path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <fiddlosopher@gmail.com>2011-11-18 19:53:56 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <fiddlosopher@gmail.com>2011-11-18 19:53:56 -0800
commitc552aa24cf9696dee67ea3df42865b9f77b5733f (patch)
tree30b9b5b38ab39d414f235f012f9ec1dac66b754b /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
parent43c6c1d8457f3889f40887ddfcd4e8ca87ba00b9 (diff)
parent679e94e53d36efa24507cae960533a6a0f9053e8 (diff)
Merge branch 'asciidoc'
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Asciidoc.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Asciidoc.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91930ac68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Asciidoc.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.Asciidoc
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+ Stability : alpha
+ Portability : portable
+Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to asciidoc.
+Note that some information may be lost in conversion, due to
+expressive limitations of asciidoc. Footnotes and table cells with
+paragraphs (or other block items) are not possible in asciidoc.
+If pandoc encounters one of these, it will insert a message indicating
+that it has omitted the construct.
+Asciidoc: <http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/>
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Asciidoc (writeAsciidoc) where
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (blankline)
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec ( runParser, GenParser )
+import Data.List ( isPrefixOf, intersperse, intercalate )
+import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
+import Control.Monad.State
+data WriterState = WriterState { defListMarker :: String
+ , orderedListLevel :: Int
+ , bulletListLevel :: Int
+ }
+-- | Convert Pandoc to Asciidoc.
+writeAsciidoc :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
+writeAsciidoc opts document =
+ evalState (pandocToAsciidoc opts document) WriterState{
+ defListMarker = "::"
+ , orderedListLevel = 1
+ , bulletListLevel = 1
+ }
+-- | Return markdown representation of document.
+pandocToAsciidoc :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState String
+pandocToAsciidoc opts (Pandoc (Meta title authors date) blocks) = do
+ title' <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts title
+ let title'' = title' $$ text (replicate (offset title') '=')
+ authors' <- mapM (inlineListToAsciidoc opts) authors
+ -- asciidoc only allows a singel author
+ date' <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts date
+ let titleblock = not $ null title && null authors && null date
+ body <- blockListToAsciidoc opts blocks
+ let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
+ then Just $ writerColumns opts
+ else Nothing
+ let main = render colwidth body
+ let context = writerVariables opts ++
+ [ ("body", main)
+ , ("title", render colwidth title'')
+ , ("date", render colwidth date')
+ ] ++
+ [ ("toc", "yes") | writerTableOfContents opts &&
+ writerStandalone opts ] ++
+ [ ("titleblock", "yes") | titleblock ] ++
+ [ ("author", render colwidth a) | a <- authors' ]
+ if writerStandalone opts
+ then return $ renderTemplate context $ writerTemplate opts
+ else return main
+-- | Escape special characters for Asciidoc.
+escapeString :: String -> String
+escapeString = escapeStringUsing markdownEscapes
+ where markdownEscapes = backslashEscapes "\\`*_>#~^{+"
+-- | Ordered list start parser for use in Para below.
+olMarker :: GenParser Char ParserState Char
+olMarker = do (start, style', delim) <- anyOrderedListMarker
+ if delim == Period &&
+ (style' == UpperAlpha || (style' == UpperRoman &&
+ start `elem` [1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]))
+ then spaceChar >> spaceChar
+ else spaceChar
+-- | True if string begins with an ordered list marker
+beginsWithOrderedListMarker :: String -> Bool
+beginsWithOrderedListMarker str =
+ case runParser olMarker defaultParserState "para start" (take 10 str) of
+ Left _ -> False
+ Right _ -> True
+-- | Convert Pandoc block element to markdown.
+blockToAsciidoc :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
+ -> Block -- ^ Block element
+ -> State WriterState Doc
+blockToAsciidoc _ Null = return empty
+blockToAsciidoc opts (Plain inlines) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts inlines
+ return $ contents <> cr
+blockToAsciidoc opts (Para inlines) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts inlines
+ -- escape if para starts with ordered list marker
+ let esc = if beginsWithOrderedListMarker (render Nothing contents)
+ then text "\\"
+ else empty
+ return $ esc <> contents <> blankline
+blockToAsciidoc _ (RawBlock _ _) = return empty
+blockToAsciidoc _ HorizontalRule =
+ return $ blankline <> text "'''''" <> blankline
+blockToAsciidoc opts (Header level inlines) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts inlines
+ let len = offset contents
+ return $ contents <> cr <>
+ (case level of
+ 1 -> text $ replicate len '-'
+ 2 -> text $ replicate len '~'
+ 3 -> text $ replicate len '^'
+ 4 -> text $ replicate len '+'
+ _ -> empty) <> blankline
+blockToAsciidoc _ (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) = return $
+ flush (attrs <> dashes <> space <> attrs <> cr <> text str <>
+ cr <> dashes) <> blankline
+ where dashes = text $ replicate (maximum $ map length $ lines str) '-'
+ attrs = if null classes
+ then empty
+ else text $ intercalate "," $ "code" : classes
+blockToAsciidoc opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
+ contents <- blockListToAsciidoc opts blocks
+ let isBlock (BlockQuote _) = True
+ isBlock _ = False
+ -- if there are nested block quotes, put in an open block
+ let contents' = if any isBlock blocks
+ then "--" $$ contents $$ "--"
+ else contents
+ let cols = offset contents'
+ let bar = text $ replicate cols '_'
+ return $ bar $$ chomp contents' $$ bar <> blankline
+blockToAsciidoc opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+ caption' <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts caption
+ let caption'' = if null caption
+ then empty
+ else "." <> caption' <> cr
+ let isSimple = all (== 0) widths
+ let relativePercentWidths = if isSimple
+ then widths
+ else map (/ (sum widths)) widths
+ let widths'' :: [Integer]
+ widths'' = map (floor . (* 100)) relativePercentWidths
+ -- ensure that the widths sum to 100
+ let widths' = case widths'' of
+ _ | isSimple -> widths''
+ (w:ws) | sum (w:ws) < 100
+ -> (100 - sum ws) : ws
+ ws -> ws
+ let totalwidth :: Integer
+ totalwidth = floor $ sum widths * 100
+ let colspec al wi = (case al of
+ AlignLeft -> "<"
+ AlignCenter -> "^"
+ AlignRight -> ">"
+ AlignDefault -> "") ++
+ if wi == 0 then "" else (show wi ++ "%")
+ let headerspec = if all null headers
+ then empty
+ else text "options=\"header\","
+ let widthspec = if totalwidth == 0
+ then empty
+ else text "width="
+ <> doubleQuotes (text $ show totalwidth ++ "%")
+ <> text ","
+ let tablespec = text "["
+ <> widthspec
+ <> text "cols="
+ <> doubleQuotes (text $ intercalate ","
+ $ zipWith colspec aligns widths')
+ <> text ","
+ <> headerspec <> text "]"
+ let makeCell [Plain x] = do d <- blockListToAsciidoc opts [Plain x]
+ return $ text "|" <> chomp d
+ makeCell [Para x] = makeCell [Plain x]
+ makeCell _ = return $ text "|" <> "[multiblock cell omitted]"
+ let makeRow cells = hsep `fmap` mapM makeCell cells
+ rows' <- mapM makeRow rows
+ head' <- makeRow headers
+ let head'' = if all null headers then empty else head'
+ let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts
+ then writerColumns opts
+ else 100000
+ let maxwidth = maximum $ map offset (head':rows')
+ let body = if maxwidth > colwidth then vsep rows' else vcat rows'
+ let border = text $ "|" ++ replicate ((min maxwidth colwidth) - 1) '='
+ return $
+ caption'' $$ tablespec $$ border $$ head'' $$ body $$ border $$ blankline
+blockToAsciidoc opts (BulletList items) = do
+ contents <- mapM (bulletListItemToAsciidoc opts) items
+ return $ cat contents <> blankline
+blockToAsciidoc opts (OrderedList (start, sty, _delim) items) = do
+ let markers = orderedListMarkers (start, sty, Period)
+ let markers' = map (\m -> if length m < 3
+ then m ++ replicate (3 - length m) ' '
+ else m) markers
+ contents <- mapM (\(item, num) -> orderedListItemToAsciidoc opts item num) $
+ zip markers' items
+ return $ cat contents <> blankline
+blockToAsciidoc opts (DefinitionList items) = do
+ contents <- mapM (definitionListItemToAsciidoc opts) items
+ return $ cat contents <> blankline
+-- | Convert bullet list item (list of blocks) to markdown.
+bulletListItemToAsciidoc :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
+bulletListItemToAsciidoc opts blocks = do
+ let addBlock :: Doc -> Block -> State WriterState Doc
+ addBlock d b | isEmpty d = chomp `fmap` blockToAsciidoc opts b
+ addBlock d b@(BulletList _) = do x <- blockToAsciidoc opts b
+ return $ d <> cr <> chomp x
+ addBlock d b@(OrderedList _ _) = do x <- blockToAsciidoc opts b
+ return $ d <> cr <> chomp x
+ addBlock d b = do x <- blockToAsciidoc opts b
+ return $ d <> cr <> text "+" <> cr <> chomp x
+ lev <- bulletListLevel `fmap` get
+ modify $ \s -> s{ bulletListLevel = lev + 1 }
+ contents <- foldM addBlock empty blocks
+ modify $ \s -> s{ bulletListLevel = lev }
+ let marker = text (replicate lev '*')
+ return $ marker <> space <> contents <> cr
+-- | Convert ordered list item (a list of blocks) to markdown.
+orderedListItemToAsciidoc :: WriterOptions -- ^ options
+ -> String -- ^ list item marker
+ -> [Block] -- ^ list item (list of blocks)
+ -> State WriterState Doc
+orderedListItemToAsciidoc opts marker blocks = do
+ let addBlock :: Doc -> Block -> State WriterState Doc
+ addBlock d b | isEmpty d = chomp `fmap` blockToAsciidoc opts b
+ addBlock d b@(BulletList _) = do x <- blockToAsciidoc opts b
+ return $ d <> cr <> chomp x
+ addBlock d b@(OrderedList _ _) = do x <- blockToAsciidoc opts b
+ return $ d <> cr <> chomp x
+ addBlock d b = do x <- blockToAsciidoc opts b
+ return $ d <> cr <> text "+" <> cr <> chomp x
+ lev <- orderedListLevel `fmap` get
+ modify $ \s -> s{ orderedListLevel = lev + 1 }
+ contents <- foldM addBlock empty blocks
+ modify $ \s -> s{ orderedListLevel = lev }
+ return $ text marker <> space <> contents <> cr
+-- | Convert definition list item (label, list of blocks) to markdown.
+definitionListItemToAsciidoc :: WriterOptions
+ -> ([Inline],[[Block]])
+ -> State WriterState Doc
+definitionListItemToAsciidoc opts (label, defs) = do
+ labelText <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts label
+ marker <- defListMarker `fmap` get
+ if marker == "::"
+ then modify (\st -> st{ defListMarker = ";;"})
+ else modify (\st -> st{ defListMarker = "::"})
+ let divider = cr <> text "+" <> cr
+ let defsToAsciidoc :: [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
+ defsToAsciidoc ds = (vcat . intersperse divider . map chomp)
+ `fmap` mapM (blockToAsciidoc opts) ds
+ defs' <- mapM defsToAsciidoc defs
+ modify (\st -> st{ defListMarker = marker })
+ let contents = nest 2 $ vcat $ intersperse divider $ map chomp defs'
+ return $ labelText <> text marker <> cr <> contents <> cr
+-- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to markdown.
+blockListToAsciidoc :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
+ -> [Block] -- ^ List of block elements
+ -> State WriterState Doc
+blockListToAsciidoc opts blocks = cat `fmap` mapM (blockToAsciidoc opts) blocks
+-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to markdown.
+inlineListToAsciidoc :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
+inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst =
+ mapM (inlineToAsciidoc opts) lst >>= return . cat
+-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to markdown.
+inlineToAsciidoc :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> State WriterState Doc
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Emph lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst
+ return $ "_" <> contents <> "_"
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Strong lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst
+ return $ "*" <> contents <> "*"
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Strikeout lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst
+ return $ "[line-through]*" <> contents <> "*"
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Superscript lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst
+ return $ "^" <> contents <> "^"
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Subscript lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst
+ return $ "~" <> contents <> "~"
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (SmallCaps lst) = inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst
+ return $ "`" <> contents <> "'"
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst
+ return $ "``" <> contents <> "''"
+inlineToAsciidoc _ EmDash = return "\8212"
+inlineToAsciidoc _ EnDash = return "\8211"
+inlineToAsciidoc _ Apostrophe = return "\8217"
+inlineToAsciidoc _ Ellipses = return "\8230"
+inlineToAsciidoc _ (Code _ str) = return $
+ text "`" <> text (escapeStringUsing (backslashEscapes "`") str) <> "`"
+inlineToAsciidoc _ (Str str) = return $ text $ escapeString str
+inlineToAsciidoc _ (Math InlineMath str) =
+ return $ "latexmath:[$" <> text str <> "$]"
+inlineToAsciidoc _ (Math DisplayMath str) =
+ return $ "latexmath:[$$" <> text str <> "$$]"
+inlineToAsciidoc _ (RawInline _ _) = return empty
+inlineToAsciidoc _ (LineBreak) = return $ " +" <> cr
+inlineToAsciidoc _ Space = return space
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Cite _ lst) = inlineListToAsciidoc opts lst
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Link txt (src', _tit)) = do
+-- relative: link:downloads/foo.zip[download foo.zip]
+-- abs: http://google.cod[Google]
+-- or my@email.com[email john]
+ linktext <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts txt
+ let src = unescapeURI src'
+ let isRelative = ':' `notElem` src
+ let prefix = if isRelative
+ then text "link:"
+ else empty
+ let srcSuffix = if isPrefixOf "mailto:" src then drop 7 src else src
+ let useAuto = case txt of
+ [Code _ s] | s == srcSuffix -> True
+ _ -> False
+ return $ if useAuto
+ then text srcSuffix
+ else prefix <> text src <> "[" <> linktext <> "]"
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Image alternate (src', tit)) = do
+-- image:images/logo.png[Company logo, title="blah"]
+ let txt = if (null alternate) || (alternate == [Str ""])
+ then [Str "image"]
+ else alternate
+ linktext <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts txt
+ let linktitle = if null tit
+ then empty
+ else text $ ",title=\"" ++ tit ++ "\""
+ let src = unescapeURI src'
+ return $ "image:" <> text src <> "[" <> linktext <> linktitle <> "]"
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Note [Para inlines]) =
+ inlineToAsciidoc opts (Note [Plain inlines])
+inlineToAsciidoc opts (Note [Plain inlines]) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToAsciidoc opts inlines
+ return $ text "footnote:[" <> contents <> "]"
+-- asciidoc can't handle blank lines in notes
+inlineToAsciidoc _ (Note _) = return "[multiblock footnote omitted]"