Bulleted list item 2
+ a) Numbered list sub item 1
+ b) more ...
+ * and more ...
+ * ...
+ c) Numbered list sub item 3
+ 1. Numbered list sub sub item 1
+ 2. Numbered list sub sub item 2
+ d) etc.
+- Bulleted list item 3
+== todo lists ==
+* [ ] task 1
+ 1. [.] 5
+* [o] 3
+* [] not a todo item
+* [ ]not a todo item
+* [r] not a todo item
+* [ ] not a todo item
+* [o] a tab in the todo list marker `[ ]`
+ III) [O] 4
+ 5
+ i) [X]
+| a | b |
+* [X] task 2
+== math ==
+$ \sum_i a_i^2 = 1 $
+\sum_i a_i^2
+\sum_i a_i^2 &= 1 + 1 \\
+&= 2.
+Just two dollar signs: $$
+[not math] You have $1
+and I have $1.
+== tags ==
+== tables ==
+| Year | Temperature (low) | Temperature (high) |
+| 1900 | -10 | 25 |
+| 1910 | -15 | 30 |
+| 1920 | -10 | 32 |
+| 1930 | _N/A_ | _N/A_ |
+| 1940 | -2 | 40 |
+=== centered headerless tables ===
+ | a | b |
+ | c | d |
+== paragraphs ==
+This is first paragraph
+with two lines.
+This is a second paragraph with
+two lines after many blank lines.
+== definition list ==
+Term 1:: Definition 1
+Term 2::
+:: Definition 2
+ :: Definition 3
+Term :: *separated* by :: _double colons_ :: Def1
+:: Def2
+Term with lots of trailing colons::::::::: Definition
+:: This is :: A term (rather than a definition) :: and this is a definition
+Term Without definitions ::
+Part :: of :: dt :: part of ::dd
+:: Definition 1 without a term
+:: Definition 2 without a term
+T1 :: D1
+new paragraph
+T1 :: D1
+Not ::Definition
+::Not definition
+ :: blockquote
+ block :: quote
+== metadata placeholders ==
+%title title
+%date 2017-05-01
+%title second title is ignored
+%date second date is ignored
+%this is not a placeholder
+%title another title
+%date 2017-04-23
+serves as space / softbreak in paragraphs
+== sup, sub ==
+== the todo mark ==
+= _*not implemented yet*_ =
+== tables with spans ==
+| a | b | c | d |
+| \/ | e | > | f |
+| \/ | \/ | > | g |
+| h | > | > | > |
+== tables with multiple lines of headers ==
+| a | b |
+| c | d |
+== some other placeholders ==
+`template` placeholder is ignored.
+%template template
+`nohtml` placeholder is ignored.