path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
diff options
authorJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2016-10-03 18:28:53 -0400
committerJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2016-10-03 21:39:40 -0400
commite98be61a3855c5f19946c3be757cd6f071b184b3 (patch)
tree9bfd14f4aa69c33159a84b817539e8ebf2da2a21 /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
parent8d148c02a821ff3b15cc67f0f63521e8cd21a994 (diff)
Test for "dir" metadata.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index df3d56037..af3717b10 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -261,10 +261,15 @@ writeDocx opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
let tocTitle = fromMaybe (stTocTitle defaultWriterState) $
metaValueToInlines <$> lookupMeta "toc-title" meta
+ let isRTL = case lookupMeta "dir" meta of
+ Just (MetaString "rtl") -> True
+ Just (MetaInlines [Str "rtl"]) -> True
+ _ -> False
((contents, footnotes), st) <- runStateT (
(writeOpenXML opts{writerWrapText = WrapNone} doc')
- defaultWriterEnv
+ defaultWriterEnv { envRTL = isRTL }
) defaultWriterState{ stChangesAuthor = fromMaybe "unknown" username
, stChangesDate = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%XZ" utctime
, stPrintWidth = (maybe 420 (\x -> quot x 20) pgContentWidth)
@@ -719,7 +724,7 @@ makeTOC _ = return []
writeOpenXML :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> WS ([Element], [Element])
writeOpenXML opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
isRTL <- asks envRTL
- (if isRTL then setRTL else id) $ do
+ (if isRTL then (setRTL True) else id) $ do
let tit = docTitle meta ++ case lookupMeta "subtitle" meta of
Just (MetaBlocks [Plain xs]) -> LineBreak : xs
_ -> []