path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
diff options
authorJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2018-01-13 15:56:30 -0500
committerJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2018-01-13 21:42:38 -0500
commit50b64bcf1c61e21402611d50fb23609b62b5c9c2 (patch)
tree605a20bd59b880fe967517e537c27299fa04a7b6 /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
parent2c7160455484a625fd7398f018085f7b4aaf995a (diff)
Powerpoint writer: Improve image handling.
We now determine image and caption placement by getting the dimensions of the content box in a given layout. This allows for images to be correctly sized and positioned in a different template. Note that iamges without captions and headers are no longer full-screened. We can't do this dependably in different layouts, because we don't know where the header is (it could be to the side of the content, for example).
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
index 17ffe611c..ebac15db4 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
@@ -213,26 +213,6 @@ type Pixels = Integer
data Presentation = Presentation [Slide]
deriving (Show)
--- data PresentationSize = PresentationSize { presSizeWidth :: Pixels
--- , presSizeRatio :: PresentationRatio
--- }
--- deriving (Show, Eq)
--- data PresentationRatio = Ratio4x3
--- | Ratio16x9
--- | Ratio16x10
--- deriving (Show, Eq)
--- Note that right now we're only using Ratio4x3.
--- getPageHeight :: PresentationSize -> Pixels
--- getPageHeight sz = case presSizeRatio sz of
--- Ratio4x3 -> floor (((fromInteger (presSizeWidth sz)) / 4) * 3 :: Double)
--- Ratio16x9 -> floor (((fromInteger (presSizeWidth sz)) / 16) * 9 :: Double)
--- Ratio16x10 -> floor (((fromInteger (presSizeWidth sz)) / 16) * 10 :: Double)
--- instance Default PresentationSize where
--- def = PresentationSize 720 Ratio4x3
data Slide = MetadataSlide { metadataSlideTitle :: [ParaElem]
, metadataSlideSubtitle :: [ParaElem]
, metadataSlideAuthors :: [[ParaElem]]
@@ -917,12 +897,71 @@ shapeHasName ns name element
nm == name
| otherwise = False
+shapeHasId :: NameSpaces -> String -> Element -> Bool
+shapeHasId ns ident element
+ | Just nvSpPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") element
+ , Just cNvPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") nvSpPr
+ , Just nm <- findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) cNvPr =
+ nm == ident
+ | otherwise = False
getContentShape :: NameSpaces -> Element -> Maybe Element
getContentShape ns spTreeElem
| isElem ns "p" "spTree" spTreeElem =
filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasName ns "Content Placeholder 2" e)) spTreeElem
| otherwise = Nothing
+getShapeDimensions :: NameSpaces
+ -> Element
+ -> Maybe ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+getShapeDimensions ns element
+ | isElem ns "p" "sp" element = do
+ spPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spPr") element
+ xfrm <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "xfrm") spPr
+ off <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") xfrm
+ xS <- findAttr (QName "x" Nothing Nothing) off
+ yS <- findAttr (QName "y" Nothing Nothing) off
+ ext <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") xfrm
+ cxS <- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) ext
+ cyS <- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) ext
+ (x, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads xS
+ (y, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads yS
+ (cx, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cxS
+ (cy, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cyS
+ return $ ((x `div` 12700, y `div` 12700), (cx `div` 12700, cy `div` 12700))
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+getMasterShapeDimensionsById :: String
+ -> Element
+ -> Maybe ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+getMasterShapeDimensionsById ident master = do
+ let ns = elemToNameSpaces master
+ cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") master
+ spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld
+ sp <- filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasId ns ident e)) spTree
+ getShapeDimensions ns sp
+getContentShapeSize :: NameSpaces
+ -> Element
+ -> Element
+ -> Maybe ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+getContentShapeSize ns layout master
+ | isElem ns "p" "sldLayout" layout
+ , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+ , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld
+ , Just sp <- getContentShape ns spTree
+ , Just sz <- getShapeDimensions ns sp = Just sz
+ | isElem ns "p" "sldLayout" layout
+ , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+ , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld
+ , Just sp <- getContentShape ns spTree
+ , Just ident <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") sp >>=
+ findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") >>=
+ findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing)
+ , Just sz <- getMasterShapeDimensionsById ident master = Just sz
+ | otherwise = Nothing
replaceNamedChildren :: NameSpaces
-> String
-> String
@@ -1036,26 +1075,26 @@ makeMediaEntries = do
let allInfos = mconcat $ M.elems mediaInfos
mapM makeMediaEntry allInfos
--- | Scales the image to fit the page
--- sizes are passed in emu
-fitToPage' :: (Double, Double) -- image size in emu
- -> Integer -- pageWidth
- -> Integer -- pageHeight
- -> (Integer, Integer) -- imagesize
-fitToPage' (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight
- -- Fixes width to the page width and scales the height
- | x <= fromIntegral pageWidth && y <= fromIntegral pageHeight =
- (floor x, floor y)
- | x / fromIntegral pageWidth > y / fromIntegral pageWidth =
- (pageWidth, floor $ ((fromIntegral pageWidth) / x) * y)
- | otherwise =
- (floor $ ((fromIntegral pageHeight) / y) * x, pageHeight)
-positionImage :: (Double, Double) -> Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
-positionImage (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight =
- let (x', y') = fitToPage' (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight
- in
- ((pageWidth - x') `div` 2, (pageHeight - y') `div` 2)
+-- -- | Scales the image to fit the page
+-- -- sizes are passed in emu
+-- fitToPage' :: (Double, Double) -- image size in emu
+-- -> Integer -- pageWidth
+-- -> Integer -- pageHeight
+-- -> (Integer, Integer) -- imagesize
+-- fitToPage' (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight
+-- -- Fixes width to the page width and scales the height
+-- | x <= fromIntegral pageWidth && y <= fromIntegral pageHeight =
+-- (floor x, floor y)
+-- | x / fromIntegral pageWidth > y / fromIntegral pageWidth =
+-- (pageWidth, floor $ ((fromIntegral pageWidth) / x) * y)
+-- | otherwise =
+-- (floor $ ((fromIntegral pageHeight) / y) * x, pageHeight)
+-- positionImage :: (Double, Double) -> Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
+-- positionImage (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight =
+-- let (x', y') = fitToPage' (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight
+-- in
+-- ((pageWidth - x') `div` 2, (pageHeight - y') `div` 2)
getMaster :: PandocMonad m => P m Element
getMaster = do
@@ -1067,52 +1106,57 @@ getMaster = do
-- image goes underneath it. We only use this in a content slide if it
-- has a header.
-getHeaderSize :: PandocMonad m => P m ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
-getHeaderSize = do
- master <- getMaster
- let ns = elemToNameSpaces master
- sps = [master] >>=
- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "cSld") >>=
- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "spTree") >>=
- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "sp")
- mbXfrm =
- listToMaybe (filter (shapeHasName ns "Title Placeholder 1") sps) >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spPr") >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "a" "xfrm")
- xoff = mbXfrm >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") >>=
- findAttr (QName "x" Nothing Nothing) >>=
- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
- yoff = mbXfrm >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") >>=
- findAttr (QName "y" Nothing Nothing) >>=
- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
- xext = mbXfrm >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") >>=
- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) >>=
- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
- yext = mbXfrm >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") >>=
- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) >>=
- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
- off = case xoff of
- Just (xoff', _) | Just (yoff',_) <- yoff -> (xoff', yoff')
- _ -> (1043490, 1027664)
- ext = case xext of
- Just (xext', _) | Just (yext',_) <- yext -> (xext', yext')
- _ -> (7024744, 1143000)
- return $ (off, ext)
+-- getHeaderSize :: PandocMonad m => P m ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+-- getHeaderSize = do
+-- master <- getMaster
+-- let ns = elemToNameSpaces master
+-- sps = [master] >>=
+-- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "cSld") >>=
+-- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "spTree") >>=
+-- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "sp")
+-- mbXfrm =
+-- listToMaybe (filter (shapeHasName ns "Title Placeholder 1") sps) >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spPr") >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "xfrm")
+-- xoff = mbXfrm >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") >>=
+-- findAttr (QName "x" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+-- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
+-- yoff = mbXfrm >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") >>=
+-- findAttr (QName "y" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+-- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
+-- xext = mbXfrm >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") >>=
+-- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+-- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
+-- yext = mbXfrm >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") >>=
+-- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+-- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
+-- off = case xoff of
+-- Just (xoff', _) | Just (yoff',_) <- yoff -> (xoff', yoff')
+-- _ -> (1043490, 1027664)
+-- ext = case xext of
+-- Just (xext', _) | Just (yext',_) <- yext -> (xext', yext')
+-- _ -> (7024744, 1143000)
+-- return $ (off, ext)
-- Hard-coded for now
-captionPosition :: ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
-captionPosition = ((457200, 6061972), (8229600, 527087))
+-- captionPosition :: ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+-- captionPosition = ((457200, 6061972), (8229600, 527087))
+captionHeight :: Integer
+captionHeight = 40
-createCaption :: PandocMonad m => [ParaElem] -> P m Element
-createCaption paraElements = do
+createCaption :: PandocMonad m
+ => ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+ -> [ParaElem]
+ -> P m Element
+createCaption contentShapeDimensions paraElements = do
let para = Paragraph def{pPropAlign = Just AlgnCenter} paraElements
elements <- mapM paragraphToElement [para]
- let ((x, y), (cx, cy)) = captionPosition
+ let ((x, y), (cx, cy)) = contentShapeDimensions
let txBody = mknode "p:txBody" [] $
[mknode "a:bodyPr" [] (), mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()] ++ elements
return $
@@ -1123,8 +1167,10 @@ createCaption paraElements = do
, mknode "p:spPr" []
[ mknode "a:xfrm" []
- [ mknode "a:off" [("x", show x), ("y", show y)] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", show cx), ("cy", show cy)] ()
+ [ mknode "a:off" [("x", show $ 12700 * x),
+ ("y", show $ 12700 * (y + cy - captionHeight))] ()
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", show $ 12700 * cx),
+ ("cy", show $ 12700 * captionHeight)] ()
, mknode "a:prstGeom" [("prst", "rect")]
[ mknode "a:avLst" [] ()
@@ -1134,37 +1180,41 @@ createCaption paraElements = do
, txBody
--- Largely lifted from inlineToOpenXML' in T.P.W.Docx. Can't be easily
--- abstracted because of some different namespaces and monads. TODO.
-makePicElement :: PandocMonad m
- => PicProps
- -> MediaInfo
- -> Text.Pandoc.Definition.Attr
- -> P m Element
-makePicElement picProps mInfo attr = do
+makePicElements :: PandocMonad m
+ => Element
+ -> PicProps
+ -> MediaInfo
+ -> Text.Pandoc.Definition.Attr
+ -> [ParaElem]
+ -> P m [Element]
+makePicElements layout picProps mInfo _ alt = do
opts <- asks envOpts
(pageWidth, pageHeight) <- asks envPresentationSize
- hasHeader <- asks envSlideHasHeader
+ -- hasHeader <- asks envSlideHasHeader
let hasCaption = mInfoCaption mInfo
(imgBytes, _) <- P.fetchItem (mInfoFilePath mInfo)
- -- We're not using x exts
- ((hXoff, hYoff), (_, hYext)) <- if hasHeader
- then getHeaderSize
- else return ((0, 0), (0, 0))
- let ((capX, capY), (_, _)) = if hasCaption
- then captionPosition
- else ((0,0), (0,0))
- let (xpt,ypt) = desiredSizeInPoints opts attr
- (either (const def) id (imageSize opts imgBytes))
- -- 12700 emu = 1 pt
- let (xemu,yemu) = fitToPage' (xpt * 12700, ypt * 12700)
- ((pageWidth * 12700) - (2 * hXoff) - (2 * capX))
- ((if hasCaption then capY else (pageHeight * 12700)) - (hYoff + hYext))
- (xoff, yoff) = positionImage (xpt * 12700, ypt * 12700) (pageWidth * 12700) (pageHeight * 12700)
- xoff' = if hasHeader then xoff + hXoff else xoff
- xoff'' = if hasCaption then xoff' + capX else xoff'
- yoff' = if hasHeader then hYoff + hYext else yoff
+ let (pxX, pxY) = case imageSize opts imgBytes of
+ Right sz -> sizeInPixels $ sz
+ Left _ -> sizeInPixels $ def
+ master <- getMaster
+ let ns = elemToNameSpaces layout
+ let ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) = case getContentShapeSize ns layout master of
+ Just dims -> dims
+ Nothing -> ((0, 0), (pageWidth, pageHeight))
+ cy = if hasCaption then cytmp - captionHeight else cytmp
+ let imgRatio = fromIntegral pxX / fromIntegral pxY :: Double
+ boxRatio = fromIntegral cx / fromIntegral cy :: Double
+ (dimX, dimY) = if imgRatio > boxRatio
+ then (fromIntegral cx, fromIntegral cx / imgRatio)
+ else (fromIntegral cy * imgRatio, fromIntegral cy)
+ (dimX', dimY') = (round dimX * 12700, round dimY * 12700) :: (Integer, Integer)
+ (xoff, yoff) = (fromIntegral x + (fromIntegral cx - dimX) / 2,
+ fromIntegral y + (fromIntegral cy - dimY) / 2)
+ (xoff', yoff') = (round xoff * 12700, round yoff * 12700) :: (Integer, Integer)
let cNvPicPr = mknode "p:cNvPicPr" [] $
mknode "a:picLocks" [("noGrp","1")
,("noChangeAspect","1")] ()
@@ -1185,9 +1235,9 @@ makePicElement picProps mInfo attr = do
, mknode "a:stretch" [] $
mknode "a:fillRect" [] () ]
let xfrm = mknode "a:xfrm" []
- [ mknode "a:off" [("x",show xoff''), ("y",show yoff')] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx",show xemu)
- ,("cy",show yemu)] () ]
+ [ mknode "a:off" [("x",show xoff'), ("y",show yoff')] ()
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx",show dimX')
+ ,("cy",show dimY')] () ]
let prstGeom = mknode "a:prstGeom" [("prst","rect")] $
mknode "a:avLst" [] ()
let ln = mknode "a:ln" [("w","9525")]
@@ -1196,11 +1246,17 @@ makePicElement picProps mInfo attr = do
, mknode "a:tailEnd" [] () ]
let spPr = mknode "p:spPr" [("bwMode","auto")]
[xfrm, prstGeom, mknode "a:noFill" [] (), ln]
- return $
- mknode "p:pic" []
- [ nvPicPr
- , blipFill
- , spPr ]
+ let picShape = mknode "p:pic" []
+ [ nvPicPr
+ , blipFill
+ , spPr ]
+ -- And now, maybe create the caption:
+ if hasCaption
+ then do cap <- createCaption ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) alt
+ return [picShape, cap]
+ else return [picShape]
-- Currently hardcoded, until I figure out how to make it dynamic.
blockQuoteSize :: Pixels
@@ -1345,44 +1401,21 @@ shapeToElement layout (TextBox paras)
replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "txBody" [txBody] $
replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "spPr" [emptySpPr] $
- -- XXX: TODO
- | otherwise = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
-shapeToElement layout (Pic picProps fp attr alt) = do
- mInfo <- registerMedia fp alt
- case mInfoExt mInfo of
- Just _ -> makePicElement picProps mInfo attr
- Nothing -> shapeToElement layout $ TextBox [Paragraph def alt]
-shapeToElement _ (GraphicFrame tbls _) = do
- elements <- mapM graphicToElement tbls
- return $ mknode "p:graphicFrame" [] $
- [ mknode "p:nvGraphicFramePr" [] $
- [ mknode "p:cNvPr" [("id", "6"), ("name", "Content Placeholder 5")] ()
- , mknode "p:cNvGraphicFramePr" [] $
- [mknode "a:graphicFrameLocks" [("noGrp", "1")] ()]
- , mknode "p:nvPr" [] $
- [mknode "p:ph" [("idx", "1")] ()]
- ]
- , mknode "p:xfrm" [] $
- [ mknode "a:off" [("x", "457200"), ("y", "1600200")] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", "8029388"), ("cy", "3644152")] ()
- ]
- ] ++ elements
+-- GraphicFrame and Pic should never reach this.
+shapeToElement _ _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
shapeToElements :: PandocMonad m => Element -> Shape -> P m [Element]
+shapeToElements layout (Pic picProps fp attr alt) = do
+ mInfo <- registerMedia fp alt
+ case mInfoExt mInfo of
+ Just _ -> do
+ makePicElements layout picProps mInfo attr alt
+ Nothing -> shapeToElements layout $ TextBox [Paragraph def alt]
+shapeToElements layout (GraphicFrame tbls cptn) =
+ graphicFrameToElements layout tbls cptn
shapeToElements layout shp = do
- case shp of
- (Pic _ _ _ alt) | (not . null) alt -> do
- element <- shapeToElement layout shp
- caption <- createCaption alt
- return [element, caption]
- (GraphicFrame _ cptn) | (not . null) cptn -> do
- element <- shapeToElement layout shp
- caption <- createCaption cptn
- return [element, caption]
- _ -> do
- element <- shapeToElement layout shp
- return [element]
+ element <- shapeToElement layout shp
+ return [element]
shapesToElements :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [Shape] -> P m [Element]
shapesToElements layout shps = do
@@ -1391,6 +1424,38 @@ shapesToElements layout shps = do
hardcodedTableMargin :: Integer
hardcodedTableMargin = 36
+graphicFrameToElements :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [Graphic] -> [ParaElem] -> P m [Element]
+graphicFrameToElements layout tbls caption = do
+ -- get the sizing
+ master <- getMaster
+ (pageWidth, pageHeight) <- asks envPresentationSize
+ let ns = elemToNameSpaces layout
+ let ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) = case getContentShapeSize ns layout master of
+ Just dims -> dims
+ Nothing -> ((0, 0), (pageWidth, pageHeight))
+ cy = if (not $ null caption) then cytmp - captionHeight else cytmp
+ elements <- mapM graphicToElement tbls
+ let graphicFrameElts =
+ mknode "p:graphicFrame" [] $
+ [ mknode "p:nvGraphicFramePr" [] $
+ [ mknode "p:cNvPr" [("id", "6"), ("name", "Content Placeholder 5")] ()
+ , mknode "p:cNvGraphicFramePr" [] $
+ [mknode "a:graphicFrameLocks" [("noGrp", "1")] ()]
+ , mknode "p:nvPr" [] $
+ [mknode "p:ph" [("idx", "1")] ()]
+ ]
+ , mknode "p:xfrm" [] $
+ [ mknode "a:off" [("x", show $ 12700 * x), ("y", show $ 12700 * y)] ()
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", show $ 12700 * cx), ("cy", show $ 12700 * cy)] ()
+ ]
+ ] ++ elements
+ if (not $ null caption)
+ then do capElt <- createCaption ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) caption
+ return [graphicFrameElts, capElt]
+ else return [graphicFrameElts]
graphicToElement :: PandocMonad m => Graphic -> P m Element
graphicToElement (Tbl tblPr colWidths hdrCells rows) = do
@@ -1437,6 +1502,12 @@ getShapeByName ns spTreeElem name
filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasName ns name e)) spTreeElem
| otherwise = Nothing
+-- getShapeById :: NameSpaces -> Element -> String -> Maybe Element
+-- getShapeById ns spTreeElem ident
+-- | isElem ns "p" "spTree" spTreeElem =
+-- filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasId ns ident e)) spTreeElem
+-- | otherwise = Nothing
nonBodyTextToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> String -> [ParaElem] -> P m Element
nonBodyTextToElement layout shapeName paraElements
| ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout