path: root/src/Text
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2013-11-29 18:01:07 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2013-11-30 11:32:47 -0800
commit659596876b74a2ce99ec5f7253962b27ca091354 (patch)
treec7a1af4ec523aa8b35f1e35162072cadc912447c /src/Text
parente1a9a61774cce807c6db2fff7b8609b2d9dbc678 (diff)
EPUB writer: Improved metadata handling.
* Metadata may now be included in YAML blocks in a markdown document. For example, --- title: - type: main text: My Book - type: subtitle text: An investigation of metadata creator: - role: author text: John Smith - role: editor text: Sarah Jones identifier: - scheme: DOI text: doi:10.234234.234/33 publisher: My Press rights: (c) 2007 John Smith, CC BY-NC ... * Metadata may still be provided using `--epub-metadata`; it will be merged with the metadata in YAML blocks. * meta tags are used instead of opf attributes for EPUB3.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text')
1 files changed, 591 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
index ef4c7be23..4f1de5df0 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, CPP #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Copyright (C) 2010 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to EPUB.
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.EPUB ( writeEPUB ) where
import Data.IORef
-import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, isNothing )
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.List ( isInfixOf, intercalate )
import System.Environment ( getEnv )
import Text.Printf (printf)
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
import Text.Pandoc.UTF8 ( fromStringLazy, toString )
import Text.Pandoc.SelfContained ( makeSelfContained )
import Codec.Archive.Zip
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time
import System.Locale
@@ -70,6 +72,216 @@ import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 (renderHtml)
-- in filenames, chapter0003.xhtml.
data Chapter = Chapter (Maybe [Int]) [Block]
+data EPUBMetadata = EPUBMetadata{
+ epubIdentifier :: [Identifier]
+ , epubTitle :: [Title]
+ , epubDate :: String
+ , epubLanguage :: String
+ , epubCreator :: [Creator]
+ , epubContributor :: [Creator]
+ , epubSubject :: [String]
+ , epubDescription :: Maybe String
+ , epubType :: Maybe String
+ , epubFormat :: Maybe String
+ , epubPublisher :: Maybe String
+ , epubSource :: Maybe String
+ , epubRelation :: Maybe String
+ , epubCoverage :: Maybe String
+ , epubRights :: Maybe String
+ , epubCoverImage :: Maybe String
+ } deriving Show
+data Creator = Creator{
+ creatorText :: String
+ , creatorRole :: Maybe String
+ , creatorFileAs :: Maybe String
+ } deriving Show
+data Identifier = Identifier{
+ identifierText :: String
+ , identifierScheme :: Maybe String
+ } deriving Show
+data Title = Title{
+ titleText :: String
+ , titleFileAs :: Maybe String
+ , titleType :: Maybe String
+ } deriving Show
+dcName :: String -> QName
+dcName n = QName n Nothing (Just "dc")
+dcNode :: Node t => String -> t -> Element
+dcNode = node . dcName
+opfName :: String -> QName
+opfName n = QName n Nothing (Just "opf")
+plainify :: [Inline] -> String
+plainify t =
+ trimr $ writePlain def{ writerStandalone = False } $ Pandoc nullMeta [Plain t]
+getEPUBMetadata :: WriterOptions -> Meta -> IO EPUBMetadata
+getEPUBMetadata opts meta = do
+ let md = metadataFromMeta opts meta
+ let elts = onlyElems $ parseXML $ writerEpubMetadata opts
+ let md' = foldr addMetadataFromXML md elts
+ let addIdentifier m =
+ if null (epubIdentifier m)
+ then do
+ randomId <- fmap show getRandomUUID
+ return $ m{ epubIdentifier = [Identifier randomId Nothing] }
+ else return m
+ let addLanguage m =
+ if null (epubLanguage m)
+ then case lookup "lang" (writerVariables opts) of
+ Just x -> return m{ epubLanguage = x }
+ Nothing -> do
+ localeLang <- catch (liftM
+ (map (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) .
+ takeWhile (/='.')) $ getEnv "LANG")
+ (\e -> let _ = (e :: SomeException) in return "en-US")
+ return m{ epubLanguage = localeLang }
+ else return m
+ let fixDate m =
+ if null (epubDate m)
+ then do
+ currentTime <- getCurrentTime
+ return $ m{ epubDate = showDateTimeISO8601 currentTime }
+ else return m
+ let addAuthor m =
+ if any (\c -> creatorRole c == Just "aut") $ epubCreator m
+ then return m
+ else do
+ let authors' = map plainify $ docAuthors meta
+ let toAuthor name = Creator{ creatorText = name
+ , creatorRole = Just "aut"
+ , creatorFileAs = Nothing }
+ return $ m{ epubCreator = map toAuthor authors' ++ epubCreator m }
+ addIdentifier md' >>= fixDate >>= addAuthor >>= addLanguage
+addMetadataFromXML :: Element -> EPUBMetadata -> EPUBMetadata
+addMetadataFromXML e@(Element (QName name _ (Just "dc")) attrs _ _) md
+ | name == "identifier" = md{ epubIdentifier =
+ Identifier{ identifierText = strContent e
+ , identifierScheme = lookupAttr (opfName "scheme") attrs
+ } : epubIdentifier md }
+ | name == "title" = md{ epubTitle =
+ Title{ titleText = strContent e
+ , titleFileAs = getAttr "file-as"
+ , titleType = getAttr "type"
+ } : epubTitle md }
+ | name == "date" = md{ epubDate = maybe "" id $ normalizeDate $ strContent e }
+ | name == "language" = md{ epubLanguage = strContent e }
+ | name == "creator" = md{ epubCreator =
+ Creator{ creatorText = strContent e
+ , creatorRole = getAttr "role"
+ , creatorFileAs = getAttr "file-as"
+ } : epubCreator md }
+ | name == "contributor" = md{ epubContributor =
+ Creator { creatorText = strContent e
+ , creatorRole = getAttr "role"
+ , creatorFileAs = getAttr "file-as"
+ } : epubContributor md }
+ | name == "subject" = md{ epubSubject = strContent e : epubSubject md }
+ | name == "description" = md { epubDescription = Just $ strContent e }
+ | name == "type" = md { epubType = Just $ strContent e }
+ | name == "format" = md { epubFormat = Just $ strContent e }
+ | name == "type" = md { epubType = Just $ strContent e }
+ | name == "publisher" = md { epubPublisher = Just $ strContent e }
+ | name == "source" = md { epubSource = Just $ strContent e }
+ | name == "relation" = md { epubRelation = Just $ strContent e }
+ | name == "coverage" = md { epubCoverage = Just $ strContent e }
+ | name == "rights" = md { epubRights = Just $ strContent e }
+ | otherwise = md
+ where getAttr n = lookupAttr (opfName n) attrs
+addMetadataFromXML _ md = md
+metaValueToString :: MetaValue -> String
+metaValueToString (MetaString s) = s
+metaValueToString (MetaInlines ils) = plainify ils
+metaValueToString (MetaBlocks bs) = plainify $ query (:[]) bs
+metaValueToString (MetaBool b) = show b
+metaValueToString _ = ""
+getList :: String -> Meta -> (MetaValue -> a) -> [a]
+getList s meta handleMetaValue =
+ case lookupMeta s meta of
+ Just (MetaList xs) -> map handleMetaValue xs
+ Just mv -> [handleMetaValue mv]
+ Nothing -> []
+getIdentifier :: Meta -> [Identifier]
+getIdentifier meta = getList "identifier" meta handleMetaValue
+ where handleMetaValue (MetaMap m) =
+ Identifier{ identifierText = maybe "" metaValueToString
+ $ M.lookup "text" m
+ , identifierScheme = metaValueToString <$>
+ M.lookup "scheme" m }
+ handleMetaValue mv = Identifier (metaValueToString mv) Nothing
+getTitle :: Meta -> [Title]
+getTitle meta = getList "title" meta handleMetaValue
+ where handleMetaValue (MetaMap m) =
+ Title{ titleText = maybe "" metaValueToString $ M.lookup "text" m
+ , titleFileAs = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "file-as" m
+ , titleType = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "type" m }
+ handleMetaValue mv = Title (metaValueToString mv) Nothing Nothing
+getCreator :: String -> Meta -> [Creator]
+getCreator s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
+ where handleMetaValue (MetaMap m) =
+ Creator{ creatorText = maybe "" metaValueToString $ M.lookup "text" m
+ , creatorFileAs = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "file-as" m
+ , creatorRole = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "role" m }
+ handleMetaValue mv = Creator (metaValueToString mv) Nothing Nothing
+simpleList :: String -> Meta -> [String]
+simpleList s meta =
+ case lookupMeta s meta of
+ Just (MetaList xs) -> map metaValueToString xs
+ Just x -> [metaValueToString x]
+ Nothing -> []
+metadataFromMeta :: WriterOptions -> Meta -> EPUBMetadata
+metadataFromMeta opts meta = EPUBMetadata{
+ epubIdentifier = identifiers
+ , epubTitle = titles
+ , epubDate = date
+ , epubLanguage = language
+ , epubCreator = creators
+ , epubContributor = contributors
+ , epubSubject = subjects
+ , epubDescription = description
+ , epubType = epubtype
+ , epubFormat = format
+ , epubPublisher = publisher
+ , epubSource = source
+ , epubRelation = relation
+ , epubCoverage = coverage
+ , epubRights = rights
+ , epubCoverImage = coverImage
+ }
+ where identifiers = getIdentifier meta
+ titles = getTitle meta
+ date = maybe "" id $
+ (metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "date" meta) >>= normalizeDate
+ language = maybe "" metaValueToString $
+ lookupMeta "language" meta `mplus` lookupMeta "lang" meta
+ creators = getCreator "creator" meta
+ contributors = getCreator "contributor" meta
+ subjects = simpleList "subject" meta
+ description = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "description" meta
+ epubtype = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "type" meta
+ format = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "format" meta
+ publisher = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "publisher" meta
+ source = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "source" meta
+ relation = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "relation" meta
+ coverage = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "coverage" meta
+ rights = metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "rights" meta
+ coverImage = fmap (const "cover-image") $
+ lookup "epub-cover-image" $ writerVariables opts
-- | Produce an EPUB file from a Pandoc document.
writeEPUB :: WriterOptions -- ^ Writer options
-> Pandoc -- ^ Document to convert
@@ -192,18 +404,6 @@ writeEPUB opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
let containsMathML ent = "<math" `isInfixOf` (B8.unpack $ fromEntry ent)
-- contents.opf
- localeLang <- catch (liftM (map (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) .
- takeWhile (/='.')) $ getEnv "LANG")
- (\e -> let _ = (e :: SomeException) in return "en-US")
- let lang = case lookup "lang" (writerVariables opts') of
- Just x -> x
- Nothing -> localeLang
- let userNodes = onlyElems $ parseXML $ writerEpubMetadata opts'
- let mbIdent = findElement (QName "identifier" Nothing (Just "dc"))
- $ unode "dummy" ! [] $ userNodes
- uuid <- case mbIdent of
- Just id' -> return $ trim $ strContent id'
- Nothing -> fmap show getRandomUUID
let chapterNode ent = unode "item" !
([("id", takeBaseName $ eRelativePath ent),
("href", eRelativePath ent),
@@ -221,22 +421,23 @@ writeEPUB opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
[("id", takeBaseName $ eRelativePath ent),
("href", eRelativePath ent),
("media-type", maybe "" id $ getMimeType $ eRelativePath ent)] $ ()
- let plainify t = trimr $
- writePlain opts'{ writerStandalone = False } $
- Pandoc meta [Plain t]
- let plainTitle = plainify $ docTitle meta
- let plainAuthors = map plainify $ docAuthors meta
+ metadata <- getEPUBMetadata opts' meta
+ let plainTitle = case docTitle meta of
+ [] -> case epubTitle metadata of
+ [] -> "UNTITLED"
+ (x:_) -> titleText x
+ x -> plainify x
+ let uuid = case epubIdentifier metadata of
+ (x:_) -> identifierText x -- use first identifier as UUID
+ [] -> error "epubIdentifier is null" -- shouldn't happen
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
- let plainDate = maybe (showDateTimeISO8601 currentTime) id
- $ normalizeDate $ stringify $ docDate meta
let contentsData = fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
unode "package" ! [("version", case version of
EPUB2 -> "2.0"
EPUB3 -> "3.0")
- ,("unique-identifier","BookId")] $
- [ metadataElement version userNodes
- uuid lang plainTitle plainAuthors plainDate currentTime mbCoverImage
+ ,("unique-identifier","epub-id-1")] $
+ [ metadataElement version metadata currentTime
, unode "manifest" $
[ unode "item" ! [("id","ncx"), ("href","toc.ncx")
,("media-type","application/x-dtbncx+xml")] $ ()
@@ -266,7 +467,8 @@ writeEPUB opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
map chapterRefNode chapterEntries)
, unode "guide" $
[ unode "reference" !
- [("type","toc"),("title",plainTitle),("href","nav.xhtml")] $ ()
+ [("type","toc"),("title",plainTitle),
+ ("href","nav.xhtml")] $ ()
] ++
[ unode "reference" !
[("type","cover"),("title","Cover"),("href","cover.xhtml")] $ () | mbCoverImage /= Nothing
@@ -390,32 +592,96 @@ writeEPUB opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
(picEntries ++ cpicEntry ++ cpgEntry ++ chapterEntries ++ fontEntries))
return $ fromArchive archive
-metadataElement :: EPUBVersion -> [Element] -> String -> String -> String -> [String]
- -> String -> UTCTime -> Maybe a -> Element
-metadataElement version userNodes uuid lang title authors date currentTime mbCoverImage =
- let elt = unode "metadata" ! [("xmlns:dc","http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
- ,("xmlns:opf","http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf")] $
- filter isMetadataElement userNodes
- dublinElements = ["contributor","coverage","creator","date",
- "description","format","identifier","language","publisher",
- "relation","rights","source","subject","title","type"]
- isMetadataElement e = (qPrefix (elName e) == Just "dc" &&
- qName (elName e) `elem` dublinElements) ||
- (qPrefix (elName e) == Nothing &&
- qName (elName e) `elem` ["link","meta"])
- contains e n = not (null (findElements (QName n Nothing (Just "dc")) e))
- newNodes = [ unode "dc:title" title | not (elt `contains` "title") ] ++
- [ unode "dc:language" lang | not (elt `contains` "language") ] ++
- [ unode "dc:identifier" ! [("id","BookId")] $ uuid |
- not (elt `contains` "identifier") ] ++
- [ unode "dc:creator" ! [("opf:role","aut") | version == EPUB2]
- $ a | a <- authors, not (elt `contains` "creator") ] ++
- [ unode "dc:date" date | not (elt `contains` "date") ] ++
- [ unode "meta" ! [("property", "dcterms:modified")] $
- (showDateTimeISO8601 currentTime) | version == EPUB3] ++
- [ unode "meta" ! [("name","cover"), ("content","cover-image")] $ () |
- not (isNothing mbCoverImage) ]
- in elt{ elContent = elContent elt ++ map Elem newNodes }
+metadataElement :: EPUBVersion -> EPUBMetadata -> UTCTime -> Element
+metadataElement version md currentTime =
+ unode "metadata" ! [("xmlns:dc","http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
+ ,("xmlns:opf","http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf")] $ mdNodes
+ where mdNodes = identifierNodes ++ titleNodes ++ dateNodes ++ languageNodes
+ ++ creatorNodes ++ contributorNodes ++ subjectNodes
+ ++ descriptionNodes ++ typeNodes ++ formatNodes
+ ++ publisherNodes ++ sourceNodes ++ relationNodes
+ ++ coverageNodes ++ rightsNodes ++ coverImageNodes
+ ++ modifiedNodes
+ withIds base f = concat . zipWith f (map (\x -> base ++ ('-' : show x))
+ ([1..] :: [Int]))
+ identifierNodes = withIds "epub-id" toIdentifierNode $
+ epubIdentifier md
+ titleNodes = withIds "epub-title" toTitleNode $ epubTitle md
+ dateNodes = dcTag' "date" $ epubDate md
+ languageNodes = [dcTag "language" $ epubLanguage md]
+ creatorNodes = withIds "epub-creator" (toCreatorNode "creator") $
+ epubCreator md
+ contributorNodes = withIds "epub-contributor"
+ (toCreatorNode "contributor") $ epubContributor md
+ subjectNodes = map (dcTag "subject") $ epubSubject md
+ descriptionNodes = maybe [] (dcTag' "description") $ epubDescription md
+ typeNodes = maybe [] (dcTag' "type") $ epubType md
+ formatNodes = maybe [] (dcTag' "format") $ epubFormat md
+ publisherNodes = maybe [] (dcTag' "publisher") $ epubPublisher md
+ sourceNodes = maybe [] (dcTag' "source") $ epubSource md
+ relationNodes = maybe [] (dcTag' "relation") $ epubRelation md
+ coverageNodes = maybe [] (dcTag' "coverage") $ epubCoverage md
+ rightsNodes = maybe [] (dcTag' "rights") $ epubRights md
+ coverImageNodes = maybe []
+ (\ci -> [unode "meta" ! [("name","cover"), ("content",ci)] $ ()])
+ $ epubCoverImage md
+ modifiedNodes = [ unode "meta" ! [("property", "dcterms:modified")] $
+ (showDateTimeISO8601 currentTime) | version == EPUB3 ]
+ dcTag n s = unode ("dc:" ++ n) s
+ dcTag' n s = [dcTag n s]
+ toIdentifierNode id' (Identifier txt scheme)
+ | version == EPUB2 = [dcNode "identifier" !
+ ([("id",id')] ++ maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:scheme", x)]) scheme) $
+ txt]
+ | otherwise = [dcNode "identifier" ! [("id",id')] $ txt] ++
+ maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
+ [("refines",'#':id'),("property","identifier-type"),
+ ("scheme","onix:codelist5")] $ x])
+ (schemeToOnix `fmap` scheme)
+ toCreatorNode s id' creator
+ | version == EPUB2 = [dcNode s !
+ ([("id",id')] ++
+ maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:file-as",x)]) (creatorFileAs creator) ++
+ maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:role",x)])
+ (creatorRole creator >>= toRelator)) $ creatorText creator]
+ | otherwise = [dcNode s ! [("id",id')] $ creatorText creator] ++
+ maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
+ [("refines",'#':id'),("property","file-as")] $ x])
+ (creatorFileAs creator) ++
+ maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
+ [("refines",'#':id'),("property","role"),
+ ("scheme","marc:relators")] $ x])
+ (creatorRole creator >>= toRelator)
+ toTitleNode id' title
+ | version == EPUB2 = [dcNode "title" !
+ ([("id",id')] ++
+ maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:file-as",x)]) (titleFileAs title) ++
+ maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:title-type",x)]) (titleType title)) $
+ titleText title]
+ | otherwise = [dcNode "title" ! [("id",id')] $ titleText title]
+ ++
+ maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
+ [("refines",'#':id'),("property","file-as")] $ x])
+ (titleFileAs title) ++
+ maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
+ [("refines",'#':id'),("property","title-type")] $ x])
+ (titleType title)
+ schemeToOnix "ISBN-10" = "02"
+ schemeToOnix "GTIN-13" = "03"
+ schemeToOnix "UPC" = "04"
+ schemeToOnix "ISMN-10" = "05"
+ schemeToOnix "DOI" = "06"
+ schemeToOnix "LCCN" = "13"
+ schemeToOnix "GTIN-14" = "14"
+ schemeToOnix "ISBN-13" = "15"
+ schemeToOnix "Legal deposit number" = "17"
+ schemeToOnix "URN" = "22"
+ schemeToOnix "OCLC" = "23"
+ schemeToOnix "ISMN-13" = "25"
+ schemeToOnix "ISBN-A" = "26"
+ schemeToOnix "JP" = "27"
+ schemeToOnix "OLCC" = "28"
+ schemeToOnix _ = "01"
showDateTimeISO8601 :: UTCTime -> String
showDateTimeISO8601 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%TZ"
@@ -527,3 +793,277 @@ replaceRefs refTable = walk replaceOneRef
Just url -> Link lab (url,tit)
Nothing -> x
replaceOneRef x = x
+toRelator :: String -> Maybe String
+toRelator x
+ | x `elem` relators = Just x
+ | otherwise = lookup (map toLower x) relatorMap
+relators :: [String]
+relators = map snd relatorMap
+relatorMap :: [(String, String)]
+relatorMap =
+ [("abridger", "abr")
+ ,("actor", "act")
+ ,("adapter", "adp")
+ ,("addressee", "rcp")
+ ,("analyst", "anl")
+ ,("animator", "anm")
+ ,("annotator", "ann")
+ ,("appellant", "apl")
+ ,("appellee", "ape")
+ ,("applicant", "app")
+ ,("architect", "arc")
+ ,("arranger", "arr")
+ ,("art copyist", "acp")
+ ,("art director", "adi")
+ ,("artist", "art")
+ ,("artistic director", "ard")
+ ,("assignee", "asg")
+ ,("associated name", "asn")
+ ,("attributed name", "att")
+ ,("auctioneer", "auc")
+ ,("author", "aut")
+ ,("author in quotations or text abstracts", "aqt")
+ ,("author of afterword, colophon, etc.", "aft")
+ ,("author of dialog", "aud")
+ ,("author of introduction, etc.", "aui")
+ ,("autographer", "ato")
+ ,("bibliographic antecedent", "ant")
+ ,("binder", "bnd")
+ ,("binding designer", "bdd")
+ ,("blurb writer", "blw")
+ ,("book designer", "bkd")
+ ,("book producer", "bkp")
+ ,("bookjacket designer", "bjd")
+ ,("bookplate designer", "bpd")
+ ,("bookseller", "bsl")
+ ,("braille embosser", "brl")
+ ,("broadcaster", "brd")
+ ,("calligrapher", "cll")
+ ,("cartographer", "ctg")
+ ,("caster", "cas")
+ ,("censor", "cns")
+ ,("choreographer", "chr")
+ ,("cinematographer", "cng")
+ ,("client", "cli")
+ ,("collection registrar", "cor")
+ ,("collector", "col")
+ ,("collotyper", "clt")
+ ,("colorist", "clr")
+ ,("commentator", "cmm")
+ ,("commentator for written text", "cwt")
+ ,("compiler", "com")
+ ,("complainant", "cpl")
+ ,("complainant-appellant", "cpt")
+ ,("complainant-appellee", "cpe")
+ ,("composer", "cmp")
+ ,("compositor", "cmt")
+ ,("conceptor", "ccp")
+ ,("conductor", "cnd")
+ ,("conservator", "con")
+ ,("consultant", "csl")
+ ,("consultant to a project", "csp")
+ ,("contestant", "cos")
+ ,("contestant-appellant", "cot")
+ ,("contestant-appellee", "coe")
+ ,("contestee", "cts")
+ ,("contestee-appellant", "ctt")
+ ,("contestee-appellee", "cte")
+ ,("contractor", "ctr")
+ ,("contributor", "ctb")
+ ,("copyright claimant", "cpc")
+ ,("copyright holder", "cph")
+ ,("corrector", "crr")
+ ,("correspondent", "crp")
+ ,("costume designer", "cst")
+ ,("court governed", "cou")
+ ,("court reporter", "crt")
+ ,("cover designer", "cov")
+ ,("creator", "cre")
+ ,("curator", "cur")
+ ,("dancer", "dnc")
+ ,("data contributor", "dtc")
+ ,("data manager", "dtm")
+ ,("dedicatee", "dte")
+ ,("dedicator", "dto")
+ ,("defendant", "dfd")
+ ,("defendant-appellant", "dft")
+ ,("defendant-appellee", "dfe")
+ ,("degree granting institution", "dgg")
+ ,("delineator", "dln")
+ ,("depicted", "dpc")
+ ,("depositor", "dpt")
+ ,("designer", "dsr")
+ ,("director", "drt")
+ ,("dissertant", "dis")
+ ,("distribution place", "dbp")
+ ,("distributor", "dst")
+ ,("donor", "dnr")
+ ,("draftsman", "drm")
+ ,("dubious author", "dub")
+ ,("editor", "edt")
+ ,("editor of compilation", "edc")
+ ,("editor of moving image work", "edm")
+ ,("electrician", "elg")
+ ,("electrotyper", "elt")
+ ,("enacting jurisdiction", "enj")
+ ,("engineer", "eng")
+ ,("engraver", "egr")
+ ,("etcher", "etr")
+ ,("event place", "evp")
+ ,("expert", "exp")
+ ,("facsimilist", "fac")
+ ,("field director", "fld")
+ ,("film director", "fmd")
+ ,("film distributor", "fds")
+ ,("film editor", "flm")
+ ,("film producer", "fmp")
+ ,("filmmaker", "fmk")
+ ,("first party", "fpy")
+ ,("forger", "frg")
+ ,("former owner", "fmo")
+ ,("funder", "fnd")
+ ,("geographic information specialist", "gis")
+ ,("honoree", "hnr")
+ ,("host", "hst")
+ ,("host institution", "his")
+ ,("illuminator", "ilu")
+ ,("illustrator", "ill")
+ ,("inscriber", "ins")
+ ,("instrumentalist", "itr")
+ ,("interviewee", "ive")
+ ,("interviewer", "ivr")
+ ,("inventor", "inv")
+ ,("issuing body", "isb")
+ ,("judge", "jud")
+ ,("jurisdiction governed", "jug")
+ ,("laboratory", "lbr")
+ ,("laboratory director", "ldr")
+ ,("landscape architect", "lsa")
+ ,("lead", "led")
+ ,("lender", "len")
+ ,("libelant", "lil")
+ ,("libelant-appellant", "lit")
+ ,("libelant-appellee", "lie")
+ ,("libelee", "lel")
+ ,("libelee-appellant", "let")
+ ,("libelee-appellee", "lee")
+ ,("librettist", "lbt")
+ ,("licensee", "lse")
+ ,("licensor", "lso")
+ ,("lighting designer", "lgd")
+ ,("lithographer", "ltg")
+ ,("lyricist", "lyr")
+ ,("manufacture place", "mfp")
+ ,("manufacturer", "mfr")
+ ,("marbler", "mrb")
+ ,("markup editor", "mrk")
+ ,("metadata contact", "mdc")
+ ,("metal-engraver", "mte")
+ ,("moderator", "mod")
+ ,("monitor", "mon")
+ ,("music copyist", "mcp")
+ ,("musical director", "msd")
+ ,("musician", "mus")
+ ,("narrator", "nrt")
+ ,("onscreen presenter", "osp")
+ ,("opponent", "opn")
+ ,("organizer of meeting", "orm")
+ ,("originator", "org")
+ ,("other", "oth")
+ ,("owner", "own")
+ ,("panelist", "pan")
+ ,("papermaker", "ppm")
+ ,("patent applicant", "pta")
+ ,("patent holder", "pth")
+ ,("patron", "pat")
+ ,("performer", "prf")
+ ,("permitting agency", "pma")
+ ,("photographer", "pht")
+ ,("plaintiff", "ptf")
+ ,("plaintiff-appellant", "ptt")
+ ,("plaintiff-appellee", "pte")
+ ,("platemaker", "plt")
+ ,("praeses", "pra")
+ ,("presenter", "pre")
+ ,("printer", "prt")
+ ,("printer of plates", "pop")
+ ,("printmaker", "prm")
+ ,("process contact", "prc")
+ ,("producer", "pro")
+ ,("production company", "prn")
+ ,("production designer", "prs")
+ ,("production manager", "pmn")
+ ,("production personnel", "prd")
+ ,("production place", "prp")
+ ,("programmer", "prg")
+ ,("project director", "pdr")
+ ,("proofreader", "pfr")
+ ,("provider", "prv")
+ ,("publication place", "pup")
+ ,("publisher", "pbl")
+ ,("publishing director", "pbd")
+ ,("puppeteer", "ppt")
+ ,("radio director", "rdd")
+ ,("radio producer", "rpc")
+ ,("recording engineer", "rce")
+ ,("recordist", "rcd")
+ ,("redaktor", "red")
+ ,("renderer", "ren")
+ ,("reporter", "rpt")
+ ,("repository", "rps")
+ ,("research team head", "rth")
+ ,("research team member", "rtm")
+ ,("researcher", "res")
+ ,("respondent", "rsp")
+ ,("respondent-appellant", "rst")
+ ,("respondent-appellee", "rse")
+ ,("responsible party", "rpy")
+ ,("restager", "rsg")
+ ,("restorationist", "rsr")
+ ,("reviewer", "rev")
+ ,("rubricator", "rbr")
+ ,("scenarist", "sce")
+ ,("scientific advisor", "sad")
+ ,("screenwriter", "aus")
+ ,("scribe", "scr")
+ ,("sculptor", "scl")
+ ,("second party", "spy")
+ ,("secretary", "sec")
+ ,("seller", "sll")
+ ,("set designer", "std")
+ ,("setting", "stg")
+ ,("signer", "sgn")
+ ,("singer", "sng")
+ ,("sound designer", "sds")
+ ,("speaker", "spk")
+ ,("sponsor", "spn")
+ ,("stage director", "sgd")
+ ,("stage manager", "stm")
+ ,("standards body", "stn")
+ ,("stereotyper", "str")
+ ,("storyteller", "stl")
+ ,("supporting host", "sht")
+ ,("surveyor", "srv")
+ ,("teacher", "tch")
+ ,("technical director", "tcd")
+ ,("television director", "tld")
+ ,("television producer", "tlp")
+ ,("thesis advisor", "ths")
+ ,("transcriber", "trc")
+ ,("translator", "trl")
+ ,("type designer", "tyd")
+ ,("typographer", "tyg")
+ ,("university place", "uvp")
+ ,("videographer", "vdg")
+ ,("witness", "wit")
+ ,("wood engraver", "wde")
+ ,("woodcutter", "wdc")
+ ,("writer of accompanying material", "wam")
+ ,("writer of added commentary", "wac")
+ ,("writer of added lyrics", "wal")
+ ,("writer of added text", "wat")
+ ]