path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-04-12 21:39:08 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-04-12 21:39:08 -0700
commitfee04fbee08c7deab6c88853540d728f7e613102 (patch)
tree283fd79b8a56df5f56c16d165ffaba7baf4ab10f /src/Text/Pandoc
parent6a83773f03622b5cbf9b15bb96e9487822df5faa (diff)
parent251ce0738da4ee8c74b84649f5eb86321c56b82c (diff)
Merge pull request #2072 from lierdakil/latex-reader-cleanup
LaTeX Reader: Code cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index 2886e2f29..08aa0b20e 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -42,20 +42,18 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding ((<|>), many, optional, space,
mathDisplay, mathInline)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-import Data.Char ( chr, ord )
+import Data.Char ( chr, ord, isLetter, isAlphaNum )
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
-import Data.Char (isLetter, isAlphaNum)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
-import System.FilePath (replaceExtension, (</>))
-import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse)
+import System.FilePath (replaceExtension, (</>), takeExtension, addExtension)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Control.Exception as E
-import System.FilePath (takeExtension, addExtension)
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (fromListingsLanguage)
import Text.Pandoc.Error
@@ -74,17 +72,16 @@ parseLaTeX = do
let (Pandoc _ bs') = doc bs
return $ Pandoc meta bs'
-type LP = Parser [Char] ParserState
+type LP = Parser String ParserState
anyControlSeq :: LP String
anyControlSeq = do
char '\\'
next <- option '\n' anyChar
- name <- case next of
- '\n' -> return ""
- c | isLetter c -> (c:) <$> (many letter <* optional sp)
- | otherwise -> return [c]
- return name
+ case next of
+ '\n' -> return ""
+ c | isLetter c -> (c:) <$> (many letter <* optional sp)
+ | otherwise -> return [c]
controlSeq :: String -> LP String
controlSeq name = try $ do
@@ -104,7 +101,7 @@ dimenarg = try $ do
sp :: LP ()
sp = skipMany1 $ satisfy (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\t')
- <|> (try $ newline <* lookAhead anyChar <* notFollowedBy blankline)
+ <|> try (newline <* lookAhead anyChar <* notFollowedBy blankline)
isLowerHex :: Char -> Bool
isLowerHex x = x >= '0' && x <= '9' || x >= 'a' && x <= 'f'
@@ -162,30 +159,28 @@ mathInline :: LP String -> LP Inlines
mathInline p = math <$> (try p >>= applyMacros')
mathChars :: LP String
-mathChars = concat <$>
- many ( many1 (satisfy (\c -> c /= '$' && c /='\\'))
- <|> (\c -> ['\\',c]) <$> (try $ char '\\' *> anyChar)
- )
+mathChars = (concat <$>) $
+ many $
+ many1 (satisfy (\c -> c /= '$' && c /='\\'))
+ <|> (\c -> ['\\',c]) <$> try (char '\\' *> anyChar)
quoted' :: (Inlines -> Inlines) -> LP String -> LP () -> LP Inlines
quoted' f starter ender = do
startchs <- starter
try ((f . mconcat) <$> manyTill inline ender) <|> lit startchs
-double_quote :: LP Inlines
-double_quote =
- ( quoted' doubleQuoted (try $ string "``") (void $ try $ string "''")
+doubleQuote :: LP Inlines
+doubleQuote =
+ quoted' doubleQuoted (try $ string "``") (void $ try $ string "''")
<|> quoted' doubleQuoted (string "“") (void $ char '”')
-- the following is used by babel for localized quotes:
<|> quoted' doubleQuoted (try $ string "\"`") (void $ try $ string "\"'")
<|> quoted' doubleQuoted (string "\"") (void $ char '"')
- )
-single_quote :: LP Inlines
-single_quote =
- ( quoted' singleQuoted (string "`") (try $ char '\'' >> notFollowedBy letter)
+singleQuote :: LP Inlines
+singleQuote =
+ quoted' singleQuoted (string "`") (try $ char '\'' >> notFollowedBy letter)
<|> quoted' singleQuoted (string "‘") (try $ char '’' >> notFollowedBy letter)
- )
inline :: LP Inlines
inline = (mempty <$ comment)
@@ -195,17 +190,17 @@ inline = (mempty <$ comment)
<|> inlineEnvironment
<|> inlineGroup
<|> (char '-' *> option (str "-")
- ((char '-') *> option (str "–") (str "—" <$ char '-')))
- <|> double_quote
- <|> single_quote
+ (char '-' *> option (str "–") (str "—" <$ char '-')))
+ <|> doubleQuote
+ <|> singleQuote
<|> (str "”" <$ try (string "''"))
<|> (str "”" <$ char '”')
<|> (str "’" <$ char '\'')
<|> (str "’" <$ char '’')
<|> (str "\160" <$ char '~')
- <|> (mathDisplay $ string "$$" *> mathChars <* string "$$")
- <|> (mathInline $ char '$' *> mathChars <* char '$')
- <|> (superscript <$> (char '^' *> tok))
+ <|> mathDisplay (string "$$" *> mathChars <* string "$$")
+ <|> mathInline (char '$' *> mathChars <* char '$')
+ <|> try (superscript <$> (char '^' *> tok))
<|> (subscript <$> (char '_' *> tok))
<|> (guardEnabled Ext_literate_haskell *> char '|' *> doLHSverb)
<|> (str . (:[]) <$> tildeEscape)
@@ -244,6 +239,11 @@ getRawCommand name' = do
rawargs <- withRaw (skipopts *> option "" dimenarg *> many braced)
return $ '\\' : name' ++ snd rawargs
+lookupListDefault :: (Ord k) => v -> [k] -> M.Map k v -> v
+lookupListDefault d = (fromMaybe d .) . lookupList
+ where
+ lookupList l m = msum $ map (`M.lookup` m) l
blockCommand :: LP Blocks
blockCommand = try $ do
name <- anyControlSeq
@@ -256,14 +256,10 @@ blockCommand = try $ do
guard $ transformed /= rawcommand
notFollowedBy $ parseFromString inlines transformed
parseFromString blocks transformed
- case M.lookup name' blockCommands of
- Just p -> p
- Nothing -> case M.lookup name blockCommands of
- Just p -> p
- Nothing -> raw
+ lookupListDefault raw [name',name] blockCommands
inBrackets :: Inlines -> Inlines
-inBrackets x = (str "[") <> x <> (str "]")
+inBrackets x = str "[" <> x <> str "]"
-- eat an optional argument and one or more arguments in braces
ignoreInlines :: String -> (String, LP Inlines)
@@ -271,14 +267,14 @@ ignoreInlines name = (name, doraw <|> (mempty <$ optargs))
where optargs = skipopts *> skipMany (try $ optional sp *> braced)
contseq = '\\':name
doraw = (rawInline "latex" . (contseq ++) . snd) <$>
- (getOption readerParseRaw >>= guard >> (withRaw optargs))
+ (getOption readerParseRaw >>= guard >> withRaw optargs)
ignoreBlocks :: String -> (String, LP Blocks)
ignoreBlocks name = (name, doraw <|> (mempty <$ optargs))
where optargs = skipopts *> skipMany (try $ optional sp *> braced)
contseq = '\\':name
doraw = (rawBlock "latex" . (contseq ++) . snd) <$>
- (getOption readerParseRaw >>= guard >> (withRaw optargs))
+ (getOption readerParseRaw >>= guard >> withRaw optargs)
blockCommands :: M.Map String (LP Blocks)
blockCommands = M.fromList $
@@ -316,7 +312,7 @@ blockCommands = M.fromList $
, ("hrule", pure horizontalRule)
, ("rule", skipopts *> tok *> tok *> pure horizontalRule)
- , ("item", skipopts *> loose_item)
+ , ("item", skipopts *> looseItem)
, ("documentclass", skipopts *> braced *> preamble)
, ("centerline", (para . trimInlines) <$> (skipopts *> tok))
, ("caption", skipopts *> setCaption)
@@ -403,17 +399,14 @@ inlineCommand = try $ do
else if parseRaw
then return $ rawInline "latex" rawcommand
else return mempty
- case M.lookup name' inlineCommands of
- Just p -> p <|> raw
- Nothing -> case M.lookup name inlineCommands of
- Just p -> p <|> raw
- Nothing -> raw
+ lookupListDefault mzero [name',name] inlineCommands
+ <|> raw
unlessParseRaw :: LP ()
unlessParseRaw = getOption readerParseRaw >>= guard . not
isBlockCommand :: String -> Bool
-isBlockCommand s = maybe False (const True) $ M.lookup s blockCommands
+isBlockCommand s = s `M.member` blockCommands
inlineEnvironments :: M.Map String (LP Inlines)
@@ -459,7 +452,7 @@ inlineCommands = M.fromList $
, ("cref", unlessParseRaw >> (inBrackets <$> tok)) -- from cleveref.sty
, ("(", mathInline $ manyTill anyChar (try $ string "\\)"))
, ("[", mathDisplay $ manyTill anyChar (try $ string "\\]"))
- , ("ensuremath", mathInline $ braced)
+ , ("ensuremath", mathInline braced)
, ("texorpdfstring", (\_ x -> x) <$> tok <*> tok)
, ("P", lit "¶")
, ("S", lit "§")
@@ -631,7 +624,7 @@ lit = pure . str
accent :: (Char -> String) -> Inlines -> LP Inlines
accent f ils =
case toList ils of
- (Str (x:xs) : ys) -> return $ fromList $ (Str (f x ++ xs) : ys)
+ (Str (x:xs) : ys) -> return $ fromList (Str (f x ++ xs) : ys)
[] -> mzero
_ -> return ils
@@ -820,7 +813,7 @@ breve 'u' = "ŭ"
breve c = [c]
tok :: LP Inlines
-tok = try $ grouped inline <|> inlineCommand <|> str <$> (count 1 $ inlineChar)
+tok = try $ grouped inline <|> inlineCommand <|> str <$> count 1 inlineChar
opt :: LP Inlines
opt = bracketed inline <* optional sp
@@ -838,17 +831,14 @@ environment :: LP Blocks
environment = do
controlSeq "begin"
name <- braced
- case M.lookup name environments of
- Just p -> p <|> rawEnv name
- Nothing -> rawEnv name
+ M.findWithDefault mzero name environments
+ <|> rawEnv name
inlineEnvironment :: LP Inlines
inlineEnvironment = try $ do
controlSeq "begin"
name <- braced
- case M.lookup name inlineEnvironments of
- Just p -> p
- Nothing -> mzero
+ M.findWithDefault mzero name inlineEnvironments
rawEnv :: String -> LP Blocks
rawEnv name = do
@@ -861,7 +851,7 @@ rawEnv name = do
-type IncludeParser = ParserT [Char] [String] IO String
+type IncludeParser = ParserT String [String] IO String
-- | Replace "include" commands with file contents.
handleIncludes :: String -> IO (Either PandocError String)
@@ -921,7 +911,7 @@ include' = do
<|> try (string "input")
<|> string "usepackage"
-- skip options
- skipMany $ try $ char '[' *> (manyTill anyChar (char ']'))
+ skipMany $ try $ char '[' *> manyTill anyChar (char ']')
fs <- (map trim . splitBy (==',')) <$> braced'
return $ if name == "usepackage"
then map (maybeAddExtension ".sty") fs
@@ -994,14 +984,14 @@ keyvals = try $ char '[' *> manyTill keyval (char ']')
alltt :: String -> LP Blocks
alltt t = walk strToCode <$> parseFromString blocks
(substitute " " "\\ " $ substitute "%" "\\%" $
- concat $ intersperse "\\\\\n" $ lines t)
+ intercalate "\\\\\n" $ lines t)
where strToCode (Str s) = Code nullAttr s
strToCode x = x
-rawLaTeXBlock :: Parser [Char] ParserState String
+rawLaTeXBlock :: LP String
rawLaTeXBlock = snd <$> try (withRaw (environment <|> blockCommand))
-rawLaTeXInline :: Parser [Char] ParserState Inline
+rawLaTeXInline :: LP Inline
rawLaTeXInline = do
raw <- (snd <$> withRaw inlineCommand) <|> (snd <$> withRaw blockCommand)
RawInline "latex" <$> applyMacros' raw
@@ -1010,24 +1000,24 @@ addImageCaption :: Blocks -> LP Blocks
addImageCaption = walkM go
where go (Image alt (src,tit)) = do
mbcapt <- stateCaption <$> getState
- case mbcapt of
- Just ils -> return (Image (toList ils) (src, "fig:"))
- Nothing -> return (Image alt (src,tit))
+ return $ case mbcapt of
+ Just ils -> Image (toList ils) (src, "fig:")
+ Nothing -> Image alt (src,tit)
go x = return x
addTableCaption :: Blocks -> LP Blocks
addTableCaption = walkM go
where go (Table c als ws hs rs) = do
mbcapt <- stateCaption <$> getState
- case mbcapt of
- Just ils -> return (Table (toList ils) als ws hs rs)
- Nothing -> return (Table c als ws hs rs)
+ return $ case mbcapt of
+ Just ils -> Table (toList ils) als ws hs rs
+ Nothing -> Table c als ws hs rs
go x = return x
environments :: M.Map String (LP Blocks)
environments = M.fromList
[ ("document", env "document" blocks <* skipMany anyChar)
- , ("letter", env "letter" letter_contents)
+ , ("letter", env "letter" letterContents)
, ("figure", env "figure" $
resetCaption *> skipopts *> blocks >>= addImageCaption)
, ("center", env "center" blocks)
@@ -1040,12 +1030,12 @@ environments = M.fromList
, ("verse", blockQuote <$> env "verse" blocks)
, ("itemize", bulletList <$> listenv "itemize" (many item))
, ("description", definitionList <$> listenv "description" (many descItem))
- , ("enumerate", ordered_list)
+ , ("enumerate", orderedList')
, ("alltt", alltt =<< verbEnv "alltt")
, ("code", guardEnabled Ext_literate_haskell *>
(codeBlockWith ("",["sourceCode","literate","haskell"],[]) <$>
verbEnv "code"))
- , ("verbatim", codeBlock <$> (verbEnv "verbatim"))
+ , ("verbatim", codeBlock <$> verbEnv "verbatim")
, ("Verbatim", do options <- option [] keyvals
let kvs = [ (if k == "firstnumber"
then "startFrom"
@@ -1053,17 +1043,17 @@ environments = M.fromList
let classes = [ "numberLines" |
lookup "numbers" options == Just "left" ]
let attr = ("",classes,kvs)
- codeBlockWith attr <$> (verbEnv "Verbatim"))
+ codeBlockWith attr <$> verbEnv "Verbatim")
, ("lstlisting", do options <- option [] keyvals
let kvs = [ (if k == "firstnumber"
then "startFrom"
else k, v) | (k,v) <- options ]
let classes = [ "numberLines" |
lookup "numbers" options == Just "left" ]
- ++ maybe [] (:[]) (lookup "language" options
+ ++ maybeToList (lookup "language" options
>>= fromListingsLanguage)
let attr = (fromMaybe "" (lookup "label" options),classes,kvs)
- codeBlockWith attr <$> (verbEnv "lstlisting"))
+ codeBlockWith attr <$> verbEnv "lstlisting")
, ("minted", do options <- option [] keyvals
lang <- grouped (many1 $ satisfy (/='}'))
let kvs = [ (if k == "firstnumber"
@@ -1073,7 +1063,7 @@ environments = M.fromList
[ "numberLines" |
lookup "linenos" options == Just "true" ]
let attr = ("",classes,kvs)
- codeBlockWith attr <$> (verbEnv "minted"))
+ codeBlockWith attr <$> verbEnv "minted")
, ("obeylines", parseFromString
(para . trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline) =<<
intercalate "\\\\\n" . lines <$> verbEnv "obeylines")
@@ -1092,8 +1082,8 @@ environments = M.fromList
, ("alignat*", mathEnv para (Just "aligned") "alignat*")
-letter_contents :: LP Blocks
-letter_contents = do
+letterContents :: LP Blocks
+letterContents = do
bs <- blocks
st <- getState
-- add signature (author) and address (title)
@@ -1120,8 +1110,8 @@ closing = do
item :: LP Blocks
item = blocks *> controlSeq "item" *> skipopts *> blocks
-loose_item :: LP Blocks
-loose_item = do
+looseItem :: LP Blocks
+looseItem = do
ctx <- stateParserContext `fmap` getState
if ctx == ListItemState
then mzero
@@ -1164,8 +1154,8 @@ verbEnv name = do
res <- manyTill anyChar endEnv
return $ stripTrailingNewlines res
-ordered_list :: LP Blocks
-ordered_list = do
+orderedList' :: LP Blocks
+orderedList' = do
optional sp
(_, style, delim) <- option (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) $
try $ char '[' *> anyOrderedListMarker <* char ']'
@@ -1177,7 +1167,7 @@ ordered_list = do
optional sp
num <- grouped (many1 digit)
- return $ (read num + 1 :: Int)
+ return (read num + 1 :: Int)
bs <- listenv "enumerate" (many item)
return $ orderedListWith (start, style, delim) bs
@@ -1191,14 +1181,14 @@ paragraph = do
preamble :: LP Blocks
preamble = mempty <$> manyTill preambleBlock beginDoc
where beginDoc = lookAhead $ try $ controlSeq "begin" *> string "{document}"
- preambleBlock = (void comment)
- <|> (void sp)
- <|> (void blanklines)
- <|> (void macro)
- <|> (void blockCommand)
- <|> (void anyControlSeq)
- <|> (void braced)
- <|> (void anyChar)
+ preambleBlock = void comment
+ <|> void sp
+ <|> void blanklines
+ <|> void macro
+ <|> void blockCommand
+ <|> void anyControlSeq
+ <|> void braced
+ <|> void anyChar
@@ -1274,7 +1264,7 @@ complexNatbibCitation mode = try $ do
suff <- ils
optional $ char ';'
- return $ addPrefix pref $ addSuffix suff $ cits'
+ return $ addPrefix pref $ addSuffix suff cits'
(c:cits, raw) <- withRaw $ grouped parseOne
return $ cite (c{ citationMode = mode }:cits)
(rawInline "latex" $ "\\citetext" ++ raw)
@@ -1298,13 +1288,13 @@ parseAligns = try $ do
return aligns'
hline :: LP ()
-hline = () <$ (try $ spaces' *> controlSeq "hline" <* spaces')
+hline = () <$ try (spaces' *> controlSeq "hline" <* spaces')
lbreak :: LP ()
-lbreak = () <$ (try $ spaces' *> controlSeq "\\" <* spaces')
+lbreak = () <$ try (spaces' *> controlSeq "\\" <* spaces')
amp :: LP ()
-amp = () <$ (try $ spaces' *> char '&')
+amp = () <$ try (spaces' *> char '&')
parseTableRow :: Int -- ^ number of columns
-> LP [Blocks]