path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
diff options
authorAlbert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>2020-11-17 17:18:15 +0100
committerAlbert Krewinkel <albert+github@zeitkraut.de>2020-11-19 22:09:52 +0100
commitd2862421315a0be59e2e2ec088b9b24928224aa2 (patch)
tree6b4f6fc17364f639969754c3ade00fee604a9bb3 /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
parent0c8ab8a12f69cdb2868ffe223aa938044fd447b4 (diff)
JATS writer: support advanced table features
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
2 files changed, 217 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs
index 0ddb70c83..7058a4557 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS.hs
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.XML
import Text.TeXMath
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers.AnnotatedTable as Ann
import qualified Text.XML.Light as Xml
-- | Convert a @'Pandoc'@ document to JATS (Archiving and Interchange
@@ -349,8 +350,8 @@ blockToJATS _ b@(RawBlock f str)
report $ BlockNotRendered b
return empty
blockToJATS _ HorizontalRule = return empty -- not semantic
-blockToJATS opts (Table attr blkCapt specs th tb tf) =
- tableToJATS opts attr blkCapt specs th tb tf
+blockToJATS opts (Table attr caption colspecs thead tbody tfoot) =
+ tableToJATS opts (Ann.toTable attr caption colspecs thead tbody tfoot)
-- | Convert a list of inline elements to JATS.
inlinesToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> JATS m (Doc Text)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS/Table.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS/Table.hs
index dd7678f63..a4d42832d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS/Table.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/JATS/Table.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS.Table
Copyright : © 2020 Albert Krewinkel
@@ -14,69 +16,233 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS.Table
( tableToJATS
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.Text (Text)
+import Text.DocLayout (Doc, empty, vcat, ($$))
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options (WriterOptions)
-import Text.DocLayout (Doc, empty, vcat, ($$))
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (tshow)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS.Types
-import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (toLegacyTable)
import Text.Pandoc.XML (inTags, inTagsIndented, selfClosingTag)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers.AnnotatedTable as Ann
tableToJATS :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions
- -> Attr -> Caption -> [ColSpec] -> TableHead
- -> [TableBody] -> TableFoot
+ -> Ann.Table
-> JATS m (Doc Text)
-tableToJATS opts _attr blkCapt specs th tb tf = do
- blockToJATS <- asks jatsBlockWriter
- let (caption, aligns, widths, headers, rows) =
- toLegacyTable blkCapt specs th tb tf
- captionDoc <- if null caption
- then return mempty
- else inTagsIndented "caption" <$> blockToJATS opts (Para caption)
- tbl <- captionlessTable aligns widths headers rows
+tableToJATS opts (Ann.Table attr caption colspecs thead tbodies tfoot) = do
+ let (Caption _maybeShortCaption captionBlocks) = caption
+ tbl <- captionlessTable opts attr colspecs thead tbodies tfoot
+ captionDoc <- if null captionBlocks
+ then return empty
+ else do
+ blockToJATS <- asks jatsBlockWriter
+ inTagsIndented "caption" . vcat <$>
+ mapM (blockToJATS opts) captionBlocks
return $ inTags True "table-wrap" [] $ captionDoc $$ tbl
+captionlessTable :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> Attr
+ -> [ColSpec]
+ -> Ann.TableHead
+ -> [Ann.TableBody]
+ -> Ann.TableFoot
+ -> JATS m (Doc Text)
+captionlessTable opts attr colspecs thead tbodies tfoot = do
+ head' <- tableHeadToJats opts thead
+ bodies <- mapM (tableBodyToJats opts) tbodies
+ foot' <- tableFootToJats opts tfoot
+ let validAttribs = [ "border", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "content-type"
+ , "frame", "rules", "specific-use", "style", "summary"
+ , "width"
+ ]
+ let attribs = toAttribs attr validAttribs
+ return $ inTags True "table" attribs $ vcat
+ [ colSpecListToJATS colspecs
+ , head'
+ , foot'
+ , vcat bodies
+ ]
+validTablePartAttribs :: [Text]
+validTablePartAttribs =
+ [ "align", "char", "charoff", "content-type", "style", "valign" ]
+tableBodyToJats :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> Ann.TableBody
+ -> JATS m (Doc Text)
+tableBodyToJats opts (Ann.TableBody attr _rowHeadCols inthead rows) = do
+ let attribs = toAttribs attr validTablePartAttribs
+ intermediateHead <- if null inthead
+ then return mempty
+ else headerRowsToJats opts Thead inthead
+ bodyRows <- bodyRowsToJats opts rows
+ return $ inTags True "tbody" attribs $ intermediateHead $$ bodyRows
+tableHeadToJats :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> Ann.TableHead
+ -> JATS m (Doc Text)
+tableHeadToJats opts (Ann.TableHead attr rows) =
+ tablePartToJats opts Thead attr rows
+tableFootToJats :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> Ann.TableFoot
+ -> JATS m (Doc Text)
+tableFootToJats opts (Ann.TableFoot attr rows) =
+ tablePartToJats opts Tfoot attr rows
+tablePartToJats :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> TablePart
+ -> Attr
+ -> [Ann.HeaderRow]
+ -> JATS m (Doc Text)
+tablePartToJats opts tblpart attr rows =
+ if null rows || all isEmptyRow rows
+ then return mempty
+ else do
+ let tag' = case tblpart of
+ Thead -> "thead"
+ Tfoot -> "tfoot"
+ Tbody -> "tbody" -- this would be unexpected
+ let attribs = toAttribs attr validTablePartAttribs
+ inTags True tag' attribs <$> headerRowsToJats opts tblpart rows
- captionlessTable aligns widths headers rows = do
- let percent w = tshow (truncate (100*w) :: Integer) <> "*"
- let coltags = vcat $ zipWith (\w al -> selfClosingTag "col"
- ([("width", percent w) | w > 0] ++
- [("align", alignmentToText al)])) widths aligns
- thead <- if all null headers
- then return empty
- else inTagsIndented "thead" <$> tableRowToJATS opts True headers
- tbody <- inTagsIndented "tbody" . vcat <$>
- mapM (tableRowToJATS opts False) rows
- return $ inTags True "table" [] $ coltags $$ thead $$ tbody
-alignmentToText :: Alignment -> Text
-alignmentToText alignment = case alignment of
- AlignLeft -> "left"
- AlignRight -> "right"
- AlignCenter -> "center"
- AlignDefault -> "left"
-tableRowToJATS :: PandocMonad m
+ isEmptyRow (Ann.HeaderRow _attr _rownum cells) = all isEmptyCell cells
+ isEmptyCell (Ann.Cell _colspecs _colnum cell) =
+ cell == Cell nullAttr AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1) []
+-- | The part of a table; header, footer, or body.
+data TablePart = Thead | Tfoot | Tbody
+ deriving (Eq)
+data CellType = HeaderCell | BodyCell
+data TableRow = TableRow TablePart Attr Ann.RowNumber Ann.RowHead Ann.RowBody
+headerRowsToJats :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> TablePart
+ -> [Ann.HeaderRow]
+ -> JATS m (Doc Text)
+headerRowsToJats opts tablepart =
+ rowListToJats opts . map toTableRow
+ where
+ toTableRow (Ann.HeaderRow attr rownum rowbody) =
+ TableRow tablepart attr rownum [] rowbody
+bodyRowsToJats :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> [Ann.BodyRow]
+ -> JATS m (Doc Text)
+bodyRowsToJats opts =
+ rowListToJats opts . zipWith toTableRow [1..]
+ where
+ toTableRow rownum (Ann.BodyRow attr _rownum rowhead rowbody) =
+ TableRow Tbody attr rownum rowhead rowbody
+rowListToJats :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> [TableRow]
+ -> JATS m (Doc Text)
+rowListToJats opts = fmap vcat . mapM (tableRowToJats opts)
+colSpecListToJATS :: [ColSpec] -> Doc Text
+colSpecListToJATS colspecs =
+ let hasDefaultWidth (_, ColWidthDefault) = True
+ hasDefaultWidth _ = False
+ percent w = tshow (round (100*w) :: Integer) <> "%"
+ col :: ColWidth -> Doc Text
+ col = selfClosingTag "col" . \case
+ ColWidthDefault -> mempty
+ ColWidth w -> [("width", percent w)]
+ in if all hasDefaultWidth colspecs
+ then mempty
+ else inTags True "colgroup" [] $ vcat $ map (col . snd) colspecs
+tableRowToJats :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions
- -> Bool
- -> [[Block]]
+ -> TableRow
-> JATS m (Doc Text)
-tableRowToJATS opts isHeader cols =
- inTagsIndented "tr" . vcat <$> mapM (tableItemToJATS opts isHeader) cols
+tableRowToJats opts (TableRow tblpart attr _rownum rowhead rowbody) = do
+ let validAttribs = [ "align", "char", "charoff", "content-type"
+ , "style", "valign"
+ ]
+ let attr' = toAttribs attr validAttribs
+ let celltype = case tblpart of
+ Thead -> HeaderCell
+ _ -> BodyCell
+ headcells <- mapM (cellToJats opts HeaderCell) rowhead
+ bodycells <- mapM (cellToJats opts celltype) rowbody
+ return $ inTags True "tr" attr' $ mconcat
+ [ vcat headcells
+ , vcat bodycells
+ ]
+alignmentAttrib :: Alignment -> Maybe (Text, Text)
+alignmentAttrib = fmap ("align",) . \case
+ AlignLeft -> Just "left"
+ AlignRight -> Just "right"
+ AlignCenter -> Just "center"
+ AlignDefault -> Nothing
+colspanAttrib :: ColSpan -> Maybe (Text, Text)
+colspanAttrib = \case
+ ColSpan 1 -> Nothing
+ ColSpan n -> Just ("colspan", tshow n)
+rowspanAttrib :: RowSpan -> Maybe (Text, Text)
+rowspanAttrib = \case
+ RowSpan 1 -> Nothing
+ RowSpan n -> Just ("rowspan", tshow n)
+cellToJats :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> CellType
+ -> Ann.Cell
+ -> JATS m (Doc Text)
+cellToJats opts celltype (Ann.Cell (colspec :| _) _colNum cell) =
+ let align = fst colspec
+ in tableCellToJats opts celltype align cell
+toAttribs :: Attr -> [Text] -> [(Text, Text)]
+toAttribs (ident, _classes, kvs) knownAttribs =
+ (if T.null ident then id else (("id", ident) :)) $
+ filter ((`elem` knownAttribs) . fst) kvs
-tableItemToJATS :: PandocMonad m
+tableCellToJats :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions
- -> Bool
- -> [Block]
+ -> CellType
+ -> Alignment
+ -> Cell
-> JATS m (Doc Text)
-tableItemToJATS opts isHeader [Plain item] = do
- inlinesToJATS <- asks jatsInlinesWriter
- inTags False (if isHeader then "th" else "td") [] <$>
- inlinesToJATS opts item
-tableItemToJATS opts isHeader item = do
- blockToJATS <- asks jatsBlockWriter
- inTags False (if isHeader then "th" else "td") [] . vcat <$>
- mapM (blockToJATS opts) item
+tableCellToJats opts ctype colAlign (Cell attr align rowspan colspan item) = do
+ blockToJats <- asks jatsBlockWriter
+ inlinesToJats <- asks jatsInlinesWriter
+ let cellContents = \case
+ [Plain inlines] -> inlinesToJats opts inlines
+ blocks -> vcat <$> mapM (blockToJats opts) blocks
+ let tag' = case ctype of
+ BodyCell -> "td"
+ HeaderCell -> "th"
+ let align' = case align of
+ AlignDefault -> colAlign
+ _ -> align
+ let maybeCons = maybe id (:)
+ let validAttribs = [ "abbr", "align", "axis", "char", "charoff"
+ , "content-type", "headers", "scope", "style", "valign"
+ ]
+ let attribs = maybeCons (alignmentAttrib align')
+ . maybeCons (rowspanAttrib rowspan)
+ . maybeCons (colspanAttrib colspan)
+ $ toAttribs attr validAttribs
+ inTags False tag' attribs <$> cellContents item