path: root/src/Text/Pandoc
diff options
authorEmily Bourke <undergroundquizscene@protonmail.com>2021-08-10 17:20:53 +0100
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2021-08-17 09:35:25 -0700
commit72823ad947face43ef45eaeb7e611979531abed6 (patch)
tree974bdd36c361a437381d00da1305646473e218da /src/Text/Pandoc
parent9204e5c9b1ef5d1f038dbc93928f6bbc71bf6b2f (diff)
pptx: Select layouts from reference doc by name
Until now, users had to make sure that their reference doc contains layouts in a specific order: the first four layouts in the file had to have a specific structure, or else pandoc would error (or sometimes successfully produce a pptx file, which PowerPoint would then fail to open). This commit changes the layout selection to use the layout names rather than order: users must make sure their reference doc contains four layouts with specific names, and if a layout with the right name isn’t found pandoc will output a warning and use the corresponding layout from the default reference doc as a fallback. I believe the use of names rather than order will be clearer to users, and the clearer errors will help them troubleshoot when things go wrong. - Add tests for moved layouts - Add tests for deleted layouts - Add newly included layouts to slideMaster1.xml to fix tests
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
index 157810216..a757516a8 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{- |
@@ -21,14 +22,19 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Data.List (intercalate, stripPrefix, nub, union, isPrefixOf, intersperse)
+import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
+import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Default
+import Data.Foldable (toList)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty, NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.Read
+import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
import Data.Time (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds, posixSecondsToUTCTime)
-import System.FilePath.Posix (splitDirectories, splitExtension, takeExtension)
+import Data.Traversable (for)
+import System.FilePath.Posix (splitDirectories, splitExtension, takeExtension, takeFileName)
import Text.Pandoc.XML.Light as XML
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
@@ -48,11 +54,11 @@ import System.FilePath.Glob
import Text.DocTemplates (FromContext(lookupContext), Context)
import Text.DocLayout (literal)
import Text.TeXMath
+import Text.Pandoc.Logging (LogMessage(TemplateWarning))
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (convertMath)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (tshow, stringify)
import Skylighting (fromColor)
-import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
-- |The 'EMU' type is used to specify sizes in English Metric Units.
type EMU = Integer
@@ -117,6 +123,7 @@ data WriterEnv = WriterEnv { envRefArchive :: Archive
-- no entry in the map for it.
, envSpeakerNotesIdMap :: M.Map Int Int
, envInSpeakerNotes :: Bool
+ , envSlideLayouts :: Maybe SlideLayouts
deriving (Show)
@@ -136,8 +143,33 @@ instance Default WriterEnv where
, envSlideIdMap = mempty
, envSpeakerNotesIdMap = mempty
, envInSpeakerNotes = False
+ , envSlideLayouts = Nothing
+type SlideLayouts = SlideLayoutsOf SlideLayout
+data SlideLayoutsOf a = SlideLayouts
+ { metadata :: a
+ , title :: a
+ , content :: a
+ , twoColumn :: a
+ } deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+data SlideLayout = SlideLayout
+ { slElement :: Element
+ , slInReferenceDoc :: Bool
+ -- ^ True if the layout is in the provided reference doc, False if it's in
+ -- the default reference doc.
+ , slPath :: FilePath
+ , slEntry :: Entry
+ } deriving (Show)
+getSlideLayouts :: PandocMonad m => P m SlideLayouts
+getSlideLayouts = asks envSlideLayouts >>= maybe (throwError e) pure
+ where
+ e = PandocSomeError ("Slide layouts aren't defined, even though they should "
+ <> "always be. This is a bug in pandoc.")
data ContentType = NormalContent
| TwoColumnLeftContent
| TwoColumnRightContent
@@ -264,7 +296,24 @@ presentationToArchiveP p@(Presentation docProps slides) = do
T.unlines (map (T.pack . (" " <>)) missingFiles)
- newArch' <- foldM copyFileToArchive emptyArchive filePaths
+ newArch <- foldM copyFileToArchive emptyArchive filePaths
+ -- Add any layouts taken from the default archive,
+ -- overwriting any already added.
+ slideLayouts <- getSlideLayouts
+ let f layout =
+ if not (slInReferenceDoc layout)
+ then addEntryToArchive (slEntry layout)
+ else id
+ let newArch' = foldr f newArch slideLayouts
+ -- Update the master to make sure it includes any layouts we've just added
+ master <- getMaster
+ masterRels <- getMasterRels
+ let (updatedMasterElem, updatedMasterRelElem) = updateMasterElems slideLayouts master masterRels
+ updatedMasterEntry <- elemToEntry "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml" updatedMasterElem
+ updatedMasterRelEntry <- elemToEntry "ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels" updatedMasterRelElem
-- we make a modified ppt/viewProps.xml out of the presentation viewProps
viewPropsEntry <- makeViewPropsEntry
-- we make a docProps/core.xml entry out of the presentation docprops
@@ -293,9 +342,82 @@ presentationToArchiveP p@(Presentation docProps slides) = do
spkNotesEntries <>
spkNotesRelEntries <>
mediaEntries <>
+ [updatedMasterEntry, updatedMasterRelEntry] <>
[contentTypesEntry, docPropsEntry, docCustomPropsEntry, relsEntry,
presEntry, presRelsEntry, viewPropsEntry]
+updateMasterElems :: SlideLayouts -> Element -> Element -> (Element, Element)
+updateMasterElems layouts master masterRels = (updatedMaster, updatedMasterRels)
+ where
+ updatedMaster = master { elContent = updateSldLayoutIdLst <$> elContent master }
+ (updatedRelationshipIds, updatedMasterRels) = addLayoutRels masterRels
+ updateSldLayoutIdLst :: Content -> Content
+ updateSldLayoutIdLst (Elem e) = case elName e of
+ (QName "sldLayoutIdLst" _ _) -> let
+ mkChild relationshipId (lastId, children) = let
+ thisId = lastId + 1
+ newChild = Element
+ { elName = QName "sldLayoutId" Nothing (Just "p")
+ , elAttribs =
+ [ Attr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) (T.pack (show thisId))
+ , Attr (QName "id" Nothing (Just "r")) relationshipId
+ ]
+ , elContent = []
+ , elLine = Nothing
+ }
+ in (thisId, Elem newChild : children)
+ newChildren = snd (foldr mkChild (maxIdNumber' e, []) updatedRelationshipIds)
+ in Elem e { elContent = elContent e <> newChildren }
+ _ -> Elem e
+ updateSldLayoutIdLst c = c
+ addLayoutRels ::
+ Element ->
+ ([Text], Element)
+ addLayoutRels e = let
+ layoutsToAdd = filter (not . slInReferenceDoc) (toList layouts)
+ newRelationships = snd (foldr mkRelationship (maxIdNumber e, []) layoutsToAdd)
+ newRelationshipIds = mapMaybe getRelationshipId newRelationships
+ mkRelationship layout (lastId, relationships) = let
+ thisId = lastId + 1
+ slideLayoutPath = "../slideLayouts/" <> T.pack (takeFileName (slPath layout))
+ newRelationship = Element
+ { elName = QName "Relationship" Nothing Nothing
+ , elAttribs =
+ [ Attr (QName "Id" Nothing Nothing) ("rId" <> T.pack (show thisId))
+ , Attr (QName "Type" Nothing Nothing) "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slideLayout"
+ , Attr (QName "Target" Nothing Nothing) slideLayoutPath
+ ]
+ , elContent = []
+ , elLine = Nothing
+ }
+ in (thisId, Elem newRelationship : relationships)
+ in (newRelationshipIds, e {elContent = elContent e <> newRelationships})
+ getRelationshipId :: Content -> Maybe Text
+ getRelationshipId (Elem e) = findAttr (QName "Id" Nothing Nothing) e
+ getRelationshipId _ = Nothing
+ maxIdNumber :: Element -> Integer
+ maxIdNumber relationships = maximum (0 : idNumbers)
+ where
+ idNumbers = fst <$> mapMaybe (hush . decimal . T.drop 3) idAttributes
+ idAttributes = mapMaybe getIdAttribute (elContent relationships)
+ getIdAttribute (Elem e) = findAttr (QName "Id" Nothing Nothing) e
+ getIdAttribute _ = Nothing
+ maxIdNumber' :: Element -> Integer
+ maxIdNumber' sldLayouts = maximum (0 : idNumbers)
+ where
+ idNumbers = fst <$> mapMaybe (hush . decimal) idAttributes
+ idAttributes = mapMaybe getIdAttribute (elContent sldLayouts)
+ getIdAttribute (Elem e) = findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) e
+ getIdAttribute _ = Nothing
+ hush :: Either a b -> Maybe b
+ hush = either (const Nothing) Just
makeSlideIdMap :: Presentation -> M.Map SlideId Int
makeSlideIdMap (Presentation _ slides) =
M.fromList $ map slideId slides `zip` [1..]
@@ -318,6 +440,40 @@ presentationToArchive opts meta pres = do
Nothing -> toArchive . BL.fromStrict <$>
P.readDataFile "reference.pptx"
+ let (referenceLayouts, defaultReferenceLayouts) =
+ (getLayoutsFromArchive refArchive, getLayoutsFromArchive distArchive)
+ let layoutTitles = SlideLayouts { metadata = "Title Slide" :: Text
+ , title = "Section Header"
+ , content = "Title and Content"
+ , twoColumn = "Two Content"
+ }
+ layouts <- for layoutTitles $ \layoutTitle -> do
+ let layout = M.lookup (CI.mk layoutTitle) referenceLayouts
+ let defaultLayout = M.lookup (CI.mk layoutTitle) defaultReferenceLayouts
+ case (layout, defaultLayout) of
+ (Nothing, Nothing) ->
+ throwError (PandocSomeError ("Couldn't find layout named \""
+ <> layoutTitle <> "\" in the provided "
+ <> "reference doc or in the default "
+ <> "reference doc included with pandoc."))
+ (Nothing, Just ((element, path, entry) :| _)) -> do
+ P.logOutput (TemplateWarning ("Couldn't find layout named \""
+ <> layoutTitle <> "\" in provided "
+ <> "reference doc. Falling back to "
+ <> "the default included with pandoc."))
+ pure SlideLayout { slElement = element
+ , slPath = path
+ , slEntry = entry
+ , slInReferenceDoc = False
+ }
+ (Just ((element, path, entry) :| _), _ ) ->
+ pure SlideLayout { slElement = element
+ , slPath = path
+ , slEntry = entry
+ , slInReferenceDoc = True
+ }
utctime <- P.getTimestamp
presSize <- case getPresentationSize refArchive distArchive of
@@ -341,6 +497,7 @@ presentationToArchive opts meta pres = do
, envPresentationSize = presSize
, envSlideIdMap = makeSlideIdMap pres
, envSpeakerNotesIdMap = makeSpeakerNotesMap pres
+ , envSlideLayouts = Just layouts
let st = def { stMediaGlobalIds = initialGlobalIds refArchive distArchive
@@ -348,7 +505,30 @@ presentationToArchive opts meta pres = do
runP env st $ presentationToArchiveP pres
+-- | Get all slide layouts from an archive, as a map where the layout's name
+-- gives the map key.
+-- For each layout, the map contains its XML representation, its path within
+-- the archive, and the archive entry.
+getLayoutsFromArchive :: Archive -> M.Map (CI Text) (NonEmpty (Element, FilePath, Entry))
+getLayoutsFromArchive archive =
+ M.fromListWith (<>) ((\t@(e, _, _) -> (CI.mk (name e), pure t)) <$> layouts)
+ where
+ layouts :: [(Element, FilePath, Entry)]
+ layouts = mapMaybe findElementByPath paths
+ parseXml' entry = case parseXMLElement (UTF8.toTextLazy (fromEntry entry)) of
+ Left _ -> Nothing
+ Right element -> Just element
+ findElementByPath :: FilePath -> Maybe (Element, FilePath, Entry)
+ findElementByPath path = do
+ entry <- findEntryByPath path archive
+ element <- parseXml' entry
+ pure (element, path, entry)
+ paths = filter (match (compile "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout*.xml")) (filesInArchive archive)
+ name element = fromMaybe "Untitled layout" $ do
+ let ns = elemToNameSpaces element
+ cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") element
+ findAttr (QName "name" Nothing Nothing) cSld
@@ -365,15 +545,14 @@ curSlideHasSpeakerNotes =
getLayout :: PandocMonad m => Layout -> P m Element
-getLayout layout = do
- let layoutpath = case layout of
- MetadataSlide{} -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
- TitleSlide{} -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
- ContentSlide{} -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
- TwoColumnSlide{} -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
- refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
- distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
- parseXml refArchive distArchive layoutpath
+getLayout layout = getElement <$> getSlideLayouts
+ where
+ getElement =
+ slElement . case layout of
+ MetadataSlide{} -> metadata
+ TitleSlide{} -> title
+ ContentSlide{} -> content
+ TwoColumnSlide{} -> twoColumn
shapeHasId :: NameSpaces -> T.Text -> Element -> Bool
shapeHasId ns ident element
@@ -604,6 +783,12 @@ getMaster = do
distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml"
+getMasterRels :: PandocMonad m => P m Element
+getMasterRels = do
+ refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
+ distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
+ parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels"
-- We want to get the header dimensions, so we can make sure that the
-- image goes underneath it. We only use this in a content slide if it
-- has a header.
@@ -1606,11 +1791,13 @@ speakerNotesSlideRelElement slide = do
slideToSlideRelElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m Element
slideToSlideRelElement slide = do
idNum <- slideNum slide
- let target = case slide of
- (Slide _ MetadataSlide{} _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
- (Slide _ TitleSlide{} _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
- (Slide _ ContentSlide{} _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
- (Slide _ TwoColumnSlide{} _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
+ target <- flip fmap getSlideLayouts $
+ T.pack . ("../slideLayouts/" <>) . takeFileName .
+ slPath . case slide of
+ (Slide _ MetadataSlide{} _) -> metadata
+ (Slide _ TitleSlide{} _) -> title
+ (Slide _ ContentSlide{} _) -> content
+ (Slide _ TwoColumnSlide{} _) -> twoColumn
speakerNotesRels <- maybeToList <$> speakerNotesSlideRelElement slide