path: root/src/Text
diff options
authorJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2014-07-02 16:54:33 -0400
committerJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2014-07-02 16:54:33 -0400
commitd77ccbba633b14e84525696038785cc31fe9bfc0 (patch)
tree4bc94af481a8a76ee00e14009716c1af1c2500d7 /src/Text
parent9f4bacf86fc02f5807c17f8152bc0c887a89809d (diff)
Docx Reader: Write LaTeX based on equations in word.
This is a first stab at writing out equations in LaTeX based on omml equations in Word. There are some glitches: unicode chars not known to LaTeX are silently skipped, and functions (such as `\oiiint`) not in the standard LaTeX packages are inserted, which can lead to pdf compilation errors (depending, of course, on your preamble). Adding, for example, `\usepackage[charter]{mathdesign}` to the preamble will allow you to use most of the more esoteric functions.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx.hs
index 61c17156e..9f73f2e7f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx.hs
@@ -84,9 +84,10 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Parse
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Lists
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Reducible
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.TexChar
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
-import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
-import Data.List (delete, isPrefixOf, (\\))
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
+import Data.List (delete, isPrefixOf, (\\), intercalate)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.ByteString.Base64 (encode)
@@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ import System.FilePath (combine)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
+import Text.Printf (printf)
readDocx :: ReaderOptions
-> B.ByteString
@@ -103,7 +105,8 @@ readDocx opts bytes =
Just docx -> Pandoc nullMeta (docxToBlocks opts docx)
Nothing -> error $ "couldn't parse docx file"
-data DState = DState { docxAnchorMap :: M.Map String String }
+data DState = DState { docxAnchorMap :: M.Map String String
+ , docxInTexSubscript :: Bool }
data DEnv = DEnv { docxOptions :: ReaderOptions
, docxDocument :: Docx}
@@ -115,6 +118,14 @@ updateDState f = do
st <- get
put $ f st
+withDState :: DState -> DocxContext a -> DocxContext a
+withDState ds dctx = do
+ ds' <- get
+ updateDState (\_ -> ds)
+ dctx' <- dctx
+ put ds'
+ return dctx'
evalDocxContext :: DocxContext a -> DEnv -> DState -> a
evalDocxContext ctx env st = evalState (runReaderT ctx env) st
@@ -318,6 +329,158 @@ parPartToInlines (ExternalHyperLink relid runs) = do
[Link rs (target, "")]
Nothing ->
[Link rs ("", "")]
+parPartToInlines (PlainOMath omath) = do
+ s <- oMathToTexString omath
+ return [Math InlineMath s]
+oMathToTexString :: OMath -> DocxContext String
+oMathToTexString (OMath omathElems) = do
+ ss <- mapM oMathElemToTexString omathElems
+ return $ intercalate " " ss
+oMathElemToTexString :: OMathElem -> DocxContext String
+oMathElemToTexString (Accent style base) | Just c <- accentChar style = do
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ return $ case lookupTexChar c of
+ s@('\\' : _) -> printf "%s{%s}" s baseString
+ _ -> printf "\\acute{%s}" baseString -- we default.
+oMathElemToTexString (Accent _ base) =
+ baseToTexString base >>= (\s -> return $ printf "\\acute{%s}" s)
+oMathElemToTexString (Bar style base) = do
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ return $ case barPos style of
+ Top -> printf "\\overline{%s}" baseString
+ Bottom -> printf "\\underline{%s}" baseString
+oMathElemToTexString (Box base) = baseToTexString base
+oMathElemToTexString (BorderBox base) =
+ baseToTexString base >>= (\s -> return $ printf "\\boxed{%s}" s)
+oMathElemToTexString (Delimiter dPr bases) = do
+ let beg = fromMaybe '(' (delimBegChar dPr)
+ end = fromMaybe ')' (delimEndChar dPr)
+ sep = fromMaybe '|' (delimSepChar dPr)
+ left = "\\left" ++ lookupTexChar beg
+ right = "\\right" ++ lookupTexChar end
+ mid = "\\middle" ++ lookupTexChar sep
+ baseStrings <- mapM baseToTexString bases
+ return $ printf "%s %s %s"
+ left
+ (intercalate (" " ++ mid ++ " ") baseStrings)
+ right
+oMathElemToTexString (EquationArray bases) = do
+ baseStrings <- mapM baseToTexString bases
+ inSub <- gets docxInTexSubscript
+ return $
+ if inSub
+ then
+ printf "\\substack{%s}" (intercalate "\\\\ " baseStrings)
+ else
+ printf
+ "\\begin{aligned}\n%s\n\\end{aligned}"
+ (intercalate "\\\\\n" baseStrings)
+oMathElemToTexString (Fraction num denom) = do
+ numString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString num
+ denString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString denom
+ return $ printf "\\frac{%s}{%s}" numString denString
+oMathElemToTexString (Function fname base) = do
+ fnameString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString fname
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ return $ printf "%s %s" fnameString baseString
+oMathElemToTexString (Group style base)
+ | Just c <- groupChr style
+ , grouper <- lookupTexChar c
+ , notElem grouper ["\\overbrace", "\\underbrace"]
+ = do
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ return $ case groupPos style of
+ Just Top -> printf "\\overset{%s}{%s}" grouper baseString
+ _ -> printf "\\underset{%s}{%s}" grouper baseString
+oMathElemToTexString (Group style base) = do
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ return $ case groupPos style of
+ Just Top -> printf "\\overbrace{%s}" baseString
+ _ -> printf "\\underbrace{%s}" baseString
+oMathElemToTexString (LowerLimit base limElems) = do
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ lim <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString limElems
+ -- we want to make sure to replace the `\rightarrow` with `\to`
+ let arrowToTo :: String -> String
+ arrowToTo "" = ""
+ arrowToTo s | "\\rightarrow" `isPrefixOf` s =
+ "\\to" ++ (arrowToTo $ drop (length "\\rightarrow") s)
+ arrowToTo (c:cs) = c : arrowToTo cs
+ lim' = arrowToTo lim
+ return $ case baseString of
+ "lim" -> printf "\\lim_{%s}" lim'
+ "max" -> printf "\\max_{%s}" lim'
+ "min" -> printf "\\min_{%s}" lim'
+ _ -> printf "\\operatorname*{%s}_{%s}" baseString lim'
+oMathElemToTexString (UpperLimit base limElems) = do
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ lim <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString limElems
+ -- we want to make sure to replace the `\rightarrow` with `\to`
+ let arrowToTo :: String -> String
+ arrowToTo "" = ""
+ arrowToTo s | "\\rightarrow" `isPrefixOf` s =
+ "\\to" ++ (arrowToTo $ drop (length "\\rightarrow") s)
+ arrowToTo (c:cs) = c : arrowToTo cs
+ lim' = arrowToTo lim
+ return $ case baseString of
+ "lim" -> printf "\\lim^{%s}" lim'
+ "max" -> printf "\\max^{%s}" lim'
+ "min" -> printf "\\min^{%s}" lim'
+ _ -> printf "\\operatorname*{%s}^{%s}" baseString lim'
+oMathElemToTexString (Matrix bases) = do
+ let rowString :: [Base] -> DocxContext String
+ rowString bs = liftM (intercalate " & ") (mapM baseToTexString bs)
+ s <- liftM (intercalate " \\\\\n")(mapM rowString bases)
+ return $ printf "\\begin{matrix}\n%s\n\\end{matrix}" s
+oMathElemToTexString (NAry style sub sup base) | Just c <- nAryChar style = do
+ ds <- gets (\s -> s{docxInTexSubscript = True})
+ subString <- withDState ds $ concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
+ supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ return $ case M.lookup c uniconvMap of
+ Just s@('\\':_) -> printf "%s_{%s}^{%s}{%s}"
+ s subString supString baseString
+ _ -> printf "\\operatorname*{%s}_{%s}^{%s}{%s}"
+ [c] subString supString baseString
+oMathElemToTexString (NAry _ sub sup base) = do
+ subString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
+ supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ return $ printf "\\int_{%s}^{%s}{%s}"
+ subString supString baseString
+oMathElemToTexString (Radical degree base) = do
+ degString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString degree
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ return $ case trim degString of
+ "" -> printf "\\sqrt{%s}" baseString
+ _ -> printf "\\sqrt[%s]{%s}" degString baseString
+oMathElemToTexString (PreSubSuper sub sup base) = do
+ subString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
+ supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ return $ printf "_{%s}^{%s}%s" subString supString baseString
+oMathElemToTexString (Sub base sub) = do
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ subString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
+ return $ printf "%s_{%s}" baseString subString
+oMathElemToTexString (SubSuper base sub sup) = do
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ subString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sub
+ supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
+ return $ printf "%s_{%s}^{%s}" baseString subString supString
+oMathElemToTexString (Super base sup) = do
+ baseString <- baseToTexString base
+ supString <- concatMapM oMathElemToTexString sup
+ return $ printf "%s^{%s}" baseString supString
+oMathElemToTexString (OMathRun _ run) = return $ stringToTex $ runToString run
+oMathElemToTexString _ = return "[NOT IMPLEMENTED]"
+baseToTexString :: Base -> DocxContext String
+baseToTexString (Base mathElems) =
+ concatMapM oMathElemToTexString mathElems
isAnchorSpan :: Inline -> Bool
isAnchorSpan (Span (ident, classes, kvs) ils) =
@@ -445,6 +608,10 @@ bodyPartToBlocks (Tbl cap _ look (r:rs)) = do
widths = replicate size 0 :: [Double]
return [Table caption alignments widths hdrCells cells]
+bodyPartToBlocks (OMathPara _ maths) = do
+ omaths <- mapM oMathToTexString maths
+ return [Para $ map (\s -> Math DisplayMath s) omaths]
-- replace targets with generated anchors.
rewriteLink :: Inline -> DocxContext Inline
@@ -480,7 +647,8 @@ bodyToBlocks (Body bps) = do
docxToBlocks :: ReaderOptions -> Docx -> [Block]
docxToBlocks opts d@(Docx (Document _ body) _ _ _ _) =
- let dState = DState { docxAnchorMap = M.empty }
+ let dState = DState { docxAnchorMap = M.empty
+ , docxInTexSubscript = False}
dEnv = DEnv { docxOptions = opts
, docxDocument = d}