path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
diff options
authorAlbert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>2018-09-06 20:53:57 +0200
committerAlbert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>2018-09-06 20:53:57 +0200
commitaac3d752e1f059d2727863a4705feef4e5a05f3e (patch)
tree14e96cc881916710b40da05f57ac2fd2a9c93f12 /src/Text/Pandoc
parenta734ed6532eb4a55358a5715184a1b39369f16a0 (diff)
Org reader internals: disable some GHC extensions
The RecordWildCards and ViewPatterns language extensions can be used to shorten code, but usually also makes it harder to read. The DocumentTree module was hence refactored and no longer relies on these extensions.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/DocumentTree.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/DocumentTree.hs
index 8e2f080f2..6dd78560f 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/DocumentTree.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org/DocumentTree.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Albert Krewinkel <tarleb+pandoc@moltkeplatz.de>
@@ -17,8 +16,7 @@ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org.DocumentTree
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Albert Krewinkel
@@ -167,14 +165,17 @@ headline blocks inline lvl = try $ do
-- | Convert an Org mode headline (i.e. a document tree) into pandoc's Blocks
headlineToBlocks :: Monad m => Headline -> OrgParser m Blocks
-headlineToBlocks hdln@Headline {..} = do
- maxHeadlineLevels <- getExportSetting exportHeadlineLevels
+headlineToBlocks hdln = do
+ maxLevel <- getExportSetting exportHeadlineLevels
+ let tags = headlineTags hdln
+ let text = headlineText hdln
+ let level = headlineLevel hdln
case () of
- _ | any isNoExportTag headlineTags -> return mempty
- _ | any isArchiveTag headlineTags -> archivedHeadlineToBlocks hdln
- _ | isCommentTitle headlineText -> return mempty
- _ | headlineLevel >= maxHeadlineLevels -> headlineToHeaderWithList hdln
- _ | otherwise -> headlineToHeaderWithContents hdln
+ _ | any isNoExportTag tags -> return mempty
+ _ | any isArchiveTag tags -> archivedHeadlineToBlocks hdln
+ _ | isCommentTitle text -> return mempty
+ _ | maxLevel <= level -> headlineToHeaderWithList hdln
+ _ | otherwise -> headlineToHeaderWithContents hdln
isNoExportTag :: Tag -> Bool
isNoExportTag = (== toTag "noexport")
@@ -186,8 +187,9 @@ isArchiveTag = (== toTag "ARCHIVE")
-- FIXME: This accesses builder internals not intended for use in situations
-- like these. Replace once keyword parsing is supported.
isCommentTitle :: Inlines -> Bool
-isCommentTitle (B.toList -> (Str "COMMENT":_)) = True
-isCommentTitle _ = False
+isCommentTitle inlns = case B.toList inlns of
+ (Str "COMMENT":_) -> True
+ _ -> False
archivedHeadlineToBlocks :: Monad m => Headline -> OrgParser m Blocks
archivedHeadlineToBlocks hdln = do
@@ -198,17 +200,21 @@ archivedHeadlineToBlocks hdln = do
ArchivedTreesHeadlineOnly -> headlineToHeader hdln
headlineToHeaderWithList :: Monad m => Headline -> OrgParser m Blocks
-headlineToHeaderWithList hdln@Headline {..} = do
+headlineToHeaderWithList hdln = do
maxHeadlineLevels <- getExportSetting exportHeadlineLevels
header <- headlineToHeader hdln
- listElements <- mapM headlineToBlocks headlineChildren
+ listElements <- mapM headlineToBlocks (headlineChildren hdln)
let listBlock = if null listElements
then mempty
else B.orderedList listElements
- let headerText = if maxHeadlineLevels == headlineLevel
+ let headerText = if maxHeadlineLevels == headlineLevel hdln
then header
else flattenHeader header
- return $ headerText <> headlineContents <> listBlock
+ return . mconcat $
+ [ headerText
+ , headlineContents hdln
+ , listBlock
+ ]
flattenHeader :: Blocks -> Blocks
flattenHeader blks =
@@ -217,27 +223,27 @@ headlineToHeaderWithList hdln@Headline {..} = do
_ -> mempty
headlineToHeaderWithContents :: Monad m => Headline -> OrgParser m Blocks
-headlineToHeaderWithContents hdln@Headline {..} = do
+headlineToHeaderWithContents hdln = do
header <- headlineToHeader hdln
- childrenBlocks <- mconcat <$> mapM headlineToBlocks headlineChildren
- return $ header <> headlineContents <> childrenBlocks
+ childrenBlocks <- mconcat <$> mapM headlineToBlocks (headlineChildren hdln)
+ return $ header <> headlineContents hdln <> childrenBlocks
headlineToHeader :: Monad m => Headline -> OrgParser m Blocks
-headlineToHeader Headline {..} = do
+headlineToHeader hdln = do
exportTodoKeyword <- getExportSetting exportWithTodoKeywords
exportTags <- getExportSetting exportWithTags
let todoText = if exportTodoKeyword
- then case headlineTodoMarker of
+ then case headlineTodoMarker hdln of
Just kw -> todoKeywordToInlines kw <> B.space
Nothing -> mempty
else mempty
- let text = todoText <> headlineText <>
+ let text = todoText <> headlineText hdln <>
if exportTags
- then tagsToInlines headlineTags
+ then tagsToInlines (headlineTags hdln)
else mempty
- let propAttr = propertiesToAttr headlineProperties
- attr <- registerHeader propAttr headlineText
- return $ B.headerWith attr headlineLevel text
+ let propAttr = propertiesToAttr (headlineProperties hdln)
+ attr <- registerHeader propAttr (headlineText hdln)
+ return $ B.headerWith attr (headlineLevel hdln) text
todoKeyword :: Monad m => OrgParser m TodoMarker
todoKeyword = try $ do