path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2017-12-03 12:29:57 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2017-12-03 12:29:57 -0800
commitd25017fc7089a07af4c28dd76dc1709952fac5cc (patch)
tree4fd849cf1aae6676c5d76a5a03e8f0f8375aefca /src/Text/Pandoc
parent5d0863d19838cc5fab15664bceec103d7b563d35 (diff)
commonmark/gfm writer: use raw html for native divs/spans.
This allows a pandoc markdown native div or span to be rendered in gfm using raw html tags.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
index 48e3923dd..8d1eb04d1 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/CommonMark.hs
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (isTightList, linesToPara, substitute)
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query, walk, walkM)
-import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtml5String)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtml5String, tagWithAttributes)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
-- | Convert Pandoc to CommonMark.
@@ -140,9 +140,13 @@ blockToNodes opts (OrderedList (start, _sty, delim) items) ns = do
blockToNodes _ HorizontalRule ns = return (node THEMATIC_BREAK [] : ns)
blockToNodes opts (Header lev _ ils) ns =
return (node (HEADING lev) (inlinesToNodes opts ils) : ns)
-blockToNodes opts (Div _ bs) ns = do
+blockToNodes opts (Div attr bs) ns = do
nodes <- blocksToNodes opts bs
- return (nodes ++ ns)
+ let op = tagWithAttributes opts True False "div" attr
+ if isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts
+ then return (node (HTML_BLOCK op) [] : nodes ++
+ [node (HTML_BLOCK (T.pack "</div>")) []] ++ ns)
+ else return (nodes ++ ns)
blockToNodes opts (DefinitionList items) ns =
blockToNodes opts (BulletList items') ns
where items' = map dlToBullet items
@@ -298,7 +302,13 @@ inlineToNodes opts (Math mt str) =
(node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack ("\\(" ++ str ++ "\\)"))) [] :)
DisplayMath ->
(node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack ("\\[" ++ str ++ "\\]"))) [] :)
-inlineToNodes opts (Span _ ils) = (inlinesToNodes opts ils ++)
+inlineToNodes opts (Span attr ils) =
+ let nodes = inlinesToNodes opts ils
+ op = tagWithAttributes opts True False "span" attr
+ in if isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts
+ then ((node (HTML_INLINE op) [] : nodes ++
+ [node (HTML_INLINE (T.pack "</span>")) []]) ++)
+ else (nodes ++)
inlineToNodes opts (Cite _ ils) = (inlinesToNodes opts ils ++)
inlineToNodes _ (Note _) = id -- should not occur
-- we remove Note elements in preprocessing