path: root/test/Tests/Command.hs.orig
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2018-04-14 10:38:21 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2018-04-14 10:42:05 -0700
commitd5b98c8c6ec13556911876ac5632efb63a1ce40d (patch)
tree07b56109442090643dabc85e6023ffe3c1a7d93d /test/Tests/Command.hs.orig
parent488320faac36bbe9add43f2947afe16444ab23a6 (diff)
Man writer: Don't escape U+2019 as '.
Closes #4550.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Tests/Command.hs.orig')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Tests/Command.hs.orig b/test/Tests/Command.hs.orig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de83d0639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Tests/Command.hs.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+module Tests.Command (findPandoc, runTest, tests)
+import Data.Algorithm.Diff
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
+import Prelude hiding (readFile)
+import System.Directory
+import System.Exit
+import System.FilePath (joinPath, splitDirectories, takeDirectory, (</>))
+import System.IO (hPutStr, stderr)
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+import System.Process
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import Tests.Helpers
+import Text.Pandoc
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
+-- | Run a test with normalize function, return True if test passed.
+runTest :: String -- ^ Title of test
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Path to pandoc
+ -> String -- ^ Shell command
+ -> String -- ^ Input text
+ -> String -- ^ Expected output
+ -> TestTree
+runTest testname pandocpath cmd inp norm = testCase testname $ do
+ let findDynlibDir [] = Nothing
+ findDynlibDir ("build":xs) = Just $ joinPath (reverse xs) </> "build"
+ findDynlibDir (_:xs) = findDynlibDir xs
+ let mbDynlibDir = findDynlibDir (reverse $ splitDirectories $
+ takeDirectory $ takeWhile (/=' ') cmd)
+ let dynlibEnv = case mbDynlibDir of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just d -> [("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", d),
+ let env' = dynlibEnv ++ [("PATH",takeDirectory pandocpath),("TMP","."),("LANG","en_US.UTF-8"),("HOME", "./"),("pandoc_datadir", "..")]
+ let pr = (shell cmd){ env = Just env' }
+ (ec, out', err') <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode pr inp
+ -- filter \r so the tests will work on Windows machines
+ let out = filter (/= '\r') $ err' ++ out'
+ result <- if ec == ExitSuccess
+ then
+ if out == norm
+ then return TestPassed
+ else return
+ $ TestFailed cmd "expected"
+ $ getDiff (lines out) (lines norm)
+ else do
+ hPutStr stderr err'
+ return $ TestError ec
+ assertBool (show result) (result == TestPassed)
+tests :: TestTree
+{-# NOINLINE tests #-}
+tests = unsafePerformIO $ do
+ pandocpath <- findPandoc
+ files <- filter (".md" `isSuffixOf`) <$>
+ getDirectoryContents "command"
+ let cmds = map (extractCommandTest pandocpath) files
+ return $ testGroup "Command:" cmds
+isCodeBlock :: Block -> Bool
+isCodeBlock (CodeBlock _ _) = True
+isCodeBlock _ = False
+extractCode :: Block -> String
+extractCode (CodeBlock _ code) = code
+extractCode _ = ""
+dropPercent :: String -> String
+dropPercent ('%':xs) = dropWhile (== ' ') xs
+dropPercent xs = xs
+runCommandTest :: FilePath -> (Int, String) -> TestTree
+runCommandTest pandocpath (num, code) =
+ let codelines = lines code
+ (continuations, r1) = span ("\\" `isSuffixOf`) codelines
+ (cmd, r2) = (dropPercent (unwords (map init continuations ++ take 1 r1)),
+ drop 1 r1)
+ (inplines, r3) = break (=="^D") r2
+ normlines = takeWhile (/=".") (drop 1 r3)
+ input = unlines inplines
+ norm = unlines normlines
+ shcmd = cmd -- trimr $ takeDirectory pandocpath </> cmd
+ in runTest ("#" ++ show num) pandocpath shcmd input norm
+extractCommandTest :: FilePath -> FilePath -> TestTree
+extractCommandTest pandocpath fp = unsafePerformIO $ do
+ contents <- UTF8.toText <$> BS.readFile ("command" </> fp)
+ Pandoc _ blocks <- runIOorExplode (readMarkdown
+ def{ readerExtensions = pandocExtensions } contents)
+ let codeblocks = map extractCode $ filter isCodeBlock blocks
+ let cases = map (runCommandTest pandocpath) $ zip [1..] codeblocks
+ return $ testGroup fp cases