path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2016-12-11 22:09:33 +0100
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2017-01-25 17:07:41 +0100
commit8165014df679338d5bf228d84efc74b2c5ac39d2 (patch)
tree8bef06d58c9bb0804ea62edd1dabc8c292984ffb /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
parent08110c371484cb74206a150fe9c2e06eeb32e475 (diff)
Removed `--normalize` option and normalization functions from Shared.
* Removed normalize, normalizeInlines, normalizeBlocks from Text.Pandoc.Shared. These shouldn't now be necessary, since normalization is handled automatically by the Builder monoid instance. * Remove `--normalize` command-line option. * Don't use normalize in tests. * A few revisions to readers so they work well without normalize.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
2 files changed, 13 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index 07aed0c9b..163b2f3af 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ defaultWriterState = WriterState{
, stDelId = 1
, stStyleMaps = defaultStyleMaps
, stFirstPara = False
- , stTocTitle = normalizeInlines [Str "Table of Contents"]
+ , stTocTitle = [Str "Table of Contents"]
, stDynamicParaProps = []
, stDynamicTextProps = []
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ isValidChar (ord -> c)
| otherwise = False
metaValueToInlines :: MetaValue -> [Inline]
-metaValueToInlines (MetaString s) = normalizeInlines [Str s]
+metaValueToInlines (MetaString s) = [Str s]
metaValueToInlines (MetaInlines ils) = ils
metaValueToInlines (MetaBlocks bs) = query return bs
metaValueToInlines (MetaBool b) = [Str $ show b]
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/DokuWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/DokuWiki.hs
index c7a09fe50..42cddcef8 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/DokuWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/DokuWiki.hs
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options ( WriterOptions(
, writerTemplate
, writerWrapText), WrapOption(..) )
import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( escapeURI, linesToPara, removeFormatting
- , camelCaseToHyphenated, trimr, normalize, substitute )
+ , camelCaseToHyphenated, trimr, substitute )
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared ( defField, metaToJSON )
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Templates ( renderTemplate' )
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ type DokuWiki = ReaderT WriterEnvironment (State WriterState)
-- | Convert Pandoc to DokuWiki.
writeDokuWiki :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m String
writeDokuWiki opts document = return $
- runDokuWiki (pandocToDokuWiki opts $ normalize document)
+ runDokuWiki (pandocToDokuWiki opts document)
runDokuWiki :: DokuWiki a -> a
runDokuWiki = flip evalState def . flip runReaderT def
@@ -394,9 +394,16 @@ blockListToDokuWiki :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
-> DokuWiki String
blockListToDokuWiki opts blocks = do
backSlash <- stBackSlashLB <$> ask
+ let blocks' = consolidateRawBlocks blocks
if backSlash
- then (backSlashLineBreaks . vcat) <$> mapM (blockToDokuWiki opts) blocks
- else vcat <$> mapM (blockToDokuWiki opts) blocks
+ then (backSlashLineBreaks . vcat) <$> mapM (blockToDokuWiki opts) blocks'
+ else vcat <$> mapM (blockToDokuWiki opts) blocks'
+consolidateRawBlocks :: [Block] -> [Block]
+consolidateRawBlocks [] = []
+consolidateRawBlocks (RawBlock f1 b1 : RawBlock f2 b2 : xs)
+ | f1 == f2 = consolidateRawBlocks (RawBlock f1 (b1 ++ "\n" ++ b2) : xs)
+consolidateRawBlocks (x:xs) = x : consolidateRawBlocks xs
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to DokuWiki.
inlineListToDokuWiki :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> DokuWiki String