path: root/src/Text
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authorYan Pas <yanp.bugz@gmail.com>2018-05-09 19:25:24 +0300
committerYan Pas <yanp.bugz@gmail.com>2018-05-09 19:25:24 +0300
commit34f9ac9dbf8615e5dc8a8f803385d929bfa585c1 (patch)
tree89d772dd7bdcd4c8f10471fa6f5066c4fcda8168 /src/Text
parent83902ffdb225b6b95e9a812c8daf08aa1e785df7 (diff)
codeblock handling
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Man.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Man.hs
index 0b9990899..23ac3aeff 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Man.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Man.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Man where
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Default (Default)
import Data.Map (insert)
-import Data.Maybe (isJust, maybeToList)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.List (intersperse, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@@ -109,9 +109,13 @@ parseMacro = do
macroName <- many1 (letter <|> oneOf ['\\', '"'])
args <- parseArgs
let joinedArgs = concat $ intersperse " " args
- let toBold = return $ Plain [Strong [Str joinedArgs]]
- let toBoldItalic = return $ Plain [Strong [Emph [Str joinedArgs]]]
- let toItalic = return $ Plain [Emph [Str joinedArgs]]
+ ManState { rState = rst } <- getState
+ let toTextF transf = if inCodeBlock rst then [Code nullAttr joinedArgs] else transf [Str joinedArgs]
+ let toText = return . Plain . toTextF
+ let toBold = toText (\s -> [Strong s])
+ let toItalic = toText (\s -> [Emph s])
+ let toBoldItalic = toText (\s -> [Strong [Emph s]])
case macroName of
"\\\"" -> return Null -- comment
"TH" -> macroTitle (if null args then "" else head args) -- man-title
@@ -120,14 +124,14 @@ parseMacro = do
"nf" -> macroCodeBlock True >> return Null
"fi" -> macroCodeBlock False >> return Null
"B" -> toBold
- "BR" -> return $ linkToMan joinedArgs
+ "BR" -> return $ macroBR joinedArgs (inCodeBlock rst)
"BI" -> toBoldItalic
"IB" -> toBoldItalic
"I" -> toItalic
"IR" -> toItalic
"RI" -> toItalic
"SH" -> return $ Header 2 nullAttr [Str joinedArgs]
- "sp" -> return $ Plain [LineBreak]
+ "sp" -> return $ if inCodeBlock rst then Null else Plain [LineBreak]
_ -> unkownMacro macroName
@@ -148,10 +152,14 @@ parseMacro = do
macroCodeBlock :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> ManParser m ()
macroCodeBlock insideCB = modifyRoffState (\rst -> rst{inCodeBlock = insideCB}) >> return ()
- linkToMan :: String -> Block
+ macroBR :: String -> Bool -> Block
+ macroBR txt inCode | inCode = Plain [Code nullAttr txt]
+ | otherwise = fromMaybe (Plain [Strong [Str txt]]) (linkToMan txt)
+ linkToMan :: String -> Maybe Block
linkToMan txt = case runParser linkParser () "" txt of
- Right lnk -> Plain [lnk]
- Left _ -> Plain [Emph [Str txt]]
+ Right lnk -> Just $ Plain [lnk]
+ Left _ -> Nothing
linkParser :: Parsec String () Inline
linkParser = do
@@ -199,8 +207,8 @@ parseMacro = do
roffInline :: RoffState -> String -> [Inline]
roffInline rst str
- | null str = []
- | inCodeBlock rst = [Code nullAttr str, LineBreak]
+ | null str && (not $ inCodeBlock rst) = []
+ | inCodeBlock rst = [Code nullAttr str]
| otherwise = case fontKind rst of
Regular -> [Str str]
Italic -> [Emph [Str str]]
@@ -245,19 +253,51 @@ parseLine = do
>> return Nothing
+finds :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
+finds predic els = let matched = finds' els
+ in (matched, drop (length matched) els) where
+ finds' [] = []
+ finds' (e:es) | predic e = e : finds' es
+ | otherwise = []
+-- | return (matched, notmatched, others)
+findsBoth :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a], [a])
+findsBoth predic els =
+ let (matched, els') = finds predic els
+ (notmatched, els'') = finds (not . predic) els'
+ in (matched, notmatched, els'')
createParas :: [Block] -> [Block]
createParas bs = inner bs [] where
inner :: [Block] -> [Inline] -> [Block]
- inner [] inls = maybeToList $ inlinesToPara inls
- inner (Plain einls : oth) inls = inner oth (inls ++ einls)
- inner (block : oth) inls = case inlinesToPara inls of
- Just par -> par : block : inner oth []
- Nothing -> block : inner oth []
- inlinesToPara :: [Inline] -> Maybe Block
- inlinesToPara [] = Nothing
- inlinesToPara inls = Just $ Para (intersperse (Str " ") inls)
+ inner [] inls = plainInlinesToPara inls
+ inner (Plain einls : oth) inls = inner oth (inls ++ joinCode einls)
+ inner (block : oth) inls = (plainInlinesToPara inls ++ [block]) ++ inner oth []
+ joinCode :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
+ joinCode inls =
+ let (codes, notcodes) = finds isCode inls
+ codeStr (Code _ s) = s
+ codeStr _ = ""
+ joined = Code nullAttr (concat $ codeStr <$> codes)
+ in if null codes
+ then notcodes
+ else joined : notcodes
+ plainInlinesToPara :: [Inline] -> [Block]
+ plainInlinesToPara [] = []
+ plainInlinesToPara inls =
+ let (cds, ncds, oth) = findsBoth isCode inls
+ codeToStr (Code _ s) = s
+ codeToStr _ = ""
+ cbs = if null cds
+ then []
+ else [CodeBlock nullAttr (intercalate "\n" $ codeToStr <$> cds)]
+ paras = [Para (intersperse (Str " ") ncds)]
+ in cbs ++ paras ++ plainInlinesToPara oth
+ isCode (Code _ _) = True
+ isCode _ = False
parseMan :: PandocMonad m => ManParser m Pandoc
parseMan = do