path: root/src
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2020-12-13 10:31:57 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2020-12-13 10:33:46 -0800
commitc3aa90b57a8b9bdafb588098b115280044531bba (patch)
tree55318cacf8e594f1899742d4daac413f9c5187ac /src
parent2ce14997adc8fb07da6325133faa6e94cdcb4bb8 (diff)
ImageSize: use JuicyPixels to extract size...
...for png, jpeg, gif, instead of doing our own binary parsing. See #6936.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/ImageSize.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/ImageSize.hs
index 8517d07c2..665a94690 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/ImageSize.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/ImageSize.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, CPP #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
{- |
@@ -32,14 +32,12 @@ module Text.Pandoc.ImageSize ( ImageType(..)
, showInPixel
, showFl
) where
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString, unpack)
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Control.Monad
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Binary
-import Data.Binary.Get
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead)
import Data.Default (Default)
import Numeric (showFFloat)
@@ -47,12 +45,9 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Text.XML.Light as Xml
-import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
-import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Applicative
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import qualified Codec.Picture.Metadata as Metadata
import Codec.Picture (decodeImageWithMetadata)
@@ -124,9 +119,9 @@ findSvgTag img = "<svg" `B.isInfixOf` img || "<SVG" `B.isInfixOf` img
imageSize :: WriterOptions -> ByteString -> Either T.Text ImageSize
imageSize opts img = checkDpi <$>
case imageType img of
- Just Png -> pngSize img
- Just Gif -> mbToEither "could not determine GIF size" $ gifSize img
- Just Jpeg -> jpegSize img
+ Just Png -> getSize img
+ Just Gif -> getSize img
+ Just Jpeg -> getSize img
Just Svg -> mbToEither "could not determine SVG size" $ svgSize opts img
Just Eps -> mbToEither "could not determine EPS size" $ epsSize img
Just Pdf -> mbToEither "could not determine PDF size" $ pdfSize img
@@ -141,9 +136,6 @@ imageSize opts img = checkDpi <$>
, dpiY = if dpiY size == 0 then 72 else dpiY size }
-defaultSize :: (Integer, Integer)
-defaultSize = (72, 72)
sizeInPixels :: ImageSize -> (Integer, Integer)
sizeInPixels s = (pxX s, pxY s)
@@ -302,8 +294,8 @@ pPdfSize = do
, dpiY = 72 }
) <|> pPdfSize
-pngSize :: ByteString -> Either T.Text ImageSize
-pngSize img =
+getSize :: ByteString -> Either T.Text ImageSize
+getSize img =
case decodeImageWithMetadata img of
Left e -> Left (T.pack e)
Right (_, meta) -> do
@@ -319,18 +311,6 @@ pngSize img =
, dpiX = fromIntegral dpix
, dpiY = fromIntegral dpiy }
-gifSize :: ByteString -> Maybe ImageSize
-gifSize img = do
- let (h, rest) = B.splitAt 6 img
- guard $ h == "GIF87a" || h == "GIF89a"
- case map fromIntegral $ unpack $ B.take 4 rest of
- [w2,w1,h2,h1] -> return ImageSize {
- pxX = shift w1 8 + w2,
- pxY = shift h1 8 + h2,
- dpiX = 72,
- dpiY = 72
- }
- _ -> Nothing -- "GIF parse error"
svgSize :: WriterOptions -> ByteString -> Maybe ImageSize
svgSize opts img = do
@@ -378,280 +358,3 @@ emfSize img =
case parseheader . BL.fromStrict $ img of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right (_, _, size) -> Just size
-jpegSize :: ByteString -> Either T.Text ImageSize
-jpegSize img =
- let (hdr, rest) = B.splitAt 4 img
- in if B.length rest < 14
- then Left "unable to determine JPEG size"
- else case hdr of
- "\xff\xd8\xff\xe0" -> jfifSize rest
- "\xff\xd8\xff\xe1" -> exifSize rest
- _ -> Left "unable to determine JPEG size"
-jfifSize :: ByteString -> Either T.Text ImageSize
-jfifSize rest =
- case map fromIntegral $ unpack $ B.take 5 $ B.drop 9 rest of
- [dpiDensity,dpix1,dpix2,dpiy1,dpiy2] ->
- let factor = case dpiDensity of
- 1 -> id
- 2 -> \x -> x * 254 `div` 10
- _ -> const 72
- dpix = factor (shift dpix1 8 + dpix2)
- dpiy = factor (shift dpiy1 8 + dpiy2)
- in case findJfifSize rest of
- Left msg -> Left msg
- Right (w,h) -> Right ImageSize { pxX = w
- , pxY = h
- , dpiX = dpix
- , dpiY = dpiy }
- _ -> Left "unable to determine JFIF size"
-findJfifSize :: ByteString -> Either T.Text (Integer,Integer)
-findJfifSize bs =
- let bs' = B.dropWhile (=='\xff') $ B.dropWhile (/='\xff') bs
- in case B.uncons bs' of
- Just (c,bs'') | c >= '\xc0' && c <= '\xc3' ->
- case map fromIntegral $ unpack $ B.take 4 $ B.drop 3 bs'' of
- [h1,h2,w1,w2] -> Right (shift w1 8 + w2, shift h1 8 + h2)
- _ -> Left "JFIF parse error"
- Just (_,bs'') ->
- case map fromIntegral $ unpack $ B.take 2 bs'' of
- [c1,c2] ->
- let len = shift c1 8 + c2
- -- skip variables
- in findJfifSize $ B.drop len bs''
- _ -> Left "JFIF parse error"
- Nothing -> Left "Did not find JFIF length record"
-runGet' :: Get (Either T.Text a) -> BL.ByteString -> Either T.Text a
-runGet' p bl =
-#if MIN_VERSION_binary(0,7,0)
- case runGetOrFail p bl of
- Left (_,_,msg) -> Left $ T.pack msg
- Right (_,_,x) -> x
- runGet p bl
-exifSize :: ByteString -> Either T.Text ImageSize
-exifSize bs = runGet' header bl
- where bl = BL.fromChunks [bs]
- header = runExceptT $ exifHeader bl
--- NOTE: It would be nicer to do
--- runGet ((Just <$> exifHeader) <|> return Nothing)
--- which would prevent pandoc from raising an error when an exif header can't
--- be parsed. But we only get an Alternative instance for Get in binary 0.6,
--- and binary 0.5 ships with ghc 7.6.
-exifHeader :: BL.ByteString -> ExceptT T.Text Get ImageSize
-exifHeader hdr = do
- _app1DataSize <- lift getWord16be
- exifHdr <- lift getWord32be
- unless (exifHdr == 0x45786966) $ throwError "Did not find exif header"
- zeros <- lift getWord16be
- unless (zeros == 0) $ throwError "Expected zeros after exif header"
- -- beginning of tiff header -- we read whole thing to use
- -- in getting data from offsets:
- let tiffHeader = BL.drop 8 hdr
- byteAlign <- lift getWord16be
- let bigEndian = byteAlign == 0x4d4d
- let (getWord16, getWord32, getWord64) =
- if bigEndian
- then (getWord16be, getWord32be, getWord64be)
- else (getWord16le, getWord32le, getWord64le)
- let getRational = do
- num <- getWord32
- den <- getWord32
- return $ fromIntegral num / fromIntegral den
- tagmark <- lift getWord16
- unless (tagmark == 0x002a) $ throwError "Failed alignment sanity check"
- ifdOffset <- lift getWord32
- lift $ skip (fromIntegral ifdOffset - 8) -- skip to IDF
- numentries <- lift getWord16
- let ifdEntry :: ExceptT T.Text Get (TagType, DataFormat)
- ifdEntry = do
- tag <- fromMaybe UnknownTagType . flip M.lookup tagTypeTable
- <$> lift getWord16
- dataFormat <- lift getWord16
- numComponents <- lift getWord32
- (fmt, bytesPerComponent) <-
- case dataFormat of
- 1 -> return (UnsignedByte <$> getWord8, 1)
- 2 -> return (AsciiString <$>
- getLazyByteString
- (fromIntegral numComponents), 1)
- 3 -> return (UnsignedShort <$> getWord16, 2)
- 4 -> return (UnsignedLong <$> getWord32, 4)
- 5 -> return (UnsignedRational <$> getRational, 8)
- 6 -> return (SignedByte <$> getWord8, 1)
- 7 -> return (Undefined <$> getLazyByteString
- (fromIntegral numComponents), 1)
- 8 -> return (SignedShort <$> getWord16, 2)
- 9 -> return (SignedLong <$> getWord32, 4)
- 10 -> return (SignedRational <$> getRational, 8)
- 11 -> return (SingleFloat <$> getWord32 {- TODO -}, 4)
- 12 -> return (DoubleFloat <$> getWord64 {- TODO -}, 8)
- _ -> throwError $ "Unknown data format " <> T.pack (show dataFormat)
- let totalBytes = fromIntegral $ numComponents * bytesPerComponent
- payload <- if totalBytes <= 4 -- data is right here
- then lift $ fmt <* skip (4 - totalBytes)
- else do -- get data from offset
- offs <- lift getWord32
- let bytesAtOffset =
- BL.take (fromIntegral totalBytes)
- $ BL.drop (fromIntegral offs) tiffHeader
- case runGet' (Right <$> fmt) bytesAtOffset of
- Left msg -> throwError msg
- Right x -> return x
- return (tag, payload)
- entries <- replicateM (fromIntegral numentries) ifdEntry
- subentries <- case lookup ExifOffset entries of
- Just (UnsignedLong offset') -> do
- pos <- lift bytesRead
- lift $ skip (fromIntegral offset' - (fromIntegral pos - 8))
- numsubentries <- lift getWord16
- replicateM (fromIntegral numsubentries) ifdEntry
- _ -> return []
- let allentries = entries ++ subentries
- (wdth, hght) <- case (lookup ExifImageWidth allentries,
- lookup ExifImageHeight allentries) of
- (Just (UnsignedLong w), Just (UnsignedLong h)) ->
- return (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h)
- _ -> return defaultSize
- -- we return a default width and height when
- -- the exif header doesn't contain these
- let resfactor = case lookup ResolutionUnit allentries of
- Just (UnsignedShort 1) -> 100 / 254
- _ -> 1
- let xres = case lookup XResolution allentries of
- Just (UnsignedRational x) -> floor (x * resfactor)
- _ -> 72
- let yres = case lookup YResolution allentries of
- Just (UnsignedRational y) -> floor (y * resfactor)
- _ -> 72
- return ImageSize{
- pxX = wdth
- , pxY = hght
- , dpiX = xres
- , dpiY = yres }
-data DataFormat = UnsignedByte Word8
- | AsciiString BL.ByteString
- | UnsignedShort Word16
- | UnsignedLong Word32
- | UnsignedRational Rational
- | SignedByte Word8
- | Undefined BL.ByteString
- | SignedShort Word16
- | SignedLong Word32
- | SignedRational Rational
- | SingleFloat Word32
- | DoubleFloat Word64
- deriving (Show)
-data TagType = ImageDescription
- | Make
- | Model
- | Orientation
- | XResolution
- | YResolution
- | ResolutionUnit
- | Software
- | DateTime
- | WhitePoint
- | PrimaryChromaticities
- | YCbCrCoefficients
- | YCbCrPositioning
- | ReferenceBlackWhite
- | Copyright
- | ExifOffset
- | ExposureTime
- | FNumber
- | ExposureProgram
- | ISOSpeedRatings
- | ExifVersion
- | DateTimeOriginal
- | DateTimeDigitized
- | ComponentConfiguration
- | CompressedBitsPerPixel
- | ShutterSpeedValue
- | ApertureValue
- | BrightnessValue
- | ExposureBiasValue
- | MaxApertureValue
- | SubjectDistance
- | MeteringMode
- | LightSource
- | Flash
- | FocalLength
- | MakerNote
- | UserComment
- | FlashPixVersion
- | ColorSpace
- | ExifImageWidth
- | ExifImageHeight
- | RelatedSoundFile
- | ExifInteroperabilityOffset
- | FocalPlaneXResolution
- | FocalPlaneYResolution
- | FocalPlaneResolutionUnit
- | SensingMethod
- | FileSource
- | SceneType
- | UnknownTagType
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-tagTypeTable :: M.Map Word16 TagType
-tagTypeTable = M.fromList
- [ (0x010e, ImageDescription)
- , (0x010f, Make)
- , (0x0110, Model)
- , (0x0112, Orientation)
- , (0x011a, XResolution)
- , (0x011b, YResolution)
- , (0x0128, ResolutionUnit)
- , (0x0131, Software)
- , (0x0132, DateTime)
- , (0x013e, WhitePoint)
- , (0x013f, PrimaryChromaticities)
- , (0x0211, YCbCrCoefficients)
- , (0x0213, YCbCrPositioning)
- , (0x0214, ReferenceBlackWhite)
- , (0x8298, Copyright)
- , (0x8769, ExifOffset)
- , (0x829a, ExposureTime)
- , (0x829d, FNumber)
- , (0x8822, ExposureProgram)
- , (0x8827, ISOSpeedRatings)
- , (0x9000, ExifVersion)
- , (0x9003, DateTimeOriginal)
- , (0x9004, DateTimeDigitized)
- , (0x9101, ComponentConfiguration)
- , (0x9102, CompressedBitsPerPixel)
- , (0x9201, ShutterSpeedValue)
- , (0x9202, ApertureValue)
- , (0x9203, BrightnessValue)
- , (0x9204, ExposureBiasValue)
- , (0x9205, MaxApertureValue)
- , (0x9206, SubjectDistance)
- , (0x9207, MeteringMode)
- , (0x9208, LightSource)
- , (0x9209, Flash)
- , (0x920a, FocalLength)
- , (0x927c, MakerNote)
- , (0x9286, UserComment)
- , (0xa000, FlashPixVersion)
- , (0xa001, ColorSpace)
- , (0xa002, ExifImageWidth)
- , (0xa003, ExifImageHeight)
- , (0xa004, RelatedSoundFile)
- , (0xa005, ExifInteroperabilityOffset)
- , (0xa20e, FocalPlaneXResolution)
- , (0xa20f, FocalPlaneYResolution)
- , (0xa210, FocalPlaneResolutionUnit)
- , (0xa217, SensingMethod)
- , (0xa300, FileSource)
- , (0xa301, SceneType)
- ]