path: root/src
diff options
authorJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2016-10-03 12:12:38 -0400
committerJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2016-10-03 12:12:38 -0400
commita2d3854f232dc0a15fe09c9f4460ed2bc097dc30 (patch)
tree956b44cccb7323e037e0d054797e53625e40a929 /src
parent6a3d1cf2108a2a6408098621b31cffb189c561f2 (diff)
Move more enviroment vars to Reader Monad.
Things that get pushed and then reset are better in ReaderT, because they can be run with `local`.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index 50c28d20c..3350222d9 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -92,20 +92,28 @@ listMarkerToId (NumberMarker sty delim n) =
OneParen -> '2'
TwoParens -> '3'
-data WriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envRTL :: Bool }
+data WriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties :: [Element]
+ , envParaProperties :: [Element]
+ , envRTL :: Bool
+ , envListLevel :: Int
+ , envListNumId :: Int
+ }
defaultWriterEnv :: WriterEnv
-defaultWriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envRTL = False }
+defaultWriterEnv = WriterEnv{ envTextProperties = []
+ , envParaProperties = []
+ , envRTL = False
+ , envListLevel = -1
+ , envListNumId = 1
+ }
data WriterState = WriterState{
- stTextProperties :: [Element]
- , stParaProperties :: [Element]
- , stFootnotes :: [Element]
+ stFootnotes :: [Element]
, stSectionIds :: Set.Set String
, stExternalLinks :: M.Map String String
, stImages :: M.Map FilePath (String, String, Maybe MimeType, Element, B.ByteString)
- , stListLevel :: Int
- , stListNumId :: Int
+ -- , stListLevel :: Int
+ -- , stListNumId :: Int
, stLists :: [ListMarker]
, stInsId :: Int
, stDelId :: Int
@@ -122,14 +130,12 @@ data WriterState = WriterState{
defaultWriterState :: WriterState
defaultWriterState = WriterState{
- stTextProperties = []
- , stParaProperties = []
- , stFootnotes = defaultFootnotes
+ stFootnotes = defaultFootnotes
, stSectionIds = Set.empty
, stExternalLinks = M.empty
, stImages = M.empty
- , stListLevel = -1
- , stListNumId = 1
+ -- , stListLevel = -1
+ -- , stListNumId = 1
, stLists = [NoMarker]
, stInsId = 1
, stDelId = 1
@@ -809,12 +815,11 @@ blockToOpenXML opts (Plain lst) = withParaProp (pCustomStyle "Compact")
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
blockToOpenXML opts (Para [Image attr alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
- pushParaProp $ pCustomStyle $
- if null alt
- then "Figure"
- else "FigureWithCaption"
- paraProps <- getParaProps False
- popParaProp
+ let prop = pCustomStyle $
+ if null alt
+ then "Figure"
+ else "FigureWithCaption"
+ paraProps <- local (\env -> env { envParaProperties = prop : envParaProperties env }) (getParaProps False)
contents <- inlinesToOpenXML opts [Image attr alt (src,tit)]
captionNode <- withParaProp (pCustomStyle "ImageCaption")
$ blockToOpenXML opts (Para alt)
@@ -952,49 +957,36 @@ inlinesToOpenXML :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> WS [Element]
inlinesToOpenXML opts lst = concat `fmap` mapM (inlineToOpenXML opts) lst
withNumId :: Int -> WS a -> WS a
-withNumId numid p = do
- origNumId <- gets stListNumId
- modify $ \st -> st{ stListNumId = numid }
- result <- p
- modify $ \st -> st{ stListNumId = origNumId }
- return result
+withNumId numid = local $ \env -> env{ envListNumId = numid }
asList :: WS a -> WS a
-asList p = do
- origListLevel <- gets stListLevel
- modify $ \st -> st{ stListLevel = stListLevel st + 1 }
- result <- p
- modify $ \st -> st{ stListLevel = origListLevel }
- return result
+asList = local $ \env -> env{ envListLevel = envListLevel env + 1 }
getTextProps :: WS [Element]
getTextProps = do
- props <- gets stTextProperties
+ props <- asks envTextProperties
return $ if null props
then []
else [mknode "w:rPr" [] props]
-pushTextProp :: Element -> WS ()
-pushTextProp d = modify $ \s -> s{ stTextProperties = d : stTextProperties s }
+-- pushTextProp :: Element -> WS ()
+-- pushTextProp d = modify $ \s -> s{ stTextProperties = d : stTextProperties s }
-popTextProp :: WS ()
-popTextProp = modify $ \s -> s{ stTextProperties = drop 1 $ stTextProperties s }
+-- popTextProp :: WS ()
+-- popTextProp = modify $ \s -> s{ stTextProperties = drop 1 $ stTextProperties s }
withTextProp :: Element -> WS a -> WS a
-withTextProp d p = do
- pushTextProp d
- res <- p
- popTextProp
- return res
+withTextProp d p =
+ local (\env -> env {envTextProperties = d : envTextProperties env}) p
withTextPropM :: WS Element -> WS a -> WS a
withTextPropM = (. flip withTextProp) . (>>=)
getParaProps :: Bool -> WS [Element]
getParaProps displayMathPara = do
- props <- gets stParaProperties
- listLevel <- gets stListLevel
- numid <- gets stListNumId
+ props <- asks envParaProperties
+ listLevel <- asks envListLevel
+ numid <- asks envListNumId
let listPr = if listLevel >= 0 && not displayMathPara
then [ mknode "w:numPr" []
[ mknode "w:numId" [("w:val",show numid)] ()
@@ -1005,18 +997,9 @@ getParaProps displayMathPara = do
[] -> []
ps -> [mknode "w:pPr" [] ps]
-pushParaProp :: Element -> WS ()
-pushParaProp d = modify $ \s -> s{ stParaProperties = d : stParaProperties s }
-popParaProp :: WS ()
-popParaProp = modify $ \s -> s{ stParaProperties = drop 1 $ stParaProperties s }
withParaProp :: Element -> WS a -> WS a
-withParaProp d p = do
- pushParaProp d
- res <- p
- popParaProp
- return res
+withParaProp d p =
+ local (\env -> env {envParaProperties = d : envParaProperties env}) p
withParaPropM :: WS Element -> WS a -> WS a
withParaPropM = (. flip withParaProp) . (>>=)
@@ -1135,14 +1118,12 @@ inlineToOpenXML opts (Note bs) = do
let insertNoteRef (Plain ils : xs) = Plain (notemarkerXml : Space : ils) : xs
insertNoteRef (Para ils : xs) = Para (notemarkerXml : Space : ils) : xs
insertNoteRef xs = Para [notemarkerXml] : xs
- oldListLevel <- gets stListLevel
- oldParaProperties <- gets stParaProperties
- oldTextProperties <- gets stTextProperties
- modify $ \st -> st{ stListLevel = -1, stParaProperties = [], stTextProperties = [] }
- contents <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "Footnote Text") $ blocksToOpenXML opts
- $ insertNoteRef bs
- modify $ \st -> st{ stListLevel = oldListLevel, stParaProperties = oldParaProperties,
- stTextProperties = oldTextProperties }
+ contents <- local (\env -> env{ envListLevel = -1
+ , envParaProperties = []
+ , envTextProperties = [] })
+ (withParaPropM (pStyleM "Footnote Text") $ blocksToOpenXML opts
+ $ insertNoteRef bs)
let newnote = mknode "w:footnote" [("w:id", notenum)] $ contents
modify $ \s -> s{ stFootnotes = newnote : notes }
return [ mknode "w:r" []
@@ -1274,3 +1255,12 @@ fitToPage (x, y) pageWidth
| x > fromIntegral pageWidth =
(pageWidth, floor $ ((fromIntegral pageWidth) / x) * y)
| otherwise = (floor x, floor y)
+-- setRTL :: WS a -> WS a
+-- setRTL = do
+-- isRTL <- asks envRTL
+-- if isRTL
+-- then id
+-- else (withParaProp (mknode "w:bidi" [] ()) . withTextProp (mknode "w:rtl" [] ()))
+-- setLTR :: WS a -> WS a